Gifts for employees - TOP original ideas of the year! What to give an employee.

  • 29.09.2019

Even the smallest enterprise gives gifts to its employees on big holidays. And this is not so much a matter of ethics as a matter of team loyalty - when people feel that the management treats them with attention, they begin to work better and agree to big concessions. But in order to achieve this increase, you need to choose gifts that employees will like. And for this - to understand the issue.

The first nuance that you need to pay attention to is who, in fact, is supposed to give gifts. A young, predominantly female teaching staff requires a very different approach than an artel of workers, most of whom are men in their forties. Acting:

  • gender - classic "female" gifts are not at all like "male" ones;
  • age - the younger the team, the more appropriate gifts with humor or requiring some activity from the employees themselves;
  • interests - if it is possible to determine them.

And, of course, it is very important in what professional field all these people work.

public service

People who are on public service, it is forbidden by law to accept gifts during the performance of official duties - this is required by the law on combating corruption. However, this rule does not apply to incentives that management deems necessary to issue. The main thing is to conduct everything officially through the accounting department and pay all taxes. Moreover, if the gifts are worth more than three thousand, management and employees must formally draw up a donation agreement and sign it.

Other commercial and non-profit organizations

For the rest, gift giving also requires bookkeeping and taxation, but in most cases, the tax authorities are less suspicious of it than in the case of government employees.

For other organizations, more nuances are more important relationship between management and employees:

  • big enterprise. Requires a competent approach to the holidays - the order for the issuance of gifts should be made by top management, but its implementation lies with local bosses who know their subordinates. Control is important so that there is no abuse on the ground.
  • small business. It can afford less formality - in a small company everything is closer to each other, the management knows the subordinates and can give them more personal gifts.
  • IP. Individual entrepreneur , whose entire staff consists of a dozen people, can afford to choose, look closely and make gifts not to generalized "employees", but to people with whom he communicates closely, in fact, colleagues.

A gift requires subtlety and sensitivity. If top management is too far away from the rank and file, the decision needs to be passed down.

What is better not to give

Regardless of the size of the enterprise and the professional field in which it operates, there is a universal list of bad decisions. Do not give:

  • monotonous gifts. If every year on March 8 women receive a box of chocolates, and men on February 23 shaving foam, there is no attentiveness and surprise in such gifts - everyone knows in advance what they will receive, and everyone has long been bored.
  • Cheap gifts of poor quality. Pens that stop writing after a couple of days, T-shirts made from fabric that fades after the first wash, soap that smells of something unpleasant - all these, of course, are gifts, but hardly anyone wants to receive them, and hardly even for some, they will increase loyalty.
  • Cosmetics. To give women the same sets of cosmetics means to arouse their indignation, because each of them uses its own specific brand and has its own characteristics.
  • Cloth. When buying in bulk, it is very difficult to guess with the right size - and will employees wear something the same? The only exception is T-shirts in corporate colors.
  • Humorous gifts. All employees have a different sense of humor - what will amuse one, offend another. You need to know the workers very well to present something really funny for everyone.
  • Various gifts. If the whole enterprise is supposed to be presented, the worst thing you can think of is to give everyone different gifts. There will be rumors about favorites, someone will be offended, someone will decide that he was underestimated. If you donate, then everyone is the same.

And, of course, you should not give unnecessary gifts if the preferences of employees are known. Certificates for a cosmetics store for movers? Skydiving for middle-aged teachers? Definitely better not.

Gift options for employees

To find interesting ideas, you can not only brainstorm or think with the whole leadership - you can look at the lists ready-made options for any occasion. Maybe they have something suitable.

For a birthday or anniversary

There are two options for such gifts:

  • Private. It can be done in small companies where everyone knows everyone and there are not so many employees that it is difficult to get to know them better. It is chosen in accordance with the interests of the gifted, individual.
  • Generalized. In a large enterprise, in order not to waste time and not cause quarrels in the team, the easiest way is to give a predetermined gift for everyone who celebrates a birthday - this is not too original, but reliable.

In any case, there are many birthday gift ideas:

  • something of interest- a fishing rod for a fisherman, fresh flowers for a worker who is passionate about them, a beautiful collar for a happy dog ​​owner, and so on and so forth;
  • something sweet- everyone loves sweets, and whoever does not love can always give away;
  • something specific- a branded pen, a diary, a lighter with a name, an umbrella with photographs according to the taste of a particular person;
  • something tasty- a set of tea or coffee, a fruit basket, a cake;
  • something for the design of the workplace- a clock, a photo frame, a mouse pad with a beautiful image.

Of course, the gift needs to be beautifully packaged so that it leaves the birthday person with a sense of celebration - or replace it with a paid day off, which can then be added to the vacation.

