Negotiation. Business negotiations: types, rules and examples of conducting

  • 10.10.2019

Building constructive communications in business is one of the most important competitive advantage. What are the secrets of successful business negotiations? What is their structure and features of preparation for them?

Definition of business negotiations

Business negotiations, according to a common definition among Russian experts, are a procedure involving two or more parties with the status commercial organizations, entrepreneurs or officials, the purpose of which is to resolve current or future issues of interaction in the aspect of partnership or to find a compromise in a dispute. Communicating, companies or businessmen tend to make some joint decision. It is assumed that for each of the parties it should be seen as optimal.

Business negotiations are held in the event that the disputed issue cannot be resolved by the available means. In turn, the need for their organization does not arise if the management proceeds to resolve the controversial situation in advance, having studied, for example, legislative sources or already signed agreements.

Classification of negotiations

Russian experts distinguish the following main types of business negotiations.

  • Firstly, these are communications, within the framework of which the nuances related to the extension of existing agreements on the current terms are discussed.
  • Secondly, these are negotiations, during which it is supposed to discuss the conditions for continuing cooperation on new terms.
  • Thirdly, these are communications between the parties that have not concluded any agreements before.
  • Fourth, business negotiations may involve the renewal of agreements that once existed.
  • Fifth, the topic of relevant communications may be related to the termination of existing agreements on terms acceptable to both parties.

Of course, the types of business negotiations can be classified on other grounds. Some experts believe, for example, that this type of communication can be subdivided depending on the degree of importance of the key topic. So, for example, negotiations are classified as strategic, where issues that determine further development of the entire business, and situational ones, where certain nuances of the adopted joint course are discussed. Some experts distinguish between individual and collective bargaining. The former refers to communication between individual officials (for example, CEOs), in the course of the second - communication with the participation of collegiate management bodies of the company or with the involvement of employees.

Negotiation functions

Experts identify several functions that business negotiations perform. In particular, informational, which implies a mutual study of the views of the parties on a particular issue. A communicative function is also highlighted, within which entrepreneurs find new points of convergence of interests or, if this is their first meeting, discover the most obvious prospects for interaction. There is a coordinating function, which implies the adoption of auxiliary decisions in the aspect of the main cooperation strategy. There is a controlling one, within the framework of which the parties find out how things are with the partners' fulfillment of their obligations as of a certain moment.

Stages of negotiations

Many experts tend to believe that business negotiations are a process that consists of a large number constituent elements. It is assumed that the appropriate type of communication in business is carried out within several stages. Russian experts distinguish the following stages.

  • First, this preparatory stage. Within the framework of it, the partners agree on the upcoming meeting, determine the place of its holding, form the composition of the participants. A key theme is identified and agreed upon. Negotiations must be focused.
  • Secondly, this is a protocol stage. It begins at the moment the partners meet in a place that they have agreed in advance. As a rule, the protocol stage includes mutual greetings of the parties, acquaintance procedures (if the partners met for the first time). It may seem that this stage is a formality. But in practice, as many experts note, the results of communication largely depend on how comfortable the protocol nuances are for the parties to the negotiations.
  • Thirdly, this is the stage of information exchange, or as some experts call it - "questionnaire". The parties take turns expressing key theses related to the topic. The desired position of the partners is fixed regarding the prospects for concluding an agreement, changes in the terms of the current contract, etc.
  • Fourth, it is, in fact, decision making. The result of the negotiations is revealed. What it can be, we will consider a little later. It is possible to sign documents related to cooperation.

As a result of business negotiations, informal events can be organized - a banquet, a walk. In some cases, a press conference is expected.

The scheme we have considered above, in which business negotiations are divided into stages, is quite general. Depending on the industry specifics of the business, on the sequence of communications, there may be several of them, there are also additional events.

Negotiation results

Negotiating, one way or another, leads to some result. What can he be? Experts identify three main types of negotiation outcomes:

  • finding a compromise;
  • the conclusion of asymmetric arrangements;
  • no agreement.

In the first scenario, it is assumed that the business negotiations led to the definition of the terms of cooperation, and this suited both parties. There is an opinion that a situation can also be attributed to a compromise when the decision made equally did not suit either side, but due to the need to conclude at least some kind of contract, the negotiators agreed to mutually disagree. comfortable conditions. This is possible, for example, in the case when the supplier of a certain product wants to get such and such an amount for it, at which the business will be unequivocally profitable, but the buyer can only pay, say, half as much.

Business negotiations can lead to decisions that some experts consider asymmetric. What does it mean? The fact that one side, for some reason, managed to convince the other to sign an agreement on less comfortable terms for it. If in the example discussed above, the seller and the buyer have found a compromise, albeit not ideal, then the scenario in the framework of an asymmetric solution may imply, for example, that the supplier of the goods will fundamentally refuse to sell it to the counterparty at a lower price, and that, in turn, , this product is very necessary, and he agrees to the deal, deciding, say, to take a loan.

Another possible scenario is the absence decision as a result of communications. Some experts are not inclined to rank it among the results of the negotiations. However, their opponents believe that it still exists - if only because now the partners know what to expect from the next negotiations, and understand whether it is worth holding them later. This kind of result, according to experts, can be of informational value. For example, the buyer of a product will be aware of the minimum price at which he can purchase a particular product, and know the strengths and weaknesses of the supplier. In business, it often happens that the refusal of a deal during negotiations indirectly contributes to the entrepreneur finding more comfortable conditions for cooperation later. Thus, the formal absence of the result of communications can be a completely positive scenario for business.

Rules of Negotiation: Cultural Aspect

What are the rules of business negotiations? There are a lot of theoretical concepts in this regard. Their specificity can be determined by a huge number of factors. Much depends, for example, on the mentality of the negotiators, dictated by nationality or citizenship. That is, a business conversation and business negotiations according to the rules that are accepted in Western countries are not always compatible with the features, for example, of the Asian culture of communications in business. Russian entrepreneurs, according to some experts, are a little closer in mentality to people of Western thinking than Eastern ones, but their mentality shows closeness to both models.

It happens that people who are accustomed to a particular behavior model successfully adapt to the mentality of the partner side. Take, for example, the recent talks on gas between the heads of Russia and Turkey - the parties managed to conclude a major agreement, although there was a possibility of differences in finding common ground. According to some experts, due to the difference in the business mentality of the two countries. Although there is no consensus on this matter, many analysts, in turn, believe that the culture of business communications that is characteristic of Russians is generally compatible with Turkish and, perhaps, even more than with Western ones.

Thus, the etiquette of business negotiations, aspects characterizing the preparation for them and the conditions for their conduct, can largely be dictated by the cultural specifics of the parties, certain traditions business communication. At the same time, as some researchers note, business, especially in areas of strategic importance for the countries of the world, is becoming more and more global, and this is largely seen in the erasure of cultural differences between partners from different countries. Perhaps, at some point, a Japanese entrepreneur is not quite comfortable adopting the "Western" model of behavior in negotiations with American colleagues, but he does this in order to maintain a constructive dialogue. In turn, his partner, an entrepreneur from the United States, will certainly try to be careful in dealing with a Japanese colleague and, if possible, comply with the traditional rules of business communication adopted in Japan.

