Prayer, and is it necessary to go to church? What is more important - going to church or being a good person.

  • 14.10.2019

The temple, in other words, the house of God, is a special room in which worship is performed. It is believed that there is a special grace sent to people from the Almighty through the clergy. talks about the fact that the Lord himself is invisibly present in holy places, and therefore one should behave there accordingly. Every parishioner should know how to properly enter the church and how to behave in worship.

Church rules when entering the temple and preparing for worship

Christians prepare in advance for the entrance to the temple. It is not recommended to eat before the service, all the sacred sacraments are taken on an empty stomach. Of great importance appearance. Clothing should be clean, neat, modest, not bright and not flashy (for Easter and holidays, light colors of robes are suitable, on mournful dates it is better to choose dark colors). Women cover their hair with a scarf and always wear a skirt with a hem below the knee. The top of the dress or blouse must have long sleeves, covering the shoulders and without deep necklines. Applying makeup is also not recommended. Men are allowed to remain uncovered. Clothing is also meant to be modest and neat. No shorts or open legs, just dress pants. The remaining details of the attire, accessories and additional elements of the wardrobe should not attract the attention of others and distract from worship.

Having risen from sleep on the day of visiting the temple, you need to thank the Creator for a peaceful night and a new day, wash your face, light a lamp and read morning prayers. Remember, it is better to sincerely and wholeheartedly utter one appeal to God than to read a prayer book long and hard with thoughts of a speedy completion. On the way to church, you should say a prayer to Jesus Christ. And already on the threshold of the temple, three signs of the cross are made in front of the image of the Savior and three bows from the waist. The following prayers are said for each of the bows:

  • “God, be merciful to me a sinner” - to the first;
  • “God, cleanse my sins and have mercy on me” - to the second;
  • “I have sinned without number, Lord, forgive me” - to the third.

You should also be baptized during church hymns: with the words of an appeal to the Almighty, the Mother of God and other saints; at the beginning and end of prayers; with promises of "Amen" and proclamations of "Hallelujah"; when calling "Let's bow" and "Let's fall down." When taking out gifts, earthly bows are due.

Basic norms of conduct during service for adults and children

As mentioned above, a prayerful and holy place has its own rules of conduct. It is not enough to be able to competently enter the temple, you need to know how to properly behave in worship.

  1. You need to come to the church in advance in order to have time to put candles, submit notes and venerate the icons before the start of the hymns (first of all, they kiss the main icon, which is located opposite the Royal Doors).
  2. Parishioners should keep themselves quiet, modest and reverent.
  3. Thoughts should be directed to God, everything earthly should be let go and everything bad should be forgiven.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to talk, and even more so to laugh and behave in a defiant manner. It is a sin to try to draw attention to yourself and break the order of the hymns.
  5. Never turn your back on the altar.
  6. Moving from place to place, fussing and creating panic is also prohibited.
  7. You can sit down if you feel unwell. If strength permits, it is better to spend time standing in the service. While the Royal Doors are open, both the sick and the infirm must stand.
  8. Be sure to turn off cellular telephone! And permission for video filming is requested in advance from the rector.

The rules apply to both adults and young children. If the mother fails to inspire the spoiled child with the rules of humility and humility, then the scoundrel should be taken out of the temple so as not to create inconvenience for the presence of other parishioners. And it’s better to have a conversation with the baby the day before and explain the importance of decent behavior in sacred places.

We must not forget that you should not leave the temple before the end of the service. It's not just bad manners, it's scornful. Perhaps those who come to worship for the first time or are just starting to visit holy places do not know how to enter the church correctly and other subtleties and nuances, but you can always turn to the clergy for help. Every church organizes Sunday schools for children and adults, where the basics of Orthodoxy are easily learned. Also, printed literature will always come to the rescue in an intractable situation. After all, it's not scary to turn to the older generation for advice. The main thing is to do everything with a clean open heart and sincere love for our Lord.

Many may be concerned about the question "How to start going to church?". A person wanted to come there, but somehow it was awkward. Everything is new, nothing is clear, it's scary to do something wrong. That is why this article was written to answer this question. I do not have the blessing of teaching people the correct understanding of church life, but I can simply tell from my own experience what problems arose during the first visits to the temple and what questions tormented my soul. Maybe this will help someone.

So, I wanted to visit the church. Where to go? If you have the Internet, it is better to look at the map where the nearest Orthodox churches are located. There is no particular difference where exactly to go, to a cathedral or a simple church. It is better that it is not far from home, as it will be long and inconvenient to travel through the whole city. Therefore, we boldly choose the temple, find the road and stomp there.

You can come almost at any time, but it is better before 19:00-20:00, since services usually end in temples at this time. You can dress as you like, but without the thematic inclinations ala metalhead, shabby punk, club girl on stilts, or a guy "only from the beach." You can wear regular pants or jeans, a T-shirt or shirt, a jacket, a jacket, etc. In short, the way normal people walk along ordinary normal streets. If someone wants, you can dress in a suit. In principle, and so people sometimes come to emphasize their respect for the Church and God, there is nothing unusual in this. Women need to wear something on their heads. A scarf is better, but if not, then you can wear a hat or even a hood if everything is really bad. You don't have to wear skirts, you can wear trousers and jeans. Jeans are better not too tight, so as not to distract men from prayer. In this regard, it is better for women to dress more modestly, they need to have respect for God and others.

If you entered the temple and there is no singing there, and everything is rather quiet, then the service is not going on now. Then you can stand quietly, talk with God, ease your soul. If you want to light a candle for relatives or friends, we are looking for a saleswoman. Usually candles are sold at the entrance to the temple. “Where to put candles for health, and where for peace?” - the eternal question. I think this was my first question asked to a living person inside the temple. For the living, you can put a candle anywhere and in front of any icon. No special rituals are needed. Pray quietly, ask for a person and light a candle. For the dead, candles are usually placed on special tables on which a crucifix is ​​installed.

Here is a photo of the table on which candles are laid to rest.

Stand for candles for health in the photo below.

That's why it's hard to confuse.

What to do if you enter, and there is a service going on in full? Well, for starters, don't run away. It is better to take a more modest place and repeat after everyone. It is customary for women to stand on the left side of the temple, and for men on the right. But if it didn’t work out to become where it should be, you shouldn’t think about it at all. Just stand still and pray for yours. I doubt that the first time you get to the service, you will understand at least something of what is sung on it. For example, for the first 2-3 months I practically didn’t understand anything, I just stood silently and repeated after everyone when they are baptized (usually they do this when the words “Father, Son and Holy Spirit” are heard at the service). Therefore, at first it is better to try to just get used to it. Join the general flow so to speak.

And you need to understand something right away. If you come to the temple, at first there may be many unfounded fears and feelings that you are not at ease. It's OK. You are on the path of a warrior, this is your first battle. Get ready to go all the way.

Standing in the service, it may seem that it is endless. I remember at first I thought that they go to the temple around the clock, and there is no end to them. It is difficult for an unprepared person to stand for 2-3 hours (this is how much the service lasts on average). But I assure you, someday the end will come and the singing will subside, and it will not be one in the morning, but around seven o'clock in the evening. So if you do not urgently need to run somewhere - stand to the end.

