Business conversation: types, stages. Business conversation and its types

  • 10.10.2019

business conversation- this is oral contact between people connected by business relations. In a modern, narrower interpretation, under business conversation understand verbal communication between interlocutors who have the necessary authority from their organizations and firms to establish business relationships, resolve business problems or develop a constructive approach to solving them.

Business conversations have many advantages that meetings, the exchange of written information, telephone conversations lack. Firstly, they are held in close contact, allowing you to focus on one interlocutor or a very limited group of people. Secondly, they involve direct communication. Thirdly, they create conditions for establishing personal relationships, which can later become the basis of informal contacts, i.e., allow the interlocutors to get to know each other better, which makes it easier for them to communicate in the future. A business conversation is the most favorable and often the only way to convince the interlocutor of the validity your position so that he agrees with it and supports it. Thus, one of the main tasks of the conversation is to convince the interlocutor to accept a specific offer.

A business conversation performs a number of very important functions, such as:

1) mutual communication of employees from the same business environment;

2) joint search, promotion and prompt development of working ideas and concepts;

3) control and coordination of already started business events;

4) maintaining business contacts;

5) stimulation of business activity.

But not only the purely pragmatic effect of a business conversation is important. During the conversation, the communicants receive operational business information. It contributes to the expansion of intellectual capabilities and the activation of the collective mind of its participants in making important management decisions.

2. Types of business conversation

By the nature of the issues discussed, the following types of business conversations are considered the most common: personnel (hiring, dismissal from work, promotions); disciplinary, related to violation of labor discipline, evasion of official duties, etc.; organizational, which determine the technology for completing the task; creative dedicated to the development of the concept of a particular project, task, etc. Special attention should be paid to business conversations during the reception of visitors.

Let's take a look at some of these types.

HR conversations.

As you know, the correct selection and placement of personnel has a decisive influence on the efficiency of any organizational structure. An important place in solving personnel issues is given to business conversations, which allow the manager to better understand and evaluate an employee or applicant for a position, help to form an opinion about him, identify his strengths and weaknesses, and formulate his own position for making a decision.

These conversations are of particular importance. when applying for a job. Usually they are called interviews. There are certain methods for conducting such interviews. Most often, the supervisor-interviewer asks the applicant to tell about himself, to reveal the reasons for the applicant's search for a new job, to find out how much the applicant is aware of the affairs of the organization in which he wants to work. It is necessary that the applicant confirm the presence of personal and professional qualities with examples from his practical activities, everyday life. It is advisable to invite him to describe his behavior in one of the conflict situations in your organization, ask what salary he wants to apply for, etc.

In order for the interview to be effective, the manager must have at hand a description of the workplace, a job description indicating the requirements for this position. It is also recommended to draw up a “verbal portrait” of the employee required for a certain position, containing a list of the main characteristics: gender, age, education, marital status, work experience, work experience in this field, etc. Before the interview, the applicant can be asked to write a written application form and whether a summary. This will allow the interviewer to create an idea about the applicant and immediately exclude an unsuitable candidate.

Some managers compile a list of key indicators by which they evaluate applicants in points. For example: appearance, culture of speech, sociability, business qualities, professional knowledge, etc. This method is especially convenient when the interview is conducted jointly with colleagues. Comparison of objective assessments of each will allow you to make the right choice.

The success of the interview largely depends on the observance by its participants of certain ethical rules of conduct.

Dismissal interview. Not less than importance acquire business conversations upon dismissal from work. Most often, in production activities, one has to deal with two typical situations:

1) the employee himself decides to leave this place of work;

2) the management of the organization decides to fire its employee. It should be borne in mind that the dismissal of a person from work, regardless of the situation, is always associated with feelings, worries, troubles, and often conflicts.

The behavior of representatives of the administration and the dismissed / dismissed, as a rule, attracts the attention of employees, receives a wide public outcry. And it is very important that both sides save their face and get out of a difficult situation with dignity. An employee should not be known as a brawler. The administration needs to create an image of a humane and fair owner, which will provide the organization with a solid and impeccable reputation.

These situations largely determine the nature of the interview upon dismissal.

In the first case, it is important to find out the reasons for dismissal, his motives. And depending on this, build a conversation with the person who applied for resignation. It is one thing when a person quits due to objective reasons: for family reasons, for health reasons, in connection with enrollment in studies, due to a change of residence, transfer to another job related to his professional growth, improvement of financial situation, etc. e. Warm thanks for Good work, a good parting word, a wish for success in a new field will be pleasant to the person leaving, support him, leave a good impression of the organization.

Another thing is when a person submits an application for resignation in a state of emotional arousal, under the influence of such subjective factors as resentment against a manager or colleagues due to allegedly unfair treatment, nitpicking, etc.; feeling of guilt for certain mistakes and miscalculations in work, uncertainty in one's actions, etc. For most people, such a dismissal is not the desired result, although quite often it becomes one. Yes, and for the organization it is usually unprofitable, but sometimes it can be a convenient excuse to get rid of an objectionable employee. Therefore, the manager needs to determine his own position in relation to the fact of dismissal and decide for himself whether he will persuade the employee to stay or not.

It is important to create a favorable and friendly atmosphere for a constructive business conversation, try to eliminate existing differences, and also use the conversation to discuss working conditions, the nature of relationships in the team, and the tasks facing the organization.

