Blackcurrant is a feast for the eyes description of the variety. New varieties of blackcurrant - the best, large-fruited, resistant

  • 03.03.2020

Currant is a sour berry, you can’t eat much of it even for the sake of vitamin C. And to collect it for a long time - small. Isn't it time to update the medium-sized berries in taste and size? Breeders have created varieties that are sweet, like gooseberries, large, like a two-ruble coin, and moreover, disease-resistant.

Description of varieties

In each region of Russia, there is now a sufficient selection of zoned blackcurrant varieties. Among them, the title of the sweetest was won by the Fakel, Dessertnaya Ogoltsova, Bagira, Ladushka, Poeziya, Selechenskaya 2, Elevesta, Izyumnaya, Zabava, Black Stork, Venus, Ussuriyskaya sweet and others varieties. The fruits contain over 10% sugar. At the same time, in ordinary varieties of sugar, on average, 5-6%. But in any case, the currant cannot be attributed to very sweet species, it will always be sour. In gooseberries, for example, 10-11% sugar, in cherries - 12%, and in pears this figure can reach 20%.

The largest

Super-large-fruited varieties include Pygmy, Sibylla, Globus, Romantika, Dobrynya, Sokrovishche, Rita, Mila, Slavyanka and others. Berries of varieties Vigorous, Selechenskaya 2, Exotica reach 1.5-2 cm in diameter.

Loves! Currant loves an open, lit area or partial shade. But the landing site depends on the region. In the south, it is desirable for her to take a place along the eastern or western perimeter of the crown big trees so that it is in partial shade for part of the day

The healthiest

Even the most interesting and productive varieties in our plantations are damaged by diseases and pests. Among diseases, powdery mildew, bud mites, and aphids are more likely to bother. Only certain varieties have complete resistance to diseases - Sybil, Gulliver, Sevchanka, Globus, Gross, Late Altai, Golubinka, Lama, Kapiana, Gamma, Muravushka, Monisto, Wonderful moment, Dar Smolyaninova and others.

In the European part of the country, blackcurrant varieties Blakestone, Gamma, Grazia, Zaglyadene, Temptation, Charm, Black Veil and varieties with high field resistance to diseases and pests Muravushka, Monisto, Wonderful Moment have immunity to powdery mildew.

Verified by gardeners

There are varieties that can be safely called "monopolists", since they not only conquered many gardens in the country, but also proved themselves well in terms of taste, size and disease resistance. These are Selechenskaya 2, Dekhtyarevskaya, Vigorous, Pygmei, Late Altai, Dobrynya, Exotica, Litvinovskaya, Kudmakh, Sibylla, Vigorous 2 and others.

Of all the varieties, you can opt for Selechenskaya 2. An ideal variety. It is sweeter than others, very productive - 3-4 kg per bush. The berries are large, spherical. Resistant to bud mites and many pathogens. Average term of maturing.

Berries to the max

Find and plant good grade- it is a great success. However, in order for it to reveal its full potential, it is necessary to observe agricultural technology. And you need to start from the landing site.

Most often it is planted on the periphery of the site. In this case, it is better to step back from the fence by 1.5 m and place at a distance of 1.5-2.0 m from each other.

Before planting a seedling, its root system can be dipped in a clay mash with the addition of a root former. This technique provides better contact with the ground and significantly increases the survival rate and further growth of the plant.

Does not love! Poorly tolerates strong sun, dry and swampy places. Does not tolerate heavy shade. Dislikes poor soils.


Immediately after planting blackcurrant seedlings, care should be taken to quickly build up the branches of the bush. It is desirable to bring their number to 10-15 pieces by 2-3 years of growth. In the future, periodically update them, leaving the strongest. On one bush there should be branches of both annuals and 2-5-year-olds.

Most of the berries are brought by branches with an increase of 30 cm. With a smaller increase, they give a scanty crop of small berries and only at the top of the bush, they should be cut out, replaced with young basal shoots or branches.

By 5-7 years, depending on the variety, there is a decrease in the growth of basal shoots. In this case, the bushes are uprooted and replaced with new seedlings.

What to clean

Among the berry-growers, blackcurrant most needs rich, abundantly fertilized soil.

Fertilizers applied to planting pits meet the needs of plants for 2-3 years. In subsequent years, top dressing should be carried out.

