How to sit on the twine effective exercises for beginners.

  • 20.10.2019

One of the most bright ways demonstrating flexibility - transverse twine. Every girl at least once, but wanted to surprise others and, first of all, herself with a stretch and impress. Twine is used in many types of physical activity - in dancing, martial arts, and for rhythmic gymnasts, longitudinal and transverse twine is a mandatory element of the program.

In order to sit on the transverse twine, you will need to make a lot of effort. But how beautiful!

The difficulty lies in the fact that the transverse twine is considered the most difficult type of stretching and for many it remains a dream due to insufficient perseverance or physique. Practice shows that it is not so difficult to realize a dream, because the main thing is to have a desire and strive to achieve your goal. Are you ready to make your wishes come true? Let's learn how to sit on the transverse twine.

On the way to the twine - five basic rules

Of course, the first time you won’t be able to say the magic “alle op” - and now you are already sitting in the splits. Let's start simple - with the basic rules that will be useful to you in the process of stretching.

We proceed to the main thing - to stretching on the transverse twine. Performing a simple set of exercises day after day, you will significantly increase your flexibility, which means you will come closer to fulfilling your cherished desire. Here are a few exercises that will allow you to warm up the muscles and tendons before the longitudinal and transverse twine.


The butterfly exercise will help you do the splits faster.

This exercise increases the flexibility of the groin tendons and stretches inside hips.

  • Sit on the floor, bend your knees and connect your feet. Try to pull your heels closer to your body, and try to press your knees with your hands to the floor.
  • Pay attention to your position - when performing the exercise, the back should be straight.
  • In the butterfly position, place your hands in front of your feet and lean forward. The knees are pressed to the floor as much as possible, the back is straight.


Stretch your body to the floor with a straight back.

This exercise is very effective for stretching the back and inner surface hips, as well as hamstrings.

  • Sit on the floor, spread your legs to the side as wide as possible. Legs should be straight and toes pointed up.
  • Stretch your arms out in front of you and lean forward. Your task is to “put” the chest on the floor so that your body lies “like a pancake”. Stretch in this position for several minutes.
  • Then, with your arms outstretched in front of you, stretch first to the left leg (ideally, the body should lie on the leg, and the arms should wrap around the feet), and then to the right.
  • Do 5-7 sets of 10 tilts for each leg.

Touching the toes

This exercise focuses on the area under the knee. Stretching on the transverse twine will become possible after you work comprehensively on developing the flexibility of the lower body.

  • Stand on the floor with your legs straight and feet together. Lean towards the floor - you should touch your toes with your fingers. Do not bend your knees, linger on each slope for 40-60 seconds
  • You can also perform the exercise while sitting. The principle is the same - you should touch your legs with your fingers, your back should be straight, and your knees should be even. Once you have mastered the stretch, you should be able to wrap your arms around your feet.

We stretch our elbows to the floor

This is also a very important exercise, it can be performed immediately before sitting on the transverse twine.

  • In a standing position, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward (legs are straight) and try to reach your hands to the floor. Your “maximum” task is to put your elbows on the floor.
  • In a standing position (feet shoulder-width apart), try to grab your ankles. Bend over to the right ankle first, then to the left. Do this exercise for 5 sets of 10 reps.

We sit on the twine

Now, after you have done all the exercises, you can finally try to sit on the transverse twine.

  • Squat down, put your hands on the floor in front of you. Now slowly spread your legs to the sides, trying to straighten them completely.
  • Stay in this position for as long as possible, then return to the starting position. Let the muscles rest and do the splits again. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

Twine is the dream of many girls. At all times, gymnasts, ballerinas, or just women with a good stretch have amazed men. Agree that splits, the ability to do various gymnastic pirouettes look very impressive.

Before stretching, be sure to warm up the muscles so as not to get injured.

If you have never done stretching, but really want to develop your flexibility, then read this article to the end, as in it we will give helpful tips on stretching for beginners and tell you which twine exercises are especially effective.

So, if you have firmly decided to sit on the twine, then you need to understand that the main thing in this matter is constancy in classes, as well as the correct execution of exercises. This can be explained by the fact that if you exercise regularly, 3-4 times a week, you will be able to achieve what you want, but if you train from time to time, then it will be extremely difficult for you to stretch and it will take much longer.

The correct execution of exercises for twine and general stretching is very important. important point, since during stretching, with improper exercise or too much load, it is very easy to damage the ligaments and muscles, which can lead to injury for life.

