Strategies and tactics of business communication briefly. Communication tactics

  • 02.07.2020

The basis for distinguishing typical strategies of business communication can be based on the value axis "relation to the other as a value, attitude to the other as a means". When treating a partner as a value, one can single out the moral side, i.e. recognition of a person's right to be as he is, and the psychological side, which consists in the desire for cooperation, equal partnerships, readiness to understand the other, to set up a dialogue. In the second position - the attitude towards the partner as a means (needed - to attract, not needed - to push back, interferes - to remove) - there is a depreciation of the person's personality, a feeling of superiority over others in something, reaching the understanding of one's own exclusivity. In the practice of interaction between people, most cases are not at any of the described poles, since the extreme manifestation of the attitude towards a person causes moral condemnation among others. In addition, one has to reckon with the resistance of a partner who defends his right to individuality.

Once, the famous poet and thinker Johann Wolfgang Goethe, walking through the Weimar park, ran into a critic on a narrow path, who had a negative attitude towards his work. The critic defiantly blocked the path of the poet and angrily said:

  • - I don't give in to fools!
  • “On the contrary, I always do it,” the author of Faust replied calmly and politely walked off the path.

The main effective mechanisms that ensure the formation of constructive business interaction include the following (Table 7.4).

Table 7.4

Effective business interaction mechanisms



Their specificity


The result of the knowledge and perception of a partner, the formation of common goals and methods and forms of interaction


Search for such means and technologies of communication that best match the intentions and capabilities of partners


The mechanism of interaction, mainly related to the motivational-need side of communication, demonstrating respect for the other partner


It involves treating another person as an equal, with whom one must reckon, but at the same time, the desire to prevent damage to oneself, revealing the goals of one's activity. Relations are equal, but cautious, based on the coordination of interests and intentions. Methods of influence are built on the contract, which serves as both a means of unification and a means of exerting pressure

All of these mechanisms represent a productive style of interaction, which is understood as a fruitful contact in joint activities that contributes to the establishment of long-term relationships of mutual trust, the disclosure of personal potentials and the achievement of effective results by both parties.

Roles related to interpersonal interaction are divided into leading, i.e. so-called preferred faces: "stars", authoritative, charismatic, ambitious, opinion leaders or otherwise attractive to others; and slave - all the rest, including the "unpreferred" ones, with whom they cooperate only by force and, as a rule, in some situations make them responsible for all mistakes and failures.

In one of the studies conducted by the American scientist W. Haythorne, it was shown that such personality traits as sociability, efficiency, the ability to stand on the point of view of another person, understand his psychological state, have a positive effect on the success of joint activities, and such traits as suspiciousness, self-confidence and authoritarianism, prevent it.

The effectiveness of group interaction is also influenced by the intensity of communication. Experts note that the restriction of emotional and interpersonal contacts in the group can lead to a decrease in its productivity and satisfaction of the participants. Many researchers have proven that groups with a cooperative type of relationship are clearly superior to competitive ones both in terms of the general atmosphere that reigns during work and in terms of the quality of the final results of activities. It has also been established that under conditions of time pressure, groups that are homogeneous in composition work better than heterogeneous ones. Moreover, this feature becomes stronger as the complexity of the group problem 1 .

From what has been said, it is obvious how important the question of the degree of interconnectedness and interdependence of group members is. This integrity is achieved through the convergence of opinions, assessments, intellectual and personal characteristics, feelings and actions of group members, which can lead to convergence of their interests and value orientations. During communicative interaction, physical contact, joint organization of the spatial environment and movement in it, joint group action, verbal and non-verbal information contact are carried out, therefore, for effective interaction, the concepts of compatibility and harmony of communication participants are also important.

Compatibility is, first of all, the optimal combination of the properties of the participants in the interaction, the ability of the group in this composition to work without conflict and in concert, which creates conditions for effective joint activities (Table 7.5).

Table 7.5

Human Compatibility Levels

1 See: Panfilova A.P. Interactive technologies formation of communicative competence of leaders of the socio-cultural sphere: abstract of dissertation .... Dr. ped. Sciences. SPb., 2001. S. 22-23.

harmony, those. coherence in work between the participants of joint activities. Both compatibility and harmony in interaction serve to indicate the objective correspondence of the properties of the participants in communication in relation to the goals and objectives of their activities. At the same time, for the coherence of the participants in the interaction, the leading one is their behavioral component, which implies not only high effectiveness of interaction, satisfaction, first of all, with the success of work, but also, as a result, relationships with a partner, as well as low emotional and energy costs.