When a person leaves, being offended due to some circumstances, then one conversation may not be enough to relieve tension and change the decision made by the employee. It is advisable before meeting with the leader to connect his friends at work, people who enjoy his trust and authority, informal leaders for a conversation.

It is also necessary to dismiss people from work in connection with the retirement of a person, due to serious violations of labor discipline committed by an employee, as well as due to other circumstances. In all these situations, the administration is not recommended to take the position of making excuses, feeling guilty and remorseful, should not utter phrases like “We would certainly leave you, but ...”, “We would very much like to continue working with you, but ...” and etc. This gives hope to the person leaving, and he tries to find various reasons to stay .. The leader himself may find himself in an awkward position.

Disciplinary conversation

The reasons for these conversations are related to violations of labor discipline, deviations from the internal regulations, careless or untimely completion of tasks, etc. This inevitably leads to the need to conduct so-called disciplinary conversations with employees, which in many cases can prevent administrative penalties (reprimand, reprimand, severe reprimand, warning of incomplete official compliance, dismissal). Conducting such conversations requires great restraint, tact, a sense of proportion, as well as firmness, confidence and integrity from the leader.

Preparing for a meeting, it is necessary to understand the situation well, collect and analyze the necessary information. At the beginning of the conversation, the employee should be given the opportunity to explain the reason for his action. It is likely that he will bring some new facts. If the reasons are valid, then some measures are required, and if it is negligence, dishonest attitude to business, neglect of one's official duties, then others.

When conducting disciplinary conversations, it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to condemn the actions and deeds of employees, criticize mistakes and miscalculations, and not their personal qualities.

Problematic conversations. Conversations caused by the need to resolve various conflict situations that arise in the organization can be conditionally called problematic. The most important feature of a problematic conversation is a deep and comprehensive analysis of the conflict, clarification of the causes and circumstances of its occurrence, consideration of the social practice of resolving such conflicts, and finally, the search for a balanced and reasonable solution.

Organizational conversations. This is the name of the conversations during which the technology for performing a particular production task is discussed, the results obtained are analyzed, and critical considerations are expressed regarding the solution of the tasks set.

When conducting such a conversation, it is important to take into account that the reaction of the interlocutor to the requirements may be different. Some employees who care about their future and the prospects of the organization are ready to hear and accept criticism, try to change either themselves or the situation for which they are responsible. Others try to shift the responsibility onto others. Still others do not accept criticism at all, they are confident that they are right and try to leave everything unchanged. Naturally, the speech behavior of the leader will also be different.

Business conversation is the main and essential element management activities. In fact, the conversation is the most efficient and cheapest form of information exchange. The item “ability to talk with people” (with colleagues, manager, representatives of partner companies) is included in any list of the main business qualities of a manager.

Business conversation features are different:

  • initiation of promising activities and processes;
  • control and coordination of already started activities and processes;
  • information exchange;
  • mutual communication of employees from the same business environment;
  • maintaining business contacts at the level of organizations, associations, industries and entire states (joint ventures, etc.); search, promotion and operational development of working ideas and plans;
  • stimulating the movement of human thought in new directions.

The art of business conversation can and should be learned. In the West, there is a profession of "talkers" who believe that a special technique for conducting business conversations allows in 7 cases out of 10 to achieve complete success, and in the rest - a fairly good result.

Here are three conditions for a successful business conversation:

  • the ability to interest your interlocutor, to convince him that this business conversation is useful to both;
  • creation of an atmosphere of mutual trust during the meeting;
  • skillful use of methods of suggestion and persuasion in the transmission of information.

A conversation is unlikely to succeed if it is not prepared. First, you should consider the goals, objectives, tactics and psychology of the upcoming business contact, then select the necessary supporting materials that may be useful during the conversation.

Before starting a conversation, you need to decide what questions and in what sequence to put before your interlocutor. It is advisable to prepare a list of them in writing and put it in front of you during the conversation. The presentation of questions on a piece of paper allows you to outline the area of ​​\u200b\u200bconversation and, accordingly, the right time, to strengthen the logicality and purposefulness of the conversation; provide their own psychological confidence.

Business communication experts advise in the process of preparing for a conversation to think about how to behave if the interlocutor: agrees with you in everything or strongly objects; will switch to a raised tone or will not respond to your arguments; will distrust your words, thoughts or try to hide his distrust.

  • engage in a conversation on a business topic on the go in the hallway;
  • start a conversation with phrases like “Listen, I want to talk to you”, “Do you have a few minutes? I have business with you”, “It's good that we met. I have been planning to talk to you for a long time,” etc.;
  • behave in such a way that the interlocutor understands that he was not expected;
  • combine conversation with other forms of work (talking on the phone, viewing papers, preparing for some other business, etc.).

They say that the fate of a business conversation is decided in the first 10 minutes. Experts advise to carefully prepare the first question: it should be short, interesting, but not debatable. This will determine the positive emotional tone of the interlocutors.


It is very important to develop a beautiful, expressive voice. A person whose speech is slurred constantly has to be asked again, and this always causes irritation.

In verbal communication, almost 40% of success comes from the voice. Therefore, mastering the technique of speech with the correct speech breathing and voice, with clear and correct diction (pronunciation) is the first step to a successful performance, and hence to influencing people. An unpleasant voice can cross out all the advantages of the speaker, and, conversely, beautiful voice fascinates, distracts from shortcomings.

