How to purify the subtle body. Purification of the etheric body (aura)

  • 29.06.2020

All illnesses are not laid in the physical body, they begin in thoughts. Therefore, it is important to be able to cleanse yourself of mental and emotional problems.

Even modern doctors have come to the conclusion that many physical illnesses arise from negative thoughts and emotions (stress). How many times have you heard about nervous diseases. If a person is pessimistic or thinks of someone with anger, this is reflected in his own well-being and health.

To cleanse the subtle bodies and the emotional plane:

- Try to get rid of negative emotions, for example, using the Ho-oponapono technique. Emotions of anger and fear are especially destructive. These emotions trigger dangerous biochemical processes in the body. You need to take care of yourself and not allow negative thoughts, and when they appear, be aware of yourself and stop the mechanism of unwinding the negative. Tell yourself "Stop"! I choose how I feel, so now I choose to shift my attention to something that will make me feel neutral or positive.

Don't get addicted to the memories of the past. We need memories only as a realization of a certain experience. If we tried to walk along the road twice and fell down twice, because there is a hole in the middle, it means that there is no need to go there the third time. But a common person most often regrets the past and dreams of the future, thereby missing the present moment, which is "Life" itself. Our strength is to live in the present. They take the most energy from us negative memories, resentment. It happens that a person was offended at school, and he remembers this all his adult life. Some studies even show that it is resentment that causes severe illness. No need to suppress memories or ignore them. But, if memories come, one must observe them without emotional overtones; yes, it was and gone. It is even worth drawing such a diagram: draw a straight line and mark on it all the periods when something unpleasant happened to you. And in this place draw flowers or something else that you associate with love. Imagine how the energy of love fills these periods. And if you do it sincerely once or twice, then usually negative thoughts go away.

And for those who seriously want to free themselves from the events and pain of the past, you can do the Recapitulation technique at home, which was wonderfully described by K. Castaneda in his books. We recommend reading Victor Sanchez's book The Way of the Toltecs. Recapitulation" in which he maximizes plain language explains how Recapitulation works and how to do it correctly to break free from the shackles of the past. Techniques such as RPT (Reference Pointh Therapy) and the Release Technique are also excellent at releasing the currents of the past.

- For an emotional mood, it is also very desirable to take a shower - cool in the morning and warm in the evening. You can even say: “Where there is water, there is trouble” (sleep, illness, etc.). This, by the way, is a very strong Slavic rite, which is practiced by Slavic healers. At the same time, you need to imagine that everything unpleasant leaves you with water.

Light forms of meditation are very beneficial for health. Now many people think that in order to meditate, you need to be a yogi or live in the mountains. But this is not so at all. For a person who lives in modern society, meditation is vital to cope with stress and restore correct work nervous system. If you come home from work upset in the evening, try meditating. Take a shower, turn off the TV. And sit for 10 minutes in silence, watch your breath, watch your thoughts. In general, try to observe your thoughts, believe me, this activity will allow you to learn a lot of new and useful things about the work of our mind. Yogis have a "pranayama" system, when a person breathes in a certain way, and is cleansed of all negativity. It is also very important to say: “I wish everyone divine love” or “I wish everyone happiness” - and imagine how the energy of love and bliss permeates your every cell and goes from you to other people. First of all, to your offenders. There is such a Buddhist meditation when a person imagines how he cleanses his room from evil, pain, troubles and negativity (for example, with divine light), then the house in which he lives, street, city, country, continent, earth, galaxy and the whole universe. ..This amazing meditation clears the mind and helps to become more conscious. In addition, it really cleanses the universe.

Eastern psychology consists of 50% pranayama - the theory and practice of certain breathing techniques that allow a person to be always filled life force(Prana). According to modern enlightened yoga teachers, we can gain Prana through: element: eating natural food, living in nature, contemplating trees, walking barefoot on the ground. If a person begins to live in nature, away from big cities, which force them to take the subway, walk on asphalt, then such a person quickly restores immunity and begins to live a healthy life.

2. water element: Drink water from wells or streams. Swim in a river or sea. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks, alcohol and soda.

3. fire element: being in the sun and eating food containing sunlight.

4. air element: this is the most important element receiving Prana, through the inhalation of clean air, especially in the mountains, in the forest and on the seashore. Smoking and being in crowded places deprives a person of prana.

5.Ether element: cultivating positive thinking, kindness, good mood. And this level is considered basic. For even if a person lives in nature and eats right, but at the same time he walks irritated and angry, then on the contrary, an excess of Prana will destroy him even faster. On the other hand, a harmonious person, that is, good-natured, fearless, can last quite a long time in the city if he is forced to live there. But even such a person needs to monitor nutrition and periodically “break out” into nature.

By receiving subtle energy, a person becomes happier.

We receive subtle energy when:

- doing breathing exercises
- seclude
- we take a vow of silence, for a while,
- walking (or just being) along the seashore, in the mountains, contemplating the beautiful landscapes of nature,
- engage in unselfish creativity,
- praise someone and celebrate good qualities in people,
- laugh, rejoice, smile from the heart,
- selflessly helping someone,
- showing modesty
- pray before eating
- we eat foods full of prana (vital energy): natural cereals, cereals, ghee, honey, fruits, vegetables,
- we sleep from 9-10 pm, until two in the morning (at other times the nervous system does not rest, no matter how much we sleep),
- we get a session of a good massage, from a harmonious personality or we do self-massage,
- drenched cold water, especially in the morning and the strongest effect if we stand barefoot on the ground,
- donate your time, money,
We see God's will behind everything.


