Horoscope by planets by date of birth. How to find out the personal code and planet of the patron of your destiny

  • 17.10.2019

There are eight planets in the solar system that revolve around the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth (with the moon), Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Each of the listed planets affects each person to a different extent, determines the character, relationship with people, health and quality of life.

All planets at the time of birth of a person are strictly in certain places. Every 4 minutes, the position of the ascendant shifts by 1 degree, accordingly the whole picture of their location changes, which will not be repeated for the next 4,320,000 years. You can learn more about the planets of the solar system and the signs of the zodiac. The very fact of powerful influence celestial bodies with varying strength confirms the more than unique and inimitable nature of man.

The meaning of the planets and their impact on humans

The sun

This celestial body is a symbol of the masculine principle, is responsible for the human ego, for leadership qualities. For example, the Sun in the sign of Aries stimulates the fiery representative to even greater activity and activity, bestows greater self-confidence.


The satellite of the Earth rules over the spiritual world, over the world of emotions and sensuality. The attitude of a person to romance, to family life, to friendship and to life depends on the sign in which the planet Moon was at the time of birth. For example, lunar Aquarius are endowed with emotionality, unpredictability and a thirst for novelty, but a denial of monotony and boredom.


This planet is responsible for communication between people, for establishing business and personal relationships, for the perception of information. Mercury in Taurus rewards a person with a developed intellect, a heightened sense of beauty, organizational skills and stubbornness.

The planet responsible for movement, struggle, for the ability to defend one's views. You can learn more about the influence of this planet on people. Basically, Mars gives people firmness, confidence and courage.


The planet responsible for harmony and love. Venus in Gemini gives a person a thirst for love adventures and inconstancy in love. Venus in Libra suggests the development of balance in relationships, conflict-free, romanticism.


Jupiter, like the rest of the planets at the time of birth, present in natal chart affects the entire course of life. This planet is important as it is responsible for wisdom and common sense. For example, Jupiter in Aries contributes to the favorable development of leadership qualities, such a person is able to inspire and lead.


It is considered a depressive planet, but at the same time it is responsible for spiritual self-realization, self-control. Saturn endows Capricorn with extraordinary determination and perseverance.


The mysterious planet of subtle perception, associated with the mystical beginning and the manifestation of genius.


The planet of originality, independence, pronounced individualism. For example, Uranus in Capricorn gives rise to a person - a fighter for justice.

In Astrology and Numerology, and these sciences are closely related to each other, it is known that the main seven planets of our solar system are responsible not only for what, but also under what sign of the Zodiac, but also in what year he was born.

Planet of the year of birth according to Numerology, also provides big influence on the character and fate of a person, his life opportunities.

Below I will give a table by which you yourself can determine your patron planet of the year.

1925 1932 1939 1946 1953 1960 1967 1974 1981 1988 etc. Mars

1926 1933 1940 1947 1954 1961 1968 1975 1982 1989 etc. The sun

1927 1934 1941 1948 1955 1962 1969 1976 1983 1990 etc. Venus

1928 1935 1942 1949 1956 1963 1970 1977 1984 1991 etc. Mercury

1929 1936 1943 1950 1957 1964 1971 1978 1985 1992 etc. moon

1930 1937 1944 1951 1958 1965 1972 1979 1986 1993 etc. Saturn

1931 1938 1945 1952 1959 1966 1973 1980 1987 1994 etc. Jupiter

Main characteristics of birth:

1) Mars

Very restless, mobile people are born this year, who are capable of very decisive action, without fear of any consequences. Usually such people achieve quite a certain success, as they have good business qualities. Their disadvantage is that they often take risks, so they themselves can suffer. They need to be very careful about all risky activities, avoiding them if possible.

2) Sun

People born in the year of the Sun can be envied. The fact is that they, as a rule, have fairly good health and a solid, clear character. These people are bright, enterprising, creative individuals who command respect from others. They usually have many friends.

3) Venus

Those born under the auspices of Venus have a rich imagination. They love to enjoy life in all its manifestations, whatever it may be. in difficult life situations they resort to the help of relatives, who almost always help them.

4) Mercury

This planet endows people with a sharp, critical mind and observation, which others do not really like. Such people make good writers and journalists, programmers, if they do not succumb to laziness. Usually, such people are almost always helped by various fortunate combinations of life circumstances.

5) Moon

The years of the Moon portend frequent changes in life - both in work and in study, even in place of residence. But such changes are not a burden, these people quickly get used to everything. Well-being is achieved, basically, closer to adulthood, or even old age. At this time, they can have a home, family, prosperity and well-being. But here there is nothing to hope for Fortune. They can also be deeply disappointed.