MINERAL FERTILIZERS. In early spring, 25 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m 2 are added around the bush. After mass flowering, liquid top dressing is used with solutions of mullein or bird droppings with the addition of superphosphate (10-15 g) and potassium fertilizer (5-7 g) per 1 bucket of infusion. For one bush, 2 buckets of mortar are used - they are brought into the groove along the periphery of the crown of the bush.

The third feeding is carried out after picking the berries also with liquid fertilizers, which contributes to a more productive laying of flower buds.

IMPORTANT! To achieve the optimal fruit size, all varieties require an increased dose of potash fertilizers.

ORGANIC. Instead of mineral fertilizers, humus and wood ash can be applied every 3-4 years, depending on the age of the bush. For young people - 1-2 buckets of humus, and for adults - up to 4 buckets. In the same way, depending on age, ash is also added: from 1 to 3-5 liters per bush, followed by digging to a depth of 10-12 cm.

In the absence of manure, many use herbal infusions (1 liter per bucket of water).

The dacha is a blackcurrant of the June harvest period. Its berry is large, sweet, very tender, with an unobtrusive aroma and thin matte skin - a wonderful dessert. It is practically devoid of acids, which distinguishes it from most other varieties.

The bush is just a feast for the eyes - low, without thickening and as if with specially thinned foliage, it is dotted with beautiful black berries. For a small bush, a harvest of four to five kilograms is simply fabulous.

Fruiting is stable and occurs in the third year after planting. Berry picking takes place in several steps, this makes it possible to consume fresh currants until the very beginning of the ripening of mid-ripening varieties. Good self-fertility and increases when cross-pollinated with neighboring currant bushes of other varieties.

The plant tolerates cold winters well, resistant to powdery mildew and bud mites.


Blackcurrant Dachnitsa was obtained by hybridization between the varieties Seyanets Golubki and Bredtorp at the All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding and the Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after. M. A. Lisavenko.




If you want to be sure that the plant you are purchasing matches the desired variety, do not buy seedlings from a random seller.

Currant interesting in that it easily tolerates slight shading, this quality makes it possible to more rationally use the garden plot.

It is necessary to plant currants with an interval between bushes of two meters, planting holes should be made small, fifty by fifty centimeters and thirty centimeters deep.

The soil must be properly prepared, ten or fifteen kilograms of humus will require two hundred and fifty grams of superphosphate, forty or forty-five grams of potassium sulfate, and a couple of shovels of wood ash.

We water the seedling abundantly, mulch the soil, immediately cut the bush into two or three buds. young the plant does not tolerate drying out and it is necessary to water it as needed, regularly remove weeds and loosen the soil.


Currant variety "Dachnitsa" pruning description. Blackcurrant the bush is undersized and not branched, this must be taken into account when forming pruning. The formation of the bush is carried out until the fifth year of the plant's life, each spring several shoots of good quality are preserved, so the bush will consist of shoots of different ages.

With further care during pruning, it will be necessary to remove old shoots, leaving a young growth, smoothly replacing, without losing yield, keeping the plant in good condition. At one place at proper care the plant bears fruit steadily up to fifteen years.


Blackcurrant "Dachnitsa" description of reproduction.

Currant propagated by vegetative means while maintaining all the qualities of the mother plant.

Reproduction by layering remains the simplest and most effective, since the connection with the mother plant is not interrupted, the influx of nutrients allows it to develop and take root young plant with a full guarantee of success, the seedling has a well-developed root system and a strong ground part. In the event that rooting by layering is not suitable, they are used well. matured shoots.

They are divided through an oblique cut into pieces of fifteen centimeters and planted in a pre-prepared place at an angle of forty-five degrees, leaving two or three buds above the soil surface. With constant care shoot rooting is good, and next spring they are ready for planting in a permanent place.

Diseases and pests

Currant variety Dachnitsa has an enviable resistance to powdery mildew, as well as bud mites, but this does not much shorten the list of those who want to dine at your expense. universal protective measure is an early spring watering bushes with boiling water with abundant ingress of boiling water on the soil under the plants.

Currant while not suffering, all kinds of pests are not ready for high temperatures. It is easiest to water the bush with boiling water using an ordinary garden watering can.

In the event that despite bud mite resistance, the pest is still detected (some buds are too large) before flowering and after flowering, the plants must be sprayed with Neoron, Actellik, Akarin preparations, to choose from. Processing should be carried out strictly according to the instructions.

