Installation of windows in a private house. Why is it better to install windows in autumn than in summer?

  • 23.06.2020

Window production and installation technologies are improving every year. But there is another significant factor that affects the durability and reliability of windows: when they were installed.

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On the picture:

General rules. Ideally, it is better to install any window after performing wet finishing work inside the house, before finishing the facade. Installing windows before insulating the house will allow for quality work external finishing slopes and the walls themselves. The ideal sequence is as follows: wet work inside (without finishing slopes); window installation; finishing of slopes; then wet work on the facade.

When to install windows during the construction phase?

Wooden windows. Wet construction works(plastering, pouring screeds) create increased humidity in the room and can cause deformation wooden structures. Special acrylic paint will not protect them either (even if manufacturers claim otherwise). In addition, moisture evaporating from the surface finishing materials, is chemically aggressive, which is also not good for the tree. Conclusion: you can install wooden windows only when the “wet” work is completed and the room is dried and well ventilated. If the windows need to be installed quickly, but it is impossible to comply with these rules, it is better to replace wet finishing dry (for example, drywall).

Plastic windows. Put plastic windows possible before carrying out wet work. And if it happens in autumn or winter, this is the only possible option. The main thing is to ensure good ventilation and a temperature above “+5” in the room, so that excess moisture does not form or accumulate inside the structure.

We focus on the facade. If the walls are single-layer, windows can be installed both before and after finishing the facade. Although the first option is preferable: you can more carefully trace the connection of the elements and secure them more accurately and reliably. Otherwise, it all depends on what you prefer: protect the windows from plaster or apply a second, cosmetic, layer to the facade after installing the windows. Windows are installed in double-layer walls before finishing with insulation. Its slabs adjacent to the windows are placed so that in the corners of the openings their joints do not coincide with each other. The corners of the slopes are reinforced with reinforcing mesh and corners. 2-3 cm of insulation is applied to the window frame. If the windows are installed after facing with insulation, some of the work will have to be done again.

When to install windows during renovation?

Before plastering. As already mentioned, at this stage you can install a plastic window - it’s better to wait with a wooden one. Before starting work, the windows and the entire structure are covered with film and first the slopes and corners of the openings are plastered, and then the walls. If renovation is underway in the fall, windows protected with film are left open to allow moisture to escape.

After plastering. The walls are finished with plaster without touching the slopes, and after installing the window and drying polyurethane foam they are plastered too. If it is decided to finish the room with plasterboard, the same team that does the cladding can put the slopes in order.

Is it possible to install windows in winter?

Pros. Usually in winter windows are sold at a significant discount. In addition, in winter, all defects and installation errors, if any, are immediately detected. For example, if the installation seams are poorly insulated, all the cracks, and therefore drafts, are immediately noticeable, and in the summer they are easy to miss.

Minuses. Savings on windows can evaporate during installation if special frost-resistant materials, thermal barriers, etc. are required. Wooden windows better in winter do not mount at all. In principle, it is possible to install plastic windows, but only if the air temperature is not lower than “-5”, even if the polyurethane foam and sealants are designed for lower temperatures. The most resistant polyurethane foam does not “adhere” to the wall in cold weather and takes longer to dry, and PVC becomes brittle: mechanical stress can cause cracks and chips.

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Most often, the installation of windows in a house is carried out in parallel with other repair and construction work. This is especially true for the private sector, when in addition to plastering the interior, the façade of the building is lined and insulated. All of the work mentioned has a direct impact on the quality of window installation. The correct sequence of actions is important. Our article will tell you when to install windows when building a house and why you should not ignore the recommendations. This material will also help you find out what needs to be done first and how summer work differs from winter work.

Sequence of work when installing Euro windows

The procedure for installing plastic and wooden windows performed in the same sequence according to GOST 30971-2012. For each of the designs there are certain nuances, which you can learn about in special reviews on OknaTrade, but in general both events are completely identical. When installing two types of windows, professional installers use the following algorithm:
  1. Preparation of the opening - at this stage, the internal and external slopes are cleared of peeling plaster and other building mixtures. Dust and objects that may interfere with the installation are also removed from the walls.
  2. Sealing all seams and cracks in the walls - this procedure will significantly reduce the likelihood of moisture from entering the interior from the street.
  3. Temporary dismantling of active sashes and double-glazed windows.
  4. Installation, marking for fasteners and alignment to the level of the frame in the opening.
  5. Drilling holes in profiles for anchor elements.
  6. Covering the frame with PSUL tape.
  7. Fixing the profile structure using wedges and drilling the walls for fasteners.
  8. Installation and fastening of fasteners.
  9. Foaming the installation seam around the perimeter of the window.
  10. Installation of ebb and window sill.
  11. Installation of double-glazed windows and active sashes.

Although the installation of euro-windows made of PVC or wood is carried out in the same sequence, there are fundamentally important differences between these two installations. The difference lies in the moment when work can begin. Incorrect sequence leads to negative consequences. As a result of mistakes made, windows may become deformed, installation seams may collapse, or problems with drying the plaster may arise. To avoid troubles, you need to choose the right time for installation. Ideally, for two types of windows, it should be carried out before facing the facades after completing all “wet work” in the interior. However, reality makes its own adjustments, so there are several possible options installation

When to install windows - before or after plastering

The sequence of repair and construction work at this stage depends on exactly when the installation of windows is planned. Indeed, thanks to the appearance of frost-resistant foam, installation can be carried out all year round. Moreover, this is why many owners of houses under construction are planning purchases at this time. Also, when choosing a sequence, it matters what material the frames and sashes are made of.