IMPORTANT! If you want to make a gift even more magnificent and add flowers to it, you first need to find out if the employee is allergic to them and if he will start to suffocate just by smelling the donated lilies

On the "day of the profession"

If a birthday is a personal holiday, then the “day of the profession” is celebrated by the whole team. Plus, the very specifics of the holiday suggests business, useful gifts that will help in further work. It could be:

You can also order souvenirs that are not directly related to the profession, but will remind you of it. Keychains in the form wrenches car mechanics, chocolate bunnies for kindergarten teachers, vinyl clocks for musicians.

For the new year

New Year- a holiday more cheerful than a professional day and more conducive to relaxation and entertainment. With a New Year's gift, you can set the team in a festive mood, cheer up and set the tone for the whole next year. It could be:

  • entertainment for the whole team- a trip to a ski resort, paintball, quests in reality, master classes in baking gingerbread or alcohol tasting;
  • something funny- but also with practical application, for example, watches of an unusual shape, flash drives in the form of a symbol of the year, phone cases with a cheerful print;
  • something for the whole team- coffee maker, board games, puzzles that you can distract yourself with at lunchtime;
  • something for relaxation- from coloring-antistress, pillows under the back;
  • something sweet- Fortunately, there are many New Year's options for sweet gifts.

You can order Christmas balls with company symbols or give your employees high-quality beautiful Christmas decorations (you can even engrave each one with a name).

March 8th for employees

International Women's Day is a celebration of all working women. Gifts should be chosen carefully, with attention, so that they are approximately equal in value to the gifts that men received for their holiday. You can donate:

  • something, what can be taken care of- fresh flowers, a closed aquarium to relieve stress;
  • something beautiful- landscape in a frame, topiary, figurine or plush toy;
  • something delicious- for example, a set of honey, a fruit basket or a box of chocolates;
  • something funny- for example, a USB hub in the form of an octopus or a mug that is "charged" by the heat of the drink;
  • something from the category accessory ov - beautiful hairpins, scarves and neckerchiefs.

Gifts can be accompanied by flowers, but the same rule applies here as for a birthday - you first need to make sure that no one is allergic to them.

February 23

This day has long turned into a common men's day, therefore, traditionally, not only those who served, but all men in general are congratulated on it. You can give them:

  • something useful- socks or a set of shower gel and shampoo, of course, are not original, but they will definitely come in handy;
  • something funny- a set of false mustaches, a mini-fridge that can be placed on the table, a small platform for maintaining the temperature of the mug;
  • something delicious- sweets, a certificate to a restaurant or a personalized set of honey;
  • something for interior- a clock on the wall, a napkin on the table.

IMPORTANT! You should not give alcohol to men if there is no exact information about what kind of relationship someone has with him. This is too "slippery" a gift that can harm a person seeking to stop drinking, for example.

For merit!

If an employee excels, the easiest way, of course, is to give him a bonus. But you can supplement it or completely replace it with a gift - the main thing is that it be truly useful.

A diploma can only be issued for merit if it is accompanied by something more significant. Otherwise, employees will not have any motivation to try and raise performance.

You can donate:

  • something nominal- such a gift will remind the employee of his achievements, and it can be a lighter or an engraved cigarette case, a nominal watch or a passport cover;
  • something expensive- famous brand pen, mobile phone, high quality computer mouse, e-book, leather briefcase;
  • something useful for further advancement - a book on the profession, a ticket to advanced training courses.

You can also give a paid vacation - one or several days. It definitely motivates other employees to do better.

VIP gifts for the management team

The management team also needs to be congratulated - as well as customers and partners. And you definitely can't get away with socks here. Which is more suitable:

  • branded items- pens, watches, wallets or briefcases;
  • useful things at work- diaries with embossing, for example;
  • technique- expensive and high-quality equipment for a computer, car radio for those who have cars.

Can arrange management team holiday, getting out of the city and arranging a small vacation at the highest level. And you can issue vouchers abroad - but not to the usual Thailand and Egypt, but, for example, to France or Germany. Or give beautifully decorated expensive sweets.

Company birthday

This day is a holiday for the whole company, therefore gifts should somehow relate to it. It could be:

You can take everyone to nature or to an active sports holiday. The main thing - if you arrange some kind of general event, to provide for the possibility of refusal. Still make people have fun - bad way increase their loyalty.

Corporate gifts with company logo

Corporate gifts can rarely stand as gifts on their own, but are a great addition to something more. Their main advantage is advertising. If an employee uses them outside of work, he can attract the attention of potential customers. It can be:

  • t-shirts - the best solution for a friendly team;
  • notebooks, pens, diaries and other stationery - are constantly needed by everyone and are constantly used in a variety of situations;
  • mugs - someone will use them at work, and someone will take them home;
  • Christmas balls - a great addition to the New Year's gift;
  • magnets - maybe someone will be interested in them when they see them on the refrigerator.

All this is mostly trifles, but useful and pleasant.

Cash gifts and bonuses

Employee bonuses are also a gift, but there is little festivity in it. This a good option to reward those who stand out. In other cases, to create an atmosphere, it would be useful to add something else to it - at least a chocolate bar in an elegant wrapper.