You can often see how people come up and kiss the icons. Feel free to do it. Once upon a time, I was very shy to approach and kiss the icon. But now it has become so familiar that I kiss everything in a row. So boldly we are baptized and kiss the icon, there is nothing to be afraid of. Often there are handkerchiefs near the icons so that you can wipe the glass of the frame after yourself.

If suddenly during the service everyone began to kneel - it's okay if you are shy and didn't do it. But it would be even better to do it together with everyone. Although in practice there are usually fewer of those who kneel at certain moments of the service than those who remain on their feet.

Do not be afraid to ask people the time of worship. If, for example, you wanted to get specifically to the beginning of the evening or morning service, then in no case should you be afraid to ask the time of its beginning. You can ask the seller of candles at the entrance to the temple. Don't worry about giving her trouble with your question. They are pulled be healthy, you are not the first, you are not the last. And in general, organizational questions like “where what” and “when and how” should always be asked. This is more than normal.

I want to make a small digression and say a few words about the internal state of a person who suddenly ended up in the temple after a long (sometimes life-long) period of disbelief. It is likely that you will have a lot of fears that are quite natural at first glance and logical reasons to leave the temple and not go there anymore. Don't rely on them. Perhaps blasphemous thoughts will come into your head, up to insults to the saints and God. Do not worry about such thoughts, just try to switch your attention. Sometimes even going to the temple can seem like a stupid idea. You should not pay attention to this either. The main thing is to follow a pre-planned good goal and everything will be as it should.

For those who suddenly wanted to confess, we can say this. You can confess to a priest in any church. Confession is free, you do not need to sign up for it in advance, and no one takes money for it. As a rule, it takes place during the evening service or at the Liturgy in the morning. Usually there is a table on which lies the cross and the Gospel, and at which the priest stands. Where exactly it will be located and when the confession will take place, you can ask the seller of candles, or the parishioners. If a lot of people visit the temple, most likely you can determine where the confession takes place in turn to the priest standing aside. A person approaches, the priest listens to him, covers his head with an epitrachilia (part of the vestment looks like a towel) and absolves sins.

Approach the priest, put two fingers on the Gospel and name what you repent of, indicate the sins about which the soul hurts. Behind standing people You will most likely not be heard. At least, it never happened that I made out what the person in front of me was repenting about. This also happens because confession often takes place during the service and singing from the kliros drowns out the voices, unless, of course, the penitent is yelling at the top of his lungs. If you are at confession for the first time, be sure to tell about it and ask “what to do next?”. Batiushka will tell you what steps to take at first. When you repent, kiss the cross, the Gospel and go on to reach the end of the service. That's all. One more thing. There is no need to be afraid to confess some sins, because it is supposedly shameful. It's stupid and deadly. It’s stupid because in their lives the priests manage to hear enough of this that you won’t tell them anything new. And if you do, it will take pride of place on the list of that “new and impossibly shameful” thing that the priest has heard many times already and that he has probably learned to perceive adequately. And it is dangerous because "there is no worse sin than the unrepentant."

In total, I hope this article has clarified a little how to start going to church. And today it turns out that everyone seems to know everything about the Church, but how the essence comes to the point, nothing is clear. So, if you have a desire to visit the temple, you should do it as soon as possible.

We in Ukraine still have a “hidden threat” to mistakenly get into churches that are under the auspices of the non-existent Kiev Patriarchate. Although there are not so many of them, it is still advisable, of course, to pay attention to the announcements in front of the temple, or to look on the Internet for lists of churches that are under the auspices of the Kiev Metropolis of the Moscow Patriarchate. You have to walk in them. It is MOSCOW, and there is nothing anti-national here. It just so happened that Filaret was excommunicated from the Church.

Komba BACH - Learn!

Often, people entering the temple for the first time and interested in the Christian tradition have similar questions about how to behave in church. We have selected the most common questions and asked them Archpriest Alexy Mityushin, Rector of the Church Life-Giving Trinity in Kozhukhovo.

Can you take pictures in the church?

Indeed, this question comes up all the time. On the one hand, of course, you can. On the other hand, it is better to ask permission from the temple attendant. In general, photography is not allowed where the flash may degrade the image of the icon or fresco. For the same reason, you can not take pictures in museums. Flash destroys images.

If we come to the temple, we must observe the rules of decency and good manners. The temple is bigger and taller than the museum. This is a place of prayer and increased reverence, and photography is secular in nature, which can lead a person into embarrassment or indignation.

Photo by Vladimir Eshtokin

Are photography and videotaping permitted during the performance of the ordinances?

In all temples, this is treated differently. This is a moment that enters our lives, just as electricity, an electric chandelier, and microphones entered our worship. In any case, everything should be done with reverence. Photographing should not interfere, be intrusive.

On the one hand, this may not be very pleasant. But on the other hand, one should not forget that there are thousands of people who are sitting at home and for various reasons cannot leave their apartment, and it is very important for them to see what happened at the service, because for them it is a great consolation and great joy. Through such videos, they feel their belonging to the Church. Then filming the same worship or sermon is of great benefit.

Can animals be in the temple?

According to church practice, it is not allowed to let a dog into the temple. This animal is considered not quite clean. Therefore, in the church tradition there is a rite of lighting the temple if a dog runs into it. However, it is worth remembering that the dog is an excellent watchman, and today not a single temple can do without it.

But cats are present in our temples. This is not prohibited.

In Greece, for example, on one of the holidays, even snakes crawl into the temple.

Can the unbaptized go to church?

Of course. There is no prohibition. Speaking according to the canons, then unbaptized people cannot be present at the Eucharistic canon, in other words, at the liturgy of the faithful. This is the period after the reading of the Gospel until the end of the liturgy, including the communion of the Mysteries of Christ.

Can an unbaptized person touch holy things?

The unbaptized can kiss icons, holy relics, the life-giving cross. But to participate in the sacraments where the Holy Mysteries are taught, to partake of holy water or consecrated prosphora, it is impossible to go out to be chrismated. To participate in the sacraments, one must be a full member of the church, one must feel one's responsibility to God.

An unbaptized person should understand and accept such prohibitions with reverence. So that it doesn’t turn out like in one patericon, where a Jew pretended to be baptized in order to partake of the Mysteries of Christ. When he received a particle of the body of Christ in his hands, he saw that it had turned into a piece of meat with blood. Thus the Lord enlightened his sacrilege and immoderate curiosity.

Can Muslims and people of other faiths visit the temple?

Of course. Again, there is no restriction. We must remember that every soul is indeed a Christian by birth. Therefore, every person, regardless of his religion, can be in the church.

Can I eat before visiting the temple?

You can not eat before the sacrament of Christ's Mysteries. Before communion, fasting must be observed, which begins at midnight. From this time until the moment of communion, we do not eat or even drink water.

In the monastic charter it is necessary, even if you do not take communion, to go to the liturgy on an empty stomach. And since we, the laity, try to imitate the monks in their exploits, the majority of Orthodox Christians go to the liturgy on an empty stomach.