Thus, compatibility to a greater extent reveals an orientation towards good interpersonal relationships, and the harmony of the participants in communication - a focus on the effectiveness of interaction.

It is also important for the effectiveness of joint activities value-oriented unity of participants joint activities. This parameter can be viewed as a commonality of purpose and the coincidence of personal and socially significant intentions. This means that the group acts not only as an internally effective community capable of generating cooperative relations, but also as a group the best way, i.e. effectively, fulfilling the socially significant tasks assigned to it.

Thus, in order to master interactive competence, i.e. the ability to carry out effective interaction, a synthetic approach is needed that combines different socio-psychological characteristics of participants that affect the effectiveness of group interaction and the productive organization of a joint communicative space for activities, the development of the motivation of each participant in the interaction.

Only those actions can be recognized as fair, the usefulness of which is confirmed in the needs of mutual communication between people (Epicurus).

Trust and the process of fascination play an important role in professional interaction. Under "trust filter" in interaction, as a rule, it implies the process of considering a partner from a position, whether to trust him or not. As practice shows, the lack of trust from at least one side prevents self-disclosure, which automatically does not allow destroying the natural barriers that arise when two people or groups come into contact. Alertness complicates interaction, contributes to the manifestation of cunning, introducing a partner into a false situation that gives rise to mutual misunderstanding, ineffective feedback.

Trust in interactive interaction, as a rule, on the contrary, includes one's own intention to trust another; the expectation that the trust will be justified, and the behavior will correspond to these intentions. High level trust between the participants in the interaction contributes to an open exchange of views and opinions on significant issues; greater satisfaction from participation in joint work, higher motivation of activity.

With agreement, insignificant things grow, with disagreement, the greatest perish (Gaius Sallust Crispus).

In business communication, a specially organized verbal influence on the behavior of a participant in the interaction, in order to build trust and increase the effectiveness of the influence of information, is called fascination(from English, fascination- charm), with the help of which tension is relieved at the beginning of contact, which is especially important, since it has been proven that tense, tense people who do not trust another perceive only from 14 to 45% of the information. At the moment of interaction, fascination is carried out by the participants of communication through a pleasant timbre of voice, a friendly look directed at the partner, eye contact, a smile and worthy words, designed to reduce the loss of significant information when perceiving the message and create a good impression about yourself.

Business partners need to understand that trust in interaction, being associated with risk, is always an overcoming of internal psychological barrier. Researchers note that the most significant reason blocking trust is the high authoritarianism of the partner. Therefore, the first stage of trusting interaction is the establishment equal primary contact and the formation of a positive image of another person with the help of fascination.

At the second stage, interpersonal relations necessary for effective interaction are formed:

  • reaching agreement;
  • receiving emotional support, approval, such as a compliment or a sign of attention (strokes);
  • the desire to accept oneself as a person, for example, through self-disclosure and confidential communication.

At the next stage of interaction, specific mechanisms for regulating the dynamics of individual cognitive processes are formed, joint strategies and technologies for solving problems are developed, and a style of activity that coincides for the participants. The terms of interaction expand the information space, provide an opportunity to see the diversity of the problem being solved, hear different points of view and develop a joint solution. In addition, in the process of interaction, an exchange of personal qualities occurs, the range of individual capabilities of each expands, there is a need to correlate one's personal goals with the goals of a partner, organization, and the actions of other people.

Communication exercises are necessary, first of all, in trainings for the development of communication skills. But communication is the basis of many important areas of our lives: working relationships, personal relationships, teamwork. And, therefore, communication exercises will be useful in negotiation and team building trainings, self-confidence trainings and relationship trainings. And, of course, sales training. After all, communication is the core around which a successful sale is built.

Communication exercises well remove the internal barriers of the participants and develop communication skills. They teach the skill of self-presentation and confident communication, learn to manage the course of the conversation. And, of course, the ability to listen and negotiate. Perhaps this is the most important skill that communication exercises provide.