Soda refers to soda, that is, carbonated drinks, and not sodium bicarbonate powder.

As far as we know, soda should not be used by those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (with acidity), as well as some types of gastritis. Short-term intake of soda really clears fungal infections, but for people with some problems in the gastrointestinal tract, it is dangerous.

Boyarinova Tatyana Viktorovna

Cleansing the etheric body as a way to get rid of problems

Today we will work with our energy body, or rather, we will clean it.

Probably many of you are aware that we consist not only of the physical body. In addition to the physical body, we also have subtle bodies that interact with each other, and which we are accustomed to simply not noticing.

Why do we not notice them, and live as if they do not exist? I think because the subtle bodies do not bring us tangible pain, rather than the physical body, so we bypass them with our attention.

Any trouble that threatens us in life, first of all, affects our subtle bodies, which means that if we notice violations in our shell in time and eliminate them, then we can go through life with the least energy costs.

They say that in addition to the physical body, we have 6 more bodies, or plans. Events that are undesirable for us begin, just from the most subtle plane.

I recommend reading books on simoron, which clearly and clearly describe the process of violating our biofields. Rather, it describes how to track the approaching danger, and eliminate it in time.

For example, you heard, out of the corner of your ear, about some kind of accident in Indonesia. It was, so to speak, 1 signal, announcing that the danger had entered your subtle body, which means that until it got closer, up to the physical body, it must be urgently eliminated.

This emerging trouble at this stage is very weak, so it is removed very easily, you just need to immediately shift the focus to something pleasant and fun at this moment, and then the problem will be eliminated.

If we missed 1 signal, then the next signal will be closer to you, that is, you can see with your own eyes some kind of fight, accident, or some other disaster.

Here, for elimination, you will need a more powerful weapon (read the course of a novice wizard, or the textbook of luck by Dorokhov and Gurangov).

I will not describe to you the methods of dealing with approaching troubles (you can read this in books on simoron), but simply describe the process of how they approach.

If you do not work out the second signal, that is, do not stop at this stage, then the next signal will already concern someone from your close circle (acquaintances, relatives).

It's already closest to you physical body a signal, since the next blow will be dealt to you personally.

Well, this is, so to speak, a banal explanation, so that our rational thinking can take it on faith.

This is how trouble approaches us through our subtle bodies, and the subconscious mind clearly and clearly signals this to us.

In order for us not to miss these signals (we are not constantly in a state of awareness always and everywhere), we just need to stay positive, and then nothing bad will happen to us (by the way, the TV gives out a lot of negative signals, so you simply won’t have time to work them out, it's easier to turn it off, or watch a good comedy).

Cleansing our subtle bodies just gives us the opportunity to remove destructive structures and destroy them. To begin with, we will learn to feel our etheric body.

Stand up straight and stretch your arms forward. Now we will mentally, by an effort of will and intention, lengthen them. Now our arms have become long and we are already touching the wall or window with them.

Now we can stroke the wall or glass with ethereal palms. We can lengthen our arms all the way to the sun and warm them up.

Many will think that this is just imagination, and the memory of sensations, but it’s not you who think so, but your logical judgment, which is constantly trying to find an explanation (in DEIR, this is called an internal critic, someone has an internal dialogue).

We can do the same with our body. We begin to increase in size, and fill the whole room with ourselves. Feel the boundaries of the room with your body.

Well, now let's move on to exercise. As I said, a good biofield is a sign health, Youth, love and Happiness, so you need to constantly clean it.

To do this, we need to make an energy ball first. We make the ball denser, spare no energy, and begin to make a thick pancake out of it, about a meter in diameter.

Next, we raise this pancake above our head, and begin to lower it onto our head (give your pancake, with your inner intention, the quality of dense rubber), and lowering it down, make a hole with our head, and begin to climb tightly into the hole that envelops us from all sides.

Why are we doing this? On our etheric body, constantly gathering different kind, unwanted inclusions that constantly stick to us while we are in society.

The programs that we cling to during the day are in our neck and chest, in the form of grapes. Also, various unwanted elements can be located anywhere in our etheric body.

Now our task is to pass tightly through the ethereal rubber, and collect from the whole body the programs that have stuck to us and all the rest of the dirt.

So we continue to lower our pancake, and watch how it collects all the dirt, leaving nothing dirty behind.

We lower below, to the waist, here here we have already run out of arms, and therefore we begin to lengthen them, and collect everything bad from our legs.

And when you have already passed the feet, then again, with ethereal hands, we begin to roll this pancake, or fold it so that the garbage does not fall out and remains inside.

Now it needs to be urgently destroyed, so you can mentally lower it deep underground, right down to the mantle of the earth and plunge it into fire there.

For those who do not trust their feelings, they can burn this pancake on a candle fire, or go to the kitchen and burn it on gas. If you feel that you have not been completely cleansed, then it is best to repeat the procedure.

Now let's talk about the energy body that is within us. The same ethereal body, which is essentially a copy of our organs and body parts, only in an enlarged size.

When something hurts in us, it means a lack of energy in the organ, or an overabundance of one type of energy (ascending or descending).

