Do I need to cut off the lower leaves of tomatoes? Tips on when to cut off the lower leaves of tomatoes and how to do it correctly When to cut off the first leaves on tomatoes.

  • 15.06.2019

In nearly two decades of growing tomatoes, I've come across a huge number of subtle points and tricks that seem not so significant to beginners, but can seriously affect the yield and health of tomatoes.

When it comes to cutting, you can often hear that this is not worth doing, because, they say, tomatoes grow in natural conditions somehow without “breaks” - and nothing, why interfere.

They grow, no doubt, but our task is not just for them to simply survive on our site - we want to optimize their growth and health. Here are the main reasons why getting rid of the lower leaves would be a reasonable idea:

  • Decreased vegetative mass. That's the point - the more leaves, the more moisture evaporates from the soil. As a result, the nutrients are absorbed by the plant only to feed these leaves, but there are already fewer substances left for the fruits. Therefore, the harvest will be small. This would not really hurt a free-growing tomato, but on the site it is hardly in your interests.
  • Improves air circulation at the base. If the circulation is disturbed, all conditions are created for the occurrence of dangerous fungal infections. As a result, tomatoes will get sick more often.
  • The plant begins to tolerate rain more easily. This also happens - the lower leaves under the influence of rain begin to actively lean towards the ground, and then completely touch it. This leads to infection, to rotting and the development of other diseases, which can easily begin to climb higher and higher through the plants, gradually leading to their death as a whole.

Of course, it is mandatory to remove the lower leaves that have already begun to rot or simply hurt. There is no benefit from them, but they can lead to the disease of the entire bush, and then the need to destroy it.

Should only the lower leaves be removed?

Does the above mean that only the lower leaves need to be removed? Of course, when diseases appear, greens (which by that time are no longer particularly green) should be cut off at any level. But sometimes the same procedure should be carried out with the tops.

This is done in August (provided that the region where you are located has a fairly comfortable climate). At this time of the year, new fruits simply will not appear due to unsuitable weather conditions, because a large number The bush does not need leaves anymore. Therefore, in this case, usually only 4 top leaves are left.

Please note that a couple of leaves above the upper brush must remain intact, otherwise the movement of juices through the plant may be disturbed.

You can learn more about removing tomato leaves from this video:

When to perform the procedure

It seems that everything is clear, you can start removing all unnecessary leaves, but only the process has its own subtleties. The main thing to remember - do not start this procedure later a short time after planting tomatoes in open ground.

If the seedling has not yet grown stronger, if it has not really taken root, you can only harm your plants and, as a result, destroy them. Here are some signs that tomatoes are ready for the procedure:

  • It took from a week to a week and a half since the direct planting of seedlings.
  • New shoots began to appear on the bushes.
  • New shoots have begun to sprout.

It is best to remove the leaves in good warm weather in the early morning. Then the healing process of inevitably appearing wounds is accelerated, and the chance of infection entering the plant is reduced.

It is not worth repeating the procedure too often. Remove a couple of leaves several times a week - then the tomatoes will react normally to this. You don't need more than 2-3.

The exception, of course, is obviously diseased leaves, they should be removed in full in order to prevent the potential spread of the disease to the entire plant to the maximum.

Which leaves to remove

Although you can remove any leaves in limited quantities, here are the things you should get rid of first:

  • Dry leaves. If the plate dries, it no longer brings any particular benefit to the plant, you should not wait until everything falls off.
  • Yellow or spotted leaves. Any such visual deviations are sure signs of incipient diseases that are potentially dangerous for the plant.
  • Northern leaves. This will be discussed in more detail below.

How to carry out the procedure

If your plants meet the requirements specified in the previous section, then you can proceed. Here is the order in which everything is done:

  1. Look at your tomatoes. Start with those plants that either do not look very healthy in general, or have specific signs of disease.
  2. Remove the leaves located below, and after that proceed to the general thinning at all levels. Remove leaves in stages, not all at once.
  3. If you want to lighten a vegetable, that is, remove those parts of it that are not particularly important for the photosynthesis process, start with the foliage, which is located in the depths of the bush and from the northern part.
  4. Once you are done with these plants, you can move on to healthier ones - and do exactly the same procedure.