PVC – before plastering

If the event is planned for spring or summer, plaster can be applied to the wall both after and before the installation of structures made from plastic profiles. At this time of year, the sequence is not fundamentally important. But in winter, PVC windows need to be installed first. After all, most building mixtures are applied to walls at a temperature not lower than +5 °C. In this case, the windows help to retain the heat necessary for the plaster to dry.
For supporting desired temperature You can use special screens or temporary wooden frames covered with thick film. However, these devices retain heat worse than metal-plastic windows with double-glazed windows.

Wood – after plastering

Timber windows can only be installed after the plaster has dried. If work is carried out in late autumn, winter or early spring, construction screens or temporary windows made of frames covered with film will be useful. This will allow you to maintain an optimal temperature in the interior for drying the building mixture. Violating the recommendations and changing the sequence leads to the fact that frames with sashes actively absorb evaporating moisture and quickly become deformed.

Plastering slopes

It is optimal if plastering of slopes after installing plastic windows or wooden models is carried out at the final stage. That is, the walls are lined first, and only after the construction mixtures have completely dried, work is carried out in the area of ​​the openings. This sequence gives enough time for the polyurethane foam to completely harden. Otherwise, it will be difficult to remove the excess and the tightness of the installation seam may be compromised.
Until all repair and construction work is completed, wooden or plastic windows must be protected with a film containing inside. Such a screen protects sashes, frames and double-glazed windows from paint that is difficult to wash off, and the fittings from lumps of construction mixtures that interfere with the normal operation of mechanisms.

Installation of windows before finishing the façade or after

When finishing the facade of a private house, windows are installed in different sequences. The order of work depends on individual characteristics construction. More precisely, it depends on the type of façade plane, which can be one- or two-layer.

Single-layer walls

Despite being adjacent to the windows, a wet facade is not able to damage them. After all, evaporating moisture is absorbed by the atmosphere and is not capable of negatively affecting profile structures and assembly seams. If the building is not planned to be insulated from the outside, windows can be installed in any order. In this case, it has no effect on anything, although experts recommend plastering the facade last. However, the window manufacturer may be delayed in fulfilling the order or other unforeseen events may occur, so it is often necessary to act on circumstances where the correct order is considered last.

In order not to have to cladding the external slopes twice, it is advisable to plaster them after the window installation procedure. If you break this sequence, you will have to redo everything again. After all, during the installation of windows, slopes are almost always damaged, so they finishing It’s most logical to do it last. Also, plastering the slopes at the finishing stage allows you to properly seal the installation seam. After all, it is more convenient to apply foam and sealing tape when additional layers of construction mixture do not interfere with the perimeter of the window opening.

Double-layer walls

With such a facade structure, it is recommended to first install windows and then insulate the walls. If the sequence is disrupted, the slopes lined with insulation can completely block the profile of the frames. In such cases, not only the aesthetics and light transmittance of the structures suffer, but also problems arise with the installation of mosquito nets. To avoid such situations, you must first install windows, and then select insulation of the optimal thickness for the slopes. Its layer should overlap the frames by about 2-3 cm.
Regardless of the type of facade and installation sequence, the outer part of the windows after installation must be immediately covered with a protective film. After all, when facing slopes, you can stain or scratch the profile and double-glazed windows.
Despite the difference in the technologies used for finishing windows, the facade of the house and interior walls– interrelated activities. While there are general rules that are published in this material, there are quite a lot of nuances. If they are not taken into account, during further operation of the windows, depressurization of the structures, heat leakage, condensation and the formation of fungus are possible. To obtain high quality window installation and wall finishing, you must have solid experience in performing these construction works. Only in this case can you avoid mistakes and have the right to a warranty from the manufacturer, so it is better not to try to save on the services of builders and immediately contact responsible specialists.

The consequences of installing windows yourself

Today, many videos have appeared in which their authors tell and demonstrate how easy it is to do the installation yourself. However self-installation windows is undesirable under any circumstances. Lack of experience causes a large number of marriages. Even if you study the theory thoroughly, you can still make too many mistakes without practical skills. Their results are:
  • poor quality of window fasteners;
  • deformation of structures during their operation;
  • depressurization of windows along the perimeter of the installation seam;
  • the appearance of fungus and mold on slopes, frames, sashes;
  • increase financial costs and a big waste of time.

You also need to take into account that untimely installation will add problems. If you choose the wrong moment for installation, excess moisture in the walls can not only provoke rapid destruction of the installation seam, but also damage the window frames.
Manufacturers usually provide a guarantee on the condition that the windows will be installed in compliance with installation requirements. Violation of these rules may result in the company refusing to correct the problems. That is, amateur actions and mistakes made almost always deprive the owner of the windows of the warranty from the manufacturer.

As a rule, most buyers strive to have time to complete all repairs, including window replacement, in summer time. This decision seems more correct for most apartment and house owners.

However, practice shows otherwise. First of all, it is worth noting that it is in the summer, that is, at the height of the season, that prices for installing windows, and for the windows themselves, are at their highest.