Diseases from a lack of a downward flow end in itis (pleurisy, otitis media, meningitis, and so on), and from a lack of an upward flow, end in oz (paradontosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, and so on).

Due to the fact that we lead a disharmonious life, our organs also begin to disharmonize and vampirize each other.

If any organ hurts, it means that it lacks energy, and therefore, some neighboring organ vampirizes it.

If, ideally, energy should flow freely through the body, without obstacles, then in a sick body, there are various blockages, blocks, clamps, and energy bundles.

When some organ intercepts energy flows onto itself, an energy knot (bundle) is formed, which we need to cut or break.

Sito in one word. Now we also put it on the head, and we begin to pass this sieve through our body, thereby aligning the energy flows, tearing the ligaments, collecting all the dirt from the inside.

And in this way we go through the whole body, and at the end we fold this pancake with garbage and destroy it in any convenient way, for everyone.

Difficult? Nothing. If we do this regularly, then our body will be healthy and troubles will not stick to us.

It is best to do this in the morning and evening before sleep. It is advisable to imagine your body glowing, the brighter the better.

When you do it an exercise do at least a week (2 times a day), then after getting used to it, you will already be able to clean yourself mentally, without hands, anywhere (on the go, in transport).

In fact, it is enough to keep your energy body, and a person thereby improves his life in all areas at once (love, wealth, health, happiness), since they just don’t give us what we want, violations in our energy bodies.

Have you read? Take action! Everything that is done works. Without action, it's just another piece of information junk in your head. Good luck everyone!!!

This is a very powerful practice!

Let us pay attention to cleaning the astral and mental bodies. When communicating, when talking, with negative emotions and negative thoughts, the astral and mental bodies are polluted, weakening the body, and a predisposition to diseases appears. If possible during the day - after an unpleasant conversation, a trip in a crowded transport, visiting all crowded places (shops, a bazaar, an exhibition, etc.) - one should also cleanse the astral and mental bodies. These exercises must be combined with a set of energy, which is described in Cleared the bodies with channels and filled all the voids with fresh energy (filling prana, energy)

First week

a) While inhaling, imagine that we are taking pure energy (prana) from the infinite Cosmos, while exhaling, feel how the energy passes through the crown, forehead, chest, lower back, stomach, pelvis, hips, legs, knees, clearing everything stagnant and throwing it out unnecessary and harmful down through the soles of the feet.

All this flow passes in one very energetic wave during exhalation, that is, in 4 - 5 seconds. It can be felt in the form of a flow of lightness, coolness, warmth, tingling, movement of some kind of wave (density, viscosity) - everyone feels it differently. You can help yourself with your hands. To do this, when inhaling, raise your hands up. Feel how the energy enters the hands. As you exhale, drive the flow through the body from top to bottom with your hands along the body at a distance of 2–3 cm from its surface.

It is better to exercise with your eyes closed.

Second week

a) Purging with energy flow
b) Clearing the astral, mental and seven subtle bodies.

While inhaling, imagine that we are gaining pure energy from the infinite Cosmos, and while exhaling, feel how the energy passes in a single wave (flow) from top to bottom along the body, clearing everything stagnant, throwing out everything painful through the soles of the feet outside the body.

Exercises are best done with your eyes closed, in complete relaxation for 2-3 minutes. 2 - 3 times a day.

Third week

We have already almost got acquainted with the bioenergetic structure of a person, which includes - three bodies (main), seven thin bodies, seven chakras, 12 channels. All of them function both inside the body and outside it. Let's conditionally call the bioenergetic structure that goes outside of a person an energy shell. This name is purely conditional, just so as not to list every time that it is an astral and mental body, seven subtle bodies, chakras, channels and other things that go beyond the body.

a) Clearing the energy shell with the energy flow.

Move your attention to the Sahasrara 7th chakra. In the region of the crown, you feel a slight pressure, as if the energy is pressing on the crown. Imagine how, while inhaling, pure energy from the infinite Cosmos flows into the Sahasrara chakra ... During exhalation, it passes along the body in a single wave, washing away dirty fields, negative emotions, etc. from the energy shell. This exercise resembles (very similar to) the state that you experience when you stand under a jet clean water and wash away dirt, dust, sweat from the body. The only difference is that you are not standing under water, but under the energy flow and washing away the dirt (in a figurative sense) from the energy shell.

b) Clearing the CHAKRA

Psychophysical centers (chakras), on the one hand, are responsible for the functioning of organs and systems, and on the other hand, the field of these chakras goes beyond the body, interacting with outside world(in particular, with other people, gregors), therefore, we are not indifferent to how this field of chakras returns back to the body, since this can form a pre-morbid state. In this regard, the chakras also need to be cleansed. Since our chakras are located both in the physical body and outside it, that is, at some distance from the physical body, this circumstance can be used to clear the chakras.

♦ Clearing the Muladhara Chakra: shift all attention to the Muladhara (recall that it is located in the lower part, from the coccyx to the pubic bone). Relax, closing your eyes… On the inhale, we collect prana through the Sahasrara chakra, on the exhale, feel how the energy flow passes through your body, along the body in a single wave, and passing through the Muladhara chakra, cleans it, then dumping the contaminated energy down the channels, throwing it out it through the soles of the feet out of the body ... Having done this exercise several times, you can feel how gradually the tension in the Muladhara chakra is replaced by lightness, freshness, that the energy flow passes easily and freely.

