Labor is always associated with necessity. Labor as an internal human need (sociological aspect) Chub Lyudmila Ivanovna

  • 02.07.2020

In its meaning, labor is a vital need of a person, designed to satisfy his biological needs and cultural needs. The nature of satisfying this need is determined by both subjective and objective factors.

The former include individual age and gender characteristics of people, their state of health, personal properties (temperament, character, abilities), as well as the level of common culture, professional experience of the subject of activity, his social status, that is, position in the field of public relations (position, profession, specialty).

To the second - the features of production in which a person works: the conditions and discipline of labor, the form of its organization, the rationality of systems wages, training and retraining of personnel, the availability of innovations in the technology of labor processes and whole line other moments of a socio-economic nature.

As an example, consider the psychological indicators of satisfaction of needs persons of maritime professions. These include both biological needs - in food, water, shelter, sex, and social needs - in communication, work, creativity, entertainment, recreation.
At the same time, it is difficult to determine which of them is more important, since any person must first of all have a certain minimum of vital benefits that ensure his physiological functions, and conditions for development, improvement of his spiritual interests, intellect, professional skills, as well as for official growth.
Features of the working and resting conditions of seafarers, whose significant part of their life is spent on board, makes it difficult to satisfy many vital needs of people, and also changes their performance. psychological structure and speakers. So, throughout the entire period of the voyage, the crew members have a predominant need for communication with nature and new people, for movement, for emotional and sexual relaxation.

Socially and personally significant needs for work, the need to fulfill official duties, to observe labor discipline and moral and ethical standards of relations in the labor collective is more manifested among the representatives of the ship's command staff.
For the persons of this professional group, the coincidence of the goals and meaning of labor is most often characteristic, which they see in achieving a socially useful result, performing production tasks while minimal cost time, money and human resources. For many representatives of the junior command and rank and file, the content of the meaning of activity is often expressed in maintaining health and external attractiveness, achieving prestige, career aspirations, material prosperity, and a number of other goals that are far from socially significant goals.

For ordinary crew members the main psychological formations of the structure of satisfaction of labor needs are the goals ("what needs to be done") and the means ("with what help") of activity. At the senior and middle command staff these moments are supplemented by ways of action ("how to do it", "what ways", which activates the creative components of the activity and contributes to the satisfaction of human needs in achieving labor success.
Wherein importance has the ability to plan the labor process, ensuring the coincidence of the goals set by the individual and the results obtained, which he perceives as success.

Significant transformations in the conditions of long flights are undergoing psychological indicators of the energetic, dynamic side of the process of satisfying needs.
In particular, on the 70th - 80th day of navigation, all crew members tend to reduce the "degree of aspirations", to limit their ideological interests, general cultural and spiritual needs. This is largely due to the lack of social information, prolonged deprivation of a wide circle of communication, the monotony of the production environment and landscape.

Seafarers with extensive professional experience, rich life experience, with well-developed special and general abilities, the activity of aspirations fades during the voyage to a lesser extent, which is facilitated by: a creative attitude to business, the ability, with the help of a conscious effort, to be distracted from the forced monotony of life, taking up your leisure time with the satisfaction of some hobby (reading, music , drawing, knitting, etc.).
In such conditions, many people experience a change in the hierarchy of needs and ways to satisfy them, when the secondary is taken for the main thing, and vice versa, which can be expressed in the promiscuity of means to achieve the goal (abuse of official position, petty consumerism, etc.).

Age plays an important role in the nature of the sources of satisfaction of needs. Representatives of the older generation are distinguished by reasonable moderation in experiencing existing restrictions. Young, inexperienced sailors tend to worry about high level neuro-emotional stress, which in some cases leads to the formation of deviant forms of behavior (hooliganism, drug addiction, drunkenness, etc.). this raises the problem of educating young members of the ship's crew in the direction of forming the skills to satisfy their needs within the framework of social allowable norms. Of decisive importance is self-education, the development of such professionally important personal qualities will as purposefulness, courage, perseverance in achieving goals.