Exceptions are people with serious illnesses. For example, people with diabetes It is strictly forbidden to go to the temple on an empty stomach.

Who can't get married?

You can’t get married to someone who is not registered in the registry office. It is impossible to get married to those people who have some canonical obstacles to this, for example, it is forbidden to marry a blood relative. You can not get married if one of the spouses hides his mental illness. If one of the spouses cheats on his chosen one.

The most difficult questions are solved with the blessing of the bishop. There are cases that the parish priest cannot and does not even have the right to decide on his own.

What time can you not get married?

You can not get married in the posts: Great, Rozhdestvensky, Petrovsky and Assumption. You can not get married at Christmas time (in the period from Christmas to Epiphany). Don't get married bright week until Antipascha. They do not marry on Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. They do not crown on the feast of the beheading of John the Baptist. Also, they do not marry on parish patronal holidays.

Can you get married in a church?

IN Orthodox Church there is no debauchery. If people, due to their great sins, have not been able to preserve love, if they have destroyed a marriage, then a blessing is taken for entering into a second marriage from the diocesan bishop.

Such a situation is out of the ordinary, purely sinful, there is no definite scheme for it. If a person finds himself in such a misfortune, then the process of entering into a second marriage should begin with confession to his parish priest. It is advisable to repent before the priest who married you. If this is not possible, you should confess to your confessor and consult with him.

How should a woman look in church?

A woman should look modest and at the same time beautiful. In the temple you need to dress well, festively, but in such a way that a man who comes to church thinks about God, and not about female beauty.

Can a woman wear trousers to the temple?

As it was said in the film "17 Moments of Spring": "It is difficult for a pastor to go against the flock." Therefore, no matter how much we call people to a god-like being, the parishioners have their own character and willfulness. If the clergy drive all women in trousers out of the temple, then almost no one will remain. It should be remembered that trousers are different: there are modest, but there are not modest.

If a woman goes to the temple to receive communion, she should wear a skirt and a scarf. Of course, no one will kick out women in trousers and without scarves. But a scarf in Orthodox Russian churches is a must. To participate in the sacrament, one should look accordingly.

Is it possible to come to the temple with makeup?

The devil is trying in every possible way to distract us from prayer. If a “bright” woman who is replete with cosmetics stands in the middle of the temple, she will commit a double sin - not complying with the church charter and distracting others. Everything should be in moderation.

When can I confess in church?

The time of confession is indicated on the doors of the temple, on the bulletin board of the church.

If a person needs to confess outside of this schedule, then you can approach the priest on duty in the temple or call him with a request to confess at a special time. Such a confession can be made at any time of the day or night.

However, confession must be distinguished from conversation. Confession is concrete conscious repentance for sins. And a spiritual conversation is a time when a priest can slowly talk to a person.

When can I take communion in church?

Basically, the liturgy is performed daily. At what time - you can find out from the duty officer in the temple, by phone, in the schedule or on the temple website.

The time of communion depends on the temple, each has its own beginning of worship, and hence its own time for communion.

When can you visit the church?

You can visit the temple at any time. Since the 1990s, it has been allowed to keep the temple open all day, and not just during the liturgy. In the center of Moscow, some churches are open until 23:00. If it were possible, I think the temples would be open at night as well.

What is strictly forbidden to do in the temple? Is it permissible to cry in a temple?

It is forbidden to talk loudly, talk on abstract topics.

You can cry only in such a way that it does not interfere with others, does not turn into a theatrical performance.

What can be ordered and bought in the church?

Nothing is bought or ordered in the church. It is bought in a church shop on the territory of the temple. You can buy icons, icon case, church utensils.

Order magpie, various prayers and trebs.

In which church can you be baptized?

You can be baptized in any parish church, except for the monastery. In most monasteries, baptism is not performed.

I also advise you to be baptized in the church where there is a baptistery - a font for complete immersion.

Is it possible to get infected in a church?

If we are talking about the sacrament of the Eucharist - no, you cannot get infected during the sacrament of communion. This is proved by the thousand-year practice of the Christian tradition. The Sacrament of Communion is the greatest of the sacraments of Christ's Church.

Are pregnant women really not allowed to go to church?

Pregnant women not only need to go to church, but they also need to partake of Christ's Mysteries every week.

Is it true that women should not attend church during critical days?

There is a church tradition when women do not go to church on their “women's holidays,” as Nifont, the Metropolitan of Volyn and Lutsk, called them.

But a woman, even in these " holidays"remains human and does not become a second-class being who is not allowed to enter the temple.

The Church of Christ is a haven for people who are weak and grieving. And during her monthly infirmities, a woman often suffers not only physical, but also moral sorrows.

On such days, women do not proceed to the sacrament of communion and, according to tradition, do not kiss the icons.

Questions and answers frequently asked by beginning Christians.

35 short FAQs for beginner Christians about the temple, candles, notes, etc.

1. How should a person prepare to go to the temple?

To prepare for the morning visit, you need to prepare as follows:
Rising from bed, give thanks to the Lord, who gave you the opportunity to spend the night in peace and extended your days for repentance. Wash yourself, stand in front of the icon, light the lampada (from a candle) so that it evokes a prayerful spirit in you, put your thoughts in order, forgive everyone, and only then proceed to reading the prayer rule (morning prayers from the Prayer Book). Then subtract one chapter from the Gospel, one from the Apostle, and one kathisma from the Psalter, or one psalm if time is short. At the same time, it must be remembered that it is better to read one prayer with sincere contrition of the heart than the whole rule with the thought of how to finish it all as soon as possible. Beginners can use an abbreviated prayer book, gradually adding one prayer at a time.

Before leaving, say:
I deny you, Satan, your pride and your service, and unite with you, Christ Jesus our God, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Cross yourself and calmly go to the temple, not being afraid of what a person will do to you.
Walking down the street, cross the road in front of you, saying to yourself:
Lord, bless my ways and keep me from all evil.
On the way to the temple, read a prayer to yourself:
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

2. How should a person who decides to go to church dress?

Women should not come to church in trousers, short skirts, with bright makeup on their faces, lipstick on their lips is unacceptable. The head must be covered with a headscarf or scarf. Men must remove their hats before entering the church.

3. Can I eat before visiting the temple in the morning?

According to the charter it is impossible, it is done on an empty stomach. Retreats are possible due to weakness, with self-reproach.

4. Is it possible to enter the temple with bags?

If there is a need, you can. Only when a believer approaches Communion should the bag be put aside, since during Communion the hands are folded crosswise on the chest.