Also, communication exercises create a warm atmosphere of trust and support in the group, which is so necessary for effective learning.

The experts of the professional portal for trainers have selected for you 6 Great Communication Exercises available in the public domain.

Communication exercise "Tell me about ..."

Target: practicing confident communication skills.

Number of participants: any.

Time: 35-40 min.

The subject tells about the owner.

Each of the participants picks up any object belonging to him and, on behalf of this object, tells about his owner. Other items (or rather, their owners) can ask him any questions about his owner.

This communication exercise can be used both when introducing participants, and for deeper disclosure of participants, for training communication skills.

Communication exercise "Oriental Bazaar"

Target: practice business communication skills, identify and analyze various strategies for achieving goals in business communication.

Time: 15-20 min.

Number of participants: any.


What associations do you have when you mention such a phrase as« oriental market» ? (shouts, bargaining, the smell of food and spices, a riot of colors, thieves, brisk trade).


In a couple of minutes, we will arrange such an oriental market. But first you need to prepare."

Each participant receives eight small pieces of paper (stickers). On each of the pieces of paper, write your name legibly and fold each note inside the text several times so that your name is not visible. Participants put the prepared notes on the table (it is better to place them in a colorful box). Shuffle a pile of notes.

“Now we will go to the eastern market. Each in turn approach the slide and pull out 8 pieces of paper. Over the next 5 minutes, you will have to persuade, argue, exchange to find and return all eight pieces of paper with your name on it. The first two buyers who manage to purchase the most expensive item the fastest will approach the trainer and will be considered the winners.

It can be very useful to make a video filming of the "bazaar", so that later the participants can see from the outside their own and other people's strategies of behavior in this exercise.


question to the winners:- What made you complete the task so quickly?

Question to all participants:- What tactics did you use while trading?(possible tactics: active search, waiting, active exchange, tried to circle partners around the finger, tried to reach the whole audience at once, etc.)

- What conclusions, if we transfer everything said to our work, can we draw?

Communication exercise "In other words"

Target: training of speech fluency and flexibility, the ability to select synonyms, adequately convey the same thought in different words.

Time: 20-25 min.

Number of participants: any

Participants are grouped into teams of 4 people. The leader says to the first team member a simple phrase of 5-6 words. He must pass it on to the next participant in such a way as to preserve the meaning of the statement, but at the same time not use any of the words that were in the original phrase (with the exception of particles and prepositions). The next participant passes the phrase on, again using other words, etc., until the phrase is pronounced in various options all four players. The host and 2-3 more volunteers act as arbitrators - they make sure that the players do not repeat the words, and the meaning of the statement is conveyed correctly. If there are several teams, a competition can be held between them, who will convey the statements faster (phrases are given to everyone different, but similar in complexity and number of words).


  • How difficult was it for this task?
  • What exactly are the difficulties related to: the lack of suitable words, the difficulty of quickly remembering them, the need to remember all the words already used by other participants, or something else?
  • In what real situations of communication is it important to be able to express the same thought using different phrases?

Communication exercise "For that guy"

Target: developing confident communication skills

Time: 15-20 min.

Number of participants: any

The coach divides the group into pairs. Participants tell each other about themselves, then change badges.

One representative of the couple, with the badge of the other, stands behind the back of the partner's chair (if desired, puts his hands on the shoulders of the latter). It seems: “I, (gives the name of the partner), work there (position, company). ……. I will be happy to answer your questions."

The rest of the participants ask questions from a variety of fields, professional and personal. The responder must answer whether he knows the exact answer or not.

At the end, sitting on a chair, for which they have just been responsible, shares with the group - what was the percentage of hits.

This communication exercise also trains empathy skills well, the ability to feel and understand another person well.

Communication exercise "Listen and repeat"

: Teach participants how to actively listen.

Time: 35-40 min.

Number of participants: any


The exercise is carried out in small groups - "threes". During the exercise, two people talk, the third acts as a "controller". Three conversations will be held: each will be both in the role of an interlocutor and in the role of a controller.

One conversation lasts 8-10 minutes. I'll watch the time and tell you when to switch roles. When talking in pairs, observe the following rule: before expressing your opinion on the issue under discussion, you must repeat what the interlocutor said. The repetition may begin with the words: “Do you think ...”, “You say ...” The controller monitors compliance with this rule and has the right to intervene in the conversation when the conversations forget to follow it.