On the other hand, the quality of installation may also leave much to be desired. The fact is that it is in the summer that window installation teams have a seriously busy schedule, which means that the installation speed is quite high, which can also affect the quality of the installation.

Benefits of installing windows in winter
There is nothing wrong with installing windows during the summer. However, there are some things you won't be able to fix until the cold season begins. In addition, some owners...

Any time of the year can be suitable for installing or replacing plastic windows, as each period has its own advantages. The production operates all year round; experienced installers thoroughly know the technology of installing windows in any weather.

Summer orders and installation of plastic windows have the following nuances:

outside temperature environment quite high, there is no risk of letting cold into the apartment;

installation waiting time is 10-15 days;

comfortable natural working conditions for installers;

in summer it is impossible to determine shortcomings or defects made during the installation process;

great demand for these services and intense workload of workers.

Carrying out work in winter also has a number of its own characteristics and advantages. Among the main points that arise in the process of fulfilling an order for window installation are the following:

relatively short waiting period for installation – 2-7 days;


Many people who decide to install plastic windows wonder: when is it better to install them - in winter or summer? For some reason, such a stereotype has developed, and we hasten to note that it is completely unfounded that installing plastic windows in winter can lead to freezing of the room.

We hasten to assure you that everything is not as bad as you imagined. The fact is that with an open window opening, dismantling and installation work takes an average of 20-30 minutes. This is a relatively short period of time, and therefore the room will not have time to cool down much. In addition, the customer has the opportunity to evaluate the level of comfort immediately after installation. It should be noted that in the winter season the installation of plastic windows is not permissible only if the air outside the window is lower than –15°. Today, buying windows in Moscow is not a problem, since many companies are engaged in the production of plastic windows. It is important not only to purchase high-quality plastic...

When is the best time to replace windows?

When is the best time to replace windows?

Major renovations in an apartment begin, perhaps, with replacing windows. The old windows of our houses have long served their purpose, and the window is sometimes the only element that, by some miracle, still opens, despite the thick layer of paint and sagging rusty hinges. There are so many manufacturers of metal-plastic windows today that just listing them can take more than one page. It’s up to you to decide which company’s products you prefer. But in what period of the year is it better to replace windows, we’ll talk about that. Almost any of you will say: well, of course in the summer! However, I beg to differ with this. It just so happened that I replaced the windows in my apartment in January; I didn’t find another suitable time. The temperature outside the window was about minus 10 degrees, I noticeably...

What time of year is best to replace windows?

When choosing plastic windows, most people do not think about the fact that not every season is equally suitable for their installation. Omitting the technical nuances, it can be argued that the price of installation, and indeed of the windows themselves, depends on the time of year. At first glance, it seems that the most favorable time for installing window structures will be summer or early autumn. Warm weather and long daylight hours actually have many advantages. However, the disadvantages of this choice are also quite extensive.

One of the main disadvantages of the summer period is the high demand for plastic windows. And high demand necessarily gives rise to inflated prices and relatively long waits for order fulfillment. Plus, the risk of unscrupulous work in the summer also increases. Struggling with the abundance of orders, companies are reducing installation time, which cannot but affect quality.

From another point of view, choose winter for replacement or...


When is the best time to replace windows?

The most best time Autumn and summer are the best time to replace old windows with new ones made of plastic profiles. If you think so, then you are one of the 90% of those who think the same way.

Installing windows during this period is a tribute to weather conditions that are comfortable and safe for the living space where glazing is planned to be replaced. In addition, it is during this period that most repair work occurs, which often includes updating window frames or installing new windows. That is, in fact, summer and autumn are the very seasons when buyers are looking for windows the most and, accordingly, when window companies experience a period of growth.

Why is the customer willing to pay double the price?

As a rule, an increase in demand is accompanied by an increase in the load on production. The workload of workshops forces window sellers to increase the delivery time of finished products - they are pushed to do this by increasing production times. Those entrepreneurs who do not want to abandon their potential clients in this way (that class of buyers who need PVC windows here and now) adjust demand by increasing the cost.

As a result, in the industry as a whole, in a given time period of 6-10 months (seasonal demand for windows sometimes begins with the first sunny days of March and ends with the arrival of cold December), customers are forced to buy windows at a higher price.

That small part of customers who decide to replace windows in winter already has the benefit that their products will most likely be cheaper.

In the winter months, when the street temperature drops below zero degrees, checking the quality of work is not difficult. If the installation is carried out incorrectly, then there will be noticeable blowing from the window in places where the thermal insulation circuit is broken. This is the same signal that should inform you about the “hackwork” of the workers and indicate the place where the installers made a mistake.

In winter, detection of such “blowing” is possible immediately upon acceptance of work, thus, installers will seal and, if necessary, reinstall window unit, In the same day.

Why installing windows in winter is not always possible.

When installing window structures today, foam is most often used. Its peculiarity is expansion in air at certain humidity and temperature parameters. This gives rise to restrictions related to ensuring the required conditions. In terms of temperatures at which polyurethane foam expands properly, until relatively recently, installation in winter was basically impossible.

Today there are already some technologies that allow you to install windows in almost any weather. Such know-how includes special fencing for window openings, similar to a heat screen, which allows you to increase the ambient temperature. Other alternatives are the use of special winter foam kits.

With this obvious advantage application of the latter, it is still possible to speak with a fairly high degree of confidence about their reliable operation at temperatures not lower than -15 0 C.

