Prayer cross in front of me. Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross "Let God rise again

  • 16.01.2021

If longing suffocates you, if spiritual dregs creep through, so you don’t want to work or live, if difficulties surround you, and there is no support from anyone, then read a prayer to expel longing. To do this, sit at the table facing the window, take off your shoes, light a candle, look at it and read the prayer words:

The riotous rivers do not grieve, do not grieve, grasses and stones do not grieve, do not grieve, so the servant of God (name) would not grieve and grieve. Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, I stand under your shield that will protect me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Protective prayer to father and son to get rid of all diseases

Sit at the table facing the window, take off your shoes, take a sheet of text (or our book) in your hands and read Agrafena Kulkova’s strong amulet-prayer for disgust and getting rid of all diseases. If you read on another person, then you must either give him a piece of prayer with a prayer, or a book. And the prayer is:

God bless! Christ's name! Father and Son and Holy Spirit! I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, I will go, crossing myself, to the Altyn field. There stands the Taratynsky oak. 12 ailments, 12 scrofula, 12 daughters of King Herod flocked to that oak tree. Disperse, you, ailments, virgin sisters of scrofula, over stumps, over decks, over bumps, over rotten swamps, from the servant of God (name). And which word was in oblivion, then be ahead, in a flying place, and which word I will add, and that word stuck to the same. And neither water nor dew can fill those words of mine, nor moisten them with rain. My words are the key and the lock and all the strength of the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer to the mother of God for a difficult decision

When difficulties surround, and there is no one to consult with and there is no one to wait for help from, but a decision must be made, a difficult, responsible decision, read Agrafena's prayer for help in difficult times.

Curtain the windows so that there is no light, light a candle, sit at the table facing the window, take off your shoes, look at the candle and read the prayer words, you can write them out on a piece of paper in advance, you can use this book. As you read, sit down, look at the fire of the candle. Do not think about anything, just thank Agrafena, then she will tell you the solution ...

And if you decide to use this prayer in the hospital or on a long journey, then try so that no one is around and no one pays attention to you. Close your eyes, as if you fell asleep or doze off, imagine how the candle is burning, and you can simply hold a piece of paper with words in your hands. And the words of Agrafena's prayer are as follows:

Mother of the Lord, Mother of God intercessor! I will stand in front of you, dressed in darkness, the servant of God (name), bow to the legs, kiss the earth, wash with tears. Cover me, Mother of God, holy grace in a difficult hour, in a difficult moment. On me is the Most Pure Cross and the Mother of God on the grass. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer to the angels of heaven for peace in the soul

Mother Earth is covered with white snow, waiting for spring, talking with the Angels: “You would give me water, you would feed me, you would call on the sun, warm my grains, when spring comes, the harvest will go, people will be happy, but calm, yes feast mountain. Do not forget the servant of God (name), do not let go of yourself, love, cherish, regret every day. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God and her son for heartfelt love and family happiness

Agrafena Kulkova advises women to read such a prayer so that there is love and happiness in the family:

As two swans cry without each other, as the earth dries up without water, as the grass does not grow without the sun, as a baby does not live without mother's milk, so the servants of God (names) would not sleep without a friend, did not eat, did not drink, did not walked, everyone yearned. Forever and ever you love the heart, from the Angels of Heaven and Mother of God, from Jesus Christ, our Lord, every day, every night. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer to mother theotokos to save her daughter from rapists

In order for the mother's heart to be calm for her daughter, who can meet anyone anywhere, Agrafena Kulkova advises such a prayer in the evening, as the sun sets, to read:

Heavenly angels. Mother of God, save, save the servant of God (name) from filth, from dirt, from all violence. So that all the bastards shied away from her, like the devil from incense, so that she would always be under the Protection of the Ever-Virgin Mary. My word is strong and stucco. Key. Castle. Language. Amen.

Prayer to the Lord Jesus for cleansing from sins

Agrafena Kulkova, in order to be cleansed of all sins, advises such a prayer in the evening, as the sun sets, to read:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Lord Jesus, forgive me, servant of God (name), cleanse my soul and my body of filth, help, Lord Jesus, get rid of evil in the morning and evening hours, turn away from Satan, cleanse yourself from evil spirits. Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, protect me with the power of heaven, Guardian Angel, surround with white wings, put iron crosses around me and my relatives, so that neither the sorcerer, nor the sorceress, nor the devil, nor the devil, nor the evil eye, nor the lesson, nor corruption, get me, not writhing. Amen.

