How to handle strawberries during fruiting. Strawberries: care during flowering

  • 04.03.2020

Strawberries are unpretentious garden crops, but still require some care. First of all, it concerns protection against diseases and insects. The processing of strawberries in the spring from diseases and pests should not be skipped, since the health and productivity of plants will depend on this.

This article will describe the main diseases and crop pests, methods of dealing with them and effective preventive measures. You will also learn how to properly handle strawberries in the spring to prevent disease in young plants.

Strawberry diseases and the need for processing in the spring

Each disease develops in certain soil and climatic conditions, therefore, before planting, you need to take into account the likelihood of developing pathologies of this variety in your area.

Despite this, all diseases have characteristic symptoms and factors that provoke the development of certain pathologies. Let's consider them in more detail.


Most diseases develop due to fungal spores. The onset of warm weather and high humidity contribute to their spread throughout the site.

Note: Often the gardener himself is guilty of an infection in the beds if he buys seedlings of unknown origin in the market or from neighbors.

Also, the following reasons contribute to the development of ailments:

  • dense plantings, including overgrowing of the site with weeds that impair the ventilation of the beds;
  • non-observance of crop rotation rules, placement near crops prone to the same diseases;
  • lack of care (trimming of mustaches and leaves, loosening);
  • depleted soil with a lack of magnesium, potassium and other elements;
  • rare top dressing, weakening the immunity of the bushes;
  • excess moisture.

In addition, diseases can also appear if strawberries are planted in wrong place, and plants feel an acute shortage of sunlight. Also, infections and fungi are spread by pests, so these insects need to be destroyed in time.


The first sign indicating that the plant is sick is spots on the leaves. The color of the spots may suggest the cause of the disease. They can be red, brown, light or rusty. At the first appearance of such spots, the plant is subjected to immediate treatment (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Common strawberry diseases: rot, rust and powdery mildew

Symptoms of diseases are different, but you should always pay attention to the general condition of the bushes. If the strawberry begins to lean, the leaves dry quickly, turn brown, which means that the pathology is developing. If treatment is not applied as soon as possible, then in a few months the plant will die.

Often the treatment is carried out in isolation. For this, the diseased bush is dug up and placed in a separate container, where they are treated. In the worst case, the disease can migrate to neighboring bushes and it will be much more difficult to deal with it. With a strong defeat of the seedling, it is immediately removed from the garden and burned.

Note: If regular wilting of strawberries occurs from year to year, the type or quality of the soil may not be suitable for the selected varieties. In this case, you should choose the most disease-resistant varieties.

There are cases when it is impossible to determine the presence of a disease, and you can find out about it only when the first inflorescences are formed. They are deformed and stained. If the berries are formed under such conditions, then they are still green covered with brown spots, then they become stale and dry. Ripe fruits lose their sweetness, become tasteless and bitter.

Strawberry diseases and their treatment: video

The author of the video will tell you more about the processing of strawberries in the spring from diseases and pests, as well as about the main diseases of this crop.

Processing strawberries in the spring from diseases and pests

To get a good harvest, it is necessary to carry out spring processing of strawberries from diseases and pests, as well as a number of agrotechnical measures that will help keep the plants healthy and get a rich harvest.

There are several methods of prevention, as well as certain rules for processing plants.

Processing Features

During the spring processing of planting strawberries, experienced gardeners recommend removing upper layer soil. Thus, we can get rid of many pests. If this is not possible for you, then you need to loosen the soil well and remove the weeds. Sanitize plants, remove dry and damaged leaves. This should be done in dry sunny weather and very carefully so as not to damage the bush, since the plants are still weak after winter and not sufficiently rooted (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Treatment of strawberries against diseases and pests

After cleaning the beds, you need to start the preventive treatment of plantings from pests and diseases, especially fungal ones. It is good to spray the bushes with copper-containing preparations. This will reduce the likelihood of damage to plants by spotting, powdery mildew, verticillium. It must be remembered that the treatment should be carried out before the plant begins to bloom.

