Twin flames are found in the following incarnations. Twin Flames: A Life-Changing Encounter

  • 29.06.2020

The moment you meet your Twin Flame is the very moment the Earth beneath you begins to slip away from under your feet.

I like to think of the meeting of two Mirror Souls as an earthquake on the level of being: like a bolt from the blue, you can feel that a very important person has entered your life. In an instant, you suddenly get the overwhelming feeling that your life is going to change - you don't yet know exactly how, and yet you already intuitively know that the changes will be grander than ever before in your life, and so huge in magnitude, which is breathtaking.

I know all this because I was fortunate enough to meet my own Twin Flame a few years ago, so I have already gone through the effervescent, intense and transformative process of meeting my Soul Mirror.

While I am deeply grateful for the gift of connecting with my Twin Flame, I am happy to report that this blessing is open to all; however, such a gift is not always perceived openly or even recognized by us on a conscious level. Sometimes we find ourselves at a point in our lives where we are simply not receptive to both ourselves and our Twin Flame's presence due to stress, overwork, lifestyle habits, and negative thought patterns that lead to low self-esteem.

For this reason, I believe it's important to recognize some of the main signs of Twin Flames that you may or have experienced in your life. After all, the appearance of our Mirror Soul is always a mystery and can rarely be predicted. So pay attention.

What is a Twin Flame?

Your Twin Flame or Twin Soul is the person you are meant to connect with on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Your Twin Flame represents your friend, lover and teacher in this life. He or she is the catalyst for your spiritual growth and the mirror of your deepest desires, needs and fears. Your Twin Flame will reflect to you all of your inner shadows as well as your deepest beauty and greatest power. In this way, your Twin Flame helps you access tremendous emotional, psychological and spiritual growth.

Who is your Mirror Soul?

I like to refer to our Twin Flames as Mirror Souls because they essentially reflect the deepest needs, desires, dreams and shadow elements of our Souls. We'll take a look at this a bit later.

However, before that, I just want to point out that our Twin Flames are not always lovers and not necessarily – as is commonly believed – heterosexual. In fact, our Twin Flames can be same-sex romantic partners (or no sex), and often they can be platonic friends or even family members we've known for a long time.

Regardless, Twin Flames are most often romantic in nature and tend to show themselves as people we can passionately connect with on all levels.

Also, it's widely believed that Twin Flames stay together for life, but I personally don't think that's the case. A deep connection with another person does not necessarily guarantee that you will stay with them forever - it depends on the level of development of your own consciousness and your Twin Flame.

Also, in the spiritual community, most people believe that we only have one Twin Flame in our lives. This belief stems from the origins of the idea of ​​"Twin Flames" in Plato's dialogue The Feast, which indicated that humans originally had two faces, four arms, and four legs. Because of this, humans were once so powerful that they were a threat to overpower the gods, which is why the mythical god Zeus split them in half. However, it is said that once we discover our “other half” again, we are filled with a deep sense of wholeness. Whether this Twin Flame explanation is outdated or not is up to you.

Finally, it's typical for us to get really excited about meeting our "Twin Flame". However, sometimes this jubilation leads to a romanticized projection, meaning that we paint an idealized image of the other person that they may not be happy about and may not fit in with, resulting in serious disappointment. Also, when we suffer from low self-esteem and a lack of self-love, it's natural for us to try to find some external confirmation of the need for us (hence the projection), so be careful of blind recklessness and idealization. Your Twin Flame is definitely not perfect – just as much as you are.

Top 20 Signs of Twin Flames

“Beloved, after all, do not meet anywhere. They are always present in each other."
- Rumi ("The Essence" of Rumi)

We are not always receptive to the appearance of our Twin Flame in life. We can be heartbroken, heartbroken, married, or just downright tired and disappointed when they suddenly show up (out of the blue). In fact, we may even have already met our Twin Flame or Mirror Soul, but we may not have seen it, overlooked it, or taken it for granted.

In whatever emotional or psychological period life you have been, it is always good to be aware of the people you live and meet. These following signs of Twin Flames can help you discover new paths and opportunities for togetherness:

1. You feel a strange, inexplicable feeling of "recognition" when you meet a person. This can manifest as déjà vu or an unshakable feeling that you knew this person before or in some sense “should be together”.

2. You have a feeling that they will play a very important role in your own development, without understanding when, why and how.

3. You have an immediate strong bond with them that is empowering and shocking at the same time.

4. You feel like, despite everything, you've finally found "home" or safe place with another person.

5. You are able to be your true selves - with all the "specks and pimples" - without fear of rejection, persecution or condemnation from their side.

