How to learn twine in 10 minutes. How to sit on a transverse twine - secrets and exercises

  • 06.11.2020
  1. Warm up well. Without consequences, only small flexible children skip the warm-up. If you do not want to limp to the emergency room, warm up for at least 10-15 minutes.
  2. Don't rush things. Some people may need more than six months to sit on the splits. Others, due to the characteristics of the hip joint, will never be able to do this (but this happens quite rarely). In any case, take your time. If you have to endure severe pain, then your body is not yet ready.

Follow these rules, and you can avoid injury during stretching, regardless of age.

What should be the warm-up

Before you start stretching, you need to warm up the muscles well. Start with 10 minutes of cardio.

If you work out in the gym, you can run, pedal on an airbike or other cardio machine, jump rope. For the home, a mix of exercises is suitable:

1. 20 jumping jacks.

2. 40 exercises "Rock climber".

3. 15 squat jumps.

4. 20 steps to the hill with the knee forward (can be done with or without dumbbells).

Do the exercises intensively and, if possible, without stops to warm up well. After that, do a few dynamic stretching movements:

1. Circular movements of the thigh - 10 times on each leg.

2. Deep squat with knees turned to the sides (sumo squat) - 10-15 times.

3. Deep lunges to the side - 10 times on each leg.

After these exercises, you can move on to static.

How to do static stretching

Sit on the floor, bend your knees and put your feet together. The back is straight (can be done against the wall), the knees lie on the floor or tend to do so. Do not put your hands on your knees or let someone do it. Try to press your knees to the floor with muscle strength.

Hold at the extreme point for 0.5–2 minutes.

This exercise opens up the hips well. Get on the floor on all fours, spread your knees as wide as possible to the sides. You can bring your feet together or leave your shins at a 90-degree angle to your hips.

Place your forearms on the floor and lower yourself as low as possible. Ideally, your thighs should be on the floor. Maintain this position for 30 seconds to two minutes.

Half twine

You can move into this pose directly from the frog. To do this, rise a little, straighten one leg and continue to lower. The straight leg looks clearly to the side.

Sit in this pose for 30 seconds to two minutes and switch legs.

Sit on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible, straighten your knees and pull your toes towards you to protect your knee joints.

Begin to gradually lean forward with a straight back, feeling a stretch in the groin and under the knees. If stretching allows, place your forearms on the floor, but don't arch your back. Ideally, you should lie on your stomach on the floor, but this may take more than one month.

Find your maximum bending height and hold the pose for 30 seconds to two minutes.

This stretch is often practiced in choreography. Lie close to the wall, lift your legs and lean them on it. Spread your legs to the extreme point, relax and stay in this position for five to 20 minutes.

During this time, the legs under their own weight will sink very slowly, improving your stretch. Just don't stay in the pose for too long or you'll have a hard time bringing your legs together without help.


After all the exercises, it's time to try the transverse twine itself. Place your palms or forearms on the floor (depending on your stretch) and gently move into a split.

Pull your socks up or put your feet on the floor so that your knees look forward. Try to relax and breathe evenly.

Stay in this pose for 30 seconds to two minutes. If you hold the splits for 30 seconds, you can rest and repeat 3-4 more times.

How to breathe while stretching

Out of habit, muscles automatically contract during stretching to prevent injury. This tension limits your range of motion and prevents you from properly stretching your muscles and connective tissues.

Helps you manage tension and deepen stretching. Use it in any position.

Inhale slowly through your nose, filling your chest and belly. Imagine that there is a balloon in the stomach that needs to be filled with air. As you exhale, deepen the pose a little, if possible.

How much and when to stretch

To maintain and increase the effect of stretching, you need to perform it regularly. As scientists have found Everyday Stretching, after exercise, the muscles of the back of the thigh remained as long as possible for 15 seconds, and in general, the effect lasted up to 24 hours.

So that you don't have to stretch again each time, don't take a break for more than 24 hours.

It is best to practice every day at the same time: this will help form a habit.

As for the time, it is better to choose the evening for stretching. Michael Smolensky, professor of bioengineering at the University of Texas and co-author of a book on biorhythms, states The Peak Time for Everything that in the evenings, joints and muscles become 20% more flexible, which means there is less risk of injury.

You can stretch in the morning, just warm up well and be careful deepening the postures.

That's all. Write in the comments how long you stretched before you sat down on the twine.

Twine is not only beautiful, but also good for health. For some reason, this "sport" is easily achievable for some people and almost unattainable for others. It is worth remembering that all people have a different physiology, which is why someone can easily learn to sit on the splits, and someone may need years of training. Stretching gives not only flexibility, but also visibly tightens the muscles, gives them a beautiful shape and makes the skin supple. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of varicose veins and cellulite.