Note: During the flowering period, biological preparations can be used. With a strong infection of plantings, a week after harvesting, the bushes need to be mowed.

It is impossible to allow an excess of nitrogen, constantly carry out top dressing with both organic and mineral fertilizers. It is not recommended to use fresh manure, it can cause infections and pests.


With the onset of spring, it is necessary to process strawberries from diseases and pests. For this you can use chemicals or biologics. Many gardeners recommend treating strawberries and other crops with hot water. To do this, the water is heated to a temperature of + 60-65 degrees and the bushes are watered from above. The main thing is that the water does not cool down in advance, and the distance between the bush and the watering can is about a meter.

When the earth warms up well, the landings again need to be mulched. As a mulch, pine or spruce needles, straw, or you can use special material. The mulch will act as an antiseptic.


Planting begins after the snow has completely melted. First of all, last year's layer of mulch and other debris are raked, then the top layer of soil is removed. Next, you need to feed the plants with organic or mineral fertilizers. After that, the plantings are dug deep and thinned out.

To reduce the likelihood of diseases and pests, they are guided by the following rules:

  • The soil is treated before planting;
  • Seedlings are purchased from trusted suppliers, better - in specialized nurseries;
  • Timely implementation proper care, remove weeds;
  • Every 3-4 years, transplant strawberries to a new place;
  • Plant repellent plants, such as calendula or marigolds, next to strawberry plantings.

When processing bushes, special biological products and chemical solutions are used. All work is carried out in the morning or in the evening. It is impossible to carry out such events in the hot time of the day.

Treatment scheme for pests and diseases

There is no specific scheme for processing strawberries from diseases and pests. The main thing in the fight is to take preventive measures in time (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Scheme of spring processing of strawberries from diseases and pests

In spring, you need to remove the top layer of soil between the bushes and replace it with fresh soil. If this fails, remove last year's mulch and loosen the soil well. Remove old leaves and mustaches, plant young rosettes in place of dead bushes. Apply fertilizer to the soil and treat for diseases and pests.

After the strawberries begin to grow, the bed needs to be mulched. Before flowering should be treated against pests and fungal diseases. When the first buds appear in the soil, it is necessary to apply phosphate fertilizers, and after flowering - complex mineral fertilizers.

Processing strawberries in the fall from pests and diseases

In autumn, the garden needs special care. And although the strawberry crop has already been harvested, it still needs pruning, feeding, watering, loosening and processing from diseases and pests.

The correctness of the autumn care will determine how successfully the plants will endure the winter and whether they will be able to actively bear fruit next year.

Processing Features

The fight against diseases and pests is the prevention of negative factors and preventive measures. Prevention can be folk methods and with the help of special preparations. But even supporters of folk remedies admit that it is better to fight ailments with modern drugs. They should be used in spring or autumn, when the plants do not bear fruit. For plants to have good view, autumn processing of strawberries should be carried out systematically.

Of the strawberry pests, the most common are: spider mites, strawberry weevil, snails, slugs, aphids. Of the diseases - gray, brown and white spotting, powdery mildew.

For processing strawberries in the fall, the following preparations are used: Nitrofen, Topaz, Actellik, Karbofos, Metaldegrid and others, as well as folk remedies for pest control. You can also use Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate or potassium permanganate. Slugs and snails must be independently collected from the bushes and destroyed.

For prevention, it is necessary to constantly remove weeds, water and feed the plants, loosen the soil, cut dry and diseased leaves and shoots.


The best method of controlling diseases and pests is prevention. But, if this fails, then use different ways struggle.

The strawberry mite is considered the most dangerous pest. To combat it, spraying with karbofos is used. Carry out this procedure after the last harvest. This method can be used to control weevils, whiteflies and other pests. In the fight against weevil, it is necessary to take into account crop rotation, as well as spray plants during the period of active life with Nurell D, Karate, Zolon preparations.

You can get rid of slugs by picking them up with your hands or using Metaldehyde granular. After fruiting, granules are laid out under each bush, which destroy slugs.

