Horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina. Horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina Astrological forecast from Vasilisa Volodina

  • 01.06.2021

For the zodiac sign Pisces, the owner of 2017, the Rooster, promises many interesting and joyful events. This year is the most fertile time for Pisces to realize their desires and dreams, and therefore, from the first days of the new year, it is necessary to set the highest goals for yourself and look for ways to achieve them. The stars advise Pisces to look for new talents in themselves, think about what you like in life and find a new interesting activity for yourself, which, perhaps, will very soon become the main activity and development for these people.


It promises to be a very harmonious year for representatives of the Pisces sign. They will be loved, and they will experience a whole range of feelings for a partner. That's just in search of inspiration Pisces will often start a love relationship on the side. The rooster says that in June or July these adventures may become public, which will make these individuals apologize for a long time and ask for forgiveness from a loved one. But lonely Pisces will live for their own pleasure, carefree and very fun. They will have many sexual partners with whom they will be associated only with sensual pleasures, while Pisces will avoid more serious relationships.


Pisces in 2017 will require an original approach to solving problems and non-standard thinking. It is these trump cards that will help representatives of this zodiac sign to gain an advantage over competitors and become leaders. If these individuals decide to start their own business, the first half of 2017 is just perfect for this. Don't be afraid to ask your friends and colleagues for help. They will definitely come to the rescue and provide invaluable support. In addition, the stars say that at the end of the year a person will appear in the life of Pisces, who will become their patron, a real guru and spiritual mentor.


The impracticality of the representatives of the Pisces sign will not allow these individuals to accumulate capital in 2017. These individuals will spend money on chic gifts, on beautiful purchases, as well as on their own pleasures, which will not at all contribute to the accumulation of funds. In addition, the craving of many Pisces for loans and loans can play a cruel joke with them. Ideally, their partners should be responsible for the finances of Pisces, who will be able to keep track of money and will spend it on really necessary purchases. It is quite possible that Pisces and their loved one will decide to purchase a car at the end of the year. This will be the most correct decision.


In terms of health, Pisces should monitor the standing of the spine and do gymnastics, regularly stretching the shoulder girdle, because it is there that the nerve endings can be pinched, which will affect vision problems, back pain, tingling and numbness of the extremities. It will also not be superfluous to visit a doctor who will prescribe an adequate treatment for this disease. And in terms of prevention, you should think about changing jobs, as well as swimming. In addition, Pisces should think about supporting the nervous system, for which it will not be superfluous to consume foods rich in vitamin B.

The advent of a new calendar year is always associated with the desire of many to gain a certain freedom and independence.

Work and career

Vasilisa Volodina’s astro-forecast for 2017 says that some people will change jobs from the beginning of the year and, breaking away from their homes, will visit new countries and places, and even, as an option, will find a new job outside the country. It is the Rooster, under whose leadership the year will pass, that will support such an aspiration and will in every possible way accompany the bold and daring.

Monotonous work - No! 2017 is not made for slow, painstaking, monotonous and tedious work. Everyone has to put up with new circumstances in life sometime, most importantly, they will all be positive in the long run.


With regard to financial issues, 2017 will be marked by many scams and risky operations, which many will agree to go for in order to enrich themselves. This year, you should also not refuse help to relatives and friends - gratitude will return to you a hundredfold and in the shortest possible time. But relying on little-known personalities in financial matters is not worth it - there is a risk of falling for scammers.

The horoscope for 2017 from Volodina warns that in the coming year, anyone can suddenly become a braggart or spender. With such moments, it is necessary to be very prudent, because, without thinking about their expenses, many people risk going broke and then being in a deplorable position for a long time. In this regard, it is important to plan expenses from the very beginning of the year so that financial savings are not spent on entertainment or some unnecessary purchases.

Friendship and love

The year itself portends to be cheerful and rich enough for new contacts, connecting the fates of many people. Although not many will reach the formalization of legal bonds, the Rooster is a fairly freedom-loving animal, which will affect the relationship of many couples. Suffice it to say that the lonely will meet their fate, and stability and mutual understanding will reign in families, although there is also the possibility of family betrayals, this will give a somewhat negative touch to the family idyll.