♦ Clearing the Svadhisthana Chakra: shift your attention to the lower abdomen, relax, close your eyes… Imagine how, while inhaling, pure energy from the Cosmos pours into the Sahasrara Chakra, while exhaling, feel how the energy flow passes through your body, along the body in a single wave, and, passing through the Svadhisthana-chakra, cleanses it, then throwing out polluted energy and painful conditions down through the soles of the feet outside the body ...

Run 1 - 2 min. three times per day.

Fourth week

a) Cleanse the energy shell, as described in the previous lesson, 2-3 times a day for 2-3 minutes. But in general, try to use this technique more often - after a tense conversation, in case of a bad mood or poor health. After doing this exercise, you can make sure that it helped you - fatigue was removed, mood, well-being improved, etc.

b) Clearing the chakras.

♦ Continue clearing the Svadhisthana Chakra and the Muladhara Chakra as described in the previous session.

♦ Clearing the Manipura Chakra. Move your attention to your upper abdomen. Relax, close your eyes ... imagine how, during inhalation, pure energy from the Cosmos pours into the Sahasrara chakra. As you exhale, feel how the energy flow passes through your body, along the body in a single wave, and, passing through the Manipura chakra, cleanses it, then throwing out polluted energy, negative emotions and painful conditions down through the soles of the feet outside the body ...

Run 2 min. 3 times a day.

♦ Clearing Anahata-chakra. Attention to the Anahata Chakra (located in the center of the chest). Relax, close your eyes ... And then the actions are similar, as when clearing the Manipura Chakra.

Fifth week

a) Purify the energy shell in the same way as
was described in the previous lesson. This is a very important exercise, your health largely depends on it. A contaminated energy shell is already a prerequisite for future diseases.

Perform 2-3 minutes 2-3 times a day.

b) Continue clearing the Muladhara Chakra, Svadhisthana Chakra, Manipura Chakra and Anahata Chakra as described in previous sessions.

c) Clearing the Vishuddha Chakra. Focus on the neck. Relax, close your eyes… Imagine that while inhaling, the pure energy of the Cosmos pours into the Sahasrara chakra. As you exhale, feel how the energy flow passes through your body, along the body in a single wave, and, passing through the Vishuddha chakra, cleanses it, then throwing out polluted energy, anxiety, tension and painful conditions down, through the soles of the feet, outside the body ...

d) Clearing the Ajna Chakra. Move your attention to the head area. Relax ... And then the actions are similar, as when cleaning the Vishuddha chakra.

Each of the chakra clearing exercises should be done for at least 1 minute 2-3 times a day.

sixth week

a) Continue cleaning the energy shell, as described earlier.

Run 2 - 3 minutes. 2 - 3 times a day.

b) Clearing the chakras. Cleanse the chakras in the same way as described in the previous lesson, 2-3 times a day

take 1-2 minutes to clean each one.

c) Clearing the energy channels

Before you start clearing, we recommend that you open the entrances and exits of the energy channels, which are mainly located at the tips of the fingers and toes.

Sit comfortably, stretch your legs forward, relax. Raise both hands slightly (palms are at face level). It is advisable to close your eyes, hands relaxed, fingers slightly apart. Shift your attention to right hand- feel the pulse at the tip of the little finger ... ring finger ... middle finger ... index ... thumb.

Attention to the right hand - feel the pulse at the same time on the tips of five fingers.

Attention to left hand- feel the pulse at the tip of the little finger, ring finger, middle, index, thumb. Attention to the right and left hand: feel the pulse simultaneously on all ten fingers. Lower your hands.

Transfer attention to the right leg, the leg lies freely without the slightest tension. Feel the pulse at the tip of the little finger (fifth finger), fourth finger, third, second, thumb.

Attention to the right leg, feel the pulse simultaneously at the tips of all five fingers. Transfer attention to the left leg - feel the pulse at the tip of the little finger, fourth finger, third, second, thumb. Attention to the right and left legs - feel the pulse at the tips of ten fingers.

Now let's start cleaning the bioenergetic channels.

Relax, close your eyes. Imagine how, during inhalation, the pure energy of the Cosmos pours into the Sahasrara chakra ... As you exhale, feel how the energy flow passes through the channels penetrating our entire body, in a single wave from top to bottom, clearing them and throwing out dirty energy through the soles of the feet outside the body. Perform in complete relaxation 1 - 2 minutes 2 - 3 times a day.

seventh week

a) Continue cleaning the energy shell, as described earlier, for 2-3 minutes 2-3 times a day.

b) Clearing the chakras. Continue clearing the chakras, devoting about a minute of each 2 to 3 times a day.

c) Clearing the energy channels. Continue cleaning the bioenergy channels, as described in the previous lesson, 2-3 minutes 2-3 times a day. Do not forget to open the entrances and exits of the energy channels before clearing (as described in the previous lesson).


Bring your attention to the Vishuddha Chakra. To relax. Raise your right hand. Imagine that during inhalation, pure energy from the infinite Cosmos enters the fingertips of the right hand, passes through the channels located on the right hand, clearing them, then flows into the Vnshuddha chakra (hold your breath for 2-4 seconds), clearing it, throwing it out from it everything is negative, polluted. During exhalation, the energy passes through the channels located on the left hand, clearing them, and through the fingertips of the left hand it goes out of the body.