Everything is insanely simple, but you can ensure that your plants will grow better and bear more fruit.

Hello dear readers! Almost every one of us grows tomatoes on our plot or has come across this occupation for one reason or another. special scientific knowledge this process does not require, but here are some care efforts you need to make. At the same time, one of the main questions is this: is it necessary to cut off the lower leaves of tomatoes? This is what puzzles gardeners now and causes considerable controversy.

Is there a need to trim the leaves?

Opinions on this issue differ significantly, but experienced gardeners are inclined to believe that this has a very good effect on the condition of the plants and on the future harvest, therefore it is necessary to cut off.

There are several reasons for this:

  • the lower leaves, due to their large volume, are able to evaporate a lot of moisture and consume a significant amount of minerals that are necessary for the normal formation of fruits;
  • the lower leaves often touch moist soil and may begin to rot, which provokes the growth of bacteria and the occurrence of diseases;
  • the free movement of air can also be hindered by the massive lower foliage, which allows harmful bacteria to multiply.

Due to improper care, stains may appear, which should also be removed. Otherwise, they can form an environment for the development of dangerous diseases. The same should be done with dry sheets. A thickened crown also needs to be thinned out periodically to improve ventilation and reduce nutrient consumption.

When and how to cut off the lower leaves?

Sometimes removing the lower leaves does not give a satisfactory result. This can be explained by the fact that the procedure was carried out incorrectly or out of time. If the first signs of leaf drying are found, then the dried part should be removed immediately.

Do not be too zealous when removing parts of the crown of the bush, because it is she who is responsible for such important processes like photosynthesis. Only those foliage that is located in the northern part of the bush and in its depth should be removed.

The leaves located below the inflorescence are cut off in several stages, gradually. Why such difficulties? Why, the stem can still continue to grow and form new flower stalks, but they will only additionally load the plant, so it would be better to remove them. A newly formed shoot with inflorescences is left only if few fruits are set on the main one.

Removing leaves and shoots from tomatoes

Many gardeners do not know how to properly remove leaves. It is better to perform the procedure in the morning, choosing clear and warm weather for this. In this case, the wounds on the plant will heal quickly and the bacteria will not have time to penetrate there.

It is necessary not to overdo it when removing foliage. How often and how much to do it? The best option is a couple of pieces per week, but this amount can be adjusted for each case individually. Larger scales can be tolerated when there is a high risk of developing diseases.

As soon as the first fruits appear, it is recommended to remove all the leaves located to the bottom of the first brush. However, the time for their elimination can be determined earlier: often, when the plant develops, the leaves turn yellow from below and die off. Of course, they need to be removed in a timely manner.

In the greenhouse, this procedure has its own characteristics. Here, the bush is formed due to, and the need to remove the leaves arises from the high density and poor air circulation. Its humidity begins to rise sharply, which not only causes foliage to fall off, but also a good environment for the development of bacteria and harmful microorganisms.

V open field these processes occur somewhat differently and it is somewhat easier to ventilate the bushes, since it is natural circulation air.

Tomatoes are quite painful and problematic crops, especially in regions with a damp climate. And so they need constant good care and disease prevention. In this part, leaf cutting has proven itself very well as an effective preventive method.

In addition, this procedure contributes to the enlargement of the fruits and their early ripening, which sometimes plays a very important role. The plant will not lose energy and nutrients to unnecessary elements, but will be completely focused on the ovary and fruiting.

However, it is also necessary to maintain certain distances when planting between bushes in order to avoid a large accumulation of plants. This distance directly depends on the variety and size that an adult bush can reach.

Growing tomatoes in middle lane also has some peculiarity. In addition to removing the bottom sheets, you should also pinch the top of the plant in the month of August. The newly formed fruits are unlikely to have time to ripen before the end of the season, and the plant will lose a lot of strength on them.

Some gardeners practice rooting these tops for additional yield, but this requires some practice and dexterity.

Much less demanding for "plucking" varieties.Their crown is not so dense,

and the fruits are quite small, which provides good ventilation.

The main thing is not to allow the leaves to touch the soil.