6) Saturn

People born in the year of Saturn have a slightly closed and harsh character. But at the same time, they have great endurance and great performance. As a rule, they rely only on themselves and their own strengths. V personal life there can be obstacles and great disappointments. But still, they overcome all life's trials, and then, and career, and prosperity, and the family are quite strong.

Some users wonder why the Stargazer places their Sun in a different sign from where they are used to seeing it. I usually answer that my service is dedicated to sidereal astrology and in my calculations I use the positions of the planets in real constellations. In order not to be unfounded, I will show you a free online astronomical service where you can interactively verify exactly where your planets were at the time of your birth.

There is an online analogue of Stellarium on the Internet, with which you can explore the sky online without even installing the program on your computer or phone.

Let's go through the simple process of adjusting the sky together step by step to see the planets and constellations of interest to us.

Step 1 - Launching Stellarium Online

Click on the big blue "Launch Online" button to open the virtual planetarium:

Step 2 - Login without registration

You have the opportunity to simply try the work of Stellarium without registration, for this, click the "Test drive" button.

Step 3 - Set the Location

In the window that appears, move the mouse to the lower left edge, a vertical menu will appear. Click the item "Location window" and in the dialog box, using Latin letters, find your city. Select a city from the list and close the location window. The program will take the time zone of your city as the time zone. For example, I chose the city of Almaty, which is in the +6 time zone.


If the date you are interested in was valid summer time or other time deviations, you should choose another location, because Stellarium does not have the ability to set time corrections.

For example, you were born in Moscow, whose time zone is +3. However, due to daylight saving time, an extra hour has been added to your year of birth. Thus, you should take the value +4 and choose a city corresponding to the +4 time zone, for example, Samara.

You can easily find cities in any time zone on the Internet or using the Timegenie.com website.

Step 4 - Set the date and time

Move the mouse to the lower left edge of the program window, a vertical menu will appear. Click the "Date/Time Window" item and use the arrows in the dialog box to set the desired time. Close the date and time window.

Step 5 - Setting Up the Planets and Constellations

Move the mouse to the lower left edge of the program window, a vertical menu will appear. Click the "Sky Settings Window" item and check the boxes in the dialog box as shown in the figures:

On the "Landscape" tab, uncheck "Show Ground" to better see objects below the horizon:

Step 6 - Navigating the Sky

Close the settings dialog and you will see a picture of the sky that corresponds to the place and time you specified. My window displays the position of the planets on August 29, 2016. The Sun is in Leo and the Moon is in Cancer.

To see other planets, drag the sky with the mouse in any direction. But at the same time, it is desirable that the pink line of the ecliptic is always in the center of the screen - this way you will see all the zodiac constellations.

Step 7 - Finding Planets

To quickly find the desired planet without dragging the map, use the search in the lower left menu. Enter the name of the planet, press the magnifying glass button, and the program will automatically show you the object you are looking for and all the information about it.

The positions of the planets that Stellarium shows are similar to those shown on the "Planets" tab.

Today there are many horoscopes that can tell about the fate and character of a person. The horoscope of the Druids or Chinese - they to some extent determine the destiny of a person. However, the horoscope of the zodiac signs remains the most popular. It does not simply describe static characteristics, but suggests a change in the main features depending on the position of the planets at the time of birth.

Simply put, if for a Druid or Chinese horoscope, you only need to know the date and number of birth in order to read some piece of information about your personality. That meaning zodiac horoscope varies depending on the position of the planets at the time of the birth of a person.

With the naked eye, you can see 6,000 stars, however, there are countless of them in the sky. But only some of them are used by astrologers for observations and forecasts. The constellations that are considered to be the zodiac have not changed for several millennia, but wandering star spheres, whose name is the Planets, often “float” along them. Depending on the location of the planets at the time of birth, the fate and character of a person is determined.

All planets move in a straight line called the ecliptic. However, for astrology this does not have significant significance, it is still based on the foundations of the geocentric representation of the world, and a person is at the center of its study. From an astronomical point of view, solar system represented in it, the plane on which lie the orbits of all the planets. And observing from the earth the movement of these celestial bodies, it can be noted that they all follow the same path, falling alternately into different signs Zodiac. Therefore, in the natal chart, it is important to indicate the location of the planets and their interaction.

To begin with, it is worth noting that in astrology all objects that affect human life are called planets. That is, the Sun and the Moon, also called so, for convenience. Together with them, there are 10 major planets. In addition to them for astrological forecasts often use asteroids, fictitious planets, Black and white moon, Lunar nodes.

Depending on the impact, there are different types planets. For example, the septener planets (the main 7 planets) tell about the most important points human life. The higher planets are responsible for the change of generations, intellectual and emotionally receptive development. Fictitious planets affect karmic experience.