6. You both represent yin and yang, in other words, your dark side is balanced by their light side and their dark side is balanced by your light side.

7. You feel a sense of expansion with them, as if you are more than your limited self.

8. They make you better and you make them better.

9. When you are together, you are both tied but free, tied but not tied. In other words, you still retain your freedom even though you may be in a relationship with them.

10. You are finely tuned to their energy and they are finely tuned to yours. This means that both of you are very aware real game energy (whether happy or sad, angry or forgiving, open or withholding) present in the connection. In this way, both of you deeply empathize with each other.

11. You feel like you've been waiting for this person all your life.

12. You are both deeply connected and reflect each other's virtues and aspirations in life, beyond superficial resemblance.

13. Your Twin Flame is a mirror of what you fear and at the same time desire most for your own inner healing. For example, if you are a very collected person, your Twin Flame is more likely to be relaxed and sloppy. If you love playing the victim, your Twin Flame will be a strong character who refuses to pity or sympathize with you, perpetuating your complex. If you are creatively restrained, your Twin Flame will become a thriving craftsman. In this way, our Twin Flames provoke and infuriate us, as well as teach us important lessons about our fears, deep wounds, and repression.

14. No matter how many times you avoid or leave your Twin Flame, you are always magnetically drawn back to them. (Don't confuse this with complex obsessive relationships.)

15. One of you is more spiritually mature than the other and often serves as a teacher, counselor, or "confessor" in a relationship.

16. You are learning important life lessons such as forgiveness, gratitude, empathy, empathy, and being open to and with them.

17. Your connection is multifaceted. In other words, your Twin Flame is probably your best friend, lover, teacher, nurturer, and muse all rolled into one.

18. Your Twin Flame is not trying to change you. They accept you for who you are and where you are, and encourage you to do the same for yourself (and vice versa).

19. You can be truthful with each other about anything.

20. Together, you both feel led towards a higher goal, be it spiritual, social, or environmental.

Throughout life, a person builds relationships with different people. According to existing information, there are three different souls involved in every union: twin flames, kindred and karmic souls. A person on a subconscious level has a desire to find a soul mate, which allows you to feel integrity and happiness.

It is believed that in the Universe there are two full-fledged parts of the Higher Self, which are separated in order to know the world. This is important for the constant development of the universe and creation. The twins are separated by gender, and in some cases they even have an outward resemblance. It is important to note that Twin Flames and soul mates are completely different things.

In the first case, people are a complete reflection of each other. The desire throughout life to find the perfect partner is a reflection of the inner desire to meet your Twin. When a meeting occurs, Twin Flames feel an inexplicable attraction to each other. Here are some tips to help you recognize a Gemini in a person:

  • There is a feeling that there is an invisible, but very strong connection. Almost immediately, a feeling of love appears that a person has never experienced before.
  • The meeting with Gemini occurs when a person has found his place in life and understands his purpose. At such a time, you can see a dream where the face of the chosen one will be clearly visible or a sign of an imminent meeting will appear.
  • A person is able to recognize a Twin Flame when they have already learned to accept and love themselves. It is important to sincerely appreciate your life and be complete.
  • It is worth abandoning the fictional image created in the head due to some stereotypes.
  • Many are interested in how a Twin Flame feels after a breakup.

    If for some reason people disperse, then there is a feeling of devastation, as if a part of the body was torn off. People suffer a lot and often do not start relationships anymore, because in comparison with Gemini, everyone seems unworthy.

    Video: Twin Flames Part 2

    Video: TWIN FLAMES!

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    Divine flames of Light, energy of Love, pure shared consciousness… The truth about the Twin Flame Connection, plus who and what were you before this lifetime?

    First of all, I want to thank everyone who writes to me and leaves comments on publications - I am so grateful for your positivity that you are open and share your experience!

    If you came here to seek help in difficult situation, know that no matter what happened before - everything can change for the better!

    Today I'm answering what many of you have been asking over the years:

    “What is a Twin Flame? And why are we here?

    – Courtney

    Answer: To answer this question, we need to go back.

    Beyond the limits of human names and lives, to the very origins of the origin of energy and consciousness. Because at its core, a Twin Flame connection is a spiritual connection – just energies.

    Origin of the Twin Flame

    Twin Flames are two Souls who were once the same energetic consciousness – which is why they are called “Twin Flames” as their energy can manifest as flame-like flashes of Light.

    Two parts of the same primordial consciousness that chose to split in two to experience the nature of duality, expand learning and evolution of understanding, and eventually reunite through Love.

    Why Twin Flames Are Like Magnets Attracted To Each Other

    One of the important things to know about Twin Flames is that they are always the same at the energy core level as they were originally the same consciousness.