Protective prayer agrafena-protectors to the holy bow, Mark, John, Matthew and Nikita the Martyr for the protection of the home and family

In order not to be afraid of anything, so that there is peace and harmony in the family, so that the house stands, so that the old people do not get sick, so that everything grows in the garden, so that the children are in order, so that the husband does not drink, does not buzz, so that his lover does not take him away, so that beauty yours did not pass, you need to learn the prayer of Agrafena the intercessor and in the evenings, how to go to bed, read to yourself:

Heavenly angels, Luke, Mark, John, Matthew and Nikita the martyr. Help! Protect! I am under clear stars, I am under a bright moon. I am baptized with a cross, I am protected by a cross. The cross is behind me, the cross is in front of me, the cross is on my right hand, the cross is on my left hand. My guardian angel, save my soul, strengthen my heart! Enemy Satan, get away from me! My word is sacred! Christ's seal, Jesus hand, Mother of God cross. Amen.

Prayer-amulet agrafena-intercessor from every envious person and villain

Agrafena Kulkova thinks so: “If a wicked person starts up next to you and envies you, then any misfortune-grief can happen. If a friend at work envy your new clothes, then God is with him, it's just ordinary woman's envy. Of course, there is nothing good in it, but there is nothing bad either. But the real villain smiles in your face, says only good things, but behind your eyes he snarls and talks about you that you can’t even believe that his tongue turns to say such nasty things. And such evil spirits begin to pour black dirt on your husband, and on children, and on relatives. And evil thoughts are black, evil little ones are thrown at you in order to gnaw on you and your household. So something goes wrong in your family, something bad hangs, puts pressure on everyone, depresses. Everything in the household falls out of hand, everything goes awry, and all sorts of nasty things happen: either things will disappear, then money will disappear, then important papers will end up in the trash can, then a beloved photograph torn on the floor will be found, then the whole family will suddenly be without money will remain. And everyone begins to suspect each other of everything bad, accuse, follow each other, discuss and gossip. And that the sinister is to blame for this, you don’t even think. And if you find out about an envious person, then for so many things, the envious Sinister can be stopped with a special prayer, then life will be adjusted.

And Agrafena's prayer from an envious person and every evil person is this:

I baptize the black earth with the cross, I baptize the bright heavens with the cross, the wide field, grass-ants, every insect, every blade of grass, in the name of the Holy Angel, the Blessed Virgin Mary, I will not forget anyone, not a good person, not a cursed envious person, not an old old woman, not a dark evil spirits, from all troubles, from all malice, from any kind of light, from swamp nausea. Cross, cross, cross, I lock it with an iron lock, I throw the keys into the water. Forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer-amulet agrafena kulkovoy from all women's tears

Agrafena Kulkova told us that there are special women's tears that women shed all over Russia from disorder in life, from men who drink without waking up, from evil mothers-in-law, from heartless children. From such tears, a special Agrafenin prayer-amulet can help.

To perform the ceremony, close the doors and windows. Perform the ceremony at sunset. Prepare a thick thread or rope. Then sit down at the table facing the window, loosen your hair, take off your shoes, light a candle, cross the thread with it three times with God's words: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, after three times a prayer-amulet, say:

My guardian angel! Descended to me, a servant of God (name), a blessing, from trouble, from need, from lack of money, from the evil eye, from an evil word, from blasphemy in vain, from sharp knives, from poisonous snakes, from King Herod, from his army, from his anger , from his punishment, from fire, from heat, from a flood, from dryness, from an animal roar, from a devil's cry. Century to age, summer to fly, winter to winter, Jesus Christ to glorify. According to my words, the keys are stone, the locks are iron. Amen.

After the ceremony, tie a thread on your left hand around your wrist and wear this amulet from all women's misfortunes. Maybe this rope will interfere with your hand, or someone will start asking questions about it, then you can tie the amulet on your left leg. And if this does not fit, then, in extreme cases, just carry the amulet rope in your bag or pocket. And you need to wear a charm until you feel that your troubles have receded and that the tears of a woman have dried up.

Amulet-conspiracy agraphena, if the evil ones are shriveled from the white light

Agrafena Kulkova told us this: “If they go to plague you to death, for example, your mother-in-law, or mother-in-law, or one of your relatives, or maybe at work, a sinister appeared who wishes you death and black grief, then my conspiracy -guard to make. Only in order to accomplish it, you must first prepare your body and soul for it: for three days in a row before the amulet-conspiracy, get up at dawn, wash yourself with silent water, do not eat heavy food, and on the fourth day, right in the morning and read the amulet -conspiracy".

To follow Agrafena's recommendation, you will need the following. It is necessary to prepare a white plate without a pattern, light an ordinary unpainted candle, read the Our Father three times. When you say a prayer, start dripping wax from a burning candle onto a plate crosswise and at the same time say these words:

I will get up, blessing, and go, crossing myself, into the field wide, to the east side. In the eastern side stands Alatyr stone, near the Alatyr stone there is a stone chest. A stone castle hangs on a stone chest. There are 12 knives and 12 watchmen at the stone castle. And in that iron chest, no fire burns, no water flows, no wind howls, no beast roars, no bird flaps its wings. There, the heart of the servant of God (name) is guarded by a guard, not a single person, not a werewolf, not a beast, not a heavenly thunder, not a finger will touch that heart, will not touch. To my words, the key, the tongue, the lock, but everything is in the water. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then roll a ball out of the wax that has dripped onto a plate, sprinkle it with silent water and carry it with you wherever you meet your ill-wishers. And at home, let it lie in a secluded place so that none of the household members find it and throw it away.

