The meaning of the moon in Gemini. Gemini moon sign

  • 26.09.2019

/ / Moon in Gemini for a man for a woman

Moon in the signs of the zodiac. Moon in Gemini natal chart a man, a woman, a child. Moon in the zodiac sign Gemini in astrology.

Moon in Gemini in the natal chart endows a person with inner flexibility. Such a person easily adapts to a new environment, quickly adapts to the team. In the air element, the Moon is not so bad, and the mutability of Gemini makes the inner world changeable. The internal focus changes relatively quickly and such a person will not dwell on any emotional problems for a long time.

The air element of the sign Gemini inclines towards communication and inner need for contacts. in Gemini, it constantly requires new experiences, and if a person finds himself in situations that are stable and unchanged for a long time, then he becomes bored.

The moon here tends to Mercury, i.e. to the planet that rules Gemini. Mercury is a receptive but rational planet and the Moon in Gemini will tend to filter all emotions through the filter of the mind. Those. a person with the Moon in Gemini will not live by sensual impulses, his emotions will be superficial and shallow.

The planet Mercury is sexless and insensitive, so the Moon in the sign of Gemini endows people with coldness and indifference towards others. Such a person will be incapable of expressing tenderness. Moon in Gemini inner need take care of someone missing. A person with the Moon in Gemini subconsciously strives for an easy life, he does not really like to take responsibility.

The position of the Moon in Gemini is characterized by inner vanity. At one moment, a person with the Moon in Gemini can be interested in or worried about a large number of things. Restlessness will be shown in his character. When the Moon is afflicted in Gemini, a person can become nervous and very anxious. And with a harmonious Moon in Gemini, it will be easier to switch from one topic to another, and therefore such a person will be less prone to depression and stress.

Moon in Gemini for a man.

A man with the Moon in Gemini is free-spirited and subconsciously avoids all sorts of obligations. This position of the Moon in men inclines him to infidelity and does not give strong attachments. There is an inner need for freedom, such a man cannot be limited by rigid limits, otherwise he will run away. The moon in Gemini in a man gives a desire for an easy relationship, especially if the Sun in his natal chart is in the zodiac sign - Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius and, to a lesser extent, Aries and Libra. A man with the Moon in Gemini prefers not to register the relationship officially. The absence of a stamp in his passport gives him an inner feeling that he is not being held, not tied, that at any moment he can get up and leave. If a man with the Moon in Gemini nevertheless decides to marry, then he will choose a woman for his companion without any problems, active and easy-going. His chosen one should be interesting, cheerful and always a little different, so that a man with the Moon in Gemini does not have time to get bored.

Moon in Gemini woman.

Women with the Moon in Gemini can be windy just like men. Such women do not really like to burden themselves with household chores, they can let the upbringing of children take their course. Women with the Moon in Gemini are not very caring mothers and wives.

Moon in Gemini for a child.

A child with the Moon in Gemini will be restless, playful and curious. It is difficult for such a child to keep attention on one thing for a long time. Parents should take this into account and, if possible, diversify his games and activities. You should not entrust a child with the Moon in Gemini with monotonous work, he will not have enough patience. A baby with the position of the Moon in Gemini often has mood swings and can be very moody.

Time of communication, calls, correspondence

Moon in Gemini - auspicious time for communication and information transfer. People become talkative and curious. They want to know what is happening in the world, how others live, what others think, what worries them. The mind works so intensely that even at night it is difficult to sleep. There are a lot of ideas in my head that need to be implemented, and even more people with whom this needs to be discussed.

This time helps to restore lost connections. And you don’t even need to choose the right words, everything happens by itself. People are willing to make contact. The moon in Gemini is characterized by a large number of calls and sent emails. It works well and easily for those who are connected with literature activities.

The flip side of a surge of sociability is frivolity and a desire to participate in all sorts of adventures. The Moon in Gemini warns: due to a slightly excited state and inexplicable internal energy, mistakes can be made, which will then make themselves felt. This applies to both work and personal relationships. Distractedness, inattention can lead to the fact that important details will be overlooked.

