Vermiculite warm plaster. Warm plaster for interior work: pros and cons

  • 20.06.2020

Building and repairing a house involves leveling the walls and reducing heat loss. For this, dry mixes and insulating materials are used. All this can be found in one warm plaster. It is about her that will be discussed in this article.

What is it?

Plaster compositions are a mixture of binders, fillers, plasticizers, additives that improve the performance and sand with different fractions cleaned of impurities. For the most part, warm plaster is presented in a dry form, which should be diluted with water before use.


The building material differs from other analogues in specific fillers. It is they who give the result properties similar to heat-insulating materials.

In particular, the main additives are:

  • vermiculite;
  • wood fibers or sawdust;
  • modified clay;
  • powdered pumice;
  • expanded polystyrene in granules.

In addition to functional features, the listed elements give the coating a different structure.

Some options are used as a finishing decor. Others cover paintwork materials after preliminary priming and complete drying of the surface.

Pros and cons

The main task of plaster is to level the base. The material differs in its physical characteristics from most of the offered products.

Lightweight and practical finish

Among the positive ones are:

  • high degree of adhesion to mineral and wood bases, which do not have to be pre-levelled;
  • if the maximum allowable layer is observed, the use of reinforcing material is not required;
  • the breathable composition of the coating does not allow heat and cold, noise and dust to pass through;
  • predominantly contains natural raw materials;
  • comfortable use;
  • frost resistance and resistance to changes in weather conditions;
  • light weight, which does not allow the formation of "cellulite" sagging under the weight of the solution;
  • forms a coating close to monolithic;
  • with the exception of the filler in the form of polystyrene, the constituent substances are non-combustible materials.

In addition, warm plaster is considered unattractive to rodents and organisms related to microbiology. This eliminates the use of various antiseptic formulations that can cause an allergic reaction.

Lots of good points and advantages over analogues do not exclude the presence of disadvantages. These include:

  • as a rule, the maximum value of the applied layer does not exceed 20 mm;
  • if plaster is used as an alternative to other heat insulators, then the layer must be at least 5 cm, which affects the foundation due to the total load;
  • depending on the composition, the material is able to absorb moisture, so this indicator should be taken into account when choosing;
  • when re-applying the solution, it is imperative to use a reinforcing mesh.

It is believed that such a warm plaster, but you should not consider it a composition that fully replaces the insulation. The material has, among others, a similar property, but it is not the only one.

Application area

On a gypsum binder, the composition is used only indoors. On a lime and cement base, warm plaster is used to finish the facade of the house, including its decoration.

Upon detailed consideration, the solution is used in the following cases:

  1. Filling cracks, crevices and voids.
  2. Sealing of butt joints between ceilings.
  3. Formation of openings for windows and doors.
  4. Warming: walls and building structure as a whole; water supply risers; sewer system.

The material also copes with leveling the base. But in view of the cost, it makes sense to give preference to analogues with a permissible single-layer application exceeding 2 cm.

Types and features

Gypsum heat-insulating plaster is characterized by minimal resistance to variable humidity. Therefore, it is used only inside dry rooms. More often, cement is used as the basis, since it copes with changes in operating conditions much better. Such compositions are used for facade elements.

Plaster with heat-insulating additives for outdoor use differs in fillers, which affect the characteristic properties of the mixture:

  1. Organic are represented by expanded polystyrene with a fraction of 1-1.5 mm, which is not very durable. It is added to cement and lime compositions. The versatility of warm plaster is limited by flammability. The coating is recommended to be treated with materials as a finishing decor.
  2. Minerals make up for the shortcomings of organic matter. These include: quartz glass is water resistant, does not transmit heat and does not shrink; porous raw materials of volcanic origin : mica vermiculite is not afraid of anything but water; obsidian perlite needs protection from moisture.
  3. sawdust yield long time drying, but are excellent for processing bricks and wood. Among such fillers are used: sawdust, paper.

The latter mixtures usually have cement or clay as a base. Manufacturers recommend using such mixtures for internal works. This is due to the fact that during the drying process the presence of wind is not allowed.

Mineral fillers also include pumice with expanded clay. These materials are inferior to analogues in all respects, therefore they are used extremely rarely.

Top manufacturers

If we consider the building material from the point of view of manufacturers, then the most famous brand is the German company Knauf. This brand has established itself among the first in the post-Soviet space.

The materials are of high quality. All tasks that are assigned to the material are performed in accordance with the specified parameters. The main condition is compliance with the rules for the use and preparation of plaster.

Domestic analogues also cope with the main tasks, to one degree or another. For example:

  1. Houncliff contains acrylic and glass. Can be applied to any porous substrates. It has low thermal conductivity, vapor permeability, does not accumulate moisture. Differs in environmental friendliness. The material is relatively new, so it is almost impossible to buy a fake.
  2. Thermoum can be used for processing any bases inside and outside the room. The plaster contains 99% mineral elements, which indicates its environmental friendliness and incombustibility. The pores in the coating occupy 55% of the volume. This allows moisture not to linger in the base. Hydrophobicity allows the product to be used as a moisture insulation of walls.
  3. Warmmix differs in high adhesion to any bases without use of primers. Unlike the previous version, it can be used for thermal insulation of the facade of the building.

Warm Umka plaster is suitable for indoor work. Differs in the high durability and moisture impermeability. It does an excellent job of insulating walls from noise and cold outside.