Prayer-amulet agrafena kulkovoy for the expulsion of internal enemies

Agrafena Kulkova told us this: “Sinisters, unclean spirits that carry malice, not only walk around us, they also penetrate into a person. As soon as they get inside a person, they immediately start their own orders there. And a person begins to manage, lead: do this, do that. And it seems to a person that it is he himself, that these are his desires. So envy, greed, stinginess, anger appear - filthy wicked people. The whole soul can be gnawed, but people will not notice. Come to your senses, but it's time to die. What happened? Where is love, where is happiness? There is nothing, but the house is big, full of expensive things, but for a person at the end of the road and unnecessary. Power in the hands, a position that is not backed up by anything spiritual - all this is from Satan.

And so that such an attack does not attack you yourself, in order to free yourself and your loved ones from the power of evil spirits, Agrafena Kulkova teaches you to read such a prayer:

The Cross of Christ, the Holy Angel, the miracle of the holy Jesus Christ, our God, who descended into hell and corrected all the power of the enemy and gave us his holy cross to drive away the villainous adversary, pride, malice, drunkenness, greed, jealousy, adultery, theft, debauchery and heartlessness from the servant of God (name). Life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me, the servant of God (name), with your Mother of God and with all the holy powers of heaven. Now and forever and forever and ever! Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer-amulet agrafena-intercessor from all diseases of a newborn baby

Agrafena Kulkova says that when she gives birth, when she puts the baby to the mother's breast, she will definitely read a special prayer in order to remove all illnesses and misfortunes from the baby. This prayer can be read both on your own and on other people's infants:

Man was born, the cross was erected, Satan retreated. God is glorified, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever! Amen! Holy Father Ostafiy and Holy Father Nahumius, Lord, put the baby (name) in a holy place, think about God and do God: “The Holy Spirit will find on him and all heaven will shine on him, the hand of Christ, the seal of Christ, the Mother of God Cross, in the Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen! Just as Jesus Christ opened springs, rivers and streams to all people, and conquered death, so he opened all the roads-paths in front of a newly adopted baby, and shamed death, conquered all diseases, hoisted them to the bottom of the ocean-sea, closed it with a lock. Forever and ever. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Prayer-amulet agrafena-intercessor to Peter, Paul, Kuzma and Demyan to protect her husband and son from the boss in the army and prison

Agrafena Petrovna Kulkova taught us how to make an ebergue for protection from the boss in the army and prison. In order to create such an amulet, it is necessary to write the following words on a white piece of paper without a drawing with a simple pencil:

Peter, Pavel, Kuzma, Demyan, help, help from a snake sting, from a poisonous word, from stone, from iron, from fire, from water, from a bullet, from wounds. Amen.

Put a piece of paper in the icon, and wear the icon yourself and remember the words written from time to time in order to help your loved one, who is far from you now.

Prayer-amulet agrafena to our Lord, the Almighty from all evil

Agrafena Kulkova advises in the morning and before going to bed to read special prayers from all evil. She herself does this and taught many to do it, in particular, Dmitry Ivanovich Laptev. The morning prayer for protection from evil reads as follows:

Jesus Christ, the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit will be worshiped and I entrust my soul and my body and pray. Bless the servant of God (name), and have mercy on me, and deliver me from all worldly, devilish and bodily evil. And give me the strength to pass this day without sin, take away all corruption from me this day, all prize winners, lessons, to your glory and to the salvation of my soul. Amen.

The evening prayer for protection from evil and for thanksgiving for the past day should be read like this:

Glory to you, Lord God, the Almighty, who, by Your divine and humane providence, vouchsafed me, a servant of God (name), sinful and unworthy, to pass this day and receive the entrance of Your holy house. Accept, Lord, my prayer, favor with a pure heart and a humble spirit to bring You praise and thanksgiving every day. I praise you, Lord, in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer-amulet agrafena to the Mother of God from shameless people and quiet tormentors

Agrafena Kulkova says: it happens that some good woman, quiet, kind, gentle, suddenly has a tormentor. And this tormentor can appear, manifest itself unexpectedly, anywhere. With everyone, this person communicates evenly, affectionately, no one can say a bad word about him, but he chose you as an enemy, he torments you, scoffs, hisses at you, grumbles, he tries to set up some dirty tricks.

Such a tormentor can also start up in your children at school, for example, he will torture your son or daughter with nit-picking, unfair deuces, he will challenge you and mock you quietly and painfully. And if such a tormentor starts up at work, it happens that he will bake that it’s time to quit.

