Left and right side of the body in psychosomatics. Psychosomatics: tell me what hurts you, and I will answer where you have problems in life

  • 29.06.2020
  • Chicago Seven
  • Louise Hay
  • Liz Burbo
  • Our body regularly speaks to us in its own language - gives clues, advice, warns of danger. If a person remains deaf to these signals, psychosomatic pains may develop, with which the body will try not to talk, but to shout to consciousness. The location of the pain is important - it can tell a lot.

    In this material, we will consider what the right and left sides of the body symbolize.

    Why does it hurt?

    Psychosomatics (or psychosomatic medicine) is a completely official section of medical science recognized by scientists and doctors that studies the relationship between psychological, emotional and mental processes with the physiological state of the patient. When a person is under stress for a long time, the processes occurring in the vegetative nervous system, muscle relaxation is not achieved, stress hormones accumulate, blood circulation and cellular metabolism may be disturbed. All this becomes the main disease.

    Doctors are not always able to determine the cause of the pain because not all forms of psychosomatic ailments are accompanied by a change at the physiological level. This means that there is pain, and the tests do not show deviations from the norm. But there are (very often) psychogenic diseases in which changes occur both at the organic and at the functional levels. Usually such changes appear after the psychosomatic state lasts for a long time.

    In any case, when pain appears (on the right or on the left), you should first consult a doctor who will conduct an examination, but if the cause does not become clear, you should definitely visit a psychotherapist who will help you find the deep sources of the disease.

    The psychosomatic meaning of the parties

    There is a so-called psychosomatic map of the body in psychosomatics. It was compiled by psychoanalysts on the basis of long-term studies of certain groups of patients with the same diagnoses. According to this map each organ and part of the body is given its metaphysical meaning.

    For example, the lungs symbolize the inhalation of life, the desire to live. If there are breathing problems, for a specialist, this means that a person has a severe internal conflict or emotional problems associated with accepting people and the world in general.

    Legs are a symbol of forward movement, and it is not only about walking or running, but also about personal growth, advancement, and development.

    If the legs hurt, this indicates that a person has obstacles, fears on the way, he cannot (he was forbidden, or he forbade himself) to move forward.

    Hands - active doing, creation. The stomach is an organ that helps to “digest” information, events, people, and accept them. The thyroid gland protects a person when he feels defenseless - it activates and begins to work excessively. So, each organ has its own psychosomatic meaning.

    The sides of the body also have their own meanings. Many organs in a person are paired, and speaking of a disease of the kidneys or eyes, it does not necessarily mean a violation of two paired organs - only the right or only the left can hurt.

    If a person is right-handed, then pains in the right side of the body for him symbolize social activity, actions, interaction with others, professional achievements, ambitions. If the right leg hurts, for example, then one can almost unmistakably say that a person has problems in the labor sphere, at school, he cannot or does not want to move in this direction.

    If a person is right-handed, and pains are observed on the left side, it is believed that this symbolizes for him his own inner world, personal experiences, the ability to feel. Thus, pain in the left leg will indicate problems in personal life, in relation to a person to himself, which prevent him from moving forward, towards the future.

    In metaphysics, the left side of the body is attributed to female energy, and the right side of the body is “responsible” for male energy. But man is a whole being. In it, both masculine and feminine are always balanced. In a healthy person, the two principles are in complete harmony, but in a sick person they can be in a state of imbalance.

    Was your relationship with your mother not the best? Maybe there were conflicts with the father? What feelings did your parents of the opposite sex evoke in you, a little one?

    If there is a negative, then the balance is disturbed. What is the risk? Scoliosis for children and adolescents, diseases of the reproductive system for young people and middle-aged people. And also internal conflict can cause hypertension, allergic reaction and many other psychosomatic diseases.

    On right

    When pain appears on the right, it is recommended to remember the heroes and great warriors of the past. They fought mostly (with rare exceptions) right hand, held a sword in it, and held the shield with the left. Thus, everything that is aggressive, effective and assertive is the right side, everything that concerns the hearth, protection, preservation of life is the left.

    In a woman and in a man, the appearance of pain on the right speaks of the stressors that have arisen, experiences, problems in the field of work, business, and social status.

    For representatives of the stronger sex, pain on the right side symbolizes problems with typical male guidelines - competition, a sense of responsibility for the family, children, the ability to win, respect oneself.