There are several types of twine:

- Transverse- the easiest kind of pose. It uses the same muscles that work when walking, so you can sit in the longitudinal twine the fastest even at home.

- Longitudinal- much more difficult to perform. At the same time, it is extremely useful. The transverse twine develops the muscles and joints of the pelvis, healing the genitourinary system, stretching the muscles and improving the shape of the legs, bringing the lower back and spine into a healthy and correct position.

- sagging- one of the most difficult options. To do this, you need to have strong legs, excellent stretching. If you are already doing cross splits, a couple of months will be enough to complicate the exercise without injuring your muscles.

- Vertical- a complex exercise performed by gymnasts and dancers to increase the amplitude of leg swings. You don't need to be able to sit on a 180-degree cross split to make a candle, but your muscles must be flexible enough to bend over and touch the floor while keeping your legs straight.

- Twine on the hands- handstand is a rather difficult exercise that requires good physical fitness, so this type is suitable for especially trained athletes.

10 tips on how to sit on the twine:

1. Warm-up - before you start stretching, it is worth warming up. A warm-up should be done at the very beginning of a workout in order to prepare the body for stress. If you throw it out of class or move this stage to another position, then injuries will not take long. For a good warm-up, light running or jumping is suitable. Warm-up should be done for at least 10 minutes.

2. Many people believe that if we sit on the splits with "legs", then we need to work only with them. In fact, it is not only about the flexibility of the inner thighs, it is also about the flexibility of the pelvis, joints, ligaments and lumbar. Do not forget about any part of the body, so as not to get serious injuries.

3. Warming up the muscles - a way when we bring the muscles into a state of combat readiness. This is the only way you can achieve maximum results in stretching. The process usually lasts from 5 to 10 minutes and may even depend on the temperature of the house or hall. The main thing is to feel that your body is ready to work. You can start by rubbing the leg muscles. Then you need to make a few rhythmic movements, you can remember some elements from the dances. Squats or leg swings are also great for warming up muscles and ligaments before stretching them.

4. Regularity - in order to quickly sit on the twine, you need to remember the regularity of classes. Beginners should repeat the complex every other day, but do not overdo it. In some cases, two to three hours of training per week is enough.

5. Rest - never forget about recovery between workouts, which will help you sit on the splits even faster. If you want to prepare the body for increased stretching, drink more water - it will help increase muscle elasticity.

6. Getting rid of pain - muscle pain after a workout (even the most intense) is comparable to the usual sensations after a workout in the fitness room. You can reduce it if you take a hot bath and drink a glass of water with lemon before going to bed.

7. When exercising on the floor, use a fitness mat. The special coating of the mat will allow you to perform the exercise as conveniently and comfortably as possible.

8. Fixation in one position for at least a minute. Muscles need time to get used to the unnatural position for them and relax. Therefore, linger in one position for at least a minute.

9. Never forget about breathing. Breath control will allow you to hear your body and avoid sharp muscle pain.

10. Avoid sharp pain. If you feel a sharp pain in the muscle - stop the exercise. Pain is a signal of a traumatic effect. Muscle strain is a very unpleasant thing. A scar may form at the site of the rupture, which will significantly complicate further stretching. In no case do not allow injuries, and if you do get injured, immediately stop exercising until full recovery.

Contraindications for classes:

elevated temperature;

Any disease in the acute period;

Joint diseases;

muscle injury;

inflammatory processes.

Before stretching, be sure to warm up. Jumping or running in place will do.

Our complex consists of 6 exercises. Do them smoothly, without jerking. Hold each position for 40-60 seconds.

Exercise 1

Spread your legs wide, turn your feet, knees and hips outward. With an exhalation, sit down, tighten the pelvis - the emphasis is on opening the hips. Fix the squat and stay in this position. The weight of the body is evenly distributed on both legs, the back remains straight. Rest your elbows on the inside of the thigh closer to the knees, pull the pelvis to the floor, you can add light swaying. This is an inner thigh stretch.

Exercise 2

Spread your legs wide, inhale and exhale bend over to the right leg. Make sure your hips and knees are tucked up. Stay in this position. Move to the slope to the other leg and also linger in this position. Then grab the shins of both legs with your hands and stretch in an inclination. The back should not be rounded, stretch the stomach to the hips.

Exercise 3

Lower yourself into a side lunge and, if possible, lower the heel of your supporting leg to the floor. Turn the other leg outward, straighten the knee, pull the foot towards you. Rest your hands on the floor. If stretching allows, clasp the near knee with your hand, then make a “lock” behind your back. This exercise is also aimed at stretching the inner thigh muscles.

Exercise 4

Remaining in the same position, rest your palms or forearms on the floor and lie on the surface. Then take the pelvis forward and leave it in line with the hips and knees. Connect your socks, tighten your stomach, stretch your crown up. Stay in this position.

