The most popular gift for February 23 statistics. Games for a real man

  • 02.07.2020

Less than a month is left before Defender of the Fatherland Day, and you are still puzzled over gifts for familiar men? Fresh ideas urgently needed!

Someone prefers to give original presents, someone prefers business ones, and some women prefer to make them with their own hands. If you are one of those who believe that gifts should be exceptionally useful and not lie idle on the shelf, then this collection is for you.

Stand for a laptop

The phrase "You sit at the computer all day!" it sounds less and less like a reproach - in the company of gadgets, almost every person spends a huge amount of time. Someone works, someone plays games, and someone relaxes and watches TV shows. If your man is just one of those who does not part with a laptop, he will definitely be delighted with a convenient multifunctional stand. It can be cooling, with a soft bottom or with a built-in mouse pad and mobile phone stand.

Electronic book

A great gift for those who love to read, who have to do it for work or school, and those who spend a lot of time in lines. For a brother or boyfriend, you can take an advanced e-book with the ability to watch photos, videos and surf the Internet via wi-fi. It is better for a more adult - and even more elderly - man to give simple model with a good screen, backlight and font enlargement function.

Annual supply of socks

Finding a pair of socks in the morning is a real challenge! Either they come across exceptionally different, or they are frayed or even full of holes. You can solve this problem for at least the next 365 days with the help of an annual set of socks. In a special case, a man is waiting for several dozens of absolutely identical socks, and you can choose their color and number of pairs yourself.

Wire organizer

Looking for an inexpensive yet useful gift? Give your man a cable and wire organizer that will help you keep all the cords you need and don't need at the moment in order. Most of these organizers are the following types: rubber clip for several cables, plastic or wooden block with separators, small magnetic design.

Board with containers

The idea that men can't cook and don't even want to go near the kitchen is a real myth. No wonder they say that it is from men that the best cooks are obtained! You can please a fan of cooking with the help of a special cutting board with containers. The thing is very convenient: in the drawers under the board, you can both lay out chopped food and throw off waste that only interferes on the surface. Another plus of such containers is that when shifting to a frying pan, into a saucepan, or a bowl, not a piece will fall on the floor.

Portable speaker

Who doesn't love good music? And good music sounding from a high-quality speaker is doubly beautiful. That is why the wireless portable speaker will impress any music lover. For those who like to sing in the shower, you can choose a waterproof Bluetooth model, and even a professional musician will appreciate the famous Marshall speaker.


The choice of a gift on the eve of the men's holiday leads women to a dead end. After all, it seems to many that the world is arranged only for the beautiful half of humanity, and the guys do not need much. But this is a big misconception. The best gift for February 23 is, of course, attention, care, love, respect. However, you should not limit yourself to them alone, it will still be more pleasant if you provide some small and unexpected present. And show your beloved man that it is extremely important for you to please him with the desired gift.

fashion accessories

First of all, we advise you to look at the store menswear. There you can find a large number of scarves, belts, cufflinks, briefcases and other accessories. It is not necessary to get hung up on this, since the main thing is fantasy everywhere.

If this is a gift for February 23 to her husband, then you should pay attention to the clothes themselves. For many years of living together, it was certainly possible to study taste preferences in this direction.

The main thing is not to miscalculate with the size and season. Since the holiday is directly approaching spring, it’s still not worth buying too warm sweaters and knitted scarves with hats. Pay attention to knitted shirts with long sleeves, jumpers and spring fashionable jackets.

This is all worth considering if you are sure of its taste preferences and size.

For an avid fisherman

The best gift for February 23 for those who cannot imagine their life without a boat and a fishing rod is, of course, tackle. According to statistics, every tenth man is fond of fishing and can devote his weekends to it with pleasure.

Certainly, loving girls and wives do not like this approach, but it will be much more pleasant for him if his significant other treats this with great understanding, and even more so if he gives a present related to his favorite hobby.

All fishing accessories can be found in specialized stores. The main thing is to initially look at what exactly is missing for the man who is planning such a gift. Perhaps he himself will express his wishes throughout the year, be vigilant.