Business language

In business communication is now firmly established metalanguage, i.e. subtext language. Words themselves do not carry emotional content, and you can understand what the interlocutor really means by thinking about the subtext, the circumstances of the conversation and the way the interlocutor uses individual words. For example, the word "my" indicates the emotional involvement of the speaker. Compare "my boss" and just "boss": the first expression shows the emotional connection between the employee and the manager, and the word "boss", on the contrary, demonstrates the distance between them. Of the two phrases “he told me” or “he talked to me”, the first indicates that there was just a neutral conversation, perhaps even with some negative connotation, and the second that there was a mutual conversation, which, most likely, had a positive effect on this person and will give him the results he needs. This means that the words “I need to tell you something” immediately erect a barrier between the interlocutors, and the words “I need to talk to you” call for cooperation.

If you notice such "talking" statements in the metalanguage of your interlocutor, also switch to this language. So, once the negotiations in the company almost broke down because one of the participants dryly stated: "It seems that our paths have diverged." Such a phrase is not at all from the business world (lovers or friends can say so), but the participants in the negotiations realized in time that the author of this phrase was emotionally and personally involved in the negotiation process. Then one of the participants in the discussion spoke in his metalanguage: instead of a faceless financial approach (the language of facts and figures), he chose the right tactics of a confidential personal conversation. As a result, the outcome of the negotiations satisfied both sides.

Separate metawords often signal that the interlocutor seeks to hide the truth or direct the conversation in the wrong direction: “to be honest”, “in fact”, “in truth”, “to be sincere”, “undoubtedly”, etc. If they tell you this, they are probably trying to deceive you. For example, the phrase "In fact, this product is the best that I can offer you from the entire range" should be understood as: "This product is not Best offer but I hope you still believe me.

However, many people use these words in the literal sense, not at all wanting to deceive the interlocutor, but, on the contrary, so that he would quickly believe that they are honest and sincere with him. It's a bad habit for business communication, since these words are subconsciously perceived by interlocutors as a signal of deception.

If at the end of a phrase, a question, you insert words like “really?”, “Really?”, “Yes?”, “Right?”, Then they will show the interlocutor that you misunderstand the topic of the conversation. This may not be true, but that is how your words will be perceived. You have to control your speech.

The words “only”, “only” are spoken by someone who seeks to reduce the importance of his words or is afraid to show his true feelings, or deliberately wants to deceive (“amazingly low prices: only 999 rubles!”), Or tries to relieve himself of responsibility (“ I'm only human."

The words “I will try”, “I will do my best” are typical for those who are used to failure. They expect in advance that they will not succeed in the assigned task, as happened to them more than once, and their words translated from the metalanguage mean: "I doubt whether I can do it."

“I just wanted to help” is a phrase of gossipers and generally those who like to interfere in other people's affairs. Here the word "simply" is used to weaken the intent of the intervention. Other similar phrases: "Don't get me wrong" (meaning "You won't like what I say, but I don't care"), "It's not about the money, it's about the principle" (although "it's only about the money"). “We will try”, “we will make every effort”, “we will see what can be done” - these are the phrases used by heads of organizations and government officials to see their visitors out.

The words “of course”, “of course” are followed by a seemingly absolutely normal sentence. This technique is used in negotiations to force the partner to agree to the proposal under discussion: “Of course, we will not force you to meet these deadlines,” but they will definitely force you to do just that.

The phrase “Have you heard of...” suggests the usual cliché response of the interlocutor: “No.” Further, the phrases will probably go: “Do you know what he told me?” - "No, and what?"; "Imagine what happened next..." - "What?" If such a question is answered not with a cliche phrase, but with the following: “No, I’m not interested either,” then it is very likely that he will not pay attention to these words and will continue his story.

If the speaker wants to sound witty, he will never ask the audience: "Have you heard this joke ..." Instead, he uses the technique of professional speakers: "This reminded me of the following incident ..." and will tell an old joke that will eventually be accepted very fresh.

The expression "What do you think about ..." is always aimed at getting the listener to agree with the speaker's point of view. If we take a counter step here: “What interest Ask. And what do you think about this yourself? ”This will allow not only to avoid a possible conflict (if the opposite “correct” point of view was expressed), but also to attract the sympathy of the interlocutor.

Instead of saying: "Why don't we ..." and "What if we ...", suggest: "Let's wave to the beach (we'll go to the mountains, go to a cafe ...)" Then your interlocutor there will be no time to come up with a reason for the refusal to the question "why not" ( human brain so arranged that it begins to look for a direct answer to a direct question).

The words “I don’t want to show myself ...”, as a rule, are accompanied by a description of the true feelings of the speaker. For example: “I don’t want to seem rude” - it means that the interlocutor will turn out to be rude.

If during a dispute (or a more civilized business discussion) one of the opponents says: “That's it, the topic is closed”, “Let's leave this useless conversation!”, “Forget about it!”, “I've already heard enough!”, Then all these phrases themselves “shouting”: “I am no longer in control of the situation.” And the enemy will soon lose the argument (Table 7.1).

Table 7.1. The most common phrases in the metalanguage

Phrase in metalanguage


I don't think you should, but...

Do it!

Business is business

This is how I justify my (others') unethical actions.

I have a business approach

I will squeeze all the juice out of you

Let's not beat around the bush

Now I will give you a deliberately unreasonable and difficult task.