The topic for conversation is proposed by the trainer and depends on the composition of the group. For example, in a group of leaders, you can suggest the following topic: “Choose the three most important qualities that a leader must have in order to be successful.

After completing the exercise, it is advisable to discuss in the group the following question: "How did the repetition of the interlocutor's words affect the conversation." As a rule, during the discussion the following ideas are expressed:

  • this allowed me to check whether I understood the interlocutor correctly;
  • made it possible not to deviate from the topic of discussion, to stay in the "line" of the discussion, to talk about the same thing;
  • in the process of repetition, the words of the interlocutor were comprehended; this made it possible to better remember what the interlocutor said;
  • improved emotional contact (it's nice to make sure that you were heard, understood);
  • listening to your own words in the presentation of another, you begin to better understand yourself, notice new aspects of the problem under discussion, etc.

Target: practice communication skills, get to know each other better, discuss issues related to establishing contact.

Necessary materials : paper, pencils, prizes.

Time: 10-15 minutes.

Group size: 10–20 people.

Description: the trainer asks the group to split into pairs and explains how the exercise will go.

Each couple must find and write down 10 characteristics that are true for both of them as quickly as possible. You can not write universal information, such as "I have two legs." You can specify, for example, the year of birth, place of study, hobbies, marital status, etc.

After 10 characteristics are written down, each member of the group chooses another partner and repeats the same with him.

The one who quickly finds 10 qualities that unite him with five other participants receives a prize.


  • Was this exercise easy or difficult?
  • Was it easy to find common ground with other participants?
  • What helped you quickly establish contact with another person?

These communication exercises are taken from free sources, which means that it is worth considering that they:

  • available to many trainers and may already be known to participants in your trainings.
  • do not contain detailed instructions carrying out the exercise.

When you need:

  • exclusive exercises known only to a small circle of professional coaches
  • exercises with detailed coaching methodology for their implementation, revealing the entire "underwater part" of coaching and explaining exactly how to conduct the exercise and sum up the exercise in order to arrive at the best result

You can download these exercises at professional coaching portal

This portal has grown on the basis of the largest training center "Sinton". For more than 30 years of work, the Sinton center has collected, probably, the largest database of the best games and exercises for business training and personal training.

And when we realized that coaches are constantly faced with the problem of lack of quality material for trainings, we have assembled a team of professional trainers who:

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  • Exercise "Internal Translator"

A powerful and interesting exercise that allows you to teach participants one of the powerful effective communication and conflict resolution techniques.

Exclusive technique from professor of psychology N. I. Kozlov.

With the help of the Inner Translator technique, participants will be able to better understand people, remain calm and positive in communication, and be able to make objective decisions, despite the conflict situation.

The Internal Translator technique is equally well suited for both business communications and interpersonal communication. It is especially valuable that the “Internal Translator” technique is not widespread, not “hackneyed”, so it can be successfully used for experienced participants.

  • Exercise "Director's presentation to the top team"

Versatile and effective exercise
, which can significantly expand the knowledge of the participants of the training about self-presentation, assess their ability to make a first impression, work with confidence, verbal and non-verbal ways of communication, and at the same time speed up the process of distributing roles, include the group in a “working state” and lead to the stage of active work.

Extraordinary conditions of the exercise will increase the motivation and interest of the training participants, and the real Feedback performances in greenhouse conditions» will help them better understand and work through their strengths and weak sides their presentations. With the strengthening of the exercise, the system of evaluation points, the exercise can become challenge exercise creating a competitive moment.

  • Exercise "Promotion - Dismissal"

A great inference-rich exercise for communication, negotiation, or leadership training. As part of the negotiation training (sales, oratory), the exercise will allow all participants to actively practice their skills persuasive argument. As part of management training, this exercise will provide participants with a powerful experience in complex negotiations with employees and quick decision making.

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  • Exercise "Come next time"

Powerful exercise

  • Exercise "Feeling"

What do you think will happen if you offer the participants of the training to learn a technique that allows you to completely understand and feel your interlocutor, up to his self-awareness and train of thought?