5. How many prostrations should be made before entering the temple and how to behave in the temple?

Before entering the temple, having previously crossed yourself, bow three times, looking at the image of the Savior, and pray for the first bow:
God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
To the second bow:
God, cleanse my sins and have mercy on me.
To the third:
I have sinned without number, Lord, forgive me.
Then do the same, entering the doors of the temple, bow on both sides, saying to yourself:
Forgive me brothers and sisters stand reverently in one place, without pushing anyone, and listen to the words of the prayer.
If a person comes to the temple for the first time, then he needs to look around, notice what more experienced believers are doing, where their eyes are directed, in what places of worship and in what way they make the sign of the cross and bow down.
It is unacceptable during the service to behave as if in a theater or a museum, that is, with your head up, look at the icons and clergy.
During prayer, one must stand reverently, with a repentant feeling, slightly lowering his shoulders and head, as the guilty stand before the king.
If you do not understand the words of the prayer, then say the Jesus Prayer to yourself with contrition of heart:
Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Try to make the sign of the cross and prostrations with everyone at the same time. Remember that the Church is the earthly Heaven. Praying to your Creator, do not think of anything earthly, but only sigh and pray for your sins.

6. How long do you have to be on duty?

Service must be upheld from beginning to end. Service is not a duty, but a sacrifice to God. Will it be pleasant for the owner of the house, to whom guests have come, if they leave before the end of the holiday?

7. Is it possible to sit in the service if there is no strength to stand?

To this question St. Philaret of Moscow answered: "It is better to think about God while sitting than about standing feet." However, while reading the Gospel it is necessary to stand.

8. What is important in bowing and prayer?

Remember that the matter is not in words and bows, but in the raising of the mind and heart to God. You can say all the prayers and put down all the aforementioned bows, but not remember God at all. And therefore, without praying - fulfill prayer rule. Such prayer is a sin before God.

9. How to kiss the icons?

Lobyzaya St. the icon of the Savior, you should kiss your feet, Mother of God and the saints - a hand, and the Icon Not Made by Hands of the Savior and the head of John the Baptist - in sackcloths.

10. What does the candle placed in front of the image symbolize?

A candle, like prosphora, is a bloodless sacrifice. Candle fire symbolizes eternity. In ancient times, in the Old Testament Church, a person who came to God sacrificed to him the inner fat and wool of a slain (killed) animal, which were placed on the altar of burnt offering. Now, when we come to the temple, we sacrifice not an animal, but a candle symbolically replacing it (preferably a wax one).

11. Does it matter what size candle you put in front of the image?

Everything depends not on the size of the candle, but on the sincerity of your heart and your capabilities. Of course, if a wealthy person puts cheap candles, then this indicates his stinginess. But if a person is poor, and his heart burns with love for God and compassion for his neighbor, then his reverent standing and fervent prayer is more pleasing to God than the most expensive candle, set with a cold heart.

12. Who and how many candles should be placed?

First of all, a candle is placed for the Feast or a revered temple icon, then for the relics of the saint, if any, in the temple, and only then for health or for peace.
For the dead, candles are placed on the eve at the Crucifixion, mentally saying:
Remember, Lord, your deceased servant (name) and forgive his sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant him the Kingdom of Heaven.
About health or in what need, candles are usually placed to the Savior, the Mother of God, the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, as well as to those saints to whom the Lord has given special grace to heal illnesses and give help in various needs.
Putting a candle in front of your chosen saint of God, mentally say:
Holy Pleaser of God (name), pray to God for me, a sinner (oh)(or name, for whom you ask).
Then you need to come up and kiss the icon.
We must remember: in order for prayers to succeed, the saints of God must pray with faith in the power of their intercession before God, with words coming from the heart.
If you put a candle to the image of All Saints, turn your mind to the entire host of saints and the entire host of Heaven and pray:
All saints, pray to God for us.
All the saints always pray to God for us. He alone is merciful to everyone, and He is always indulgent to the requests of His saints.

13. What prayers should be done before the images of the Savior, the Mother of God and the Life-Giving Cross?

Before the image of the Savior, pray to yourself:
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner (s) or I have sinned without number, Lord, have mercy on me.
Before the icon of the Mother of God, say briefly:
Holy Mother of God, save us.
Before the image of the Life-Giving Cross of Christ, say the following prayer:
We worship Your Cross, Master, and Holy Sunday We praise yours.
And after that bow to the Holy Cross. And if you stand before the image of Christ our Savior or the Mother of God, or the saints of God with humility and warm faith, then you will receive what you ask.
For where there is an image, there is the archetypal grace.

14. Why is it customary to put candles for the repose at the Crucifixion?

The cross with the Crucifix stands on the eve, that is, on the table for commemoration of the dead. Christ took upon Himself the sins of the whole world, the original sin - Adam's sin - and through His death, through the Blood that was shed innocently on the Cross (since Christ had no sin), reconciled the world with God the Father. Beyond this, Christ is the bridge between being and non-being. You can see on the eve, in addition to burning candles, also food. This is a very old Christian tradition. In ancient times, there were so-called agapies - meals of love, when Christians who came to worship, after it ended, all together consumed what they brought with them.

15. For what purpose and what products can be put on the eve?

Usually on the eve they put bread, biscuits, sugar, everything that does not contradict fasting (as there may be a fast day). You can also donate lamp oil, Cahors, on the eve, which will then go for the communion of believers. All this is brought and left for the same purpose with which a candle is placed on the eve - to commemorate their dead relatives, acquaintances, friends, not yet glorified ascetics of piety.
For the same purpose, a note of commemoration is also submitted.
It should be firmly remembered that the offering must come from a pure heart and a sincere desire to make a sacrifice to God for the repose of the soul of the commemorated person and must be obtained from one’s labor, and not stolen or acquired by deceit or other cunning.

16. What is the most important commemoration for the departed?

The most important thing is the commemoration of the deceased on the proskomedia, for the particles taken out of the prosphora are immersed in the Blood of Christ and cleansed by this great sacrifice.

17. How to submit a note of commemoration at the proskomedia? Is it possible to commemorate the sick at the proskomedia?

Before the start of the service, you need to go to the candle counter, take a piece of paper and write as follows:

About repose



Thus, the completed note will be submitted for proskomedia.

About health

B. Andrey
ml. Nicholas


In the same way, a note on health is submitted, including those who are sick.

A note can be submitted in the evening, indicating the date on which the commemoration is expected.
At the top of the note, do not forget to draw an eight-pointed cross, and at the bottom it is desirable to attribute: "and all Orthodox Christians." If you want to commemorate a spiritual person, then his name is put first.

18. What should I do if, while standing at a prayer service or other divine service, I did not hear the name that I filed for commemoration?

It happens that the clergy are reproached: they say, not all the notes were read or not all the candles were lit. And they don't know what to do. Judge not lest ye be judged. You came, brought - everything, your duty is fulfilled. And as the priest does, so it will be asked of him!

19. What is the commemoration of the dead for?

The thing is that the dead cannot pray for themselves. It must be done for them by someone else alive today. Thus, the souls of people who repented before death, but did not have time to bear the fruits of repentance, can only be delivered by intercession for them before the Lord from living relatives or friends and by virtue of the prayers of the Church.
The Holy Fathers and teachers of the Church agree that it is possible for sinners to be freed from torment and that prayers and almsgiving, especially church prayers, are beneficial in this respect, and especially bloodless sacrifice, that is, commemoration at the Liturgy (proskomedia).
“When all the people and the Holy Council,” asks St. John Chrysostom - stand with outstretched hands to heaven, and when a terrible sacrifice lies ahead, how can we not propitiate God, praying for them (the dead)? But this is only about those who died in the faith” (St. John Chrysostom. Conversation on the last to Philp. 3, 4).