    If pain appeared on the right side of a woman, it is worth looking for the underlying cause in how she balances her career and raising children. A conflict is not excluded, in which a woman blames herself for devoting too little time to children because of her work.

    Psychosomatic pains on the right are also often found in women who occupy men's positions, which require the ability to quickly, balancedly make the most important decisions, on which the fate of other people depends, among other things.

    Another category of women suffering from psychosomatic "right" pains are women who experience internal conflict because of the need to show their masculine energy to a greater extent - to feed the family, be solely responsible for it, and resolve all issues.

    For both men and women, pain on the right side can be a sign of an accumulated conflict with men (a man may have problems communicating with his boss, friends, colleagues, brother, father, and so on, a woman with her husband, lover, brother, dad, colleagues, boss, children-sons).

    In pathological relationships, if they persist for a long time, internal stressors accumulate (resentment, fear, anger), which is fraught with a wide variety of diseases, and not just numbness or psychosomatic, not concentrated in one organ, diffuse pain on the right.

    Do you know what happens when you cross medicine and psychology? An amazing thing will turn out, I tell you! Psychosomatics. This is a direction in medicine that deals with the influence of our emotions, fears and psychological blocks on health. It has been scientifically proven that our inner experiences and feelings result in physical illnesses.

    Once Karina Bagdasarova, a representative of the famous circus dynasty of trainers, admitted that she wanted to be a dancer all her life, and her father forced her to work in the arena. As an adult, when she began to sort things out with herself, she understood why she suffered from back pain all her life - in fact, she “did what she didn’t want to do.”

    So, what can your sore spots tell?

    If the head often or constantly hurts, it is thoughts that “ache”, an abundance of information or thoughts on some reason. Headaches often occur in highly intelligent people who suppress emotions. This problem speaks of low self-esteem and fear, internal reproaches for something and the fact that a person hides everything in himself.

    Hair problems (early greying, hair loss, lifelessness) are an indicator of stress, helplessness and despair. Hair, especially in women, is a symbol of vitality. Problems can arise if a person lives in constant tension and fear. And all you need is to be yourself, believe in yourself and in help from above. Sometimes hair diseases can arise as a response to a big ego, pride and unconscious resentment against God.

    The neck connects the mind (head) to the senses (body). Problems with the neck indicate that you are out of tune with each other first and second. On a metaphysical level, this should be understood as a bridge between the spiritual and the material. Neck diseases speak of a lack of flexibility: a person is afraid to turn around to hear the truth behind his back, ignores the situation instead of understanding it. Even with a sore neck, you can try to nod in the affirmative or shake your head in the negative. It will show where you are having difficulty saying “Yes” or “No”.

    Myopia - lack of foresight, fear of the future and unwillingness to look beyond your nose.
    Farsightedness is the inability to live in the present, today. A farsighted person thinks too long before doing what needs to be done, unable to see the whole situation.
    Color blindness - the eye does not perceive colors, sees everything in gray. It says that a person cannot perceive joy in life. It is important to look at the meaning of the color that displaces consciousness.
    Glaucoma is a thorn in the side. A person suffers in the present about the past, unwillingness to forgive and accept the past.

    Teeth hurt in people who are indecisive and do not make decisions. Everything is decided for you, but you yourself are afraid, you don’t know how to analyze life situations. Problems with chewing teeth indicate that you cannot internalize the circumstances, while the upper lateral teeth are responsible for making decisions, and the lower teeth are responsible for taking responsibility for your decisions. Left is personal, right is social. There is also an opinion that problems with the left side of the body fix problems in communicating with the mother, while on the right side - with the father.

    Diseases of the oral cavity, such as stomatitis, are associated with soul-corroding resentment. Biting the tongue is punishing oneself for talkativeness, cheeks - anxiety, hiding one's secrets and secrets. The mouth is associated with the acceptance of new ideas. Any problems in it speak of disorder in this area.

    Lips are a reflection of our sensual nature. Depending on the internal problems, the following ailments can be reflected in them:

    Cracks - a person is torn from opposite feelings.
    Lip biting is self-punishment for being sensual.
    Herpes is the same as lip biting, but in a more serious form.

    The back symbolizes the support of life. Back problems indicate a lack of moral support. A person believes that he is not loved, or is forced to hide his own love. If a person loses mobility, it means that he cannot show love to others through activity. If on the left - then to relatives, if on the right - then to the world.

