Female natal chart with moon in scorpio. How does the moon in scorpio affect a person

  • 26.09.2019

People in whose natal chart the Moon is in Scorpio cannot be envied. The naturally soft and gentle Moon collides with the hard and cold Scorpio. This combination makes a person incomprehensible to the environment and gives him a very complex character. For some time he may seem quite calm and restrained, but at one moment he explodes and then others have a very hard time, because he simply cannot control himself at such moments. Their behavior is unpredictable, which frightens and repels others. They themselves do not always like it, but you can’t argue with nature.

Moon in Scorpio Man

Lunar Scorpios never throw words into the wind, and they keep their promises. They are not afraid to take responsibility. Being in society, they never show their emotions, do not show feelings, behave with restraint and dignity. Whatever happens, they are always collected and concentrated, they keep a cold mind even in extreme situations. The only exception can be internal conflicts and a serious internal intensity of emotions, which they themselves are not able to keep. As soon as the inner bowl of patience of such a man overflows, they can become very dangerous, they begin to explode and lose their temper, seemingly because of a trifle. In anger, lunar Scorpios do not spare words and expressions for the environment. At such moments, one cannot envy those who fell under their arm. The long patience of Scorpios accumulates so much anger inside that not everyone can withstand such ruthlessness, sarcasm and aggression that pours out from them.

These are dual people in whom two personalities completely different in temperament coexist - they are calm and impulsive, kind and vindictive. This behavior often stuns others, but those who long time lives with them under the same roof, get used to such behavior and forgive them a lot. But on the other hand, such people are very kind and will never leave you in trouble. They will rush to help even if the actions go against their interests.

One of the most terrible tragedies that can happen to such a man is to lose face - for them this is a very great humiliation, which they are not able to forgive even the closest and dearest people. They seek to control everyone and everything, doing it harshly, but at the same time they will not tolerate control over themselves. If they do not always manage to achieve a position in society, then when they form a family, they often become dictators and tyrants who regularly take out the brains of household members about a spoon that is not there or at the expense of a light turned on in the wrong place.

They always move their own way and it is simply impossible to move them, just as it is impossible to influence their opinion. Lunar Scorpios are used to achieving everything only with their brains and strengths, so it is impossible to see them living at someone else's expense.

Moon in Scorpio Woman

As it has already become clear, Scorpio is not the most best sign that the moon can hit. The energy of the sign is very strong and heavy, it is aimed at a constant war with the authorities. These women are often overcome by strong emotions, and of a negative nature. Sometimes internal contradictions overcome the Moon in Scorpio so strongly that a person begins to shift everything to external world and his surroundings, trying to find the culprits of his troubles there, but not in himself. It is quite logical that with this approach, a person sees the world in gray colors. Not each of them learns to work with their emotions, which is why their environment often suffers.

Distortions that appear due to the difference in the temperament of the sign and the planet are expressed in insatiability, which manifests itself, for example, in the constant thirst for sex, food, work, money, etc. And only an external influence can slow down such unbridledness. On the other hand, these women feel people very well, they can see what others cannot see. They attract the opposite sex like a magnet, but they rarely have normal relationships in family life, which is associated with a sharp change in mood and an inability to control their passion. Of course, the older they get, the wiser and calmer they become, but it takes a lot of effort.

Mothers from them turn out to be very difficult, as they can be thrown from excessive pampering of their children, to the manifestation of stinginess towards them. An equal attitude towards something or some golden mean- it's not about them. They tend to bind children to themselves, paralyzing their will. On the one hand, such behavior allows them to know everything about their children, and on the other hand, it prevents the children from being one hundred percent realized. Such behavior of parents can cause the formation of complexes, with which the child will subsequently struggle for a very long time.

The harmonious development of the Moon in Scorpio gives a person an adequate desire to possess something, they have a well-developed sense of self-esteem, there is a healthy possessiveness, they are responsive and endowed with a rich imagination. The harmonious Moon has a very strong intuition and insight. They are decisive, devoted to the core, practical, frugal and conscientious.

Disharmonious development turns around strong feelings, anxiety, sensitivity for any reason. Such people are impulsive, unrestrained and rude, wasteful, touchy and prone to self-flagellation.