2017 will please us with a sea of ​​useful acquaintances and fruitful communication with relatives and friends.

With the beginning of spring, people will become relaxed and accommodating, they will be compliant and tolerant of the shortcomings of others.
Based on this, this period will provide many with the opportunity to make a sufficient number of useful acquaintances, which will subsequently have a significant impact on the life of each person.
Many people, under the favorable influence of the Rooster, will pay attention to loved ones and will be able to resolve long-standing conflicts.

Married couples should be wary of the Rooster, as he can endow their halves with an attraction to freedom and romance, moreover, in 2017 there will be enough temptations, and, accordingly, betrayals, office romances, leaving the family, etc. are prophesied along with them.
Also in this regard, many couples expect a frank conversation about their future fate. In such cases, many may need prudence, rationality, prudence, it is precisely these qualities that the hot Monkey lacks.


In terms of health, the year promises an exacerbation of chronic diseases, try to prevent this - take care of prevention.

In terms of health, the year is unpredictable, as the number of chaotic and irrational actions associated with outbursts of emotions will increase, which can lead to increased injuries.

Many people with special trepidation are waiting for the onset of 2017, due to the fact that the Fire Rooster will begin to rule it.
He is characterized by fun and carelessness, besides, he tries everything in life and never lose heart.

The rooster has a rich imagination, is full of vitality for reckless deeds, is always aware of ongoing events to the best of its great curiosity.
The Rooster can be characterized as a rather stubborn person, and when not everything goes according to his plan, he can suppress weaker personalities with his will.
And, accordingly, the Rooster will give many people all of the above qualities.

This year will be extremely successful for almost everyone!

How to behave in 2017?

You need to try to be more restrained and not offend anyone. In 2017, you need to concentrate more on important things, holding back your feelings and emotions.

Year of the Rooster 2017 for Aries by Vasilisa Volodina

The horoscope for 2017 for Aries will be successful in everything.
Almost daily, Fortune will be on his side.
But the peak of luck falls on spring, at this time the stars advise Aries to engage in self-education in order to gain a new useful experience for them, which will be useful to them in the near future.

According to the love horoscope, everything will turn out favorably for Aries in 2017. The rooster will help create a family for Aries. The stars say that those Aries who have been single until this time, or whose relationships have been very unsuccessful, will be lucky enough to meet their soul mate. At the same time, the relationship will be able to develop quite quickly into more serious ones, which will contribute to the decision to marry and start a family.

As for career, 2017 recommends that Aries choose a different profession and radically change their current occupation. There is a chance that you will receive a rather interesting offer, which you should not refuse. It can be expected in the first half of next year. And for those Aries who are now sitting without work, it is recommended to try to find something suitable for themselves in the spring, since it is by spring that there is a chance to get such a job or position that you will not have to regret later.

2017 is a very promising financial year. You just have to be more careful. In particular, this will apply to those who have their own business.

However, no matter how the circumstances develop, Aries should not think only about work, since health is much more important. There is a possibility that chronic illnesses will let you know about yourself. The stars give advice to Aries in 2017 to review their diet, and even better - go on a diet. Try to minimize the consumption of junk food.

New 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster horoscope for Taurus

In the year of the Rooster, Taurus will be completely in tune with his inner world. The Rooster will have a beneficial effect on this sign of the Earth and will guide him on the right path, and instead of him, set the most important priorities and designate for him the main goals for the very near future.
2017 will be a turning point for Taurus and he will be able to recognize himself from a completely different perspective, which as a result can lead to a global reassessment of values.

Some Taurus will receive income from a variety of sources. At work, in the first half of the year, you may be asked to retrain so that your knowledge and skills are confirmed.
Taurus in 2017 should not get involved in all sorts of adventures or worry about colleagues or bosses at work.
Just wait until spring - then you will have the opportunity to increase your capital well.
In the summer, for example, you may have a business trip abroad, which may be followed by career advancement.

As for the love horoscope for 2017, Taurus is recommended to start making new acquaintances only in the spring. It is even possible that these relationships will develop into more serious ones, only on the condition that the Taurus do not become too persistent and try to find a compromise with their partner.
However, the horoscope warns Taurus against romance with colleagues, otherwise, outbursts of envy from your other colleagues are likely.