Negotiation Rules: Compromise Scenario

Some Russian experts suggest the following scenario, in which business negotiations are possible, subject to the adoption of the relevant principles of most modern cultures. If they are followed, then there is a chance that the comfort of a business partner of German or Korean origin will not be disturbed.

The first thing experts recommend focusing on is always listening to the interlocutor. This is welcomed both in Korea and in Russia, the USA, Germany. You should not interrupt the partner’s speech, protest, comment, even if there is confidence that the speaker is mistaken in something.

The next rule is the observance of the principle of equality. It is not customary in any modern country for one negotiator to put himself above another in any way. Even if we are talking about the obvious prospect of concluding that same asymmetric deal, in which one of the parties may not have a choice, the partner should not look down.

Negotiations in business should be carried out avoiding evaluative theses directed at the personality of the interlocutor. Following this rule will provide the same comfort for a partner from any country with a representative of which business negotiations are underway. Example: It is undesirable to say: "You are not competent enough in this matter."

Mistakes in business negotiations

Having considered some of the main recommendations of experts regarding the conduct of business negotiations, it will be useful to study the typical mistakes which entrepreneurs sometimes tend to allow in the process of communication. First of all, it should probably be noted that such actions will be contrary to the recommendations described above. However, having understood the essence of the errors associated with the key nuances of communications noted by us, it will be useful to pay attention to the following points as well.

Business negotiations, according to experts, should not be a tool for identifying a party that can be the bearer of an unambiguously correct point of view. If this is true, then it will come naturally. The mistake of many entrepreneurs is to position themselves as a subject whose opinion there can be no alternative.

Another mistake highlighted by experts is overstated stubbornness. It is always possible to find a compromise by means of persuasion, but it is very difficult to do so with such a straightforward tactic.

According to experts, an authoritarian style of business communication is unacceptable. Especially when it comes to transactions that are highly likely to be asymmetric. It rarely happens that a supplier remains the only one for a long time. In a free market, as a rule, you can find alternative channels for obtaining the desired product. And if at some point in time the buyer was forced to accept less comfortable conditions and at the same time faced with the partner's authoritarianism, he will not want to buy anything from him for the second time.

Among the common mistakes in business negotiations is the departure from the main topic of discussion. Even if this happens by chance, for example, one partner decided to ask the other where he likes to travel, as a result of which the topic of the dialogue went towards tourism. In this case, it is likely that one of the parties will suspect the other of intent to confuse, mislead, and incline to trust. Either way, it will take time. Deviation from the topic can play a particularly negative role when collective bargaining is underway. In such cases, each of the participants in the communication, in order not to feel superfluous in the discussion, will want to speak on a topic that is not related to the main one.

What are the secrets of successful negotiations?

We examined the features of business negotiations in terms of ensuring the compatibility of the behavior of the parties. It will also be useful to be familiar with some principles that will help you achieve the desired result from the results of relevant communications. What are the secrets of successful business negotiations noted by Russian experts?

Many researchers recommend placing an emphasis on long-term relationships with a partner in building communications. The momentary result in business often means absolutely nothing. And possible concessions made by one side can be interpreted by the partner, first of all, as a readiness to build strategic relations.

The next factor of successful negotiations, which experts highlight, is openness in communication. This applies not only to the manner of speech and wording. This means, first of all, openness in relation to the case, to the interlocutor, the absence of fear of not being liked by the partner or expressing dissatisfaction with the objectively uncomfortable terms of the transaction. A much more constructive approach, in which the moments that do not suit the party, she will express immediately upon the fact of their voicing in the dialogue, before the topic of the conversation changes or the negotiations are completed.

Experts recommend, whenever possible, to focus not so much on one's own position as on the interests of the partner side. It will be useful if one partner shows the other that he is interested not only in the benefits for his company, which is already obvious, but also in the fact that the business of the other side will benefit from this.

Researchers recommend that the parties to negotiations, when formulating proposals and theses for partners, think over their content in advance so that the partner has the opportunity to choose one of several options. This will increase the likelihood of finding a compromise. It is possible that one of the options will suit the partner more. It can be taken as the basis for the development of the final decision.

Preparing for negotiations

We will study such an aspect as the preparation of business negotiations. What should be taken into account in the process of its implementation? Some experts recommend sticking with the following scenario.

Within the framework of this scheme, researchers recommend taking into account the rule that the time spent preparing for negotiations should be commensurate with their expected duration. The fact is that the key aspect of this scenario is a preliminary communication plan. It needs to be "rehearsed", and therefore it will take time comparable to that during which the negotiations will actually take place.

  • The first point of the plan in question is the definition of the purpose of communication. Regardless of the scenario under which the other party operates in preparation for negotiations, we first answer the question why we are going to communicate with partners within the framework of the scheduled meeting.
  • The next step in our script is to define the desired result.
  • Further, according to the plan - the identification of resources that will help in achieving this very result. This may be, for example, certain knowledge, the competence of certain specialists of the company. In the first case, our actions will be to find the necessary sources of information and familiarize ourselves with the relevant facts. In the second - we invite competent specialists with us, agreeing in advance with them the key nuances of the upcoming negotiations.
  • The next component of preparation for communication with partners, which should be decided before the meeting, is the way to convey information to him. It can be predominantly oral or include, for example, presentations on a projector, familiarization of partners with printed texts, video materials, etc. It is necessary to make sure in advance that the organization of business negotiations by the responsible party will include appropriate technical equipment.

Preparing for negotiations

Conventionally, the process of preparing for negotiations is divided into two stages: organizational preparation and substantive preparation. These two stages are closely interconnected, since the nature of the upcoming negotiations determines the organizational issues. For example, depending on the content of the negotiations, the need to involve experts is determined. However, organizational issues also have an impact on the content side: poorly prepared negotiations lead to complications in their course and even failure.

Organizational training involves:

Determine the place and time of the meeting;

Formation of the delegation and appointment of its head;

Conducting problem analysis and diagnosing the situation;

Carrying out "internal negotiations";

Determining the negotiating position and possible solutions to the problem;

Formulation of proposals and their argumentation;

Preparation of instructions to the negotiators, as well as documents and materials.

Venue for negotiations

This question has a psychological basis. By negotiating on "your territory", you have the following advantages:

· you can control the situation and influence it by choosing the place of negotiations: what will the room be like?, how will it be decorated? etc. The sphere of "influence" on the opposite side can often be expanded by choosing a hotel for it (is it far from the place of negotiations? How do they get there?), compiling a cultural program;

· at home people feel more confident, comfortable - the situation as a whole helps.

· according to some studies, the owners tend to talk more in negotiations and in the end achieve better results for themselves;

· When holding a meeting, follow the rules of protocol and courtesy that are accepted in the country where it is held. This facilitates the process of communication to the receiving party. Moreover, the greater the cultural differences, the more significant this factor is.

However, there are a number of points that complicate the negotiation process for the host:

· being at home, you cannot postpone the decision, referring to the lack of information at hand;

· if your partner has come from afar, you may feel a certain obligation to him;

· organizational moments of the meeting can distract you from work, create a feeling of anxiety.

In addition to "own territory" or "territory of the other side", a neutral territory of the meeting can be chosen. In diplomatic and political practice, it is often chosen if the participants have conflict relations. In business, such a choice may be due not only to conflict, but also to the fact that you and your partner are visiting a city or country at the same time on a business trip, for example, participating in an exhibition.