Therefore, the easiest option for stretching at home is to practice video lessons, fortunately, they can be easily found on the Internet or you can use the video below. So you can see how to properly perform twine lessons for beginners. In the video, you can understand how to hold your back, pull your toe and other subtleties of proper stretching.

Whatever your level of physical fitness, you can sit on the twine at almost any age. Of course, with age, muscles and ligaments become less flexible, "wooden", but this does not mean that it is impossible to stretch them. It just takes more effort and more time.

The twine stretching exercises for beginners and advanced levels are essentially the same, the only difference is that when taking the first steps in stretching, you are unlikely to be able to perform the workout as well as an advanced level.

Do not try immediately, in your first workouts, to achieve great results through severe pain. Of course, stretching muscles is a rather painful process, but you still need to listen to your body and maintain a balance between comfort and pain. If you, in pursuit of quick results, begin to load your body very heavily, then, most likely, it will not do without injuries. And it is important for us, first of all, to take care of our health.

Also, it should be understood that muscle flexibility is partly the result of genetics and the initial data is different for everyone. Someone will need two weeks to sit on the twine, and someone six months. Don't be discouraged if you don't reach your goal in a short amount of time, just keep training. And if you see progress, even if it is small, then you are on the right track, and you will definitely achieve the desired result and sit on the splits.

Sit on the twine for beginners

So, in order to sit on the twine for beginners, you need to know some rules that beginners often forget about.

Firstly, before directly stretching the muscles you need to warm up. This can be done in two ways. The first is to soak in a hot bath. The second is to do any cardio workout, it can be jogging, jumping or something else. In my opinion, the second way is preferable. At home, before stretching, you can jump rope for 10-15 minutes. You should not skip this point, because the heated ligaments and muscles stretch much better and the risk of harming yourself is significantly reduced.

The next moment of proper stretching is uniformity. That is, the muscles should be stretched about the same, for example, on the left leg, and on the right. If you sit on the twine on your right leg lower than on your left, then just on the left you need to work harder to achieve an even stretch.

Also, while stretching, pull not only your legs to sit on the twine, be sure to stretch in general, doing exercises to stretch your back and arms.

After you have warmed up your muscles, let's proceed directly to the twine exercises for beginners.

Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. With a straight back, try to reach the floor with your palms, if you can't, try to reach as low as possible. This exercise stretches the hamstrings and back muscles.

a) a fold; b) twisting

Next, sit on the floor, legs straight in front of you together, make oblique movements towards your legs, trying to lie on them with your stomach. Repeat 10-15 times. Next, at the lowest point, fix the position and linger in it for a minute. This exercise is very effective and is called the "fold".

From the "fold" we do the following exercise. We leave one leg in front of us, bend the second at the knee and also make oblique movements forward, then linger for a minute at the bottom point. Then we do the exercise on the second leg.

a) half-twine lunge; b) fold with touch

The next exercise is also done first on one, then on the other leg. We bend one leg in front of us at the knee, the bend angle should be 90 degrees, put the second leg on the knee from behind, rest our hands on the floor and begin to alternately bend and unbend the legs at the knee. This exercise is very effective for longitudinal twine.

Next, we try to sit on the longitudinal twine, on one and the other leg, try to unbend your knees and press with your pelvis to sit as low as possible. It is important to sit for five minutes at the lowest point. At first it will hurt you, but then the muscles will get used to it. Slide carefully from the twine, otherwise you risk injury.

Exercises for transverse twine

So, transverse twine is a more complex type of twine than longitudinal. The standard period for which you can usually sit on the transverse twine "from scratch" is six months.

In fact, there are not so many exercises for the transverse split, and the most important of them is to try to sit on the transverse split. But some workouts can help you, and we will talk about them now.

The first exercise is the "frog". Sit on the floor, keep your back straight, bend your knees and connect your feet with the soles, you can help keep them together with your hands. Now try to reach the floor with your knees, do springy actions with your knees to the floor. Hold at the bottom for a few minutes. You will feel a stretch in your groin and inner thigh muscles. Then try tilting your back down.

Then, move on to the next exercise. Stand on your elbows, and lean on your knees from behind, and try to push your back down so that your legs move apart in different directions. Hold at the bottom for a few minutes.

Then proceed to the transverse twine, try to sit on the twine as low as you can, try to lean not on your palms, but on your elbows. Each time you will get better and better and in the end you will be able to overcome the transverse twine.

In summary, a good stretch is not the result of genetics, as many believe, but an achievement that can be achieved through perseverance and constant training. Remember that stretching is not only beautiful and spectacular, but first of all it is a step towards a healthy musculoskeletal system for many years to come.