Among the diseases, gray rot is considered the most common. To combat the disease, plantings are treated with copper oxychloride before flowering, and after harvesting, a solution of copper oxychloride and liquid soap is used. You can not thicken the landing.

From brown spotting, liquid cute and copper oxychloride are used. Spraying is carried out in early spring and autumn. When the bushes are affected by powdery mildew, strawberries are treated with Sulfaride, potassium permanganate or colloidal sulfur before flowering.


When carrying out autumn processing of strawberries from diseases and pests, the following rules should be observed:

  • When using special solutions, they should be diluted only according to the instructions;
  • Processing of plants is carried out in the early morning or late evening;
  • Spray the bushes after the last harvest;
  • A plant infected with late blight in a neglected form is removed from the garden and burned.

In order to prevent the spread of diseases and pests, it is necessary to remove weeds in a timely manner, feed the plants and loosen the ground, as well as periodically inspect the plantings to detect the first signs of the disease.

The author of the video tells how to properly care for strawberries in different times of the year.

Treatment of strawberry late blight

Late blight is considered one of the most common diseases. He strikes different types plants and can be transmitted from one culture to another.

This disease is dangerous because its pathogen can persist in the soil, therefore, when the first symptoms of the pathology are detected, treatment should be started immediately.


The appearance of late blight often manifests itself in the second half of summer. Rainy weather and high temperatures contribute to rapid spread.

The causative agents of the disease are fungi that are transmitted by zoospores. The infection scheme looks simple: the spores of the fungus fall on the aerial parts of neighboring plants or are washed into the ground by rain. Phytophthora affects both aboveground parts of plants (stems, leaves, fruits) and underground (tubers).

Very often, strawberry bushes become infected with late blight from tomatoes and potatoes planted nearby.


Signs of late blight are gray-brown spots, which are covered with a coating resembling a cobweb or surrounded by a ring of white mold (Figure 4). The leaves of the affected plant wither, brown spots appear on the petioles and peduncles, which soon rot, it noticeably lags behind in growth. Parts of the plants that are affected die off, sometimes the plants die.

Note: In infected plants, the number of rosettes decreases, the leaves on them are deformed, the whiskers become short. In autumn, you can see signs of late blight on the roots. Small roots all die off, thereby exposing larger ones, they soon begin to rot. The wood of the root is painted black-brown.

When the buds bloom, the core of the inflorescences looks dead. The pistils turn black, but the corolla remains white. This may resemble freezing in the spring, but with late blight, the shape of diseased flowers differs from healthy ones. In addition, berries are no longer formed from such flowers.

Figure 4. Symptoms of strawberry late blight

The disease brings great losses to ovaries and immature fruits. The berries are bent, lose their taste and become unsuitable for transportation and storage. Brown spots on the pulp become bitter and hard, soon the berries dry out and die. To distinguish a diseased berry from one that lacks water, you can simply cut it: if the core of the dark berry is affected.

Verticillium wilt of strawberries: treatment

Strawberries are affected by verticillium at any age. The most obvious symptoms during the fruiting period.

Consider the main causes that can cause the disease, as well as the symptoms of the disease, by which it can be determined that the shrub needs treatment.


Verticillium wilt of strawberries is caused by a fungus. The harmfulness of this disease is expressed in a rapid decrease in yield and the death of bushes. The affected plant dies in the second year.

Note: The disease most often manifests itself in beds where the predecessors were crops susceptible to the disease: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, cotton, raspberries, etc.

The disease affects plants of any age. The manifestation of the disease begins in late May - early June and continues to develop throughout the growing season. Plants are infected with verticillium through the root system. Once in the roots, the mycelium of the fungus penetrates the conducting system and multiplies. As it becomes infected inside, the root becomes brown and dies.


Symptoms of the disease vary depending on soil type, strawberry variety and other causes (Figure 5).

Drying begins with damage to the root neck, vascular system, rosette and root system. The infected plant lags behind in growth, then the leaves begin to lie down on the ground and turn red-yellow.