Perform 2 - 3 times a similar bioenergetic "breath" through the right hand, and then change the movements of prana by inhaling through the left hand (naturally, the same number of times as through the right).

Eighth week

a) Clearing the energy shell. Perform 2 - 3 minutes 2 - 3 times a day (as described earlier).

b) Clearing the chakras. Clear each chakra for about a minute 2-3 times a day.

c) Clearing the energy channels. Continue to do 2-3 minutes 2-3 times a day. Do not forget to open their entrances and exits before cleaning the channels.

Continue to perform a combined clearing of the Vishuddha chakra and channels.

Bring your attention to the Anahata Chakra, relax... raise your right hand. Imagine that during inhalation, the pure energy of the Cosmos enters the fingertips of the right hand, passes through the channels located on the right hand, cleansing them, flows into the Aiahata chakra (hold your breath for 2-3 seconds), clears it, throwing out everything stagnant and painful. During exhalation, the energy passes through the channels located on the left hand, clearing them, and through the fingertips of the left hand it goes out of the body. Inhale through the right hand 2-3 times and then reverse the movement of prana by inhaling through the left hand and exhaling through the right.

Ninth week

a) Continue clearing the energy shell. Perform without tension 2-3 times a day for 2 minutes.

b) Clearing the chakras.

Spend at least a minute clearing each of the chakras 2 to 3 times a day.

c) Clear the energy channels as described earlier, remembering to open the entrances and exits. Perform 2-3 times a day for 2 minutes.

d) Simultaneous combined cleaning of channels and chakras.

Continue clearing the Vnshuddha Chakra at the same time. Anahata chakras and energy channels.

Move your attention to the Muladhara Chakra, completely relax. Imagine how, during inhalation, the pure energy of the Cosmos enters through the toes of the right foot, rises up, clearing the channels located on the right foot, reaches the coccyx and pours into the Muladhara chakra (hold your breath for 2-3 seconds), clearing it. During exhalation, the energy passes down the channels located on the left leg, goes out of the body. Breathe in 2-3 times through the right leg and then 2-3 times through the left leg.

tenth week

a) Clearing the energy shell. Perform 2 - 3 times: a day for 2 - 3 minutes.

b) Clearing the chakras.

Cleanse each chakra for 1-2 minutes 2-3 times a day. Before cleaning, open the inlets and outlets of the channels.

c) Simultaneous combined cleaning of channels and chakras.

Continue to perform the cleansing described in the previous lessons.

Transfer your attention to the Svadhisthana Chakra, relax ... Imagine how, during inhalation, the pure energy of the Cosmos enters through the toes of the right foot, rises, clearing the channels located on the right foot, reaches the coccyx, from the coccyx rises up the spine and flows into the chakra Svadhisthana (hold your breath for 1 - 2 seconds), cleaning it, throwing out everything dark, dirty, unnecessary, negative, interfering with its normal work. During the exhalation, the energy passes down through the channels located on the left leg, clearing them, and through the toes of the left foot out of the body. Breathe in 2-3 times through the right leg, then 2-3 times through the left leg.

Eleventh week

a) Clearing the energy shell. Perform 2 - 3 minutes. 2 - 3 times a day.

b) Clearing the chakras. Spend 1 minute clearing the chakras. for each 2-3 times a day.

c) Simultaneous cleaning of channels and chakras.

Continue to perform the cleansing described in the previous lessons,

Shift your attention to the Manipura Chakra, relax ... Imagine how, during inhalation, the pure energy of the Cosmos enters through the toes of the right foot, rises, clearing the channels located on the right foot, reaches the coccyx, rises up the spine and flows into the Manipura chakra ( hold your breath for 1 - 2 seconds), cleaning it. During the exhalation, the energy passes down through the channels located on the left leg, clearing them, and through the toes of the left foot out of the body. Breathe in 2-3 times through the right leg, then 2-3 times through the left leg.

Twelfth week

a-d) You are approaching the time when our classes are over and you yourself will choose the exercises for further classes. Therefore, already now start cleaning the energy shell, chakras, channels and the combined cleaning of chakras and channels at the same time as your intuition tells you: if you like it and gives a result, then do it, and as much as you see fit. What you are not sure about, you can reduce or even not do at all.

e) Cleansing BREATH

If you are engaged in treatment, then after each session you should definitely do a cleansing breath. It should also be noted that it is effective for a wide variety of life situations and conditions, with any cleansing, fatigue, with the onset of a cold, many other diseases, stress relief, conflict resolution, and the like.

Stand straight, spread your arms to the sides, take a deep breath, hold your breath for 2 to 3 seconds, then exhale sharply through your open mouth with the sound “ha!” with a simultaneous tilt forward, while crossing your arms sharply.

Perform cleansing breathing not mechanically, but vividly imagine that during inhalation you are gaining prana, and at the moment of exhalation you are throwing dirty fields, painful states out of your body, discomfort, Bad mood, depression, etc. Perform no more than three times in a row.

How do I clear my chakras?

Pose and place any. The truth is better in the crib before going to bed. Because it takes a lot of energy. We start with the first red chakra. We first imagine ourselves in a red soap bubble. You are inside it. And the bubble itself flies in free flight high above the ground. You are alone with yourself and the red bubble. We imagined how the walls of this red soap bubble reflect the sky, the stars, the sun, and the earth with trees and a river is reflected from below (which is enough imagination), we feel good and comfortable inside it. Imagine how the bubble is filled with divine red light. Or color. This light should warm you. If not, then this chakra is not all right.