Those who travel these days or are already on the road need to be especially careful. Overlays with transport, delays, minor delays and accidents are likely. You need to carefully check the flight schedule, keep up with the tour group, so as not to get lost.

The time of the moon in Gemini is suitable for such cases when you need to adapt to the opinions and actions of people who are not very pleasant, but are necessary in the future to resolve many issues. Today you can do it. Don't miss the good moment.

From important documents to gardening

There are many things that during the period of the moon in Gemini will be successful and bring tangible results. This applies to different areas.

  • Good period to find new job, sign an agreement, contract. Everything that can be done now in this direction will bear fruit in the future.
  • Recommendations for those who have to take exams, perform on stage, write papers, give lectures: act confidently, even if you doubt your success. Everything will go brilliantly.
  • During this period, visiting theaters, museums, cinemas and various cultural events will bring pleasure. Be sure to come across a film or performance that will leave a mark on the soul for a long time.
  • Registration of legal documents, certificates, applications will take place without delay, everything will be done correctly. Real estate transactions will also bring good results.
  • Purchases during this period will be successful, but do not aim at large things. It will come in handy to update your wardrobe: fashionable things will take their rightful place in it and cheer you up.

  • The moon in Gemini is more suitable than any other period. The haircut will be successful, the charming image of its owner is guaranteed. Hair will be easy to style and then grow back quickly.
  • The Moon in Gemini advises to go to nature. You can spend the day on the lake or go to the mountains. If the sea is near, the contemplation of the waves rolling on the shore and the sound of the surf will bring pleasure.
  • Summer residents can fully devote themselves to their favorite area. The garden is a place where you can work hard these days. The time is right for sowing any seeds. You can plant plants, engage in pest control, fertilize. A new flower bed or decorative structure for the garden will be successful. Everything that is done today will bear fruit.

But there are events that are better to postpone until later.

  • Engagement and will not bring happiness.
  • Romantic dates are sure to get in the way.
  • Any operation can cause complications.
  • serious physical exercise badly affect health.

Fate and character

People born during the period of the moon in the sign of Gemini are very mobile, and this applies to both movement in space and the psyche. They can take on several cases at the same time, trying to do everything in time. They tend to quickly change decisions, get annoyed if something goes wrong. And it is not always possible to control themselves, they experience sudden mood swings. They can’t sit still, they strive for new experiences, acquaintances, places.

But the inability to control their emotions can bring these people to a nervous breakdown. The main thing is to understand this and try to control your emotions.

If the moon is in Gemini in the natal chart, such a person loves travel, meetings and acquaintances, easily finds contact with people, and can support any conversation. He has many acquaintances, friends, but there are practically no really close friends.

The white moon in Gemini gives people the ability to clearly and clearly convey information to others, to teach them. But this information must always be reliable, and you need to check it yourself. This also applies to all personal relationships, lies and reticence should be avoided. Truthfulness and well-formed thoughts, no words to the wind and unfulfilled promises.

The Black Moon in Gemini recommends refraining from gossip, intrigue and conspiracies. This will lead to very unpleasant consequences. Excessive sociability and a large amount of information that literally overwhelms, sometimes leads to the fact that your words are transmitted to other people in a distorted form, and this can lead to scandals and proceedings. Watch your words and actions. Sometimes it's better to just remain silent and do nothing.

The moon in Gemini in a man says that it is not difficult for him to get to know a woman and interest her. Usually such a person is erudite, talks about any thing or event in an interesting way, and besides, he is not without a sense of humor. He can meet a woman on the train, in the park, at the cinema, at a business seminar and invite her on a date. And the lady will not refuse to go to a restaurant with him.

A man under the influence of the moon in Gemini loves to flirt and can communicate with several ladies at the same time. But he has his own ideal. He is one of those men who needs a like-minded person, smart, interesting, active. When such a woman crosses his path, the lover with the moon in Gemini becomes her faithful companion for life. Together they achieve their goals, go on interesting trips, and raise children. Their mutual understanding and compatibility can be envied.