The horoscope warns Taurus about the possibility of misunderstanding from your soulmate. If you disappear often and for a long time at work, this may begin to cause some suspicion, and as a result, a test of the strength of the relationship. Since you should not forget about your loved ones, because they also need attention.

2017 for Taurus will be very active and stormy, which can also have an impact on health, as a lot of energy will be spent. Therefore, you should try to choose a time for rest and not overwork yourself too much, especially on weekends.

New 2017 year of the Fire Rooster horoscope for GEMINI

The astrological forecast for Gemini for the coming year is very ambiguous. It portends more good events, and according to other experts, a series of troubles awaits people of this sign. Therefore, we take into account the wishes of the horoscope for 2017 and act as we see fit.
Particular attention should be paid to the people around you, since there is a possibility that those whom you consider friends may actually be your enemies and envious people.
If you have any suspicions, it would be better to sort it out in the first half of 2017. In this case, the second half of the year will be more successful for you.
It is important at the same time to choose the right path and not to stray from it, otherwise you can get lost.

The astro forecast at the beginning of the year of the Rooster predicts very significant changes in the personal life of Gemini. This can be either parting with your soul mate, or a stronger strengthening of relationships.
If you are married, then there is a chance that you will have a child planned.
For lonely Gemini, the stars predict the meeting of their chosen one, provided that their attention is not occupied by love affairs and temporary intrigues.

In work, the Gemini will be set only to win, and therefore, they will have a productive whole year, which as a result will increase income and even outline new directions in business. In the coming year, you may expect a promotion.

The rooster promises you a good profit in the new year. However, in financial matters, you should be extremely careful not to fall into the trap of scammers.

The stars warn Gemini that next year will not have a very good effect on their health.
It would be better to postpone extreme sports for later, and devote more time and effort to your health, proper nutrition. You may even have to go on a diet, and you should not overeat or eat at night. Also, do not eat junk food, otherwise you risk getting gallstone disease.

New 2017 year of the Fire Rooster horoscope for CANCER

For these people, the year of the Rooster will be very special and there will be many surprises.
According to the recommendation, it is better for Cancers to treat the world around them only positively, then more positive events will also await them.
Some of the representatives of this sign will decide to change their current social circle, as well as find new acquaintances and friends.
All this will be encouraged by the stars, but they do not recommend radically changing their place of residence, since little good will come of this.

If Cancers had conflicts with their halves in 2016, then there is a possibility that in 2017 such quarrels will continue, even with more pressure.
But the stars do not advise simply avoiding these conflicts and not trying to solve them. If your soul mate is really dear to you, then you should look for compromises and try to solve problems together.
But lonely Cancers will have the opportunity to meet their love, but what will come of it will depend on them.

The stars advise Cancers to actively start doing business in the spring. In general, the whole next year of the Rooster is perfect for new beginnings in business or for expanding an existing business. However, it is in the spring that fortune will be on your side every day.
But at the same time, you will need to evaluate and plan everything with a sober head - put emotions aside.
Good financial injections Cancer will make the family budget in 2017, and already from the beginning of the year. However, it is important for him not to get lazy after that and continue his work in the same spirit, otherwise the wallet can also quickly become empty. Relevant reasonable and competent savings.

New 2017 year of the Fire Rooster horoscope for LEO

Rooster Leo is very cute, and therefore the horoscope for 2017 for Leo is quite lucky.
Of course, the Lions will need to work, and very hard, but their work will be rewarded.
It is possible for people to review this sign of their life position, or maybe they will even change their minds about the people who surround them.

The stars recommend Leo to treat people with great attention and not to trust everyone in a row, to open up to them gradually.
This is more about personal relationships, since there is a possibility that a married Leo can see his wife from a completely different side and this can lead to divorce.
However, one should not immediately draw premature conclusions: the horoscope recommends that everything be carefully weighed and thought over. After all, maybe the spark just disappeared in your relationship and there is still an opportunity to return it?

Financially, Lviv does not expect anything too interesting. There is a possibility of misunderstandings with superiors or business partners.
People may have doubts that Leos are capable of being sufficiently responsible and reliable. However, you should not worry too much about this, because everything will work out somehow by itself.