We relax and achieve a state where you will be comfortable in the red light. When the light fills the entire bubble, imagine that you are filled with this red light. Whole. From fingertips to hair tips. Pass this color through yourself. You should feel warmth in the area of ​​this chakra. That is, in the lower abdomen.
Between the coccyx and ... khe khe :)

mental body. cleansing

The mental plane has its dangers. The process of thinking can greatly captivate the individual, plunging into mental spaces for long periods of time. An indicator of the purification of the mental body is the ability to distance oneself from the active mentality. The process of thinking is no longer a kind of funnel that constantly drags the unlucky thinker.

When all four listed bodies are in the pass state, i.e. do not lend themselves to activation from the outside, impulses from external homogeneous bodies do not provoke solidarity - it is the turn to dictate the will to the individual causal body. Energy, having successfully passed the traps, enters the territory of life tasks that caused birth in this physical body. Human nature begins to unfold its activity in the planetary space, initiating the unconscious implementation of the basic programs of individualization of a particular representative of humanity.

And at this moment there is an urgent need for the possession of bodies prepared for a complex task. They must be in good working condition, capable of withstanding the necessary loads during contacts with the outside world and at the same time maintain the state of rest inherent in their spiritual nature.

ethereal body. cleansing


Cleansing the physical body is widely used in traditional and alternative medicine. Lots of ways. The effect is predictable. It is based on the principle of removing deposits from the tissues of the physical body. The use of fasting as a way of cleansing the body is quite effective, but individual tolerance should be observed.

Of the non-traditional methods of cleansing, one can cite traditional yogic techniques: shankh prakshalama, dhauti, vasti, netti, kapalabhati...

Widely used in traditional medicine all kinds of cleaning methods internal organs, blood, lymph, etc. using oils, herbal infusions. Honey, elements of trees, minerals, components of animal and insect organisms, their metabolic products are used. Baths, saunas, therapeutic baths are known for their healing effect. Lots of options. On this topic, there is a large selection of literature, which describes in some detail the details of the cleaning processes.

With practice, the need to cleanse the physical body of toxins and slags disappears. Vegetarian food, abstaining from alcohol and tobacco, eating in moderation, active meditation techniques keep the physical body in relative well-being. Big influence the ethereal influences the preservation of the purity of the physical body.

Active cleansing procedures of the etheric body include: dousing with cold water, contrast showers, sports, asanas from Hatha yoga. Another method of maintaining the harmonious state of the etheric body comes later. It includes the observance of its laws, which already implies working with the mind.


The use of fasting to purify the etheric body is one of effective methods, where hunger is perceived as a type of energy that the physical body activates to attract the material required in the process of vital activity of the physical organism.

A sufficient number of people are constantly preoccupied with finding products and means for their acquisition, or directly with production, the most impatient. Hunger is the main stimulus of their life, the engine of "individual" existence...

When fasting, the feeling of hunger becomes the most material.

A cold-blooded contemplation of its nature makes it possible to create a distance between the observer and the observed. The power of the desire for physical food gradually loses its magical power of influencing the human consciousness. After three days of complete food restriction - hunger usually goes away, replaced by a steady awareness of a feeling of lightness, weightlessness of the physical body with a vague feeling of the need for food, which takes on psychological forms. And this is that moment of transcendence, which makes it possible to realize the external nature of hunger, its foreignness in relation to individual consciousness.


Sexual relations have a direct effect on the etheric body of a person. Prolonged abstinence condenses the ethereal energy and when a critical point is reached, the astral accent is activated. The life force, not finding a way out through sexual contact, begins to move in other directions. It is either pushed into manipura, arousing the thirst for power and domination, or into muladhara, inciting the passion for possessing sexual property.

But the direct path of physical etheric energy is sexual contact. The activated astral body selects a suitable partner and the two etheric bodies interact. If all the required conditions match, the creation of a new physical body starts. This is instinct. The physical body generates itself through a more subtle (etheric) one.

Previously accumulated energy goes through sexual intercourse into the future new form. The energy potential decreases, the nervous system falls into a depressed state, the brain produces its own problems and there is a feeling of loss, depression, guilt, disappointment...

The influence of sleep on the etheric physical body is obvious. During sleep, the etheric body is saturated due to the contraction and transformation of the energy of more subtle bodies, as well as its lifting from the gross physical. The food digested by the physical organism finds its further existence in the etheric body, and its most favorable transition is possible at the moment of sleep.

But sleep can also be used as a means of destruction, provided that it is turned into an object of passion. A long stay in bed disrupts the necessary circulation of etheric energy, provokes its stagnation and, as a result, there may be disturbances in nervous system. The tamasic state of mind begins to predominate, opening the way to a negative impact on the functioning of the brain and other internal organs. The vitality drops, and a person can gradually atrophy an adequate perception of physical reality.

Acutely affects human life insufficient amount of time spent in a state of sleep. Meditation practice, reasonable preservation of nervous and etheric energy in Everyday life reduce the time allotted for rest, the period necessary for rest and replenishment of vitality reduces its duration.

Attachment to sleep can give rise to ritual inclinations: the need for a certain atmosphere, clothing, preparatory procedures and other actions that have a direct connection with it. In the end, this can develop into a magical cult based on pleasure, and its consequences can interfere for a long time, drawing attention to all the little things, even indirectly related to sleep, involving in the unnecessary waste of ethereal energy.