Negotiation time

When determining the timing, one should primarily proceed from business considerations:

when you need this agreement;

when you are ready to negotiate.

Other parameters may also be significant. Many firms avoid large meetings at the end of the year when the results are summed up and financial reports are made (note that in some countries the fiscal and calendar years may not coincide). During this period, employees are too busy. Sometimes, for the same reasons, business meetings are not scheduled for the end of the month or the end of the quarter.

It is better to start negotiations in the morning, because by the end of the day both you and your partner will be tired. In addition, starting the meeting in the morning gives you the opportunity to have lunch together and discuss the results of the negotiations in an informal setting or overcome difficulties if they arise.

If negotiations take place over two or more days, then they can begin in the afternoon on the first day. In this case, you can plan a dinner with partners for the evening, which will help to consolidate the acquaintance.

If your negotiating partners come from another city or from another country at the end of the week, for example, on Friday, you should organize a cultural program for the weekend. It will be easier for you to find a common language after a joint trip out of town or visiting the theater.

In turn, you, as a rule, can count on reciprocal signs of attention in the course of further contacts with these partners.

Formation of the delegation

The formation of a delegation involves determining its composition:

quantitative (how many people will participate in the negotiations);

personal (who specifically will take part in the negotiations).

In many ways, the formation of the delegation is determined by the nature of the negotiations, their specifics.

When forming the quantitative composition, it is usually customary to proceed from an approximately equal composition of delegations and the same level of representation.

It should be borne in mind that too large a delegation creates problems for its leader. He will be forced to solve many organizational issues, which distracts from the main task - negotiations.

The head of the delegation should be a person who is oriented in three groups of problems:

the subject of negotiations (for example, if negotiations are underway regarding construction, the head of the delegation should be oriented in them);

· economic and legal aspects of the agreement to be concluded;

Negotiation technology.

If it is difficult to find an employee who would be a specialist in all three groups of problems, it is assumed that the head of the delegation knows the first and second groups of problems well, while being familiar with the latter and owning the technology of negotiation.

The delegation may include experts who are able to quickly give a substantive, legal or economic assessment of the partner's proposals.

From the very beginning, the functions of each member of the delegation (who is responsible for what) should be defined. It is inappropriate to include those whose functions are vague or minimized. This is poorly perceived both by other members of their delegation (they have questions about the unfair "workload" of some and the "idleness" of others), and by negotiating partners who do not understand why certain persons from the partner's "team" are in the delegation.

· analysis of the problem and diagnosis of the situation - the starting point of preparation for negotiations. It is important for the success of negotiations to analyze the interests of both your own and your partner, and not start with formulating your own position;

· in preparation, it is necessary to coordinate all issues within your delegation, as well as with those who, one way or another, will be involved in the implementation of possible agreements (for example, related organizations), i.e., conduct "internal negotiations";

It is necessary to work out several possible solutions - this will allow you to be more flexible in negotiations without sacrificing your interests;

The proposals must be complete and not contradict each other. Arguments are usually prepared in advance on the most significant points of the position, and they also should not be contradictory;

· the preparation ends with instructions to the negotiators (general course of action) and the selection of the necessary documents (for example, legislative norms, norms of tax deductions, reference materials on prices).

Rules of conduct in negotiations

Arrive at the meeting at the appointed time. The other party may refuse to negotiate if you are late. In any case, this can negatively affect your image, as well as the very course of negotiations.

If the negotiations take place in the office of one of the participants, his staff (referent or assistant) meets the guests at the entrance.

At the first meeting, if the participants are not familiar, it is necessary to introduce yourself. The head of the host delegation is presented first, then the head of the visiting one. After that, the heads of delegations introduce their staff. Here, too, the host delegation should be presented first. The order in which the delegations are presented is "in descending order", that is, those who occupy a higher position are presented first. Participants can exchange business cards. With a large number of delegations, such an exchange is difficult, and therefore optional. In this case, before the start of negotiations, each participant is given a list of delegations, if possible with full names and positions.

The delegations are seated so that the members of each delegation, occupying an approximately equal position, are opposite each other. The head of the host country is the first to sit down at the negotiating table. During the negotiations, he has the initiative. He starts the conversation, makes sure that there are no pauses during the negotiations, which can be perceived as a signal for their end.

At the negotiations it is not customary to interrupt the speech of partners. After the presentation, clarifying questions can be asked. If, nevertheless, there is a need to clarify any detail during the speech, you must apologize, and make your statement as brief and specific as possible.

During negotiations, it is widely practiced that the head of the delegation gives the floor to other members of his delegation, experts and advisers.

Tea or coffee can be served during negotiations. Another option is to announce a coffee break. It is usually used during fairly lengthy negotiations, and also if you need to exchange "unofficial" opinions, "defuse the atmosphere", or just relax a bit.

During negotiations, delegations may form expert working groups to process individual issues. These groups of experts who are part of the delegations, as a rule, retire to a separate room, agree on a possible decision or paragraph in the final document, and bring the results of the work to the heads of delegations.

The host, as a rule, makes sure that there are pencils or pens, notepads or just blank paper on the negotiating table. If the delegations are large in composition and the room is large, then you need to take care of sound amplification.

As a rule, the issue of the working language of negotiations is agreed with foreigners in advance. If simultaneous translation is envisaged, then you should think about a workplace for an interpreter - a special booth. In consecutive interpretation, the interpreter of each side sits to the left of the head of the entire delegation, or immediately behind him and slightly to the left.

Representation of powers

An important point in any negotiations is the presentation and presentation of powers. This is especially important if your partners don't know you yet. Such a procedure only strengthens the trust in the words of the interlocutor, but also gives you and your new partners the opportunity to clearly identify the subject of the upcoming discussion.

In the simplest case, this may be a letter of attorney from the head of your company, assuring that you are instructed to negotiate on a specific topic. In such a document, it is useful to mention that you are entrusted with signing (or only agreeing on) a joint document. If the text of the agreement that you are instructed to prepare contains a reference to the Regulations on your organization or to its Charter, then you must have a copy of them with you for transfer to the other party.

The head of the firm, in order to confirm his authority, may present letters of recommendation from his bankers or business partners known to the other party. A kind of evidence of authority can be a story about your company or organization, accompanied by the transfer of a copy of the audit report, an article about your organization published in a reputable magazine or newspaper.

In turn, you, accepting previously unknown partners, have the right to ask about their powers, during the conversation ask about their partners, bankers, about whether they have the right to sign joint documents. In some cases, it is better to instruct such questions to ask your lawyer or the person in charge of paperwork in your delegation (this can be done during the preparation of negotiations or a conversation on the sidelines).

A special role is played by the formalization of powers in interstate relations. So, when leaving for an international conference, for the head and members of the delegation, credentials are drawn up on a special form and submitted before the start of this forum to the credentials verification committee established at the conference.

negotiation technology

Stages of submitting a position

The stages of submitting a position, or negotiating, imply a sequence of solving the following tasks:

mutual clarification of interests, points of view, concepts and positions of the participants;

their discussion (including the presentation of arguments in support of their views, proposals, their justification);

Coordination of interests and development of agreements.