Thus, as we see, each window replacement season has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The order of work during the construction of a house is clearly defined, and it is better to strictly adhere to it. And this applies to Euro-windows, both plastic and wooden. At what stage of construction is it better to install windows, and what will be the consequences of installing translucent structures at another time, the WINDOWS MEDIA portal will tell you.

A common practice in domestic private construction is to install windows just before winter in bare walls in order to close the inner shell and be able to carry out finishing work, usually wet and dirty. This is a common mistake in the art of construction.

Irreversible consequences of “amateur” in window installation

Ideally, if the installation of windows and doors will be carried out after completing and drying the screed and interior plaster, but before laying insulation outer wall. This sequence of work will ensure that the insulation layer around the windows does not accumulate excess moisture (which in winter will lead to condensation in the insulation layer, further freezing in the foam layer, and, consequently, degradation of the cellular structure of the polyurethane foam).

In the case of wooden windows, excess moisture can cause swelling of window frames, cracks in the painted surface, and even frame joints, as well as corrosion of hardware components. Remember that windows are designed for "normal" operating conditions, which fluctuate around an internal temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and relative humidity in the range of 50-60%. Very often, ensuring precisely these conditions of use is the starting point of the warranty documents of Eurowindow manufacturers.

At what stage of construction should Euro windows be installed?

Wooden windows. It is better to install them after completing “wet” work inside the house. If you install them before, the high level of humidity in the room (about 90%) can cause irreparable harm wooden frames. Although manufacturers claim that modern wooden windows are resistant to moisture from precipitation and do not deform, they do not recommend installing them before plastering and screeding. Some of them even warn that the guarantee offered for euro-windows made of wood loses its relevance if, after installing the joinery, “wet” work was carried out in damp, ineffectively ventilated and poorly heated rooms.

PVC windows. It does not matter whether their installation is planned before or after “wet” work. It is always necessary to ensure effective ventilation of the room (if necessary, heating) so that moisture does not condense on the surface of the glass unit, because it can then transfer to the slope and subsequently cause mold.

“Wet” work in winter. Often construction work is completed at the end of autumn and the installation of windows and finishing work falls into the winter. In this situation, it would be better to choose plastic windows, which in principle can be installed at any time of the year (although days when the temperature drops below -5 ° C should be avoided, even if winter foam is used for sealing, which can work at temperatures up to - 10 °C). If the winter is cold, it is best to postpone the installation of plastic windows until the spring. Very low temperatures will cause the PVC to become brittle, which can lead to cracking of the profile during transportation, unloading and installation.

It is also better to wait until spring to install wooden euro-windows. However, if Euro-windows have already been installed, and there is a desire to finish the house in winter, it is worth considering whether wet work should be replaced with dry work. Laying plasterboard and plasterboard boards does not have great influence on indoor humidity, and also does not delay further finishing work. When work is interrupted for the winter, and the windows are already installed, it has important ensuring ventilation in the rooms, otherwise the accumulating moisture will condense inside the house - most likely on the windows.

The most useful sequence of work when installing Euro windows

Thanks to this sequence, it will be possible to avoid contamination or damage to the window, high humidity in the house, and unnecessary duplication of work (correction of previously completed slopes damaged during window installation).

Installation of windows before or after plastering

Before plastering. If the finishing work will be carried out in the spring and summer, the windows can be installed before the “wet” work. They must be shielded protective film or during plastering, you can remove the sash and carefully protect the frames. You can also install windows, plaster the slopes and corners, and then, having protected the windows with a special film, plaster the remaining surfaces of the walls. Applying plaster requires temperatures above 5 °C, so when planning this work for the winter (especially gypsum plaster), Euro-windows should be installed first. This sequence of work is acceptable if you decide to install plastic windows.

When installing wooden windows, it is better to wait until the plaster has completely dried. If windows are installed in the fall before plastering, they should be carefully screened with film and left open to allow moisture to be removed.

After plastering. It is best to plaster the walls inside, leaving the slopes and corners unplastered. After they dry, the windows are installed, and after the foam has dried and hardened, the slopes are plastered. This approach is especially appropriate in the case of wooden windows. Then it is possible to avoid their possible contact with excess moisture from the drying of the plaster.

It happens, however, that plasterers do not want to agree to complete the slopes. If you plan to install plasterboard, then a team of plasterboard installers can help with finishing the window opening. After installing the window, cut plasterboard slabs are glued to the opening in a certain way. You can, of course, completely plaster the walls and slopes, but after that it will be difficult to install windows without damaging the plaster.

Installing a window after performing “wet” work in interiors has another advantage: the surface of the frame and double-glazed windows are not subject to contamination, scratches and irreversible damage by workers of another construction team. Unfortunately, there is a risk of not avoiding this when installing insulation around a window frame or sill. Therefore, before starting insulation work, you should protect the window along with the frames with a layer of special film.

What do you think, when is it better to replace windows - in winter or summer? Most people think that the most favorable time When can you install plastic windows - summer. Many of our clients are sincerely surprised when they answer the question: “Do they install plastic windows in winter?” receive a positive response.

Installing windows in winter has its advantages. This:

  • instant check of installation quality;
  • high speed of order fulfillment;
  • significant savings (due to discounts and gifts).

Quick check of installation quality

One of the reasons why people are afraid to install windows in winter is the fear of freezing out the apartment. Today experts use best technologies installations. The apartment or room will be “windowless” for no more than 30 minutes. Just choose the right weather conditions so that the need does not arise too soon.