    Small of the back

    The waist is conflict. Guilt. Attention is drawn to what is in the past. The lower back is associated with material wealth, money, a partner, home, children, work, diplomas, etc. Pain in this area suggests that a person wants to have something in order to feel more confident, but does not dare to admit it to himself or others. As a result, he is forced to do everything himself, to put everything on his back.

    Bursitis is a theme of repressed anger. A person strives for perfection in everything, even in small things. He does not allow himself to show anger, and this anger accumulates in the joint.
    Arthritis is the thought that you are not loved. Arthritis sufferers tend to be very correct people. For them, the word “must” always dominates, they do everything through themselves, literally breaking through the knee. The “inner critic” is very strong.
    Dislocations. Frequent dislocations of the limbs indicate that a person allows himself to be manipulated too much.
    Knee problems - stubbornness, pride, repressed fear and unwillingness to give in.
    Excess weight

    If a person keeps excess weight, then he should reconsider his inner world. Often the body holds too much to protect itself from external influences. A person is too defenseless before society, before life in general. Sometimes he speaks of a suppressed desire to achieve what he wants. Overweight people in childhood or adolescence often experience a lot of humiliation, ridicule and insults in their address.

    Problems with the legs speak of conflicts of life principles. Perhaps you have had a collapse of ideals, or perhaps you want something that is contrary to your moral principles. Calf pain makes it difficult to move forward, whether walking or running, so it is related to our attitude towards the future and our ability to move forward in life.

    Doctors confirm that gastritis often occurs on the basis of experiences and nervous strains. Problems with the stomach indicate that you are in limbo, there is not enough certainty in life, and in some places there is even a feeling of hopelessness and doom. A stomach ulcer speaks of a feeling of inferiority, fear and insecurity. It also appears due to irritation that does not come out in any way. If these people spoke out, there would be no ulcer.

    Do you think healing can be seen through understanding? metaphysical reasons his illness as a transition to a different branch of reality?

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    If you make the decision to give up the love in your life, the body will fight. Ends with a heart attack or stroke, if the "smart" head puts a ban on love.

    You can often hear the phrase: "All problems are from nerves" . It rather primitively reflects the truth that any problem of our physical body connected with subtle bodies: first of all, our thoughts, beliefs and emotions, as well as those traumas that are deeply embedded in our subconscious.

    One of the most simple circuits in studying the impact of a person's psychological problems on his health is the chakra system.

    These are the energy centers of the body in the Indian tradition, which are responsible for certain functions. They look like energy vortices and are located on the central axis of the body.

    There are 7 main chakras:

    • the first and seventh - single - we receive the energy of the earth and sky,
    • the remaining 5 are paired.

    Chakras correspond to 7 colors, 7 notes.

    1 chakra - coccyx

    The wide side goes down to the feet. It receives energy from the earth. Covers the legs, external genitalia, bladder, uterus, rectum.

    Psychologically, it is the chakra of life force.(how well you feel, full of energy, able to move from state to state, act).

    Diseases of the 1st chakra:

    • loss of strength
    • fatigue,
    • depression,
    • depression.

    The legs are arranged so as to go forward, they symbolize life goals. Legs - the answer to the question: am I going there to be healthy and happy? If your legs hurt - the wrong goals in life, or we are going the wrong way, or we think that we are going the wrong way.

    The body does not distinguish these nuances. Biting yourself is not productive. Better to go the wrong way, figure it out, get it life experience and change direction, but do not gnaw yourself.

    Knees are the freedom to go to your goals. In the knees and lower thighs live the programs that we received from other people - moms, dads, schools, societies, grandparents - everyone who taught us and “taught” us how to live and how not to live, what is right and what is wrong . If it hurts here, then you have programs in your head that prevent you from moving through life, achieving goals, doing something to make these goals come true.

    The body is demolished only by those programs that are in conflict with your internal goals and meanings. Useful programs(to cross the street green color) can work until the end of life and the body will not get sick.

    Depression is a disease of the meaning of life (we stubbornly go the wrong way). When a person does not go to his goals, sacrifices himself, makes a career, for example, and not love. Any distortions lead to an imbalance of energy.

    Depression comes from within: “Stop, you don’t need to go further there. Stop, figure out with yourself where you are going ... "

    Bladder - emotions. The ability to feel and miss feelings. Bladder diseases - long suppression of emotions or doing nothing with them. It breaks down when the real situation in your life is threatening, it signals that something needs to be changed.