When examining a bush with already growing fruits, caterpillars were noticed that settled in a still green berry. This is a moth, more precisely, its caterpillar and measures to combat it should be of a preventive nature - autumn digging of the soil under the bushes and spraying with shag infusion before flowering.

currant bushes well-groomed, strong, pleasing to the eye, and then some strange shoots appeared, crooked, weak with small leaves? It was the currant glass case that made its way to your site and settled in the shoots.

The affected shoots are urgently cut and burned, and the bushes themselves are sprayed with karbofos or a similar insecticide. And of course, aphids can be poisoned, but this does not make sense while ants live in your garden - they will very quickly restore their aphid farms. It's just that all clusters of ants are dug up and poured with plenty of boiling water.

Currant summer resident pleases gardeners for more than ten years since its appearance, the variety has shown all its advantages and settled far beyond the borders of Siberia - the place where it was obtained and its popularity is growing every year.

Useful video

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Any gardener can easily answer the question of what kind of blackcurrant he wants to plant. In his ideas, she gives a harvest every year, the bushes do not get sick, do not suffer from pests and the weather, and the berries are large and tasty. Whether such a variety exists or not is unknown to gardeners. Therefore, from year to year, the same currant bushes often grow in personal gardens, once bought or grown from cuttings taken from friends. However, the new varieties of blackcurrant created by breeders can surprise and please.

The process of creating new blackcurrant varieties has never stopped. For crossing, they took not only subspecies of blackcurrant (Siberian and European), but also many other types of currants with qualities useful for the future variety.

The main properties of modern varieties and hybrids of blackcurrant :
winter hardiness;
immunity and resistance to diseases and pests;
the possibility of mechanized cleaning;
biochemical composition of berries, taste.

winter hardiness

Blackcurrant is rightfully considered a winter-hardy crop. But this is not true for every variety. In cold winters, currant branches that are above the snow cover may freeze slightly. Although their partial restoration is possible, the frozen shoots will not give a full-fledged harvest. With more severe damage, the ends of the branches completely dry out. In some European varieties, the branches freeze to the surface of the soil, and the bush is restored only after the growth of new shoots. Under certain conditions, flower buds freeze. With the use of Siberian and European varieties, it was possible to obtain winter-hardy hybrids. Even greater winter hardiness is acquired by hybrids with wild grouse.

To the achievements of selection recent years include, for example, winter-hardy blackcurrant varieties Bagheera, Delicacy, Karachinskaya, Binar, Klussonovskaya, Trilena, Alexandrina, Chime . For example, in the conditions of the North-West, where winter temperature fluctuations are frequent, their flower buds almost do not freeze out.

Immunity and resistance to diseases and pests

An important achievement of breeding in recent decades is the creation of immune varieties, for example, not affected by powdery mildew, is, Gamma, Aleander, Charm, Dobrynya, Fantastic sight, Blakestone and etc.

Along with this quality, some varieties are immune to the bud mite, such as Kipiana, The Little Prince, Oasis .

A black currant Blessing does not suffer from powdery mildew and columnar rust.

The most resistant can be called new varieties of blackcurrant Grace, Karachinskaya, Temptation, Creole - to the above advantages, the non-susceptibility of the kidney tick is added.

These innovations make it possible to refuse the use of chemicals in the cultivation of crops.

At the same time, you need to know that the properties of currants are interconnected. Researchers note that a change in the immune properties of a variety often affects the taste of berries, worsening its quality.

One of the areas of breeding is associated with obtaining varieties that will easily adapt to changes in weather conditions. Varieties have already been obtained that are resistant to bud mites and extreme weather conditions, for example, Gulliver or varieties Astakhova A.I. Selechenskaya 2 and Dobrynya .

Suitability for mechanized harvesting

Straight blackcurrant shoots do not bend to the ground under the weight of the crop and do not require props, the berries on them are clean, the shoots are ventilated and available for picking - bushes with such properties are suitable for amateur gardens. Large gardening requires machinery and appropriate varieties. For mechanized harvesting, currants must have flexible branches, simultaneously ripening berries with elastic skin and dry separation of the berries. The crown should be sparse, the slope of the branches is not lower than 45 degrees.

Here are some new blackcurrant varieties suitable for harvesting with a berry harvester: Green Haze, Cardinal, Talisman , a number of others. Many varieties for mechanized harvesting are hindered by the fragility of the shoots, the sprawling and tall stature of the bush, wet detachment, and non-simultaneous ripening of berries.