Moon in Gemini in women big influence to their inner world. They are interested in everything, they like to discover new horizons for themselves, to gain new knowledge. Therefore, they go on trips with pleasure, visit all the sights, go to performances, read books.

They strive to bring diversity into family life, trying to make sure that one day does not look like another. All family members usually gratefully accept such care. After all, a woman with the moon in Gemini is trying to marry a like-minded person. Otherwise, she will be very bored, and she will not be able to inspire her companion. Such a mother tries to give her children a good education, does a lot of work with them, supports their hobbies, doing everything to ensure that the children develop comprehensively. She usually develops trusting relationship with children, even friendly.

A child with the moon in Gemini is very inquisitive, wants to know a lot and learn everything. It is good if his desires coincide with the intentions of his parents. Such a child loves to read, solve logical problems. He is happy to discover the world for himself, so traveling and pleasure trips please him no less than his parents.

The Moon in Gemini endows its wards with mobility, spiritual wealth and excellent intelligence. They can and can do a lot, but often such natures are very ambivalent. They can rush to extremes, take on several things at the same time and still not finish what they started. There are a lot of interests in their life, knowledge too, but there are practically no real hobbies and deep knowledge. It is problematic for them to focus on one thing or concentrate on one task, hence the legs of most of their problems.

Moon in Gemini man

The first thing I want to advise Lunar Gemini is to be more attentive to yourself, your feelings and true desires. Nature has done it so that they tend to think with someone else's mind, be guided by the opinions of others and try to squeeze into the ideas of other people. They can live in constant anxiety, irritation and anxiety, which negatively affects their psyche. This is manifested in frequent and abrupt mood swings, excessive excitability, emotional exhaustion, etc.

They are often seen looking for new experiences that will give them another dose of adrenaline. They live in a rush and may ignore the really important things and events. Organization and discipline are not for them, their heart is drawn to constant trips and movements, so if possible they will change their place of residence like gloves. They almost never make plans, act in the course of events, live for today and needless to say that such life position does not lead to anything good.

They did not hear about modesty and shyness at all. These are very sociable individuals who are always open to people. The latter, by the way, are drawn to them like a magnet. They like to be aware of the latest events, to be the first to know about what is happening, to be aware of the lives of others, sometimes even unfamiliar people. It is hard to imagine that the Lunar Gemini will suddenly run out of topics for conversation, and others may get the impression that they will not listen to all their stories at all. It is problematic for them to be alone with themselves, and loneliness is almost the most important fear of such people. If they are suddenly left alone, they will definitely fall into a depressive state. But at the same time, among hundreds and thousands of acquaintances, they almost never have real friends, and if they do, then literally one or two with whom they have been communicating since childhood.

They are constantly tormented by the feeling that they may not be in time for something, which pushes them to quit what they started and start a new business. They should learn to harmonize their inner energy and try to direct it in a peaceful direction, then with all their potential they will be able to achieve great success.

Moon in Gemini woman

Lunar Gemini are not inclined to constancy and it is difficult for them to be faithful, therefore they almost never connect their lives with one person. What can we say about creating a strong family for life. If relationships are established, then the partner has a very hard time, because not everyone is able to withstand such inconstancy and energy pressure that comes from them. They can apply such a quality in a good direction and manifest themselves as creative nature. After all, it is very important for people of such professions to constantly look for novelty, love travel and learn everything new.

They are very friendly, sentimental and always maintain family ties. They tend to do everything in their own way and do not listen to the opinions of others. If you work out their quality of grasping for a lot, then they can really manage to do a lot of things and at the same time with high quality, which will bring excellent results. An activity where you need to think quickly and be in constant motion is ideal for them.

Such women often dream of several children, and a lot of effort will be put into their upbringing so that comprehensively developed and quick-witted individuals grow out of the children. Such a mother will provide for everything, both for the kids to dress beautifully and to eat right, but even more will be allotted specifically intellectual development. These are not typical strict mothers; for their offspring, they become more like friends who communicate easily and naturally. This is very good, because babies initially perceive their mother as an understanding person and always come to her for advice, even when they are already adults. She will always support, help with advice and never judge.