The stars do not portend anything bad for Leo in terms of health.
The main thing is to alternate work with rest in a timely manner - and everything will be fine.

New 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster horoscope for VIRGO

For Virgo, the astro forecast for 2017 is not something special, their life will be quite smooth and measured. They should look at everything more positively and calmly. And all past negative communication with friends will be forgotten over time and relationships will be restored.

As for the love sphere, here the horoscope predicts positive changes.
Representatives of this earth sign will be able to experience completely new feelings, which they did not even know about before.
Moreover, various surprises (of course, pleasant ones) await you, which will please you for a long time.
Virgo will be able to meet on her way such a person whom she will not only love, but also wish to start a family with him.
And if the Virgo already has such a half, then she can only make sure again that this is the right choice.

In the field of work, 2017 for Virgo makes recommendations to start thinking about any new projects. If for this you need to deal with the accumulated debts, then it is better to do this so that they do not interfere with your prosperity and development.
You may need to reconsider your current partners, as they may not be entirely profitable for you.
Do not forget that despite all the obstacles that may arise in your way, there will be white streaks in your life, and therefore you should never give up.
There will certainly be new partners, as well as new offers, which as a result will give you excellent career advancement and material wealth.

2017 for Virgo, in general, does not bode well. Minor unpleasant situations are possible, but you can solve them without much difficulty.
The stars portend you well-being and stability.

Regarding health, the horoscope says that Virgo in the year of the Rooster will not have any special problems with him. However, do not neglect them - you need to listen to your body and respond in a timely manner to its signals.

Horoscope 2017 for LIBRA

The forecast for 2017 for Libra says that they should rise from their knees, gather all their will into a fist and go straight to their goal.
Perhaps it will not be easy and not everything will be given quickly, as we would like. You will need to learn a lot of new things, gain experience - in general, engage in your education.
All this will contribute to your career growth and, as a result, getting a good, well-paid position or opening your own profitable business.
You will feel the greatest self-confidence and availability of forces in the summer.

In family life, the stars also promise you a lot of changes.
Some of the representatives of this sign will have a desire to marry and this year they will begin to choose favorable days for the wedding, while others, already married, may think about replenishing the family.
So if before this year you led a wild life, it makes sense to settle down.
Well, if you have not yet met your chosen one, then you should not worry - it will happen in the near future.

If Libra often causes dissatisfaction with the authorities, they have frequent conflicts, then this year they should pay attention to the reasons for this. There is a possibility that you will move to another job, as you will have many interesting opportunities and prospects in the year of the Rooster.
And this year, luck will be on your side, and the stars will help you in completing your endeavors, as well as in getting a good result.

Libras in 2017 should spend their budget with care, otherwise, financial problems may arise. Therefore, it would be nice to stock up on some amount in reserve.

Those Libras who are fond of sports and do not have bad habits, such as alcohol, smoking and overeating, will not have health problems.
Also, do not refuse to take vitamins and preventive measures.

Horoscope 2017 for SCORPIO

The forecast for 2017 for Scorpio tells that they should definitely engage in self-education, since with its help many new prospects will open before them in the year of the Rooster.
You should try to overcome your laziness and go forward, bringing your ideas to life.
However, on the other hand, representatives of this sign may not plan something grandiose, since a big goal will require a lot of effort, and it will still be difficult for them to do so.

For 2017, the stars portend Scorpios increased attention to them from the opposite sex.
It should be remembered that your attention is clearly not enough for everyone, and therefore your task is not to get confused and see exactly your soulmate.
Try to treat other people the way you would like to be treated.
Family Scorpions horoscope for 2017 warns that conflicts with a spouse are possible. If you want to avoid this, then try not to show your irritation over trifles and not be too quick-tempered.

The stars warn Scorpios that in 2017 they are likely to have disagreements at work. Criticism should be tried to be kept to a minimum, because sometimes it is better to remain silent than to start a useless argument. In addition, something will be said about you in the case, and therefore you should still think about it - maybe you are really doing something wrong. But luck will again turn to face you in the summer.