Usually, the pollen of another plant is required for the formation of fruits. But blackcurrants also have self-pollinating varieties. This quality contributes to crop productivity, since self-pollination allows plants to set fruits in any weather, regardless of the summer of insects. At the same time, self-pollination reduces the viability of offspring. There are few self-pollinating plants in nature.

In black currant, varieties that form ovaries for 30% of flowers and more are classified as self-fertile. High self-fertility (>50%), for example, in varieties: Bagheera, Biryulevskaya, Alexandrina, Green haze. In the best new varieties of blackcurrant, self-fertility reaches 70% (variety Chime ) and higher.


High self-fertility along with other properties contributes to productivity. An important role in this is also played by the size of the berries and their number in the brush. Some new blackcurrant varieties have bunches of 50-60-70 and even 80 berries. Other high-yielding varieties may have whole nodes of several brushes (up to 6). Moreover, the number of such nodes on the bush is more than half.

As for the mass of the berry, it can reach 1.9-3.2 g in the variety Gulliver . Variety Dobrynya 2.8–6 years Selechenskaya-2 has berries weighing up to 5.5 g. In varieties Sensei and Minx berries 1.7 g each. Radonezh, Blessing, Okay, Charm - 1.5 g. Blakestone, Lovely sight, Temptation, Black pearl, Dessert Ogoltsova, Constellation fruits of 1.4 g.

New varieties of blackcurrant are high-yielding Klussonovskaya (13t/ha), Blessing (101-186 q/ha), Arapka (112-179 q/ha), Creole (118-144 q/ha), Ladushka (115-136 q/ha), Charm (114-154 q/ha) and others. The best new varieties of blackcurrant give annual and stable yields.

Biochemical composition of berries and taste

The taste of the berry depends on acids and sugars. If the composition of the berries contains acids> 2.4%, then the taste will seem sour. Assess the taste by the ratio of sugars to acids. The higher the number, the sweeter the taste. According to this criterion, varieties are distinguished, for example Ladushka, Temptation, Dessert Ogoltsova containing sugars 11.6%, and acids only 2.3%. Tasting score of 5 points has blackcurrant Slechenskaya-2 . More than 10% of sugars contain varieties Cardinal (11.5%), Delicacy, Chernavka .

An interesting pattern is noted: the larger the berry, the less ascorbic acid it contains. It is desirable that the berries contain more than 200 mg/100 g of vitamin C and more than 900 mg/100 g of vitamin P. There are very few varieties with a high content of these vitamins. For example, sort Kipiana .

In addition to ascorbic acid, glucose and fructose, blackcurrant contains a number of other useful substances. According to their totality, one can distinguish, for example, a variety Carmelita, Talisman, Fairy of the night.

The more ascorbic acid in fruits, the better they are stored. Dry, fresh berries at 0C can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 45 days. Vitamin C can be preserved by freezing berries, but they must have a firm skin. In the freezer, the berries are stored until a new harvest.


Cultivation regions

With remarkable properties, new varieties may not show their best qualities. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose those that are recommended for a particular area. Here are some new varieties of blackcurrant, grouped by region.

Central Black Earth : Kipiana, Gamma, Chernavka, Temptation, Charm, Oryol Serenade, Green Haze, Minx, Little Prince, Enchantress, Tamerlane,

Central: Grace, Gulliver, Selechenskaya - 2, Green Haze, Dobrynya, Oryol Serenade, Delicacy, Vologda,

Volga-Vyatka : Chime, Bagheera, Oryol Serenade, Gulliver, Nestor Kozin, Vologda, In Memory of Vavilov, Pygmy

Middle Volga : Oryol Serenade, Elevesta, Katyusha, Vologda, Bagheera

Northwestern : Gulliver, Alexandrina, Selechenskaya - 2, Bagira, Delicacy, Vavilov's Memory, Green Haze, Petersburger, Binar, Vologda, Poetry, Trilena

Northern: Delicacy, Binar

West Siberian : Selechenskaya - 2, Treasure, Pygmy, Bagheera, Green Haze, Paulinka, Dobrynya

East Siberian : Treasure, Green Haze, Aleander, Pygmy, Karachinskaya, Bagheera

Far Eastern : Delicacy, Pygmy, Binar, Vologda,

North Caucasian : Green haze, Katyusha, In memory of Vavilov

Uralic: Green Haze, Pygmy, Bagheera, Katyusha

variety testing new varieties of blackcurrant are passing through: Radonezh, Oasis, Monisto, Wonderful Moment, Hercules, Dessertnaya Ogoltsova, Belorusochka, Blessing, Lovely Look, Blakestone, Arapka, Ladushka, Creolka, Klussonovskaya

Almost all new varieties of blackcurrant are large-fruited, winter-hardy, productive, and are little affected by diseases and pests. And although great success has already been achieved, breeders still have to solve many problems to obtain a dream variety.