20. Is it possible to enter the name of a suicide or an unbaptized person in a memorial note?

It is impossible, since persons deprived of a Christian burial are usually deprived of church prayers.

21. How should you behave when you incense?

When burning, you need to bow your head, as if you are receiving the Spirit of Life, and say the Jesus Prayer. At the same time, one should not turn one's back to the altar - this is the mistake of many parishioners. You just need to turn around a little.

22. What moment is considered the end of the morning service?

The end, or completion, of the morning service is the exit of the priest with the Cross. This moment is called a break. During the holidays, believers approach the Cross, kiss it and the priestly hand holding the Cross as its footstool. Moving away, you need to bow to the priest. Pray to the Cross:
I believe, Lord, and worship the Honest and Life-Giving Cross Yours, as on Him did ecu salvation in the midst of the Earth.

23. What do you need to know about the use of prosphora and holy water?

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, when you come home, prepare a meal of prosphora and holy water on a clean tablecloth.
Before eating a meal, say a prayer:
Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities through Your infinite mercy through the prayers of the Most Pure Your Mother and all Your saints. Amen.
Prosphora is taken over a plate or clean slate paper, so that the holy crumbs do not fall to the floor and are not trampled, for prosphora is the holy bread of Heaven. And it must be accepted with the fear of God and humility.

24. How are the feasts of the Lord and His saints celebrated?

The feasts of the Lord and His saints are celebrated spiritually, with a pure soul and an undefiled conscience, obligatory attendance at church. At will, believers order thanksgiving prayers in honor of the Feast, bring flowers to the icon of the Feast, distribute alms, confess and take communion.

25. How to order a prayer service for memorial and thanksgiving?

A prayer service is ordered by submitting a note, drawn up accordingly. The rules for designing a custom prayer service are posted at the candle counter.
In different churches, there are certain days when prayers are performed, including blessings of water.
At the prayer service for water, you can consecrate a cross, an icon, candles. At the end of the prayer service for water, believers with reverence and prayer take holy water and take it daily on an empty stomach.

26. What is the sacrament of repentance and how to prepare for confession?

The Lord Jesus Christ said, addressing His disciples: Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.(Matthew 18:18). And in another place the Savior breathed and said to the apostles: Receive the Holy Spirit. To whom you forgive sins, they will be forgiven, on whom you leave, they will remain (Jn. 20, 22-23).
The apostles, fulfilling the will of the Lord, transferred this power to their successors - the pastors of the Church of Christ, and to this day everyone who believes in Orthodoxy and confesses his sins sincerely before an Orthodox priest can receive permission, forgiveness, and complete remission of them through his prayer.
This is the essence of the sacrament of repentance.
A person who is accustomed to watch over the purity of his heart and the neatness of his soul cannot live without repentance. He is waiting and longing for the next confession, like a parched earth waiting for life-giving moisture.
Imagine for a moment a man who has been washing off the bodily dirt all his life! So the soul requires washing, and what would happen if there were no sacrament of repentance, this healing and cleansing “second baptism”. The accumulated sins and sins that have not been removed from the conscience (not only major ones, but many minor ones as well) burden it so that a person begins to feel some kind of unusual fear, it begins to seem to him that something bad must happen to him; then suddenly he falls into some kind of nervous breakdown, irritation, feels general anxiety, does not have internal firmness, ceases to control himself. Often he himself does not understand the reasons for everything that happens, and it is that there are unconfessed sins on the conscience of a person. By the grace of God, these mournful sensations remind us of them, so that we, puzzled by such a plight of our soul, come to the realization of the need to expel all the poison from it, that is, we turn to St. the sacrament of repentance, and this would get rid of all those torments that await after Doomsday God's every sinner who is not cleansed here in this life.
Almost the entire sacrament of repentance is performed as follows: first, the priest prays with everyone who wants to confess. Then he makes a brief reminder of the most common sins, talks about the meaning of confession, about the responsibility of the confessor and that he stands before the Lord Himself, and the priest is only a witness to his mysterious conversation with God, and that the deliberate concealment of any sins aggravates the guilt. penitent.
Then those already confessing, one at a time, approach the lectern on which the Holy Gospel and the Cross lie, bow to the Cross and the Gospel, stand in front of the lectern, bowing their heads or kneeling (the latter is not necessary), and begin to confess. It is useful at the same time to draw up a rough plan for yourself - what sins to confess, so as not to forget later in confession; but it will be necessary not only to read from a piece of paper about your ulcers, but with a sense of guilt and repentance to open them before God, take them out of your soul, like some nasty snakes, and get rid of them with a feeling of disgust. (Compare this list of sins with those lists that evil spirits will keep in the ordeals, and note: the more carefully you expose yourself, the fewer pages will be found in those demonic writings.) At the same time, of course, each extraction of such abomination and bringing it to the light will be accompanied by a certain feeling of shame, but you know for sure: the Lord Himself and His servant - the priest confessing you, no matter how disgusting your inner sinful world, only rejoice when you resolutely renounce it; in the soul of a priest there is only joy for the repentant. Any priest after a sincere confession is even more disposed to the confessor, much closer and more caring begins to relate to him.