Maybe you will be interested to know...

I'm smarter, wiser and better informed than you.

Let's look at it from the other side

you are distorting the facts

Why don't we have lunch sometime?

Let's be mutually polite - agree; but it is unlikely that we are going to dine in this century


I hope never

Here is a typical dialogue between a leader and a subordinate:

Subordinate: Boss, I don't want you to think that I'm complaining (complaint), but (confirmation of the contradiction), as you know (cf) I haven't received a raise in two years. With all due respect to you (I do not respect you at all) I want to ask you to consider my question.

Supervisor: You may be interested to know (I'm smarter) that I have already considered this issue (past tense) and in general (we will not go into details) your work suited me quite well (past tense), but (contradiction) you should (do as I tell you) wait (the decision is delayed). I'll be around you (no!) what I'll think (your problem doesn't deserve to be thought about) and tell you how to make your work more productive (if you're not capable yourself).

As a result, the employee leaves, reassuring himself that he made an attempt, although he did not count on success, and the manager says to himself: “Business is business!”

The existence of a metalanguage of communication must be taken into account when building your own standard phrases and using clichés and replace them with such phrases that will contribute to effective communication. In this case, you need to develop the ability to correctly interpret the words of the interlocutor. For example, how do you interpret the following sentence: “I know you think you understand what I have said. But I'm not sure that you realize that what I said is not what I meant ... "

1. The concept of a business conversation

1. The concept of a business conversation

A business conversation is an oral contact between people connected by business relationships. In a modern, narrower interpretation, business conversation is understood as verbal communication between interlocutors who have the necessary authority from their organizations and firms to establish business relationships, resolve business problems or develop a constructive approach to solving them.

The true significance of this kind of business communication in our society is only now beginning to be fully realized, in connection with the transition of the domestic economy to market relations. Every year more and more enterprising and capable business people appear in the country. At the same time, they have clearly not enough experience in entrepreneurial activity and, above all, the ability to conduct a successful business conversation, which significantly reduces their business activity. Therefore, it makes sense to consider a business conversation in more detail in order to outline ways for its more rational conduct.

Business conversations have many advantages that meetings, the exchange of written information, telephone conversations lack. Firstly, they are held in close contact, allowing you to focus on one interlocutor or a very limited group of people. Secondly, they involve direct communication. Thirdly, they create conditions for establishing personal relationships, which can later become the basis of informal contacts, i.e., allow the interlocutors to get to know each other better, which facilitates their communication in the future.

A business conversation is the most favorable and often the only way to convince the interlocutor of the validity of your position, so that he agrees with it and supports it. Thus, one of the main tasks of the conversation is to convince the interlocutor to accept a specific proposal.

Business conversation performs a number of very important functions. These should include:

    mutual communication of employees from the same business environment;

    joint search, promotion and prompt development of working ideas and plans;

    control and coordination of already started business events;

    maintaining business contacts;

    stimulation of business activity.

But not only the purely pragmatic effect of a business conversation is important. During the conversation, you can get operational business information. It contributes to the expansion of intellectual capabilities and the activation of the collective mind of its participants in making important management decisions.

The main stages of a business conversation are; preparatory activities, the beginning of the conversation, informing those present, arguing the put forward provisions and ending the conversation.

2. Preparatory measures

There are no single infallible rules for preparing for a business conversation. However, it will be useful to point out the following variant of the scheme for such training: planning; collection of material and its processing; analysis of the collected material and its editing.

The place of the conversation is chosen taking into account its influence on the expected result. For persons not working in the company, the most convenient place will be the office of the host or a special room for guests, equipped with everything necessary. In any case, the situation should be calm, secluded, exclude the unexpected appearance of strangers, noise, calls, etc., because this is unnerving, but not “intimate”. In many ways, it is even determined by the color of the walls, lighting, furniture and the nature of its placement.

Employees can also be met at their workplace. It is acceptable to conduct business conversations outside the service, for example, in a restaurant, cafe, or even at home. The main thing is that your interlocutor should feel free and uninhibited and be able to completely switch to a business conversation.

Then you should choose the most opportune moment and only then make an appointment. In this case, the initiative will be in your hands, and therefore it will be easier to control the situation.

When the conversation is already scheduled, a plan is drawn up for its conduct. First, you should determine your goals, and then develop a strategy for achieving them and tactics for conducting a conversation.

Such a plan is a clear program of action for preparing and conducting a specific conversation. However, not everyone understands this, arguing something like this: “Well, how can you plan a business conversation if one new fact that suddenly pops up during a meeting can change everything in the most radical way and destroy all preliminary planning?”

But after all, the purpose of planning is just an attempt to mitigate, neutralize the influence of unexpectedly emerging new facts or unforeseen circumstances on the course of the conversation. Preparing and planning a conversation allows you to anticipate possible unexpected moments in advance, which reduces the effectiveness of the interlocutor's remarks. In addition, the skill of a quick and flexible response in case of unforeseen circumstances is acquired.

Planning a business conversation allows you to determine its specific tasks already at the beginning of preparation for it, find and eliminate "bottlenecks" in the conversation, and agree on the time of its holding.