  1. Varieties of large blackcurrant.
  2. Sweet varieties of black currant.
  3. Early varieties of blackcurrant.
  4. Medium varieties of blackcurrant.
  5. Late varieties of blackcurrant.
  6. How to make 2 or even 3 from one purchased seedling.

Thanks to the work of breeders, today we have a lot of different varieties of blackcurrant (more than 200). Gardeners can even find it difficult to understand such a wide range. For Readers" suburban area» We have selected varieties of currants that are the most, most. The largest, sweetest, most fruitful.

All blackcurrant varieties proposed here are self-fertile, BUT when planting several bushes of different varieties, the yield and size of the berries will be noticeably large. Mutual cross-pollination always plays a positive role.

If you intend to purchase early currants, then keep in mind that it will bloom in the first half of May. In regions where there are strong night frosts at this time, the plants will have to be covered. Otherwise, one such frost can ruin the entire crop.

Varieties of large blackcurrant

Description of blackcurrant Vigorous

Vigorous- the most large currant. Its fruits are more like large grapes, although the size and weight of the berries are not the same (from 3 to 8 gr.). The variety is medium-late, the bush is compact, spherical in shape, 1-1.5 m high, unfortunately the bushes age quickly and require replacement after 5-7 years. Berries of sweet and sour taste, juicy, fleshy, universal purpose with dense skin.

The variety is characterized by good winter hardiness, high self-fertility, resistance to bud mites, rowan grouse.

  • Productivity from 3 to 6 kg. berries from one bush.
  • Berries weighing from 3 to 8 gr.
  • Flowering begins in the first half of May.
  • Harvest ripens in the third decade of July.

Advantages: large fruits, high winter hardiness, self-fertility, good yield.

Flaws: bushes age quickly and require careful care, insufficient resistance to powdery mildew, berries are not one-dimensional and sour (not for everyone).

Description of the variety Dobrynya

Dobrynyalarge-fruited variety blackcurrant. The mass of the largest berries reaches 7 grams, but they are also of different sizes. The taste is sweet and sour, the skin is dense, the sugar content is 6.9%, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is 200 mg. per 100 gr. The ripening period is average, the bush is compact, not high 1 - 1.5 m. The variety is winter-hardy, early-growing, resistant to powdery mildew. It tolerates spring frosts and drought well.

  • Productivity from 1.6 to 2.4 kg of large berries from 1 bush.
  • The mass of berries is from 3 to 7 gr.
  • Currant flowering - mid-May.
  • Harvest ripens in the second half of July.

Advantages: very large and delicious berries, compact bush, winter hardiness, resistance to frost, drought, powdery mildew.

Flaws: medium yield, non-one-dimensionality of fruits, medium resistance to bud mites and anthracnose.

Selechenskaya - 2

Selechenskaya - 2.

Selechenskaya - 2 currant with very large and tasty berries (up to 6 gr.). The taste is sweet with sourness, the sugar content is 7.3%, ascorbic acid is 160 mg. per 100 gr. Early ripening, tall bush, erect 1.5 -1.8 m. The variety is winter-hardy, easily tolerates drought, resistant to powdery mildew.

  • Productivity is from 2.5 to 5 kg. large berries from 1 bush.
  • The mass of berries is from 3 to 6 gr.
  • Blooms in the first decade of May.
  • Harvest ripens in the first decade of July.

Advantages: large, tasty (considered one of the most delicious) berries, winter hardiness, resistance to powdery mildew, good yield.

Flaws: medium resistance to bud mites, anthracnose.

The best varieties of sweet blackcurrant

green haze

Green haze.

green haze- medium ripening, the bush is not tall, medium spreading, begins to bear fruit in the second year after planting. Berries are fragrant, sweet and sour, sugar - 12.2%, ascorbic acid 192 mg. per 100 gr. Winter hardiness is good, resistant to powdery mildew, self-fertile.