The instinct of self-defense is directly connected with the etheric body. When a threat to the physical body arises, a survival mechanism is activated, rooted deep in the subconscious. He takes control over the actions of the physical body.

Under the manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation, one can sum up the reactions of the etheric body to contacts with other bodies. The main negative feeling, which includes the launch of a protective program, is the awareness of the leakage of etheric energy. Even if the object that provokes the loss is not found by a specific mind, the action to break contact with it is automatically launched and the person, without realizing it himself, makes an effort to leave the zone of influence. At the sensual level, this is expressed by a dual reaction: like - dislike, pleasant - not pleasant.

Cleaning and restoration

integrity of the astral body

Where is our Soul located? Where, on a subtle level, is her refuge - the Native House? She, of course, can move, as far as one can judge, sometimes she hides in her heels. In all traditions and beliefs, one specific place can be traced - the HEART, the level of Anahata.

And in the heart, as you know, Love lives ... An interesting combination, isn't it?

Heart - Love - Soul ... This is worth thinking about.

Today we will work with this topic.

This level usually has the most painful disturbances that we encounter. Because physical pain is much easier to endure, but the pain of the Soul ... well, you yourself know what it is, not small.

What can be the cause of the pain of the Soul?

Naturally, the destruction of the astral body. First of all, it speaks of the most serious human problems. Why might this be? - Well, no doubt, let's start with the fact that this Soul needs this experience for some reason...

No, not to collapse, of course. - Recover!

So let's get started, let's look at what violations can be, what tasks we can face.

First of all, it is about curses and magical effects.

These energy influences, as a rule, change the state and integrity of the astral body. And if the shell of this body is broken, then this gives the matter the effects of destabilization in space and dizziness, a feeling of losing oneself, losing the meaning of life.

In this case, naturally, it is necessary to restore the purity and integrity of the astral body.

How to do it?

In any available way:

If you are loyal to any religion, go to your church and pray to your Gods and ask for the restoration of the subtle level.

If there is no fixation of religion in your worldview system, contact your Creator directly. Intend and do it - cleanse your subtle body from negative programs of development and self-destruction, take a bath with salt, cleanse Your Path in Life and cleanse your astral body.

One of the options for how to do this, I will now present to you:

Purification and restoration of the integrity of the astral body

As always, I suggest that you work on a simplified model of the astral body. I was once shown this technique at the Sanne educational center, for which many thanks to them - an effective and simple tool.

Imagine the astral body in the following coordinate system:

The outer shell limits the inner space, in the middle is the area of ​​the inner Fire (this is the Divine fire of the Soul), it also has its own boundaries.

Remember what it looks like egg, this is a similar pattern, only the outer border is not solid, like an egg shell, but moderately permeable.

So ideally:

All boundaries, external and internal (the boundaries of the area of ​​Inner Fire - this is the “yolk”) must be intact, not violated.

Within the boundary of the area of ​​Inner Fire, there must be fire, and it is seen in any way of glow (from the image of a burning fire, to an abstract image of a glow). You can see him in any image, but I suggest you stop at this one, which I offer in the illustration for the article. We will need this so that we can start from one and the same image - a tuning fork, to understand each other when discussing this issue.

So what shouldn't be?

It should not be exact - a complete absence of glow, this indicates that the Soul has extinguished its Inner Fire and is not evolving.

For various reasons, there are such situations - to abandon the Divine Part of oneself, from Love, from one's Heart ... this is a difficult experience, I think that many of them went through it in their incarnations, the memory of this is on a subconscious level - how difficult it is and what a violation it is against Creation.

What can be done in this case?

To clean and turning to the Creator and to your Half or twin flame, to the one with whom you are destined to be by Fate (even if you are not together and do not shine ... in fact highest level- this connection still exists) and together with them, kindle the Inner Fire. This Intention will be supported by all the Forces of the Universe!

Such a violation can be the result of an independent decision of the Soul or under the influence of a magical attack.

An important question often asked is: Why is it possible to recover?


Do not forget, we have the right to work only in our own space and never in someone else's! We can do something for another person ONLY AT HIS REQUEST AND BY HIS CONSENT!

Now let's move on to the area enclosed between the space of the inner fire and the outer border of the astral body.


If in this area you see any images, blackouts, clots of energies of a non-astral quality, remove them from there, enclose them in a sphere and mentally burn them. These are, as a rule, symbols of various magical influences, ranging from the evil eye to curses.

Sometimes a veil is seen as a symbol of magical influence, as if the astral body is covered from above with a piece of matter. Remove this veil, roll it up and put it in a sphere, burn it there with the help of the Fire Release and this will free you from this gift.

By enclosing any image or symbol in a sphere, you can work with information - to catch what it carried in itself, what its Intention was directed to. Well, the most important thing is to catch the author. Do not forget, you yourself can turn out to be one, anything can happen ... Further, according to the classics: a zero cycle with the author, forgive, accept, realize why, understand why ... in short, everything that will lead to awareness, and not to living. Realize that we are all one.


You decide…

And yet, I want to remind you about those trials, the lessons that you are going through: it is your Immortal Soul who has chosen exactly THESE trials, exactly THESE conditions, ... and you, at the level of a Human, are free to choose whether to cope with them or not, for both options the same will be used the amount of your energy. It’s just that in one case, energy is spent on transformation and evolution, and in the other, on pumping up fears and feeding egregors, including magic ...