The presence of the first stage implies that before the parties begin to develop agreements, they will find out and discuss each other's points of view. At the same stage, a "common language" is developed with a negotiating partner, including the clarification of concepts.

At the second stage, the participants try to realize their interests in the most complete form. This stage is of particular importance in conflict relations between the parties and can take up most of the negotiation time.

When the parties are oriented towards solving the problem through negotiations, the main result of the second stage will be to identify the scope of a possible agreement. In this case, the parties proceed to the final stage - the coordination of interests and the development of agreements. It may include two phases: first, the development of a general formula, then the coordination of details.

It is obvious that the selected stages do not follow strictly one after another. Negotiators may return to the previous stage, but the overall sequence of these tasks should be maintained. Otherwise, the negotiations may turn out to be too long or even frustrated.

Lecture 11 Negotiating with business partners (continued)

Communication is an important form of human interaction. Managers spend on various types of communication on average 80% of their working time. Almost all business problems are related in one way or another to communication - the process of transferring ideas, thoughts and feelings, bringing them to the understanding of other people. The following depend on how competently communication is built: the effectiveness of negotiations; the degree of mutual understanding with partners, customers and employees; satisfaction of employees of the organization with their work; moral and mental climate in the team; relationships with other organizations and government agencies. For a modern manager, a person who has to work with people, the ability to communicate is vital, this is the most important skill that a manager must possess.

Business communication is the process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities; exchange of information that is significant for the participants in the communication. (In business communication, the subject of communication is a business, a certain type of activity associated with the production of a product).

The subjects of communication are employees of the organization, managers.

Features of business communication:

1. A partner in business communication acts as a person significant for the subject;

2. Communicating people are distinguished by mutual understanding in matters of business;

The main task of business communication is productive cooperation.

Negotiation is a means, a relationship between people, designed to reach an agreement when both parties have coinciding or opposing interests.

Business negotiation is a discussion with the aim of concluding an agreement between someone on any issue.

Negotiation model:

1. Preparation of negotiations.

Prior to the start of negotiations, it is necessary to have a developed model of them:

Clearly imagine the subject of negotiations and the problem under discussion. The initiative in the negotiations will be with the one who knows and understands the problem better;

Be sure to compose sample program, the scenario of the course of negotiations;

Outline the moments of your intransigence, as well as problems where you can give in if a deadlock in the negotiations suddenly arises;

Determine for yourself the upper and lower levels of compromise on the issues that, in your opinion, will cause the most heated discussion.

2. Conducting negotiations.

The following main methods are used in the practice of management during business negotiations:

Variation method (used in preparation for complex negotiations);

Integration method (designed to convince the partner of the need to evaluate the issues of negotiations, taking into account social relationships and the resulting needs for the development of cooperation);

balancing method;

Compromise method (participants in the negotiations must show a willingness to compromise: in case of disagreement between the interests of the partner, an agreement should be reached in stages)

3. Problem solving (end of negotiations).

The above methods of negotiation are of a general nature. There are a number of techniques, methods and principles that detail and specify their application.

1) Meeting and making contact.

2) Attracting the attention of the participants in the negotiations (the beginning of the business part of the negotiations).

3) Transfer of information.

4) Detailed substantiation of proposals (argumentation).

Completion of negotiations. If the course of the negotiations was positive, then at the final stage it is necessary to summarize, briefly repeat the main provisions that were touched upon during the negotiations, and, most importantly, the characteristics of those good points on which the parties have agreed.

4. Analysis of the results of business negotiations.

Conditions for effective negotiations:

1. Both parties must have an interest in the subject of negotiations;

2. They must have sufficient authority to make final decisions;

3. Partners must have sufficient competence, necessary knowledge in relation to the subject of negotiations;

4. Be able to fully take into account the subjective and objective interests of the other side and make compromises;

5. Negotiating partners must trust each other to a certain extent.

Questions for consolidation:

1. Connection of communication with the work of a manager.

2. Define business communication.

3. Define negotiation.

4. List the stages of business negotiations. Give them a brief description.

5. What conditions for effective negotiations do you know?

Choose one correct answer:

1. What is the average percentage of working time managers spend on various types of communication?

2. The subjects of communication are ...

A) employees of the organization

B) leaders of the organization

B) equipment

D) suppliers

3. Negotiation is...

A) an important form of human interaction

B) a means, a relationship between people, designed to reach an agreement when both parties have coinciding or opposing interests

C) discussion with the aim of concluding an agreement between someone on any issue

D) the process of conveying ideas, thoughts and feelings, bringing them to the understanding of other people

You want to get a job in a company or bring down the price of a taxi ride. Lawyers are conducting a case on the division of property of clients, in which there are many controversial points. Major market players are trying to delimit their zones of influence on it. In all these cases, negotiations take place. The ability to do this correctly is necessary for people, although not everyone has experience in negotiating. What should be the organization of negotiations? What are the rules?

You will learn:

  • Why you need to be able to conduct business negotiations.
  • What types of business negotiations exist.
  • What are the methods of negotiation.
  • What does the negotiation process look like?
  • What rules of negotiation must be observed in order to convince the interlocutor.
  • Features of collective and telephone negotiations.

Negotiations are a form of business communication, the purpose of which is to conclude an agreement that is beneficial to both parties, to achieve results in which all participants in the process are interested. Consensus is reached by exchanging views, proposing various options solutions to the given problem.

Business negotiations can be classified as follows:

  • negotiations on a specific problem (for example, it is necessary to establish cooperation ties);
  • negotiations in a certain situation (in particular, when the interests of the parties do not coincide);
  • negotiations to achieve a specific goal (for example, to conclude an agreement);
  • negotiations, the task of which is to resolve various issues (in the field of politics, economics, culture, as well as problems of a social nature).

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3 types of negotiations

  1. Business conversation. It is an oral communication of participants who are partners and connected by one thing. In a narrower sense, a business conversation is communication through the speech of representatives of organizations endowed with the necessary authority, the purpose of which is to establish business relationships, solve certain problems, having previously developed a constructive approach.

There are no clear rules for preparing for a business conversation. However, the following scheme can be proposed:

  • drawing up a plan for negotiations;
  • collection and processing of information;
  • analysis of the received data, their editing.

The purpose of the plan is to build communication tactics in the event of unforeseen circumstances that may affect the outcome of the negotiations. If you prepare for a conversation in advance, work out the main points, you can predict its course and reduce the effectiveness of your opponent's remarks. In the planning process, it is also necessary to identify the specific objectives of the negotiations.

To collect information for business conversation, you will have to spend a lot of time, because first you need to find possible sources of the necessary information. The amount of prepared materials will depend on how informed the negotiators are, on their level of professionalism, and on their approach to resolving the identified issues. After collecting information and facts, they will need to be systematized: the most useful data will need to be concentrated, discarding those that are the least important or of no use.

In the course of analyzing the information received, one should find out how the existing facts are interconnected, draw conclusions, and select convincing arguments. That is, it is necessary to combine the data, making them a single whole. It must be remembered that effective negotiation is possible only if there are strong arguments, and therefore take a responsible approach to preparing the conversation.