It is from such a dirty trick that the Siberian intercessor Agrafena advises to read a special prayer to the disgust of the tormentor.

In order to conduct a prayer ceremony, sit at the table facing the window, let your hair down, take off your shoes, light a candle, cross it with salt, which you need to sprinkle on a white saucer, three times with God's words: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Then, on a piece of paper, write with a pencil the name of the person who torments you, sprinkle the piece of salt with salt and read the prayer of Agrafena the intercessor:

Mother of God and damp earth, Angels of Heaven!

Help! Take away evil from a dashing person!


After that, burn the leaf on a plate, and bury the ashes under a tree near your house. Ask the tree for forgiveness with the words:

Tree-tree, do not hold evil on me, forgive me, take my pain and sorrow-trouble. Forgive the tree, forgive the sinner (th). Amen.

Prayer is agrafena for the farewell to the son’s army for his protection and soothing of longing.

Agrafena Kulkova said that if in the village the mother escorts her son to the army, then after him it is necessary to say a protective prayer. And the words of the prayer prayer are as follows:

I bless you, servant of God (name), on all paths, so that it is easy to serve you, I will thank Jesus. Save you Lord, from an unhappy fate, from all evil people, from a whirlwind, from a torment for many years. Amen.

Prayer-amulet to the Mother of God on the fortress of the spirit of a woman

Agrafena Kulkova, a Siberian healer, is often visited and visited by women asking for help to gain the courage to make an important decision. One needs to pluck up the courage to leave her husband-bullshit, the other needs to open her own business, the third cannot figure out the relationship with her relatives. Agrafena explains: in order to turn life around, in order to take responsibility, for this you first need to cleanse yourself of filth, fast for three days, then wash yourself with silent water at dawn.

Then you need to sit at the table facing the window, let your hair down, take off your shoes, light a candle and read Agrafena's prayer to strengthen the spirit on the flame:

Mother of God! You are my intercessor, forgive my sins, voluntary and involuntary, protect from filthy filth, hide from the unclean, put in the heart of the servant of God (name) the power of heaven, light, stronger than Alatyr-stone, a damask sword, a sharp knife, so that the servant of God does not hook (name), so that the heart does not ache, does not hurt, so that the little head does not rage, so that the blood flows in the veins, like a quiet river. At the dawn of Ulyana, at the dawn of Maremyan, at night-midnight, at day-noon, Mother of the Blessed Virgin! I will bow to you with scissors, forever and ever, for life. My word is stronger and more mellow, the keys lie in the ground, they keep my peace. Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer-crosses agrafena-intercessors for protection Prayer-cross, how will you be baptized

Bless Christ! There is nothing, and I am not afraid of anyone!

Prayer-cross before leaving the house

There is a cross in front, a cross in the back, a cross on the right side, a cross on the left side, and above the head Jesus Christ himself is risen!

Prayer-cross on the street

Angel to meet, Jesus on the way, Nicholas the Wonderworker, holy path!

Prayer-cross in the morning on a weekday

Angels in front, Angels on the sides. Angels at your back, Jesus above your head!

Prayer-cross on the way

I am walking, the servant of God (name), along the path, the Mother of God is in front, the Lord is behind, the guardian angel protects the path.

Prayers of agrafena intercessor to the guardian angel prayer in the morning any day

My angel, my guardian, save my soul, strengthen my heart. Enemy Satan, depart from me, servant of God (name). I, the servant of God (name), will hide myself in the sun, I will lock myself up in a clear month, I am not afraid of anyone. Lord, save and save today. Amen.

Prayer before the road

Guardian Angel, I rely on you! Forgive, Lord, King David. King David was meek and humble. May for the servant of God (name), the path-path be short and humble. Amen.

Prayer if danger lurks

Guardian angel, protect the servant of God (name)! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Be with me, don't leave me, don't leave me at this moment! Amen!

Prayer for violence

Guardian angel! Let arrows, cut with swords, protect with axes the soul of the sinful servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

Prayers of the agrafena-intercessor to the Blessed Virgin Mary prayer in the morning and in the evening

In the Church of God, the Most Pure Mother of God stood and saw a dream, how they crucified their son on the cross, chained his hands and feet with nails, spat in his mouth, tore the incorruptible robe. Give me, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, strength on the way, lightness and strength for this day and for this night, in the house, in the field and on the road, save me from an evil person, from a vain death. Amen.

Prayer from all dangers

Shelter me, Holy Mother of God, from the dark night, from the black cloud, from the running beast, from the creeping snake, from the sorcerer-sorceress, from the sorcerer-sorceress, from the fire-burn, from the water-flood. Amen.

Prayer for accidents

Mother, bless! Take me, Holy Mother of God, from accidents, from enemies and adversaries, from Satan and filthy devils. Amen.

Prayer not to be robbed

Save me, Lord! Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, save the servant of God (name) from a dashing person, from a villainous thief, from all misfortunes, from dashing bad weather. Amen.