Scorpions should not worry about the financial side - they will have enough money. You can even afford to go abroad this year, or it is worth spending money on buying property.

In 2017, health will make itself felt, especially in winter, because then it is quite easy to catch a cold.
And if health problems begin, then you do not need to self-medicate - it is better to consult a doctor.
In addition, it is worth paying attention to occupational diseases.

Horoscope 2017 for Sagittarius

The horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius portends to this sign the presence of new acquaintances and meetings, which will become not only
very useful, but even in some sense fateful.
You need to devote enough time to yourself and develop your potential, your professional skills - this will certainly come in handy for you, as well as provide a lot of positive emotions and a great mood.

The stars predict cardinal changes for you on the love front.
Archers, who were lonely, will be overtaken by Cupid's arrows - they will be able to meet their love, which can happen in the spring.
There is a possibility that this will bring them even to the registry office.
Therefore, it is safe to say that for Sagittarius the year of the Rooster will be very successful and as optimistic as possible in every sense.

Provided that you correctly alternate work with personal life, everything will be just fine for you - luck will be on your side. You will be rewarded for your efforts by your superiors, which will lead to an increase in wages, and maybe to a higher position.
Therefore, you can not worry, because career growth awaits you.

Since many Sagittarians are expected to change, which will also require financial expenses, the stars recommend that you start saving in 2017. The astrological forecast advises you not to trust everyone, but to consider all kinds of offers with great care and caution so as not to contact scammers.

According to the forecast for 2017, Streltsov also expects an improvement in health.
It is important that you alternate work with rest, spend more time in the fresh air and be less stressed.

Horoscope 2017 for CAPRICORN

Staying alone is not at all the best solution, and therefore the horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn advises you to listen to the recommendations of the stars and then only positive changes will occur in your life.
It is high time to start showing more social activity, to see friends more often, to have fun and go for walks.
Since 2017 will be very successful for Capricorns.

According to the forecast for 2017 for Capricorn, energy will come from everywhere, and given your inimitable charm, attention to you
the opposite sex is simply guaranteed.
For this reason, for Capricorn, it will be practically no difficulty to get sympathy for himself.
However, what to do with it further is up to you.
Because this will affect not only singles, but also those who have had their own family for a long time.
You should be extremely careful in your words and actions so as not to hurt your loved one.
In order to avoid possible conflicts, the stars recommend that Capricorns do not weave intrigues, since all this will pass quickly, but your family is the most precious thing.

The astro forecast for 2017 for Capricorn portends the full disclosure of potential, you will learn a lot about yourself - even what you did not know before.
It is important that you do not bury the talent you have discovered in yourself, but develop it as much as possible.
Interesting work meetings are coming up in March and thanks to them your business will reach a whole new level.
You can be calm and soberly assess risks, do not create conflicts with management - in this case, your career advancement will begin very soon.

Capricorn's financial wealth will be quite good, and the likelihood of additional earnings will help to increase capital in a fairly short time.
You may even win the lottery or get a good inheritance.
However, in parallel with the growth of income, spending will also grow, and therefore the stars recommend that you carefully monitor your expenses in 2017 so as not to be left without funds.

To maintain health, Capricorns should follow a properly drawn up daily routine.

2017 year of the Rooster horoscope for AQUARIUS

What events promises 2017 for Aquarius?
During the first half of the year of the Rooster, it is better to avoid excessive temper, as well as reckless actions, as this can lead to the appearance of a black streak in your life, which will not be easy to change back to white in a short time.
But you do not need obstacles on the way.

As for family relationships, the 2017 horoscope for Aquarius is unlikely to tell anything new.
Of course, someone is destined to meet a new love, and someone will have a spark in the relationship again, but this is unlikely to lead to something serious and lasting.
However, for Aquarius who are already dating their soulmate or have a family, many interesting discoveries are guaranteed, which will have a positive impact on both partners.

At the beginning of the year, business Aquarians will be quite passionate about their business or work.
In the year of the Rooster, they will be lucky and they will be able to realize everything they have in mind and begin to make plans for the future.
Working Aquarians in the summer can count on a promotion.