Practice regularly, believe in yourself, and you will definitely achieve high results!

How to learn to do twine in 1 day - this question pops up involuntarilyhead while watching the famous video with Jean-Claude Van Damme.

It is also important to adhere to the following nuances:

  1. Always warm up before stretching. detailed plan exercises are listed below. Only in this way will you eliminate the possibility of injury, which is a danger to an unprepared body.
  2. Increase the number of workouts gradually: do them every other day, then every day. Particularly violent fans stretch in the morning and evening. Just remember that it is more difficult to do this immediately after waking up, because the blood after a long sleep has not yet warmed up to the optimal level, the muscles and joints are not in good shape. But that doesn't mean you should avoid them altogether. Enhanced Level complexity leads to better results.
  3. Make sure that all exercises do not take place on a slippery surface. This greatly increases the chance of damage.
  4. Never sag towards the floor at the expense of your knees. Remember, the joints and back should not hurt either before or after the training. If discomfort is present, your technique requires an urgent review.
  5. Do not under any circumstances work in pairs. No one, except yourself, feels tension in the ligaments at the moment. One wrong move and you can damage or tear tissue. Alas, there are too many such stories to ignore. If you resort to the lessons of a coach, listen to his advice, but do not ask for "help" to sit deeper or arch more with the help of pressure.
  6. Practice by looking at your watch or stopwatch. This will help you accurately track your incremental progress and more smoothly increase the load time.
  7. Do not exercise in a cold room. If there is no choice, additionally put on leggings or warm socks on sports leggings. Ligaments do not like cold.

Before starting classes, make sure that you do not have the diseases and injuries listed below.

Split is achievable for any age, even 40+, but some ailments seriously limit our aspirations:

  1. Cracks in the bones of the pelvis or legs
  2. Inflammatory processes in the hip joints
  3. Severe bruises
  4. Sudden pressure surges
  5. Lower back pain
  6. Injuries in the spine
  7. Joint diseases

Tip: always pull the toe towards you while stretching, this is not ballet.

Why is flexibility needed at all? How to learn to do twine in a month? Warm up - the golden rule of stretching without injury

Have you ever noticed that after working days, the body does not seem to be particularly tense, but is it?

Throughout the day, you involuntarily experience small contractions that affect the muscles of the entire body.

Start your workout with a warm up

It is this tension that gives such an effect. This is another “hole” where strength and health flow.

Having made it a rule to warm up and stretch every day, it becomes possible to reduce energy loss and.

In addition, coordination of movements improves, as the muscles will always be in good shape.

Getting some new sports skill will become much easier. Your next request will most likely sound like this: how to learn to do splits in the air? - and lead to new achievements.

Don't forget the vessels. Such exercises train the elastic component on their walls.

Stretch all parts of the body

It is he who helps the heart to cope with the flow of blood, preventing hemorrhages.

Strong and elastic vessels prevent the appearance of varicose veins.

A good stretch relieves stress from the main "channels", distributing it to the spare ones, thus, by which the body is not constantly used. In many ways, the work of internal organs improves.

Now that you are sufficiently motivated and in a hurry to meet your health and wellness, let's start the warm-up.

This will help wake up and prepare the body for unusual sensations:

  1. Stretch your neck by turning your head to both sides. Remember that the driving force is the head, not the neck. Do all movements slowly and measuredly.
  2. Perform alternate shoulder lifts, they are always injured willingly. After that, put your hands behind your back and close them in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades. Repeat for the other hand.
  3. Stretch your arms to the sides and twist around your axis, then bend down and touch each leg in turn (“windmill”). Lie down on the floor and rise up with outstretched arms. Feel the tension in your abs.
  4. Run in place (overlapping). Keep your spine straight. Now alternately throw your knees forward for about three minutes. Then just jump in place. It is important to connect both legs at the same time. Land softly.
  5. Go to the wall and rest your hands on it. Perform alternating leg swings from side to side. Try in a natural position for the body, take the thigh as high as possible.
  6. Jump in place, but now we spread our legs and arms wide in a jump and bring them together. At the top point, touch each other's palms. Continue to move in the same way, but put your hands on your belt, and at the bottom point, perform a light plié.

Tip: how to learn how to do twine at home, a video suitable for this will help. Be sure to compare your ideas with visual practical exercises from a pro.