    Rectum(the ability to get rid of the past - you ate it, digested it, you need to let it go). It is necessary to get rid of not only the bad, but also the good. Why remember what a delicious cake or good sex when you can relive it. No need to get stuck in the past, it no longer exists, you need to live in the now, eat fresh food all the time and get fresh impressions of life all the time.

    Constipation is the fear of letting go of the past. Or people who are stuck in the past. Fear of parting with money (greed). Fear of parting with old things - the house is littered with old things.

    Diarrhea - fear of the future (oh, no matter what happens). This is always a neurotic fear, it is not tied to reality: the inability to draw the necessary conclusions and move on, there is no attempt to make an analysis, money does not hold.

    Uterus- childbearing and creation. This is the organ of creativity. Tumors of the uterus - excessive motherhood (to be a "mommy"). Infertility is an undeveloped function of motherhood.

    The most terrible fears live on the first chakra - biological ones:

    • fear of dying
    • fear of getting sick
    • fear of severe illness
    • fear of poverty
    • fear of hunger.

    2nd chakra - lower abdomen

    It is located 3 fingers below the navel, behind - the lower back. Responsible for sexual energy, sexual function and desires.

    Right appendage and appendicitis - permission to joy(from delicious food to communication with God). The ability to experience joy is based on sexual energy. Any joy from physical to spiritual.

    Left appendage - permission to work(the ability to "create" your life). If we do not do this, we have problems with this side.

    The loin is money. Permission to cash flow in your life. You need to want money on the 2nd chakra. We have as much money as we value ourselves. If you good specialist, but do not value yourself - they will pay little. When we earn money, we must feel that we deserve this money, we are worthy of it, and we are worthy of the life that money can buy. Making money is selling yourself, your abilities or qualities. Women who stay at home also earn money - the wife does the hard work.

    Radiculitis is a disease of money.

    3 chakra - stomach and solar plexus

    The periphery of this chakra is all the digestive organs and the kidneys.

    There are three aspects of the third chakra:

    3-A. Adaptation to life(the ability to digest life, the ability to survive in society, among other people).

    On the 3rd chakra there are social fears: fear of how I look, fear of how they treat me, fear that they will not push me away, fear of being unwanted, shame, resentment ...

    Emotions are born here. Emotions are signals about how you adapt to life. If nothing threatens our adaptation, our survival, we are calm, confident, if something does not go well with us, we get anger, anger, shame, sadness. If you feel fear, resentment, depression, then something in life is not as it should be. (Like a doorbell - if unpleasant people come, then do not cut off the call).

    3-B. Individual will (liver). Each of us has the will to live - the ability to make an effort of will, to do something, to realize or refuse something. Protects our individual will + anger. To be angry is when someone else’s will goes against our will (it’s impossible, I won’t give it ...). Or when you are being manipulated. When we are set up, betrayed, these are serious reasons for anger. The most dangerous thing is to try to deny your anger. If you hide your anger from others, it does not harm you much, but if you hide it from yourself, you will get sick - an ulcer, colitis, gastritis. I must honestly admit to myself - yes, it's stupid, but I'm angry, I'm offended. This is the guarantee of health. Handle anger like a knife.

    3-B. Information processing. Processing of knowledge (digestion). We consume knowledge by digestion. What is interesting to us is useful - we send it to our biocomputer - the head, and what is not interesting, not necessary - goes into the "toilet bowl".

    The child should receive and digest knowledge in a calm stop. But he is afraid, he is tense, he doubts his abilities. It cramps the stomach and that knowledge goes through that cramp.

    In the body, school neurosis is colitis, gastritis and cholecystitis. Later in life, situations when you need to prove yourself, pass an exam - are accompanied by pain in the stomach.

    Kidneys - fears get stuck and very often parental(they were afraid for the child, he is afraid for himself, he couldn’t cope with something). Almost also problems of partnership, relations with other people.

    4 chakra - heart

    Located at the level of the nipples - the Chakra of love.

    A person has no choice to love or not to love. If you make the decision to give up the love in your life, the body will fight. Ends with a heart attack or stroke (if the "smart" head puts a ban on love).

    Love must move in two directions. We must give love to other people and receive love.

    Acceptance and return must be balanced - distortions lead to problems. How much you give - just as fully and accept. If the heart is blocked - a heart attack.