Most likely, they will think that you are either playing a trick on them, or you will teach them some complex technique that takes years to learn and have a natural predisposition.

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We recommend unique coaching manuals for the best exercises for training:

  • Role-playing game "Come next time!"

    Powerful exercise, which clearly demonstrates to the participants of the training their usual behavior patterns in a situation where most of their contacts end in refusal.

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    Exercise allows you to a short time experience a similar situation, immediately analyze their emotional and behavioral reactions and draw personal conclusions based on their own meaningful experience.

    The volume of the coaching manual: 9 pages. Attached to the training manual: an audio file (12:04 min.) And a detailed theory block for the exercise.

  • Super warm-up "Throw the ball faster!"

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  • 5.1. Fundamentals of business communication strategy.
  • 5.2. Tactics and technologies of business communication.
  • 5.3. Manipulations in business communication and their neutralization

Fundamentals of Business Communication Strategy

Each organization in the course of its life develops certain strategies, tactics and technologies for the implementation of long-term and current plans. In the field of business communication, their development and application have the greatest difficulties and obstacles, as they are associated with the need to take into account many patterns of the functioning of the "human factor", its manifestations in the specific conditions of the organization.

It is important for managers of all ranks to understand the relationship between strategic goals (large-scale goals of the organization in the field of production, expanding product markets, gaining and maintaining leadership in the competition), tactical plans and actions (ways to achieve strategic goals - the acquisition of new technologies and equipment, professional training and development personnel) and techniques (development of methods for professional selection and motivation of personnel, product quality control, staff cohesion).

The overall strategy of the organization, usually formulated by top management, defines the goals of the organization and how to achieve them. This is carried out within the framework strategic management in organizations.

Strategic management is a system of purposeful actions of the organization, leading to a long-term excess of the level of performance of the organization over the level of performance of competitors.

The task of strategic management is to prepare the organization for possible changes in the market situation, to withstand the adverse effects of the external environment in the long term.

The strategic management process, like any management process, is revealed through interrelated management functions: basic and specific. But the content of some basic functions changes and new specific management functions appear.

The relevance of such management is caused by changes in the business environment. These changes are:

  • - increase in the dynamism of the external environment of the organization;
  • - the emergence of new needs;
  • - increased competition for resources;
  • - internationalization and globalization of business;
  • - increasing role of scientific and technical progress and innovations;
  • - availability of modern technologies;
  • - development of information networks, which makes it possible to quickly disseminate and receive information;
  • - changing the role of human resources in the organization.

The overall strategy of the organization organically includes the strategy of business communication, which is a set of principles and methods of individual and group work with personnel in the interests of mobilizing them to solve near and distant goals of the organization.

In socio-psychological terms, the "goal" is the perceived result of the activity of an individual, a group of people (any community). The content of the goal to a certain extent is determined by the means of achieving it and the motivation of people in relation to it.

Goals can be distant, close, socially valuable or harmful (asocial), altruistic or selfish, professionally significant, creative, etc.

The strategic goals of the organization in the field of business communication in the context of its structural divisions(groups, microgroups, temporary teams) are specified in relation to employees, specialists, formal and informal leaders in the form of short-term (phased) goals and objectives. Objectives should be clear, focused, and certainly provide a sense of the way the work is done and the objectives that lead to success.

In psychological and pedagogical terms, significant goals (tasks) induce, mobilize, direct the will and behavior of employees. It is desirable for a manager as an organizer of professional interaction to take into account that each employee, as a member of a particular group (microgroup), sets a goal based on needs, interests, or awareness and acceptance of the tasks that are put forward by the manager or leader due to social ties and dependencies.

This happens at the individual and group level. goal setting. In effectively functioning business communication, goal-setting (at the strategic and tactical levels) plays a leading role, since the main elements in its structure are thinking, consideration, emotions, feelings and behavioral motives.

Hence the need for the manager to know the individual psychological characteristics of his subordinates, timely adjustments of the tactics and technology of business communication, taking into account the specifics of the professional activities of the personnel in line with the strategic goals of the organization.

The interrelation of strategy, tactics and technology of business communication in the conditions of the organization is clearly reflected in fig. one.