A complete list of twine exercises

  1. Put your feet wider than your shoulders. Squat down, resting all your weight on one of them. Slowly straighten it to the end at the knee, pull the toe towards you (hands on the belt). Make light oscillatory movements up and down. If it is difficult for you to take such a position right away, rest your palms on the floor, this will help you maintain balance. Mirroring is supported in this and subsequent exercises. That is, it is repeated alternately for two sides of the body.
  2. Take a big step forward and rest your hands on your lead knee. Gradually bend down until you feel a growing tension in your thighs. Repeat the same on the other side.
  3. Sit on the floor and spread your legs wide. Some girls prefer to rest their feet against the wall for the best result (harder fixation). Sitting with a straight back, try to lie to the side and touch your toes with your hands. The first time, most likely, you will not succeed. Don't be afraid, the main thing is not to stop trying. The duration of each exercise is about a minute.
  4. Sit on the floor. Feet lie on both sides of the pelvis (pressed). Swing to get down completely. It is allowed to lean on the floor with your hands and adjust your own weight. Lean forward until your stomach is on your feet. Lie back the same way.
  5. Sit on the floor, press the soles to each other. Slowly try to touch your knees to the floor, while slightly springing. Lean forward and stretch to lie on your feet. Help yourself with your hands.
  6. Stretch one leg forward and bend the other and place it on her thigh. Stretch first with one hand to the toe, and then with both. Move the bent limb behind the thigh. Put it on the surface and again "bow" to the straight leg.
  7. Take a V-shaped position, but put one of the legs behind your back, leave the other straight. First stretch your hands to the straight toe, then to the bent leg.
  8. Sitting on the floor, straighten both limbs. Lie with your chest on your knees, holding your hands on your feet.
  9. We are located exactly the same as described in the previous paragraph. With both hands we grab the foot and straighten the leg up. It is necessary to do 15 exercises, lingering for a while.
  10. Spread your legs to the sides. Alternately lean towards both socks, and then forward, supporting the body with your hands. Lie down harder and harder until you can touch your feet with your palms. If you have successfully mastered the previous exercises, now you can sit on the longitudinal twine, leaning on your hands. After a series of forward bends, move to the transverse. If you entered this position for the first time - try to normalize breathing and relax, this significantly affects the level of flexibility and reduces the chances of injury.

Tip: Exercise as often as possible, but not until you are fully recovered. Strong painful sensations should not be, although unpleasant ones will still be present.

Finally, look how to learn how to do twine on the proposed video. We hope it clears up all the remaining questions:

Now a lot of girls dream of learning how to sit on the twine. There are a lot of articles on the Internet on this topic, where they promise that in just a week you can learn how to do it.

Why do you need to be able to sit on the twine?

  1. Firstly, by doing stretching exercises, you can have beautiful legs, toned hips and buttocks.
  2. All these exercises strengthen the spine. You will have a beautiful posture and your back will hurt less.
  3. Muscles are strengthened and trained. When you fall, you will be less likely to twist your leg or strain your muscles.
  4. You will become more flexible.
  5. The ability to slightly lengthen the legs by 1-2 centimeters, because. you are stretching your joints.
  6. Good for joints.

Is it possible to quickly sit on the twine?

But not everyone knows that everything is not so simple here. In fact, not every girl can learn this in a week. For 7 days, only those girls who are physically already well prepared will be able to sit on the twine. Those girls who lack no more than 10 cm before the twine.

It is impossible for ordinary girls who do not exercise regularly to do this in such a short time. If you don’t know how, you can do the splits only after a couple of months of training.

To sit on the splits you will have to train your muscles and flexibility of the whole body.

How long does it take to learn to sit on a twine?

At ordinary person muscles are stretched by only 3-4 cm per month. And then, this is if you consider that you will train them intensively every day. Now calculate how many centimeters to the floor you are missing? It usually takes a couple of months to sit on the splits, and sometimes a year if you are not very flexible.

What factors affect flexibility and stretch?

Each person will need a different amount of time to learn how to sit on the twine. It's all individual. What influences this?

  • Floor.

Women tend to be more flexible than men. In addition, women are much easier to tolerate large physical exercise. Therefore, it is believed that it is easier and faster for women to learn to sit on the twine.

  • Age.

Obviously, the younger you are, the easier it is for you to do stretching exercises. Children are more flexible, their ligaments are still easy to stretch. Therefore, children can learn to sit on the twine in a couple of days. But adults will find it more difficult. They will need much longer time to stretch their muscles.

  • natural data.

We all have a different body structure and flexibility. Someone without difficulty without any training can be flexible, but for someone, on the contrary, it’s hard. Also fat people much harder to learn.

  • Diet.

For muscle flexibility, how you eat is very important. You need to drink enough water per day (namely ordinary water) and eat food with plenty of protein. This diet will help the muscles recover after training.

