What is the most fertile soil called? What soil is the most fertile? Soil map of Russia and CIS countries

  • 15.06.2019

Chernozem is considered to be the most fertile type of soil. It is formed naturally in certain climatic conditions. This is land saturated with humus (a product of rotting plant residues). It has a granular-lumpy type of structure and black color.

Due to its qualities, chernozem is very much appreciated by farmers, farmers and gardeners. It is great for growing fruit crops, cereals, flowers. Trees and bushes grow well on it. In Russia, most chernozem soil types are found in Western Siberia, the North Caucasus, and the Volga region.

1 How is black soil formed?

Why are chernozems the most fertile of all types of soil? The secret of their superiority lies in the features of soil formation. There are three main factors influencing the maturation of "black gold":

  • climatic;
  • biological;
  • geological.

Russian chernozem is formed in the steppe and forest-steppe climatic zones. In addition to climate, vegetation plays a large role in the formation of this type of soil. In the process of its decay, humus is formed - humus - which is considered the main criterion for fertility.

Another important factor in the formation of chernozem is groundwater. From groundwater plant roots absorb useful microelements and minerals. Having received the necessary substances, the root system penetrates the soil, which contributes to the loosening of the earth. Loose soil facilitates the passage of air masses.

They live in the soil different types microorganisms, which also play a positive role in the formation of "black gold": they contribute to the loosening of the earth and are involved in the processing of vegetation residues. However, for planting flowers and other plants with a poorly developed root system, chernozem is a dense soil, so it needs to be diluted.

1.1 Classification of chernozems

Depending on the conditions of formation, the type of chernozem soils can be divided into several subtypes:

  1. Podzolized.
  2. Leached.
  3. Typical.
  4. Ordinary.
  5. Southern.

Podzolized chernozems develop under broad-leaved forests of the forest-steppe zone. Due to the humidity of the climate, such processes as leaching (dissolution and washing out of salts in the soil with water) and podzolization (removal of clay particles, aluminum and iron oxides, etc. from the upper parts of the soil, etc., which leads to a decrease in fertility) are manifested here. ). Podzolized soil is widely used in agriculture for growing grain, vegetable and fruit crops.

Leached chernozems are formed under forb-grass vegetation. In terms of its properties, this species is similar to that of podzolized chernozems, with the exception of some characteristics.

Typical chernozems have best qualities characteristic of this type of soil. They form under forb-grass vegetation in the southern subzone of the forest-steppe zone. The content of humus in the soil of this subtype is high and sometimes reaches 15%.

Ordinary chernozems are common in some parts of the steppe zone. They were formed under forb-fescue-feather grass vegetation. They have a smaller layer of humus compared to typical chernozems.

The southern subtype of chernozems was formed under fescue-feather grass vegetation in the southern part of the steppe zone. The humus content reaches 4-7%. Under the humus layer, a carbonate layer is observed in the form of white-eye.

According to the thickness and content of humus, 4 groups of chernozems are distinguished, the presence of which is typical for certain territories.

The South European group of chernozem soils is distributed on the territory of Moldova, southern Ukraine and Ciscaucasia. They are characterized by a large thickness of the humus layer with a low humus content, abundant carbonate content in the form of cobwebs, veins, etc.

The Eastern European group includes the chernozem soils of European Russia. The colder and drier climate caused the formation of a thinner humus horizon with a higher content of humus.

The group of West and Central Siberian chernozems is located on the territory of Western and Central Siberia, as well as Kazakhstan. This group is characterized by deep humus streaks along cracks that form in the ground due to soil freezing, as well as a high humus concentration with a sharp decrease with depth.

The East Siberian group occupies the territory of the Trans-Baikal steppes. Due to low temperatures, the biological cycle here is at an insignificant level. This caused the formation of a small humus layer. The content of humus in it is also low.

2 Purchase of black soil

Chernozem is the most fertile soil in the world. This is influenced by the composition of the earth and the amount of organic matter in it. However, when acquiring such soil, one must bear in mind that in an unnatural environment for itself, it eventually loses the qualities for which it is so valued. But if you decide to increase the level and quality of fertility, improve the characteristics of the soil on your site, black soil is perfect for this purpose.