The need to remove leaves is determined by appearance and the state of the bush. You should not use any other tips and recommendations, because instead of a positive result, you can harm the plant. Too weak a crown will cause insufficient photosynthesis processes, which is extremely harmful for tomatoes.

The leaves also protect the fruits from sunburn and the effects of negative factors. environment, therefore, the complete absence of greenery, although it will not lead to the death of the plant, will have an extremely negative impact on its health and fertility. It is quite possible that you will not wait for fruiting from such a "bald" bush.

Along with leaf picking, additional processing of tomatoes with various preparations can also be carried out, but it is recommended to do this before fruiting begins.

Under no circumstances should you use chemicals at the time of the beginning of the ripening of tomatoes!

You also need to remember that root fertilizers and medicines can be absorbed and, together with the juice, get into the fruits, which you will then eat. That is why think very carefully before giving preference to one or another method of plant protection: will it harm your own health?

With all respect, Andrew

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Three main questions worry gardeners, especially beginners, all summer long. How, why and when to cut off the leaves of tomatoes in the greenhouse. And what are the leaves anyway? Yes, for some beginners, greenhouse tomato care is a dark forest. And sometimes such a dark forest stands in greenhouses. For example, my neighbor literally crawls into hers on all fours, although she has a large six-meter polycarbonate greenhouse.

It is a pity for some to cut off something superfluous from the bush, or they are afraid that they will suddenly do something wrong. So the poor things stand in the dark thicket and the bushes turn out to be weak, and the crop suffers, and how many sores appear. After all, the most common fungal diseases tomatoes just like to be humid, not ventilated and where to breed. They choose, of course, the convenient lower leaves of the tomato. And then you worry about why the leaves began to turn yellow, blacken, turn brown.

Why and when to pick leaves from tomatoes in a greenhouse

As you know, the leaves of any plant have a very important function of photosynthesis. The leaf is a very important part of the plant, if for the sake of the experiment you peel off all the leaves on the bush, the plant will die. But gradually, with the growth of the bush, the very first lower leaves grow old, usually they lie or touch the ground, become yellow or spotted.

These leaves provoke stagnation of air in the greenhouse and the development of diseases. In fact, they have fulfilled their function and are no longer needed by the plant.

You can’t immediately thoughtlessly rush into the garden and cut off everything you see with armfuls. The plant is alive and it always experiences stress during any manipulations with its crown. Therefore, it is impossible to remove many leaves at a time.

When to start pruning? Here look at the tomato brushes, if above the leaves in the brush all the tomatoes have grown to more or less standard sizes, remove the leaves safely. Do not leave anything below such a brush.

Usually, experienced gardeners prune twice a week, just in time for the fruits to set in the next, higher brushes.

How to properly remove leaves from a tomato in a greenhouse

Breaking, deleting, cropping, everyone does it differently. It is better to choose the method that will least harm the plant and is more convenient for you.

You can not abruptly cut off the leaves by pulling them down, you get a very large wound on the tomato, in which bacteria can quickly start.

Some break out the leaves and stepchildren, slightly turning them clockwise, you can do this. When I go to the greenhouse, I arm myself with scissors and a jar of hydrogen peroxide. It is much faster and more convenient to cut with scissors, and it is easier to process them with peroxide so as not to spread the disease from bush to bush. With this method, the wound turns out to be quite small and dries quickly.

Such pruning should be done on a dry day, so that there is no fog or rain, and preferably before lunch, so that by the evening all the bushes have time to recover. Then pruning does not bring any discomfort to the plants.

What leaves to remove from a tomato in a greenhouse

They begin to remove from the lowest leaves, which usually begin to turn yellow by the time the fruits of the first brush are set. It is not always possible to gradually remove the leaves, if there are more yellowed leaves, then it is better to remove them all at once.

Leaves that are in the shade, in the middle of the bush are also cut out, there is little sense from them, but they thicken the bush well.

As the fruits are set, we cut off the leaves higher and higher, just make sure that there are leaves above the brush, where the tomatoes have not yet set, so that the sap flow is not disturbed.