Figure 5. Signs of verticillium wilt of strawberries

In the chronic form, a gradual increase in symptoms occurs, which is expressed in a lag in the growth of leaves and a decrease in their number. By the end of the growing season, the petioles of the leaves become red and die imperceptibly. Some bushes manage to survive and give new growth in the spring. This is achieved by varieties that are resistant to fungi.

To avoid the occurrence of this disease, you need to observe crop rotation and choose resistant varieties bred by breeders.

Treatment of chlorosis in strawberries

Chlorosis is not a very serious disease, and if you notice the signs in time and take certain actions, you can save the plant. But in order to do this, you need to know the causes and signs of the disease.


The most common signs of chlorosis are (Figure 6):

  • Infection: A plant can become ill with chlorosis due to infection by insects and pests from diseased plants, as well as from diseases accumulated over the years in the soil.
  • Lack of trace elements and minerals in the diet: this is the most common cause of the disease. Plants need magnesium, zinc, iron, lime, etc., so they need to be fed regularly.
  • Conditions for care and planting: the occurrence of chlorosis may be due to damage to the root system, poor-quality soil conditions, improper arrangement of beds, or improper care and watering.

To begin to properly treat plants, you need to determine the true cause of the disease.


Symptoms of the disease may vary detailed information can be obtained by conducting special laboratory tests. But there are a number of external signs by which you can determine which trace element the plant lacks.

Figure 6. Symptoms of strawberry chlorosis

The most common type is iron chlorosis. The leaf plate uniformly turns yellow or white, the veins remain green. Upper young leaves suffer first.

Magnesium chlorosis occurs due to a lack of magnesium. Often found in light sandy soils. The edges of the old lower leaves begin to turn yellow first, and then the entire leaf.

In spring, zinc chlorosis is very common, especially on older leaves. The disease begins with an excess of nitrogen in the soil. Dots of red, orange or yellow appear on the leaf plates.

Nitrogen chlorosis is manifested by yellowing veins on lower leaves. Soon, the parts of the leaf adjacent to the veins lose color, then the entire leaf. Sulfuric chlorosis first affects young leaves. First, the veins turn yellow, and then the entire leaf plate.

Strawberry brown spot: treatment during flowering

Brown spot widespread fungal disease. Its development is influenced high humidity associated with constant rainfall or excessive watering. Because of this, the disease can appear in spring, summer and autumn.


The cause of the disease is the mycelium of the fungus. Main Feature This pathogen is its two-season: in the first year, development occurs during fruiting and persists for the winter. A year later, in late spring, when the fruits begin to form, a second infection occurs, which negatively affects the crop.

The development of the disease is provoked by the same factors as other fungal infections: excessive watering, dense plantings, constant dampness of the soil in the garden, temporary cooling and overgrowing of the site with weeds.


Obvious signs of the disease are burns on the leaves (Figure 7). These are contourless brown-brown spots of oval or round shape. At the initial stage, they resemble small opaces along the edges of the leaf, after a while the spots grow, and dark leathery mushroom pads appear on top. Mustaches and peduncles are also covered with brown spots.

Figure 7. Signs of brown spot on strawberry leaves

Soon the leaves dry up and die, and the spores of the fungus remain. At the first rainfall, the spores will disperse throughout the garden.

Protection of strawberries from pests and diseases

To protect the bushes and get good yields, you need to apply an integrated system that includes agrotechnical, chemical, biological and quarantine measures.

Agrotechnical ones imply compliance with crop rotation, fulfillment of requirements for the timing and methods of soil cultivation, planting, weed control, and fertilization.

The chemical method consists in the use of special means of protection against a group of pests and diseases. To do this, in early spring, you need to remove damaged and dry leaves. At the first signs of powdery mildew, spotting and gray rot, the planting is treated with a Bordeaux mixture before the leaves begin to grow. During the period of leaf regrowth, when signs of white and brown spotting appear, they are treated with Euparen. During the formation of buds, they are treated against moths, gall midges and other pests with Actellik. After harvesting, plantings are treated with Topaz, Euparen or Switch.