  • Productivity from 4 to 5 kg. berries from 1 bush.
  • The mass of berries is from 1.5 to 2.5 gr.
  • Blooms in the second half of May.
  • Harvest ripens by mid-July.

Advantages: tasty, sweet berries, early maturity, high yield, winter hardiness.

Flaws: weak resistance to bud mites.


Nina- one of the best varieties of early ripening, the bushes are medium-sized, dense, form a lot of basal shoots. Large berries (from 1 to 1.3 cm in diameter), relatively one-dimensional, sweet - sugar 9 — 11% , ascorbic acid - 180 - 270 mg. per 100 gr. Productivity is good, stable, maturation is friendly. Winter-hardy, self-fertile, medium resistance to powdery mildew.

  • Yield 3 - 4 kg, but with good care up to 8 kg.
  • The mass of berries is from 2 to 4 gr.

Advantages: Sweet, large, one-dimensional berries, uniform ripening, winter hardiness, stable and high yield. Easily propagated by cuttings.

Flaws: poor transportability of fruits, poor resistance to terry and bud mites.


Bagheera- sweet currant, medium ripening, bush medium height 1 - 1.5 m. The berries are relatively large, ripen together and do not crumble for a long time, sugar - 9 - 12%, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 155 - 190 mg per 100 g. Begins to bear fruit already next year after landing. The variety is very winter-hardy, tolerates heat, drought, moderately resistant to diseases.

  • Productivity 3 - 4.5 kg. berries from 1 bush.
  • Fruit weight 1.1 - 2.2 gr.
  • Blooms in the second decade of May.

Advantages: excellent drought and frost resistance, sweet, tasty berries that ripen together and are well transported.

Flaws: resistance to powdery mildew, anthracnose, bud mites is average.

Early varieties of blackcurrant



exotic- early ripening, bush is compact, erect, 1 - 1.5 m high. Berries are large with a dry separation, sweet and sour taste, thin-skinned, sugar 8.9%, ascorbic acid 198 mg. per 100 gr. The variety is self-fertile, winter-hardy, quickly bears fruit, resistant to columnar rust and powdery mildew.

  • Productivity 1 - 1.5 kg. from 1 bush.
  • The mass of berries is 2.5 - 3.5 gr.
  • Blooms in the first half of May.
  • Harvest ripens in early July.

Advantages: from early varieties the most large-fruited, winter hardiness, resistance to powdery mildew.

Flaws: susceptibility to bud mite, terry and anthracnose.


Raisinearly currant, bush medium-sized, slightly sprawling 1-1.5 m high. Large berries, sweet taste, sugar 9.1%, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - 192 mg per 100 g. Winter-hardy, drought-resistant variety, resistant to powdery mildew and bud mites.

  • Productivity 1.7 - 2 kg from 1 bush.
  • Weight of berries 2 - 3.2 gr.
  • Blooms in the first half of May.

Advantages: resistant to frost, drought, powdery mildew, large fruits.

Flaws: poor rooting of cuttings during propagation.

summer resident

summer resident- early ripening, the bush is low, sprawling about a meter high. Large berries, thin-skinned, sweet-tasting sugar 9.3%, ascorbic acid 190 mg. per 100 gr. The variety is winter-hardy, self-fertile, resistant to bud mites and powdery mildew, average yield.

  • Productivity 1.4 - 1.8 kg. from 1 bush.
  • Weight of berries 2.2 - 4 gr.
  • Blooms in the first decade of May.
  • Harvest ripens in early July.

Advantages: large fruits, early ripening, disease resistance.

Flaws: branches can lie on the ground, props are desirable, ripening of berries is not friendly, when overripe, they can crumble to the ground.

Medium varieties of black currant

Description of Blackcurrant Titania

Titania- medium ripening, medium-sized bush up to 1.5 m high, shoots are thick, grow vertically. The berries are not the same size, sweet and sour taste, with greenish flesh, firm skin and dry separation, sugar 8.7%, ascorbic acid 170 mg. per 100 gr. Winter-hardy, self-fertile variety, practically does not get sick with powdery mildew.

  • Productivity 1.5 - 2.5 kg. berries from 1 bush.
  • Weight of berries 1 - 2.5 gr.
  • Blooms in mid-May.
  • Harvest ripens in the first half of July.

Advantages: excellent resistance to powdery mildew, the fruits do not crumble when ripe.