Personal and social need for work

We must agree with K. Marx that work there is a primary type of human activity that has historically developed in human society and which is a conscious activity aimed at obtaining a result, and is regulated by the will in accordance with its conscious purpose. Labor is one of the basic conditions for the life of a person and society, the development of an individual as a person. In the process of labor purposeful activity, the individual reveals and develops his abilities, forms and corrects his ideals, beliefs and attitudes. Work activity is the basis of any public relations and significantly affects the relationship and interaction of people.

The French philosopher Henri Bergson called the human species not (reasonable man), but (working man), thereby defining the basic essence of man through the constant desire to work to improve the world around him and himself. A similar idea was voiced by K. D. Ushinsky in the book "Labor in its Mental and Educational Significance", where he emphasized the self-organizing role of labor in the life of every person, arguing that without personal labor a person cannot move forward, cannot stay in one place but must go back.

In the narrow sense of the word, labor is an objective condition for maintaining the life of an individual, preserving the meaning of his life. Labor activity, being conscious and expedient, distinguishes a person from the animal world. Human activity is carried out with the application of efforts, costs, primarily mental or physical energy, which allows a person to be a full-fledged conscious person, and not just a biological being. Labor activity is realized not in isolation from society, but in consolidation with it, linking the individual with other people, outside world, causes its activity, supporting the life processes of both the individual and society as a whole. In this context, we can say that work is a sign of the life of individuals and human communities.

For a person as a creature of biosocial work, of course, first of all, this is the need for survival in any historical era. Hence the priority of material production over all other types of human activity over long millennia. In this sense, labor is primarily a material need. The socially useful nature of labor (even if it is carried out by an individual for purely personal purposes) at the same time makes it a spiritual need of a person (even if he does not realize this or does not want to).

One should agree with L. S. Shakhovskaya that labor as a motive for human activity is probably one of the few motives in which the material and spiritual principles, necessity and need, production relations at the level of the individual and society are inextricably merged.

In the broad sense of the word, labor is a way of ensuring the existence of people, humanity as a whole. The products of labor continuously consumed in life processes require their reproduction, modernization and perfection, which is also possible in the process of corresponding labor. The growth of individual needs and their change create the prerequisites for the formation of various types of labor, the improvement of its processes, and the diversity of labor technologies. Thus, labor activity is necessary condition the existence of both the individual and society as a whole.

It should be noted that labor is a means of satisfying a person's affiliative need for communication. Labor activity as a process implies the need for interaction between people, groups, organizations, which in turn brings people together and strengthens social ties. The production team often becomes the reference group for the individual. On the basis of interaction in the process of joint work, informal relationships, personal likes and dislikes, feelings (from friendship to love) arise. The nature of such socio-psychological phenomena in the process labor activity can be explained by the fact that the participants in the process have the same level of education, culture, social status, interests, besides, they spend a significant part of the time together. As a result, labor is a synergistic mechanism for integrating disparate people into social communities. At the same time, various contradictions and disagreements that arise in the course of labor activity can provoke sharp and sometimes insoluble conflicts.

Nevertheless, labor can only become a form of self-actualization and self-expression of the individual, and in this aspect, labor is not the same (as is its individual subject), it is always different in quantity and quality, in degree of intensity, always individual in the form of manifestation. By embodying his personal characteristics and virtues in work, a person gains social recognition. For the formation and development of a person's personality, this is an important condition for self-affirmation and self-expression. For many self-organized people, work turns into an urgent vital need; by active participation in the labor process, they prolong the active phase of their lives, make it bright and meaningful.

In labor, as in the motive of activity, material and spiritual features are combined - this manifests itself as the need to ensure a worthy existence of the subject of activity. Thus, labor as a motive for activity is a necessity, and as an object of human need, as L. S. Shakhovskaya notes, it is a deeper phenomenon associated with the social essence of a person. The need for labor manifests itself as a person’s attitude to work, and it doesn’t matter whether it is wage labor or “for oneself”, because at that stage in the development of civilization, when it turns into the first vital need, it is no longer just labor, it is activity, always creative and always socially significant.

By its nature, labor is an enduring human need, where the labor process acts as a way to satisfy this need. Labor generates and creates the need to work. As a result, it determines the labor process itself. The need for labor is not a product of the biological nature of man, but of his historical development, the result of the cultural ascent of society.