The sign of Scorpio is associated with water, it gives an emotional, receptive nature. It is a brahminical sign, a sign of intuition and receptivity to transcendental, mystical philosophy. This sign is ruled by Mars, which indicates great determination, firmness of character and courage. But the Moon is weakened in this sign and indicates periodic suffering caused by mental distress due to loneliness and indecision or lack of self-confidence. Scorpio is secretive, and therefore such people like to hide their inner personality and feelings; they can act duplicitously and covertly. Prone to strong emotions, to selfishness, to envy, vindictive. They cannot bear hurt and love to repay people who hurt them. They are bold, aggressive, sometimes cruel. Have sufficient determination to bring their intentions to the end; their sometimes cruelty and desire to keep secret their motives and their plans create them strong enemies. They gain significant weight in commercial activities due to considerable will power and lack of hesitation in using and disposing of other people. They have considerable durability. They are good strategists, able to plan years ahead and bring their plans to completion. They are quick-tempered, love rivalry, in their character there is a trait of the owner. They keep both their misdeeds and other deeds a secret. They usually have a swarthy complexion, a hairy body, and are attached to the use of intoxicants. Classical texts and my experience point to such qualities of these people: they have large eyes, they suffer due to separation from their parents and teachers, they suffer from diseases during their youth; they are not outspoken. Such people are receptive and insightful, have the ability to meditate, feel strongly, have a strong personality and the ability to control themselves. They are difficult to change or convince of anything. They have a noticeable mental strength, experience difficulties in relations with their mother. These people are poetic, sensitive and easily excitable.

Semira and V. Vetash

Intuition, enterprise, introspection, strength test. The moon in the fall loses its elusiveness and fragility, and often its natural-moral orientation, and tends to afford a lot. A person with the Moon in Scorpio often makes not the most pleasant impression on others, showing such qualities as the secrecy of the inner world, tension and suspiciousness. But suspiciousness can reveal itself as a shrewd talent, and tension mental strength gives rise to interesting personalities in all areas of creativity. These are Velasquez, Rembrandt, Picasso and Bryullov in painting. Michelangelo, the position of the Moon in Scorpio, which corresponds to the legend that he, in order to achieve the expressiveness of his sculptures, observed real torment and death); Hegel in philosophy; Lope de Vega, Lermontov, Griboedov, Longfellow in Literature. As in Aries, the Moon in Scorpio receives a strong internal impulse of activity, which in everyday life gives rise to entrepreneurs who intuitively feel what can be profited from. The perseverance and exactingness of Pluto in the sphere of spiritual feelings may be unacceptable to others, therefore this position of the Moon creates difficulties in marriage and relationships with other people (although it gives sexuality). As you know, Lermontov was not loved in life: the Moon in Scorpio gives Pechorin qualities. At best, this is a hidden passion and sincerity of the message. Such a person is a fighter by nature and can take on such enterprises from which others are trying to get away. But for this you need to learn to overcome your own conservatism.

Catherine Obier

The hallmarks of sensitivity are intuition and insight. The woman is exceptionally charming, emphasizing unusual, extravagant features. The desire to seduce and be seduced, while the main path to the heart lies through physical sensations. Eroticism. A man is attracted to mysterious women, it is difficult for him to resist their sexual appeal. In a woman, it is sometimes difficult to get along together with ease and sexual passion with her sobriety of mind. Representatives of both sexes subtly feel what is hidden behind external beauty. Connections are mysterious, sometimes perverse or strange.

Larisa Nazarova

Moon in Water signs. High sensitivity, the ability to respond to the slightest changes from the outside. It closes under external pressure, but may give an unexpected reaction. Inner peace will reveal only in harmonious conditions. Very big emotionality. Moon in Scorpio. Gives excitability, hysteria, mood swings, the need for psychological regeneration. She is visiting Pluto. Scorpio carries a program of destruction of himself and others. Emotional dissatisfaction, which carries the need for self-improvement. Increased sexuality. Can give merciless sarcasm, negative psychology, misanthropy.

The Moon in Scorpio in women makes them determined, conceited and sensual young ladies with a rich imagination and full of various ideas.

Such a lady can be quite irritated and tense, she can become hysterical and experience a breakdown. Internally, she is anxious and restless, all her feelings and emotions settle in her soul for a long time. The moon in the fixed water sign of Scorpio makes the young lady remember both the bad and the good for a long time.

She does not like a calm and measured life. She is endowed internal need insist on her own, and her reactions to stimuli from the outside are extremely violent. Passions and experiences are constantly boiling in it, which must necessarily find a way out, otherwise health will suffer.