    This is what we call the “Twin Flame Soul Song”, an identical frequency that no one else has – that creates such a magnetic attraction and a sense of mutual deep understanding between Twin Flames.

    Even though many Twin Flames have different perspectives and can be quite different in terms of age, race and previous experience, there are always certain similarities between them, and specific complementary traits tend to show up when the two of them balance strengths and weaknesses. » sides of each other.

    Compare to the physical world of Gemini: two identical babies raised side by side from the same original embryo that split into two instead of one.

    Most often, such Gemini grow up so similar to themselves, in which it is difficult to guess the difference. They are the same somehow.

    Like identical human Twins born from a single split embryo, Twin Flames are expressions of one consciousness split in two.

    Why Twin Flames Have Trouble Together So Often

    Of all beings in the universe, only you and your Twin Flame have the same frequency. This is the basis of your being.

    In addition to that, however, you also have the physical body that you now live in, the beliefs, thoughts, and habits that you have acquired during your upbringing, as well as all the past lives that you may have had.

    Because you and your Twin have spent time living on Earth interacting with other people and experiencing ups and downs along the way, you have picked up energies that don't resonate with your fundamental frequency that you share.

    You could say that your joint "soul song" is out of whack because of the energetic "pollution" you have accumulated. And this is what the flight / pursuit / parting so frightening of many follows ...

    What is Twin Flame Ascension

    So when you make direct contact with your Twin Flame (even if it is meditation, sleep, or astral experience, not physical), your systems switch to “activation” – the grinding process of releasing and clearing this pollution in order to bring you back to its deeper harmony.

    Twin Flame Union cannot happen in the lower consciousness space of disharmony, so your systems begin to clear negativity in an effort to bring you into a state of total harmony – Unconditional Love.

    It includes a period of "awakening" to your deeper Soul identities, remembering who you really are under your current earthly identity.

    Your Souls trigger this deep “soul song” in each other like a key to a long lost lock.

    Twin Flames are 'made from the same dough'

    Twin Flames have a lot in common with biological twins in that they are always connected to each other and have certain general similarities no matter how much time they spend without each other.

    To illustrate this, we could metaphysically say that Twin Flames are “born from the same divided cell of consciousness” or they are “moulded from the same dough” – in truth, they have the same energetic frequency.

    The term Twin Flames comes from the visual perception of energy consciousness, which often looks like flames or streams of fire. From this perspective, Twin Flames look like two identical petals of flame burning side by side from the same original fire source.

    Twin Flames are more than just a romantic term for two people who are deeply in love or deeply infatuated with each other, although more often than not, there is such a strong romantic aspect to the Twin Flame connection.

    Twin Flames are here to uplift the concept of Love, evolve the perception of Oneness

    This resonance of the same core energy frequency is why the Twin Flame Connection is so deeply felt on a physical and metaphysical level, and why Twin Flames are so attuned to each other both emotionally and energetically.

    This is most often described as a deep feeling that you have "come home" to your other self or "belong" to each other. Mirror Souls.

    Most Twin Flames see the 11:11 numbers repeating ahead of their initial meeting.

    Twin Flames are forever connected Heart to Heart

    Twin Flames are always connected to each other by an energetic thread that binds their hearts, no matter what. It can never be broken.

    This is why many Twins feel each other's emotions and dream about each other, even if they have been separated for a long time or have never met in this current life.

    As you clear yourself of all the negative and congested energy that keeps you in a low vibration, you can clear the path to your Twin Flame – as well as move up into the vibration of Love, Joy, Peace, and align with a happy relationship with your Twin Flame. .

    Or, you can try the free energy clearing tool that has worked wonders for so many Twin Couples!

    Every week I hear from someone about a "fugitive twin" getting back in touch after they used this guided meditation.

    What Twin Flames Are Really Here For

    Twin Flames are a true metaphysical connection that many people experience firsthand in the world today.

    Many Souls have split into Twin Flames to go through the lessons of Love and help the higher development of society on Earth – from the consciousness of separation based on conflict to the consciousness of Unity based on Love.

    More and more Twin Flames are awakening to their conjunction each day, and as you may already know, this has a special purpose.

    When Twin Flames remove the negative baggage of conflict, pain, and the “dividing mentality” of historical human relationship paradigms and reunite in the space of Unconditional Love, their Love positively influences the space around them.

    Thus they form a "portal" of energies high vibrations on the earth plane. Uplifting, healing, harmonizing everything and everyone around you.