Only a person can experience pleasure and satisfaction from work, be in a state of labor ecstasy, and only thanks to this is he able to affirm in himself the constantly mediated essence - the essence of man, the meaning of his life. Proceeding from this, labor (labor process) is, on the one hand, a consequence of a person, and on the other hand, it is nothing more than a conscious necessity of a person’s life itself, a manifestation of him as a personality that has passed into action.

In her scientific work, L. I. Chub argued that labor as a need is not something that lies outside labor, but its own moment of labor as an expression of active and creative, social entity person. The formation of a person as a person occurs through a variety of activities and mainly through work. In the act of production, not only objective conditions change, but also the producers themselves, developing new qualities in themselves, developing and transforming themselves, creating new forces and new ideas, new ways of communication and new needs. Man is not only agent and subject community development, but also its product, it is continuously in the process of becoming from the point of view of the development of its qualities, essential forces.

Thus, as already shown above, labor has functional purpose both for the formation and manifestation of the personality of each person, and for the development of society as a whole. Studies by Western scientists on the role of labor in the life of a person as a person made it possible to identify the following functions of labor:

  • - ensures the position and prestige of a person in society;
  • - creates his income;
  • - provides employment and social activity of the individual and is in a good way service to society;
  • - makes social contacts possible;
  • - interesting in itself, brings joy and a sense of deep satisfaction from labor achievements.

It should be added to this list that work makes a person's life more conscious and gives meaning to his activity.

The social component of labor can be detected through the prism of the following social functions labor activity.

Socio-economic function is manifested in the fact that a person as a subject of labor has an impact on various objects natural environment, its resources, transforming them into material goods and services to meet their needs.

Productive the function of labor is manifested in the satisfaction of the individual's need for creative activity, the actualization of one's abilities and self-expression, due to which the cultural, scientific and technological heritage is incremented.

social structuring the function of labor is, on the one hand, in the social division of labor, and on the other, in the integration of the efforts of people participating in the labor process. In the first case, there is a division of certain labor functions between different participants in the labor process, as a result, there are specialized types labor. In the second case, the exchange of the results of private labor activity leads to the need to establish mutual relations between the subjects of the social labor process. Thus, this function reflects the need to build socio-economic links between different people and social groups.

social control the function of labor demonstrates that a complex system has been formed through labor social relations, regulated by a certain system of values, norms of behavior, standards, methods of influence, etc., which are a set of social control of labor relations. This may include labor law, economic and technical standards, charters of organizations, collective agreements, job descriptions, informal norms, key principles of organizational culture.

socializing the function of labor is related to the fact that labor activity allows you to expand the range of social roles, patterns of behavior, master their norms and identify the values ​​of interaction, which allows the individual to feel like a full participant public life. This function allows a person to acquire a certain status, to feel social belonging and identity.

Social development the function of labor is manifested as the impact of the content of labor on the personality of the performer, labor collectives and society as a whole. This is explained by the fact that as the means of labor develop and improve, the content of labor as a process also develops. As a result, in almost all areas of the modern economy, there is an increase in the requirements for the level of knowledge and qualifications of the subject of labor. For this reason, one of the priority functions of personnel management modern organization is an employee training function.

Social stratification the function of labor, in fact, is a derivative of the socially structuring function, with the difference that the results various kinds labor are rewarded and valued differently by society. In accordance with this, some types of labor activity are recognized as more important and prestigious than others. Thus, labor activity contributes to the formation and strengthening of the dominant system of values ​​in society and performs the function of ranking participants in labor activity according to the levels of the social stratum.

The evolutionary, scientific and technological development of society leads to the improvement of the process of human labor, significantly complicating it, the subject of activity has to perform more complex and diverse operations, while using more and more organized and information-intensive means of labor. Modern man sets and achieves bigger goals. His work became multifaceted, varied, perfect. The content characteristics of modern labor include:

  • - the growth of the intellectual component of the labor process. The role of mental labor has increased many times over, the requirements for a conscious and responsible attitude of an employee to the process and results of their activities have increased;
  • - increase in the share of mechanized, automated and functional labor. This is due to the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the development computer technology which allow to overcome the limitations of the physical and psychological capabilities of a person and serve as a decisive factor in the growth of productivity and labor efficiency;
  • - more relevant social component of the labor process. Thus, the factors of growth in labor productivity today are considered not only to improve the skills of an employee or increase the level of mechanization and automation of his work, but also the state of human health, his mood, relationships in the family, team and society as a whole.