In early August, I already pinch all the tops on the tomatoes in order to stop growth and give the plant the opportunity to grow the set fruits before the cold weather. At this time, all the brushes are already with tomatoes and you can leave a few top leaves, the rest are gradually removed, then the plant will stop giving strength to the green mass and the fruits will grow faster.

Removing leaves from tomatoes in a greenhouse video

Pruning is one of the most important agricultural practices in tomato cultivation. Thanks to it, it turns out to form a high-yielding and resistant to different kind agricultural diseases. This manipulation is carried out not only in the open, but also in closed ground. To achieve a rich and tasty harvest, you need to know how and when to pick off the leaves from a tomato.

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Do I need to cut off the leaves of tomatoes

Among good points regarding the removal of leaves from tomatoes, it can be noted:

  • direction of nutrients. The main organs of a tomato bush are leaves, stem and root, where greenery is of particular value to the plant. Namely, it is responsible for the nutrition and respiration of the culture, for maintaining the optimum temperature inside the plant, especially on especially hot days. In addition, the leaves are responsible for evaporation, preventing the natural color from changing to yellow and drying out. Old leaves no longer benefit the bushes and pull on some of the nutrients, and thanks to pruning, it is possible to direct them to the formation of fruits.
  • Decreased chance of getting sick. Since the old leaves can no longer fully cope with their functions, they turn yellow and become vulnerable to infections. In addition, pathogenic microorganisms can settle under them if they come into contact with the ground. Especially, fungal organisms pose a serious danger for greenhouse plantings, where, under conditions of excessive humidity, they multiply at an accelerated pace.
  • Improving the quality of breathing. The leaves located on the northern side of the bush practically do not take part in the process of photosynthesis. Such greens no longer cope with the thermoregulatory function. Therefore, it is removed very first. A plant that has been pruned receives light and heat in sufficient quantities. Air exchange between tomatoes is much more efficient.
  • Contribute to the best formation of the crop. To achieve the full development of the fruit, new shoots with young leaves that have grown from faded brushes are removed.

When pruning excess green mass, the crop is formed large and ripens 1-2 weeks earlier. To support the plants, watering should be carried out directly under the root and cover the soil with a layer of straw mulch.

In what cases is pruning done

To provide comfortable conditions for growth, the procedure for trimming vegetative greenery is carried out in the following cases:

  • grow at the bottom of the stem;
  • create a shadow for developing fruits;
  • are located on the northern or shady side of the plant;
  • are lower than flowering brushes.

It is always necessary to remove the lower vegetative mass, as they prevent the passage of sunlight to the base of the central stem. Over time, the lower leaves begin to lose their turgor, dry out and eventually fall off. Their main function is to maintain the bush. But given their low degree of endurance, gardeners have to make a garter to the trellis to maintain the bush. Therefore, they can be safely removed because of their uselessness. After breaking off the lower leaves, air penetrates into the plant better.

You should not feel sorry for young healthy leaves that have grown below flowering brushes. Based on numerous observations of experienced summer residents, such manipulation does not harm the plant in any way, but, on the contrary, improves the quality and quantity of fruits.

It is imperative to remove the vegetative green mass, which creates a shadow for ripening tomatoes. It is not recommended to cut greens when the ovaries are still developing, since they need substances released during photosynthesis. But when the fruits grow up and can themselves take an active part in the process of photosynthesis, the leaves can be removed.

The leaf plates of tomato bushes consist of two mirror-reflecting parts, which allows you to cut off not the entire leaf, but only that part of it that is located on the north side, in the shade.

How to properly cut tomatoes

In order not to provoke the development of various diseases, the removal of unnecessary or damaged leaves should be performed using disinfected tools: scissors or secateurs. Alternatively, cutting off the vegetative green mass is allowed by pressing the base up. The main thing in the process of trimming is not to harm the main trunk.

As for the frequency of manipulation, the speed of development of the tomato bush plays a decisive role here. Removal of the lower leaves that have lost their natural color should occur 1 time in 15 days. The main pruning of greenery should begin after the formation of small tomatoes. Sluggish foliage is pruned as it appears. Unlike plants planted in open areas, the procedure for removing excess leaves is carried out earlier.