When is the best time to replace windows?

  • at a temperature not lower than minus 15 degrees,
  • in calm weather.

Once the installation is complete, you will immediately feel the difference. Polyurethane foam fills all the cracks, so drafts should not bother you. All this - if the windows were installed efficiently, according to the rules. If not, then window defects will appear quickly. It will start to blow from the remaining cracks, so complaints to the masters about what may arise even before they leave.

In this sense, the question of whether to install plastic windows in winter or not has a clear answer: “Yes!” In the summer it will be difficult to check the quality of the installation right away, since drafts or ice cannot occur in any case. The temperature outside the window is not the same. In winter, you will immediately feel if the masonry is blown out. You will also see if ice and condensation is forming.

More profitable and faster - in winter

As you know, the demand for plastic windows in summer increases significantly compared to in winter. main reason- people have free time, because summer is vacation time.

In winter, the rush to install windows subsides. To attract customers, companies make significant discounts. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to change windows in winter has a clear answer - of course, yes. You will spend much less money and may receive gifts from the company. For example, care products for plastic windows.

Due to the fact that the installers are not very busy, window installation will take a minimum of time. They will be able to pay more attention to your order and will work calmly and without fuss. Do you understand when it is better to install plastic windows - when a specialist has one order per day or several?

Of course, for an experienced installer, the question of when is the best time to install plastic windows is not so important. A true specialist will install high-quality windows under any conditions. Installation in low temperature conditions is a common process for a professional.

Thus, the advantages of installing windows in cold weather are obvious. Your order will be fulfilled quickly and efficiently, since in winter there are usually fewer customers. You will receive big discounts, and most importantly, you will immediately check the quality of the installation.

Relit Company specialists will carry out high-quality installation of PVC windows at any time convenient for you. In addition, we make and provide services for the installation of slopes and window sills, and their modernization.

Last spring, while putting up the windows after the winter cold, you firmly decided: “Stop! This summer I’m replacing the windows!” The romantic time of dachas, vacations, high temperatures and heavy rains has safely come to an end and you are again in front of a window with strips of foam rubber and paper. "Stop! Why didn't I change the windows?"

You didn’t change the windows because summer is a precious time that needs to be devoted to children, family, loved ones and yourself, and let the windows wait for winter. This is the right approach, and the professionals support it! Many employees of window companies specifically wait for the winter to change the windows in their apartments, and they are a good judge of this.

Many people are concerned that during installation the apartment may become very cold, which is not in the best possible way will affect heating systems. In fact, this doubt is not justified. On average, installation of a standard window lasts 1.5 hours, of which the opening remains open for 30 minutes (maximum 50 minutes). During this time, only the air in the room will have time to cool, so...

The best time to replace old windows with new ones made of plastic profiles is autumn and summer. If you think so, then you are one of the 90% of those who think the same way.

Installing windows during this period is a tribute to weather conditions that are comfortable and safe for the living space where glazing is planned to be replaced. In addition, it is during this period that most repair work occurs, which often includes updating window frames or installing new windows. That is, in fact, summer and autumn are the very seasons when buyers are looking for windows the most and, accordingly, when window companies experience a period of growth.

Why is the customer willing to pay double the price?

As a rule, an increase in demand is accompanied by an increase in the load on production. The workload of workshops forces window sellers to increase the delivery time of finished products - they are pushed to do this by increasing production times. Those entrepreneurs who do not want to give up this way...

The plastic window market is very specific and has a seasonal orientation, with underutilization of plastic window production from December to June (OFF-SEASON) and heavy workload from July to November (SEASON). The seasonality of work significantly limits production growth, since in the winter and spring months equipment is idle and production suffers losses, workers receive low wages and there is a turnover of qualified personnel. Therefore, manufacturers of plastic windows strive to make maximum profits during the season and retain maximum orders, and in the off-season to attract the maximum number of customers. Thus, the strategy of sellers of plastic windows at different times is different and the question is: “When is it better to install plastic windows?” quite possible.

Installation of plastic windows during the season

During the season, it is necessary to retain a large number of customers, but there is not enough capacity, the production time for plastic windows increases, and the client...

At what time of year is it better to install plastic windows? This is a question asked by many who are doing renovations or are just planning to do it. Is it possible to install plastic windows in winter, and what is it like, installing windows in winter. I will try to tell you about all this today.

And so, when it is better to change windows, installing plastic windows in the winter season is technically practically no different from installing them in the summer, although many claim the opposite, and see only disadvantages in this, but in vain.


A large number of companies offer big discounts on window installation in winter. All this is not due to problems in installing windows in the cold season, but to the traditional decline in consumer activity; few people replace windows in winter, so there are few clients. Of course, it is more convenient to replace windows in the summer, and carry out all repairs in warm weather, but in the summer, this is an expensive task, and in the summer, usually no one has any money, everything goes to vacations and summer cottages.

In winter, you can save a lot of money...

When to replace windows - in summer or winter?

When is the best time to replace windows?

It is better to replace windows with plastic windows in winter. There are several important reasons for this:

1. Summer is precious and a short time, which must be given to children, family and friends, and the windows will wait until winter. Many employees of window installation companies wait until winter to replace the windows in their apartments, and they know a lot about installing plastic windows.

