I dream that I am picking large black currants. Why dream of blackcurrant? What do dreams mean Currant

  • 21.09.2019

There is nothing more beautiful than a kind and warm dream. The world of night dreams can immerse us in completely different and unforgettable moments, can return to the past or open the door to the future.

Sometimes the simplest dream can be fraught with many secrets and surprises. The main thing is to interpret it correctly, and then you can become the owner of a huge amount of information. Sour and at the same time sweet currants are associated with most of us with summer. With a period of serenity and lightness, when you can truly relax.

Of course, in a vision, this image will symbolize something else, and in order to find out what the currant is dreaming of, one should turn to the interpreters of the visions. As the dream book says, currant is a symbol of success, a favorable period in life, as well as love.

Since this berry symbolizes both success and love, you should be attentive to interpretations. Look in several dream books, compare predictions and, most importantly, pay attention to the details of the dream. Here is something that cannot be missed in the analysis:

  • Red or black?
  • What berry did it taste like?
  • Eat or collect?

The meaning of vision

In order for the interpretation to bring you maximum information, you need to start the analysis with obvious facts. Namely - with the color of currant.

So, if you dreamed about a berry, then expect love adventures. An attractive and intelligent representative of the opposite sex will pay attention to you. You will begin communication, which over time will flow into sincere feelings.

If the currant in a dream was black, then expect pleasant changes in life. Soon, everything old and boring will become a thing of the past, and it will be replaced by a new and unexpected one. It can be either a new lover or a move to another city or a change of job.

If the berry was white, then expect amazing news. Someone from your loved ones, relatives or acquaintances will soon please you with great news. A green, not yet ripe currant in a dream suggests that you are too withdrawn into yourself. Do not ignore the people around, because they can give you that very feeling of happiness and love. Start opening up to people now, and life will become more beautiful.

Further, dealing with the interpretation of this dream, remember your taste sensations. If the berry was sweet in a dream, it means that you will have a rest period. And after you rest and gain strength, you will have the opportunity to fly up the career ladder.

A sour berry in a dream means that soon you will be able to fulfill your dream. Only for this it will be necessary to show courage and willpower. The more serious you are about winning, the faster you will win it.

Bitter blackcurrant or redcurrant is a sign that you are focusing too much on your failures. It's time to start treating the difficulties in life as a dark streak, which will certainly change into a bright one. Therefore, do not despair, luck awaits you ahead.

Rotten fruits indicate that you have sat too long in one place. It's time for you to start moving, transforming, because if you change something now, then in the near future you will again feel the taste of life.

Next, you need to remember what you did in the vision. red or blackcurrant means that you can easily achieve what you want. If in a vision you were fed a berry, then this portends you to a quick marriage.

If you picked currants in a vision, it means that a period of hard work awaits you, which in the end will bring a lot of income. Therefore, you should stock up on patience and endurance.

Dreams can tell you a lot, about the past and the future, about your feelings and about your pain. The main thing is to remember that dreams only give you information, and how to use it and what decisions to make is up to you.

Dream interpretation red currant

Waking up in the morning, we decided to find out why the red currant is dreaming? You can find a detailed answer in the dream book. The main thing is that you remember the details of the dream you saw.

In a dream, I saw a red currant

By common interpretation a dream with juicy and ripe red fruits has a favorable interpretation.

The dream portends to the dreamer what he will experience in real life good and positive emotions.

Currant is dreaming - for a long and happy life. For those who are engaged in business, night vision prophesies good luck. For lovers - a sign of fidelity to the second half. A married couple - to the birth of a long-awaited baby.

If you dreamed of red currant

Do you want to define prophetic dream or not? The dream interpretation says that this is quite simple to do. A dream, which is prophetic, is always remembered with the smallest details, and empty dream forgotten immediately after waking up.

Be sure to note, did you dream of a bush or did you clearly see currant berries?


Why dream flowering bush currants? To the long road. For those who are in love, a dream portends a long-awaited meeting or just a romantic date.

Interprets the dream book: the currant bush in the night vision was broken - to trouble in the family.

If you saw a bush of red currant

I dreamed of a red currant growing in your neighbor's garden - you will experience jealousy. But this feeling is unfounded.