So how to choose this product? And what guides you in your choice? We advise you to pay attention to several factors.

2.1 Territory of soil formation

The composition and characteristics of the chernozem depend on this factor. Therefore, before buying, you need to ask where it was brought from. The difference in soil composition directly depends on the territory of its formation. Therefore, considering this detail will help you make a better choice.

2.2 Soil composition

Chernozem soil should be saturated with all the necessary trace elements. Of course, it is best to detect their presence using agrochemical analysis in the laboratory. But some things can be learned without the help of special devices. There are some tips that will teach you how to choose this type of soil correctly.

Chernozem is highly saturated with potassium. Potassium-poor sandy and sandy soils, where there is sand at a depth of 20-30 cm under the chernozem. Therefore, if you notice the presence of sand in the soil, then this soil will be of poor quality.

You can rake the ground a little. From above it should be dry, but at a depth of about 20 cm it will be wet and crumbly. This is a good sign. You can also wet a clod of soil and make a circle out of it. If it crumbles, this indicates a low humus content.

2.3 How to determine black soil (video)

2.4 How much does black soil weigh?

Before buying, you should find out how much a kilogram weighs 1 cubic meter of black earth soil. The question is quite complicated, since the weight depends on its condition and humidity. Average weight 1 cubic meter chernozem ranges from 1000 to 1200 kg.

2.5 Price

Of course, a very important question is how much Russian black soil costs. When buying soil, you should pay attention to what factors affect its cost. This may include the place of soil formation, as well as the location of the customer.

In addition, the price will depend on the supplier. For example, the price of such soil per cubic meter in Moscow and the Moscow region can be in the range of 1110-1500 rubles per cubic meter. The price per cubic meter depends on the set of soil qualities. If you want to buy black soil in bags, its cost will be from 350 rubles per bag. Chernozem in bags is very convenient for transportation and storage.

For more detailed information, it is better for you to contact qualified specialists. In Russia, many firms are engaged in the delivery of this type of soil. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to find a supplier on the most favorable terms for you.

AT soil types, in which, in addition to small particles - sand, dust, silt (the main composition of any soil) - contains a significant amount of humus and lime, they are called structural. Air easily penetrates into such soils, moisture is well absorbed. They have an increased vital activity of beneficial microorganisms, due to which the reserves of nutrients available to plants increase. Therefore, such soils are more fertile.

What types of soil are considered fertile

A fertile soil is a soil from which plants receive enough nutrients of all kinds and moisture. Rich soil can contain many nutrients, but due to poor structure, they are in a form inaccessible to plants. Poor soil is characterized by an insignificant amount of nutrients, the availability of which for plants is also limited due to its poor structure.

Some vegetable growers make the mistake of believing that the poorer the soil, the more mineral fertilizers should be applied to it. Large doses of mineral fertilizers create an excessively high concentration of soil solution in such soils, which is harmful to plants. On poor soils, mineral fertilizers should be applied in the spring and only together with organic fertilizers. The most effective in this case is a garden fertilizer mixture, which is recommended to be mixed with rotted manure or humus before application - one part of the fertilizer to two parts of the humus

In the middle zone of our country in main soil types the most common are soddy-podzolic, soddy and peat-bog soils.

Soddy-podzolic soils are poor in organic matter, have high acidity: with poor cultivation, after watering and rains, they swim, forming a soil crust. Soddy soils are more fertile, rich in organic matter(humus). They are used as the main component of soil for greenhouses and greenhouses, as well as for seedling pots.

Drained peat bog areas (peat bogs), when certain doses of mineral fertilizers and lime are applied, are most favorable for obtaining high yields of vegetables. Particularly good for vegetable growing are lowland peatlands, which contain a lot of nitrogen and have low acidity. With complex use, such peatlands not only constitute excellent agricultural land, but also serve as a source of peat for fertilizer and soil for greenhouse greenhouses. Raised peatlands have high acidity, are poor in nitrogen and other minerals, therefore, for the cultivation of vegetables in open ground are not used. However, high-moor peat is a valuable substrate for hydroponically growing vegetables and a good bedding material for livestock.