Expert opinion

Only after accumulating a sufficient amount of information can we apply arguments for a dispute with our partner

Alexander Merenkov,

General Director of the company "Northern Treasury", Yekaterinburg

What should be the argument in negotiations with clients? If our price is comparable to that of competing organizations, then we tell the person in detail what he can expect for this amount. The consumer in his choice is guided by such factors as cost, quality or insurance service. We focus on the last two.

The service primarily consists in the convenience of cooperation with the insurance organization. After we determine the most significant conditions for clients, the formation of a price list for our services begins. At the same time, we also focus on the cost of alternative offers from other companies. In addition to the digital expression of prices, we also practice percentage.

Sometimes people feel sorry for parting with money. Then we offer to compare the costs of purchasing an insurance policy and car repair. At the same time, we use arguments of an emotional nature. The use of argumentation in negotiations with partners is possible only after collecting a sufficient amount of information.

Arguments will work only if the other side will also reckon with them.

Material on the topic from the electronic journal:

The last preparatory stage before negotiating with the customer is editing the material, its final polishing and refinement.

  1. Commercial negotiations. When preparing for a business meeting of this kind, you need to do the following:
  • solve organizational issues;
  • work out the main content of the negotiations.

The second point suggests the need to determine where and when the meeting will take place, to form the composition of the delegation (number of participants, positions).

If you are the initiator of commercial negotiations, then you should not independently determine all their conditions. Let the potential opponent set the time for negotiations. You can meet both on neutral territory and in a room belonging to one of the parties.

The negotiation process itself requires more detailed study at the stage of preparation for it. You will need:

  • analyze the problem;
  • form a common approach to negotiations, determine their goals and objectives directly for you;
  • find possible solutions;
  • work out proposals and arguments in favor of solutions;
  • prepare the necessary documents and materials.

To analyze a problem means to find ways to eliminate it, spending a minimum of effort and money. You can identify solutions both alone and in the course of negotiations with partners. The analysis involves the development of alternative options for resolving issues. In evaluating the problem, it is necessary to take into account the interests of both parties. It is possible that they will be similar.

After you analyze the interests of the negotiators, you need to form an approach to them, develop your position, think about what solutions you will offer and how to justify your choice.

The final stage of preparation is the preparation of documents and materials. In order to correctly state one's position in writing, precise wording must be used. Negotiators will need to gather as much information about the opposing firm as possible. It must be understood that personal factors are very important for the formation of trusting relationships between the parties to the dialogue. It is good if you find information about the leaders of the partner organization, as well as about the participants in the negotiations from its side.

Download material:

  1. business meeting involves collective bargaining aimed at developing solutions to various issues. There is a classification of such events based on the degree of importance of the problems discussed, the place and duration of the work. To prepare for a business meeting, you need:
  • make a decision on the need for its implementation;
  • determine the topic;
  • draw up the agenda of the meeting;
  • determine what tasks need to be solved and how long the event will last;
  • set a day and time for negotiations;
  • determine who will participate;
  • develop an exemplary work schedule;
  • prepare a leader
  • draw up a report and develop a draft decision;
  • prepare the participants of the meeting and the venue for the negotiations.

After deciding that the meeting will take place, you need to decide on the participants. There should not be many of them, but enough for the event to go well. During the meeting, participants can freely discuss, so you need to select people with negotiation skills. That is, it is required not to please the management, but to appoint employees who can calmly and calmly conduct a conversation, adequately responding to opponents and opinions that do not coincide with their point of view.

4 Negotiation Methods

In management, it is practiced to conduct negotiations and meetings organized using the following methods:

  1. variational method. If difficult negotiations are expected (you foresee a conflict of interest with your opponent), in preparation for them, answer the questions:
    • What solution of the indicated problem in the complex can be considered ideal (regardless of the implementation conditions)?
    • What aspects of the ideal solution can you give up (taking into account the problem in the complex, the partner and his supposed opinion)?
    • How should one see the optimal solution to the problem (if the degree of probability of its implementation is high) in the case of a differentiated approach to possible consequences, difficulties, barriers?
    • How should one justify one's decision, respond correctly to the opponent's expected proposal, which is the result of a difference of interests and their unilateral implementation? Possible arguments: narrowing or expanding the offer in order to ensure mutual benefit, new aspects of a material, financial, legal nature.
    • What solution can you agree to for a while if necessary?
    • What proposals of an extreme nature from the opponent must be rejected? How to argue your position on these issues?

By reasoning in this way, you will be able to go beyond the search for alternative solutions to the problems brought up for negotiation and cover the whole subject of activity, creativity and realistic assessments.

  1. Integration Method. The task in this case is to convince the partner that, when evaluating the problems to be discussed, one should take into account the interrelations in society that determine the needs for the development of cooperation. The use of the integration method does not guarantee the conclusion of an agreement, the achievement of consensus in the nuances. It must be used in case of ignoring the opponent of social relationships and attempts to defend their interests from narrow departmental positions. When seeking from a partner an awareness of the need for integration, do not forget about his legitimate interests. Do not read a moral if it is far from them and is not related to the object of discussion. Clearly define your position, focus on the actions expected from the partner, the need for which is due to the responsibility entrusted to him for the results of the negotiations.

Even if the departmental interests of your organization and the partner company do not coincide, you need to say about the need to resolve the identified issues, note starting points. Analyze the area of ​​interest to find common aspects and the possibility of mutual benefit, communicate your findings to your opponent. Discard illusions - you will not be able to reach an agreement on all the issues discussed at the negotiations. If it were real, the need for their implementation would disappear.

  1. Balancing method. Before using this method, you should carefully consider the arguments that will allow you to prove to your partner the expediency of your proposal and the need to accept it. To pick up weighty arguments, imagine yourself in the place of your opponent, assess the situation from his side. Problems need to be analyzed taking into account the arguments for which the partner is expected to have. Then you can note the benefits associated with them.

It is worth considering the possible arguments against. Their analysis will make it possible to adequately parry in the negotiations. Ignoring the counterarguments put forward in the conversation by the partner is strongly discouraged: your reaction to objections, reservations, fears is important to the interlocutor. Before substantiating your point of view, try to understand the reason for the negative response of the negotiator. It may be the result of a misunderstanding of your proposals, lack of competence, fear of risk, a desire to gain time, etc.

  1. compromise method. Assumes that both sides of the negotiations are ready to make mutual concessions. If the interests of the partners do not coincide, then agreements must be reached in several stages.

Expert opinion

Staged negotiations avoid sharp differences

Mikhail Urzhumtsev,

General Director of OAO "Melon Fashion Group", St. Petersburg

I have a negative attitude towards hard negotiating methods, although I understand that sometimes they are necessary. You need to be aware of the fact that received during the negotiations negative emotions will cause unwillingness to cooperate with a partner in the future.

In general, in exceptional cases I have to use psychological methods impact on the interlocutor. These are not extreme measures, but professional techniques that allow you to win over your opponent.

I am sure that it is necessary to properly organize negotiations in several stages. First, meetings of employees who do not occupy high positions should be held. Negotiations should be completed at the level of enterprise management. This approach is a guarantee of the absence of significant discrepancies and rigidity.

Achieving a compromise is a partial withdrawal of partners from their initial requirements after an unsuccessful attempt to reach an agreement, joint development of new solutions. The maximum approximation to the opponent's position is possible when analyzing ways to realize one's own interests in the conditions of a compromise reached. That is, you need to assess the degree of risk and determine the limits of the concession.