It is desirable to carry out manipulation in open ground in the morning, so that the resulting wound can heal better throughout the day. If this agricultural technique is performed in the evening or in the rain, then the healing process will be much slower and will provoke the development of gray rot at the cut site.

In protected ground, you can remove unnecessary, fruit-shading greens at any time. But on this day, you will have to cancel the ventilation in the greenhouse. The tomato bush quite painlessly tolerates cutting up to 3 sheets in one procedure. When the harvest is taken from the first brushes, the leaves are cut to the second, and then to the third. It is not worth performing the procedure further, since a bush devoid of a completely vegetative green mass will simply wither away.

The top of the plant is cut off last. To do this, you need to select one fruit ovary and leave leaves on it, and completely remove the rest. Thanks to such actions, the flow of nutrients is redirected, and the fruits grow faster.

What you need to know about bush formation

The method of formation of tomatoes directly depends on the varietal characteristics of the planted bushes. On plants characterized by tall stature, 1-3 stems are left, where, under the first flower brush, the stepson is allowed to develop. If there is a need to remove it, then you need to press the base against the stem and pull it up. Cut off the lower greens until the distance from the surface of the earth to the leaves is within 30 cm.

Pruning prevents the appearance of fungal infections on tomato plantings and fully ensures normal air circulation between plantings, as well as access to sunlight. Pinching the point of growth is carried out when there are 8 fruit brushes on the plant.

Determinant varieties

The formation of determinant bushes has its own characteristics. Fruiting brushes regulate after 5-7 leaves. When 4-5 brushes are formed, then all growth processes in the plant stop. You can extend the fruiting period by transferring the growth point to the side stem.

Ideterminant varieties

It is advisable to form such plants exclusively in one trunk. You can expect the first fruiting brush only after 10-11 leaves. In order to increase productivity, all existing side shoots are pruned. The procedure for removing stepchildren is carried out after the formation of one flower brush on them. Pruning frequency - 1 time in 7 days.

Superdeterminant varieties

A distinctive feature of superdeterminant plants is precocity and small growth, up to 60 cm. The first flower brush appears only after 6-7 leaf plates. When 4 inflorescences are formed, the growth of the bush is stopped. There are three ways to form superdeterminant varieties:

  • all lateral additional stems are removed and the formation is carried out in one trunk;
  • leave the stepson, formed from the first inflorescence, and form into 2 trunks;
  • stepchildren are left from the first and second inflorescences and 3 stems are obtained.

What points you still need to know when trimming leaves from tomatoes

It is necessary to prune at tomato bushes growing in open areas 1 time in 3-4 days. In order not to cause stress to the plant, you should not remove more than 3 leaf plates in one procedure. But in greenhouse conditions, where the microclimate is most comfortable for the active growth and development of plants, it is allowed to cut up to 5-6 leaf plates from one bush.

Often, when growing tomatoes in the southern regions, the vegetative green mass from the bushes is completely cut off. But they do it only if there are formed fruits on all hands. The procedure contributes to the rapid ripening of tomatoes and getting rid of unnecessary leaf plates.

Experienced gardeners who have tried various agricultural techniques for growing vegetables in their garden often find “bald” tomatoes with almost bare trunks in greenhouses, and large handsome tomatoes hang on their branches.

How do they achieve such a result, and is it necessary to deprive the bushes of green mass for good fruiting?

The opinions of gardeners on this matter vary greatly, but those who have tried the method of forming a tomato bush with the gradual removal of the lower leaves can no longer refuse it.

When should you pick off the leaves of a tomato? And how to carry out the procedure so as not to harm the plant?

Of course, cutting off the leaves for the purpose of shaping, rather than simply removing diseased and infected specimens, refers more to tall varieties of tomatoes, the upper part of which is capable of greatly obscuring the lower one.

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes are not just cut off, they are not even always stepchildren.

The technology of cutting off the lower leaves of tomatoes did not arise by chance, it has scientific justification and is widely practiced among gardeners, so you should take a closer look at it.