Collecting material for a business conversation is a very laborious process that requires a significant investment of time. But this is one of the most important stages of preparing for a conversation. It includes searching for possible sources of information (from personal contacts, reports, scientific research, publications, official data, etc.). At the same time, it is advisable to immediately supplement the collected materials with your own notes, since such notes can significantly help in the last stages of preparing for the conversation. The amount of materials collected largely depends on the general awareness of the participants in the future conversation, the level of their professional knowledge, and the breadth of the approach to the problem outlined for discussion.

Then the collected and carefully selected evidence is systematized. This is somewhat reminiscent of the process of enrichment of ore, when its concentration is increased, screening out waste rock.

Systematization allows you to highlight the most important facts to be considered. It makes it easier to find them and helps to install previously unnoticed dependencies. Systematization should be carried out throughout the entire process of processing the material.

Analysis of the collected material helps to determine the relationship of facts, draw conclusions, select the necessary arguments, that is, make the first attempt to combine and link all the collected material into a single logical whole. The processed and systematized material, as it were, is decomposed into the “cells” of the plan, and the “cells” themselves are linked together into larger parts.

It is advisable to supplement the material with a text consisting of separate concepts and words, by linking which you will get the meaning of the above. It is also desirable to write down particularly successful formulations without abbreviations. And then you should highlight the most important points by underlining or special icons (letters, circles, arrows, etc.).

It is very useful before a conversation to try to make a portrait of a partner, to determine his strengths and weaknesses, i.e., to establish his psychological type, political beliefs, public positions, social status, religious beliefs, hobbies, etc.

All this will help to determine with whom - a supporter or opponent - you will have to deal, to develop the most acceptable tactics that should be followed during the conversation.

Right before the meeting itself, it is desirable to find out what mood the partner is in, what “hurts” him, how to help solve his personal problems in this situation, which, of course, gives any conversation a more favorable direction.

Knowing the future partner helps not only to get an idea of ​​his personal qualities, but, most importantly, to understand his vision of the subject that will be discussed, the interests associated with it.

The preparation for the conversation is completed by editing the text, its final polishing and refinement.

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business conversation


A business conversation is a conversation mainly between two interlocutors, respectively, its participants can and should take into account the specific features of the personality, motives, speech characteristics of each other, that is, communication is largely interpersonal in nature and involves a variety of ways of verbal and non-verbal influence of partners on each other .

In management theory, a conversation is considered as a type of business communication, a specially organized substantive conversation that serves to solve managerial problems, consider cooperation proposals, sign sales transactions, and so on. Unlike business negotiations, which are much more rigidly structured and, as a rule, are conducted between representatives of different organizations (or divisions of the same organization), a business conversation, despite the fact that it always has a specific subject, is more personally oriented and more often occurs between representatives of the same organization.

1. Kindsbusiness conversations

Business conversation is undoubtedly one of the most frequently used types of communicative interaction in managerial communication.

By its nature, a business conversation is very different. They can be divided into free (take place without special preparation, for example, a meeting of colleagues at work) and regulated (carefully thought out, with the obligatory consideration of time frames). Depending on the goal pursued by a business conversation, there are such types as a meeting of a manager with a potential employee, a conversation between a manager and one of the employees in order to resolve certain issues, a conversation between partners in order to establish future cooperation, a conversation between colleagues about solving production issues.

The main types of business conversations, and their features are as follows:

1 ) bjob interview is in the nature of an "admission" interview, the main purpose of which is to assess the business qualities of an applicant for work;

2 ) bsitting on dismissalfrom work has two varieties: a situation of unplanned, voluntary departure of an employee and a situation where an employee has to be fired or reduced;

3 ) Pproblematic and disciplinary conversations, the reason for their occurrence is either failures in the activities of employees and the need for a critical assessment of their work, or facts of violation of discipline. In the process of preparing a problematic conversation, the leader must answer questions in advance about the meaning, purpose, results, means and methods of solving the problem, striving to ensure that during the conversation the employee takes the position of leadership. At the same time, there are some rules that allow you to avoid a conversation in the form of a "spacing" and conduct it with constructive results.

For this it should:

a) obtain the necessary information about the employee and his work;

b) build a conversation, observing the following order in the communication of information: a message containing positive information about the employee's activities; message of a critical nature; a message of a commendable and instructive nature;

c) be specific and avoid ambiguities (for example, phrases such as: “You didn’t do what

necessary", "You did not complete the task");

d) criticize the performance of the task, not the person.

Each of the types has its own psychological "scenario" of conduct, purpose and purpose. However, they are all varieties of communicative interaction, and therefore there are some general principles and rules for their organization and conduct.

2 . Structureand business rules

The structure of a well-organized conversation consists of 5 phases:

1. Starting a conversation.

2. Transfer of information.

3. Argumentation.

4. Refutation of the arguments of the interlocutor.

5. Decision making.

In relation to any speech, any conversation, 10 general rules, the observance of which will make your performance correct:

1. Professional knowledge.

2. Clarity.

3. Reliability.

4. Constant focus.

6. Repetition.

7. The element of surprise.

8. "Saturation" of reasoning.

9. Framework for the transfer of information.

10. A certain dose of humor and even, to some extent, irony.

The following main features of live speech can be added to the listed rules:

In any business conversation, the content and technique of presentation are valuable;

It should be limited to facts and details in the conversation, reasoning on the topic;

It is better to plan a conversation with different possible options;

It is sometimes necessary to repeat and draw conclusions from what has been said;

· You should address the interlocutor directly, given that personal influence in business relationships is of great importance.