It is possible that you cannot agree to a compromise found in the negotiation process due to insufficient authority. To maintain contact with a partner, it is worth concluding a conditional agreement with him (explain that consent must be given by a competent employee). It is difficult to reach a consensus if concessions are expected from all negotiators (as opposed to a situation called a “rotten” compromise, when one of the parties completely renounces its claims). There will be persistence and unwillingness to give up their demands from each partner. In this case, you will need patience, the ability to argue your own position in order to persuade your opponent to your side, visualizing all the advantages of your proposed solution to the issue.

A compromise agreement is necessary to achieve the overall goal of negotiations if there is a high probability of negative consequences for both parties if they fail. We examined the methods of building a business conversation of a general nature. Let's pay attention to the recommended algorithm for preparing and conducting negotiations.

Negotiation procedure from A to Z

The following 3 stages of conducting business conversations are distinguished: preparation, the process of dialogue itself and reaching agreement. Let us characterize briefly stages and stages negotiations.

1. Preparation of negotiations.

  • Choice of means of negotiation. At this stage, it is necessary to find out what approaches will be used for the dialogue, what procedures and means should be applied for this. In addition, it should be determined who is able to help in solving the problem (mediators, arbitration, court).
  • Establishing contact between the parties. This stage suggests :
  • establishing contact by phone, fax, e-mail;
  • finding out whether the partner wants to negotiate, find a common approach to solving the identified issues;
  • establishment of trusting, respectful relations based on mutual sympathy, tune in to the same wave, development of negotiation interaction;
  • making a decision on the mandatory conduct of a business conversation;
  • an expression of readiness to involve all interested parties in the negotiations.
  • Collection and analysis of information necessary for negotiations. At this stage you need:
  • collect, systematize and analyze information about the participants in the negotiations and the problems brought to them;
  • evaluate the reliability of information;
  • minimize the risk of negative consequences from the unavailability or use of distorted information;
  • find out the key interests of all participants in the negotiations.
  • Development of a negotiation plan. This step requires:
  • developing strategies and tactics to reach an agreement;
  • identification of a methodology that will correspond to the situation and the issues proposed for discussion.
  • Formation of an atmosphere of mutual trust. Would need:
  • prepare the negotiators psychologically;
  • create favorable conditions for the perception and understanding of information, eliminate the risk of the influence of stereotypes;
  • create an atmosphere of recognition by the participants of the legitimacy of the problems discussed;
  • create a trusting environment conducive to effective communication.

You should be aware that even in the case of careful preparation for negotiations, you are not immune from possible changes in their course.

Expert opinion

When negotiating, you should always be prepared for sudden changes.

Stanislav Baranov,

General Director of the company "Professional and vending machines", Moscow

Based on experience, it can be said that no preparation, even the most thorough one, for negotiations can guarantee that they will go according to plan. You must not get lost in unexpected changes.

Recently, I was organizing negotiations for an administrative office. In the process, we installed the equipment for free, telling the customer that the amenities would be appreciated by the staff.

As soon as the conversation began, the director of the institution said that an agreement had already been reached with our company and he was dissatisfied with the delay in fulfilling our obligations. It became clear to me that he was confusing us with another organization, and took advantage of the situation.

First I apologized, and then I spoke about the heavy workload of our employees due to the seasonal increase in the number of orders. The result of the negotiations was the conclusion of a profitable deal. Our workers completed the installation of the equipment the very next day.

That was 5 years ago, and the vending machines of our company still serve the customer.

2. Negotiation process.

  • The beginning of the negotiation process. It includes the following stages:
  • representation of the negotiators;
  • exchange of judgments present, demonstrating a desire to listen, share opinions, openly express views, desire to negotiate peacefully;
  • building a general line of conduct;
  • finding out what the negotiators expect from each other;
  • formation of the positions of those present.

The main task at this stage is to win the location of the partner.

Expert opinion

For a successful meeting, you need to position the interlocutor

Andrey Kolesnikov,

General Director of PowerLexis, St. Petersburg

Negotiation is productive if the interlocutor is located towards you. To achieve his good attitude, you can use compliments. But they should not be banal, standard, they need to be well thought out. Let your opponent know that you have information about his enterprise and find certain points interesting and unique. Be sure to justify your position.

Identification of contentious issues and formulation of the agenda:

  • identification of the area of ​​negotiations, which is in the sphere of interests of both parties;
  • designation of issues to be discussed;
  • formulation of controversial issues;
  • joint work aimed at reaching an agreement by the participants;
  • discussion of problems (first those that do not cause significant disagreement and it is easy to reach consensus on them);
  • the use of active listening to positions on issues in order to obtain additional information.

Disclosure of deep interests of the parties:

  • studying each of the controversial issues, and then their complex in order to identify the tasks and needs of the parties, as well as to clarify the fundamental relations of the participants in the negotiations;
  • disclosure by partners in detail of their interests, which should be taken into account by others in the same way as their own.

Development of options for proposals for an agreement:

  • the participants choose an acceptable solution option from those already voiced, or new proposals are formulated;
  • the needs of each side are reviewed, taking into account all the controversial points submitted for discussion;
  • participants develop criteria or propose the use of existing norms that can be relied upon during the dialogue;
  • establishes principles for an agreement;
  • solve the problems under discussion, for which the most complex are divided into several simpler ones, so that it is easier to reach the consent of partners;
  • participants choose an acceptable solution from among not only those proposed individually, but also from those developed as a result of a joint discussion of contentious issues.

3. Reaching agreement.

Identification of options for agreement:

  • detailed study of the needs of each partner;
  • establishing a connection between interests and proposed ways of resolving the problem;
  • an assessment of how effective the chosen solutions will be.

Final discussion of possible solutions:

  • the final choice of a way to resolve the problem. The parties must move towards each other, yielding in some way;
  • improvement of the selected option;
  • formulation of the final decision;
  • work on the procedure for reaching the main agreement.

Achieving formal consent:

  • development of a solution that suits everyone, its legalization (conclusion of an agreement, contract);
  • discussing the process of fulfilling the terms of the agreement in detail;
  • development of ways to overcome obstacles that may arise in the implementation of contractual obligations;
  • creation of a procedure for monitoring the fulfillment of the terms of the contract;
  • formalization of the agreement, development of mechanisms of coercion and obligations to guarantee the fulfillment of the requirements of the contract and ensure fair and impartial control.

It is necessary not only to follow the outlined algorithm for holding meetings and negotiations, but also not to neglect certain rules.

Rules for negotiating to convince the interlocutor and achieve agreement

  1. The persuasiveness of the arguments you use depends on the order in which you present them. The following order of arguments is recommended: strong - medium strength - the strongest.
  2. In order for an important issue to be resolved positively, touch it at the end of the conversation, first discussing the other two, simple and pleasant for the partner.
  3. Do not try to drive your opponent into a corner, deprive him of the opportunity to maintain dignity.
  4. There is a direct dependence of the persuasiveness of arguments on the image and status of the speaker.
  5. It is also not worth driving yourself into a corner, as well as lowering your status.
  6. You can not belittle the status of a partner.
  7. If the interlocutor disposes to himself, then the attitude towards his arguments will be condescending, otherwise the opponent's proposals will be perceived with prejudice.
  8. To win your partner over to your side, start with areas where you agree and work your way up to points of contention.
  9. Empathy will come in handy - the ability to feel the emotional state of a partner, to comprehend it in the form of empathy.
  10. Check if you understand your opponent's position correctly.
  11. Try not to use words, actions, and do not take a passive position if this can cause conflict.
  12. Pay attention to facial expressions, gestures and postures, both yours and the interlocutor.
  13. Convince your partner that your proposed solutions are in their interests.