    How to Avoid the Terrible Twin Flame Fight

    Energetic healing is critical to the smooth unfolding of the Twin Flame journey – as negativity rising to the surface to be worked through can cause “flight”, separation, and other expressions of energetic pushback between the couple.

    The terrible factor between Twin Flames is that the two share interconnected energy and karmic fields where both as a couple influence each other. This is often referred to as the Twin Flame Mirror.

    In fact, life experience your Twin and your own experiences will influence each other as you are the same energetic frequency and are two aspects of the same primordial Soul.

    Like people on Earth, you can be in physical individual bodies but behind the scenes you are always connected. The illusion of separation is the main and final lesson that many Twin Flames are forced to learn in this lifetime.

    The advantage of this deep connection is that on the energetic planes, Twin Flames can interact without any restrictions - this often happens through dreams, telepathy, feeling and sensing each other's emotions, remote interaction and the like.

    The Past and Its Role in the Twin Flame Journey

    Karma is an important part of the Twin Flame connection. Twin Flames share a karmic field and a collective energy field.

    Many Twin Flames for this reason live as if evolving in parallel with each other, with common features and reflections of the same experience, since they karmically and energetically influence each other.

    Since you and your Twin Flame may have experienced shared pain on Earth in the past, there is also the possibility that you are energetically connected to each other on a lower vibration.

    This is something that would be useful for you to sort out and clean up. We are clearing karmic wounds, old attachments to past lovers, outdated soul contracts and more in the Vibrational Alignment Program for Twin Flames.

    For example, if you had a life in which one of you was forced to leave the other, or you were close, and one of you died before the other - you may have threads of fear stretched between you, threads of Connection associated with the fear of being abandoned and separation anxiety.

    These negative threads will still be in place even if you have not experienced such a situation in your current life.

    Negative ties like this need to be cleared in order for the two of you to ascend into higher energy vibrations and experience heightened harmony, and this is absolutely essential in preparation for a Twin Flame merge.

    If they are not cleared, it is very likely that repeated cycles of "flight" and separation will occur as your Souls insist on resolving these triggers.

    What is the difference between Twin Flames and Soul Mates?

    In the end, we all have many Soul Mates, but only one Twin Flame. Your Twin Flame or Twin Soul is your identical energetic other half or identical mirror soul. One who shares your exact core identity as consciousness.

    This means that in the energy plane you are in perfect alignment at the deepest inner level - you can live in two human bodies, but your Souls are two parts of the same Whole.

    Soul Mates are those who share a similar energetic resonance with us. We often "sign up" to meet our Soul Mates in order to learn from each other and grow as souls. However, our Twin Flame is the only other being in the universe who shares the same frequency as us.

    This is why energy management is critical to achieving Twin Soul Reunion – a return to our core frequency where we effortlessly connect in harmony. With our Twin Flames, we are in an accelerated learning experience centered around love. We are always influencing each other, "automatically" pushing each other to learn, heal old wounds and solve internal problems.

    Because the energies of Twin Flames are of the same frequency, all of our “problems” and inner shadows tend to play out a lot in the Twin Flame relationship dynamic. You could almost call it a ping-pong effect, with each Twin's inner fears affecting the other.

    This is in the couple's attempt to learn the spiritual lesson that all fears are based on illusions and that Love is the only truth... To awaken to "illumination" while still in physical body to become "enlightened" through Love.

    Go here for more information on the Twin Flame Connection and the path to Reunion.

    Until next time, I send you Love and Light for your further journey!

    Did you know that sex with a Twin Flame can unlock spiritual gifts? That many Twins are Ascended Masters? Why Twin Flame Runaways Can Never Sever the Connection Between Your Hearts and More…

    In all the time I have been working with the Twin Flame Connection and communicating with Spirit, I have been shown amazing things about the nature of this phenomenon.

    7 Things About Twin Flames That Might Surprise You

    1) Twin Flames - Advanced Souls and Ascended Masters

    Do you know that no matter what it looks like in earth life with the outer “masks” of their Self, Twin Flames are advanced Souls who have chosen to separate in order to walk this path of Love in a sense of separation?

    Many Twins, as Souls, are Ascended Masters, even those who are still "Unawakened". They may not be aware of it now, as they have not yet activated the codes hidden from their souls, but underneath the outer surface they are highly evolved beings of Light. Old Souls from Higher Dimensions.

    Twin Flames are here with very specific agendas as Souls - for healing, for enlightenment, for upliftment. Walk the path together from the origins of the Soul in Love, into fear and separation. To understand why so many people never experience Love, especially for themselves.

    To know these experiences and human models - and break them with the power of the power of Love between us. Because no matter how it looks on the outside, Twin Flames separate eternal love like souls. A connection that has the power to transform both us and the world from within.