2. The peak in the window business occurs in September; it is during the summer period that the load in all areas of the window company is maximum. Window installers are no exception. In winter, installers work slowly and spend more time on orders than in summer.

3. When installing plastic windows in winter, all the shortcomings in the installation of windows and insulation of window slopes after foaming the opening are immediately visible. If there is a draft or fogging of the windows, the problem is corrected immediately. This is easy to do, since in summer the air temperature is the same indoors and outdoors, and in winter...

It is advisable that only quality materials, since it is this indicator that determines how long the window will last and how often it will have to be repaired. It is important to check how well the seams are secured at the joints between the frame and the wall, because it is subject to very large mechanical loads caused by fluctuations in the size of parts of the structure due to changes in temperature and humidity. If the seal of the seam is broken, droplets of condensed steam will appear on the inside of the glass, and the joint itself may crack. What affects the quality of installation of a plastic window?

1. Accuracy of measurements. The window must be made in exact accordance with the dimensions of the window opening. Before concluding a contract for the installation of a product, you must take the most accurate measurements. This can best be done by specialists from window companies.

2. Quality production. When making a frame, you must...

Have you decided to replace your old wooden windows with plastic ones? Of course, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals, since the installation of plastic windows involves many nuances, if not observed, the windows may not retain heat, be not airtight, close poorly and fog up. If you are confident that you can cope with this task, then we will talk about the nuances of installing PVC windows in this article.

Organizational matters

Advantage self-installation plastic windows is that you yourself will do it much more scrupulously than most installation teams who sin by not complying with GOST when installing windows. But again, we repeat that if you have never seen clearly and are not familiar with the process of installing plastic windows, order installation from specialists.

When is the best time to install plastic windows?

It is best to replace windows in the warm season, from May to September. Installation work...

The impaired performance of plastic windows is restored using various adjustments. But, besides them, there is one more: adjustment of plastic windows - winter/summer, which is needed only to change the degree of pressing of the window sashes. Changing the position of the locking pin on the sash fittings allows you to press the sash harder, resulting in reduced access of cold air through the window.

The sash pins can take three positions:

Maximum sash pressure. Medium pressure (factory setting). Minimum pressure.

In winter, the doors are pressed tightly so that they do not break through the sealing rubber. cold air; in summer the pressure softens. To prevent the effect of this fitting from weakening ahead of time, you need to follow the following recommendations for regulation:

After installing new windows, adjust the fittings to a slight pressure. While the seal is new, there is no need to squeeze it too much: having remembered the deformation, it will no longer be able to return to the original...

If you're talking about windows, they are installed all year round. The only thing is that in winter installation work is not carried out if the air temperature is below -15 degrees. The window opening of competent installers is open for no more than 20 minutes, and during this time the room does not have time to cool down. With good foam you can work down to minus 15 degrees. I don’t know how it is in Novosibirsk (where Evgeny Sinyatkin lives), but in the Moscow region in the summer there is such a number of orders that installers sometimes don’t even have days off. And there are more reasons to hurry in the summer: the beach, barbecue, etc. Regarding gifts - free cheese only comes in mousetraps, all gifts are paid for by you anyway. In a serious company with normal quality control and qualified installers, there are no jambs either in winter or...

Home / Articles and advice / Block: “Plastic windows” When is it better to install plastic windows?

What time of year is it better to install plastic windows - a question that many people ask themselves, who have already decided for themselves another question - which plastic windows are better. Now all that remains is to choose the right season to update your plastic windows. We will be happy to tell you why it is better to install windows in the spring.

Many companies advise installing plastic windows in winter, and there is a logic to this - in winter, the production of plastic windows is not busy with work, sellers reduce prices, the shortcomings of new windows are revealed immediately after installation, since in the cold season, blowing and freezing through a plastic window is felt instantly and clearly .

However, according to own experience, a reduction in window production time due to minimal production workload can have a negative impact on quality - workers are relaxed due to an irregular work schedule, since either...

Among those who decide to install plastic windows, you can often hear arguments in favor of carrying out work in winter or summer. Largest number users are inclined to order new window designs in the summer, since this season has a number of noticeable advantages. Others, on the contrary, recommend placing an order for the installation of PVC windows in winter, and also provide enough arguments in their favor. We will give just a few arguments in favor of this or that opinion, after reading which you can make your choice.

By installing new window structures in the summer, you can avoid many winter troubles. During summer installation, the room will not freeze or be exposed to drafts, and the polyurethane foam hardens much faster. As a result, the window structure will be installed hermetically and in full compliance with the basic operating rules. In addition, the work of installers in the summer is much more comfortable, which means they will not rush through the installation...

Seasonal installation of plastic windows. Is it possible to produce PVC installation systems in winter?

As practice shows, most consumers, having decided to install plastic windows, have no idea when it is best to do it. We competently declare that summer installation is practically no different from work performed at other times of the year. If you still have doubts, then below we will tell you how winter glazing actually happens.

Season selection

The choice of season for installing PVC windows is absolutely not important. As for winter installation, it has significant advantages. Low temperature is perhaps the only and main drawback that significantly affects the fixation time of the foam. Here you can add slightly increased ventilation and unpleasant drafts, which good window companies have already learned to cope with - installation of window structures in winter takes place under the “protection” of a special heat shield.

The benefits are more significant and...