Burn down a bush - a dream book indicates that fate will be given a chance to change your financial situation. You cut down a bush in a dream - to wealth in real life.


To see a lot of large berries - soon buy something useful for the whole family. A bowl full of currant fruits - there will be communication with loved ones.

I dreamed of fruits scattered on the floor - get ready to meet guests.

Red currant lay in a dirty plate? The dream book will decipher this plot as follows: you can have a great rest and at the same time do not spend money.

Rotten fruits - a dream indicates that the dreamer lacks passion in family life.

But what did the dreamer do with the berries in the dream?

Ate fruits

There are berries good mood dreamer. According to another interpretation, such a dream is a dream for a new acquaintance, which will not oblige you to anything. Eat right with ponytails - to the partner's jealousy.

For lovers who, in a quarrel, a dream portends - reconciliation.

To marriage

An unmarried girl eats jam with a spoon - for a quick marriage.

Why dream of eating sour currant berries? To a pleasant meeting. The fruits were sour - in reality you will know disappointment from the work done. For those who are married, this plot portends a cooling of feelings and upcoming quarrels. If the partners do not talk and do not change their relationship to each other, even a divorce is possible.

Were the fruits sweet? To the well-being of the family.

Did you have a dream in which the dreamer ate currants in a strange house? Get ready to meet unexpected, but pleasant guests.

Why dream of treating someone with fruits? For a family celebration.


Make them juice, jelly or delicious jam- the financial situation will change in better side. Was the harvesting process a burden to you in a dream? The plan is not destined to come true. Dreams will remain dreams.

The meaning of sleep with currants by season

What time of year was

Harvest dreamed, what time of year? Who was the dreamer? For women, the interpretation is good sign, but for men, a dream, on the contrary, prophesies trouble.


  • in a spring dream to the fair sex - a dream portends the fulfillment of the plan;
  • the night dream was seen in the summer - the dreamer's health in the near future will not cause her concern;
  • in the fall - you can avoid all the troubles;
  • in winter - to pleasant and cheerful gatherings with friends.


  • in the spring - to the troubles that arise due to a misunderstanding;
  • in summer - to sad memories;
  • in the fall - to diseases;
  • in winter - to a long wait.

Currant in a dream is a symbol of fidelity, wealth and success. But the interpretation will differ significantly depending on its color, quantity and appearance. If you are interested in what blackcurrant is dreaming of, then the dream book will answer your question in detail. It is believed that blackcurrant is a harbinger of illness and grief, but sometimes a strong family and love.

When currant portends good

If you saw blackcurrant berries in a dream, then wait for some kind of offer. It can concern both the professional sphere and personal life. Also, such a dream can portend entertainment and holidays in which you will find yourself in the center of everyone's attention. For a sick person, such a dream portends recovery.

Large currant berries in a dream will allow you to get all the benefits that are possible from real life. This, though not immediately, will make you happy. In addition, blackcurrant can be a symbol of the return of the lost. If you plucked them from the bush and immediately ate, then joy and fun will definitely visit your home in the very near future. Often, after such a dream, very expensive gifts await the dreamer.

Your affairs will go much better after you burned a currant bush in a dream. Sponsorship and support influential person promises blackcurrant jam. But this will only be the case when you enjoyed its taste and aroma.

Thickets of forest currant promise that soon you will have a wonderful vacation with your family, after which you will be able to take on a new activity with fresh energy.

Adverse Effects of Sleep

Blackcurrant bushes in a dream are a harbinger of difficulties and obstacles. You will have to make a lot of efforts to achieve your goals. It is very bad if you planted these bushes in a dream. In this case, you will meet with hypocrites and deceivers who can disturb your quiet life. It is possible that after their gossip your reputation will suffer greatly.

If the bushes were large, then this is a sign that you yourself are to blame for the fact that others are discussing you behind your back. Do not give gossip a reason so that you do not have to listen to unpleasant things later.

If you picked these sweet berries in a dream, then in real life quarrels, troubles and resentments may come to your house. It is also possible that one of the family members is sick. By the way, most often blackcurrant portends a toothache. The process of picking berries in a dream suggests that you will need a lot of patience and strength to achieve success in life. The first time you are unlikely to succeed.