Planet types

According to astrological teachings, the planets in the natal chart are divided into internal and external. As you know - the Sun stands still, and all the planets revolve around it. And the close position of the planet to the sun is directly proportional to the speed of movement.

Take, for example, the Moon, she is in each of the signs of the Zodiac for 2-3 days. Accordingly, the full circle completes in 28 days. Mercury travels in an orbit of 80 days, and Pluto (which is located farthest away) - 248 years. So, inner and outer planets, what are these objects?

It is customary to call internal planets that make their circle faster than the others. These include the Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars. Accordingly, the outer planets will be the slowest.

In astrology, it is generally accepted that the inner planets reflect the development of the personal "I" of a person and his consciousness. For connection with outside world the outer planets answer, and as they pass their circle very slowly, they influence whole generations.

Also, each planet belongs to one of the three main rows:

  1. First row. These include the planets of action - Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, the Sun. In turn, the Sun is responsible for vital energy, Mars - for individual activity. Jupiter influences public life, and Pluto - on interaction with the masses (either a person obeys their laws, or leads them).
  2. Second row. It includes the planets that are responsible for intellectual development: Mercury and Uranus.
  3. Third row. The sphere of emotional experiences, for which the Moon, Saturn, Venus, Neptune are responsible.

Considering the types of planets, one can also determine such a quality as movement. There are planets moving, stationary and retrograde (those that go backwards). This quality also affects the character of a person.

The planet that is in the constellation is considered the main center of development spiritual world person. All the qualities that the Zodiac bestows on its owner will be interpreted through the passing planet.

The planet is the decisive catalyst that determines the final characteristics of the sign. This synthesis is based on two basic rules:

  1. In the case of the similarity of the qualities of the Zodiac and the planet, they are amplified.
  2. When the properties of the sign differ from the properties of the planet, they change, disappear or change each other.

Also, the planets have their own nature, depending on it, the course is determined human life. There are planets that give energy (Mars, Jupiter, Sun, Pluto, Uranus). They take it away - the Moon, Saturn, Venus, Neptune or act neutrally. Planets can also be good and evil, there are also strong and weak planets. But most importantly, what effect they have on a person.

Influence on character

The planet that patronizes a person is calculated by date of birth. Each of them in its own way affects the fate and character.

The sun.

Planet under the protectorate, which is the "ego" and self-esteem. Determines life principles, willpower and fortitude. From the influence of the Sun, you can determine how ambitious a person is and wants to occupy a leading position. This planet gives vitality and empowers creativity.

- the personification of a father, husband or an important male person. His opinion is considered authoritative, and his decisions are unshakable. Simply put, the Sun can be a symbol of a person who is endowed with power.

To determine how purposeful and gifted a person is, it is necessary to analyze the position of the Sun at the birth of a particular person.


Determines the inner life of a person. In a word, everything that is connected with emotions, mental state or instincts is under the auspices of the satellite of the earth. In fact, the Moon is a type of energy that determines where a person is most comfortable. Adaptation and protection are the main characteristics that the planet gives to its wards. In addition, the Moon is also a symbol of life experience.

If the Moon falls in a woman's horoscope, then you can find out how good she is a mother, wife, mistress. And when a man appears in the horoscope, it allows you to determine which girls he likes.

The moon shows the depth of ties with parents, love of relaxation and adaptability to everyday life. That is, the Moon is a symbol of everyday life.


The planet that determines the type of thinking, eloquence and style of conversation. In general, it affects the overall level of communication. Manages the facts information flows and analytics. Responsible for the ideological content of consciousness and perception. Protects Virgo and Gemini.

Appearing in the natal chart, Mercury is responsible for thoughts, rational conclusions, understanding, insight, wit, versatility. As for emotions, the planet displays the level of cunning, curiosity and lability. It can also manifest itself on the physical level as dexterity and agility.


The planet of emotions and feelings that arise as a result of interpersonal relationships. Venus has long been considered a symbol of morality, moral values, aesthetics, beauty and pleasure. Patronizes Taurus and Libra.

The planet influences the moral and ethical values ​​of a person. All levels of life are in a state of harmony and balance. A person under the auspices of Venus is endowed with physical beauty and grace.


The most active and aggressive planet. Under its influence, a person is distinguished by activity and stubbornness. Mars endows its bearer with physical strength and power. Patronizes Aries, before the discovery of Pluto, ruled Scorpio.

Mars is the planet of power and activity, creativity, initiative, courage, stubbornness and courage. Mars conjunctions in Aries give rise to truly outstanding people who, against all odds, achieve their goals.