  • Physical fitness.

People who are constantly involved in sports will find it easier to sit on the twine. Because their muscles are better prepared.

How to sit on a twine: where to start?

Before you start any stretching exercises, you must definitely warm up. Warm-up time should be at least 10 minutes. More welcome. The warm-up includes jumping in place, running in place and squats. After warming up, your muscles warm up, and stretching exercises will become easier and safer for you.

Exercises to sit on the twine

  • After the warm-up, it is very useful to do the leg swings. To do this, stand with your back to the wall and lift each of your legs in turn. You need to do at least 15-20 swings for each leg. Raise your legs as high as you can. Make sure your back is straight.

Now lean on the back of a chair and swing your legs back. 10 times for each leg. After that, we also do side swings. Also 10 times.

Gradually, you will be able to raise your legs as high as possible.

Leg swings warm up your muscles and stretch your legs well.

  • Now let's move on to the lunges. We do a lunge in turn with each leg about 20 times.
  • The next exercise should be done lying on your back. Stretch your arms to the sides and take turns trying to pull your leg towards your face. You can help with your hand.
  • Now let's do a very useful exercise called a butterfly. Sit in Turkish (feet connected together, knees bent). In this position, try to lower your knees to the floor as much as possible.
  • A very important exercise is rolling. You need to smoothly roll from one foot to the other.
  • Now let's move on to slopes. Tilts are best done while sitting. Sit on the floor and try to reach your socks. And so several times.
  • Now it is useful to repeat the slopes only while standing. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and begin to slowly lean forward. Don't bend your knees. Stay like this for 30 seconds, then you can straighten up.
  • We get on one knee, and stretch the other leg in front of us. We stretch in this position for 30 seconds, then change legs.
  • Stand up, keep your back straight. Now we bend the left leg and press the heel to the buttock. The leg can be held with one or both hands. We strain the muscles and stand like this for 40 seconds. Then we change legs. This exercise stretches the muscles of the front of the thigh well.
  • Now we sit on the floor. We bend the left leg at the knee, and stretch the right leg forward and turn slightly to the right. With your right hand, try to reach the toe of your right foot. Hold on like this for 60 seconds. Then change legs and repeat the exercise.
  • Sitting on the floor, straighten your legs forward. Pull the toes as high as possible. Straighten your back, take a deep breath and slowly bend your back forward as you exhale. We tilt our back as much as possible, and put our hands near our legs. Hold on like this for 60 seconds. Then the starting position and repeat again. This exercise is very good for stretching and calf muscles, and the muscles of the back of the thigh.
  • Now we sit on the floor. We spread our legs to the maximum width that you can (see that it does not hurt you). Grab your feet with your hands and bend your chest down to the floor. At the same time, try to keep your back straight. We linger in this position for 15 seconds and straighten up to the starting position. We repeat this several times.
  • Now we need a chair or table. Put one foot on the table and stand up straight. We begin to slowly lean forward. We do not bend our knees. We are trying to lean as low as possible. Hold for 10 seconds and get up. Then change legs and repeat the exercise.
  • We lay down on the floor on our back. Now we raise our legs at a right angle. We spread our legs to the sides as far as possible. We try to keep them in this position for about a minute. Then we connect the legs together and gently release. Rest a little and repeat the exercise again. Try to do this exercise at least 5-6 times. In the following days, increase by one time.
  • We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. The back is straight. Raise the right leg and bend it at the knee. Then we press to the chest and take it to the side. Try to get as far away as possible. You can help yourself with this. Hold for 10 seconds and return to the starting position. Then change legs and repeat the exercise.
  • We sit on the floor, the back is straight. We move our legs to the side. We lean to the left leg, then to the right, then we lean forward. We return to the starting position. Make sure your knees are straight. With each tilt, we linger for 15 seconds. We repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • We lay down on the floor on our stomach. We bend our legs at the knees and reach with our hands to the feet. At the same time, we raise our head up. We try to hold out in this position for 40 seconds. Then we relax and rest. We repeat the exercise several times.
  • Now we stretch our arms forward in the same position lying on our stomach, and arch our backs. Hold on for 30 seconds and rest.

We make a bridge and stand like this for 1 minute.

All these exercises are very beneficial for the spine.

We get on our knees and tilt back, while holding hands on our legs. We stand like this for 1 minute.

  • We sit on the floor, stretch our legs in front of us. Now we are trying to throw each leg in turn behind the neck. We do the exercise as much as possible. Each time you will get better and better.
  • Sitting on the floor, join your legs together. Now try to push your legs apart with your elbows. We repeat this 10 times.