The moon in Scorpio in women contributes to the fact that the girls themselves are subconsciously looking for or creating conflict, tense situations, thereby splashing out the accumulated tension. At times, they need emotional jolts.

Selena in this position makes the character of a woman contradictory and complex: internally, she is always set to argue and militantly defend her own views.

In communication, she often takes what was said personally, and, moreover, very painfully. She responds to criticism with aggression or resentment, an ordinary conversation with her easily turns into a quarrel, especially if her interests are hurt.

In an unfamiliar environment, she acts carefully and prudently, trying not to reveal herself to strangers. And although the young lady with the Moon in Scorpio is risk-averse, she keeps her plans secret.

The girl is stubborn and stubborn, and if she is interested in something, then it is impossible to convince her to turn off the chosen path, even with threats. On the contrary, opposition and obstacles only further inflame in her the desire to get what was planned. Given this, you should not force her to do anything.

In fact, a girl with the Moon in Scorpio is extremely sensitive, emotional and vulnerable. All her emotions for this reason are extremely intense.

This woman clearly sees the essence of others through. Her character always carries an element of expansiveness.

She can easily realize herself in the field of security, politics, law, insurance, pharmaceuticals / chemical industry, biology, medicine / psychiatry.

The Moon in Scorpio in women turns them into an ambiguous and mystical person. Sharp, eccentric, quick-tempered, often suspicious and secretive, gloomy and gloomy. But, plus all this, she is also very sensual, passionate, capable of an all-consuming feeling of love. Unfortunately, to the opinion of others, she is deaf and programmed by the night luminary to suppress and subjugate her partner.

"Moon" Scorpio lives in parallel in two worlds. She has a strong perception of death and everything connected with it. Often among such ladies there are mediums who can communicate with the dead, and sometimes help to leave this world, to free themselves. They facilitate the "transition", brighten up the last hours of the dying, provide spiritual support.

This woman is sometimes visited prophetic dreams, and her premonitions often come true. But, it is worth noting that she perceives the bad much more sharply than the good, since she is all more attuned to the “shadow”, gloomy side of life.

As mother, wife, lover

V personal life our heroine is a jealous owner, like no one else who knows how to keep affection and feelings. She is very demanding in relation to manifestations of love in her own address, she generally needs a lot of attention from others.

The ward of the Moon in Scorpio is a wonderful lover and a strict mother. She may be excellent hostess, but only if the Sun in her natal chart is in a weak sign of the Zodiac, otherwise the will and character of the woman are further strengthened, which hardly contributes to her complaisance and thriftiness.

Her tactile sensations are unusually developed: she loves caresses and touches. It is very important for her to always be attractive to men and she wants everyone around her to desire.

The intimate preferences of the "moon" young lady sometimes go beyond the norm. Despite their passionate nature, Everyday life She's pretty smart and thoughtful.

Family for her is one of the painful issues. On the one hand, she wants to create it, on the other hand, she can hardly imagine how she can still enjoy life in her.

She sees the roles of mother and wife as a series of constant sacrifices and experiences: worrying about loved ones all the time, not getting enough sleep, giving all her strength to the family ... In a word, it seems to her that she will not have time for herself.

Such women are always trying to create ideal conditions for the life of children and husbands, sometimes even against their wishes. It is difficult to argue with her about this, and teaching her to look at life easier is completely useless.

Yes, she will often complicate everything, and life with such a charmer cannot be called comfortable and calm, however, in a difficult moment, it is such a mother and wife who will do everything for the well-being of the whole family.

The Moon in Scorpio has its own light and dark sides. One carries the ideals of goodness, energy, responsiveness. The other gives secrecy, despotism, bias. What will the Lunar Scorpio choose for themselves? What features will the surrounding planets give him?

Moon in the natal chart

The natal chart helps to determine in which signs, houses, aspects the planets were located at the time of a person’s birth. Therefore, in astrology it is so important to know the exact place, time and date of birth. Based on these data, a Natal chart person.

The value of the moon in individual horoscope diverse and depends on various factors - position in a sign, house, tension or harmony of aspects, interconnection with other planets. The moon is responsible for the subconscious of a person - it gives innate habits, reactions, instincts, emotions, intuition.

In the natal chart of a man, she (together with Venus and her aspects) forms the image of a mother, a wife, a general attitude towards the fair sex. For a woman, she will indicate character traits that will manifest themselves in the role of wife and mother.