One of the main functions of labor is that labor serves as a way to satisfy human needs.

The labor behavior of members of society is determined by the interaction of various internal and external motivating forces. Internal motivating forces are needs and interests, desires and aspirations, values ​​and value orientations, ideals and motives. All of them are structural elements of a complex social process of work motivation. motive- motivation for activity and activity of the individual, social group, a community of people associated with the desire to satisfy certain needs. Motivation- this is verbal behavior aimed at choosing motives (judgments) to explain real labor behavior.

The formation of these internal motivating forces of labor behavior is the essence of the process of motivating labor activity. Motivators can be called grounds or prerequisites for motivation. They determine the subject-content side of motivation, its dominants and priorities. Motivators are the stimuli of the social and objective environment or stable needs and interests.

Needs in the very general view can be defined as an individual's concern for providing the necessary means and conditions for his own existence and self-preservation, the desire for a sustainable balance with the environment (life and social). There are many classifications of human needs, which are based on: a specific object of human needs, their functional purpose, the type of activity being implemented, etc.

The most complete and successful hierarchy of needs was developed by the American psychologist A.N. Maslow, who identified five levels of needs.

1. Physiological and sexual needs are the needs for reproduction, food, respiration, physical movements, clothing, shelter, rest, etc.

2.Existential needs- these are the needs for the security of one's existence, confidence in the future, stability of living conditions, the need for a certain constancy and regularity of the society surrounding a person, and in the sphere of work - in job security, accident insurance, etc.

3. Social needs- these are the needs for attachment, belonging to a team, communication, caring for others and attention to oneself, participation in joint work activities.

4. prestige needs- these are the needs for respect from "significant others", career growth, status, prestige, recognition and appreciation.

5. spiritual needs These are the needs for self-expression through creativity.

A.N. Maslow called the first two levels of needs in his hierarchy primary (innate), the other three - secondary (acquired). At the same time, the process of raising needs looks like a replacement of primary (lower) by secondary (higher). According to the principle of hierarchy, the needs of each new level become relevant for the individual only after the previous requests are satisfied. Therefore, the principle of hierarchy is also caused by dominants (the need that is dominant at the moment). A.N. Maslow believed that satisfaction itself does not act as a motivator of human behavior: hunger drives a person until this need is satisfied. In addition, the intensity of the need is determined by its place in the overall hierarchy.

There are many social and moral needs that are studied and taken into account in sociology from different points of view. A certain part of them is directly related to the problem of labor motivation, they have specific motivational and labor values. Among them are the following: need for self-respect(conscientious labor activity, regardless of control and remuneration for the sake of a positive opinion of oneself as a person and employee); need for self-assertion(high quantitative and qualitative indicators in labor for the sake of approval and authority, praise, positive attitude towards oneself from others); need for recognition(the focus of labor behavior on proving one's professional suitability and abilities in general or under conditions of strict control over the quality of work, attestation of workplaces during the probationary period); need in social role (good job as a way to "be someone", proof of one's need for others, taking a worthy place among them); need for self-expression (high performance in work on the basis of a creative attitude to it; work as a way of obtaining some ideas and knowledge, manifestation of individuality); need for activity(labor activity as an end in itself to maintaining health through activity); the need for procreation and self-reproduction(a special value orientation towards such goals as the well-being of the family and loved ones, raising their status in society; the realization through the results of labor of a sublimated desire to create and inherit something); the need for leisure and free time(preference to work less and have more free time, focus on work as a value, but not as the main goal of life); the need for self-preservation(the need to work less in better conditions, even for little pay, in order to maintain health); need for stability(perception of work as a way to maintain the existing lifestyle, material well-being, risk aversion); need for communication(installation on labor activity as an opportunity for communication); need for social status(a clearly expressed subordination of labor activity to career goals with a positive and negative effect on the work itself; career as a decisive motive for behavior in relationships with others); the need for social solidarity(the desire to "be like everyone else", conscientiousness in front of partners, colleagues).