When using the method of removing lower leaves from tomato bushes, gardeners pursue the following goals:

  • for ease of irrigation. The fact is that the water that gets on the leaves of tomatoes during irrigation contributes to their decay and the development of a complex of diseases, therefore, only lower watering under the root is recommended for this vegetable;
  • to organize better ventilation and air circulation between plantings. This is especially important when using a thickened landing pattern. With the free passage of air between the bushes, the likelihood of various fungal diseases is sharply reduced;
  • for the outflow of nutrients to growing fruits. It is the lower leaves that take away many useful elements that the roots extract from the ground. Therefore, in order for all the necessary substances to go directly to the tomatoes, these leaves are removed.

Should I periodically cut off the lower leaves from tomato bushes?

Do I need to cut off the leaves of a tomato? Practice shows that this event must be carried out in order to obtain an earlier and more friendly tomato crop, and most importantly, a healthy one. That's just the formation must be carried out correctly, taking into account many factors, and not mindlessly picking off the leaves.

It is important to understand that each leaf is a full-fledged plant organ responsible for its vital activity, therefore, when breaking them, you need to be as careful as possible and not rush anywhere.

You can remove leaves from tomatoes only when the brushes with fruits have already started. Some gardeners recommend that this operation be carried out later - with the milky ripeness of the fruits, when they become light green in color.

In any case, the technology of leaf picking is the same and involves several stages.

How to properly pick off the leaves of a tomato

  • Stage 1. The formation of a tomato bush must begin with the so-called "cleaning", that is, the removal of unhealthy leaves that have signs of yellowing, spotting, rotting, twisting, etc. All cut leaves must be collected and burned. To move on to the next stage, you need to wait a couple of days. In this case, the old wounds caused by pruning tomato bushes will definitely heal, and the plants themselves will not be subject to severe stress.
  • Stage 2. At this stage, it is recommended to thin out the plants to improve the illumination, so the lower leaves that thicken the plantings are removed. What leaves should be cut off from a tomato? Firstly, those that grow in the middle of the bush, and you can also remove one or two pieces from each bush planted on the north side. After removing the leaves, you need to let the plants rest again. In principle, if there are few unhealthy and thickening leaves, then the first two stages can be combined into one, since it is recommended to cut no more than four leaves from the bush at a time.
  • Stage 3. Here, leaves will be purposefully removed to obtain an earlier harvest: under an already well-formed brush, you can safely remove the lower leaves: 2 ... 3 leaves from a bush. This is what most sources recommend. But, as practice has shown, with a more massive removal of the lower leaves under the brush with tomato bushes, nothing terrible happened. Therefore, you can try and pick off the leaves from the tomatoes under the lower brush at a time.
  • Stage 4. At this stage, all the lower leaves under the second brush are cut off, when it is already well formed, and the fruits themselves have gained almost the maximum varietal size. And thus, gradually, as the fruit clusters develop, the tomato bushes cut off almost all the leaves to the top, leaving about four apical ones. Such bald trees will bring a high yield that will ripen on the bushes, and not in the boxes for ripening.

Trimming the lower leaves of tomatoes, depending on the number of bushes planted, can take a sufficient amount of time from the gardener. But you don't have to rush to remove them.

Accuracy in this matter is first and foremost. How exactly to pick off the leaves of a tomato in a greenhouse and in the open field? First, you need to decide which of the two ways the leaves will be removed:

  • breaking by hand. In this case, the leaf itself is bent up along the trunk and broken off, leaving no stumps. In no case should you pull the leaf to the bottom, since when it is torn off, it will capture a lot of fibers and tissues of the stem. Such a wound will bring great stress to the plant;
  • using a small pruner or garden shears, the leaf is simply cut off without leaving stumps.

And, finally, a few tips for removing the lower leaves from tomatoes:

  1. Leaf picking is usually combined with pinching tomatoes, this saves time.
  2. It is recommended to carry out shaping in hot sunny weather: in such conditions, the inflicted wounds on plants dry out faster and, accordingly, tighten.
  3. When using scissors and pruners, it is important to keep them clean, that is, if diseased leaves were previously cut off, then the tool must be disinfected using potassium permanganate or alcohol.
  4. Since most fungal diseases “settle” precisely on the lower leaves of tomato bushes, they need to be examined periodically, and the sick and infected should be cut off and burned.