Blackcurrant eaten in a dream warns you that close person can hurt you a lot. There is also a chance that you will receive a reprimand from your superiors, and your beloved children will present an extremely unpleasant surprise.

A very strong chagrin and tears promises a dream in which you sold currants in a dream. Especially many problems will arise at work. The reason for this will be your rivals and ill-wishers.

If you saw not ripe berries in the basket, then this is a sign that your imprudent behavior can lead to very undesirable consequences.

A bush of crumbling currants in a dream speaks of health problems. You just need rest.

Why do lovers dream of blackcurrant

For married women dreams about blackcurrant often portend replenishment in the family. This is especially true for those who have long dreamed of a child.

An early marriage prophesies a dream in which you ate berries in your garden. In specific cases, such a dream may mean the return of a loved one or reconciliation with him. Often after this, a pet appears in families, which causes a lot of joy for all family members.

A quick marriage prophesies to the girl blackcurrant jam, which she ate or cooked in her dream. Ate, it was tasteless, then relations with the current chosen one will not lead to anything good. In this case, tears and disappointment await you.

Sour berry says that you will have to say goodbye to personal life in order to achieve career development. For some time you will not be able to think about anything but work, but in the end you can become a wealthy person.

Berries on a platter promise the onset of a bright, cloudless period in life, when there will be harmony and mutual understanding in relations with a loved one. The absence of quarrels and misunderstandings will make your life happy.

You may soon get carried away by an unworthy person after selling blackcurrants in a dream. Don't have any illusions about him, he's not worth you. Be extremely careful so that his insidious acts do not bankrupt you.

Pleasant romantic meetings promise a dream in which you saw large flowering currant bushes. Having fun with your loved one will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Also read about other berries:

If you are wondering why you are dreaming black currant, the dream book will give you a detailed answer to it. You only need to remember the details of the dream: what did you do with the berry, where did you see it, and what did it taste like.

Given these nuances, you will be presented with a specific interpretation of your dream. Based on the fact that the dream book interprets similar dreams, as a symbol of a strong and friendly family, you need to wait for events that relate to relationships with close relatives.

eat berries

Picking berries from the bushes and eating them, not mine, means getting a new family member. It doesn't have to be the birth of a child. Perhaps you will take a pet into the house. Or a relative will come to you and live with you for a long time.

  • Eat from a plate - to reconciliation with your loved one.
  • Pick up currant jam with a spoon - for marriage.
  • Eating sour berries is a joyful meeting.
  • Sweet - for a long family life.
  • There is a currant from the hand of a loved one - for a joint journey.

According to the dream book, the currant that you eat in someone else's house is dreaming of the appearance of unexpected, but very pleasant guests. And to treat someone with it means to arrange a family holiday.

If you eat it with ponytails, then your partner will be jealous of you. And there are berries that fell to the ground - it means to forget past grievances and start a new, happy life.

See from the side

Beautiful, large berries on a bush dream when you have peace of mind, and you are not burdened by family quarrels and scandals.

And small, unripe berries can be seen before a small quarrel with a spouse. Dont be upset. After all, after reconciliation, you will discover new feelings in yourself and in it, previously unknown to you.

  • Broken currant bush - to test the family for strength.
  • To see berries in a neighbor's garden - to unreasonable jealousy.
  • Currants scattered on the floor - to the guests.
  • A bowl of berries - to communicate with relatives.
  • Currant compote - for a fun party.

As the dream book says, the currant from which you make jam is dreaming when you have many fans. And frozen berries can be seen before the appearance in your life of a childhood friend with whom you have not communicated for a long time.

To burn a currant bush means to improve your financial situation. And cut it down - get rich quick.

red berries

If in a dream you dreamed of red currants, then positive emotions await you. To eat it means to be in good location spirit. And picking from the bushes is a great time in a pleasant company.

If you dream that red currants are on a plate, then you are waiting for comfortable rest. And to see her in dirty dishes means to have a good rest without spending extra money.

Red currant without twigs dreams of a passionate night with a loved one. And dirty or rotten berries can be seen when you and your partner lack passion in a relationship.

Buying it means meeting a nice person. And acquaintance with the continuation promises a dream in which there is a huge red currant.