A demanded gift at the moment are plug-in spinning rods. They are usually made from high quality materials. And the price is reasonable - from 500 rubles.

If possible, you should buy a coil for such a device, its cost starts from 1300 rubles. It will be a good gift for February 23rd. on February 23 from the same category? The men themselves will help you in this matter: a work colleague, brother or husband himself, who are fond of fishing, can become an excellent adviser. If there are no such craftsmen, you should contact professional consultants in the store.

Games for a real man

For those who are in the dark and are wondering what to give on February 23, on men's day, we advise you to pay attention to the variety board games.

It can be: backgammon, checkers, chess, monopoly, mafia, scrabble and others. It is better to buy such gifts in an antique or specialty store, where these accessories are made of high quality materials and have a beautiful gift box.

If a man is on the road for a long time, you can purchase mini-sets of board games, they will be great helpers on the road for work or on a picnic with friends.

Coupon for services

Cleanliness for a man too important factor. It may seem at first glance that this is not so, but the opinion is erroneous, especially when it comes to the interior of his "iron horse".

A car wash certificate is the best gift for a car enthusiast on February 23rd. Coupons for refueling or for technical services will also come in handy.

But this should not be limited, if a man is an adherent of stylish clothes or a lover of delicious food, then you should give a card to a recently opened restaurant or fashion store.

World of expensive drinks

The top best gifts for February 23 include "solid" alcohol. If the budget allows, then it is worth stopping at drinks that have been aged for many years and are stored in special cellars.

The best thing fit good aged cognac or whiskey, wine is more characteristic of women. But in any case, if everything is presented in a solid package and with soul, then we can say that the gift was a 100% success.

But you should not present accessories for alcoholic drinks, for example, antique decanters or glasses.

For a healthy lifestyle

For someone who is an opponent of any type of alcohol and plays sports, equipment and items for various games will be an excellent gift solution. Here, in any case, accurate knowledge of the subject to whom the present is intended will help. If he is fond of football, then you can give a beautiful ball, knee pads, special sneakers or a beautiful T-shirt.

For those who prefer winter sports, the best gift for February 23 is skis, a suit or goggles. Good equipment is not the cheapest pleasure. For example, the price category of skis starts from 6,000 thousand rubles.

In any case, the consultants of a specialized sports store will help you with the choice of this kind of gift. The main thing is to find out what exactly you are going for.

work friend

Surely, many women thought about what to present to their colleague on such a holiday and how a worthy gift for February 23 should look like. on February 23 in that case, consider further.

In order to create a festive mood in the men's team, it is worth emphasizing the very purpose of the celebration, that is, the military theme should prevail. Flasks, belts, metal glasses, stylized piggy banks, safes, a thermos mug - these will be the best gifts for colleagues on February 23rd.

All of the above presents are also perfect, in particular elite alcohol. If there are many men in the team, and the budget is not so large, then you can limit yourself to mini-sets, where there will be sufficient variety at the lowest cost.

Present with a twist

In order to stand out original gift a man does not need to run around the city and look for the right thing. Specialized stores have a complete collection of unusual things, where you can choose almost any original thing.

Cool gifts for February 23 will be able to add variety to the gray everyday life of the stronger sex. A touch of humor in the presentation will help you recharge with positive energy before the upcoming working day or relieve fatigue after a huge amount of work.

  • table soccer;
  • poker set;
  • organizer for a motorist;
  • mug-brass knuckles;
  • safe book;
  • original form alarm clock;
  • a cover for a driver's license or a passport;
  • travel accessories;
  • mini-brewery;
  • original flash drives;
  • unusual diaries and pens.

The list can be continued for quite a long time, the main thing is to take into account that many business men may already have enough of some items from the list.

It is worthwhile to find out in advance what the gifted person will really need. Also, do not get carried away with gifts from the category of stationery, this kind of thing can be presented once and no more. Because it will show your meager imagination and ignorance of the needs of a man.

stop list

In addition to beautiful and interesting gifts, women in most cases present banal presents, like shower gel, shampoo, or razors.