Gifts for employees' children

Employees' children do not participate in the work in any way, but the fact that management remembers them greatly increases loyalty. In a large company, it will be enough to congratulate the kids a couple of times a year, on big holidays - on the New Year and on the day of the company - and in a small company, where everyone knows each other, you can add something nice for a birthday.

Young children are not too demanding, but this is no reason to give them something simple and boring. It is much better to choose something curious that will remind you of yourself all year. For example:

  • an umbrella with cartoon characters - it will be a special chic if for each child exactly his favorite characters are printed on the umbrella;
  • pillow or bedding with your favorite characters;
  • mug with favorite characters;
  • sweets - most children love sweets, so a set with sweets will definitely be a success;
  • toys - but not the cheapest and most primitive options, but something interesting like talking animals or radio-controlled cars;
  • stationery - sets of pens, felt-tip pens and pencils, if they do not delight the child, then at least they will be useful to him at school or kindergarten;
  • a night light or a beautiful lamp.

Children can also be given funny, funny trinkets that annoy adults with their aimlessness - like an angel figurine, an eternal pendulum and a magnetic hourglass.

What is better not to give

Despite the childish undemanding, there are gifts that are still better to refrain from. Better not to give

  • gifts not according to age - toys of elders will be dangerous for kids, and simple games for small ones are boring for big children;
  • cheap gifts of poor quality - both toys and sweets;
  • boring gifts - a child will not be pleased with one pen and he is unlikely to like a lonely plush animal.

You should also not give things that may be potentially dangerous - for example, sleds or designers, replete with small details.

How interesting to present gifts and arrange congratulations?

In order for a gift to create a festive atmosphere and be remembered, it is not enough for it to be useful or pleasant - it must be beautiful. To achieve this, it is worth:

  • wrap a gift in wrapping paper and tie with a ribbon;
  • Attach a postcard with the recipient's name to each gift;
  • add small sweet gifts to big gifts.

You can arrange everything in the form of a surprise - let the employees find their gifts when they come to work in the morning. Or arrange a small performance - a humorous scene or a parody of a children's matinee, which will be especially appropriate for the New Year.

You can also just give out gifts with warm parting words - but you should speak from the heart, and, of course, do not read from a piece of paper.

Where and how is it profitable to buy gifts for employees?

Any wholesale orders are profitable - but in order to make them even more profitable, you can cooperate with:

  • own partners who produce something;
  • online stores that always sell cheaper, because there is no extra charge;
  • with printers who are accustomed to working with legal entities and large orders, and therefore will not be surprised to be asked for an additional discount.

Gifts are a great way to make a holiday memorable for all employees. Properly selected, with attention and interest in the problems of employees, they can significantly increase loyalty to the company, which can definitely be used later.

The video in a humorous way offers an overview of the gifts made by large companies to their employees for the New Year.

The largest and most famous mobile operator in Russia is, of course, MTS, whose total capitalization exceeds that of MegaFon and Beeline combined. He is ahead of each of his competitors in terms of the number of subscribers, because he has more than 50 million of them. As it turned out, each of them can get a 50% discount on any tariff plans and services, so you will have to pay half as much, no matter what tariff was active.

A few years ago, Russia passed a law, one of the most recent in ten years, which obliged all Russian operators to port numbers from each other so that the subscriber does not feel like a slave. In other words, they abolished "mobile slavery", and did it with the help of MNP technology. Due to this, any Russian, if he is dissatisfied with the quality of service, can easily change a mobile operator in just a few days, but this can be done no more than once every three months.

It is very easy to get a 50% discount from the MTS mobile operator. It is enough to come to any telecommunications company, and then write an application for porting the number there. Since the MNP procedure requires consent from the old operator, he will immediately know that his client wants to leave. After that, it is important to go to the phone and have a conversation with the employee, the leader of which will be himself.

It is important to understand that it is not just a technical support employee who is calling, but a representative of the customer loyalty department. He has much more authority and experience, and he also has the right to make unique offers. It is best to apply for transfer to Tele2, because this operator has the lowest prices. During telephone conversation an employee of the MTS operator will ask about the reasons for switching to another company, to which two should be mentioned.

It is important to note that the discount is provided forever, and it will be valid even if you change the tariff plan to another one. The amount of the discount may vary. It all depends on the value of the subscriber for the operator, as well as on the persuasiveness of his words during the conversation. However, less than 25% discount will definitely not be offered. If it suddenly happens that no conditions are offered, it will be enough to interrupt the number porting procedure on your own. All this is, of course, absolutely free, so there is no risk.

Everyone must decide for himself whether to pay 100% for communication services all his life, or use them at half price, that is, with a 50% discount, taking a risk once, although there is no risk. Earlier it became known that soon mobile operator MTS on all its tariff plans and services.