Rice. 1. Cultural and historical environment. Strategy Relationship(WITH), tactics (T) and techniques, methods and means (P) of business communication

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people. According to the goals and means of communication, they are divided into ideal (when people exchange ideas, ideas, experiences) and material (when people communicate through certain objects). When talking about means of communication, they mean the means by which people interact with each other or exchange information (words or gestures, facial expressions, etc.). If we are talking about communication techniques, then these are ways of encoding, transmitting information or influencing people on each other. Sometimes they talk about channels of communication - these are the ways or directions along which information is transmitted from one person to another.

Communication as a communicative activity is characterized by such concepts as "goals", "strategy", "tactics". The communicative goals of a person are determined by his needs, in particular: the need to interact with other people; need for information; the need for knowledge of oneself and the other, for self-actualization. However, the condition for effective communication is its correctly chosen strategy and tactics for its implementation. They say that a good chess player is something that provides for the situation at least two steps ahead, that is, as a rule, the one who is the best strategist wins. The world's leading schools define strategy in different ways: both as a unique and consistent way in which value is created, and as a generalizing model of the actions necessary to achieve the set goals, and as a principled decision on how to overcome everything that interferes with the achievement of the goal. Based on this, we can say that the communication strategy is general scheme actions or a general plan to achieve a goal, and tactics - the development of sequential actions that lead to the achievement of a specific goal. The strategy is to find and develop an individual, unique course of action, this is the creation of a special kind of value. Detachment from the results process strategy is wrong. According to M. Porter, the choice of strategy or non-strategy (which is more common) is influenced by everything that a person thinks about others, as well as how she evaluates herself and her capabilities. In general, there are a lot of people capable of strategic thinking, but among them there are only a few of those who, communicating with others, manifest themselves as strategists. These people seem to see something that will definitely take place sometime. They listen to others more than they speak themselves, they feel responsible for other people, for the cause, for the organization. And, according to observations, they live and work not for the sake of money, but according to the principle "to be".

Any business communication involves the solution of strategic and tactical tasks. A specific expected result is a tactical task of business communication. But it, in turn, may provide for the solution of a strategic task - the establishment of long-term business contacts.

To create an effective strategy in business communication, a manager should take into account certain patterns that determine the processes of interpersonal relationships, namely, that:

People's perception of external influences depends on their psychological structures;

A person's self-esteem is not adequate and she does not understand the other in the way that he would like;

When information is transmitted, it is lost or distorted;

The nature of communication is influenced by the instinct of human self-preservation (especially status, freedom, dignity);

There is a compensation of some qualities of a person by others, shortcomings in one - by positive qualities in another.

Whether or not a change in strategy requires a radical restructuring of the communication process, for which preparatory work should be carried out, tactics should be changed. When it comes to tactics, then the variance of behavior (depending on the situation) and its maneuverability (they get the style, methods, forms, etc.) are determined. The same strategy when dealing with different people can be achieved using various tactics. their selection depends on the individual's attitudes towards moral values, his interests, as well as on the ability to recognize the psychological characteristics of his interlocutors and use psychological mechanisms interactions.

When considering the nature of communication, style is traditionally distinguished as its integrated characteristics. By style is understood, of course, a system of techniques for influencing the behavior of other people. The manager's communication styles correspond to management styles, so they can be described as authoritarian, democratic, and liberal.

With an authoritarian style, the manager uses tough communication techniques, gives instructions, instructions, gives orders. He does not like it when others take the initiative, does not want to argue with him, discuss his decisions. That manager who adheres to an authoritarian style of communication, for example, in the presence of a problem will say this: "In connection with the problem, I demand that you do this and that ...". With a liberal style of communication, problems are discussed formally, while the manager is exposed to various influences, does not show initiative in joint activities. That manager who adheres to this style of communication will say this: "We have a problem, go, think and do as you like." The democratic style, on the contrary, assumes that the activity of the participants in the communication and their initiative are supported, the tasks and methods for their implementation are discussed, and the opinion of each participant in the communication is respected. That manager who adheres to the democratic style will say this: "We have a problem. What do you think is the best thing for us to do in this situation ...". That is, if for an authoritarian style of communication it is characteristic to highlight one's "I", then for a democratic one it is a typical pronoun "We". This is the most effective style communication for the manager.