Properly selected top dressing is a guarantee good harvest strawberries

Top dressing of strawberries is a desirable procedure for the formation of the ovary and active fruiting. Especially it concerns remontant strawberries. You can get a large and sweet berry only with additional nutrition of the bushes.

Why feed strawberries during flowering and fruiting

Throughout the development cycle, the plant needs nutrients and minerals. During the period of active growth, flowering and formation of the ovary, fruiting and after harvesting - strawberries need various additives and top dressing. Even the most fertile soil, after a few years, it tends to deplete, as a result of which the yield and size of fruits decrease, and their taste qualities decrease.

During the period of flowering and the formation of strawberries, bushes need additional feeding, but is it possible to feed strawberries during fruiting? There is an opinion that during the period of active growth and ripening of berries, it is not recommended to make any additives, since the fruits tend to absorb everything that the bush feeds on.

This is true, but it is during this period that plants need support. Therefore, you need to carefully choose: how to feed strawberries during fruiting, and fertilizers that can be applied under the berries.

How to fertilize strawberries during flowering

In addition to the planned seasonal top dressing of strawberries, you need to take care of her proper nutrition at the beginning of flowering. Depending on the climate of the area, the appearance of the first flower stalks falls at the beginning or end of May. During this period, strawberries need in large numbers potassium. Top dressing can be carried out by the root method, or by spraying.

How to feed strawberries: root dressing recipes

The simplest and fast way feed flowering bushes strawberries - use a solution of potassium nitrate: you need to use a teaspoon of the substance per 10 liters of water, 0.5 liters is enough for one bush.

The special preparation "Ovary" contains all the necessary substances to increase the number of peduncles and the active formation of the ovary. When using, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Many gardeners, when caring for strawberries, prefer to use only natural substances. Before feeding strawberries, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular folk recipes.

wood ash solution

For 1 liter of water use a glass of ash. It is poured with boiling water and mixed thoroughly. When the solution has cooled, it is filtered and used for feeding (0.5 l per bush).

Bird droppings or cow dung

For a 10 l bucket, take 2.5 kg of manure, add water to the top and leave to infuse for a day, after which it is thoroughly mixed. So that there is no smell before insisting, Baikal humate is added. 1 liter of ready-made infusion is diluted in 20 liters of water. It is enough to use 0.5 liters per bush. The substance is quite caustic, so it is necessary to water it carefully, without falling on the aerial part of the plant.

Yeast fertilizer for strawberries

1 kg of fresh yeast is dissolved in 5 liters of water, let it brew for a day. Then 1 liter of the mixture is diluted in 20 liters of liquid, and the plants are fed - 0.5 liters per bush.

Foliar top dressing of strawberries during the flowering period

Foliar top dressing of strawberries consists in spraying the bushes with nutrient solutions. It is important to carefully process the lower part of the leaves, since it is she who is responsible for the absorption of nutrients.

Among the finished products, the most effective and recognized are Agros, Gera and Rubin. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage norms indicated on the package.

You can also use the following substances for spraying:

  • 2 gr. potassium permanganate and potassium sulfate, 1 g boric acid for 1 liter of water. The bushes are carefully treated with the resulting solution;
  • Potassium nitrate: a teaspoon per 5 liters of liquid.

For the treatment of bushes, the same yeast solution recipe is used as for root dressing.

Nettle tincture for spraying strawberries

It is necessary to collect fresh nettles and chop them finely. Fill a 10 liter bucket with chopped nettles and pour hot water, plus 50-60 degrees Celsius. Insist during the day. The finished infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Bushes are sprayed with a solution during the flowering period.

Feeding strawberries during flowering: video

Feeding strawberries during fruiting

In search of an answer to the question: is it necessary to feed strawberries during fruiting, pay attention to the recommendations of gardeners. It has been experimentally confirmed that fertilizing strawberries during this period allows you to grow a plentiful, large and sweet crop. Also, top dressing stimulates the ripening of berries, which is very important in bad weather conditions and early frosts.