3 . Features of preparation for business bYesede

The readiness for a business conversation, even if this conversation is of an operational nature, gives you a psychological advantage. At the same time, the less time the conversation itself takes, the more important it is to ensure this psychological advantage.

Unfortunately, such an obvious thing in practice, in real management is often ignored in vain. If we want business conversation to become a form of managerial communication, effective interaction we should never ignore it preparatory stage. Time spent preparing for a conversation is never wasted.

The place of the conversation is chosen taking into account its influence on the expected result. For persons who do not work in the company, the most convenient place will be the office of the host or a special room for guests, equipped with everything necessary. In any case, the environment should be calm, secluded, exclude the unexpected appearance of strangers, noise, calls, etc., as this is unnerving. The color of the walls, lighting, furniture and the nature of the arrangement in the room where the business conversation will be held also matters.

Employees can also be met at their workplace. It is acceptable to conduct business conversations outside the service, for example, in a restaurant, cafe, or even at home. The main thing is that your interlocutor should feel free and uninhibited and be able to completely switch to a business conversation.

Preparing for a business meeting includes:

1. Planning:

a preliminary analysis of the participants and the situation;

the initiative to conduct a conversation and determine its objectives;

definition of strategy and tactics;

· detailed plan preparation for the conversation.

2. Operational preparation:

collection of materials;

selection and systematization of materials;

Thinking and arranging materials;

· work plan;

development of the main part of the conversation;

start and end of a conversation.

3. Editing:

control (i.e. checking the work done);

shaping the conversation.

4. Workout:

a mental rehearsal

oral rehearsal;

rehearsal of the conversation in the form of a dialogue with the interlocutor.

SuggestionThe questions below allowprepare for a business conversation by spending onis the minimum time:

1. Are you clear about the purpose of the conversation? (Do you see a concrete result?) Or, in other words: what do you want at the end of the conversation?

2. How can this result be evaluated? How will you know if you have achieved what you want or not?

3. What could be the goals and motives of your interlocutor?

4. What means do you have to achieve your goal?

5. What position in relation to the interlocutor will you take during the conversation? Will it be optimal for achieving the goal?

6. How, by what means will you convey your position to the interlocutor?

7. How, by what means will you find out the attitudes and position of your communication partner?

8. What communication barriers might you encounter?

9. How to insure yourself and reduce the likelihood of these barriers?

10. If contradictions arise during the conversation, how will you resolve them?

11. If the interlocutor is unpleasant for you, how do you set yourself up for tolerance towards him?

12. What methods of psychological influence will you use?

13. What argument will you offer to the interlocutor?

14. What will you do if a confrontation arises, a partner resorts to manipulation or uses dishonest tricks?

15. How will you ensure agreement of opinions?

16. How (to what extent) will you disclose your position?

17. How will you manage the atmosphere of the conversation?

18. How will you manage yourself if your partner irritates you with his remarks (or behavior)?

19. What are your partner's interests?

20. What should never be allowed in this conversation? Of course, when preparing for a conversation, it is far from always possible to give answers to all the questions posed. But this is not necessary. Answer at least those of them that you can, and this will give you some psychological "trump cards":

a) you will be psychologically prepared for a business conversation;

b) you will know in advance the possible weaknesses of your interlocutor (and your own).

4 . Holdingbusiness conversation

Starting a conversation .

For unfamiliar interlocutors, the most difficult part of the conversation is establishing contact. Experts believe that this process can be compared with tuning instruments before a concert. Indeed, the initiator of the conversation needs to develop a correct and correct attitude towards the interlocutor, since the beginning of the conversation is a “bridge” between partners.

The beginning of a conversation is a very important stage, and therefore it should not be neglected. The objectives of this phase of the conversation are as follows:

Establishing contact with the interlocutor;

creating a pleasant atmosphere;

drawing attention to the subject of the interview;

awakening interest in the conversation;

seizing the initiative (if necessary).

Effective conversation starters:

1. Relieve tension (compliments, joke, pleasant tone of voice, kind words);

2. "hooks" (small event, comparison, personal impressions, non-standard question);

3. stimulation of the game of imagination (many questions at the beginning of the conversation on a variety of problems);

4. direct approach (start a conversation on a topic, without an introduction).

Since the beginning of a business conversation to a decisive extent determines the effectiveness of communication, here are some specific recommendations described in the literature for establishing effective personal contact with the interlocutor:

Show attention and sincere interest in the interlocutor and in what he says;

Try to use clear, energetic, concise introductory phrases and make short sentences, avoiding long phrases that last without a pause;

Address the interlocutor by name and patronymic or “Dear Colleague”. If circumstances require and allow, then you can address by last name or, conversely, switch to address by name;

provide appropriate appearance(clothing, demeanor, direct eye contact) in accordance with the conditions of the conversation; keep your optimal distance. During a conversation, the best position at the table is the corner, and the distance is up to 1.2 m. A large distance creates psychological barrier for communication and interaction, small - impairs perception;

Demonstrate respect for the interlocutor, attention to his interests and opinion, let him feel his importance, both human and professional;

· do not go too far in diplomatic subtleties and do not allow false notes. As soon as you feel that the contact is established, go to the heart of the issue or problem.