Flaws: extended ripening time and not one-dimensional berries.

Black Pearl

Black Pearl.

Black Pearl- an average variety of blackcurrant, a bush of medium height, 1 - 1.5 m high. Berries are one-dimensional with a dry separation, universal purpose, sweet and sour taste, sugar - 9.3%, vitamin C in 100 gr. fruits 133 mg. The variety is self-fertile, very frost-resistant, with good yields, but resistance to powdery mildew is average.

  • Yield 3.5 - 5 kg. berries from 1 bush.
  • Fruit weight 1.3 - 1.4 gr.
  • Blooms in the first decade of May.
  • Harvest ripens in mid-July.

Advantages: consistently high yields, large-fruited, uniform and good transportability of berries, high frost resistance.

Flaws: resistance to powdery mildew is average.


pygmy- medium ripening, bush medium-sized, not sprawling, compact. Very large berries, with a thin skin, sweet, dessert taste sugar - 9.4%, vitamin C in 100 gr. berries contain 150 mg. The variety is self-fertile, frost-resistant, high-yielding, resistant to anthracnose and powdery mildew.

  • Productivity 1.6 - 5.7 kg. berries from 1 bush.
  • Mass of fruits 2.3 - 7.5 gr.
  • Blooms in mid-May.
  • Harvest ripens at the end of July.

Advantages: high winter hardiness, high productivity, large fruits.

Flaws: fruits of different sizes, medium resistance to bud mites.

Late varieties of black currant


Daughterlate deadline maturing, slightly sprawling, not tall shrub about a meter high. The berries are large, with a dry margin, universal purpose, sweet and sour taste, sugar - 7.5%, ascorbic acid 160 mg. per 100 gr. The variety winters well, drought-resistant, self-fertile, resistant to bud mites, but resistance to powdery mildew is not so good.

  • Yield 3 - 4 kg. berries from 1 bush.
  • Fruit weight 1.2 - 2.3 gr.
  • Harvest ripens in early August.

Advantages: good yield and high quality fruit.

Flaws: may be affected by powdery mildew.


Vologda - late variety of blackcurrant, bush medium-sized, strongly sprawling, dense. The berries are quite large, with a dry margin and a sweet and sour taste, sugar 7.6%, ascorbic acid 175 mg. per 100 gr. Self-fertility is high, winter hardiness is good, but resistance to spring frosts is weak. Resistant to diseases and pests.

  • Productivity 3.5 - 4 kg. berries from 1 bush.
  • Fruit weight 1.4 - 2.2 gr.
  • Blooms in the second decade of May.

Advantages: good yield, large fruits, disease resistance.

Flaws: very spreading bush, props for branches are required.

Description of the Lazy variety

Lazy person- late ripening, bush vigorous, dense height 1.5 - 1.8 m. The berries are large, round, sweet taste, sugar - 8.8%, vitamin C in 100 gr. fruits 117 mg. The variety is winter-hardy, self-fertile, resistant to terry, anthracnose, but moderately resistant to powdery mildew and bud mites.

  • Productivity 1.9 - 2.2 kg. berries from 1 bush.
  • Fruit weight 2 - 3 gr.
  • Blooms in the second half of May.
  • Harvest ripens in late July - early August.

Advantages: resistance to many diseases, dessert taste of fruits.

Flaws: not friendly ripening of berries, not stable yield.

How to make 2 or even 3 from one purchased currant seedling

Currant seedlings are actively sold with two or three lignified shoots. They are recommended to be cut, leaving 20 cm above the ground, but it can be done differently.

Lay the seedling in the trench at an angle of 10-15 degrees so that its roots are located deeper than the tops of the shoots. Cover all shoots with loose soil, leaving small tops on the surface. Leaves that are in the ground can be sniffed without damaging the buds.

From the buds embedded in the soil, roots and shoots are formed along the entire length of the branches. They are developing very quickly, because. the root system of the mother plant is actively working. The plant forms new shoots with a more powerful fibrous root system.

Next fall, dig them up, cut them into separate seedlings with pruners and plant them in a permanent place. So instead of one purchased seedling, you will grow several.

If you managed to acquire a new valuable variety of blackcurrant, you can quickly propagate it in this way.

Video about the best varieties of blackcurrant

Very interesting and informative video from the nursery where comparative analysis various varieties of blackcurrant.

Other varieties of currant.