Gemini is an air sign ruled by Mercury. A person with the Moon in this sign is a good thinker, researcher, poet or writer; He is resourceful and loves to learn. The minds of such people can quickly shift from one subject to another, and often such people try to do too many things at once. They are friendly, skilled in business, and persuasive. Very attached to sex. Achieve success in intermediary activities and in the field of communications. Can copy others well; they make good students. They are witty; can deliver messages well. The Moon in Gemini creates a certain amount of mental restlessness, but gives a sharp intellect and the ability to understand well the thoughts and motives of others. The usual appearance of such people is a beautiful, upturned nose, curly, curly hair, a pleasant face; they have a good appetite, they love variety. Often change the style of clothing, love jewelry, jewelry. Gemini people are attached to music, art and entertainment; they may be adept at singing or playing the musical instruments. They are described in ancient texts as self-confident, skeptical, skillful, romantic but not deeply loving, easily yielding to force; secretive; they need special exercises or some other outlet for their excess mental energy.
Gemini is a dual sign, so such people may be trying to pursue their careers in several directions at the same time or may have many marriage partners. They make good clerks, lecturers, and intellectuals. They spend most of their time indoors. Charming, unstable, character reminiscent of children.

Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

Here the Moon is visiting Mercury, in the sign of the element of Air.
The Moon in Gemini will give you unconscious volatility, a certain airiness, susceptibility to fluctuations, infidelity, attraction to contacts, a statement. Surely you are unconsciously tuned in to communication, contact, communication, receiving and transmitting information. In general, you are an excellent conductor of what your first reaction is directed at, what affects you in a situation that is changeable, vacillating, internally renewing and unstable. Apparently, you have a high degree of mental mobility, variability, experience emotional fluctuations: at the slightest change in the situation, your state instantly changes. Within an hour, you may even experience 5-6 changes in your emotional state, you are tuned in to this by nature. Probably, you have a strong enough need for a change of scenery and you are constantly unconsciously tuning in to something new, in search of new information. At the same time, you may not realize what you need, and if you are asked, then most likely you will definitely give some rational motivation for your actions and desires. But the true spring of your actions will be that you are set to search for information, you must have new contacts, assimilate and transmit information. At the same time, you may have a strong need for external influence, since this position of the Moon turns you into an excellent conductor: you heard and transmitted, and it’s like you have almost nothing left, you assimilate information, as a rule, only when something is on you. something or someone is acting.
It should be noted that you probably will not interact well with the same person with the Moon in Gemini, because each of you expects the other to help in obtaining information. Your expectations are usually not justified. But relationships with people who have the Moon in other signs are excellent.
In higher manifestations, you can become, as it were, a cosmic conductor, while you perceive cosmic information. But these situations are quite rare.
Medical contraindications. For you, diseases of the lungs, bronchi, asthma, various nervous disorders of speech, stuttering, diseases of the hands (shoulders, hands, fingers) are most often characteristic.
You will be contraindicated in all pulmonary procedures (except in exceptional cases), as well as all respiratory procedures (pranayama), as the lungs become very vulnerable. But this is true for cases when the Moon is not in a trine and not in conjunction with the Sun, that is, when the Sun is not in air signs.
In general, if the Moon is in Gemini, then you (especially if the air cosmogram) may well have partially labored breathing or shortness of breath. In addition, this position of the Moon often gives a strong reaction to air pollution. Even if the ascendant is in Gemini, then the Moon in Gemini will usually make you intolerant of stuffy rooms and a desire for fresh air.
Naturally, when transit moon in Gemini, operations on the lungs and bronchi are dangerous, but all "bleeding" procedures, taking drugs that disperse blood and are indicated for the liver are allowed.
During these periods, it will be quite difficult for people who are associated with writing or typing, as their shoulders and arms become vulnerable (energetically weakened).