Transfer of information is an important part of a business conversation. It logically continues the beginning of the conversation and at the same time is a "springboard" for the transition to the argumentation phase. The purpose of this part of the conversation is to solve the following problems:

collection of special information on the problems, requests and wishes of the interlocutor and his organization;

analysis and verification of the position of the interlocutor, his goals, motives and intentions;

transmission of planned information;

formation of the basis for argumentation;

· Preliminary determination of the final results of the conversation, if possible.

The main part of the conversation involves a dialogue that sets out the prerequisites for this conversation. Partners alternately play the role of listener and opponent. Transmitting and receiving information, elements of discussion, posing questions and answering them, positive criticism, if necessary, studying the reactions of the interlocutor - all this allows you to conduct a conversation in a friendly, constructive, without prejudice and onslaught, because, as the Persian poet Saadi noted: “No one confesses his ignorance, except for the one who, listening to another, interrupts and starts the speech himself.

There are several types of questions that take place during a business conversation:

1. Closed questions These are questions to which a “yes” or “no” answer is expected. What is the purpose of these types of questions? Get confirmation from the interlocutor on reasonable arguments for the expected answer from him.

2. Open questions - these are questions that cannot be answered “yes” or “no”, they require some kind of explanation (“What is your opinion on this issue?”, “Why do you consider the measures taken insufficient?”).

3. Rhetorical questions- these questions are not answered directly, because their purpose is to raise new questions and point out unresolved issues and to secure support for our position from the participants in the conversation through tacit approval “We are of the same mind on this issue.?»).

4. Tipping questions- keep the conversation in a strictly established direction or raise a whole range of new issues. (“How do you imagine the structure and distribution of).

5. Questions for Consideration- force the interlocutor to reflect, think carefully and comment on what was said (Did I understand your post correctly??, "Do you think that?).

Argumentation is a way of persuading someone through meaningful logical arguments. It requires great knowledge, concentration of attention, presence of mind, assertiveness and correctness of statements, while its result largely depends on the interlocutor.

There are two main constructions in the argument:

evidence-based argumentation, when you want to prove or substantiate something,

· counter-argumentation, with the help of which you refute the statements of the negotiating partners.

To build both structures, the following basic METHODS OF REASONING (LOGICAL).

The FUNDAMENTAL method is a direct appeal to the interlocutor, whom you acquaint with the facts and information that are the basis of your argument. If we are talking about counterarguments, then we must try to challenge and refute the arguments of the interlocutor.

The CONTRADICTION method is based on identifying contradictions in the opponent's argument. By its very nature, this method is defensive.

The CONCLUSION DEVELOPMENT method is based on exact reasoning, which gradually, step by step, through partial conclusions, leads you to the desired conclusion. When using this method, one should pay attention to the so-called apparent causality. Finding an error of this kind is not as easy as in the example of using apparent causality in one physics lesson. The teacher asked the student, "What do you know about the properties of heat and cold?" All bodies expand in heat and contract in cold. "That's right," the teacher remarked, "and now give some examples." Student: “It is warm in summer, so the days are longer, and in winter it is cold, and the days are shorter.”

The COMPARISON method is of exceptional importance, especially when the comparisons are well chosen.

Method "YES-NO". Often the partner gives well-chosen arguments. However, they cover either only advantages or only weaknesses. But since in reality any phenomenon has both pluses and minuses, it is possible to apply the “yes-but” method, which allows us to consider other aspects of the subject of discussion. In this case, you need to calmly agree with your partner, and then begin to characterize this subject from the opposite side and soberly weigh what is more here, pluses or minuses.

The "BOOMERANG" method makes it possible to use the partner's "weapon" against him. This method has no force of proof, but it has an exceptional effect if applied with a fair amount of wit.

IGNORE method. It often happens that a fact stated by a partner cannot be refuted, but it can be successfully ignored.

The INTERVIEW method relies on asking questions in advance. Of course, it is not always advisable to immediately open your cards. But you can still ask your partner a series of questions in advance in order to at least basically reveal his position.

VISIBLE SUPPORT method. What is it? For example, your partner has stated his arguments, and now you take the floor. But you do not object to him at all and do not contradict him, but, to the amazement of all those present, on the contrary, come to the rescue, bringing new evidence in his favor. But only for appearances. And then a counterattack follows, for example: “You forgot to cite such facts in support of your thought ... “But all this will not help you, because ...” and then comes the turn of your counterarguments. Thus, it seems that you studied the partner’s point of view more thoroughly than he did, and after that you were convinced of the inconsistency of his theses. However, this method requires particularly careful preparation.

Final part of the conversation serves as a general assessment . Successfully completing a conversation means achieving predetermined goals. At the last stage, the following tasks are solved:

achievement of the main or (in an unfavorable case) secondary (alternative) goal;

Providing a favorable atmosphere;

stimulating the interlocutor to perform the intended actions;

maintaining in the future (if necessary) contacts with the interlocutor, his colleagues;

· Drawing up a summary with a clearly defined main conclusion, understandable to all those present.

Any business conversation has its ups and downs. In this regard, the question arises: when to transfer the conversation to the final phase - the decision-making phase? Practice proves that this should be done when the conversation reaches a climax. For example, you answered a very important remark of your interlocutor so exhaustively that his satisfaction with your answer is obvious.

An example of his typical comment in this case is: “That should have been found out!”

Your answer should immediately be added with a positive conclusion, for example: "Together with you, we have seen that making this proposal will be very beneficial for you."