If you choose a gift for February 23 to your husband, then take it responsibly and seriously. Since he may already have plenty of various business card holders, diaries, beautiful pens and purses.

Also, do not give a man the latest innovations in technology like mobile phones or cameras. Because he simply doesn't need it.

  • figurines in the form of symbols of the year and animals;
  • frames for photos and paintings;
  • various souvenirs from the vacation spot;
  • key rings with elements of gambling;
  • hygiene items;
  • socks and underwear;
  • knives and mirrors;
  • ties;
  • Plush Toys.

Having excluded all these from your approximate list of presents for February 23, you can assume that everything else will certainly fit, the main thing is not to forget about the individual preferences of a man.

Briefly about the main

In conclusion, we can say that the most important thing when choosing is not to be limited to banal and simple things. Of course, the fear immediately arises that you will not be understood or your efforts will be misunderstood, but still the risk is a noble cause.

If the gift is intended for a director or a senior in rank, then, of course, excessive indiscretion and courage can interfere with reputation. In such cases, you should focus on gifts that are intended exclusively for business people.

As for “your” men, study them throughout the year, listen carefully to what they tell you. Perhaps you will hear what they would like to purchase, but it doesn’t work out in any way (there is no material opportunity or time to search for the desired thing, or it simply refers to those that “you will never buy yourself”).

Also ask more about their preferences and hobbies. Perhaps this will be the main factor in choosing a presentation.

According to numerous surveys of the stronger sex, there were definitely 5 best gifts for a man on February 23:

  • a ticket to a concert of your favorite band;
  • romantic dinner by candlelight;
  • rare editions of books;
  • favorite collections of films;
  • computer accessories.

Such ratings and lists can be an unlimited number. Only intuition, care and creative solutions will help surprise a real man, so go for it! But at the same time, remember a simple secret - the main thing is to do everything with love.

Razors, deodorants and socks - once popular gifts for February 23rd - are a thing of the past. Judging by social networks, the fantasy of the Russians works powerfully this year. On New Year's Eve there was no such rampant thought as on the most militant holiday of the year. Therefore, Rain selected the strangest and unusual gifts, which this year received Russian men.

10th place

With the gifts that are presented to men today in honor of the holiday, they themselves are satisfied. Here, for example, is the tenth point of our original rating - slippers in the form of a T-34 tank. Military theme and convenience, what else to add:

Ladies, there is very little time left until February 23 and it's time to actively start preparing for this holiday. Every year before us, girls, rises complex issue"How to please and surprise your loved one?". I don’t know how anyone, but I immediately start sorting out what he has run out or is running out of: razor blades, shaving gel, perfume, something in the car, and so on. But then it turns out that the most simple and obvious gifts, the men brought in the "black list". I present to your attention the TOP 8 worst gifts for February 23, compiled on the basis of a survey of representatives of the strong half of humanity.

1. Hygiene products

In the honorable first place in the ranking of the worst gifts for February 23 is shower gel. A man can buy this hygiene product for himself. In second place is shampoo, especially if it is for dandruff. Any hint that you need to wash, shave, and so on is perceived negatively.

2. Unnecessary things

A gift from the series “On you, God, what is not good for us” always upsets the recipient and spoils the image of the giver. Such gifts include broken items (be sure to check everything before delivery), a gift with a logo that is clearly free or received at some kind of draw.

3. Alcohol and tobacco

Oddly enough, but men do not like gifts associated with alcohol or smoking. By handing over a lighter, an ashtray or a bottle of alcohol, the giver hints at bad habits, which can be misinterpreted.

4. Feminine gifts

Even if a man likes to spend his leisure time preparing a new dish in the kitchen, this does not mean that on February 23 he is waiting for something like an exclusive pepper shaker or gravy boat as a gift. This also includes sweets, flowers, various certificates for beauty salons.