Having correctly determined what the currant is dreaming of, you can confidently plan your further actions.
Author: Vera Fractional

Large currant berries seen in a dream promise the dreamer earthly pleasures, entertainment and a pleasant pastime. However, there are other interpretations of this interesting phenomenon. The dream book will help you figure out what such a dream is about.

When will come true

Before you start interpreting and hurry to find out what the currant is dreaming of, the dream book advises you to pay attention to one nuance. In some cases, the plant, and in particular the time of its flowering or ripening, indicates the moment when the dream itself will be fulfilled.

If it is not the season outside, your thoughts are not occupied with the garden, and you dreamed about currants, then you should remember this dream. Probably, it is during this period that some unusual event will happen to you.

Do not worry, you can easily determine whether the dream was prophetic or not. Usually prophetic visions are remembered down to the smallest detail, at the same time, ordinary night dreams fly away with the first sunbeam.

General interpretation

If you dreamed about currants, then the dream book advises you to remember well what color the berries were. The general meaning of this plant is long life, happiness, it promises success to entrepreneurs, promises fidelity to companions to dreamers in love, family people gives the long-awaited news of the birth of children, and wealth to businessmen and ordinary farmers.

If you dreamed of currant bushes, then probably in the near future there will be a long journey, and besides, your cherished dreams will come true. But planting currant bushes yourself is not very good - the dream book believes that in reality you will give rise to gossip.

Dreamer's actions

Had a dream that you pick currants from the bushes? The dream book interprets this dream as a symbol of hard work, in which you will need a lot of patience and effort. By the way, making jam in a dream is also not a good sign. He promises trouble and problems.

Why is there a dream in which you had to eat jam or fresh berries? Here the dream book has extremely excellent transcripts. There is ready-made currant jam - to support an influential person, but eating blackcurrant is not very good. This is a sign of general weakness and exhaustion of the body.

If you ate red currants, then someone will definitely bring you to tears. At the same time, feasting on white berries is a new and very successful acquaintance.

Color matters

As you can see, color plays a very serious role and it is he who will help determine exactly what the dream is about. So blackcurrant basically has a relatively negative value. The dream interpretation connects her appearance in a dream with changes in well-being.

If you dreamed that you were eating, picking or buying black currants, then immediately rush to the doctor. If you sold it at the market, then the danger will bypass.

Romance and love

In turn, red currant is related to the romantic side of the life of the sleeping person. Why is the red berry dreaming? To acquaintances and unexpected meetings, to dates and parties.

And especially large and juicy, lying on a large plate, promises happiness and sincere love. At the same time, any hint of rot or deterioration reduces positive value sleep.

Finance and business

Yellowcurrant in night dreams indicates the financial situation of the dreamer. In this regard, all the basic symbolism is true, only with an emphasis on finance. Naturally, if you dreamed of a beautiful yellow berry, then expect success and profit, but if it is sluggish, spoiled or rotten, then you can’t wait for good news.

What a taste

According to the dream book, white currant has a special interpretation. It is a symbol of obtaining spiritual knowledge. By the way, if you feel the taste of currants, then this makes it possible, even better to understand what the dream is about. And your own feelings will help in this: tasty, sweet, sour, bitter - this is how life will be.


Dream interpretation for a bitch

Currant - unexpected meeting lead to a new love interest.

Modern combined dream book

Pick currant berries in a dream- means that you will need a lot of patience and diligence to achieve your goal.

There is currant jam- you will receive the support of an influential person, thanks to which your affairs will be arranged in the best possible way. The girl has such a dream- promises a profitable marriage.

See lush flowering currant bushes- for fun and pleasure. A woman has such a dream- promises a pleasant pastime with your loved one.

If you see large currant berries- You have to enjoy the blessings of life to the fullest.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

There are currant berries- to a breakdown; depletion of the body.

Children's dream book

Red currants- fortunately; black- to chagrin, insults, tears.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Currant- love interest; red- a dream come true; collect after waiting- joy.

General dream book

There is a white currant in a dream- to acquaintance.

I dreamed that you ate red currants- you will be brought to tears.

There are black currants- for a long journey.

In a dream, you bought currants- soon you will have no one to blame for your failures, except yourself.

sell currants- to great chagrin.

Boil currants- to trouble.