Forecast for 2017 for Aquarius, as well as for other signs,
recommends that you treat your expenses more carefully and plan everything carefully.
There is a risk of falling into adventurous machinations of scammers.
It would be better to postpone large and expensive purchases for better times, since they will certainly come and very soon.

Aquarius should not worry too much about their health, because everything will be fine. However, if something bothers you, then do not self-medicate, it is better to go to the doctor.
It would also be nice to do some kind of sports, as well as spend more time outdoors, go out into nature and this
will certainly have a positive effect on your health.

Horoscope 2017 for PISCES

Only those who have relatives or friends born under the sign of Pisces know how difficult their character is. The horoscope for 2017 for Pisces warns that due to their temper from the very beginning of 2017, they may experience certain difficulties that will negatively affect the implementation of their plans.
The stars recommend that you always act according to the circumstances - you should not plan anything in advance, otherwise, if something goes wrong with you, then you can get into a dead end.
In addition, you are not recommended to start several projects at the same time, since you will not be able to complete any of them.

If we talk about personal life, then in love affairs, Pisces will be very stubborn, which is not so characteristic of this sign.
However, their partner will only benefit from this.
But Pisces, who already have a family, are advised by the stars to always try to keep their word and always stand their ground.

The stars promise Pisces in 2017 a fairly good rise in their capital and many surprises in the financial field.
However, do not despair, because the surprises will be pleasant.
At work, salary delays are not expected, and your bosses will be very lenient towards you, and there is also the possibility of obtaining additional sources of income, which will positively affect your overall financial situation.

Of course, everyone understands that horoscopes are a very relative thing, so each person decides to believe in them or not))

But everyone is interested in what will happen tomorrow, in the near future. And the first thing that comes to mind is horoscopes. The famous astrologer Vasilisa Volodina has already prepared an interesting horoscope for 2017 for all signs of the zodiac.

Your measured life has come to an end. In 2017, Aries will be as busy as possible at work and at home. Some things will end in failure and, unfortunately, cannot be changed.

Try not to be late for work, do not get into work conflicts and do not argue with superiors. Show the quality of a leader better and then the employer will understand that you are a valuable person. Such behavior will allow Aries to find the long-awaited peace by the end of the year.

As for love relationships, they will also be on the verge of collapse. Don't do frivolous things. Forgive your soulmate more often so that there is no break in relations.

Are you waiting for good luck, hoping for luck, or just dreaming of pleasant moments in your life? Then in 2017 all your expectations will come true. The Year of the Rooster promises to be significant and memorable for Taurus. Whatever you undertake, will receive a positive result. Any of your undertakings will be crowned with success. Even if minor troubles come across on the way to victory, do not pay attention to them, because they are just a husk among grains of gold.

Lonely Taurus have every chance to put a golden ring on their finger and connect their fate with a wonderful person.


Next year will shower the representatives of this sign with generous gifts. On the wings of good luck, you will be able to implement all your long-standing ideas, moreover, as easily as possible. In the summer, Gemini can receive a large monetary reward, which must be spent wisely, and not wasted on various trifles.

On the love front, of course, not everything is so smooth. You will get tired of boring relationships that are unlikely to be saved, and switch to the search for a new love. Try not to miscalculate in this matter, but to find a worthy couple for life.

To lure Cancers out of the shell of caution and timidity will make luck, which now and then will pop up in all endeavors. With the support of Fortune, these people will become more confident and understand how to act in a given situation.

Love relationships throughout the year will not crack, on the contrary, they will strengthen. Lonely Cancers should be extremely careful and not fall for “empty” compliments of the opposite sex. Accept gifts with caution and remember that free cheese can only be in a mousetrap.

Cash flows will not stop flowing into the hands of the Lions. And they, strange as it may seem, will dispose of them correctly. All purchases and spending Lions will spend wisely, thereby surround themselves with comfort and beautiful things. They will not forget about their loved ones, who at different times of the year will need their support and material assistance.

At work, there may be small disagreements with colleagues, but they can lead self-confident Lions astray. Each of them will go confidently towards their goal. Of course, such employment cannot but affect love relationships, but representatives of this sign will try to “squeeze” strength out of themselves in order to devote time also to their loved one.