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Creates Information Systems

About fears and how they were not justified

It was my first job. It was scary, I did not know what awaited me, I got a job as a student. But my fears were not justified, and the team and the atmosphere of the company turned out to be very pleasant. The company is huge, about 5 thousand people work in Moscow - this is an incredible number of new acquaintances. Each person in MTS is an individual. When you interact with these people, you become imbued with their goals, and your own goals are born. The company has an amazing corporate culture, it is constantly evolving. During these 5 years that I work, I see how much she has changed.

About MTS Theater

On the birthday of the company, we played a performance on the stage of the theater Et Cetera. I had one of the main roles. A professional director worked with us, who puts on the big stage and makes films. For six months we were taught acting, choreography. They invested their soul and knowledge in us. Work in the theater is also a job that requires the same efforts as the work of a systems architect. Before the premiere at the theater, we stayed until late at night, worked on weekends, but it was all with great enthusiasm! When you work in a team where everyone is focused on high results, it is easier to overcome difficulties. I am sure that a person creates his own environment, and I am glad that I work in a strong team that allows me to develop not only as a technical specialist.

About non-material motivation

For 5 years in the company, I met several people who are very contagious with their energy and ambition. I work in the same group with these high-class professionals, it is very motivating. When you are close to people who are several heads taller than you, you can learn skills from them, change your perception of events in the company. It's a colossal experience. It seems to me that the most important thing that should be present in the work is non-material motivation.

Ensures accurate financial reporting

About how complicated and interesting everything is in telecom

In telecom, it’s not just difficult, it’s very difficult to understand everything here. After another industry, the mechanisms of message passing, data processing, roaming data were incomprehensible to me. Now, not being a specialist in telecom, I have learned to understand all the processes. Before, when I called by mobile as a simple subscriber, I did not understand how it works. It's amazingly cool and amazingly complex. Every day you learn something new from your colleagues. Our department communicates with absolutely all departments within the company. At the same time, you can study at a corporate university, where there are a huge number of courses and webinars. New employees, I think, should definitely sign up for them.

About field training

In our department, employees are advised to take certain courses and trainings, they even have their own plan. I took 3-4 such courses: self-presentation, conducting business negotiations, I am planning to attend one of the trainings on communication techniques. In July, we went with the whole department to Sochi for four days. Each macro-region sent its employees of the internal control department to it. We all finally got together and saw each other. There was a discussion of business issues, and informal communication: we went up to Krasnaya Polyana, walked together in the evenings. After that, we began to better understand each other in work, there was less friction.

About the benefits of working in a large company

The company employs thousands of people, and for me this is a constant development. There is no such thing as coming to work and not knowing what to do. There is always something to do and you know how to do it. If you don't know, you can contact anyone from any department. It does not happen that someone refuses to solve the problem. Our employees have a very high degree of involvement in solving problems. We never get enough of our profession, there is always room to grow - both professionally and personally. Managers and heads of departments are very strong personalities, they have a lot to learn. They are like mentors, in which case you can always turn to them, there will never be a refusal.

Builds and upgrades base stations

About the nature of colleagues

We are working different people with different hobbies. Someone is engaged in painting, paints in oils, someone sings, participates in professional competitions. But differences in interests do not prevent us from being together, working together and achieving our goals. There was a stereotype that techies are “dry” people. This is not true. We have a lot of positive people, many of them participate in corporate events and show quite good results.

About development opportunities

The company has a lot of opportunities to grow. If you want to develop, you will develop. Water does not flow under a lying stone, as they say, but we have few such people. The company puts emphasis on employee development. I am currently participating in a corporate training program for employees. It helps me to look at the business processes of our company with different eyes and effectively apply the acquired knowledge in my work. My plans in the future are the head of the group, the head of the department. The opportunity to study under such programs is provided to employees who want to develop.

About good deeds

Our company gives kindness to those in need. For example, MTS presented the Botanical Garden with new benches, which we painted in bright spring colors. Every citizen could join this event, it was possible to bring children and participate in master classes. When you see that the company is doing good deeds, and you are directly involved in this, you begin to get great pleasure. Plus, for such useful deeds, you get to know your colleagues better, get to know new people.

About the most unusual gifts

One of the most interesting gifts we gave to a colleague was the symbol of our company - a wooden egg on a stand. We all signed it, wrote our most sincere wishes and set a date. The birthday boy loved the gift!

About work

The company recently celebrated its 22nd anniversary. All day there was activity on the radio, employees called hotline, sent SMS with congratulations and participated in quizzes. We also recently hosted a MTS Voice contest on the radio, in which more than 150 vocalists from all over the country took part. Five singers reached the final: from Belarus, Armenia, the corporate center and the Urals, who met with the singer Tina Kuznetsova. In general, 70% of radio content is occupied by music, 30% by information. Employees can listen to the radio during their work day and at their leisure on their way home. More than 20 thousand people visit our corporate portal every day. At the same time, employees from the regions are the most active.