Collective bargaining and principles of their conduct

The system of relations between employees, employers, public authorities and local self-government is clearly defined. The task of social partnership is to harmonize the interests of these parties, the settlement of labor relations. The theme of social partnership is revealed in Art. 27 Labor Code RF. It describes the forms of dialogue between the management of enterprises and personnel and the procedures to prepare for its implementation, regulates the timing of collective bargaining, as well as the procedure for conducting collective bargaining. Conducting collective bargaining to conclude a collective agreement requires the participation of two parties: the employee and the employer.

If a compromise is reached in the course of negotiations, then they end with the conclusion of agreements (these can be regulations designed to regulate labor relations and their social aspects, as well as establishing the level of economic cooperation between the parties). Agreements can be concluded at the federal, regional or industry levels.

The definition of the concept of "collective bargaining" was given in the Convention of the International Labor Organization No. 154 of 06/19/1981 "On the promotion of collective bargaining".

The collective bargaining commission may include one or more businessmen, one or more workers' organizations. The following topics can be discussed: employment and daily working conditions, the relationship between management and subordinates, between a businessman and a professional organization.

Negotiations and conclusion of contracts should be based on the following basic principles:

  • compliance with legal requirements;
  • distribution of powers between the parties;
  • collective bargaining requires that the parties be equal;
  • the parties must respect each other's interests;
  • the interest of the participants in solving the discussed issues;
  • the parties must accept only executable obligations and only on a voluntary basis;
  • monitoring compliance with the terms of contracts signed as a result of collective bargaining;
  • fulfillment of the clauses of the agreements is indispensable; if a party neglects its obligations, it must bear serious responsibility.

Conducting telephone conversations as a separate art form

The telephone in business is an important tool for increasing sales, only your language is more significant, which is the main sales tool. However, the belief that success can be achieved by communicating with customers only by phone is wrong. Negotiations are productive if they are held in person. Sales efficiency in this case will be maximum.

There are factors that complicate the process of telephone conversations. These include time constraints and the likelihood of a worse perception of information only by ear.

Therefore, it is necessary to organize telephone conversations taking into account the following requirements:

  • sentences must be formulated as concisely as possible;
  • information should be well structured and presented clearly;
  • describe the problem figuratively, explain your position intelligibly.

If these conditions are met, then the information will be assimilated by the partner better and telephone conversations will be effective.

Here are the basic rules of conduct during telephone conversations.

  • Keep it short. Be concise when making contact. You can start in different ways. It is recommended to use such phrases: “Good afternoon. Sales manager speaking. I would like to receive certain information. Can you give me some time?"

If you say: “Hello, how are you?”, It means that a long conversation is planned. To the question "Are you busy?" you will most likely be answered in the affirmative. Besides, politeness is not always sincere. The wording of the questions should be such that it is clear that you are sure that the other party is ready to talk to you:

Negotiating with customers on the phone will be successful if you follow these tips:

  1. During a conversation, there should be a smile on your face, then the intonation will be inviting, and the interlocutor will feel your interest and enthusiasm.
  2. According to the etiquette of telephone conversations, it is impossible to greet the interlocutor with the words “Yes”, “I am listening”, “Hello”, “On the wire”, etc. Acceptable options are “Good afternoon”, “Good morning”.
  3. Your tone depends on your posture. You should not fall apart in an armchair, lie on the sofa, put your feet on the table. This is easy to feel for the interlocutor, and he may suspect you of disrespect or disinterest.
  4. It is better to start a conversation on the phone with a greeting formula that you have compiled. It may include the salutation itself, the name of the company, your position, and your first name.
  5. Adjust to the client according to the pace of speech. Speed ​​up if he's talking fast so he doesn't get flustered by your slowness. If the interlocutor's speech is unhurried, slow down and you, so that he can hear and understand you.
  6. It is believed that it is better to pick up the phone and start telephone conversations between 2 and 4 beeps. The client will not yet be annoyed by the lack of a response, but will not suspect that you have nothing to do and you are looking forward to calls.
  7. It is useful to practice active listening: let the client know that you are listening with interest by inserting: “I understand you”, “Absolutely”, “Agree”, etc. as the conversation progresses.
  8. All important information must be written down and notes taken. This will ensure that valuable information is not overlooked.
  9. Focus your attention only on telephone conversation, put aside all things, do not be distracted by anything.
  10. Take note of how the conversation ended. The edge principle works here: the client will pay special attention to the beginning and end of the conversation, so do not forget about politeness. Important rule: Caller hangs up first.

Following the above tips and the ability to learn from your mistakes will allow you to successfully negotiate on the phone.

10 Books That Will Teach You How to Skill Negotiate

1. "How to achieve YES, or Negotiations without defeat", Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Paton.

This book about negotiations is very famous all over the world, its authors are professors at Harvard University. The first publication was in 1981. The book presents negotiations in an unusual way: the authors turned them from mathematical and quantitative art into popular science. They identify three key methods of negotiation:

  • Don't treat people with problems. Direct efforts to solve existing problems, do not get hung up on interlocutors. This will help you not to succumb to emotions during the negotiations.
  • Look for profit, do not focus on positions. They are in the desires of people. And benefits are needs, from them you can understand the reasons for these desires. As a rule, there is a discrepancy in positions. Benefits rarely contradict each other.

Consider an example: two characters are in great need of an orange, because life loved one is dependent on it. Both of them believe that the fruit is necessary for him. These are positions. After clarifying the interests, it turns out that one needs a peel, and the other needs juice. The needs of both can be satisfied without cutting the object into pieces.

  • The criteria you use must be objective. A good interlocutor knows that it is necessary not only to take into account the positions of the partner. He uses external standards, references, conditions (law, market value, common practice, etc.) as arguments, since their persuasiveness is high. The objectivity of the criteria makes it possible to use them not only when it is necessary to convince the opponent, but also as arguments for rejecting his proposal, which clearly does not meet these criteria.

2. The Heart and Mind of the Negotiator, Leigh Thompson.

The publication contains many tactics of business conversations, developed on the basis of the results of many years of psychological and social research. The book reveals the technique of conducting distributive and hostile negotiations (which cannot end with the benefit of all participants), as well as joint business meetings involving the conclusion of a mutually beneficial agreement. One of the chapters deals with such concepts as trust, power and ethics. It also describes the methods of conducting multilateral negotiations, communication by e-mail, the moderation process.

The book is unique because the author is an experienced risk-taker negotiator. It is worth having the background of Professor Colriser in your library, as he describes the negotiation process in the light of contemporary problems leadership, decision making, and the psychological dynamics that drive negotiations.