    All love begins with self-love. Loving others and not loving yourself is a self-deception that hides the fear of other people. Love is like a spring - it must fill the cup, love should be given out of generosity, and not out of fear.

    The heart closes from within. Only a person can open it on his own.

    The heart closes at a very early age. Maybe in a nursing home. Or a child comes up to mom and dad, and they say "go play, don't interfere." The child says "they don't need my love" and closes his heart. And it becomes very comfortable, but with a closed heart. The program “I am not worthy of love” appears.

    Then the person says “prove love to me” and does not trust anyone, no matter how much they love him.

    Self-love - in our culture it is not accepted, just as it is not customary to praise - if a person has done well - this is how it should be, it is clear and why praise for it. And scolding is a sacred duty. The child accumulates a sense of squalor - this is not right, this is not right, this is not right. The child thinks: "Why love me - I'm such a misery." Then the ban on self-love - "if I love myself, I will grow into a monster."

    Most people believe that you need to drive yourself with a whip, stimulate. If you don't press it, it won't do anything.

    5th chakra - base of the neck

    Periphery - all respiratory system. Self realization is being yourself.

    To be yourself is to breathe and live. Don't be yourself - die. Step on the throat of your own song - die without breathing. We put other people's problems on our shoulders!

    If a child screams, but no one approaches him - no one hears me, no one needs me - bronchitis.

    Asthma, tuberculosis, lung cancer- I have no right to live (guilt) - usually associated with birth trauma.

    Tonsils and runny nose- strong resentment, lack of tenderness, rejection of the sex of the child. Or bad sexual relations between parents.

    Cough- pay attention to me.

    6 chakra - Center of the forehead and back of the head (it is in the center of the head)

    Third Eye. Eyes. Vision problems, some installations. Glasses are protection. Worldview - our view of the world and ourselves in this world, memory, experience, knowledge. Our picture of the world. Perspective changes with experience.

    Pain in the head - self-criticism. Our head hurts when we do what we think we shouldn't do (doesn't fit into your picture of the world). For example, you got angry, but you think it’s bad to be angry. There will be a headache.

    Migraine- constant self-criticism at the level of habit.

    Ears- the child does not want to hear something - energy stubs.

    7 chakra - crown (where the child has a fontanel)

    Connection with the beyond. Marginal values ​​(most important). Connection with other people, connection with life in general. These are the highest values ​​- such as conscience. If a person steps over these values, then they say: "The life of a person has crushed."

    Mental illnesses are often associated with this chakra. If a person cannot live in harmony with his conscience - destruction. A closed chakra is the fear of realizing something in oneself or in the world. Resentment against God.

    Left / right side of the body

    Right-handers - right male – activity: action, purposefulness, will.

    Left female - passive: relaxation, rest, the ability to feel.

    Blood- joy that spreads throughout the body.published

    Munch illustration, Edvard - Meeting in space, 1899

    P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

    Our body is a tool for perceiving the world in which we live. It directly reflects our beliefs and our thoughts. We ourselves create diseases. And diseases are signals that our body sends to us. We need to learn to listen and understand them.

    Our body reacts to our every thought. Health and well-being - for good thoughts and manifestations of love and care for him. And pain and suffering - to destructive thoughts.

    We choose our own body. Therefore, it is stupid and even dangerous to express dissatisfaction with your appearance. Our higher mind made a choice in favor of the body that we have now. And it is the most suitable tool for our life, for performing certain functions in this world.

    Our body is a reflection of our thoughts. Therefore, if we want to change our body, for example, to make it more slender, beautiful, then it is necessary to change our thoughts in the subconscious program. It is very important to love and accept your body and your appearance as they are. And only then act.

    Left side of the body

    Symbolizes receptivity, absorption, feminine energy, woman, mother.

    Right side of the body

    Symbolizes male energy, man, father.

    Do not forget that man is a whole being. It circulates both male and female energy. In Eastern philosophy, a lot of attention was paid to the correct circulation and harmony of the energies of the masculine principle - yang and the feminine principle - yin. The exchange of these two types of energies must be balanced. That is, there must be harmony between the masculine and the feminine.

    How do you know if there is a balance between male and female energy in your body? This is very easy to do. Your relationships with women/men in life reflect the interplay of inner energies. Analyze your relationship with the opposite sex. Start with your parents. If you have even the slightest negative thoughts about parents and the opposite sex, this means that the balance is disturbed, and this, in turn, leads to all kinds of suffering: scoliosis, diseases of the genital area and others.