Psychologists also distinguish communication styles by focus - on another or on themselves. If a person easily agrees with others, then they say that she has a malleable style. If the interlocutor seeks to achieve success in communication and activities, controlling others, his style is called aggressive. If a person maintains an emotional distance, independence in communication, her style is considered aloof. In addition, there are also such styles: altruistic (helping others), manipulative (achieving one's own goal at the expense of another) and missionary ( careful influence). As a rule, in real life managers show such styles of communication: joint creative activity; friendly affection; communication as a distance; communication as intimidation; communication as flirting.

Communicating, people discover various stereotypes of behavior, which are called the communication model. Among them, for example, are:

"Mont Blanc" (dictatorial model). For a person who demonstrates such a model of communication, detachment from the interlocutor is characteristic; the idea of ​​all people as a gray mass; creating a large distance between yourself and others; superiority, emphasizing one's social status or age; using communication primarily to receive or transmit information;

"Chinese Wall" (non-contact model). At the same time, unwillingness to cooperate is characteristic; large psychological distance; lack of feedback;

"Teterev" (hyporeflexive model). At the same time, there is a lot of self-centeredness. Such a person listens only to himself; she has no reactions to interlocutors; she does not know how to conduct a dialogue;

"Hamlet" (hypreflexive model). For such a person, it is important how the interlocutors perceive it; she reveals incredulity, resentment, often inadequately reacts to others;

"Robot" (hard response). Such a person does not know how to conduct a dialogue, does not perceive changes in the situation and the mood of the interlocutor; She is not interested in feedback. At the same time, rigid logic, communication according to a previously compiled program are characteristic;

"Locator" (differential attention). For such a person, the orientation is characteristic not of all interlocutors, but only of their friends (or enemies), the allocation of so-called favorites;

"Union" (active interaction). For a person who adheres to this model of communication, the ability to conduct a dialogue, attentive listening to others, maintaining a positive mood among the interlocutors, and attempts to make decisions through joint efforts are characteristic; the presence of direct and feedback links.

Although each of us is a unique person, the set of models, communication stereotypes is small. Of course, two or three models are used. Of these, the Soyuz model is the most effective. Other models are built on mechanisms psychological protection and the manager should not use them as communication will not be effective.

In any interaction strategy, the status of a partner is of great importance, and not a permanent status, but the status “here and now”, at the moment of communication. One of the possible ways to understand communication is to perceive the position of partners, as well as their positions relative to each other. Above, we considered the positions from the point of view of the interaction "leader - slave", now we will dwell on other positions in communication.

Usually positions in communication are considered in line with transactional analysis. This direction in psychology was developed in the 60s. 20th century American psychologist and psychiatrist Eric Berne. The most popular and practical use received a scheme developed by him, in which Eric Berne distinguishes three modes of behavior: Parent, Child, Adult. At any moment, each person can be in the state of either an Adult, or a Parent, or a Child, and depending on this state, interaction is carried out, the positions and status of participants in joint activities are determined.

Each type of state is important to the participants in the interaction:

  • partner-Parent knows everything, understands everything, never doubts, demands from everyone, is responsible for everything;
  • partner-Adult soberly, realistically analyzes, does not give in to emotions, thinks logically;
  • The Child partner is emotional, impulsive and illogical.

Group communication as a business interaction can also be viewed from the standpoint of the orientation of its participants to control or understanding.

Orientation to control implies the desire of one of the participants in business interaction to control and manage the situation and the behavior of other people, which is accompanied by a desire to dominate the interaction. The “controllers” speak more themselves, their strategy is to force the partners in joint activities to accept their plan of interaction and impose their tactics of action, their understanding of the situation.

Understanding orientation includes the desire to understand the situation and other people. At the same time, human behavior is based on the concept of equality of partners, therefore, as a rule, it is aimed at achieving mutual satisfaction with the course of interaction. Those who want to understand another usually listen carefully to the interlocutors, observe, analyze. They try to understand the other as best as possible, adapt to him, sometimes even adapt.

Thus, in the process of interaction, partners implement their plans, goals and decide professional problems. In the course of interaction, the behavior of the participants in communication, as noted earlier, may change, as general approaches to a joint decision to achieve the desired result.