Personality of the Moon Scorpio

The Moon in Scorpio will give incredible magnetism. Charisma, inner strength, energy - both a man and a woman will have such properties. Lunar Scorpio easily overcomes obstacles. His great motivation will help to work on external (financial) and internal (spiritual) stability. Such a person has a powerful emotional potential. But much will depend on his self-discipline.

Mood swings are the main scourge of Lunar Scorpios. Despite their attractiveness to the opposite sex, such people will have problems in relationships. Stormy emotions, passions, inability to control one's feelings, jealousy - these problems can be solved with strict discipline over time.

Bitingness, the desire to suppress another with one's strength, will bring numerous conflicts into the life of the Lunar Scorpios. Deep inside - these are very lonely, vulnerable people. The moon in the sign of Scorpio gives resentment, vindictiveness. She can turn destructive emotions against her carrier or the people around her. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the development of such traits as forgiveness, trust, kindness, calmness.

Moon in Scorpio Woman

Such a woman will quickly learn to control her emotions. She will leave only a mysterious smile on the surface. And boiling passions will hide from prying eyes. V difficult situations, especially in her youth, she may lose control of herself. But, having become the mistress of her feelings, she will emerge victorious from any adventure.

Scorpio is a sign of the zodiac, which is responsible for intuition and mysticism. A woman born with the Moon in this sign will subconsciously feel truth and lies. She can find mutual language with anyone if you want. And her magnetic appeal will attract crowds of admirers to her.

Lunar Scorpio conducts a careful selection of admirers. She sees through people, their hidden motives. Therefore, her analysis of male actions and speeches is impeccable. She discards unnecessary relationships, leaving only the best copies for herself.

The moon in Scorpio in a woman gives her a desire for freedom. Such a lady will not tolerate male domination over herself. In a partner will seek fidelity and emotional support.

Moon in Scorpio Man

Such a man has self-confidence, purposefulness. He knows how to set goals and systematically achieve them. Lunar Scorpio is sexually attractive. He will look for the variability of sexual relations, so in the first half of his life you should not expect fidelity from him.

Huge inner strength and will will give a man Scorpio. The zodiac sign of the Moon in it will help you get out of the most confusing situations. Such a man will be able to overcome all the obstacles that will arise on his way to a career or in his personal life.

Lunar Scorpio is jealous and unrestrained. His sharp mind, intuition will help to find the most vulnerable place of a person. It is better not to conflict with this man - the opponent will be crushed by a stream of logical remarks and facts. In case of a loss, Lunar Scorpio will hold a grudge. And his revenge can overtake at the most inopportune moment.

The Moon in Scorpio in a man makes him possessive. He will control every step of his partner. However, if a spiritual relationship is achieved with her, then the love of such a man can give the most unforgettable feelings.

What will Selena give?

Selena (or White moon) in Scorpio - a symbol of karmic purification. People who have it in the natal chart are instinctively drawn to spiritual purification. They receive help in difficult or extreme situations. Their karma seems to keep them from vile deeds, violence.

Such people have an innate gift of a psychologist. They are engaged in self-improvement, cleansing magic.

Their life task is the consolation of weaker individuals. People with Selena in Scorpio should help others to overcome suffering, mental pain. Their spiritual path consists in the struggle with their shortcomings, world evil.

What will Lilith give?

Lilith (or Black Moon) in Scorpio says that in past life man has gone through all the secret and overt vices. And in the present he will pay for his sins. He may be afraid of death or have suicidal tendencies. Children with the Black Moon in Scorpio need to invest in the concepts of good and evil until the age of 9, teach the basics of security.

People who have such a mark in the natal chart should be afraid of violent death, drowning, robbers. They are subject to vices, for them there are no forbidden topics or actions.

The spiritual path of a person with Lilith in Scorpio is atonement for the mistakes of past lives. He can become a victim of violence, or he can follow the path of evil - then drunkenness, drug addiction, sadomasochism, murder will become his constant attributes. Such a person will be fueled by the fear of the people around him. If he embarks on the path of purification, he will wage a conscious struggle against vices (his own or others').

People with the Black Moon have the opportunity to get rid of evil, to acquire immunity to it. Or they will begin to indulge their vices, destroying everything that is bright and pure in others (or themselves).

Synastry for Lunar Scorpios

A special section of astrology is synastry. It helps to compare the natal charts of partners and identify their compatibility, favorable and negative aspects of the union.

If Lunar Scorpio has sympathy, he will not stop at any obstacles. Will systematically achieve the person he likes. And his sexual magnetism will only contribute to this.