Cleansing of thin bodies. Hygiene of thin bodies

I am often asked the question, how to cleanse yourself in terms of energy?

In fact, dozens of different ways are described in books and the Internet.

In this article, I will not delve into the intricacies of the mechanisms that occur during brushing until it is important.

Some techniques are based on visualization, the scenario may be different, washing away with light, water, fire, various rays or energies.

Others are based on the ability to see or feel energy, they no longer need visualization, they work from reality.

Those who use these methods will not be interested in what I will write next, because I am writing for those who cannot yet see the energy dirt or are not sure of their visions and possibilities.

Similarly, many purify themselves by singing or listening to mantras or prayers. I will not touch on these methods. If a person decides that this method is the best for him, this is his choice.

Cleaning with visualization.

Let's go back to the very first option. Cleansing through visualization or vision of energies… but you are not sure what you see, you think it is a fantasy.

Why this method deserves attention, because by working in this way a person develops many skills and directions in himself. It is suitable for beginners and those wishing to develop themselves in terms of extrasensory perception, as well as those with experience.

Important points.

When working with visualization, strive for simplicity, do not need super complex, intricate procedures.

Learn not to doubt your actions, just do it. If you have begun to perform the technique, do it as if everything is going according to plan, confidently. If even today you do not touch the energy plan, everything will pass only in your imagination, in the future this may give you a basis for analysis. Doubt is a terrible enemy of a psychic, they can paralyze and nullify your efforts.

The plot can be anything from picking up dirt with a vacuum cleaner, or cleaning with rays of light, streams of waterfalls, or higher beings coming to you who do all the work for you. In this matter, one thing is important so that you do not have internal resistance, doubts, fears. If these moments are in you, then the work will not work. It all depends on your outlook on life.

For example, someone may not believe that a vacuum cleaner can collect energy dirt, because it was created for another. In another case, a person, asking some higher teachers or beings to help him in his work, in the depths of his soul believes that he is not worthy to be near them, or is embarrassed that he distracts them with his problems. This subconscious resistance, a feeling of awkwardness, will not allow your plan to happen.

In general, some kind of work script is needed only until you understand that this is just a picture that helps you manage your intention. Your intention works, not the picture, whatever it is. Intention control is like learning to ride a bike, no matter how much you tell what and how to do, the ability to ride will come only through practice and your own experience, you need to feel, not learn how to ride.

When you start practicing brushing (I recommend doing it every day) - this is the usual hygiene, like brushing your teeth, washing your hands, at some point you will start to notice the little things.

The little things are the most important, it depends on them whether the work is going on or you are just performing some kind of procedure that does not lead to anything.

It is important not just to perform some actions in the visualization in the sequence you have planned, it is important to feel it. Feel the weight of energy, its resistance, elasticity. Feel its vibrations, whether it is light or dark. It is to feel, not to see in the visualization.

But this comes with time, someone will need a couple of days, and someone a few months. Everything is individual here. After some time, you will begin to notice what happens and when, at what moment the dirt that you work with begins to leave, you will begin to notice changes in your own state, how a state of lightness and joy appears with the departure of negativity.

The simplest example of how to feel energy is to create an energy ball between the palms. But this is a very rough example, in cleaning the sensations are thinner, more gentle. I recommend brushing every day, if not more often.

Brushing is one of the most effective and versatile ways to train extrasensory perception.

  • Codes you are busy cleaning, you are training the ability to concentrate, to keep attention for a long time on the desired object.
  • Codes you are busy cleaning, you are training your sensitivity to energies.
  • Codes you are busy cleaning, you are training your ability to quickly activate the 6th and 7th chakras. (You don’t need to do anything special for this, it will happen automatically as soon as you have the ability to feel the subtle world).
  • Codes you are busy cleaning, you are developing your ability to control your intention.
  • Codes you are busy cleaning, you are developing your ability to control the flow of energy.
  • Codes you are busy cleaning, you cleanse yourself of energy dirt, which in turn directly and indirectly enhances your energy.


Cleansing with energy balls.

Many people are familiar with the phenomenon of creating an energy ball between the palms.

Now I will repeat the whole procedure.

Create a black ball.

We insert it into the stomach.

We draw dirt into the ball.

We take out the ball and destroy it.

Create a white ball.

Why did I transfer this particular technique?

  1. Everything is very simple, there are no complicated plots that load your attention and distract the main one. Feel the energy.
  2. Accompanying everything that happens with hand movements, you develop your sensitivity. Which is almost impossible when using the technique with waterfalls and cleaning in different rays and working with mantras or prayers.
  3. You yourself work in this technique, and not other forces; accordingly, you develop your abilities.
  4. In this way it is difficult to make a mistake, so the fear of doing something wrong goes away.

In fact, you can come up with many different cleaning scenarios yourself, this article is more about what you should pay attention to when you yourself want to create something of your own.

Performing such techniques, you get a neat appearance on a subtle plane, and a good psychological and physical condition, but nothing more. You can't clear karma this way.

For serious in-depth studies, you will have to make more efforts. No matter what you do during the day, run a company or drive a truck, in the morning you still wash your face and brush your teeth. What is described in this article is the same, but for thin bodies.