Relax your muscles between exercises. All exercises can be performed in any order that suits you. You can skip some exercises.

How to sit on a twine: how to do stretching exercises correctly?

In order not to harm your body and perform all exercises without injury, you need to know the following rules:

  • Don't forget to warm up before your workout. Muscles and ligaments need to be warmed up and prepared for stress. To do this, you can at least just jump over the rope for a couple of minutes. Running in place will do. To warm up, you can take a warm shower and bath for 10 minutes.
  • Remember that relaxed muscles stretch more easily. Therefore, it is necessary, when performing exercises, to relax as much as possible and not to strain. In order to make it easier to relax, you need to choose a comfortable position for the exercise.
  • When the muscles are stretched, pain appears in this place. The pain should be mild and bearable. If the pain is severe, then the exercise should be stopped.
  • The workout should be about half an hour.
  • You need to repeat each exercise 20-30 times. If you can do more, then do it. But don't overdo it. Do each exercise calmly, without sudden movements. Choose the optimal rhythm for yourself and try to follow it until the end of the workout.

We train hands

In order to try to sit on the twine, you need strong hands, because you will need to keep your body on weight. Therefore, it is necessary to do exercises on the hands.

It is very useful to do push-ups from the floor. They strengthen both the muscles of your arms and the spine, which is important for splits.

If you have not done push-ups before, then you need to do it gradually. On the first day, it is enough to wring out only once. On the second, you already do push-ups twice. Etc. We add one every day. And so on up to 10. After the tenth day, we begin to reduce by one time. And so on up to one time. Thus, you will not strain your hands much, but at the same time train them.

We sit on the twine

Now you can try to sit on the twine. Try to do it very slowly. Try to spread your legs wider and wider, holding on to your hands. If you sat down on the twine and felt pain in the muscles, then immediately get up. If the pain has stopped, then you can sit like this for 20 seconds. Every day you will get better and better.

It is better to sit on the twine on a special fitness mat. On it you will be more convenient and comfortable to do it. It is also better to turn on pleasant music so that you can relax as much as possible.

  1. Do exercises regularly for 20 minutes, preferably twice a day (morning and evening).
  2. Training should begin only after at least two hours have passed after the last meal and an hour before meals.
  3. Don't exercise if your muscles hurt.
  4. Do the exercises smoothly, without sudden movements.
  5. During training, do not strain your muscles, relaxed muscles are easier to stretch.
  6. Choose comfortable clothes.
  7. For twine, it is best to wear socks, because. they glide well on the floor.
  8. Do not overstrain the muscles so that there are no sprains.
  9. You can drink some water during your workout.

Do not neglect the tips to properly sit on the twine. Good luck to you.

Girls, do not be lazy to do warm-up and stretching exercises every day or every other day if you want to achieve results. Once you've learned how to do the splits, don't forget to keep practicing at least a couple of times a week. This is necessary to maintain the result. Without training, gradually you will again not be able to sit on the twine. Work out best with music that will help you relax and at the same time keep the rhythm. And also, it is best to study with video lessons that can be downloaded via the Internet.

Twine is the dream of many. But what if you don't have natural flexibility? Is it possible to achieve the desired stretch if you are still very far from the goal? Can. The key to the result will be three factors: regularity, diligence and time.

We offer you the most useful tips on how to learn to sit on the twine, as well as the most effective exercises for twine. Even if you do not have much motivation to do the splits, remember that doing the suggested stretching exercises will be very beneficial for health. This is an increase in joint mobility, and an improvement in the functioning of the pelvic organs, and strengthening the muscles of the legs.

How do the splits?

1. The main condition for a good stretch is regularity. You should exercise 5-6 times a week. And if you want to boost the result, then do the twine exercises every day or even 2 times a day. Long breaks in stretching will throw you back a few steps.

2. Morning stretching, when the body has not yet warmed up, is considered the most effective. But your joints and muscles will be most supple by the end of the day, so it is very important to stretch in the morning and in the evening.

3. Before training, take hot shower, it will relax your muscles, make them more flexible.

4. Be sure to warm up your body before stretching.: jump or run well. It is advisable that you sweat a little. The warm-up should last at least 10 minutes. The better you are warmed up, the easier the twine exercises are.

5. Turn on some nice slow music. This will allow you to relax, let go of your fears and train more effectively.

6. In order to sit on the twine, you need an integrated approach to classes. Don't aim to develop only, for example, the muscles of the pelvic region and the hamstrings. The body is a single organism, which means that it is necessary to develop absolutely all the muscles and achieve the flexibility of all joints and tendons.