    The Twin Flame journey is about love, mastery, consciousness evolution and transformation - an alchemy of fear into Love, polarities into Oneness. Only the most advanced Souls are able to decide and do it.

    Divided into two parts, we knew that it would be a complex path of manifestation, functioning as the original whole, but with two aspects, each with its own free choice. And we knew that what would unite us and move us all the way forward was Love.

    As a Twin Flame, you can never be ordinary even if you try.

    2) Twin Flames Share an Eternal, Unbreakable Heart-to-Heart Connection

    Twin Flames are always connected by a cord of the heart that allows them both to never lose touch with each other – to always be connected in Love. You chose it together as Souls.

    Your Twin Souls had such Love that they wanted to never lose touch, to always be connected to each other.

    This is what primarily allows Gemini to feel each other's emotions, share memories and information. This thread between Twin Flames is present by agreement of both Twins from the beginning of our existence. When we came to Earth, we all knew that we would be physically separated from each other, and the purpose of this thread of communication was to never completely lose each other.

    That is why we are always connected, always connected, and can always reach each other on the soul planes (if you have never done this, try my free meditation).

    The Twin Flame heart connection cannot be severed on the earth plane as it has been shaped by our higher aspects of Self ().

    This was intentional, as we knew that the perception of polarities and earthly conflicts could push one or both into a situation where they would like to cut the connection forever.

    If you look at both Twin Flames energetically, you can always see that link between their hearts. This is the Bond of Unconditional Love.

    Unfortunately, many Twins also have fundamentally negative attachments to each other based on control, fear, jealousy and suspicion that detract from this positive heart connection and create turmoil.

    If you can shift your vibration far enough, you can feel the love of your Twin Soul everywhere you go. However, when we are in a low vibration of fear, anger, jealousy or guilt, we cannot feel this Love - we will hear and perceive in ourselves only the fears of our Twins or their shame for themselves.

    Love is a high vibrational energy, while anger, fear, jealousy and all negative emotions are low vibrational energies. They are on opposite sides of the spectrum.

    This means that trying to feel Love when you are in a state of fear is like tuning into Metal FM and wanting to hear classical music.

    It just doesn't work - the signal doesn't get through. We've got the wrong channel and are listening on the wrong frequency. In order to feel and experience Love, we need to remove heavy energies and rise higher. to higher frequencies.

    3) Twin Flame Sex Can Heal You And Uplift You Spiritually

    Another profound truth about the Twin Flame connection that manifests itself in the healing power of physical intimacy and sexual love between Twins (regardless of gender). Twin Flame sexual intimacy, on the soul planes, is an act of love and also an energetic process.

    This is what happens when Twins experience chakra climaxes where the two are reunited with their original and filled with Light. If you have experienced it, you will know it.

    This is Kundalini. A powerful energy event that has strong consequences for the body, mind and soul. This may include hidden spiritual gifts and is often main reason activating the telepathy of Twin Flames.

    Twin Flame Sex is a way for a couple to heal, uplift and connect. When you make love together, you unite your energies on a physical and spiritual level - powerfully advancing the process of Unity.

    In sex, Twin Flames even receive new high vibrational downloads from Source, balance each other's energies, and break through blockages in the chakras. However, it can trigger a runaway as the old negativity resurfaces. ().

    4) You are already perfect for your Twin

    Love is not about sacrificing yourself. You don't have to give up your own unique identity to unite with a Gemini.

    You don't have to become a "divine feminine" or "earth goddess" concept or an idealized king in order to unite in soul alchemy with your Twin Flame. On the contrary: you need to become as "really yourself" as possible in this alchemy - this cannot be done without the "true you".

    So celebrate your individuality. You are who you really are, not just because, but for a reason - this is your secret ingredient, this is your part of the Union. The two of you are as unique individuals, sharing a core identity as Souls, and merging into one.

    We are the perfect Whole, just the way we really are. This is a great lesson, the Twin Flame journey to Union is not just about connecting and loving your “other half”, but connecting with Love for yourself – both Darkness and Light. Unity with your Self.

    Spiritual information often highlights ideals close to romantic novels and old mythology, but Twin Flames are not a romantic concept heralded by outside forces. Our experience is designed for the path to Love in the real world. Bringing the spiritual to the earthly. Bringing "heaven" to "earth".

    5) Your Twin Flames are not running from you, they are running from themselves.

    This is a very misunderstood subject in the Twin Flame journey. First of all, please know that it is not your fault if your Twin Flame is on the run.