27. Does repentance erase the memory of past sins?

The answer to this question is given in an essay on the Gospel theme - "The Prodigal Son".
“... He got up and went to his father. And when he was still far away, his father saw him and took pity; and, running, fell on his neck and kissed him.
The son said to him: “Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” And the father said to his servants: “Bring best clothes and clothe him, and put a ring on his hand, and sandals on his feet; and bring a fattened calf and slaughter it; let us eat and be merry!” (Luke 15:20-23.)
The feast ends in the house of a good, merciful father. The sounds of jubilation subside, the invited guests disperse. Yesterday's prodigal son leaves the hall of the feast, still full of the sweet feeling of love and forgiveness of his father.
Outside the door, he meets with his older brother standing outside. In his eyes - condemnation, almost indignation.
The heart of the younger brother sank; joy disappeared, the sounds of the feast died out, the recent, difficult past rose before the eyes ...
What can he say to his brother in justification?
Isn't his indignation justified? Did he deserve this feast, this new clothes, this golden ring, these kisses and forgiveness of his father? After all, quite recently, quite recently...
And the head of the younger brother bows low before the stern, condemning gaze of the elder: the still quite fresh wounds of the soul ache, ache...
With a look begging for mercy, the prodigal son falls on his knees before his elder brother.
“Brother... Forgive me... I didn’t make this feast... And I didn’t ask my father for this new clothes, and shoes, and this ring... I didn’t even call myself a son anymore, I only asked to accept me into mercenaries ... Your condemnation of me is just, and there is no excuse for me. But listen to me, and perhaps you will understand the mercy of our father...
What are these new clothes covering now?
Here, look, the traces of these terrible (mental) wounds. You see: there was no healthy place on my body; there were continuous ulcers, spots, festering wounds (Is. 1, 6).
They are now closed and “softened by the oil” of the father’s mercy, but they still hurt excruciatingly when touched and, it seems to me, they will always hurt ...
They will constantly remind me of that fateful day when, with a callous soul, full of conceit and proud self-confidence, I broke with my father, demanding my part of the estate, and went to that terrible land of unbelief and sin...
How happy you are, brother, that you have no memories of her, that you do not know that stench and corruption, that evil and sin that reign there. You did not experience spiritual hunger and did not know the taste of those horns that in that country have to be stolen from pigs.
Here you have preserved your strength and health. But I no longer have them ... Only the remains of them I brought back to my father's house. And it's breaking my heart right now.
Who did I work for? Who did I serve? But all the forces could be given to serve the father ...
You see this precious ring on my sinful, already weak hand. But what I wouldn’t give for the fact that these hands did not have traces of the dirty work that they did in the land of sin, for the knowledge that they always worked only for their father ...
Ah, brother! You always live in the light and you will never know the bitterness of darkness. You don't know the things that go on there. You have not met closely with those who have to deal with there, you have not touched the dirt that those who live there cannot avoid.
You do not know, brother, the bitterness of regrets: what did the strength of my youth go to? What are the days of my youth dedicated to? Who will return them to me? Oh, if life could be started all over again!
Do not envy, brother, this new garment of the father's mercy, without it the torments of memories and fruitless regrets would be unbearable ...
And do you envy me? After all, you are rich in wealth, which you may not notice, and happy with happiness, which you may not feel. You don't know what irretrievable loss is, the consciousness of wasted wealth and ruined talents. Oh, if it were possible to return all this and bring it back to the father!
But the estate and talents are given out only once in a lifetime, and you can’t get your strength back, and time has gone irrevocably ...
Do not be surprised, brother, at the mercy of the father, his condescension to prodigal son, his desire to cover the miserable rags of the sinful soul with new clothes, his hugs and kisses, reviving the soul devastated by sin.
Now the feast is over. Tomorrow I will start working again and will work in my father's house next to you. You, as the elder and blameless, will rule and guide me. I like the work of a junior. I need her. These dishonored hands deserve no other.
These new clothes, these shoes and this ring will also be removed before the time: in them it will be indecent for me to perform menial work.
During the day we will work together, then you can relax and have fun with your friends with a calm heart and a clear conscience. And I?..
Where will I go from my memories, from regrets about wasted wealth, ruined youth, lost strength, scattered talents, soiled clothes, about yesterday's insult and rejection of my father, from thoughts about gone to eternity and forever lost opportunities? .. "

28. What does Communion of the Holy Mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ mean?

If you do not eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you will not have life in you (John 6:53).
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him
(John 6:56).
With these words, the Lord pointed out the absolute necessity for all Christians to participate in the sacrament of the Eucharist. The sacrament itself was instituted by the Lord at the Last Supper.
“... Jesus took bread and, having blessed, broke it and, distributing it to the disciples, said:
Take, eat, this is My Body. And he took the cup and, giving thanks, gave it to them and said: Drink from it all, for this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.» (Mt. 26, 26-28).
As the Holy Church teaches, a Christian, accepting St. Communion is mysteriously united with Christ, for in every particle of the fragmented Lamb the Whole Christ is contained.
Immeasurable is the significance of the sacrament of the Eucharist, the comprehension of which surpasses our reason.
It kindles the love of Christ in us, lifts the heart to God, engenders virtues in it, and holds back the attack on us. dark force, gives strength against temptations, revitalizes the soul and body, heals them, gives them strength, returns virtues - restores in us the purity of the soul that the original Adam had before the fall.
In his reflections on the Divine Liturgy, ep. Seraphim Zvezdinsky, there is a description of the vision of an ascetic elder, which vividly characterizes the significance for the Christian of Communion of the Holy Mysteries. The ascetic saw “... a sea of ​​fire, the waves of which rose and churned, presenting a terrible sight. On the opposite bank stood a beautiful garden. From there came the singing of birds, the fragrance of flowers spilled.
The ascetic hears a voice: Cross this sea". But there was no way to go. For a long time he stood thinking about how to cross, and again he hears a voice: “ Take the two wings that the Divine Eucharist gave: one wing is the Divine Flesh of Christ, the second wing is His Life-Giving Blood. Without them, no matter how great the feat, it is impossible to reach the Kingdom of Heaven».
As writes about. Valentin Sventsitsky: “The Eucharist is the basis of that real unity that is tea in the universal Resurrection, for both in the transubstantiation of the Gifts and in our Communion is the guarantee of our salvation and Resurrection, not only spiritual, but also bodily.”
Elder Parthenius of Kyiv once, in a reverent feeling of fiery love for the Lord, repeated the prayer in himself for a long time: “Lord Jesus, live in me and let me live in You,” and he heard a quiet, sweet voice: Whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me and Az in him.
So, if repentance cleanses us from the filthiness of our soul, then the Communion of the Body and Blood of the Lord will infuse us with grace and prevent the return of the evil spirit, expelled by repentance, into our soul.
But it should be firmly remembered that, no matter how necessary the Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ is for us, we should not proceed to it without first cleansing ourselves with confession.
The Apostle Paul writes: “Whoever eats this Bread or drinks the Cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord.
Let a man test himself, and thus let him eat from Bread this and drink from the cup this.
For whoever eats and drinks unworthily, he eats and drinks condemnation to himself, not considering the Body of the Lord. That is why many of you are weak and sick, and many die” (1 Cor. 11:27-30).

29. How many times a year should one take communion?

The Monk Seraphim of Sarov commanded the Diveyevo sisters:
“It is inadmissible to confess and commune at all fasts and, in addition, the twelfth and major holidays: the more often, the better - without tormenting yourself with the thought that you are unworthy, and you should not miss the opportunity to use the grace bestowed by the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ as often as possible.
The grace bestowed by communion is so great that no matter how unworthy and no matter how sinful a person is, but only in a humble consciousness of his great sinfulness will he come to the Lord, who redeems all of us, even from head to toe covered with ulcers of sins, then he will be cleansed by the grace of Christ, become more and more bright, completely enlightened and saved.
It is very good to receive communion both on the days of your name day and on birthdays, and for spouses on the day of their marriage.

30. What is unction?

No matter how carefully we try to remember and write down our sins, it may happen that a significant part of them will not be said at confession, some will be forgotten, and some are simply not realized and not noticed, due to our spiritual blindness.
In this case, the Church comes to the aid of the penitent with the sacrament of Unction, or, as it is often called, "unction." This sacrament is based on the instructions of the Apostle James - the head of the first Jerusalem Church:
“Is any of you sick, let him call for the elders of the Church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him” (James 5:14-15).
Thus, in the sacrament of the Unction of the Unction, sins are forgiven us that are not said at confession due to ignorance or forgetfulness. And since sickness is a consequence of our sinful state, liberation from sin often leads to healing of the body.
At present, during Great Lent, all Christians zealous for salvation take part in three sacraments at once: Confession, Consecration of the Unction, and Communion of the Holy Mysteries.
For those Christians who, for whatever reason, could not take part in the sacrament of the Unction of the Unction, the Optina elders Barsanuphius and John are given the following advice:
“What creditor can you find rather than God, who knows even that which was not?
So, lay on Him the account of the sins you have forgotten and say to Him:
“Lord, since it is a sin to forget one’s sins, I have sinned in everything to You, the One Who Knows the Heart. Forgive me for everything according to Your loving-kindness, for it is there that the splendor of Your glory is manifested, when You do not repay sinners according to sins, for You are glorified forever. Amen".