    Reconsider your attitude towards parents, since the father in the life of a child symbolizes the masculine principle of the Universe, and the mother symbolizes the feminine. Get rid of negative thoughts about yourself and the opposite sex. In this way, you will balance the masculine and feminine in your life, in your body, left and right.

    Overweight, overweight, obesity

    I already wrote above that the state of our body at a given moment in time is a reflection our thoughts, feelings and emotions. If you are overweight, then do not rush to look for a miracle pill. Turn inside yourself - the reasons are there. No need to force yourself and your body. Exhaust him with hunger and various diets. Of course, in this way you can achieve a certain result for a while. But if you do not radically change your attitude towards yourself, then fullness will return again.

    Here are some thoughts and feelings that fullness can reflect.

    Fear and the need for protection. Often overweight people feel insecure. And fat performs a protective, buffering function.

    Fat people are very sensitive, but since they cannot cope with their feelings, fat symbolically helps them dull unwanted emotions and experiences.

    Fullness is one of the manifestations of discontent and self-hatred. You are so dissatisfied with yourself and criticize and scold yourself so often that your body is forced to defend itself.

    History of obese women.

    A woman of incredible size came to a friend of mine at the hairdresser's. She hated and despised fat people.

    “These ugly fat people, those awful fat folds, are disgusting to look at. Yes, I just hate them, - she said, as soon as she saw her own kind.

    All overweight people have one quality in common - self-dislike.

    When such patients come to me, I first teach them to love themselves, to accept their bodies.

    Many women begin to gain weight after giving birth. They attribute this to hormonal changes in the body, and doctors say the same thing. But is this the reason? After all, there are women who give birth to two or three children, and even more, but at the same time remain slim. Of course, hormonal changes in the body of a woman giving birth occur: the calcium content in the bones changes, the pelvis expands, the nose lengthens by a fraction of a millimeter, the chin becomes a little heavier, etc. But this is not the reason for fullness. The reason is that with the birth of a child, a woman pays less attention to herself. All attention is on the child. And this is a gross mistake.

    I believe that after the birth of a child, a woman should pay twice as much attention to herself than before his birth. She should start doing this already during pregnancy. Moreover, attention should be paid not so much to your appearance (although this is mandatory), but to your thoughts, feelings, and your behavior. After all, the health of the child depends entirely on the state of thoughts and emotions of his parents. Therefore, the more love and peace there is in the mother, the healthier the child will be. This means fewer sleepless nights.

    A woman came to see me who had given birth a few months ago. Immediately after giving birth, she began to recover. Turning to the subconscious, we found out that the reason for her fullness is in a negative attitude towards herself.

    “Yes,” the woman agreed, “it is. I have always been dissatisfied with myself. Even before the birth of the child. Even before marriage. I was always looking for and finding some flaws in myself.

    “I think,” I said, “fullness will make you feel differently about yourself.

    - You're right.

    – Are there any other reasons for being overweight? I asked her to ask a question to the subconscious.

    “Yes, doctor, there is,” the patient replied, coming out of her trance state. She wanted to say something, but tears began to flow from her eyes. After she calmed down, she continued: “After the birth of the child, our relationship with my husband changed,” she said, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief. “He has become different. There is no longer love and satisfaction in our relationship. Therefore, I try to get satisfaction at least from food.

    “But you don’t love yourself, but you want your husband to love you.” Your husband only reflects your attitude towards yourself. Everything is very simple! Start loving yourself and you will see how your husband will change his attitude towards you.

    Next, we created new behaviors in the subconscious program. Then I talked about proper nutrition and picked up homeopathic medicines to normalize metabolism.

    A month later, a completely different woman came to see me: beautiful, slender, fit.

    “Doctor, you know, I don’t recognize my husband. It feels like we're on our honeymoon. Tomorrow I will bring my friend to you. She also wants to lose weight.

    Loving and accepting yourself is very important. If you are dissatisfied with yourself, then there must be an outward manifestation of this discontent. The outside reflects the inside. It has long been noticed that when a person loves himself, his body takes on an ideal weight and shape. Very often a person tries to replace the lack of love and satisfaction in life with food, since the soul does not tolerate emptiness.