About who works at MTS

Completely different people work in the MTS group of companies. For example, in a retail network you will meet mostly young people aged 18-25. It was even created especially for them. social network"MTS Life", because today's youth is hard to imagine without VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook. At MTS Life, employees communicate effectively. But MGTS is a company with a history of more than 130 years. People have been working at MGTS for 10, 20 and even 30 years. These employees are very dedicated to the company, many of them have received awards from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications for their contribution to the telecommunications industry.

About the most interesting activities

The company hosts countless corporate activities and events. I remember most of all "Sunny Friday", which we spent in June. At the entrance to the office, employees were given sunglasses and ice cream. So we decided to cheer up those who did not get on vacation and are looking at the Instagram of colleagues who are relaxing at sea. There was also an interesting event MTS Running. Employees across the country posted photos of their runs. We have chosen the winners in the category " Best Rookie"," The longest run. It turned out that there are a lot of runners in the company, now we will support them in various marathons.

To begin with, the advice of a person for whom choosing New Year's gifts for employees is a direct official duty.

Maria Gileva, Head of HR Department at BINET.__.PRO:

- What to give to members of your team? Find creative and non-standard ideas it is always difficult for gifts, especially if the team is already played and people have been working together for more than a year.

There are unusual ways to reward employees for loyalty to the company. For example, branded gifts for seniority: 1 year of work - a badge, 2 years - slippers, 3 years - polo, 4 years - a blanket, 5 years - a sweatshirt, 7 years - a backpack, 10 years of work - a bomber jacket.

You can hold an annual presentation of awards to employees of each department for their contribution to the development of the company. Office workers You can give gifts in the following nominations: "Best Employee of the Year", "Most Enterprising", "Contribution to the Company", "Head of the highest standard", "Golden Hands", "Valuable Element", "Activist of the Year", "Success/Breakthrough of the Year" " and others.

Original gifts can be collective. Here you can give nominations by department:

  1. Passing the quest.
  2. Go to billiards.
  3. Movie tickets.
  4. Visiting a master class
  5. Photoshoot.
  6. Bowling game.
  7. Dinner with the boss.
  8. A painted portrait of the team.
  9. SPA or massage session.
  10. Gift certificates to a beauty salon, gym, swimming pool or perfume shop.

Be sure to pay attention to the children of employees. Usually such a New Year's gift is toys depending on age + chocolate (a box of New Year's sweets). You can give children souvenirs depicting the symbol of the coming year, or ice cubes / tubing - the options may be different. It will be an excellent solution to order Father Frost and the Snow Maiden to the home of employees with children, who will present gifts.

Typically, companies choose gifts for any occasion based on corporate culture. I will give examples of gift lists for organizations.

Top 5 gifts for a bank or serious business:

  1. Book, diary.
  2. Gadgets (flash drive).
  3. Purse.
  4. Pen.
  5. Cup.

Top 5 gifts for an actively developing IT company:

  1. Board games.
  2. Concert of a famous group at a corporate party.
  3. Antistress coloring pages.
  4. Headphones.
  5. The ball is "antistress".

Interesting gift options tied to one theme, such as winter.

Top 5 gifts in the theme "Winter":

  1. Touch screen gloves.
  2. Scarves.
  3. Hats.
  4. Thermal mugs.
  5. LED garland.
  1. If the gift is personally to the employee and you know the size, then you can stop at branded clothes.
  2. For mass gifts, choose branded souvenirs and things that will suit any employee.
  3. In no case should you give knives and piercing / cutting things, personal hygiene products, cosmetics, perfumes. It is better to give gift certificates.
  4. Use corporate colors in gifts and the company logo to make employees feel involved in a common cause. If they use branded items in everyday life, then this is also a PR for the company.
  5. Try to focus on quality. You want to use high-quality things and show them to acquaintances, friends, which will certainly affect the company's reputation and increase your rating among competing organizations.

My best present...

Gift craftsmen shared with us holiday ideas and their proposals for this New Year. Get inspired!

Natalia Sabirova, Gift Advisor at the Gift Solutions Agency "Summer" :

– Undoubtedly, the most popular items that employees receive from the company on New Year's Eve are souvenirs that support the corporate style of the company. These are diaries, pens, calendars, notebooks.

At the end of the year, many employees are commemorated with special badges of recognition. Therefore, award products - certificates on plaques, cups, badges - are a significant part of client requests for miscalculation to our company.

Textiles remain in the first place among functional gifts - hats, scarves, mittens. And this is understandable: corporate-style scarves, hats, and mittens allow managers not to think about presenting their company at mass city events. And employees are pleased that the gifts have a long life cycle and practical application.

Also in the trend are small leather goods and New Year's dishes.

From year to year, gastronomic gifts do not go out of fashion, creating an atmosphere new year holiday. This includes jam from cones, and chocolate dumplings, and maybe even a suitcase with products own production. For example, the Novosibirsk Poultry Farm gave its employees “sausage suitcases”.