Prayer for nightmares

Angel of Heaven, my guardian! I will gird myself with the cross, I will cover myself with prayer. Help, strengthen the servant of God (name). For a bright day, for a dark night, from the damned Satan, from the soul of the devil. I will never forget! Amen. . The community has over 58,000 subscribers.

There are many of us, like-minded people, and we are growing rapidly, posting prayers, sayings of saints, prayer requests, posting useful information about holidays and Orthodox events in a timely manner... Subscribe. Guardian Angel for you!

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site, before you start studying the information, please subscribe to our Orthodox community on Instagram Lord, Save and Save † - . The community has over 60,000 subscribers.

There are many of us, like-minded people, and we are growing rapidly, posting prayers, sayings of saints, prayer requests, posting useful information about holidays and Orthodox events in a timely manner... Subscribe. Guardian Angel for you!

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is incredibly strong and gives powerful protection to the Lord even in the most hopeless cases. For many centuries, Orthodox people around the world have resorted to it to protect themselves and their loved ones from all kinds of misfortunes, and most importantly, to communicate with God, to see His light, purity and righteousness, in order to receive spiritual harmony and eternal grace.

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross (May God rise again...)

This prayer also has a second name - "Let God rise again ...". Its history is complex, terrible and tragic, but in it is the true calling and power of God's Word that passed through the centuries in order to proclaim the righteous Orthodox faith that saves everyone who comprehends its gifts.

The life-giving Cross, which is spoken of in prayer, is a wooden pillar on which Jesus Christ was crucified. The Christian people have been praying to him for many centuries in order to protect themselves from various negative influences:

  • diseases;
  • evil eye and damage;
  • dangers;
  • troubles and sorrows.

There are many well-known facts that reveal the miraculous power of the Cross. In the distant year 326, King Constantine, who faithfully fought for the revival of Christianity, wished to erect temples on the land where Jesus was born, lived and died.

He also wanted to find the building on which the Great was crucified. In this noble cause, he was helped by his mother, Queen Elena. After an overwhelming search, she met with the weak Jew Judas, who told about the place where the Cross was located.

So in a deep cave on which a pagan temple stood, three crosses were discovered. But no one knew which of them caused the terrible torment of the Son of God. And suddenly the Savior himself gave the answer to this question, pointing to the healing effect of the building. In order to know the real Cross, the following was done:

  • he was brought to a seriously ill woman - and the disease instantly left her forever;
  • laid on the deceased - and after his touch, the deceased came to life.

After that, Queen Elena brought one part of the Cross to her son, and left the other in Jerusalem. Since then, uttering sincere, sincere words in prayer: “May God rise again, and scatter against Him ...”, a person receives powerful heavenly protection from any misfortunes. After all, the great divine power of Jesus remained forever on the Cross, which accepted suffering and death on it for the entire human race.

The life-giving Cross has become the main symbol of Christianity, because with a prayer on the lips, its strength increases, because through it the Almighty grants its protection to everyone, and it is unquestioning.

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross from corruption

The power of prayer directly depends on the person who pronounces it. After all, it should be read sincerely and with a pure soul. That is why they often resort to it in order to expel corruption from a person, and, as you know, it is the result of envy and soullessness of those people in whose souls evil has settled and, knowing no other way out, causes pain and suffering to others.

In such cases, when coming to the temple, you need to put a candle to the icon of Jesus Christ, read the prayer and psalm 90 three times. Such a prayer cleanses and fills with spiritual harmony, and the Cross becomes a talisman against all evil throughout the rest of your life. After all, if love for God lives in a person’s heart, then faith will forever settle in his soul.

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is not just an eternal recognition of the Lord for his deeds, it sets out the whole essence of the world and the true destiny of man. It heals the physical and calms the spiritual. Her strength is in herself! For the Word of God, embedded in the soul, revives faith, which is the greatest grace given to mankind.

Prayer in Russian

Prayer to the Holy Cross:

Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. As the smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross, and say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on you, who descended into hell and corrected his strength the devil, and who gave us His Honorable Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honorable and Life-Giving Cross, and save me from all evil.

Psalm 90:

Alive in the help of the Most High, in the blood of the God of Heaven will settle. The Lord says: Thou art my intercessor and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. As if He will deliver thee from the net of the hunter, and from the rebellious word, His splash will overshadow thee, and under His wings you hope: His truth will be your weapon. Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days, from the thing in the darkness of the transient, from the scum, and the demon of the noonday. A thousand will fall from your country, and darkness at your right hand will not come near you; Look at both your eyes, and see the reward of sinners. As you, O Lord, are my hope, the Most High have laid down your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and the wound will not approach your body, as if by His Angel a commandment about you, save you in all your ways. They will take you in their hands, but not when you stumble your foot on a stone; step on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and, as I know My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will crush him and glorify him, I will fulfill him with long life, and I will show him My salvation.