If a man or woman has the Moon in Scorpio, compatibility will be excellent with Lunar Pisces, Cancers, Taurus. There will be some difficulty in dealing with lunar twins, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius. Poor compatibility will be with Lunar Aries, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Sagittarius.

But such a division into a favorable or unfavorable union is conditional. Only with the help of the natal chart, taking into account all the planets and aspects, you can choose a partner as accurately as possible.

two moons together

What to expect from Selena and Lilith, who are in the same sign? The Moon-Moon conjunction in Scorpio is an indicator of a bright individuality (at best, a creative person). Such people feel their peculiarity, they stand out from the crowd.

The sign of Scorpio, in which both moons are located, will add to the reality of a rich sex life. When Lilith connects with the Moon, the sexual connotation also acquires a demonic connotation (sometimes attraction to the mother). Selena with the Moon will bring naturalness, ease of carnal relations into the character of a person.

Sun and moon

The sun plays an important role in the natal chart. It forms the ways of self-realization and self-development. If the Sun at the time of birth was at the junction of two signs, then the person absorbs their main features. It plays a decisive role in the character and behavior of a person.

The formation of personality traits that are responsible for one or another sign of the zodiac depends only on the Sun. For example, a person by date of birth belongs to Taurus, but the Sun in his natal chart is in the sign of Leo. Therefore, the character and behavioral reactions of such an individual will be characteristic of Leo, and not Taurus.

The Sun in Scorpio, the Moon in Scorpio - this combination gives a person creative, creative energy. He can realize himself in business or art. But the chosen field of activity will bring success and respect of colleagues. Such a person has leadership qualities, but will never go "over the heads" in order to achieve the goal.

A good intuition and understanding of one's essence will be given by the combination of the Sun in Scorpio - the Moon in Scorpio. In love, such a person will not dominate, despite his inner strength. The partner will be faithful if spiritual and sexual values ​​coincide.

For signs of fire

Lunar Scorpio with the Sun in Aries is proud and aggressive. He likes to put down more weak people with your mind and inner strength. He has violent emotions that he cannot always contain. Therefore, his jealousy, intemperance give birth conflict situations. Hardworking, but inconsistent in achieving the goal.

Polite and complacent man with the Sun in Leo. He appreciates everything beautiful and loves to take care of his appearance. He nurtures his sense of inner dignity. And the Moon in Scorpio gives him magnetism, bias and interference in other people's affairs. He is possessive in personal relationships and keeps a watchful eye on his partner.

Lunar Scorpio-Sagittarius is cheerful, active, sociable. He is fair and honest. He likes to help others, strives for spiritual perfection. Possesses organizational skills and knows how to find people's weak points. Travels a lot, trying to avoid monotony.

For earth signs

The Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio give a person perseverance, perseverance in the implementation of plans. He has an unbending will, does not listen to the opinions of others. Impulsive, but knows how to keep a distance in communication. The desire to control everything and everyone leads to the inability to relax, rest.

Lunar Scorpio-Virgo is eloquent and active. Likes order, tends to constantly analyze situations and actions. He teaches people, but his criticism is precise and correct. Such a person is restless, loves travel. He does not know how to listen to others, which is why he gets into unpleasant situations.

Capricorn is diplomatic, able to respond flexibly to words and circumstances. He is ambitious and tries to achieve a lot in life. Philosophical mindset and eloquence help him make friends. But his cunning and resourcefulness do not always impress others.

For air signs

Lunar Scorpio-Gemini is fast and dynamic. He knows how to adapt to other people, but at the same time he always remembers his goals. Sarcastic, may have the talent of a satirist. His thirst for sensations and scandals often lead to quarrels with others. But with the help of flexibility of behavior quickly restores relationships.

Noble and bold man with the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Scorpio. He strives for constancy and harmony in everything. But his critical mind is always looking for hidden motives, weaknesses, which leads to dissatisfaction with the current situation (in work and personal relationships).

Aquarius is ready for the trials and battles of life. He is determined and independent, has leadership qualities. Responsible for assigned tasks, but impatient in routine work. He does not know how to relax, has strong convictions. Magnetism and penetrating abilities help to achieve success in life.

For water signs

Lunar Scorpio-Cancer is insightful, has a rich imagination. Strives for an intense life. But his feelings prevail over reason. He will never back down from his goal. His obsession leads to exaggeration and excess.

The Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Scorpio add passion to an already emotional nature. Such a person is aggressive, ambitious, unceremonious. He takes the actions and words of others too close to his heart. Creative energy is often fueled by despotism and prejudice.

Pisces have a wealth of imagination, a breadth of views and an active life position. They make and spend money quickly. Cynical and observant. Achieve their goals in any case. Overly self-centered, but try to listen to the opinions of others.

The mysterious one has no less influence on the solar signs of the zodiac than other heavenly bodies. How does Pluto in Scorpio affect a person? does he show? Astrology provides answers to these questions.

Characteristics of the planet

Pluto enhances the negative traits of the zodiac sign. It weakens the action of other planets next to it. The strength of the impact of the dwarf celestial body compared by some astrologers with the action of Mars. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio, here the planet is located "at home". Gloominess, the susceptibility of the sign to lies, the constant borderline state - the heavenly dwarf is responsible for all this. Pluto in Scorpio endows a person with mystery and mystical attraction. A person born under the auspices of the planet has a logical mindset, a craving for science and art.

People who were born under the sign of Scorpio in the control of Pluto have the ability to "reborn from the ashes." That is, such individuals quickly recover from crisis situations and dangerous diseases. Pluto suppresses Venus conjunct it in the solar sign of the zodiac. It makes a person mean, hungry for power, money, love and satisfaction. In such a personality, everything is “too much”.

Pluto in Scorpio for a man

A representative of a sign ruled by Pluto is easy to recognize in a crowd. The man is tall and has a heavy, "bearish" gait. These external features appear depending on how strong Pluto is in the natal chart of a representative of the strong half of humanity. Such a man is a passionate person who wants to get everything at once. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Usually he is successful in all endeavors. However, with the wrong location of Pluto, there is a possibility of developing failures, excessive sensitivity.

If Pluto connects in a man, then he can be described as a person who is constantly on the verge. There is no "golden mean" for him. He perceives either white or black; either "yes" or "no". With an unfavorable location of Pluto, a man becomes self-centered, fickle and cruel. In relationships, he seeks to dominate, suppressing his partner and not respecting her desires. Pluto fetters emotions, forcing a man to experience everything inside himself. It does not give the opportunity to show feelings, because at first glance a person seems impregnable.

Pluto in Scorpio Woman

Ladies born under the sign of Scorpio under the influence of Pluto have a bright appearance, combined with a heavy, penetrating look. At the first meeting, the representative of the sign can repel with her coldness. But subsequent communication shows how rich her inner world is, demonstrates how she knows how to feel. Thirsty for thrills, she strives for a radical change in appearance, goes in for extreme sports. In a relationship, it can be too jealous, passionate and vulnerable. Many representatives of the sign are faced with intolerance and misunderstanding on the part of the chosen ones.

Pluto in Scorpio in a woman makes her do rash acts, use people for her own purposes. To get what she wants, she is able to "go over the heads." Mysterious and attractive, she is drawn to everything mystical. In men, she is attracted by passion and the ability to show emotions, to do things. Whereas she herself can be secretive and silent for a long time.

The negative influence of the planet

Pluto in Scorpio can provide Negative influence per person. In this situation, the individual plunges into a depressive state, suffers from unrequited love, plunges into debauchery. A person begins to get involved in casual relationships, gets into criminal stories, becomes a tyrant. In relations with the opposite sex, the person manifests himself inadequately, bringing any manifestation of emotions to the point of absurdity. The temper and the desire to control every action exhausts both the representative of the sign and his partner. Pluto in Scorpio, in the wrong location, either unnecessarily liberates a person, or makes him secretive and prone to self-flagellation. The influence of the planet may not appear immediately, but after any negative situation: deceit, betrayal. Here the person becomes vindictive and even more cruel.

The positive impact of Pluto

Man born under control dwarf planet, knows how to arrange to itself. They trust him, listen to his opinion. Pluto in Scorpio endows the personality with artistry, the ability to science, and insight. Many representatives of the sign achieve success in politics and business. With a strong Pluto, a person has charisma, managerial qualities.

How to deal with the negative character traits that Pluto bestows?

Astrologers recommend directing excessive emotionality into the mainstream of art. Dancing, singing, creating pictures, writing books and music - all this requires a great energy return. Art will help suppress passion and jealousy, pain and resentment, misunderstanding on the part of others. To avoid the manifestation of self-interest and greed, people with a pronounced Pluto are advised to choose a profession related to finance. By managing cash flows, they will be able to curb the desire to possess other people's material values.