Unfortunately, in the new economic conditions, gifts have become a luxury for many companies. Therefore, small tokens designed to support the New Year's mood are in stable demand. This year they were “marmalade cones”, candied pine fruits, chocolate rebakes.

from unusual and interesting ideas This year, we can note the order of Niko-Bank from Orenburg - Christmas tree-shaped plates for New Year's snacks.

Gifts for employees are best presented at corporate events or reporting meetings. In this case, they are most appropriate and do not lose their significance. Do not forget to arrange gifts - at least wrap them in bright paper.

Even if they are handed out in the office, try to include elements of the event and the game into the handing. For example, if you have a real estate agency, build a house of balloons on the table of the chief accountant and hide your gifts there. Or maybe you have an office on 5 floors? Then send your employees on an exciting quest in search of gifts.

As an option - meet employees at the entrance to the office in the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and conduct a comic New Year's fortune-telling "Recipes for Happiness from the Chef". Recipes, by the way, can be baked in your signature cookies with your own hands.

If you just need to convey the atmosphere of the holiday, “settle” a good fan in the company, give the employees “smiles on sticks” with the personal wish of the manager on reverse side. And in addition to many selfies on social networks, you will get a sunny team mood that will accompany your company throughout the coming year!

Happy new GIFT year to you, friends! Surprise and be surprised!

Anastasia Arefieva, head of the Hug-Monsters workshop:

– I think that it is most appropriate to give out an award as a gift! But small souvenirs are also very good. However, I do not like the idea of ​​mandatory placement of the company logo. These gifts will, as it were, hint to employees: "Advertise your company anytime and anywhere." Gifts with a logo are good for the anniversary of the company - then they become a memorable souvenir. But not on New Years. Souvenirs with the symbol of the coming year are always relevant, this year they are roosters.

For the New Year, I sewed a lot of cute souvenirs. The main criteria in the manufacture of products chose an inexpensive price and classic forms. These are textile rocking horses, hearts, stars, decorated with ringing bells, beautiful ribbons and lace. For lovers of original forms, I sewed chanterelles. Also, the opportunity to make fragrant souvenirs was not spared - Christmas trees with a cinnamon trunk, which gives such a winter and warm aroma! And, of course, the assortment includes cute textile cockerels filled with silica gel with a wonderful aroma of apple, cinnamon, orange and allspice.

Giving gifts, of course, is best at a corporate party. If it is not possible to arrange a chic celebration for employees in a restaurant, then you can organize a tea party with a cake.

Oksana Perova, owner of the workshop "Apiary Yung" :

- As children, we knew that on New Year's Eve our parents would bring sweets, scarce tangerines and chocolate from work. Parents also got food packages with caviar, servelat and expensive sweets. If today the head of the company decides to give gifts to his employees, then he, knowing the characteristics of his team, will find an opportunity to thank and inspire the members of his team. For example, I will give all my colleagues felt boots with silicone galoshes. I think they will definitely be grateful to me.

However, what am I? As if not the owner of a honey and gingerbread workshop. Of course, the New Year is, first of all, a family holiday, and sweets are more appropriate than ever on this day.

Of course, gingerbread, honey, and chocolate candies- These are the most New Year's of New Year's gifts. Tradition, foundation. No wonder they say in our chocolate business: "In December, one day feeds the year." In addition, gastronomic gifts are almost a win-win option. But I think it's worth avoiding famous brands type "Raffaello" or "Korkunov". We all go to the same stores, see billboards with promotional prices for sweets. I think that sweets from hypermarkets on this day will only spoil the impression of the gift. Set aside the box for another occasion, and in the New Year, please with an exclusive. Moreover, now you can find a lot of options for the price of a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates.

For example, we have developed a special New Year's collection of gingerbread and gingerbread sets for every taste and budget. And only once a year we make Christmas honey with spices and pieces of ginger. This, in fact, is both a useful yummy on the table in winter, and the basis for mulled wine, sbiten or ginger tea on hastily. Just heat up any drink and add this honey to taste. I would also like to draw your attention to our chocolates. I think that sets in gold boxes will be a hit of this holiday.

Marina Kostrykina, founder and director of the agency for children's holidays "Sedora", as well as a unique creative project Paint&Taste :

- The choice of gifts, of course, depends on the budget of the company. If the leader does not want to bother and divide gifts into men's, women's and children's, then you can limit yourself to a gift set of New Year's gingerbread cookies. Especially now it has become fashionable and in demand.

As an idea - you can combine a corporate party with a gift. Now we are just holding such events as part of the Paint&Taste project. This is an art party where you have fun with colleagues in one of the restaurants in the city and at the same time draw a picture under the guidance of an artist. All participants receive a festive mood, a delicious dinner, a cheerful creative atmosphere and a finished picture, painted by hand. The picture just acts as a gift that you take home. This format of recreation is gaining momentum and becoming more and more popular.

Therefore, in my opinion, traditional sweet and alcoholic sets, gift cards from stores and, as indicated above, creative creative gifts will always be in trend, especially if they are made by hand.