Prayer to the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord:

Before the wondrous miraculous power, the Four-pointed and Tripartite Cross of Christ, at your foot into the ashes, I bow to you, the Honest Tree, which drives away from me all demonic shooting and frees me from all troubles, sorrows and misfortunes. You are the Tree of Life. You are the purification of the air, the illumination of the holy temple, the protection of my dwelling, the protection of my bed, the enlightenment of my mind, heart and all my feelings. Your holy sign protects me from the day of my birth, enlightens me from the day of my baptism; it is with me and on me all the days of my life, both on dry land and in waters. It will accompany me to the grave, it will overshadow my ashes. It, the holy sign of the miraculous Cross of the Lord, will announce to the whole universe about the hour of the general resurrection of the dead and the last Terrible and Righteous Judgment of God. About the Most Honorable Cross! In your fall, enlighten, teach and bless me, unworthy, always undoubtedly believing in Your invincible Power, protect me from every adversary and heal all my mental and physical ailments. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, by the power of Your Honorable and Life-Giving Cross, have mercy on me and save me, a sinner, from now and forever and ever. Amen.

Psalm 45:

God is our Refuge and Strength, Helper in sorrows that have found us green. For this sake let us not be afraid, the earth is always troubled and the mountains are turned into the hearts of the sea. Their waters roar and tremble, the mountains tremble because of His strength. River aspirations rejoice in the city of God: the Most High has sanctified His village. God is in the midst of him, and he will not move: God will help him in the morning in the morning. Confused tongues, deviate kingdoms: give Your voice from the Highest, move the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us, our intercessor God Jacob. Come and see the works of God, even put miracles on the earth: having taken away the battle to the end of the earth, the bow will crush and break the weapon, and burn the shields with fire. Be abolished and understand that I am God: I will ascend to the ranks, I will ascend to the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us, our intercessor God Jacob.

The Lord is always with you!



This amulet helps in the treatment of severe damage, it is also good to read on the water 7 times in which they put the cross, and then give it to the patient to drink, you can also read on the cross and carry it with you will serve as a talisman. fake once every half a year.

In deliverance from diseases to the servant of God (name), the cross is the guardian, the cross is the beauty of the church, the cross is the power of the kings, the cross is the scepter of princes, the cross is the servant of God (name), the fence, the cross, drive away from the servant of God (name) every enemy and adversary. Holy Hierarchs Ivan the Forerunner the Theologian, friend of Christ, Mother of God of Tifa, Kazan and Smolensk, in holy baptism Friday Paraskovya, pray to God for deliverance from diseases to the servant of God (name). Oh, the shift of the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord, the holy Victorious Egory the Brave, great martyr, take your spear, which is holding on the flattering serpent; Archangel Michael, take your fiery spear and reflect silence and kinship from the servant of God (name), dreaming, roaring and belching winds and arrows, day and night commotion, and all sorts of sorrows and illnesses from seventy joints, from seventy veins and from the whole inside bodies, we will give birth to twelve - relatives and twelve wives with simple hair. The holy archangels and angels, cherubim and seraphim, the heavenly powers of the governor Michael the Archangel, the Ascension of the Lord, the holy prophet of God Ilya, the Great Saint Sophia over the gates of the Tsar - the city, Anastasia and Barbara the Great Martyr, the holy myrrh-bearing wives, the righteous Ivan the holy fool. Theotokos in Jerusalem, the city of Judea, to which the Lord our God Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the reverend fathers Izosimus and Savvaty, the Solovetsky wonderworkers, came, pray to God for deliverance from diseases to the servant of God (name). How can a tree not reach the top from earth to heaven, and how the true Christ our God does not have silence, nor relatives, nor any sorrows and illnesses from the visible and invisible, opposite forces and the enemy excommunicated, from the temple of the expelled evil spirit, the servant of God is renewed (name) from all filth and from the violent winds and from the water that came, all sorts of sorrows and illnesses, and having become friends with the holy cross. Jesus Christ himself, the Son of God, and Saints Michael and Gabriel the Archangels, Tikhon the Monk, Macarius of Unzhensky, Dimitry of Rostov sit on the throne - to drive away from the head, ribs and the entire inside and body - water, great swamp sorrows - ailments: key, jet, and windy from the winds. And I pray: take away from the servant of God (name) silence and kindred, roaring and burping, head and windward arrows, day and night troubles, stone diseases, diarrhea, boils, scabies, syphilis, and all sorts of sorrows and illnesses of twelve kindred relatives and twelve simple-haired wives, Mount Tabor stands on the mountain, church stacks lie on the mountain, the Most Holy Theotokos, the mistress, Vladimir, Kazan, Spasskaya and Renewal in the new city of Jerusalem, on the frontal place, and resume, I, the servant of God (name), silence and darling, fast, roaring, dreaming, windy, watery, daytime and nighttime troubles and all sorts of sorrows and illnesses from opposite forces at the birth of the month, at the full and at the old months, and at any time of the day and night I will drive away. And yet I, the servant of God (name), I am baptized with a cross, I will protect myself with a cross, I will call on the cross of God to help, I will drive away the devil with a cross, I will cleanse all sorrows and illnesses with a cross. Lord, have mercy on me, servant of God (name). Amen."