5. "Troublesome" gifts

It is not very happy to receive as a gift something that will bring unnecessary trouble, even despite their cost. For example, a car wash for a person who does not have a water supply and drain in the garage. To use this gift, you have to work hard. Doubtful pleasure, isn't it?

6. Clothes that need to be tried on

It is very easy to miscalculate with such gifts that require the direct presence of the recipient: outerwear, shirts, ties and cufflinks, perfume. Underwear and hosiery also made the list of "forbidden" gifts, especially if they are in humorous prints and cheerful colors.

7. Unnecessary souvenirs

It is not very pleasant to receive an unnecessary souvenir as a gift, such as figurines, caskets, magnets. Periodically, we all clean the apartment from junk. And then the moment comes when you want to throw this souvenir away, but it's embarrassing ...

8. Gadgets from obscure manufacturers

If you decide to give a man any of the gadgets (flash drives, drives, external drives, mice, keyboards, phones and accessories for them), remember that here, as well as with clothes, it’s easy to make a mistake if you don’t agree on the model, dimensions, etc. nuances.

The first line in the hit parade of the worst gifts for February 23 is occupied by a shower gel. Believe me, he can buy it for himself. Shampoo, especially if it is for dandruff, we will give an “honorable” second place. In general, any hint that you need to wash, shave, in 99.99% of cases is perceived negatively.

So you can safely send offtopic a razor (electric and dangerous), and all kinds of brushes, even if they are from a cool barbershop, shaving gels and foams, replaceable blade cartridges, aftershave lotions, colognes, and a trimmer. However, a trimmer and a special comb for a mustache and beard can be very useful if your man is going to grow a beard, and you yourself are not against his decision.

2 Unnecessary souvenirs

It's a shame to receive unnecessary items like souvenirs (figurines, caskets, framed paintings, magnets). From time to time, any person gets rid of trash in the apartment. And when you pick up that same souvenir, you want to throw it away, but it's embarrassing ...

3 "Troublesome" gifts

Even more offensive, getting something that will bring unnecessary trouble. Moreover, these things can be quite expensive. Let's say a car wash for a person who has no water supply and drain in the garage. In this case, to wash the car, you need to buy a tank, a canister and manually bring water from home. Pleasure is doubtful. And, the question is, why spend a lot of money?

4 Clothes that need to be tried on

It is very easy to miscalculate with such presents that require the presence of the recipient. Type outerwear, perfume, ties, cufflinks, shirts, baseball caps and T-shirts. Men’s clothes are generally called a sore subject and they are urged not to play “dolls” in absentia. Lingerie and hosiery also included in the banned list. Especially if these items are with humorous prints or cheerful colors. In short, guys are advised not to even think about shorts and socks.

5 Gadgets of obscure models and manufacturers

The history of gadgets is very similar to the saga of outerwear and ties. Flash drives, drives, external drives, card readers, mice, keyboards, phones and accessories for them, styluses for tablets - these are things that are easy to make a mistake if you do not agree on the model, volume, connector and other nuances.

6 Feminine gifts

It does not fit into the format of a male gift and any item that gives off femininity: chocolate, kitchen utensils like a pepper shaker or a gravy boat, flowers, a certificate for pedicure procedures with the “use” of garra rufa fish. The men we interviewed used to receive such gifts, and were by no means happy.

7 "On you, God, what is not good for us"

Any thing from the series “On you, God, that we are not good” upsets the recipient and spoils the image of the giver. This can be a broken item (check if it works before handing it over), as well as an item with a logo, obviously free and received at some presentation or draw. In short, getting a branded diary, a mug or a beach bag, you won’t even squeeze out a “thank you” from yourself.

8 Alcohol and tobacco

Oddly enough, everything that is associated with drinking alcohol or smoking is often annoying. Handing over a bottle of wine, a beer glass, a lighter, an ashtray or a smoking pipe with a set of brushes for cleaning it, you are not acting too delicately. hint at bad habits may be misinterpreted. And, finally, it's easier than ever to be puzzled by a postcard: there is a postcard, but where is the gift?