How to feed strawberries during fruiting at the root

During the period of formation and ripening of berries, you should not use chemical preparations, since the berries absorb and accumulate substances harmful to the body. You should use natural remedies available to every summer resident:

  • Processing strawberries during fruiting with compost: 1 kg of rotted fertilizer is diluted in a bucket of water, and the bushes are watered;
  • chicken manure insist in water at the rate of 1-2 kg per bucket of water, 2-3 days. It should be used in the proportion of 1 part of manure infusion to 10 parts of water;
  • cow dung insist for 3-4 days in warm water at the rate of 2-3 kg per bucket of water. 4 liters of the finished infusion are diluted with 10 liters of water, 0.5 liters are used to water 1 bush.

Foliar top dressing of strawberries during fruiting is prohibited

Spraying strawberries during fruiting is not allowed. During this period, it is recommended to feed and water the bushes only by the root method. Rainy weather and improper watering can lead to the death of an entire plantation.

How to fertilize strawberries during fruiting: video

It is important to know not only how to process strawberries during fruiting, but also when it needs to be done. Root top dressing of strawberries, both with chemicals and organic matter- must be carried out in moist soil after watering or good rain. Foliar - on the contrary, in dry and sunny weather, since the beneficial substances must be absorbed into the leaves.

For spraying and watering with fertilizers, it is worth choosing the evening time when the sun sets. Processing in daytime unacceptable, since the leaves of the plant will burn if liquid enters.

Any top dressing, root or foliar, is carried out once in a certain period of development of the strawberry bush. For example, during flowering, and the next - during fruiting.

Standard dressing recipes are ideal for light loamy and sandy soils with a low salt content. You can find out exactly what plants need only by analyzing the soil into components.


Feeding strawberries during flowering and fruiting is a necessary procedure. The quantity and quality of the crop depends on this. It is necessary to strictly separate root and foliar top dressing, and observe the norms of fertilizing.

Delicious garden strawberries are loved not only by adults and children, but also by insects, which very often spoil the entire crop for gardeners. Unfortunately, the usual mechanical techniques do not always help to get rid of pests once and for all, as a result of which one has to resort to the use of various insecticides. Many gardeners are always concerned about a serious question: what to do if pests have settled on already fruiting strawberries?

This article will talk in more detail about this issue, about the advice of experts on this matter and about some other nuances of growing a berry crop that will help prevent pests and diseases from appearing on it.

Why is processing needed?

Strawberries are such a crop that can be attacked by a variety of pests and diseases. And this can happen at any time. Both during flowering and during fruiting. Preventive processing measures, of course, can minimize the formation of diseases on strawberries, however, they do not always help. Careful and regular care of strawberries (especially greenhouse ones), which includes mulching, weeding, timely watering, loosening the soil and some other procedures, can be an excellent protection for this crop.

Agricultural practices can, as it were, increase the "immunity" of strawberries, thereby protecting it from unnecessary spraying with chemicals. During fruiting, strawberries should be processed only if the situation is critical, and folk remedies do not help.

As a safe preventive measure for the treatment of horticultural crops at all stages of its growth, you can use homemade decoctions of herbs or ash.

Who should be afraid?

You need to know the enemy in the garden by sight, otherwise it will be very difficult to fight him. Next, consider the main pests that can infect strawberries of all varieties.

  • Strawberry weevil. It is a black bug in the size of not more than 4 mm. He likes to feast on everything sweet in the garden: raspberries, strawberries and wild strawberries. It is very resistant to wintering, as it often hides under old leaves. As a rule, in spring, black overwintered bugs begin to eat strawberry leaves, then eggs are laid and caterpillars appear in the future. In summer, new beetles appear, which are taken for eating not only leaves, but also fruits. The weevil is very easy to recognize. Also in nature, there are root weevils that significantly affect the root system of strawberries.

  • One of the most serious strawberry pests is the strawberry mite. Berry mites hibernate very well, and it is always difficult to notice them, since their body length is not more than 0.3 mm. Because of this pest, strawberry leaves lose all their properties and slowly dry out.