Het monster. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

A kaleidoscope of sensations, a quick reaction, a wealth of thoughts. They speak incessantly, annoying listeners; forever "hang" on the phone. Often they don’t really know what they feel, because all the time they try to somehow rationalize, “check with the mind” own feelings. Very restless, nervous, traveling a lot, prone to some kind of nervous restlessness. They scatter, grab at once for several ideas and quickly abandon them. With good aspects of the Moon, practical difficulties are easily overcome. When bad - emotions dominate the mind.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Light and somewhat superficial sensuality is subordinated to Mercurian prudence. Sociability, contact. Intellectual unrest. Clarity of mind. Instability, nervousness. In the map of a woman - a protracted youth, independence. In the map of men - attachment to intellectual women, difficult to predict and spiritually rich.

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

Moon in Air signs. Great plasticity. balance among themselves and outside world. The ability to interact easily. Receptivity and openness. Man is not dogmatic. A very strong instinct to adapt.
Twins. The Mercurial Moon gives unconscious variability, susceptibility to fluctuations, infidelity, attraction to contacts. Such a person can do several things at once. But these are the champions of demagogy.

Absalom Underwater. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

The Moon in a sign shows the main way to comfort a person; lunar Gemini in a difficult moment of life should be entertained with gossip, conversations, taken to an interesting society, in extreme cases, to the cinema or to the theater. Because information for them is the main type of nutrition, without it they wither and fall into deep anguish. The Moon gives Gemini exceptional internal mobility and exacerbates the problem of lack of an internal core; deep down, they don’t care what point of view they take, as long as there are more of them. V harmonious version lunar Gemini tend to learn foreign languages ​​- they generally love sign systems, for example, astrology, they fuss internally all the time and cannot stop their attention on anything, clutching at one thing or another, and really getting carried away with anything. The karmic task in this case is to determine oneself internally, and not to rush at all (in a fair amount) tidbits of information and superficial mental products that come across on the way.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

You do not come across as an extremely emotional or sentimental person and are often unaware of your own deeper than usual feelings and emotional needs. Tears and outbursts of irritation of other people unsettle you, and you feel rather bad in such situations. You would rather resolve differences through reasonable and logical conversation. If a situation arises when it is necessary to plunge into the depths of feelings, you strive to turn everything into a joke.
You avoid complex, multifaceted actions that require emotional costs. You are careful and do not take on unnecessary responsibility.
You strongly need an environment of intellectual competition or cooperation and feel a sense of closeness to people with whom you can share thoughts, interests. It is very important for you to be able to talk. You avoid strong, silent types.
Iridescent feelings, quick grasp, richness of thoughts. Incessantly they say what bothers the listeners. They are very restless, nervous, looking for changes, scattered, do not finish the job. Good scent due to emotions. Trips, change of apartments (exchange of apartments). Women with the Moon in Gemini are graceful, slender, cunning and fickle.

Planets in signs. The art of predicting. Semira and V. Vetash

Susceptibility, flexibility of the psyche, contact, constant search, propensity to change places. In an air sign, the Moon gives flexibility of thinking, which helps scientists (Louis Pasteur) and writers (Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Kipling, Darrell, N. Ostrovsky), philosophers (Berkeley, Malthus, Freud, Husserl, Plekhanov, Kafka, Teilhard de Chardin, Krishnamurti ), as well as the flexibility of the psyche, which is favorable for musicians (Mussorgsky, Dvorak, Gershwin, Rossini, Haydn, Offenbach, Karajan). The ease of contact and the constant search for new things often creates a surprisingly large circle of acquaintances and the opportunity to travel frequently (for example, working as a guide) and change places of life (a person may have several shelters or not be at home at all). But this position also gives a surface of perception. The variability of impressions brings intellectual unrest and does not allow expressing truly deep spiritual feelings. A somewhat childish attitude to the world can present a problem both for the person himself and for those around him. At the same time, clarity of mind makes it possible to reveal the most primary and deep processes of the psyche. Freud (Taurus), Dostoevsky and Turgenev (Scorpios) can serve as an example of this, for whom the solar characteristic provides depth.