What do you think, when is it better to replace windows - in winter or summer? Most people think that the most favorable time to install plastic windows is summer. Many of our clients are sincerely surprised when they answer the question: “Do they install plastic windows in winter?” receive a positive response.

Installing windows in winter has its advantages. This:

Instant check of installation quality; high speed of order fulfillment; significant savings (due to discounts and gifts). Quick check of installation quality

One of the reasons why people are afraid to install windows in winter is the fear of freezing out the apartment. Today, specialists use the best installation technologies. The apartment or room will be “windowless” for no more than 30 minutes. Just choose the right weather conditions so that the need for window repairs does not arise too soon.

When is the best time to replace windows?

At a temperature not lower than minus 15 degrees, in calm weather.

When the installation is complete, you...

What time of year is it better to install plastic windows?

Many people do not know when it is better to install plastic windows: in winter or summer? So, according to some, if you install plastic windows in winter, you can cause the room to freeze. But it is not all that bad. With the window opening open, dismantling work will take 20 minutes. This is a fairly short period of time that will not allow the room to cool down much. In addition, immediately after installation of the structures, the customer will be able to evaluate the comfort.

During the winter season, installation plastic structures only permissible if the temperature is above –15°. The company that will fulfill the order will wait for a day with a suitable temperature. In winter, the possibility of installation failure is almost completely eliminated, because experienced specialists will be able to carry out correct calculations.

PVC windows will be installed at a special installation price, which is calculated for operation at sub-zero temperatures. As is known...

To watch a video about winter window installation,
click on the triangle in the center of the image

It's winter and the issue of warmth in the apartment comes to the fore. Many people replace old windows with the first cold weather. Others, on the contrary, are trying to postpone window replacement until spring.

Why are we afraid to install windows in winter?

The main reason for refusing to install windows in winter is the fear of overcooling the room during the winter installation of new windows. According to the installation technology, the window opening remains open from 20 to 40 minutes. During this time, the room does not have time to cool down, so you should not be afraid of this.

Window installation is allowed at air temperatures not lower than minus 15 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to use professional winter polyurethane foam, which retains its characteristics (expansion, adhesion) even with negative temperatures.

Installing windows in winter is better than in summer! Winter installation technology

Winter window installation has one important...

Installation of plastic windows in winter. Should I install it or wait until summer?

Happy winter has come
With skates and sleds,
With a powdered ski track,
With a magical old fairy tale.
On the decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns are swinging.
May your winter be fun
It doesn't end any longer!
(I. Chernetskaya)

Before we had time to look back, the first snowflakes were already flying outside the window, the first ice appeared on the puddles, and the leaves flew off. And the real winter season is just around the corner. For four long months you and I will be surrounded by snowdrifts, and the thermometer will confidently register at minus levels.

But what about those who did not have time or for objective reasons did not install new windows during the warm season? After all, you must agree that we put off many things “for later”, choosing between repairs and vacation, new car and expensive building materials.

But now, as they say, the time has come to change the windows. Let us quote F.M. Dostoevsky...

Many people who decide to install plastic windows in their country house ask this question. There is no definite answer to this, because... Both winter and summer have their advantages and disadvantages in installing windows. We will list most of them, and you will already determine what is more important to you and make your choice.

1. The room will not freeze or be blown through by drafts during the dismantling of old windows and installation of new ones. However, installation usually takes no more than an hour. Therefore, this advantage can be neglected.

2. Polyurethane foam dries much faster, so you will see the final result before the workers leave.

1. Companies usually have a lot of orders in the summer, so the order fulfillment time may be delayed.

2. Your windows will be installed as quickly as possible in order to have time to do as much as possible in a day, so the quality may suffer as a result. In addition, to feel the drafts you will need to wait...

The vacation period quite often coincides with the desire of people to make repairs in their apartment or house, and since the majority choose the summer months for vacation, then renovation work are planned for the summer. At the same time as general repairs, plastic windows are usually installed or repaired, because it’s nice to immediately put the apartment in decent shape, so as not to have to worry about its appearance for several years.

But all this applies to complete renovations in the house, and what if the decision was made to only install new windows? You will probably need to choose the most convenient time for the season, because the window openings will be open throughout the day. Although plastic profile It is easy to install, but in cold weather it is not so flexible, and therefore there will definitely be difficulties in installation.

In what season is it better to install plastic windows?

New technological solutions appear every year, and if a decade ago experts said that plastic windows could only be installed in the warm season, now it is possible to do this when there is a special need for it.

Of course, even now there are some issues that will require special attention, but if critical events occur, plastic windows can be installed at any time.

Advantages and difficulties of installing windows in winter:

  • An undoubted advantage will be the cost of plastic windows, which drops during the season of low demand. Some clients use this moment to buy windows in advance for the proposed renovation, and plan the actual installation for the summer;
  • During installation, you can immediately check the tightness, because even a small defect will immediately appear as a draft. As a result, either the defect will be eliminated immediately, or the window will be replaced with a similar one, and no further alterations will be required;
  • can only interfere with the installation very coldy, in which even heat shields do not help maintain the temperature of the window opening acceptable for work. While the windows are being installed, it will be cold in the apartment, so you need to immediately plan that you will not be able to stay in the house;
  • The polyurethane foam that is used when installing a window requires a certain external temperature, and humidity will also play an important role. Among the technological innovations, we can confidently highlight the presence of special foam for installing windows in winter conditions, but there is a limit here (not lower than 15 degrees below zero).