Needs play one of the most important roles in common process motivation of labor behavior. They stimulate behavior, but only when they are recognized by workers.

As you know, one of the main positive qualities personality of an adult or a child is diligence. Labor is the main source of material and spiritual wealth of society, main criterion social prestige of a person, his sacred and civic duty. That is why the labor element in education has been a very important pedagogical system since ancient times.

A.S. Makarenko expressed this idea in a clear and precise form:

"Proper education cannot be imagined as education without labor. In educational work, labor should be one of the most basic elements."



GKOOU Pavlovsk sanatorium orphanage

Educational occupation

According to the program of social upbringing and education of orphans and children left without parental care, in an orphanage

"Life lessons".

Labor module.

middle school age

Performed by the teacher of the 5th group:

Tereshina O.L.


Target: expand children's understanding of the importance of work in society; to promote the formation of a positive moral assessment of such qualities of character as diligence, independence, perseverance; encourage children to develop labor skills, to participate in labor actions, to self-education.


1. Instill respect and love for work and people of work.

2. Show the need for labor in human life.

3. Convince pupils that their main goal is to study.


posters: Labor is the head of everything”, “The sun paints the earth, and labor - labor”, “Labor created the man himself”."Work saves a person from three main evils: boredom, vice and need." (Voltaire.)

Lesson plan.

1. Organizational part.

  1. The game "Roll the ball".

Target : rally the team, create a sense of camaraderie.

Children stand in a circle, as close as possible, stretching their arms forward. You need to roll the ball in a circle, along outstretched arms and not drop it - you can’t help with your hands.

2. The main part.

1) Introductory word of the educator.

Today we will talk about what is very important in the life of every person. But first, let's complete the crossword puzzle.

1. Tell me who is so delicious 2. We must fight the fire -

Prepares cabbage soup, We are brave and brave,

Smelly cutlets, We are very much needed by all people.

Salads, vinaigrettes, So who are we?

All breakfasts, lunches? ( Cook) (Firefighters)

3. Lays brick after brick - 4. We get up early,

Grows floor by floor, After all, our concern -

And every hour, every day, take everyone to work in the morning.

Everything is higher, higher new house. ( Chauffeur)

(Builder )

5. Who dresses us in beautiful dresses, 6. Master, master, help -

Who sews clothes for us, Boots are worn out.

To be nice? Hammer the nails harder -

(Seamstress ) We're going to visit today!


7. The horn sings, the horn sings! 8. We teach kids to read and write,

We drive the herd to the meadow. Love nature, respect the elderly.

We graze cows all day, ( Teacher )

As soon as it becomes hot - we drive into the shade.


9. Who knows the roads are excellent air

And it takes us where we need to go?


What word is in the highlighted cells?

And in order to get the profession of a builder, cook, molar, what do you need to do for this?(children's answer is to learn).

And to become a good cook, builder, painter, you need to work hard.

caregiver - Today we have a lesson on the topic ""Labor as a Human Need".

So, guys, today we will talk with you about the work of adults and about your work.

What should adults do to make our country even richer and more beautiful?

And what should you do? That is main job student?

Imagine what would happen if people stopped working, did not go to work as electricians? (there will be no light)

Didn't the farmer come to work? (no bread)

Teachers didn't show up? (children do not receive knowledge)

If you hadn't come to school? (the teachers had no one to teach).

That's right guys! Life is work. But how to understand the words? “Where there is work, there is happiness”, “Work is joy”.

Conclusion: yes, work gives us joy, happiness, pleasure. Some of you also experienced this feeling, rejoiced at the result of labor. Girls, remember what you experienced when you cleaned your room, baked the first pie in your life?

And you, boys, when you made the necessary thing with your own hands, helped to build, repair, make something?

You experienced joy, pride in your ability, for yourself.

People cannot live life, without labor there would be no life on earth. Labor has been and will be the basis of life on earth. Work helps to endure all hardships, hardships, both heat and cold. With his work, a person makes his life better, the earth - more beautiful, the Motherland - richer.