Why does a man get married? What needs is he trying to satisfy in the relationship? These secrets are known by his Moon. It is she who symbolizes the role that a woman should play in a man's life. Let's ask Vasilisa Volodina, a well-known professional astrologer, in addition, she can rightfully be called an expert in the relationship between a man and a woman, what is needed man with moon in Gemini:

For a man with Moon in Gemini, the Moon in Libra or the Moon in Aquarius, you need to feel yourself in the center of communication, possess information, be in constant motion, know in which direction events are directed. He feels confident when he clearly understands the logic of what is happening, realizes the structure of the world from the inside, the nature and causes of all phenomena. Knows, say, why a person cannot breathe pure ozone, how they treat him former classmates and what issues were resolved at the last UN summit. He is neither a dry scientific thinker nor a superficial curiosity at the same time. He must know how life works not to be afraid of her.

This type of psyche needs a constant circulation of ideas, the exchange of information with someone - in communication, discussions, conversations, reflections. Without this, the man with the air moon ( Moon in Gemini, Moon in Libra, Moon in Aquarius) languishes and feels thrown to the sidelines of life. That is why he needs, first of all, a like-minded person, regardless of her appearance and manners.

He dreams of a woman who will prove to be an intellectual equal and comrade-in-arms. able to communicate with him, support his ideas, develop them. And also a person with the Moon in the signs of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) lives under the internal motto “Reason and rationality are above all!”, sometimes without even realizing it. And he expects that a permanent girlfriend will be part of this rational approach to life, this rationality. No wonder the brilliant Sergei Dovlatov (born September 3, 1941, the Moon in Aquarius, Venus in Libra) said this: “It seems to me that the mind is a meaningful form of manifestation of feelings. Don't you agree?" And again: “Some have thoughts, others have like-minded people.”

One of my clients described her relationship with her husband, a well-known tax consultant in Moscow (Moon in Libra): “I come home, he is just furious and shouts: “Khakamada has no right to make such statements!” - no, he does not know her personally, he just watched a TV program with her participation. Let's go on vacation big company. Everyone was interested in how he would react to the fact that our young daughter settled in the same room with her boyfriend. But I myself understood that he would not react in any way and would be busy with other thoughts - after all, there are so many more problems in the Tax Code! He is not up to everyday trifles. Khakamada and tax code more important".

Although all this is said with a certain amount of irony, this marriage is still very happy and stable. Since the wife of a tax consultant is engaged in one type of business with him and helps to publish his books. Air moon men can adore beautiful women(Venus always does its job!), but for them appearance, age and build are definitely not the main criteria for choosing a permanent life partner.

For example, the famous handsome Hugh Jackman (Moon in Gemini, Venus in Scorpio) has been happily married for many years to a lady who is 13 years older than him. And the wife of comedian Rowan Atkinson (“Mr. Bean”, born January 6, 1955, Moon in Gemini, Venus in Sagittarius) can hardly be called a fantastic beauty. But she is able to be a true friend and act with her husband at the same time.

In 2001, on vacation in Kenya, they survived an extremely dangerous adventure together with dignity. During a family flight from Ukundu beach to the capital Nairobi in a single-engine plane, the pilot suddenly fainted - and the car began to lose stability, entering a steep dive. Rowan calmly took the pilot's seat, having actually managed to replace the pilot at the helm at the last moment (before that, he had never flown a plane). And his wife at the same time actively brought the pilot to his senses for several minutes, after which he was able to replace Atkinson.

It is sometimes very difficult to understand a man with an airy Moon in a horoscope and be a real friend to him. He often changes addictions, and you have to keep up with him. He's waiting for a complete, absolute understanding- keep in mind that not all aspects of his nature will be easy for you to understand and accept. For example, the wife of David Duchovny (August 7, 1960, the Moon in Aquarius, Venus in Leo) not only forgave him numerous betrayals, but also helped get rid of the sexual addiction that pushed the artist to them and was a real illness, according to David himself. True, later the wife left David - she could not remain an all-forgiving friend after the difficult moments endured together.