According to the mechanical composition, soils are divided into clay, loamy, sandy and sandy loamy. The mechanical composition of the soil is determined by the size of the particles of which it is composed.

Clay soils are heavy, highly cohesive and compact, especially after watering and rain. The soil crust formed in this case sharply impairs the access of air to the roots of plants, such soil warms up poorly and dries out. To increase fertility in autumn (better) or spring, 4-5 kg ​​of peat composts, straw manure, vegetable composts or 0.2-0.3 kg of wood ash per 1 m² are added to it. Peat-dung and peat-fecal composts, straw manure are embedded on clay soil no deeper than 15-17 cm. Mineral fertilizers are usually applied in the spring (especially nitrogen and phosphorus) also at a shallow depth (up to 20 cm); it is better to apply them locally - in rows and holes. This approach to fertilization on heavy loamy soils is combined with an acceptable shallow incorporation of vegetable seeds and potato tubers.

Loamy soils are more structural and fertile than clayey ones. Their nutrients are in a more accessible form for plants. Practically these soils are suitable for growing all types of vegetable crops.

Sandy soils are considered infertile. They pass water quickly. As a result, nutrients introduced into the arable horizon are intensively washed into the lower layers. However, due to rapid warming and good aeration, such soils are of some value for early vegetable growing, subject to a constant increase in their fertility. This is achieved by the systematic application of organic fertilizers, especially peat composts (if possible, pond silt is also applied), better in autumn, but it is possible in the spring, subject to intensive watering. Fertilizer consumption per 1 m² - 4-5 kg ​​of manure or 6-8 peat. You can make fractional - half in the fall to a depth of 17 cm, the rest - in the spring. Seeds are sown on sandy soils, and seedlings are planted deeper than on clay soils.

Sandy loamy soils are more fertile than sandy ones, especially for the cultivation of early vegetables: the structure is better, they retain nutrients and moisture more reliably.

How to determine the mechanical composition of the soil

It is difficult to accurately determine the mechanical composition of the soil without special analysis. However, there are simple tricks that are quite accessible to an amateur vegetable grower.

For example, soil is selected for half a bayonet of a shovel from the arable layer, water is poured into the hole formed and mixed with the soil collected from the arable land. From the resulting dough, make a sausage and bend it into a ring. If the ring cracks, the soil is loamy; if the dough does not form, the soil is sandy; if the ring does not crack, the soil is clayey.

1. Scale for determining the mechanical composition of the soil

Soil differences by mechanical composition In wet conditions (if the soil is dry, it is moistened)
when rolling when squeezed
Sands are loose The ball cannot be rolled. When rubbed on the palm, no clay particles remain - the palm is clean -
Connected sands The ball cannot be rolled. When rubbed on the palm, clay particles remain -
sandy loam The cord cannot be rolled up, but you can roll the ball The ball crumbles with light pressure.
loams A long cord cannot be rolled up - it breaks and crumbles The ball turns into a cake with cracks along the edges
Clay A long thin cord is formed The ball is compressed into a cake, does not crack at the edges

I never understood people who can devote the whole day to gardening. Why can't you relax on the couch? But, life in a private house implies gardening and continuous work(clean up the yard, pull out weeds, take care of the lawn and flowers). Therefore, when the first opportunity arose, I immediately bought an apartment in the city. I forgot that in the spring you need to buy seedlings.

Now every summer I come to my grandfather and watch how he works non-stop so that his grandchildren and great-grandchildren eat the harvest from the garden. I can't stand aside I help my grandfather all the time. Today I dare to reveal the secrets of a successful harvest. Looking ahead, I will say that good soil is needed.

What soil is the most fertile: concepts

Rich soil - such a phrase is very often said by "inveterate" gardeners, not fully understanding the main concepts. It is better to use the term fertile soil, which contains potassium, copper, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, humus, nitrogen and phosphorus. If the soil does not contain the above elements, then it is not fertile and not suitable for growing crops.