In a dream, you burned a currant bush- know that if you try, then things will soon go much better for you.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

There is a currant in a dream means to experience pleasure collect currants- means in reality a reward for work.

Currant bush dreams of the road, red currant- bye, white- to a new acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

plant currants- this means that in real life you yourself give rise to gossip around your person. Behave more prudently so that later you do not listen to the latest news about yourself from well-wishers.

Tearing currants in a dream- soon you will have interesting entertainment. Do not refuse the opportunity to have fun, because, perhaps, your future life and your self-awareness will depend on this.

There is a currant in a dream- perhaps in reality they will make you very profitable proposition, which should not be abandoned. Even if it seems to you that there are visible flaws in the new proposal, they can be eliminated with careful consideration.

English dream book

Currant- portends you a long happiness in life, success in business, fidelity of lovers, charming children to married people and wealth to peasants and merchants.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Red currants- acquaintance; black is a disease.

Culinary dream book

There are any currants in a dream- have fun and enjoyment; collect currants- receive compensation for work; sell currants- to experience seduction.

If you saw blackcurrant berries in a dream- expect trouble, obstacles.

If you collected them- will fail.

If they ate them- there will be big losses.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Currant- unexpected meeting.

Collection of dream books

See a currant bush or pick berries from it- to the fulfillment of desires; eat berries- to the problem of beriberi (your body lacks vitamin C, trace elements and organic acids contained in currants).

Dream interpretation currant berries

Why do Currant berries dream in a dream from a dream book?

Large, ripe currant berries in a dream - symbolize boundless happiness and prosperity, you can realize all your ideas.

You are picking currant berries - on the way to the goal there will be many additional obstacles and obstacles, and you can overcome them only by gathering all your will into a fist, the main thing is to remember why you are doing all this.

Dream Interpretation Blackcurrant, why dream of Blackcurrant in a dream to see

Culinary dream book If you dream of Blackcurrant in a dream:

What is blackcurrant dreaming of -

Pocket dream book Why dream about Blackcurrant in a dream book:

If you dreamed of blackcurrant, this is a nuisance.

If you saw in a dream how you are picking blackcurrants, this is unfortunately.

There is a blackcurrant in a dream - this is a loss.

See also: why do you dream of currants, why do you dream of raspberries, why do you dream of strawberries.

Why dream of Blackcurrant in a dream book:

There is blackcurrant in the garden - for the upcoming replenishment in the family.

Harvest large black currants

Dream Interpretation Collect black large currants dreamed of why in a dream Collect large black currants? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Collecting large black currants by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Blackcurrant

If you saw blackcurrant berries in a dream, expect trouble, obstacles. If you collected them, there will be failure. If you ate them, there will be large losses.

Dream Interpretation - Blackcurrant

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Dream Interpretation - Currant

(See interpretation: berries)

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Dream Interpretation - Currant

currant bush

Dream Interpretation Currant Bush had a dream about why a currant bush is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Currant Bush in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Eating currants is a pleasure.

To collect currants, a currant bush dreams of a road.

Red currant - bye.

White currant - to a new acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation - Currant

(See interpretation: berries)

Collecting ripe currants in a dream is a sign of profit. Redcurrant in a dream is a sign of receiving news from a loved one. Ripe and tasty currants in a dream are a harbinger of good news about success in business. An unripe currant in a dream is an indication that at the moment your desire is not feasible.

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Ate currants in a dream - get pleasure from something.

We collected currants - you will receive a reward for your work.

They sold currants - someone will try to seduce you.

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Plant currants: this means that in real life you yourself give rise to gossip around your person.

Behave more prudently so that later you do not listen to the latest news about yourself from well-wishers.

Pick currants: soon you will have interesting entertainment.

Do not refuse the opportunity to have fun, because, perhaps, your future life and your self-awareness will depend on this.

There is a currant: perhaps in reality they will make you a very advantageous offer, which you should not refuse.

Even if it seems to you that there are visible flaws in the new proposal, they can be eliminated with careful consideration.

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Picking red or black currants from a bush - a dream portends fun and exquisite pleasures. Drink currant juice - rest will strengthen your health.

Imagine that you are treating a loved one with currants.