    It has to do with energy. Fear. Twin Flames go into escape mode because they feel too insecure to be open. Remember that "a wounded man is a wounded man".

    If someone runs away because of you, remember that the past plays a role here. They may not even get upset because of you. You only triggered the old pains and fears that they carried...

    This is the main reason for Twin Flames to flee. The twins are not running from their other half, but from their own mirror image. If your Twin Flame goes on the run, he or she ends up running from themselves, not from you.

    Your Twin is not just a "runner" or "hunter" in and of itself - they are provoked by energy. Once you learn how to clear the energy, you will be able to deal with and manage these situations. You will no longer be powerless. Twin Flames learn as a team - everything one Twin does affects the other.

    Your Twin Soul will always help you clear fears and triggers from your system. After all, you are not just a team, but one original whole.

    6) As a Twin Flame, You Can't Help Without Being True

    Truth is keyword on this way. When you meet the Divine Half of your Soul, your systems work to start clearing everything that does not correspond to Love, does not correspond to the truth of your Soul.

    This means that the Twin Flame journey is the road that leads out of the lies of human perception - the veil of illusion - into your true identity as a Soul.

    Along the way, Twin Flames are increasingly forced to remember who we are and why we are here.

    The more you begin to ignore early ego perceptions of life and society's "rules" about who you should be and instead live more in alignment with your authentic self, the more you will align with the basic frequency energy you share with your Twin. Flame. This means that you again become magnets to attract each other from the space of Unconditional Love.

    Realizing and bringing your energies back into your Soul Light creates a powerful momentum and allows you to move faster through the lessons and blocks in your path.

    To distinguish the false from the real, look to the heart and soul. What passionately resonates in your heart with feelings of bliss, love, and happiness—things you would do even if no one paid you or knew what you were doing—those are your true gifts and the plans of your Soul.

    Your innate talents and the areas you are drawn to.

    What is false is external perceptions. Something that has been "pasted" onto you by others. Beliefs about what is appropriate behavior for women and men, or for your culture. Family perception that you are like them.

    External things like whether you were an A student or failed in school, how much money you made, who you knew, or what mistakes you made... It's not you. It is perception and experience.

    Who you are in your truth manifests as an emanation of Light from within. Go to your heart, listen to what kindles fire and joy in you. You have already encountered this as a certain topic on your path - your Soul called you to notice it. Let go of false limitations and embody your deep bliss.

    If you can enlist any help to deal with the intense emotions and clearing of the Ascension Process and help your Twin release fear and open up to Reconnection in the real world, then turn your attention to energy management techniques.

    7) If your Twin Flame hurts you, it's a "Gift of Love" from the Soul

    When I did individual readings for Twin Flames, I got confused over and over again. In the midst of the drama, when one of the Twins escaped, I felt their Higher Self full of Love.

    Even though the Ego self was running away, their Higher Self only wanted to love their Twin. ().

    And they knew that if they could pull out the blocks that prevent love, it was worth it.

    Because pain means we get a chance to overcome our fears. These Twins wanted their lovers to be open deeper, wider, to the truth of Unconditional Love. To remove their fear, their insecurities, their sadness.

    And the most effective method to do this is to call them out, to press on the external wounds so that the negatives come out and can be dealt with.

    On many occasions, I have seen Gemini kind of “harm” their loved ones right now so that they can fully experience their true Unconditional Love later.

    Because many, although they think they are open, there are still barriers that are so deep and unconscious that they don't even realize it.

    And to deal with this, the Gemini arranges painful situations in order to force these blocks to rise to the surface. To help you free yourself. To be able to receive the gift of True Love. Even if it means hurting in the short term.

    This is the Gift of Love. They love so truly that they prefer to go through pain in order to help clear and open the way towards Love.

    Along the way, know that your Twin may be the one who triggers blocks, triggers inherited negative programming, and old wounds, but he or she does it as a Gift of Love. Ultimately, any blow of fate helps you in the long run if you become able to go into it and deal with the negativity. Get rid of this forever.

    Often souls determine that the most effective way to help unite within a twin flame pair is to show the blocks between them, just because it is the only way fully open them to Love.

    Until next time, I send you Love and Light for your further journey!

    For several years now I have been studying history, but not the history that is studied in school, not the history of states in different centuries, but the history of different souls ...

    Initially, my experience was limited to the experience of souls in this incarnation. One way or another, fate brought me together with different people, and they opened their souls to me and told me about miraculous manifestations ideas of the Creator In my life…

    And since like is drawn to like, those souls were drawn to me who had many questions about twin flame love, and those who had extrasensory abilities (healing, clairsentience, claircognizance) are people with a wider range of perception and a slightly different view of reality.