    One of my patients of impressive build tells me:

    - Doctor, you know, as soon as I get carried away by any man, that is, when I have a love affair in my life, I immediately lose weight and find my ideal weight. But after the rupture of relations, I become fat again.

    “I know of one such case,” I tell her. - One of my acquaintances, a very plump woman, while relaxing in Yalta in the summer, met a famous singer. I only spent one night with him.

    But this had a very strong effect on her appearance.

    Just one night! And she lost weight, returning home, twenty kilograms. Being still under the impression of this meeting, she took care of herself: she changed her hairstyle, began to monitor nutrition, began to go for shaping and massage.

    “And I have the same story,” the patient confirmed. - Only the artists have not yet come across.

    Why do you need my help in this case? I ask. - Meet a man and fall in love - and the problem is solved.

    “Well, it’s hard, all at once,” she replies. “First you need to meet such a man.

    “So I can hardly become the hero of your love story,” I tell her. - You, of course, an attractive woman, but I like another. A love affair has already begun in my life, and I am not going to interrupt it.

    The woman laughs

    “Doctor, you know what I mean.

    - Certainly. We will choose another way. We will cause you a state of chronic love, and the extra pounds will disappear. You will always be slim and beautiful, regardless of whether you have a man or not.

    Hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive can also be the cause of fullness. It is noticed that fat people very touchy. Resentment contributes to the accumulation of body fat. If you remember from the first book, resentment is the desire to change the attitude towards oneself, that is, the desire to love, respect and appreciate oneself. And again, it all comes down to love, to a change in attitude towards yourself.

    One of my patients, a young girl, lost four kilograms after the first session, but then the process stopped. From communication with the subconscious, we found out that her grievances against her father and his new wife were preventing her from losing weight further. The fact is that when my patient was fourteen years old, her father divorced her mother and went to live with another woman. It was then that the girl began to recover.

    Realizing the reasons and changing her attitude towards her father and his personal life, the girl was able to gain the ideal weight.

    A mother's concern about her children's health can lead to obesity. This is because the concepts of health and good, plentiful nutrition are often associated.

    I had one interesting case. A very overweight woman came to my appointment. She began to recover during pregnancy, and after giving birth she gained even more weight.

    “Doctor,” she asked me, “save me from gluttony.” I already hate myself. I hide from my friends so as not to scare them with my appearance.

    The patient proved to be an excellent hypnotic subject. From communication with the subconscious, we found out that the part of the subconscious that caused excessive appetite took care of the health of her son, who recently turned nine years old. It turns out that as soon as a woman became pregnant, her mother constantly inspired her: "If you want your child to be healthy, eat properly." All nine months of pregnancy she lived in her mother's house, and every day she made appropriate suggestions to her. By the way, the mother of this woman herself was very fat. What is interesting about this whole story is that the patient could actually boast of her son's health. But at what cost! Her subconscious simply did not know other ways of behavior to take care of the health of the child.

    Very often gluttony is a neurotic way to carry out positive subconscious intentions. Gluttons endow food with some special properties, in addition to what is associated with the satisfaction of physiological hunger. For example, with the help of food, a person seeks to fill an emotional void.

    A connection is established in the subconscious: filling the stomach - filling the emotional emptiness, achieving the fullness of the emotional state. It can mean to be connected with people, to be loved and appreciated. The lack of love and satisfaction in life leads to the fact that a person uses food as a means of quick and momentary pleasure. But since this is self-deception, the body constantly requires new and new portions.

    I would like to say one more thing. Rely only on your internal resources, and not on magical medicines. If you are looking for help chemicals then you deny your inner strength. The process of gaining the ideal weight is, first of all, work on yourself: internal and external. Internal is bringing your thoughts and intentions into a state of harmony and balance. External - this is the cleansing of the body from toxins, a change in metabolism, proper nutrition, regular exercise stress to keep muscles in good shape.

    More: http://bookap.info/okolopsy/sinelnikov_vozlyubi_bolezn_svoyu/gl35.shtm

    Supplement to the article - Fine human system.

    Practical instructions and information of a household nature.
    The brain is divided into two hemispheres, left and right, which different influence on the human body. Left-brain dominant people are usually logical, rational, well-spoken, and quick-witted. They process information sequentially, studying it in parts, and only then add the knowledge gained into a coherent picture.

    Right-brain dominant people tend to be visionaries who process information intuitively. They first capture the big picture and only then go into the details. In addition, they are more introverted and sensitive, especially to light, sound, and criticism.