Advantages and difficulties of summer window installation:

  • comfortable temperature and low humidity will allow specialists to work much faster, and the residents themselves will be able to stay in the apartment. The window openings will be constantly open, but this will not create difficulties, because in summer it is quite warm even in the evenings;
  • long daylight hours will allow you to install a window unit in one working day, all work will be done quickly. By evening, apartment residents will enjoy the view from the new window, since all work will be completed at once;
  • Everyone understands the benefits of installing windows in the summer, so the demand for plastic frames rises sharply, therefore, the prices for windows will increase compared to winter or late autumn.

The most favorable period for installation of plastic windows is the last months of spring, when it is already quite warm, but there is still no rush to buy windows. If you did not purchase plastic windows in the winter, then you can purchase and install windows in the spring - it is economical and convenient in all respects.

If you are building Vacation home, then sooner or later you will be faced with the question of the advisability of installing plastic windows at one or another stage of the construction process. Moreover, people, for the most part, try to install PVC windows as early as possible, explaining this by the fact that the erected “box” needs protection from low street temperatures, winds, precipitation and outside penetration. Well, there really is some logic to this. But you shouldn’t give in to panic and install windows even before the roof is erected (and in cases of winter construction this happens all the time). Believe me, it will bring you much more more trouble, rather than positive aspects.

Why does the question posed in the title of this article even arise? After all, plastic windows can be used without problems even in 40-degree frosts, so why not really install them as soon as the window openings in the house under construction are completed? Well, we don’t argue, polyvinyl chloride can really cope with low temperatures, winds, and precipitation without any problems. But an installed plastic window is not only plastic, metal and glass, but also important element, like polyurethane foam. And if the foam encounters conditions of excessive moisture, such as those found both outdoors and indoors, it can accumulate moisture within itself. As a result, with the arrival of frost, this same moisture will freeze, the cellular structure of the foam will begin to degrade, the insulation will be damaged, etc.

By the way, in the case of wooden windows everything is much worse. After all, if PVC cannot be saturated with moisture, then wood can. Swelling of wooden window frames can lead to the most serious consequences, including the need to install new window structures. Plus, don’t forget that wood is painted and varnished, and when deformed paints and varnishes will begin to burst and peel. PVC, which has color in its structure, will not encounter such a problem.

There is such an important concept as the warranty conditions for the operation of a plastic window. This concept is directly related to the topic of our article, because if operating conditions window design made of PVC will be found to be inadequate, then the window will simply be removed from the warranty. So, the normal warranty conditions for the operation of plastic windows are temperatures within +20 degrees Celsius, as well as indoor humidity at 50-60 percent. In principle, this corresponds to the average living conditions in our country, so going beyond the warranty on this item is quite problematic. Unless we are talking about installing plastic windows during the construction of a building. Here the humidity may be higher and the temperature lower. Please note that warranty conditions are not a ploy to allow the manufacturer to avoid warranty exchange or repair. These are the conditions under which the declared durability and performance of a plastic window is guaranteed. And if you break them, it will be entirely your fault.

Further, there is a division of repair work into wet (wet) and dry. Wet repairs include those repairs that involve the use of water-based compounds that require gradual drying. For example, this could be the hardening of a screed on the floor or a plaster layer on a wall/ceiling. During wet work, the overall level of humidity inside the room increases, even going beyond the limits. warranty conditions operation. Considering the fact that repair compounds take more than one day to dry, this can be a problem for installed plastic windows. What are the ways to solve this situation?

1. Replacing wet repair procedures with dry ones. For example, instead of using plaster solutions You can level the wall with plasterboard, and instead of pouring screed on the floor, use mortar-free leveling using joists.

2. Carry out work in spring or summer. As we have already determined, the main danger is the freezing of moisture inside the foam, and in spring and summer this problem is not relevant.

3. Creation of guarantee conditions artificially. Using heating equipment and establishing proper ventilation in the room, you can achieve normal levels of humidity and temperature even when carrying out wet work. In general, you will need ventilation not only to protect against foam moisture, but to generally protect the window from condensation. Therefore, it needs to be done as early as possible.

Another problem that you may encounter is the appearance of mold, which is a consequence of moistening the polyurethane foam, as well as slopes. Therefore, if you are installing plastic windows during the construction of a house, it is strongly recommended to immediately restore the slopes and treat them with an antibacterial compound. When restoring the slopes, you will close the assembly seam (foam), which will provide it with serious, although not total, protection.

Should windows be installed before “dirty” work is carried out, which can severely contaminate the surface of the plastic window? In principle, if you securely close the window opening with a combination of construction cellophane and tape, then problems with contamination should not arise. Another thing is that when carrying out construction and repair procedures you will use tools that can tear the cellophane or even cause physical harm to the glass unit or plastic frame. Therefore, proceed with extreme caution.

The issue of house shrinkage, which is especially relevant for all types of wooden buildings, deserves special attention. As a rule, in log houses, plastic windows are installed only after the house shrinks, which occurs under its own weight of building materials, as well as under wind and sediment loads. And even after the first shrinkage, it is strongly recommended to install PVC windows using a casing, which will prevent deformation of the window block during subsequent shrinkage processes. With houses made of other materials, the moment of shrinkage also needs to be taken into account, although to a lesser extent.