    Analyzing what they told, I am more and more convinced that all the vicissitudes of fate lead us to the fact that the material world is only a part of existence, and the most interesting and most important thing happens somewhere beyond our understanding.

    Looking back at my fate, I can say that I saw many miracles: both communication with the spirit through an embodied person, and, and then, when I felt that they were literally leading by the hand from above, when suddenly, in a difficult period of life, people appeared who supported me and helped.

    But today I want to talk about the most important miracle that has turned and continues to turn me to knowing myself and developing my abilities - the influence of the twin flame ...

    Or maybe it soul mate- teacher..

    Meeting of twin flames

    Those who are at least somewhat familiar with the topic of twin flames know that, as a rule, everyone around them is against them until they are really ready to serve the world together, work out all their karmic obligations, learn unconditional love and will not raise all their vibrations enough, in fact this meeting is for conscious service to the world.

    They are separated by distance, financial and social moments, and yet there is a connection, very powerful, capable of demolishing everything in its path. So it was with us.

    We lived in different cities, unaware of the existence of each other, until His Majesty chance brought us together. I came to visit relatives, and he turned out to be a friend of my sister (one company from the sports section).

    Surprisingly, at first I did not pay attention to him, although then I was deepened into myself ... I often got sick and was afraid of many things and was embarrassed.

    Now I already understand that it was precisely this weakness in me and the fact that I was quite closed that interested him, this gave me the opportunity to manifest precisely female energies.

    I will not tell how our relationship proceeded, in everyday language, I will tell you how it was at the energy level.

    I started to feel the energy as a child, I remember, at the age of 11, grandmothers from neighboring entrances came to me, and I relieved their pressure with a non-contact head massage, communicated with nature - animals, plants, etc.

    Then there was a period of calm.

    And here are mine subtle bodies they began to rebel when I felt that a stranger was passing by, literally bristling internally.

    When he came, an amazing feeling of wholeness and completeness enveloped me, two fields merged into one, and even a friend then noticed: you are alone - this is you, you are together - as if it were you, I don’t feel the difference.

    Despite the fact that the times were difficult - the 90s, we tried to visit each other as soon as possible. I remember one trip, then I knew for sure that whatever I wish, happens right there.

    “I am one with the Universe,” was the motto of that trip: I wanted the tram to come, which I usually wait for 20 minutes, it immediately came up; I wanted it to be sunny - the sun appeared - everything I just think about was embodied easily and immediately.

    Parting and searching, wishing for the best for the twin

    The moment has come, and we parted, why ...

    Then I changed my mind about a lot of things, I myself said that I no longer want this relationship, it seemed to me that financially it would not be successful if we were together, and a lot more.

    I wanted more for him, it seemed that I was closing the possibilities for him. Even before our parting, I knew some of the moments that await him in fate.

    And now the end seems to be set, fate parted us. I was very worried, there were, but the mind took over.

    And he, as I later found out, went deeper into faith - he went to church, although before that there was no talk about God and the plans were completely different, but then I did not know about it. Everything was so serious that they even offered him to study there and grow in this direction - in the spiritual sphere.

    I understood that I had destroyed something very important, I had refused love, and this depressed me very much.

    Some time passed, and another man appeared in my life, then there was a decline in energy, I felt that I really want a child, felt him near and got pregnant.

    I remember that then I set a lot of conditions for marrying him without saying them out loud, but everything I talked about, everything came true and told me that I got married.

    But the twin flame connection cannot be taken away at the blink of an eye. I REALLY wanted him to be happy, and it was important for me to know how he was. Sometimes there were dreams that spoke of events that were not very pleasant.

    I even went to study in absentia in that city in the hope of one day meeting him and finding out how he is. My memory completely replaced his image, such was the defensive reaction, and I only drove past his house, being afraid to go in.

    All my questions to my sister were in vain, I only found out that he got married and communication was interrupted. Once I had a dream in which he came to say goodbye ...

    Sadness rolled over and did not let go for several days, then I tried to pull myself together and live on.

    Meeting and unexpected discovery

    13 years have passed, one day I decided to look on the Internet, suddenly I’m still alive ...

    And how much happiness and gratitude to fate that he is!

    We wrote off, realized that the feelings have not gone away. And the lines of events in our lives developed very similarly. While I was looking for him in his city, he got a job railway, came and looked for me in mine (my husband and I moved).

    He also searched for me on the Internet, but at that time I was not registered on the network, and did not find it. He dreamed that I came to say goodbye to him.

    His father, after 6 years, somehow called and asked him if he had met me. But the most important thing is my sensory woke up with renewed vigor. I suddenly started to see images with him, and it was wonderful!