“Frog” is an effective exercise that will help you quickly sit on the transverse twine.

Exercise 5

Get on your knees. With an inhalation, the left leg is extended to the side and with an exhalation, the legs move apart in different directions. The right leg is bent at a right angle. In the extreme position, relax and breathe. Then switch legs. This exercise will make the muscles of the inner thigh more elastic.

Exercise 6

Sitting on the floor, connect the feet and bring them as close to the pelvis as possible. The back should be straight. If you can't keep your back straight, place a pillow or yoga block under your buttocks. You can remain still, or you can sway slightly, trying to lower your knees to the floor. To make the exercise easier, move your feet away from your pelvis. With the help of the "butterfly" you can work out the hip joints. Doing this exercise regularly will help you do cross splits faster.

It is difficult to sit on the transverse twine the first time, but over time you will succeed! Be patient. And if it’s hard to train without the supervision of a coach, we will help you with this! and you'll get a personal trainer and nutritionist to help you achieve your goals throughout the program!

Beautiful flexible girls with a good stretch are the ideal of many. How to get closer to him if there are only school physical education lessons behind your back from sports? The main thing is the desire and the ability to set yourself up. With the help of effective stretching and daily exercises, it is quite possible to quickly sit on the splits, even if you do not know how to do it right now. How to sit on a twine in 10 minutes and what is an effective stretch for a twine in 10 minutes - this is discussed in detail in the article.

Split is a sports element based on stretching, which is a breeding of the legs at an angle of 180 degrees. Twine can be transverse (when the legs are turned to the sides) and longitudinal (one leg in front, the second behind). Longitudinal is divided into right and left views, depending on the leg in front. The twine is often used as an element in dance, gymnastics, acrobatics, figure skating, combat sports, synchronized swimming and yoga. Knowing how to do it is good for a person.

Why can't you sit on the twine in 10 minutes? The ability to sit on a twine depends on the individual characteristics of the structure of the body and muscles. With age, this goal is more difficult to achieve, since in childhood and adolescence, the ligaments are more extensible. But, nevertheless, to achieve a good stretch and full twine is within the power of every person of any age. You just need to stock up on perseverance and patience, to be able to set yourself up for the result. The only exception is that you should not try to sit on the twine after severe injuries of the spine or hip joints. If there have been cases of injury in the past or frequent lower back pain, you should first consult with your doctor.

Regardless of age and physical fitness, stretching exercises will be a little painful at first, you need to be able to be patient. Over time, the ligaments will become more pliable and stretchable, and discomfort during training will gradually disappear.

Warm-up before training

Effective stretching for twine in ten minutes requires preliminary warming up of the muscles. Important! You can not start exercising without a warm-up. This is dangerous sprains and ruptures of ligaments and muscles! To warm up the muscles, any cardio load is suitable - running, jumping rope or just on the spot, cycling. An excellent warm-up - swinging your legs in different directions, squats, lunges and tilts. You can help your muscles warm up by taking a hot bath for ten minutes.

In gyms and dance studios, you can often hear the question of how to do the splits in ten minutes a day, if you don’t know how, but really want to? The whole secret is in regular training and effective exercises. They need to be done strictly every day, and not 10 minutes, but more. A missed training is a step back, and you won’t sit on the splits.

You can not sit on the twine without a warm-up

The most effective stretching exercises:

  • Place your feet much wider than your shoulders and sit on one of them, pulling your pelvis back. Try to keep your thigh parallel to the floor. Shift your weight from one foot to the other, then slowly return to the first foot. Repeat 30 times.
  • Sit on the floor, spread your straight legs wide, lean forward as low as possible. You can grab your ankles with your hands and pull the torso to the floor with your hands. Keep your back straight. Stay in the lowest position for half a minute.
  • Put your legs together and try to reach your toes with your hands. It is necessary to strive to lie on your feet with the whole body. Hold in the lowest position for half a minute. Repeat 10 times.
  • An exercise with the beautiful name "butterfly" - sit on the floor, bending your legs and connecting your feet together. Keep your back as straight as possible. Try to touch the floor with your knees, you can help yourself with your hands, placing your elbows on your knees. When touching, fix the position of the body for one to two minutes. Increase this time by ten seconds every day.
  • The next exercise is performed lying on your back, legs straight. Raise one leg, grab it with your hands and try to pull it towards you as much as possible. The knee should remain straight. Hold the maximum stretch for half a minute, then repeat the exercise with the other leg. Do 10 times.

This complex will take only a few minutes, but with daily performance it will allow you to sit on the longitudinal twine. The first results will be noticeable in a week. It takes different people different amounts of time to achieve the final goal. The main thing is not to force the result, because you won’t be able to sit on the twine for ten minutes a day if you don’t know how to stretch well.