Responsible for the evolution of three levels of life, which include: social, cultural and spiritual. It is a symbol of optimism, sincerity and law-abiding. Symbolizes wealth and good luck, patronizes Sagittarius.

It endows its owner with liberality, allows you to think broadly and philosophize. Guarantees long-distance travel and prosperity.


The planet is a symbol of obstacles in the way, responsibility and limitations. Determines the level of maturity, perseverance and stability. Saturn rules Capricorn and is associated with truth.

Saturn endows its bearer with the ability for a career, responsibility, purposefulness, rigor, rational thinking and straightforwardness.


Freedom, originality, independence are the main qualities of this planet, with which it generously rewards its carriers. Uranus guarantees unexpected insights and sudden changes in life. Rules the constellation Aquarius.

The planet patronizes everything new, unexpected and unknown. Uranus endows its carrier with a changeable mood, self-will and eccentricity.


The planet is under the cover of mysticism, secrets and illusions. Neptune is associated with deep experiences that are of a dual nature: on the one hand, a person strives for higher love, sympathy and mercy, on the other hand, he can be overcome by phobias, manias and obsessions. The patron planet of Pisces.

Neptune is a planet that brings self-sacrifice, suffering, confusion. The advice that can be given to its bearers is to never neglect yourself and act according to moral laws.


How to find out what is hidden underground? It's practically impossible. Pluto is the same - a bunch of unprecedented energy hidden in the bowels of the Earth, which will come out sooner or later. The planet represents power at all three levels of human nature. It is considered a sign of a higher will. Patronizes hidden plans, restoration and recovery. Governs the constellation Scorpio.

Pluto endows its bearers with insight, analytical thinking, emotional endurance, ruthlessness, fanaticism and hidden knowledge.

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Sun in the horoscope. Star named "I"

Zodiac sign Leo. The sun gives us the light that brings life. It is not surprising that in astrology the influence of our luminary is considered huge. In the horoscope, the Sun is responsible for what constitutes the basis and essence of a person - his personality, his spirit, his ego; his health and vitality, its potential. The sun in the horoscope helps the manifestation of a bright individuality, the development of creative abilities and the unlimited expansion of horizons. The motto of the life-loving Sun: “I am! I want to!".


Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo. Mercury is the winged messenger of the gods, he flies to us on his light wings and encourages us to speak and argue with each other. This planet in the horoscope is responsible for intelligence, learning abilities, way of thinking, logic and reasoning, as well as for any kind of intellectual connections and communication between people. And, of course, for trading. Mercury's motto: "I'm interested!"


Zodiac signs: Taurus, Libra. Motto of Venus: "I love!". Since ancient times, Venus has been called the planet of love and beauty, but astrologers say that in fact its influence extends much wider. Venus is the planet of human feelings and motivations in all the bright variety of their manifestations. Venus in the horoscope is responsible for sensuality, sensitivity, beauty, charm, grace, inner harmony and, of course, love. Love for yourself, for people around you and for the whole world.


Zodiac sign Cancer. Of all the planets that influence the signs of the Zodiac, the Moon is closest to the Earth. It is not surprising that it sometimes has a much stronger influence on our lives than the rest. Ruler of the ebb and flow, the Moon is also the ruler of our emotions. Moon's motto: "I feel!"


Zodiac signs: Aries, Scorpio. Mars in astrology is a planet of great energy and great passions. His motto is "I'm doing it!". Mars is subject to human emotions, his passion, thirst for activity and thirst for life, as well as stormy emotional outbursts. The planet Mars, named after the god of war, has male character capable of generating outbursts of anger and aggression. However, in fairness, it must be said that it is Mars in a person’s horoscope that gives his character activity and strength, so that, despite any obstacles, he can boldly move forward towards his goal.


Zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Pisces. Jupiter in astrology is an abundant, generous planet that gives people joy, satisfaction, support and protection. Jupiter's motto: "I enjoy!"


Zodiac signs: Capricorn, Aquarius. Saturn knows for sure: nothing in the world comes easy. This is a firm conviction of the planet, which performs the difficult role of a strict boss of all the signs of the Zodiac. It is at the behest of Saturn that everything that is marked with the word “Need” happens in our life: discipline, organization and self-organization, responsibility, study, duties, work ... Work and work again.


Zodiac sign Aquarius. Uranus is the planet of independence and undertakings, which encourages you to look at familiar things from a new angle, expanding your consciousness and worldview. The energy of Uranus pushes us into the future - forward, to new achievements, discoveries and new horizons. The desire to find your own path, whether it be the path of an individual or the path of all mankind, is characteristic of those in whose horoscope the influence of Uranus is strong. Motto of Uranus: "I go forward!".