    Our educational system is geared towards left-brained children because they think in a linear way that is easier to teach. Right-brained children adapt less well because they are prone to visualization and they need visual images to understand this or that theory. Because of this, they are often diagnosed with distracted attention, or attention deficit. However, such children simply learn the material differently, and when they get such an opportunity, there are no problems with learning.

    When the brain stem passes into the spinal cord, the nerves at the base of the skull, extending from the two hemispheres, cross. As a result, the right side of our body is associated with the rational, logical part, and the left side with creative qualities and feelings.

    The right side of the body in both men and women reflects the masculine principle. She is responsible for the ability to give, rule and assert oneself. It is the authoritarian and intellectual part of our being that has to do with outside world: work, business, competition, social status, politics and power.

    Problems with the right side in men can mean conflict related to the expression of masculine qualities, responsibility for the family, difficulties in competing at work, lack of self-esteem, or uncertainty with sexual orientation. In women, the right side reflects the conflict between motherhood and career, the difficulty in showing confidence and assertiveness in a position that is usually occupied by men.

    Some mothers have to intensively develop the masculine side, feed the family and make decisions, which can also lead to internal conflict. In addition, the right side reflects relationships with men: with a father, brother, loved one, son, and all the conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

    The right (solar) channel is Pingala nadi.

    Deities: Sri Mahasaraswati. Shri Hanuman (Archangel Gabriel), Shri Surya (Sun)

    The course of the channel: from the right Svadishtana on the right side to Agnia with a transition there to the left side and to the ego.

    Color: light orange, becomes dark red when exhausted.

    Temperature 0 warm, becomes hot when exhausted.

    The physical aspect is the right sympathetic nervous system.

    Qualities: future, masculine qualities, competitiveness, intelligence, linear thinking, analysis, planning, activity, channel of our actions.

    How to keep the right channel in order.

    Right-sided people are not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time.
    You should not "be attached" to the clock.
    Do not live in the future, do not plan - only in the present can you be happy.
    Read poetry (good), sing hymns to the gods from the bottom of your heart, or otherwise praise the Divinity.
    You should not do a lot of sports, intense physical exercise. Hatha yoga.
    Stop giving orders to others.
    Try to avoid spicy foods. Eat less meat products.

    The left side of the body in both men and women reflects the feminine principle. It means the ability to ask for help, accept, obey, feed and care for others, be creative, artistic, listen and trust one's own wisdom. This side is connected with the home and inner world of reflection and intuition.
    Men have problems with the left tweet, sensitive side.
    In women, the left side reflects problems with the expression of vulnerability, femininity, the manifestation of care and maternal feelings, the conflict between sensitivity and responsibility.
    In addition, the left side reflects relationships with women: mother, sister, loved one, wife, daughter - and all the conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

    Left (lunar) channel - Ida nadi ..

    Deities: Sri Mahakali, Sri Bhairava (Archangel Michael), Sri Chandra (Moon).

    The course of the channel: - from muladhara on the left side to Agnia with a transition there to the right side and to the superego.

    Colour: light blue turns black when exhausted.

    Temperature: cool. When exhausted, it becomes icy.

    Physical: left sympathetic nervous system.

    Qualities: past, feminine qualities, memory of the past, heuristic mind, imaginative thinking, emotions. Joy, the channel of our desires.

    How to keep the left channel in order.

    Left-sided people are advised to spend more time in the sun.
    Use reasonable exercise.
    Sit during interitation so that the sun illuminates the back Agnia.
    Eat more meat and protein foods. Spicy dishes are preferred.

    The central channel is Sushumna nadi.

    Deities: Shri Mahalakshmi, Shri Ganesha.

    The course of the channel is from Muladhara to Sahasrara.

    Color - gold.

    Physical aspect: parasympathetic nervous system.

    Qualities: the present, the channel of our evolution, spiritual ascent. Establishing a connection with the Divine.

    To be in a state of balance is the greatest blessing. V modern world self-control is the result of spiritual practices. For a full-fledged, productive activity, it is necessary to constantly be in a state of equilibrium, or, to put it another way, in balance.

    "To balance your left and right channels, the best thing to do is to breathe in when you inhale air through one nostril, hold it for a while, and then let it out through the other. Then inhale it through the second nostril, hold your breath and exhale it through the first. But this must be done very slowly. Not hastily and not excessively. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Srivastava