Lateral fit

How to sit on a transverse twine in 10 minutes? There is a secret how to sit on the transverse twine in ten minutes of training per day. To do this, you need to add a few exercises to the complex:

  1. Do a plie squat. While down, place your elbows on the inside of your thighs and continue to use them to spread your legs to the sides, feeling the stretch in the muscles and ligaments. Repeat ten times.
  2. "Frog" - this exercise is as follows: sitting on your heels, lower yourself forward and rest your forearms and elbows on the floor, lie on it. Take the pelvis forward, it should “look” in a straight line with the lines of the knees and hips. The toes must be closed. Stay in this position for one to two minutes. Repeat several times.
  3. In the supine position. Lift your legs up at a right angle and spread as far as possible to the side. Pull your socks over you, do not bend your knees. This exercise can be performed against a wall with your legs pressed against it, so it is easier to control your knees.

Exercise can significantly improve stretching

These exercises will improve hip mobility and stretching and sit on the transverse twine in ten minutes a day. The main thing is to perform them regularly and efficiently. To do this, it is better to learn them near the mirror, first watching a video with the correct technique.

Remember, in order to avoid injury, all exercises must be performed smoothly, slowly, without sudden movements. Pain during stretching is normal, but it should not be sharp and excessively strong.

Severe and long-lasting pain can be a symptom of a sprain or rupture of the ligaments, in which case you need to see a doctor.

If you do not neglect the warm-up, do all the exercises slowly but efficiently, follow the correct technique, sit on the twine at home in ten minutes is quite real!

The exercises that are needed to increase the stretch are as follows: the legs should be placed in directions opposite to each other and located on the same line. The inner sides of the thighs should form an angle equal to 180 degrees. This position is called the twine. It is commonly needed in sports such as gymnastics, figure skating, dancing, martial arts, swimming, and yoga. In addition, the twine serves as the most basic indicator of body flexibility. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that recently the question of how to sit on a twine in 10 days, or even faster, has begun to gain particular popularity.

Everyone can do it

It is no secret to anyone that such an exercise can be performed by both a young person and someone who has already crossed the line called "middle" age. Much, if not all, will depend primarily on the desire and competent preparation.

5. When performing the training complex, you should try to relax all the muscles as much as possible. In that situation, if you are tense, the effectiveness of the stretch will noticeably decrease. There are some features that must be taken into account. For example, tensile forces should continue for a maximum of 15 seconds. This must be done on the exhale. On inspiration, you must return to the starting position. If there is a feeling of pain, the tension should be slightly weakened.

6. It is worth determining which muscles are not sufficiently stretched - the back of the thigh or the inner. They need to work with them as much as possible.

7. In your set of exercises, you need to add the following task: you need to sit on the floor, spread your legs as far as possible in different directions. After that, we start moving forward. Stretch should not only hands, but the whole body as a whole. As a result, you should simply lie on the floor surface with your whole body. It is necessary to stand up, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, intercept your elbows with your hands and begin to reach down, each time reducing the distance to your legs.

8. There are also basic tasks that will help you sit down. They should be done gradually. The training complex should begin with a warm-up. In order to properly stretch the muscles, you need to perform exercises with a support, which is suitable for the back of a chair, a window sill. On this support, you should throw each leg in turn. Mahi are also very effective. Each workout should be accompanied by stretching "to the end." Exercises should be done very slowly and preferably under someone's control.

By doing all of the above techniques, you will quickly understand how to sit on the twine in 10 days at home. Of course, it is still better to increase the terms in order to reduce the likelihood of injury.

What dangers can be expected?

First of all, before starting the exercise, you should remember that you can injure the muscle if you have too much desire. Therefore, you must try to do everything carefully. However, in a situation where injury could not be avoided, it is necessary to immediately stop all exercises, apply ice to the damaged muscle and reduce motor activity to a minimum level.

It is necessary to start exercising after an injury very carefully.

If you decide to start doing the exercises again, then you should try to do everything from the very beginning and very slowly. You should exercise all your diligence. No less common is the problem of pain in the hip joint after trying to stretch. All this is due to the fact that the exercises were not performed correctly. In such a situation, the pelvis must be pushed forward. When you perform a longitudinal or transverse version, there is always a chance of experiencing knee pain. This should be avoided.


If you want to quickly sit on the twine and not harm your health at the same time, then you should do everything carefully enough so as not to inadvertently damage the muscles. In addition, you should qualitatively and thoroughly approach the warm-up. How well the muscles are warmed up determines their flexibility. However, you should not forget about the rest of the exercises. Only with intensive and regular implementation of the training complex, you can achieve your goals. You should wish you good luck in such a rather difficult task and success in your endeavors!