Chips from chefs

Company executives shared with the readers of "Thirst" their experience of congratulating employees on the most important holiday of the year.

I am ambivalent about gifts. A gift is only a small part of the New Year's ritual. It is much more important to create a special mood on New Year's Eve.

What is New Year? This is, first of all, a completely different mood, which is invariably created by the Christmas tree, champagne, the smell of tangerines. Once I thought about how to make sure that a festive mood hovered in the office long before the New Year. Since then, every year we have a traditional office decoration contest. I myself choose among the designs the most unusual options. All participants receive tangerines (in kilograms, of course) and champagne. Despite the fact that we have a “dry law” in our office, we cannot do without this attribute.

In addition, CVT has people who have been working almost since the date of the company's foundation. I always have something special for them, but again I don't want to call it gifts. Rather, the desire to emphasize their importance to me and the company as a whole.

Mikhail Peregudov, food delivery service with recipes at home "Food Party":

- I believe that a gift should not be a banal sign of attention, which will be put on a distant shelf and forgotten. May it be helpful. New Year is a family, home holiday, so it is worth giving gifts that an employee can share with loved ones.

In our Party, everything is about food. Therefore, for the last New Year, we gathered in a cozy company for a delicious festive table, and everyone could choose any of our dinners as a gift to cook for their relatives. I find it important that employees know the product by getting to know it in an informal home setting.

We usually get together in one of the offices and congratulate our colleagues. The marketing department comes up with poems, songs or games. We don't have boring holidays.

– I would like to tell you about the tradition of congratulating customers that we have in our company. We are not supporters of giving various souvenirs and dust collectors, we want to give emotions. And when did we have the strongest emotions? In childhood! Therefore, for our clients, we have put together a package from childhood, which always has sparklers, special New Year's matches with a label from "All 360", firecrackers, a piece of fleece with a strip of rain, some confetti and handmade serpentine.

It turned out the most New Year's package with the most New Year's mood, because the package also contained a New Year's greeting in the "To all 360" format, the web version of which can be seen at the link

The largest retail chain in Russia is falling apart literally before our eyes - over the past month, a letter of resignation was written almost 30% of sellers.

What caused such a wild turnover of MTS retail employees? the site raises the details and circumstances of the scandal, based on testimonies from former employees of the operator.

Why the failure of MTS is so huge and important

MTS- the largest Russian operator cellular communication with a subscriber base of about 78 million people in our country. The operator develops its own network of mono-brand stores through its subsidiary Russian Telephone Company (ZAO RTK).

MTS in Russia is also leader in the number of mobile phone stores. As of the end of 2016, the operator's retail network consisted of about 5,000 own offices and about 1,200 more franchised.

Last year alone, MTS opened 1.3 thousand new points of sale!

For comparison, Megafon owns 2,000 mono-brand stores and the same number operates under a franchise, Beeline has only 1,300 own sales offices and 2,300 franchised ones.

Euroset currently has 4,000 outlets. Svyaznoy was one of the first retailers to start reducing retail - now it has approximately 2,700 stores.

Why do salespeople quit?

As the company’s employees explain, throughout 2017, the employer gradually omitted motivational payments for goods sold - SIM cards, smartphones, accessories, etc. In retail networks, most of the salary is made up of bonuses for sales, and not salary.

However, the last straw was the change in the bonus scheme in July. According to him, if the plan for SIM cards is less than 70%, the bonus of all store employees is multiplied by coefficient 0.3.

The seller, who earned 45,000 rubles in a month, if the plan for SIM cards is not fulfilled will receive only 15,000 rubles. Agree, so-so motivation.

In addition, rates for sold smartphones finally collapsed in August.

For example, for the sold iPhone 7 32 GB in July they paid 500 rubles, and in August - 105 rubles. For Honor 8 they give 65 rubles instead of 500, etc.

The situation is similar with almost all goods in the RTK.

A decrease in payments for the sale of goods and a cut in wages by 3 times, in case of failure to fulfill the SIM plan, led to massive layoffs.

According to a source close to the company's management, about 30% of employees of points of sale wrote a letter of resignation. This information is confirmed by the employees of the retailer themselves - in all regions, sellers are fleeing the company.

What is happening now with MTS salons

Due to the huge number of resigned formed massive staffing shortage.

The lack of staff leads to the fact that the remaining specialists work without days off and holidays. Tired employees work worse, it is more difficult for them to fulfill the plan for the same SIM cards and other areas that the bosses require.

They do not make a plan - they receive a threefold reduction in wages, which again leads to layoffs.

Separately, it should be said about attitude higher authorities to ordinary retail workers. Members of the “MTS Overheard” community say that some NSOs (heads of the network of offices) forbid leaving home until the plans are closed. Or they are forced to come to meetings at 7 in the morning - for refusal they are threatened with dismissal under the article.