It would be a mistake to think that the interlocutor has stored in his memory all your arguments and remembered all the advantages of the solution you proposed. His typical statement in the final phase of the conversation is usually: "I need to think it over again thoroughly." But this is more a state of "overcrowded head" than a manifestation of his indecision. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to use methods to speed up the decision-making.

There are two such approaches:

DIRECT ACCELERATION. An example of such a technique: “Are we going to make a decision right away?” most often the interlocutor has not yet had time to make a decision, and therefore he answers: “No, not yet. I still have to think it over." Using the “direct acceleration” technique, you can make a decision in the shortest possible time. But such a technique often does not achieve its goal, since in 50% of such cases the interlocutor says “no”.

INDIRECT ACCELERATION. This technique allows you to bring your interlocutor to the desired goal gradually. It has the advantage that you start working towards your goal fairly early, reducing the risk of failure.

There are four optionsindirect acceleration:

hypothetical approach. Almost all people experience some fear when they find themselves in a situation where they need to make a decision. In this regard, it is advisable to talk only about a conditional decision, so that the interlocutor relaxes and gets used to it gradually. The following formulations are suitable for this: "If ...", "In the event that ...", "Suppose that ...".

step by step solutions. The final conclusion of the interlocutor can be prevented by assuming that the main decision of the conversation has already been made. Then only preliminary or partial decisions are made. Thus, you capture individual moments of decisions even before the interlocutor has given his consent. As a result, a strong influence (by suggestion) on the interlocutor in the right direction is achieved.

Alternative solutions. The essence of this approach is that you offer the interlocutor alternative solutions to the issue. It is important that both options suit you.

All of the above methods of indirect decision-making acceleration are productive in themselves, and if they are use in combination, then their efficiency will be even higher.

Using these methods, you kind of lead your interlocutor into a harmless dead end.

The interlocutor remembers the final part of the speech best of all. Means, last words have the strongest impact on it. In this regard, it is recommended to write down and memorize the last few sentences, or at least the final one.

Experienced business people usually think about two or three options for closing sentences in advance, so that later, depending on the course of the conversation, decide which of them - softer or harder in form - to pronounce.

It is very important to separate the conclusion from its main part, for example, with the help of such expressions: "Let's sum up", "So, we have come to the end of our conversation."

Let us now consider tactics that contribute to clarifying the situation at the end of the conversation.

If you notice that the interlocutor wrinkles his forehead in search of a suitable remark, you should try to find out from him what he does not agree with by intelligently applying the technique of questions. Example: “Does this fit your ideas… If not, why not?” Thus, you will find out the true reason for the resistance of your interlocutor.

You can move on to making a decision only when you reach a full agreement with your interlocutor.

You should always be prepared for the word "no". If the interlocutor said “no”, the conversation cannot be ended. You should be prepared with options that will allow you to continue the conversation and overcome this “no”.

You should always leave one strong argument in reserve to support your thesis, in case the interlocutor begins to hesitate at the time of making a decision. Experienced business people never allow surprise at the end of a business conversation. They always have an excellent argument in reserve with which they can successfully complete it. For example: "Yes, I forgot to add: in case of failure, we take care of all the costs."

Often interlocutors at the end of the conversation give strong arguments, but forget to pre-prepare conclusions from the main provisions. As a result, the indistinct conclusion of the conversation sharply reduces the impression of everything that was convincingly stated earlier. Therefore, summing up at the end of the conversation should be given serious attention.

The end of a conversation cannot be reduced to a mere repetition of its most important points. The main ideas should be formulated very clearly and concisely. You must give the general conclusion an easily digestible form, i.e. make a few logical statements full of meaning and significance. Every detail of the generalizing conclusion should be clear and understandable to everyone present, there should be no place superfluous words and vague wording. In a generalizing conclusion, one main idea should prevail, most often stated in the form of several provisions that consistently express it in the most concise form.


V modern world all business processes are built, one way or another, on personal contacts. Business communication is an important component of the professional life of a business person.

Business conversation as a special kind oral speech has its own specifics. He is required to comply with the correctness, accuracy, brevity and accessibility of speech, as well as the rules of official speech etiquette.

Due to its importance, a business conversation always requires preliminary preparation. As practice shows, out of 10 conversations that are prepared in advance, 7 are successful, while out of 10 unprepared conversations, only 3 become successful.

In addition to preparing a conversation, there are rules for conducting it. Structurally, a business conversation is divided into stages, each of which is important and requires certain theoretical and practical skills. Such requirements have made it necessary to study the rules of business conversation (and business communication in general) for every self-respecting businessman, politician, leader.


1. Baeva O.A. Public Speaking and Business Communication: Textbook. - M.: New knowledge, 2001.

2. Koltunova M.V. Language and business communication: Norms. Rhetoric. Etiquette. Proc. allowance for universities. - M.: JSC NPO Economics, 2000.

3. Kuzin F.A. Culture of business communication. Practical guide. - 6th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Os-89, 2002.

4. Kuznetsov I.N. Business conversation: preparation, planning and structure. //

5. Melnikova S.V. Business rhetoric (speech culture of business communication): Textbook. - Ulyanovsk: UlGTU, 1999.

6. Snell F. The art of business communication. - M., 1990.

7. Iacocca L. Career manager. - M., 1991.

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