31. How often should I go to the temple?

The duties of a Christian include attending the temple on Saturdays and Sundays, and always on holidays.
The establishment and observance of holidays is necessary for our salvation, they teach us the true Christian faith, excite and nourish in us, in our hearts, love, reverence and obedience to God. But they also go to church to perform rites, rituals, in order to simply pray, when time and opportunities allow.

32. What does attending the temple mean for a believer?

Each visit to the temple for a Christian is a holiday, if the person is truly a believer. According to the teachings of the Church, when visiting the temple of God, there is a special blessing and success in all the good undertakings of a Christian. Therefore, it should be done so that at this moment there is peace in the soul and order in clothes. We don't just go to church. Having humbled ourselves, our soul and heart, we come to Christ. Precisely to Christ, who gives us the good in relation to us, which we must earn by our behavior and inner disposition.

33. What divine services are performed daily in the Church?

In the name of the Most Holy Trinity - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit - the Holy Orthodox Christian Church daily celebrates evening, morning and afternoon services in the churches of God, following the example of the holy Psalmist, testifying of himself: “In the evening and in the morning and at noon I will beg and cry out, and He (the Lord) will hear my voice” (Ps. 54:17-18). Each of these three services is composed, in turn, of three parts: the evening service - it consists of the Ninth Hour, Vespers and Compline; morning - from the Midnight Office, Matins and the First Hour; daytime - from the Third Hour, the Sixth Hour and the Divine Liturgy. Thus, nine services are formed from the evening, morning and afternoon services of the Church: Ninth Hour, Vespers, Compline, Midnight Office, Matins, First Hour, Third Hour, Sixth Hour and Divine Liturgy, just as, according to the teachings of St. Dionysius the Areopagite, nine faces are formed from the three ranks of the Angels, day and night glorifying the Lord.

34. What is fasting?

Fasting is not only some changes in the composition of food, that is, the rejection of fast food, but mainly repentance, bodily and spiritual abstinence, purification of the heart through fervent prayer.
Saint Barsanuphius the Great says:
“Bodily fasting means nothing without spiritual fasting. inner man which consists of protecting oneself from the passions. This fast is pleasing to God and will reward for you the lack of bodily fasting (if you are weak in body).
The same is said of St. John Chrysostom:
“Whoever limits fasting to one abstinence from food, he greatly dishonors him. Not only the mouth should fast - no, let the eye, and hearing, and hands, and feet, and our whole body fast.
As writes about. Alexander Elchaninov: “There is a fundamental misunderstanding of fasting in hostels. It is not fasting in itself that is important as not eating this or that, or as depriving oneself of something in the form of punishment - fasting is only a proven way to achieve the desired results - through exhaustion of the body to reach the refinement of spiritual mystical abilities darkened by the flesh, and thus facilitate your approach to God.
Fasting is not hunger. A diabetic, a fakir, a yogi, a prisoner, and just a beggar are starving. Nowhere in the services of Great Lent is Lent isolated in our usual sense, that is, as non-eating of meat, etc. Everywhere there is one call: “Let us fast, brethren, bodily; let us fast also spiritually.” Therefore, the post only then has religious meaning when it is connected with spiritual exercises. Fasting equals refinement. A normal zoologically prosperous person is inaccessible to the influences of external forces. Fasting shakes this physical well-being of a person, and then he becomes more accessible to the influences of another world, his spiritual filling goes on.
According to ep. Herman, “fasting is pure abstinence in order to restore the lost balance between body and spirit, in order to restore to our spirit its supremacy over the body and its passions.”

35. What prayers are performed before and after eating food?

Prayers before eating food:
Our Father, Who is ecu in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are You in women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, as the Savior gave birth to the ecu of our souls.
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. bless.

Prayers after eating food:
We thank Thee, Christ our God, O sated ecu us of Thy earthly blessings; do not deprive us of Your Heavenly Kingdom, but as if in the midst of Your disciples came ecu, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us.
It is worthy to eat as if truly blessed Theotokos, Blessed and Immaculate and Mother of our God. The most honest Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify Thee.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

36. Why is the death of the body needed?

As Metropolitan Anthony Blum writes: “In a world that human sin has made monstrous, death is the only way out.
If our world of sin were fixed as unchanging and eternal, it would be hell. Death is the only thing that allows the earth, along with suffering, to escape from this hell.”
Bishop Arkady Lubyansky says: “Death for many is a means of salvation from spiritual death. So, for example, children who die at an early age do not know sin.
Death reduces the amount of total evil on earth. What would life be like if there were always murderers - Cains, betrayers of the Lord - Judas, people-beasts - Nero and others?
Therefore, the death of the body is not “absurd”, as the people of the world say about it, but is necessary and expedient.

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_________________________________ - Charitable Foundation"Ray of Childhood"- these are kind and generous people who united together to help children who find themselves in a difficult life situation! The Foundation supports children from 125 social institutions in 8 regions of Russia, including babies from 16 orphanages. And these are orphans from the Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Orenburg and Samara regions, as well as children Perm region, the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Udmurt Republic. At the same time, the main task remains to provide everything necessary for children from orphanages, where our smallest wards are located - children aged from 1 month to 4 years.

Going to the temple, you need to dress properly. Clothing should be neat and clean, without deep cuts and transparent inserts. It is better for women to wear a long skirt (below the knee), a dress with long or medium sleeves, and men should also not come in shorts and a T-shirt. When entering the temple, women must put on a headdress (shawl, cap, hat), and men, on the contrary, take it off. Make-up should be modest, it is better not to paint lips. In some churches, if these conditions are not met, you simply will not be allowed.

Read the rules of conduct in the church in advance, they are common to all Orthodox churches. You must cross yourself three times at the entrance. right hand, bowing in the belt to the icon. You should not be baptized with gloves or mittens. Turn off while attending church mobile phone, do not talk loudly and do not push. You cannot turn your back to the altar and enter it.

If you are planning to attend church with your children, explain to them in advance that you are not allowed to laugh, play pranks or run around in church. Calm the crying or leave the temple so as not to interrupt the common prayer.

Don't forget to bring money with you. Each church has a candle box - a place where believers are offered to buy candles, books, icons, crosses and other items of faith. Here you can also order prayers, masses, christenings, funerals, weddings, commemorations of health and repose - for a fee. Photography in some temples is also paid. The larger and more famous the temple, the more parishioners it has, the higher the prices for services.

There is a myth that women critical days don't go to the temple. This is not so, these days you can go to church, put candles, pray and submit notes, but it is better to refuse to participate in a wedding, baptism, communion (although this is not a strict ban).

For a person who has just come to faith and has begun to attend divine services, the question always arises: does he act correctly, does he perceive what is happening around him correctly.