Determine the exact composition of the soil on suburban area possible with the help of special analysis. The soil sample is given to agrochemical laboratory(a similar analysis is done when the site was taken for large-scale sowing of crops).

Chernozem is the most fertile soil

For a good harvest buy black soil. It has a characteristic color and granular structure. It is called "black gold" » . The soil has high level fertility due to humus and calcium. Chernozem was recognized as the best soil and recharge for garden plants, vegetable crops. If there is no black soil on the site, and you don’t want to spend additional money on buying soil, what should you do? Except " black gold" we have others fertile soils.

  • sandy soil;
  • loamy soil;
  • sandy soil;
  • swampy soil.

Important to know: swampy soil not used in pure form(due to high acidity). It is used as an additive.

good harvest depends not only on the soil, but also by the hands of the owner. Learn it.

None of those involved agriculture people will not agree with the famous line "Nature has no bad weather." Climatic conditions can be very unfavorable for agriculture. The same applies to soils. To have black soil http://keramzit-pesok.ru/chernozem.html, good timely rains and sunny summer, any gardener would be happy middle lane Russia. But if with moisture and heat the situation is different years changes, then with the land you have to be content with what you have or buy what you want in the appropriate firms.

What soils are the most fertile?

Russian gardeners are lucky in this regard. True, not for everyone, but only for those living in certain regions of the country. Chernozems are the most fertile soils in the world. They form on loess-like loams. By their own unique properties literally comparable to minerals: they are not found everywhere and are of great value. Their humus layer can be more than a meter thick, and in ravine forests up to four, which is a record that is absolutely unattainable for other types of soils.

Where are black soils located?

More than 50% of all their world reserves are concentrated in Russia. Mainly in the strip from the middle and lower reaches of the Don and further east to Western Siberia. Voronezh black soil was even kept in Paris as a standard of fertility. In addition to Russian, Ukrainian ones are very rich. They occupy almost half the area of ​​this country and make up about one-twelfth of all existing in the world. There are black soils not only in Eurasia, but also in the western United States, southern Canada, Argentina and Chile.

- the surface layer of land, which has fertility. Exist different kinds soils, almost all of them are used in agriculture. Knowing the fundamentals about the characteristics of the soil, about which soil is the most fertile, and what to do to improve this unique quality, is extremely important for everyone involved in gardening and horticulture.

Work on the cultivation of vegetable and fruit crops on such soil requires a lot of effort, since:
despite the presence of a large number of compounds, they do not reach plants well, because the density

  • soil is elevated;
  • it is difficult to handle;
  • there is not enough oxygen in it and air circulation is difficult;
  • soil heating is slow;
  • water stagnation is often observed on the surface, since the soil has insufficient moisture permeability;
  • in hot weather, a hard crust forms on the surface of the soil.

It is easy to determine this type: if a lump of moistened soil rolls into a rounded sausage, the ends of which are connected by a ring without any problems, then this is clay soil.

Increasing the fertility of clay soil

Peat, sand, lime and ash - this is a list of those substances, the systematic introduction of which improves the structure clay soil.

Peat acts as a loosening material, which increases the water-absorbing qualities. But it must be borne in mind that peat has an increased acidity, so lime, dolomite flour or ash must be added along with it to neutralize it. Sand helps loosen the soil.

River sand is recommended for application, but construction (quarry) sand is ineffective, since it does not pass air and water well, it is practically not fertile, it contains clay. Ash is an excellent nutrient enrichment for the soil, and lime helps to reduce acidity and increases air permeability.

The cultivation of clay soil is helped by the introduction of organic matter (preferably horse manure), the cultivation of green manure plants.

What to grow in clay soil

  • landing in high ridges and combs;
  • small embedding of seeds;
  • planting seedlings at an angle;
  • frequent;
  • mandatory mulching.