  • A great danger for berries in the garden is also regular slugs. They can completely eat all the strawberries.

Of course, these are not all pests that can infect strawberries, but these are some of the most basic ones. Strawberries are also very often exposed to the following diseases.

  • Gray rot. A mass of dark brown spots form on the leaves and on the berries.

  • Powdery mildew. This fungal disease very strongly affects the bushes.

  • Root rot. It provokes mass death of bushes, it all starts with falling leaves.

All of the above diseases can be detected on strawberries during fruiting, which will greatly complicate the treatment of the crop.

The right time for procedures

So that strawberries do not get sick, and pests do not attack them, regular plant care is needed. From early spring to autumn, it is extremely important to monitor the general condition of all strawberries in the garden or greenhouse.

It is very important to treat the crop before the laying of the crop itself and during harvesting with safe biological means.

Basic Methods

Today, on the shelves of gardening stores you can find a lot of different pest control products. But no one has canceled safe home remedies that you can prepare yourself.

  • Natural insecticides are plants such as calendula and marigolds of various varieties. If you plant them next to strawberries, then you don’t have to worry about the berries.
  • If a strawberry mite is wound up during the fruiting of strawberries, then all the beds should be treated with onion infusion. Only then it will be possible to save a tasty harvest. Approximately 250-300 grams of onion peel should be poured with 1 bucket of water and insisted for several days.
  • If there are a lot of pests, then you should harvest as soon as possible and mow all the bushes. Well, if they are roasted by the sun. In this case, there is a possibility of good fruiting next year.

  • If a lot of rotten strawberries are found, then you can try processing with mustard infusion. 100-150 grams of mustard should be used in 1 bucket of water, infused for 1-2 days and then filtered.
  • It is safe to process fruiting strawberries with ammonia and iodine diluted with water. You can also use hydrogen peroxide, ash and boric acid.
  • If ants and aphids attack strawberries, then you can process the berries with garlic infusion or use Aktara.

To spend preventive control, you can use biological preparations in early spring. Particularly proven:

  • "Spark";
  • "Fitoverm";
  • "Kemifos".

Before purchasing the drug, it is very important to find out which group of insecticides it belongs to, whether they can process the crop during fruiting. Summing up, we can say that only preventive measures will help protect plants from attack by pests and various diseases. It is also very important to remember that if the situation is not very critical, then it is best to use folk remedies and leave chemicals until the very last moment.

For information on how to process strawberries, see below.

Strawberries are the most popular berry in gardens. Unfortunately, it is to the taste not only of adults and children, but also of numerous pests.

strawberry mite

If young strawberry leaves do not unfold completely, remaining twisted, then they have suffered from a strawberry mite. When there are a lot of ticks on a strawberry plantation, not only young, but also old leaves are damaged. With a strong infection, the owners remove only the first berries from the bushes, after which the plants dry up along with the ovaries.

Strawberry mite - very small insect which is difficult to detect even under a magnifying glass. The pest strikes garden strawberries in all regions of its cultivation. Ticks cause maximum damage to three-four-year-old plantings.

Ticks actively breed in warm weather at 19-25 °C. They quickly die from dehydration in direct sunlight, so they hide on the underside of leaves and under lumps of soil.


Symptoms of strawberry mite infestation:

  • bushes are underdeveloped;
  • leaves become smaller, become wrinkled, twisted, corrugated;
  • a yellowish tint appears on the leaves;
  • plaque forms on the underside of the leaf blades;
  • in winter, the affected bushes freeze out.

Since the pest does not tolerate the sun, make sure that the plantings are ventilated and lit, do not allow thickening. Bushes infected with ZK are dug up and destroyed.

How to fight

Immediately after harvesting, the aerial part of the plant is cut and burned, without laying in compost heap. The leaves are mowed no later than mid-August, so that new ones can form by autumn. Before mowing, for reliability, you can treat the bed with Karbofos and close it with a film for several hours.

There are varieties resistant to strawberry mite: Omskaya early, Zenga-Zengana. Varieties with a high sugar content in berries are most severely affected.