    I wake up in the morning at home and see him standing with an armful of wildflowers. If I didn’t understand and didn’t accept that I perceive the world a little wider, then I might think that it’s just hallucinations and it’s time to see a psychiatrist!

    She told her husband everything at once, when she only realized that I didn’t love him, she asked for a divorce. My psyche was overloaded, sleep 1.5-2 hours a day, all thoughts and conversations were only about him ...

    After the meeting, it became clear that the feelings were strong, but I was not ready for him to divorce, I knew for sure that this could not be done, while I needed to do this.

    Probably, if my son had a closer spiritual connection with his father, I would have thought, but then I did not hesitate, but my husband just did not want to let me go. The child surprisingly calmly reacted to my talk about divorce. But it's all external...

    During this period, I began to actively look for why I have such a strong connection with this person.

    The universe hears and reacts

    It's amazing when you're looking, you're given answers from different angles, the only question is when you're ready to hear and accept. And the answers began to come to me.

    Two completely different people answered very similarly, one - an indigo boy, said that we were like a transformer, and then explained - you can be on your own, but if put together - you will be one; the second said that he is from the constellation Draco and said that we are twin flames.

    In parallel, people began to come to me with stories similar in the sense that the distance between them and their loved ones is great, and that circumstances and people are against their connection.

    However, it is worth paying attention to how this affected fate, it was very difficult for me that we could not be together, and although he always appeared on the network as soon as I needed it (felt it), we did not see each other.

    Then I felt - either I will do something grandiose for myself, or I will destroy myself, especially since I am good at destroying.

    Then I took on a case that was completely uncharacteristic of me - I decided on my own open a child development center.

    The work took me a lot of time, and so I tried to switch from the thoughts and memories that tormented me. So I deliberately chose height!!!

    The choice that changed my life for the better

    I joined a professional group and there I met a woman who also had a difficult situation with a twin flame, who once gave me

    So for the first time I learned that the connection with other people, the causes of current situations can be learned from past lives.

    And, since I really needed it, I got to a session with a graduate of the Institute of Reincarnation.

    The immersion completely turned my vision of what was happening and gave me such a deep understanding that it became easier and easier for me to let go of the situation, great love and gratitude born in my heart!

    Connection with a past life

    It turns out that in one of my past lives, in the 18th century, I was a countess from an impoverished family, my lover worked on our farm, my parents left my life early, leaving me debts.

    One day a count came and offered me marriage on account of a debt. Beloved (in this life and in this life) offered to run away, but I understood that we would be flogged with whips if we ran away.

    Decided to get married. That is, the question of money, love and life arose for me in this incarnation. And the count turned out to be my current husband in this life.

    twin flame mission

    After this dive, I understood why I suddenly broke off relations with my beloved, why my husband did not let me go, I realized that they were leading me!!!

    If it were not for my desire to break off relations with my beloved, I would never have opened child Center, but I would be a housewife, which would not allow me to fully open up, and, most likely, a negative would arise over time.

    Of course, I can't change the past, but there is a present and a future, we are forming it now!

    And if you have now difficult situation in life, you know - God works in mysterious ways! All goes to good!!! Strange twists of fate...

    You never know what awaits you after the next failure or rise, but everything is going well! With the possibility of spiritual growth and development of unconditional love!

    Disclosure of intent

    Years passed, I was attracted by a world filled with light, love and wisdom. My friends and I meditated, psychologists, healers began to join me ...

    Once I was loaded into past life on the topic of destiny, and I clearly understood that one of the tasks of my incarnation is helping souls, wake them up so that they understand that the physical world is not the only one, help them develop spiritually!

    Then I decided to enter the Institute of Reincarnation. A woman helped me decide, whom I also immersed on the topic of twin flames, such are the quirks of fate!

    The mission of twin flames is not just to love, their mission is to global changes on the planet and beyond, therefore it is so important to work out everything to the maximum, to develop Unconditional acceptance and Unconditional love!

    As a rule, at the last incarnation there is a joint service! Who is familiar with the history of Peter and Fevronia of Murom - one of the examples of joint service to the Creator and the world!!! What I dream about!

    And after a successful disembodiment, apparently, transformations leading to more global goals!

    Once during a dive, on the request of why relationships with the opposite sex do not add up, the twin soul of the girl she was immersing appeared and revealed to us that twin souls create worlds, therefore it is important to work out your energies and relationships!

    It is important to learn Divine love! With which I fill myself. And what I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

    Divine love, Light and Wisdom, my dear readers!

    And remember - all roads lead to God!!! The only question is which one will you choose!