7. Start with a longitudinal twine, it is easier to achieve than a transverse one. After you sit on the longitudinal twine, proceed to attempts to perform the transverse one. But you can stretch in parallel for two twine at the same time.

8. Don't set yourself up for quick results. The Internet is full of articles “How to sit on the twine in one day, in 3 days, in a week” but don't fall for the big headlines. Listen to your body and don't force things.

9. Be prepared for pain. Stretching, from time to time you will feel discomfort in the muscles and ligaments. Such discomfort during twine exercises will accompany you constantly, so your classes are unlikely to be pleasant and relaxing.

10. You need to stretch with a relaxed body and deep breathing. Your muscles should not be tense! The deeper the breath, the better your body can stretch, which means you can sit on the splits faster.

11. Do not seek help from strangers so that they try to stretch you. This is fraught with injury. Better slowly but surely.

12. Use ready-made video training sets if you don’t like to train on your own or want to diversify your twine exercises.

13. You can perform twine exercises in several approaches. For example, they took a lunge position, reached maximum muscle tension, and lingered in this position for several minutes. Then we rested a little and returned to the lunge position again.

14. The least traumatic stretch is the static stretch, which involves holding one position for a few minutes. Use the stopwatch on your phone or wrist watch: in a static position you should be at least 1-2 minutes.

15. If you want to sit on the twine faster, then The total duration of your workout should be at least 30 minutes.

16. When stretching, pull the sock not from you, as in ballet, but towards you. This will further deepen the stretch.

17. If you want to sit on the twine faster, you can purchase additional tools for effective stretching: yoga blocks and yoga straps. These simple and inexpensive devices will make many split exercises much easier for you.

18. If you want to achieve faster results in twine exercises, then try yoga regularly. Through yoga, you will learn how to breathe properly, develop flexibility, stretch your muscles and open your joints. You can, for example, do yoga in the morning, stretching in the evening.

19. If you were able to sit on the twine, take your time to relax and rest on your laurels. In order to maintain the result, you need to continue to practice, otherwise there will be no trace of your flexibility.

20. Remember that each of us has different genetics. For someone, to sit on the twine, a week of regular training is enough, for someone, even a month will not be enough. If you have natural flexibility, it will be easier for you to sit on the twine.

V childhood it is much easier to work on stretching due to better joint mobility, softness of ligaments and muscles. Usually, children can easily sit on the twine, and with regular practice, they maintain a good stretch until adulthood. Therefore, you can train splits with children or younger brothers and sisters.

Exercises for transverse and longitudinal twine

We offer you a selection of the most effective exercises that will help you sit on the twine. These exercises for transverse and longitudinal twine must be performed 5-6 times a week for 40-60 minutes. Hold each pose for 2-3 minutes while stretching with deep breathing (you can use a timer). Try each time to deepen the position more and more, gradually stretching the muscles and ligaments. Use yoga blocks (or books) and a strap (towel) as needed.

Assume a lunge position, lower your back knee to the mat (if necessary, place a towel or pillow under your knee). Keep the lower leg of the other leg perpendicular to the floor, do not take the knee forward of the foot. Deepen the position, trying to pull the pelvis towards the floor. You can use yoga blocks. This is one of the easiest and most useful longitudinal split exercises!

Here and below, photos from the youtube channel are used: Allie The Journey Junkie

From a lunge position, lower your hands to the floor on either side of your foot. Grab right hand bent left leg, turning the body as shown in the picture. In this position, the leg muscles for the longitudinal twine are stretched even better.

In a lunge position, place both hands on the same side of the foot. If flexibility allows, lower your elbows to the floor. Use yoga blocks as a support if necessary. Each time, your leg muscles will stretch, and you will be able to bring yourself closer to the goal of sitting on the twine.

From a lunge position, straighten your front leg, knee tucked in. Lower your hands to the floor, try not to hunch over in your back. Feel how the hamstring is stretched with this split exercise. This will be useful for both transverse and longitudinal twine. Gradually move your front foot forward to deepen the position.

From a lunge position, lower your front leg to the floor, turning your leg out to the side. The foot is near the pelvis, the thigh and lower leg lie completely on the floor. The pelvis reaches to the floor and forward, do not turn it to the side. Pelvic bones look ahead. If possible, lower your hands to the floor, deepening the position. This is one of the most effective longitudinal twine exercises, while it is quite simple.