Among the participants in communication there are people who are calm and indifferent to various situations, maintaining balance and the ability to make optimal decisions, and those who are prone to conflict behavior. Traditionally, all psychological literature did and does focus on the "resolution" of the conflict, emphasizing that the conflict can and must be resolved or eliminated (from Latin - exclude, remove). The goal of conflict resolution was to achieve an ideal conflict-free state where people interact in complete harmony with themselves and others. However, everyday practice and its analysis have introduced new nuances into the study of this problem, it turned out that:

  1. most efforts to completely eliminate conflicts through interaction have been futile;
  2. conflicts, in addition to a negative function, can also have a positive beginning, they can be constructive.

Based on the foregoing, K. Thomas was the first to propose a new approach to the study of conflicts, in which the emphasis was placed on managing them. He proposed to focus on the following problems of studying conflicts: what forms of behavior in conflict situations are characteristic of people, which of them are more productive or destructive, and how all phases of the conflict can be managed and constructive behavior stimulated. To describe the possible types of people's behavior in conflict situations, K. Thomas used a two-dimensional model of interaction conflict regulation, the fundamental dimensions of which are cooperation (taking into account the interests of another) involved in the conflict and assertiveness, energy, which is characterized by an emphasis on protecting one's own interests.

To demonstrate the results, K. Thomas developed a special questionnaire (presented at the end of the chapter), with which you can determine your predisposition to a particular strategy or flexibility, i.e. the ability to change strategies depending on the goal of joint work, the current situation, the characteristics of partners in interaction and their personal characteristics. The test results allow us to state the individual strategies of the participants in the interaction and to implement comparative analysis own observations, self-assessments of each with what teammates think about them.

K. Thomas singled out the following five ways of regulating destructive interaction in this scheme.

  • Rivalry (competition). It seems obvious to one of the participants in the interaction that the solution he proposes is the best, hence the desire to achieve satisfaction of his interests to the detriment of the other appears, especially since there is no other choice and nothing to lose. An attempt is made to influence others, to draw one's own line, because the end justifies the means.
  • Avoidance. The absence of both the desire for cooperation and the tendency to achieve their own goals. The avoidant person, who cares most about his own health, believes that the subject of the dispute is irrelevant to the problem under discussion, leads away, and at the same time is a symptom of other, more serious problems. Therefore, further study of the situation and search additional information about the nature of destructive interaction seem to him more preferable than the immediate adoption of any decision.
  • fixture. In contrast to rivalry, a person sacrifices his own interests for the sake of another person. The goal, which is the desire to maintain peace and good relations with other people, the restoration of calm and stability, and not the resolution of conflict relationships and not even the solution of the problem.
  • Compromise(mutual concession as a neutral option). This strategy, since it is necessary to make an urgent decision with time pressure, is preferred by those participants in the interaction who have the same power and have mutually exclusive interests. As a rule, they are focused not only on the business, on the final result, but also on maintaining relationships with the participants in the interaction.
  • Cooperation. The participants in the situation, analyzing the problem and making a decision, come to a consensus (from Latin - consent, unanimity), which fully satisfies the interests of all parties. This strategy is preferred when the participants in the interaction, despite the disagreements that have arisen, still want to discuss some ideas and work on developing a joint solution, a project. The team has enough time to work on the problem that has arisen, and the person who proposes this interaction strategy owns the technologies of collective decision making.

According to K. Thomas, when avoiding conflict, neither side will succeed (this can even be imagined speculatively). With such forms of behavior as competition, adaptation and compromise, either one of the participants wins and the other loses, or both lose because they make concessions to each other. And only one strategy - cooperation - brings benefits to all participants in group interaction. Possession of strategies will allow participants in joint activities to better understand in which situations of business communication certain strategies are most appropriate or what guides a participant in conflict interaction when choosing a particular strategy. It is especially important to use communication strategies flexibly during a discussion or business meeting.

Thus, for each person effective work with others, it is necessary to know your leading interaction strategies and, if necessary, develop flexibility in their use, taking into account the goals set, the characteristics of other people, adjusting to their tactics and behavior strategies. At the same time, the competent use of interaction strategies may not lead to success if the interlocutor demonstrates negative traits character, low level of emotional culture, i.e. provokes destructive communication.