In 2017, you will find a lot of troubles that can significantly undermine endurance and calmness. Virgos tend to attract negativity and create problems from scratch, so the owner of the year is unlikely to be supportive of them. To avoid such a fate, try to change the situation for the better. Be extremely careful with your health, because it can let you down, especially in winter.

Lonely Virgos should take a closer look at the people who surround them. Perhaps your destiny is somewhere very close.

The rooster will generously endow the representatives of this sign with their attention and gifts. Business Libra will feel a breath of good luck already with the advent of the new year. Any transaction will end in a positive outcome and bring you a good cash profit. You have great intuition, so try to squeeze the maximum benefit out of this ability. Relations with colleagues throughout the year will develop in the best possible way: they will cover in front of the authorities and help in a difficult situation.

If you pay attention to family life, then everything is not so smooth here. Waves of jealousy can emanate from your soulmate, which can significantly spoil a love relationship.


At the beginning of the year, Scorpios may have serious financial problems. But despite this, 2017 will go relatively smoothly. A sea of ​​positive and pleasant acquaintances await representatives of this sign throughout the entire period under review. Spend your energy in the right direction, and then any failure will be nothing to you.

Those Scorpios who have long been connected by family ties can break them. It's all the fault of a misunderstanding on the part of the second half and the explosive nature of Scorpions.


You will find a lot of exciting adventures and a mountain of positive emotions. Moreover, such a stream of surprises will last throughout the year. The decisiveness and enterprise of Sagittarius like the Rooster, so he will undertake to help you in all your endeavors.

From the opposite sex, you will now and then receive signs of attention. Single representatives of this zodiac sign will finally be able to find the perfect partner for life.


Unfortunately, Capricorns will have reasons for sadness in 2017. Minor troubles can touch you to the core and even develop into serious problems closer to autumn. Perhaps the burden of obligations that you have taken on yourself will turn out to be an unbearable burden. Use your skills wisely so as not to spoil the whole year.

As for family relations, no special changes are expected here throughout the period under review.


The thirst for victory will help you achieve everything you have planned. Do not be afraid to take risks, because the favor of the Rooster will accompany you everywhere. Your virtuosity, resourcefulness and ingenuity will allow you to get good dividends, so go for it.

On your life path, an interesting person may appear who will turn your head and force you to destroy long-established family relationships.

Lazy Pisces are unlikely to reach heights in 2017 if they do not take up their minds in time. If you want to receive gifts from the owner of the year, work hard. Work, study something new, meet new people. Only such a position can achieve good results.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones. They desperately need your support. Love will not leave the hearts of Pisces if they constantly support it and encourage it in every possible way.

According to Vasilisa Volodina, in the year of the Rooster, Taurus will be completely in tune with his inner world. The Rooster will have a beneficial effect on this sign of the Earth and will guide him on the right path, and instead of him, set the most important priorities and designate for him the main goals for the very near future. 2017 will be a turning point for Taurus and he will be able to recognize himself from a completely different perspective, which as a result can lead to a global reassessment of values.

Some Taurus will receive income from a variety of sources. At work, in the first half of the year, you may be asked to retrain so that your knowledge and skills are confirmed.


Taurus in 2017 should not get involved in all sorts of adventures or worry about colleagues or bosses at work. Just wait until spring - then you will have the opportunity to increase your capital well. In the summer, for example, you may have a business trip abroad, which may be followed by career advancement.


Vasilisa Volodina warns Taurus about the possibility of misunderstanding from your soulmate. If you disappear often and for a long time at work, this may begin to cause some suspicion, and as a result, a test of the strength of the relationship. Since you should not forget about your loved ones, because they also need attention.


As for the love horoscope for 2017, Taurus is recommended to start making new acquaintances only in the spring. It is even possible that these relationships will develop into more serious ones, only on the condition that the Taurus do not become too persistent and try to find a compromise with their partner. However, the horoscope warns Taurus against romance with colleagues, otherwise, outbursts of envy from your other colleagues are likely.


2017 for Taurus will be very active and stormy, which can also have an impact on health, as a lot of energy will be spent. Therefore, you should try to choose a time for rest and not overwork yourself too much, especially on weekends.