And than better man works, the stronger, more beautiful and richer he himself becomes. In our country, everyone, the entire Russian people work: both adults and children. Every person has the right to work. This is also written in the Constitution - in the fundamental law of the state. We appreciate every kind of work. In our country, the work of a policeman, and a worker, and the work of a builder, and the work of a carpenter are honorable. Each person chooses for himself his favorite work, which he likes.

And now let's listen to the poems about work.

1sun. If you want to build a bridge

Watch the movement of the stars

drive the machine in the field,

Or bring the car up,

do well at school

Study diligently.

2 sun. Who loves work

He will always find

It's necessary and useful.

There's always a job

For smart hands

If you take a good look around.

Sun 3 The calf needs to be watered

Kitten needs to be fed

And wash the dishes.

It's not hard guys.

Sing a song for you.

It's not difficult, but it still takes skill.

Whatever you take -

Need to be a master

And know how to do any business.

4Sun. You have to do everything yourself

Skillful hands.

Nothing and never

It doesn't come without difficulty.

Educator. Our residents do a lot for the improvement of our city and our region. Your fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters are working. Everything in our area was built by the labor of thousands of people. The beauty of our city is the work of our people.

Let's listen to A. Abraskin's poem "Long live labor."

Labor in our life is the basis of the foundations,

Labor is a high wave word.

Hello labor daughters and sons

Glorious Russian country!

We harden our hearts in honest work,

In labor we forge character.

We always bring things to the end

Dreaming of great happiness.

Cities and factories are growing around,

The lights are blooming,

All this is the work of our growing hands

Take a look at the construction sites, comrade.


People who work with soul and creativity are our pride.

Guys, look around - before our eyes, workers are changing the face of the earth. Where deserted mountains rose, now a fountain of oil is beating, gas is being extracted, coal is growing new plants and factories. An asphalt road is laid to each settlement, gas heating is provided to each house.

Guys, each of you wants to do something good in life. Leave your mark on the earth. This desire is understandable. But do you always think about how you can achieve your goal?

Please tell me if it will good worker of those who are now studying poorly? Right now you should study well.

The better the student learns, the better he will work.

And let the motto of your life be the words:

"The sun paints the earth, but labor makes a man."

Conclusion: and so, guys, today you learned a lot about the work of adults and children. And now let's draw a conclusion and set a goal: Finish this academic quarter without triples. Take an active part in socially useful work to improve the territory of the orphanage.

In the primary production teams - teams, departments, laboratories, between which there are trade relations in services and semi-finished products, from which the final product of the enterprise is “born”, stability is necessary for the normal functioning of the entire enterprise. Naturally, for the stability of the primary team, good conditions labor, as well as labor itself, must be well organized, for example, meaningful popular labor is always in demand and has its own attractiveness.

Satisfaction with work and the attractiveness of work can be attributed to the socio-psychological prerequisites for injuries and accidents. Lack of interest in work, dissatisfaction with one or another aspect of work, its unattractiveness, are among the factors that steadily increase exposure to danger. Through a positive emotional attitude to his work, a person easily learns forms of behavior that increase his security and ensure the safety of his activities.

The attractiveness of work has recently been increasingly determined by such a factor as money, however, an analysis of indicators of the attractiveness of work confirms that among female workers, the orientation towards the content of work, the interest in work as a type of activity dominates over material incentives, interest in earning. For more than 60% of employees, the possibility of training, advanced training, the possibility of self-realization are the main factors that determine the attractiveness of work.

The material factor plays a huge role in the moral needs of a personal nature and the content of labor. A positive factor is communication with employees, which favorably affects the good organization of work and the moral climate in the team. At the same time, there are also negative factors, such as physical fatigue, nervous tension, monotony of work. The source of satisfaction with professional activity and the attractiveness of work may depend on the degree of creativity and its psychological comfort in the real prospects for professional and job growth, satisfaction with the work performed and its compliance with individual inclinations and abilities.

Conclusion: the above has a positive impact on the organization and working conditions, as well as on the degree of job satisfaction. However, the main factor influencing job satisfaction is the work itself, its content and forms.