The book gives definitions to the concepts and terms of hostage situations. According to Professor Colriser, the most difficult challenge for a negotiator is to break out of the psychological trap, "to stop being a hostage of one's own concepts." The author says that the personal connection established by the interlocutor with the other party for the conclusion of the transaction is critically important. He backs up his claims with examples from history and personal experience. After reading the book, you will learn how to overcome misunderstandings, understand the importance of trust, learn how to work with the "reciprocity norm", which is a social phenomenon that people are under control, even if they are not ready to make concessions.

4. “Negotiations in three dimensions”, David Lax, James Sebenius.

The authors of the book are professors at Harvard University. Based on their research. The book is different from the first three. They focused on the negotiators themselves and the search for agreement, while Lax and Sebenius take a broader view: they cover the entire course of a business conversation, considering not only the situation at the table, but also the preparation.

They believe that the secret of successful negotiations is not only in building an effective process at the table (first dimension) and mastering the methods of brainstorming, techniques for moving from bargaining positions to agreement (second dimension), but also in considering the third dimension, in which actions leading to to the desired result.

As a rule, negotiators focus on what is happening at the table. However, such an organization by the negotiator of the scene is required, in which reticence will be too expensive. Such an approach (together with techniques aimed at leaving the opponent with worse alternatives) will achieve a high efficiency of the process and the desired result.

This book is an important addition to the first generation of publications devoted to negotiations.

5. “Communication skills. How to get along with anyone, Paul McGee.

Success is not only the result of knowledge, high IQ and professionalism. It is important to be able to tell others about your idea, to conduct complex negotiations. The author focuses on the mistakes we make in communication. He gives many real-life examples on the topic. There is a lot to think about after reading this book.

6. "How to talk to anyone", Mark Rhodes.

Tension during a conversation is not something supernatural. But you need to know how to get rid of it. The author describes ways to deal with his fears, barriers, tells how you can start a conversation, become more confident, so as not to feel fear that has no reason, not to be afraid of being rejected. This is a universal book that reveals the problems of modern communication.

7. “Turn on the charm according to the methodology of the special services,” Jack Schafer and Marvin Carlins.

The authors are a former FBI agent and behavioral analyst. It reveals the secrets of communicating with people and influencing them. The book teaches you how to recognize lies, how to interpret people's behavior, how to change their opinion of themselves. Its advantage is the presence of a chapter describing the secrets of contacts in the network. Currently, people often communicate online, such conversations have certain features.

8. “I can hear you through. An Effective Negotiation Technique, Mark Goulston.

In a conversation, you need not so much to be able to speak beautifully, but to listen to the interlocutor and understand him. People love to be listened to. In this case, they feel more comfortable and confident. The main secret of communication: if you listen to the interlocutor, he will be ready to listen to you.

9. “The power of persuasion. The Art of Influencing People by James Borg.

The book does not contain NLP, does not teach how to manipulate people. The author believes that it is possible to convince a person if you turn directly to him and help him think about the situation. You will need to be honest and come up with convincing arguments. You can apply the recommendations of James Borg both at work and in your personal life.

10. “Secrets of communication. The magic of words, James Borg.

The book was also written by James Borg, and it is better to study it together with the previous one. Communication, persuasion and influence are not only related, but also dependent on each other. The book talks about the magic of words. Naturally, this is a metaphor. Nevertheless, the success of our work, relationships, and business depends on our communication. You need to know how to use the right words.

Business negotiations are discussions with the aim of concluding an agreement, developing a strategy, a common line of conduct, or, at least, in order to clarify the position of the parties.

Any negotiations have their own characteristics, depending on the scope of activity, the significance of the issues discussed, and the goals that the participants set for themselves. However, one can also note a lot in common, inherent in all types of negotiations, i.e. highlight the main ones.

1. Strategic setting.

According to the strategic setting, all business negotiations can be divided into confrontational and partnership . In the first case, confrontation of the parties is assumed, the desire to persuade the enemy to decisions that are unfavorable for him, and his complete suppression. The partnership setting is aimed at developing mutually beneficial solutions, that is, the most acceptable for both sides in a given situation. “With proper negotiation, each participant wins ... everyone wins,” the well-known American specialist Negotiator Gerald Nirenberg. This approach is the most productive.

2. Preparatory period.

Good preparation for negotiations is the key to their success. It is necessary to work out both the organizational and substantive aspects of the negotiations. Determine the place and time of their holding, equip the premises, draw up a program, decide who will take part in them, who will lead your team. However, special attention should be paid to the content of the forthcoming meeting. It is necessary to thoroughly analyze the problem, study the state of affairs, formulate the goals and objectives of the negotiations, develop a common position for the team, select convincing arguments, find possible options decisions, prepare proposals and draft documents. These homework will allow you to achieve greater clarity and accuracy of statements in the discussion.

For successful negotiations, it is necessary to collect as much information as possible not only about the subject of discussion, but also about the people involved in the negotiations. It is advisable to ask about the past of the opponent, make inquiries about his current activities, successes and failures, personal tastes and weaknesses, find out what is important for the negotiating partner, what are his values, life goals.

Competence in the issues discussed, reliable and objective information will help to achieve the desired results.

3. The main structural elements of the negotiations.

  • greeting and introducing the parties to each other;
  • a statement of the problems and objectives of the negotiations;
  • dialogue of participants (discussion, clarification and agreement of positions, clarification of mutual interests);
  • debriefing and decision making;
  • completion of negotiations.

During the dialogue, the main thing is to maintain a balance of interests of the parties.

Decisions made as a result of negotiations are most often of three types:

  • compromise - on the basis of mutual concessions;
  • asymmetric, when the concessions of one side significantly exceed the concessions of the other;
  • fundamentally new solution, i.e. removal of major conflicts.

4.Tactical techniques used in the negotiation process.

Care, when it is proposed to postpone consideration of the issue, to transfer it to another time in order to push the opponent to make the right decision.

puff. One of the parties, for various reasons, is trying to delay the negotiations.

waiting. Negotiators try to listen to all the arguments of their opponents, and then formulate their own position.

Expression of consent. The opponent seeks to emphasize his agreement with the already expressed opinion of the negotiating partner.

Expression of disagreement. The opponent distances himself from the partner's opinion.

Expression of partial consent. When consent is first expressed, and then one’s own point of view that does not coincide with the opponent’s opinion is expressed (according to the principle: “yes, but ...”).

Packing. Several issues are proposed to be considered in the form of a “package”, which includes proposals with which the opponent agrees and those that cause him objections, i.e. discussed at once a set of issues. Most often, such "packages" are used as part of the bargaining. The package can also be an exchange of concessions by opponents to each other in the joint solution of the problem.

Gradual increase in difficulty issues under discussion. Lighter issues are recommended to be discussed at the beginning of negotiations.

Objection to a partner. An indication of the weaknesses of the opponent's position: lack of authority, inconsistency of statements and demands, lack of alternative options, his nervousness, excited state, etc.

Making demands at the last minute. When all issues have already been resolved, one of the negotiators puts forward new demands. If the other side seeks to maintain what has been achieved, then it can make concessions.

An optimistic ending. At the end of the negotiations, questions are put in such a way that the partner must answer “yes”. In any case, this creates the impression of a favorable conclusion to the negotiations.

Of course, given business negotiation rules- this is just a set of situations that most often arise during negotiations. Any particular negotiation may deviate significantly from them.