It so happens that even the most unbelieving parent prays for God's help if something happened to his child. After all, there are situations in life when neither earthly power, nor money, nor intelligence helps. It turns out that God is the last resort for us, where we turn after everyone else has shown us the fig.

But mothers are not up to reasoning when it comes to praying for children. After all, there is always hope that if you ask correctly, everything will be given to you.

Prayer for a good sleep baby

Let's start with a banal problem - the child has a very unstable sleep, and to wake him up, you don’t even need to make noise, he is already bursting into screams as soon as you sigh with relief: “I fell asleep.”

There are many reasons why babies do not sleep well. This, of course, can be a health problem, an easily excitable nervous system, but we can also talk about energy component issues. Someone looked askance at the child, and he, being still very receptive, cannot calm down. Outside the window there was a barking of a dog - and the child, being restless from birth, bursts into tears.

Of course, you are not able to provide him with complete silence and you cannot protect him from unfriendly looks on the street. But you can protect his weak aura with a prayer that is recited so that the child sleeps well.

Here is her text:

“The cross is on me, the cross is in me. Fly an angel to me, sit on the right wing. Save me Lord, from evening to dawn, from now to eternity. Amen."

This prayer should be read to the child for sleep, after you rock him and put him to bed. As a result, not only your baby will get enough sleep, but you yourself.

Holy Matrona

The Holy Matrona of Moscow is the most powerful female saint in Orthodoxy. Women can ask her for anything - about pregnancy, a husband, getting rid of diseases, luck, beauty, etc. Of course, such an exclusively female saint also has a prayer for the health of the child to the Matrona.

It looks like this:

“O blessed mother Matrono, now hear and accept us, sinners, praying to you, who have learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn in all your life, with faith and hope for your intercession and the help of those who come running, quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; may your mercy not fail now to us, unworthy, restless in this many-fuss world and nowhere to find comfort and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our sicknesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, passionately fighting, help me convey my worldly Cross, to endure all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, keep the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, have strong hope and hope in God and unfeigned love for neighbors; help us, after departing from this life, reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying mercy and the goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

With this, you will not only protect the health of your children, but also create a prosperous aura around your home for the whole family.

You can safely turn to Matrona in your own words, for example, if you are not an adherent of religious affairs. She is famous for helping absolutely everyone in need, it is only important to ask her about it.

For prayers to be fulfilled

It would be too easy to read a prayer at night to a child and forget forever about the problems associated with raising children. What can you offer God in return?

A woman who asks God for help must prove with her life that she deserves healing, well-being, the same children. One must learn not to sin, to swear, to envy, to succumb to lust. And only then can you ask with a clear conscience.

For Orthodox people, prayer in everyday life is of great importance. All believers know the prayer to the Holy Cross. It can be found in any prayer book. Therefore, it is absolutely easy to find it and read it. But to make it more effective, it is recommended to learn it by heart.

In Orthodoxy, they turn to the Holy Life-Giving Cross in prayers as a Holy Cross, although it is an inanimate object. This is explained by the fact that through the use of this symbol in Orthodoxy there is communication with the Lord.

The cross in prayer is called Honest. This is due to the fact that this symbol is honored like any other Orthodox shrine. The Orthodox treat him as an instrument for the salvation of the human race. The name Life-Giving is explained by the fact that the Cross gives eternal life to all those who have been baptized. After all, Jesus Christ himself was able to overcome physical death on the cross, and opened the way for people to resurrect and gain eternal life.

The clergy claim that the power of this prayer lies in the fact that for many centuries it has been repeated many times by believers. When praying at home, it is recommended to turn off artificial lighting and completely immerse yourself in your thoughts. If during the day you had a chance to experience negative emotions, then you must first calm down so as not to transfer the received negativity to prayer words. To do this, you can sit in silence for a while and listen to church music. It is important to pray in a balanced state. It is strictly forbidden to read this prayer in a state of anger or discontent.

One of the main prayers of the Bible "Let God rise again and scatter his enemies"

Saying the words of this prayer, a person is charged with positive energy. Communicating with God, people receive answers and tips on important questions. This prayer should be read not only in order to receive any benefits from the Lord. It allows you to find peace of mind and increases the strength to fight external evil. The “Honest Cross” prayer has the power that allows a person to protect himself from evil forces and from worldly sinful temptations that are encountered on the path of life. Saying prayer words, the believer asks the Lord to direct him on the path of righteousness and help him decide on the choice of what he needs for a prosperous life.