The love story of Irina Zhukova, the wife of the famous actor Alexander Porokhovshchikov (January 31, 1939, Moon in Gemini, Venus in Sagittarius), which broke out when the girl was only 13 years old, is indicative. It can be said that this is rather a story of endless humiliation of a young woman whom a mature and spoiled by female attention bachelor did not love and did not accept, constantly demanding evidence of sincerity, friendship, support.

In fact, from childhood, Irina was Alexander's "like-minded person", starting with the fact that she took a person who was fit for her grandfather from haunted places in a state of intoxication, ending with the fact that for 30 years she was his dresser, press secretary, permanent assistant, closing her eyes to the semi-contemptuous attitude towards her of her husband's entourage, the betrayal and rudeness of Alexander himself. He did not like Irina (humiliation of a woman will not make a man with fiery Venus fall in love with her). But he, seeing in her a real friend, a like-minded person, let her into his life and into his house, married her, although it’s scary to even imagine what she had to do for the sake of this relationship!

This sad story good example that a man can marry even without love, if the woman assumes the role described by the Moon in his horoscope. But this is another reason to think, dear readers - are you sure that you want to please a man at any cost? Are you ready for anything for a man? Will you yourself be happy with this?

A man with the Moon in Air signs is a classic intellectual theorist. True, for real famous men there are not very many with such a horoscope, they are rare guests on the star Olympus - the inconstancy of interests does not allow them to move long and hard in one direction. And if in the head of a man with an air moon nothing new happens, it seems to him that life stops, and he dies. Therefore, the spouse must provide constant inflow new friends, projects, ideas, meanings in his world. Or at least don't interfere with it.

Perhaps the most striking example of a woman who perfectly played the role of a like-minded person for her man is Yoko Ono. John Lennon (born on the evening of October 9, 1940, the Moon in Aquarius, Venus in Virgo) - it is not surprising that he chose a woman of "modest" appearance and restrained in Japanese, but the one that became his real Muse and girlfriend and truly developed his. In 1980, during an interview for Playboy, a journalist asked John how he managed to get out of a serious creative crisis that is detrimental to most real artists. Here are just some of John's responses: “They don't live with Yoko Ono. Most do not have a true friend who will tell the truth ... She showed me the possibility of an alternative ... Of course, everything was not so simple and did not come to consciousness overnight. It took “constant reinforcement” on her part… What you think of Yoko is up to you. What matters to me is what I think about her… It takes time to get rid of all the garbage that was in my head and influenced the way I thought and my life. Yoko has done a lot in this regard. I learned everything from her... This is exactly what people don't understand. She is a teacher and I am a student. I am a famous person who is thought to know everything, but she is my teacher, she taught me everything I know… Yoko inspired all my creativity. She inspired not the songs, but myself…” And a few more phrases from another interview: “Yes, Yoko changed my ideas. From the very first day she demanded equal rights with me, equal space and time. She entered my life when everyone served me and every whim was satisfied. I think that's what killed Elvis Presley and many others. Kings are always killed by courtiers, not enemies... And Yoko, in addition to teaching me to respect women, also rescued me from this rotten situation. She made me feel that I was, so to speak, an “Elvis Beetle”, surrounded by flatterers and slaves who were only interested in ensuring that the state of affairs never changed. And that foretold death.

It is amazing how with these words John confirmed the astrological indicators of his horoscope. This view is typical for all men with the Moon in the Air, who, at an unconscious level, are really always afraid that life will freeze, remain static and unchanged. And it will be tantamount to death for them.

Based on the materials of books by V. Volodina.

Each horoscope is as unique as its owner. In addition to the position of Venus in the sign, there are many other indicators in the horoscope that determine how a man will behave in a relationship and what to expect from a woman. Ask a professional astrologer how your man's heart opens.