The application of all these measures will help increase the fertility of clay soil and collect excellent yields.

sandy soil

Such soil is classified as a type of lung. Its external signs are friability, flowability. A dense lump of such earth is practically not formed. Sandy soil has its pros and cons of quality. To positive qualities relate:

  • fast heating;
  • easy moisture permeability;
  • good breathability.

At the same time, sandy soil is characterized by rapid drying, cooling, and leaching of nutrients into the deep layers of the soil.

Cultivation of sandy soil

The fertility of this type of soil is increased by the following activities:

  • the systematic introduction of additives such as peat, compost, humus, clay or drill flour.
  • sowing green manure plants;
  • quality .

If you systematically follow the above tips, then after 4-5 years the quality of sandy soil will improve.

To create fertile ridges on this type of soil, many gardeners use the following method:

  • The garden area is fenced off.
  • A layer of clay is laid at the bottom of the fenced area.
  • At least 30 cm of imported sandy or loamy soil is poured on top of the clay.

Such artificial beds will allow you to get good harvests in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost.

What to grow in sandy soil

On sandy soil, you can get a good harvest of almost all horticultural crops subject to frequent, in small doses, fast-acting liquid top dressing.

sandy soil

If a clod of wet earth in your area rolls into a rounded sausage, but such a sausage does not hold its shape well, crumbles, then you have sandy loam soil in your hands. In its structure, it is light and resembles sandy soil, but with a large amount of clay inclusions. Therefore, it retains nutrients better, is able to retain heat and moisture for a long time.

On such soil, subject to the usual agricultural practices, all the main vegetables, as well as fruit crops, grow well.

loamy soil

A handful of loamy soil easily rolls into a sausage, holds its shape well, but does not curl into a ring. The positive qualities of loamy soil include:

  • ease of processing;
  • sufficient amount of nutrients;
  • good absorption and moisture retention;
  • enough oxygen;
  • fast heating and slow cooling.

The structure of loamy soil does not require improvement, it is only necessary to replenish the supply of nutrients by introducing organic matter during digging (half a bucket per square meter), feeding plants with minerals, mulching plantings. Almost all plants on loam give a good harvest.

calcareous soil

The calcareous soil has a light brownish tint, which becomes off-white when moistened. In its structure, it is very similar to sandy, but it is distinguished by a high content of lime. It also quickly overheats and dries out.

Plants on such soil suffer from a lack of iron and manganese, so their leaves turn yellow and poor growth is noted. According to the degree of acidity, calcareous soil is alkaline.

The introduction of a large amount of organic matter is the highest quality way to increase the fertility of calcareous soil. Organics are embedded in the soil not only during autumn digging, but also by mulching plants with humus.

Such soils are favorable for plants that prefer weak acidity. When growing crops such as potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, it is recommended to apply fertilizers that can acidify the soil (urea, ammonium sulfate).

Growing vegetable and horticultural crops on calcareous soils requires a large amount of watering, loosening, reasonable top dressing. This is a laborious process, but otherwise it is impossible to get a decent harvest from calcareous soil.

Peaty-marshy soil

Many consider peat-marshy soil fertile. But this is an erroneous opinion. It is loose, water-permeable, but contains an insufficient amount of elements such as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, it dries quickly, warms up for a long time. The introduction of river sand improves the fertility of peat soils. In addition, the introduction of organic matter, microbiological additives, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, and clay is mandatory. Only then will the soil become suitable for growing garden and garden plants.

They love peat soil and crops such as gooseberries and chokeberries grow well on it.

Chernozem soils are considered the most fertile and potentially promising for agriculture, but, unfortunately, they are quite rare in household plots. The structure of the chernozem is granular-cloddy, it has excellent water-absorbing and water-retaining abilities, it contains a large number of nutrients available to plants.

Therefore, the first 2-3 years of planting on chernozem practically do not require top dressing. Over time, chernozem, like other types of soil, will become poorer, therefore, the introduction of organic matter during digging, the sowing of green manure plants is necessary for it.

Chernozem soil is determined simply: a handful of earth strongly compressed in the hand leaves a greasy imprint on the palm.

While watching the video, you will learn about soil types.