Prayer to the Holy Cross must be said before going to bed. When pronouncing the prayer text, you should hold a pectoral cross in your hands. Upon completion of the prayer process, it is necessary to kiss the cross and cross the bed and yourself with the sign of the cross.

The deep meaning of the spoken phrases lies in the fact that a person thanks the Lord with prayer words for the day he has lived. The believer also asks God to protect himself from the evil forces that will meet him the next day. When reading a prayer, it is important to believe that you are under the protection of the Heavenly Forces, and nothing and no one can harm you.

Prayer to the Holy Cross among Orthodox believers has always been associated with the Orthodox cross. For the Orthodox faith, this symbol is of great importance. It was on it that Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was crucified, who lived a sinless life, but sacrificed himself in the name of the salvation of mankind, destroying all the devil's power and giving people the Honest Cross.

The main essence of this prayer is that it glorifies the feat of Jesus Christ. The Son of God gave his life to the entire human race. Crucified on the cross, he was able to defeat the devil himself, for which he gained eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus Christ showed that every person has a hope of salvation. By his resurrection, he proved that death is not terrible for a righteous person, because living according to the laws of God, he will certainly gain eternal life.

The text of the prayer in Russian

In order for prayer to be effective, it is necessary to understand its meaning.

In Russian, the prayer text reads as follows:

“May the Most High God arise, and all His enemies be scattered, and let all who hate Him flee from the Lord. As it melts from a breath of air, so may all Your enemies disappear forever; as wax melts from a candle fire, so let the demonic forces perish before those who love God, bow before him and signify the cross, pronouncing in joy: Rejoice, Most Honored and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. By the power of the crucified Lord, our Savior Jesus Christ, casting out demons on you. The Lord, who descended into hell and destroyed the terrible devil and gave us You, His Honest Cross, so that we could drive away demonic forces from ourselves. Oh, Most Honored and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, help me in my life with the Holy Mother of God and with all the saints. From now on and forever. Amen".

Listen to the prayer to the Holy Cross of the Lord:

Listen online stichera of Easter Sunday:

A short version of the prayer "Protect me, Lord, by the power of the Honest and Life-Giving"

The text of the prayer to the "Honest Cross" is not very large, but sometimes it happens that there is no time to read it in full. Therefore, the clergy allow the reading of the prayer in an abbreviated version, although the effectiveness of the prayer appeal in this case is somewhat reduced. In addition, it is even allowed to pray in your own words.

The short version of the prayer goes like this:

“Lord, protect me, who believes and loves You, from the influence of demonic power and all evil, by the power of Your almighty Life-Giving Cross. Save and save me Amen".

Damage is not an invention. A directed negative message can arise under a variety of life circumstances. But in any case, such an impact can cause irreparable harm. Therefore, damage must be removed. And for this you can use the prayer of the Holy Life-Giving Cross.

In this prayer appeal, the request for protection from the forces of the devil with the help of the Life-Giving Cross is most clearly expressed. Therefore, this prayer is considered protective. It is often used to heal from corruption, which is a negative message from another person that destroys the victim's natural energy field.

When everything in life went wrong and you are constantly haunted by failures on your life path, you should think about whether you have become a victim of an energy attack. If your fears are confirmed, then you should know that prayers from corruption and the evil eye are the most effective means that will allow you to cope with negativity.

In one of the strong rites, it is required to read a prayer to the Holy Cross of the Life-Giving. The ritual requires special preparation. For the ceremony, you need to prepare a cross. Moreover, the larger its size, the better. It must first be consecrated in the church. In the temple, you also need to purchase a thick candle.

Secluded in a separate room in the evening, you should kneel before the cross and read the prayer to the Life-Giving Cross several times. After the prayer, you need to say that you forgive your ill-wisher and do not wish him harm. Then you need to ask the Lord God that the Almighty forgive the sinner. All words must come from the depths of your soul, and you must believe that you will be able to get rid of negativity with the help of prayer, after which life will improve. After that, you need to light a candle and take it in your hands. Further, looking at the flame, the words of the well-known prayer “Our Father” are pronounced 7 times. At this moment, if you notice that the candle began to crackle, hiss and spark, then you really have damage and all your actions are correct.

In order to protect yourself from damage that could be sent by accident, and not intentionally, it is important to remember that the prayer to the Honest Life-Giving Cross should be read daily at bedtime. It is very strong, so it will provide reliable protection. But besides this, such a prayer appeal will fill the soul with harmony, which will allow you to go along your life path easily and naturally.

Also, in order to get rid of the negativity, you need to visit the temple and pray in front of the icon of the Savior. This prayer is a sincere recognition of all the deeds of the Lord. She heals spiritually and physically. While reading a prayer, envy leaves the soul. This prayer appeal, with daily reading, becomes an effective amulet against all evil in the world around us.