For spraying from a tick, gardeners use a decoction of tomato tops and dandelion tincture.

Decoction of tomato leaves

Preparation of a decoction of tomato tops:

  1. Fill the tops harvested in the fall with water - per kilogram of leaves - 10 liters.
  2. Insist 4 hours.
  3. Simmer for 2 hours on low heat.
  4. Strain.
  5. Dilute clean water one to one.
  6. Add some laundry soap.

Dandelion infusion

Preparation of dandelion infusion:

  1. Soak dandelion leaves in warm water.
  2. Insist 4 hours.
  3. Strain.

For 10 liters of water, take 1 kg of dandelion leaves.

It is impossible to completely destroy the strawberry mite, but careful plant care, including the removal of mustaches, potash top dressing and spraying with biostimulants, helps to keep the pest at a safe level.

spider mite

PCs are microscopically small but dangerous strawberry pests that feed on plant sap. If the spring is hot and dry, the insect begins to multiply rapidly. If you do not take action in time, you can be completely without a crop, since mites are able to completely destroy the strawberry patch even before flowering.


To prevent this from happening, in early spring, a week after cleaning the beds from weeds and dry last year's leaves, the plantations are inspected, trying to detect the first signs of PC damage. Dry and jagged edges of green leaves speak of the presence of a pest. Itself is so small that it is almost impossible to notice it on strawberries.

How to fight

From PC, Vertimek helps well - an enteric-contact insecticide that destroys ticks. Spraying with Vermitek is carried out in the evening. For 10 liters of water take 3 g of the drug. After 10 days, the treatment is repeated.

It is necessary to have time to finish the treatments against PC before the strawberries begin to bloom. During flowering, any spraying is prohibited.


Opponents of industrial poisons use a substance with a pungent odor to protect strawberries from spider mites - ammonia. Two or three tablespoons of alcohol are dissolved in 10 liters of water and the leaves are sprayed. At this concentration of alcohol, burns do not appear on the berry.

Unlike ammonia, iodine for strawberries does not help against pests, since it does not destroy insects, but microscopic fungi that cause leaf spot.

Raspberry strawberry weevil

Strawberry-raspberry weevils are small insects that destroy unopened buds. These strawberry pests are activated in the spring. Before flowering, they live in the center of the bush and feed on leaves.


With the beginning of the formation of buds, insects move closer to the pedicels. Females make clutches in unblown buds and gnaw pedicels. The gnawed buds wither.

In each bud, the female weevil lays one egg. A larva develops in the flower, eating out its middle. The larva pupates in the soil. Adult weevils overwinter under lumps of soil and in the spring, with the onset of heat, they again begin to feed on strawberry leaves.

To protect plants from pests, you need to guess the processing time. It is worth a little late, and you can lose the harvest. In just a few days, female weevils are able to destroy many buds.

It is necessary to catch the moment when the buds are still in the group and their pedicels are not isolated. Earlier processing will not lead to the destruction of females, since at this time they are still hiding under lumps of soil or kept in the thick of foliage.

How to fight

It is useless and even harmful spring processing of strawberries from weevil pests, when flowering has already begun. Firstly, it's too late, and secondly, the insecticide will destroy pollinating insects.

To destroy the weevil, you can use the Spark. The tablet is dissolved in 10 liters of water. The drug is difficult to dissolve, so the tablet, without getting out of the sachet, it is better to crush it to a powdery state. The spark is diluted in a small volume of warm water and stirred well until completely dissolved, and then the concentrate is poured into a 10-liter container.

strawberry nematode

Nematodes are small white worms that live in the ground. Their length is not more than 1 mm. Nematodes eat young strawberry roots. A severe infestation of a plantation with a nematode can lead to a complete loss of the crop.


A diseased plant stops forming roots. Cysts resembling white grains form on the roots. The leaves turn yellow, curl, wrinkle, their veins thicken. Flowering is poor or absent, the berries are deformed. Over time, the plant dries out and dies.