In addition to huge plans, indecently small salaries and pressure from the authorities, the operator's employees listen daily to a lot of negativity from subscribers. They constantly lose part of the funds from their personal account, write off extra money for calls, the Internet, paid subscriptions and unnecessary services, such as beeps instead of melodies.

Fact: most customers visit sales offices only if they are dissatisfied with their operator and they pour out all their anger on the specialists of the communication salon. Not surprisingly, these retail stores are leading in employee turnover.

That's why average salesman time our retailers is about a year.

On the part of the company, serious measures were taken to ensure that employees did not steal money for settings (glass stickers, installation of applications) - posters for customers were hung in each sales office asking them to take checks for paid services.

If the seller did not issue a check, the setup will be provided free of charge. And the specialist who put the money for the conditional sticker of the film in his pocket, waiting for dismissal.

It is worth noting that for a setup costing 600 rubles, sales office specialists are paid only 30 rubles - it is not surprising that so many MTS employees take money for themselves or knock out SIM cards for them.

It got to the point that sellers were forbidden to print personal files on the work printer - in case of detection of misuse of the printer, the employee will be fined.

To close the personnel issue, MTS took extreme measures - posters about recruitment of specialists of the age category 40+. Young people are no longer so willing to work for an operator.

By the way, the savings are not only on the salaries of retail employees. Not so long ago, MTS proudly talked about using a robot to search and recruit personnel. Obviously, this is cheaper than maintaining a huge staff of recruiters.

The reduction in staff also affected the advertising activity of the operator - in early August, advertising posters about hiring with a mistake in the word were delivered to the RTK salons "Looking for." It is difficult to imagine how in such big company could allow such a failure.

In the informal community on VKontakte for MTS employees, you can find many pictures on the topic of recent events in the RTK:

Why is this happening

Perhaps the main reason for the crisis in the MTS retail network lies in the excessive number of stores. 6000 stores is too much.

While other cellular retailers reduced retail by closing unprofitable points of sale and optimizing costs, the RTK subsidiary continued to build new offices. The number of employees is also growing - only works in retail more than 25000 people.

But there is still an extensive support staff - training centers, accounting, it-support and many others. They all need to be paid.

A very expensive mistake of the company's management was launch of in 2016, more than 500 stores under this brand were opened. You don't have to be an analyst to predict the absurdity of such an idea - opening another network with an unknown name to the consumer in a congested market was a very controversial move.

In 2017, most of the stores were closed without even a year working - the company simply threw a huge pile of money down the drain.

Here are a couple of the most striking examples of the excessive number of MTS salons.

Oil painting. Moscow, metro Bibirevo- Near the metro entrance, literally 5 meters apart, there are two absolutely identical RTK sales offices.

Between them there is one office of Megafon, Beeline and Euroset.

The second example is even worse. Metro Timiryazevskaya - there are 5 MTS stores within a radius of 200 meters!

And this particular example in one area - there are still a lot of such anomalous places with an inexplicably high density of MTS points of sale throughout Russia.

Another reason for the operator's crisis is a sharp drop in sales. Media reports that MTS sold in the first quarter of 2017 by 7.4% fewer smartphones than a year earlier in the same period. And this is happening against the backdrop of news about the growth in demand for mobile phones for the first time since 2014.

How it happened? The answer is simple: Samsung has entered into a truce with other retailers.

In 2015, the Korean giant quarreled with Euroset, Svyaznoy, Megafon and other major players in the market - they suspended purchases of Samsung for almost two years. Euroset officially called the reason for the excessive amount of marriage in Korean smartphones.

However, experts voice a different version - the conflict happened due to price war with MTS. The operator started dumping, dropping the price of Samsung devices below the recommended price (RRP).

It worked - a huge flow of customers went to RTK stores to buy smartphones from the market leader. Other retailers could not afford to lower the price so much, as the stores operate on the brink of payback. Selling below cost would be suicidal.

Competitors tried to put pressure on Samsung: either the vendor imposes penalties for MTS and stops supplying them with goods, or retailers stop selling their gadgets.

What the Koreans have chosen, you already know.

It is not surprising that Korean smartphones accounted for most of the sales in RTK stores. Samsung has become the market leader for a reason.

Thanks to the war of the vendor with other retailers, in 2016 MTS retail caught up with Svyaznoy and Euroset in sales, which were the leaders of Russian retail for many years.

By the way, M.Video, which did not quarrel with anyone and sold devices from all manufacturers, also benefited from this conflict - their share of the smartphone sales market grew to a record.

But all wars eventually end. At the beginning of 2017, Samsung entered into a truce with all retailers and returned to the shelves of all major cellular stores. Not surprisingly, a large stream of buyers poured into them, while RTC has lost a huge number of customers.

The operator is trying to attract customers to its offices with the help of advertising, communication discounts when buying a smartphone, as well as diluting its range with popular Chinese devices - Honor, Huawei and Xiaomi.

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website We were complaining. And we learned a lot.