6. Recessed Dove Pose

You can deepen the position of the pigeon if you pull the back leg with your hand to the body. The pelvis reaches for the floor, do not turn it to the side - the pelvic bones should look forward. Skip this exercise if you are not flexible enough.

Lie on your back, take a belt, towel or elastic band. Raise one leg up and pull it towards you. Try to straighten your leg at the knees, so you will better feel the stretch in the back of the thigh and hamstring. The second leg is straightened and lies on the floor. If you find it difficult to maintain this position, bend the other leg at the knees (not which we pull, but which lies on the floor).

We continue to perform twine exercises in the prone position. Grab a leg with a strap and take it first to one side, then to the other. Try to straighten both legs at the knees to increase the stretch of the legs. This is not only a great exercise for transverse splits, but also a good stretch for the back.

The crease is one of the most popular exercises not only in split training, but also in stretching training in general. The main condition for performing this exercise: you should not lower your neck and back to your legs, but your stomach. Don't hunch over or reach your back towards your legs, you should be stretching your hamstrings, not your spine. If you can't reach your feet with your hands, then use a towel or strap. During this split exercise, try to keep your back straight.

One of the main asanas in yoga perfectly develops stretching of the legs. At correct position down-facing dog, you will qualitatively stretch the back of the thigh and hamstring, which is required for both transverse and longitudinal splits.

To deepen the stretch from a downward dog position, lift your leg vertically up. The legs are straight, the knees are tucked up, the back and legs form a hill. This exercise is an excellent practice for vertical splits.

Another very effective exercise for the longitudinal and transverse twine is the tilt to the floor. Note that in this position, both legs remain straight and do not bend at the knees. The feet are completely on the floor. If you can’t keep your back straight while bending over, you can lean on blocks or a chair.

Get into a side lunge position and lower your pelvis as low as possible. The back remains straight, you can maintain balance by resting your hands on the floor. The depth of the side lunge position is very dependent on your stretch. If you can't get into the position shown in the picture, just don't stoop so low. Remember that the knee should not go beyond the toe.

Take a deep squat position and rest your elbows on your knee. Hold this position, trying to maintain balance. If you can’t stand steadily in the garland pose, then place a yoga block under the buttocks. Again, make sure your knees don't go past your toes. This exercise will not only help you sit on the splits, but also strengthen your leg muscles.

But this exercise will be very effective for transverse twine. Butterfly exercise is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, especially if your hip joints are not sufficiently open. In this split exercise, it is very important to keep your back straight. If stretching does not allow you to do this, place a pillow or yoga block under your buttocks. Try to place your heels as close to the groin as possible.

Another very effective exercise for transverse twine is the frog. Get on all fours and spread your legs to the sides, leaning on your forearms. You can put pillows or a towel under your knees. Try to deepen the position, gradually spreading your legs. Regular frog practice will help you discover hip joints and sit on the twine.

17. Side bend with legs spread

After you have completed a series of preparatory poses, you can do the basic exercise for transverse twine. To do this, sit on your buttocks and spread your legs to the sides for the maximum possible distance. If you can't keep your back straight in this position, place a pillow under your buttocks. Do tilts to the right and left side. Feel the stretch in your legs increase.

18. Forward bend with legs spread

From the same position, lean forward with your body, keeping your back straight. Rest your hands or forearms on the floor and linger in this position. The wider the legs are opened, the closer you are to the cross split. When tilted, you can lean on the block.

19. Exercise for longitudinal twine

To practice longitudinal splits, you will need several yoga blocks or pillows. Take the position of a deep lunge and gradually move your legs into a split, dropping to the floor to the maximum possible depth. (you can use socks for better glide). Freeze in this position, trying to breathe through the painful sensations. Rest your hands on the blocks or on the floor. You can stay in this position for 3-5 minutes, depending on your capabilities. Gradually, you will sit lower and closer to the floor. Come out of the twine gently without sudden movements.

Twine stretcher M-Flex

Twine training will become several times more comfortable and effective if you use the special M-Flex twine simulator, which gives a huge advantage over traditional methods stretch marks. Working out on the M-Flex machine is very simple: just put the footrests in a comfortable position for you and you can start training. What is the advantage of split stretching with the M-Flex machine?

First, the load is applied smoothly and evenly. Secondly, the soft seat and footrests allow you to stay in a stretched position for a long time. Thirdly, thanks to the accurate progress bar, you can easily track the result. But the main advantage of M-Flex is the ability relaxation on the simulator, which is the key to a quick result . With regular exercises, you will not only be able to sit on the transverse twine, but also significantly improve your have a stretch.

Be sure to check it out too.