Dream Interpretation - Bushes

Seeing green bushes in a dream means that your sympathy will be reciprocated. If you fell into the thorn bushes and cannot get out of there, it means that your ill-wishers want to trap you, for which they present false information; in reality you should be more vigilant and careful.

Uprooting a shrub is a sign of good help that you will receive in a timely manner from friends. Seeing bushes uprooted is a harbinger of trouble, for both business affairs and personal circumstances will undergo changes in negative side. Chopping a dry shrub portends the onset of illness and sadness in the soul and in the heart.

Seeing rosemary bushes in a dream means that soon you will meet an old friend whom you have not seen for ages. Basil thickets seen in a dream portend misfortunes caused by secret enemies. Barberry bushes prophesy a change in business and new impressions.

If in a dream you find yourself in a blackberry at the very berry time - in reality, succumb to the temptation, which can be followed by the most serious complications.

Myrtle seen in a dream portends love and family well-being. Juniper in a dream - to the dead, a dry juniper bush burning in a fire - defeat the enemies, plunging them to dust.

To see wild rose bushes in a dream means that in real life you will be deceived in your best feelings.

bushes with pink flowers mean happiness in marriage, with whites - mental suffering for a loved one. Seeing bushes with fruits in a dream portends that you will marry a wealthy and independent person.

Dream Interpretation - Bush

It symbolizes your well-deserved success in business. You will finally be appreciated, take advantage of the situation while luck itself goes into your hands. Seeing a flowering bush - you can take risks without fear, anyway, one way or another, you will win. Even what at the moment you perceive as a failure, a mistake, will turn in your favor in the future. Wade through the bush - despite numerous obstacles, you will achieve your goal. A bush with fallen leaves - you should not expect big cash profits in the near future. A bush torn out by you or someone else - you want too much. A bush or bushes covered with snow - you should not be too nervous in the near future. You need rest. Cut bushes, pluck branches from them - although it seems to you that you are standing still, in fact, slowly but surely you are moving towards your intended goal.

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Currant portends you a long happiness in life, success in business, fidelity to lovers, charming children to married people and wealth to peasants and merchants.

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Currant - red - fortunately; black - to chagrin, insults, tears.

Dream Interpretation - Currant

There are currant berries - to a breakdown.

Black currant berries

Dream Interpretation Blackcurrant Berries dreamed of why blackcurrant berries dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Blackcurrant Berries in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Blackcurrant

If you saw blackcurrant berries in a dream, expect trouble, obstacles. If you collected them, there will be failure. If you ate them, there will be large losses.

Dream Interpretation - Blackcurrant

If in a dream you saw blackcurrant berries, expect trouble, obstacles.

If you collected them, there will also be failure.

If they ate, there are big losses ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Black Berries


Dream Interpretation - Currant

Eating currants is a pleasure.

To collect currants, a currant bush dreams of a road.

Red currant - bye.

White currant - to a new acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation - Currant

(See interpretation: berries)

Collecting ripe currants in a dream is a sign of profit. Redcurrant in a dream is a sign of receiving news from a loved one. Ripe and tasty currants in a dream are a harbinger of good news about success in business. An unripe currant in a dream is an indication that at the moment your desire is not feasible.

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Ate currants in a dream - get pleasure from something.

We collected currants - you will receive a reward for your work.

They sold currants - someone will try to seduce you.

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Plant currants: this means that in real life you yourself give rise to gossip around your person.

Behave more prudently so that later you do not listen to the latest news about yourself from well-wishers.

Pick currants: soon you will have interesting entertainment.

Do not refuse the opportunity to have fun, because, perhaps, your future life and your self-awareness will depend on this.

There is a currant: perhaps in reality they will make you a very advantageous offer, which you should not refuse.

Even if it seems to you that there are visible flaws in the new proposal, they can be eliminated with careful consideration.

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Picking red or black currants from a bush - a dream portends fun and exquisite pleasures. Drink currant juice - rest will strengthen your health.

Imagine that you are treating a loved one with currants.