A person who has begun to go to church must understand for himself that when he is going to church, he is going to meet God himself. This is the first and main condition. joint church prayer does not allow thoughts to dissipate, and church hymns tune the soul in the appropriate way.

Before worship, it is advisable to spend some time in silence and prayer. The temple is the house of God. Based on this, the visit should be reverent.

Everyone is required to attend Sunday and holiday services. One should strive to understand worship. All questions and doubts that arise should be resolved with a priest.

When visiting the temple, dress neatly and neatly. Women are dressed appropriately for their sex, that is, dresses and skirts that are not too revealing or tight. It is advisable to do without cosmetics. A woman must have her head covered (1 Cor. 11:13). A man should be without a head (1 Cor. 11, 4). A woman during the period of purification cannot visit the temple.

Entering the temple, it is worth leaving all worldly cares. There is no need to turn around in the service, make noise, talk, distracting people from prayer. Men, according to the ancient Church, stand in right side temple, women - in the left.

In the service, you need to delve into prayers, singing and reading. If the thread of the service is lost, then the priests recommend to themselves: "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner." You must not leave the temple until the final leave of the service.

And do not think that a candle placed is a bribe to God. “The sacrifice of God is a broken spirit” (Ps. 50:19). Putting a candle, a person likens himself to soft wax, wishing to become just as pliable to the will of Christ, and calls on God to kindle the flame of faith in his heart.

The more a person continues to go to church, the fewer questions remain, everything falls into place. Always remember St. King David: “According to the multitude of Thy mercy I will enter Thy house” (Ps. 5, 8), that is, a person enters the temple by the grace of God, and not by his own will. And St. John Chrysostom calls, having received mercy from God, to make such a sacrifice in response: “I will bow to Your holy temple in Your fear” (Ps. 5, 8) - not like many of the prayers, who at this time scratch themselves, yawn, doze off, but with fear and trembling. Whoever thus puts aside every evil, disposes himself to every virtue, acquires the favor of God.

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  • how to go to church

The baptism of a baby is a great sacrament through which the children of believing parents must pass. But, unfortunately, few parents know how to properly prepare for this. important event in the life of a child who will soon come under the protection of the Lord.

You will need

  • - christening set;
  • - towel;
  • - cross;
  • - the documents.


The first step is to choose a church where the solemn ceremony will take place. Visit this sacred place, find out from the ministers everything about the ceremony, specify the time of the ceremony. Preparation for christening includes another important factor - the choice of godparents who will participate in and take responsibility before the Almighty for the godson. These should be people who believe in the Lord and attend church. Pledge of long and close connection with a godson - blood ties with parents.

For the baptism, you need to prepare a new white vest for the child with beautiful embroidery (you can buy a special baptism kit). If the child is older, then you need to dress in such a way that you can easily open your feet, chest and hands for anointing if necessary. God-parents give their godson a memorable gift - pectoral cross ik, which should hang on his chest for the rest of his life. Earlier, the tradition of Orthodoxy disposed to the fact that the godmother prepared an outfit for the child, and the godfather gave a cross.

Godparents must prepare for the ceremony, go to church for services, and pray. Communion and confession of the godparents are necessary. The godparents must know by heart the “Symbol of Faith” prayer, during the celebration they will renounce Satan instead of the baby, make a vow of union with Christ forever. In the future, you need to pray for your wards, tell them about the Lord and the church. Carry or lead to Holy Communion in the temple.

Before going to church, prepare everything you need so as not to forget anything in a hurry: documents, a large towel (to wrap the child after dipping in a font of holy water), a consecrated cross, baptismal attire. It is recommended to bathe at home before the rite of baptism, put on everything clean. Parents and godparents must carry a pectoral cross with them. Women should be covered with shoulders, chest and knees. You should put on a skirt, tie a scarf on your head.

After the completion of the great sacrament, guests are invited home. On this great day, relatives and close people gather at the table, the hostess serves a sweet cake with the child's initials or the date of christening. Traditionally, they drank punch or mulled wine at christening, you can serve Cahors. Guests invited can give an icon, a scapular or a silver spoon. Any gift should be presented with an open mind and from a pure heart.

From session to session, students live happily - a well-known truth. If you really had fun before the session and learned about the upcoming exam only the day before, then you have one night to prepare for it. Utopia or...?


What to prevaricate - even the most responsible student has a situation when tomorrow is an exam, and he still has "a horse not lying around." And for some, this situation is generally the norm (which, of course, but who stops it?). And then a familiar picture: over a cup of coffee, reading notes in an attempt to put an exorbitant burden on the brain in the form of a huge amount of information, red eyes in the morning, and tense silence in response to the examiner's questions. Meanwhile, if you approach the matter competently, then even for one night you can prepare for. On "" you, of course, will not pass it, but you will not fail either.

First of all, create a working environment for yourself and tune in to the fact that you have to work hard. No noisy guests, loud music, TV, ICQ and telephone. Turn it all off, because there is always a temptation to “look at the mail with one eye”, and then it turns out that it’s already morning outside the window. Now get all the lectures on the right subject and tickets. You need to go strictly according to the list, so it will be easier for yourself.

So, read the task of the first ticket. Now you are reading (to yourself or aloud - as you remember best) a lecture on the topic of this ticket. Now highlight 3 (yes, exactly 3) main sentences from the lecture. It can be definitions, theorems, or anything else. But there should be three points. Remember them. Speak out loud. Ideally, one of these should contain the question of the exam ticket, it will be even easier. Do the same with all other tickets. Do you think that three points from each ticket is very little? One can argue: you have grasped the main essence of the issue - this is the first time. You can say a few words on each of the three points - these are two. In no case will you impress the teacher, who has not heard about his subject at all - these are three. And these three factors will not allow you to get "failed" for the exam.


  • how to prepare for an exam

Have you lived happily and carelessly all this time, and just today you learned that an exam is coming up in a week? Everything is simple. There would be a desire, but you can prepare for one evening. True, the assessment will largely depend on what a person's abilities are, and on his luck. But what it will be is a guarantee.


The first step is to call your friends, senior students and collect as much information about. This will give you more confidence on the exam, you'll know what to expect and be prepared for tricky questions. It would be useful to find out the last name, first name and patronymic of the teacher, his scientist, favorite topics in the subject, favorite on the exam, the name of the subject.

Take a list of questions exam and read it carefully to present the subject holistically.

Slowly, read the answer to each question very carefully. Where there is a need, pause and reflect on what you read, establish logical relationships between different issues, as well as the surrounding reality. With the teacher on the exam, this will allow you to communicate and reflect freely.

When the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe subject has already appeared, you can prepare cheat sheets. But you should not get hung up on this, just do it for safety net. In order to save time, cheat sheets are best kept as concise as possible and only for the most difficult questions. Consider the process of using it on the exam.

When the cheat sheets are prepared, you need to read the answers to the questions again. But don't get hung up on cramming. Be calm and confident in yourself and your abilities. Also read material from other sources, this will allow you to influence the brain, roughly speaking, from different sides of understanding.