Dream Interpretation - Berry

To be in a clearing with an abundance of berries - improvement of affairs, recovery;
collect berries in a deep bowl, forgetting that they can be wrinkled - your good intentions turn into misfortune;
to see a lot of berries, but they are still quite green - you do not need to run ahead and rush things, this will not speed things up, it will bring confusion;
put a big stain of berries on your favorite suit and not know how to get it out - the person who caused you trouble will not be punished;
on your windowsill New Year berries ripened - evidence of your complacent attitude and willingness to help even in the most unrealizable projects;
for a man - to treat a loved one with berries, but he refuses - a break in relationships that have long been boring and exhausted;
for a woman - such a dream is an intrigue in the circle of acquaintances of a loved one.
Also see New Year, Honeysuckle, Elderberry, Strawberry, Raspberry, Mulberry.

Dream Interpretation - Berries

Red, ripe berries - to tears.

White berries - to triumph, success.

Black berries - to sadness.

Eating berries - to joy, well-being and success in business.

A lot of berries in a dream - to troublesome low-paid work, tears.

Collect berries in a dream - to tears.

Giving berries to others is to share sadness.

Why do BERRIES dream, (especially BLACKBERRY, CURRANT)


Eva Utkina

To see a blackberry in a dream - to illness or strong feelings.
Collecting ripe currants in a dream is a sign of profit. Redcurrant in a dream is a sign of receiving news from a loved one. Ripe and tasty currants in a dream are a harbinger of good news about success in business.
Red and sweet berries mean joy and success in business and in love.


You dream of blackberries; you see beautiful juicy berries - try to be alert and fully armed - some evil is approaching you.

You pick blackberries and eat them - if you manage only with failures, rejoice; this dream can also be interpreted as a harbinger of loss.

You seemed to be entangled in the blackberry bushes, scratched - in order to overcome all sorts of life complications, you will need all the strength of the spirit; the trials that await you are not from God, but from the devil.


To a trip to the country for the May holidays!

mila aidinova

berries are always removed for joy and good luck!


black berries - to tears, and red - to joy

Veronica Cernucci

If you dreamed that you were picking garden berries, then in reality you will be able to enjoy the results of your work. Collecting ripe forest berries means that fate will be favorable to you and will give you a unique chance. There are berries - to a new round love relationship. For a young woman, a dream in which she makes berry jam means that she seeks to keep her lover, who began to cool off towards her.

Why is Currant dreaming?

You can find out for free in the dream book, what is currant dreaming of by reading below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not Currant, but something else - use the search form online interpretations dreams.

What is the dream of Currant

Currant portends you a long happiness in life, success in business, fidelity to lovers, charming children to married people and wealth to peasants and merchants.

Seeing currants in a dream

Plant currants: this means that in real life you yourself give rise to gossip around your person.

Behave more prudently so that later you do not listen to the latest news about yourself from well-wishers.

Pick currants: soon you will have interesting entertainment.

Do not refuse the opportunity to have fun, because, perhaps, your future life and your self-awareness will depend on this.

There is a currant: perhaps in reality they will make you a very advantageous offer, which you should not refuse.

Even if it seems to you that there are visible flaws in the new proposal, they can be eliminated with careful consideration.

What does the dream of Currant mean

Currant - red - fortunately; black - to chagrin, insults, tears.

See currant in a dream

(See interpretation: berries)

Collecting ripe currants in a dream is a sign of profit. Redcurrant in a dream is a sign of receiving news from a loved one. Ripe and tasty currants in a dream are a harbinger of good news about success in business. An unripe currant in a dream is an indication that at the moment your desire is not feasible.

What do dreams mean Currant

Unexpected meeting.

Dream about Currant

Red acquaintance; black disease.

What does currant mean in a dream

Picking red or black currants from a bush - a dream portends fun and exquisite pleasures. Drink currant juice - rest will strengthen your health.

Imagine that you are treating a loved one with currants.

The meaning of dreams Currant

Ate currants in a dream - get pleasure from something.

We collected currants - you will receive a reward for your work.

They sold currants - someone will try to seduce you.

What does currant mean in a dream

Eating currants is a pleasure.

To collect currants, a currant bush dreams of a road.

Red currant - bye.

White currant - to a new acquaintance.

The meaning of sleep Currant

There are currant berries - to a breakdown.

Depletion of the body.

Interpretation of sleep Currant

Secret love.

A kind soul takes care of you.

What in a dream predicts Currant

There is a surprise.

Cooking jam - a dispute with a woman.