Heat-insulating plaster Knauf Grunband

German warm plaster for the Grunband facade can be applied to any substrate. The method of application can be both manual and machine. The latter allows you to speed up the processing process.

Tasks that Grünband copes with:

  • waterproofing of facades and rooms with high humidity;
  • reinforcement of the base surface;
  • prevention of the appearance of cracks during shrinkage of the building or from mechanical impact from the outside;
  • decorative design of the base, which will only need to be painted.

The fraction of the components does not exceed 1.5 mm. This suggests that the coating differs in coating density and comfort in relation to the application of the solution.

How to make warm plaster with your own hands

The modern market is represented by everything you need to make plaster with your own hands, including warm plaster. The basis of the mixture, as a rule, includes cement and purified sand.

To give the heat-insulating properties of the plaster, perlite or vermiculite is added to the composition in a ratio of 4 to 1 relative to cement. As a plasticizer, you can use PVA building glue in an amount of up to 60 grams per 10 liters of plaster. It is important to mix all the elements thoroughly, leave for about 20 minutes and repeat shaking.

Do-it-yourself application technology

Warm plaster is used more often for outdoor work. External plastering activities are carried out in warm weather. It is desirable that it be windless. So the result will be better. If beacons are used, then after the coating has hardened, they should be removed, and the voids filled with warm plaster.

Preparatory work

The base before plastering requires standard preparation. To do this, you need to remove:

  • old coating in the form of plaster and paint;
  • protruding reinforcement elements;
  • available wall insulation material;
  • excess adhesive between the blocks from which the building was erected.

It is advisable to pre-fill all the recesses. Some manufacturers claim that priming the base is not required. Most experts do not agree with this.

Required Tool

To prepare the plaster you will need a container and a mixer. You can purchase a special nozzle for a drill or puncher. To work with the solution, you will need a spatula (facade and auxiliary) and a rule.

Fixtures and tools

When using lighthouses, plaster is applied by machine or manually. Then the mixture is leveled with a trapezoid-shaped canvas. Surplus is used further.


With a single-layer application of the solution, additional reinforcement is not required. However, there is often a need for coverage in excess of 20 mm. In this case, a mesh with cells up to 5x5 mm is used. It will not allow the coating to crack.

The reinforcement process looks like this:

  • the first layer of plaster is applied;
  • after 100-120 minutes, the plaster mesh is attached with a notched trowel;
  • the next layer of solution is applied after 1.5-2 days.


Each stage, with the exception of reinforcement, is carried out after the base or fresh coating has completely dried. Priming is taken into account.

Calculation of the amount of material

Before you close the plaster, be sure to take into account the fact that the solution has a limited time of action. As a rule, it equates to 4 hours.

Layer thickness calculation

For noise insulation, a layer of warm plaster 5 mm thick is sufficient. For thermal insulation, 50 mm is considered optimal. For leveling, the layer is calculated depending on the differences that need to be eliminated. If they exceed 5 cm, then it is recommended to first use analogues without heat-insulating fillers.

Mixture consumption

If the plaster layer is 20 mm, then you will need about 12 kg of dry mix per 1 sq. meter. With a two-layer coating, 2 times more material will be required.


The rules for applying warm material are actually the same as for other analogues. The differences are in the reinforcement and the drying time of the coating. In particular, the latter is about 3 hours. The level of maximum strength of heat-insulating plaster is gaining within a month.

Application of the mixture

To give smoothness, the hardened surface is moistened with water and treated with a grater. Possible deficiencies can be corrected within 2 hours.

Summing up

Warm plaster is used as a leveling building material like conventional counterparts. Also, mixtures are used for processing facades and walls indoors with any humidity. characteristic feature of this plaster is a heat-insulating property, along with which the coating does not transmit noise.

The affordable cost of warm plaster and a wide range of applications have a clear advantage over analogues. Besides, t warm plaster can be prepared with your own hands.

Many today are wondering what warm plaster is, for what purposes this material is suitable and how to work with it. Let's start with the fact that in the domestic market of building and finishing materials, these products are not so long ago.

So, warm plaster is a mixture made on the basis of the simplest cement. But, unlike the usual cement mortar, sand is not added to the composition. Instead of him other ingredients used:

  • Expanded clay crumb;
  • perlite sand;
  • Styrofoam granules;
  • Powder made from pumice, etc.

What types of warm plaster exist

If you are interested in what warm plaster is, you should keep in mind that it can be different. There are many types, now we will talk about the most popular of them.

  • Among all varieties of warm plaster, one can note the composition, which contains expanded vermiculite. Expanded vermiculite is a mineral light aggregate, which is obtained by heat treatment, which is subjected to vermiculite rock. If you need warm plaster for outdoor work - it's time to pay attention to just such products. And if you don’t want to look for other worthy options, another use of the material is also possible. For example, this warm plaster for interior work is also suitable. Quite a worthy, versatile building material. Among the advantages of vermiculite can be noted excellent antiseptic properties.
  • If we consider the popular types of warm plaster, we can not ignore the "sawdust mixture". This substance contains sawdust, as well as particles of clay, cement, even paper. That is why it is not recommended to use sawdust warm plaster for outdoor work. On the contrary, the mixture is most often purchased specifically as a warm plaster for interior work - any specialist will confirm this.

Sawdust plaster is an ideal product for covering brick (concrete), as well as wooden surfaces. It is recommended that the room be regularly ventilated while the sawdust plaster is drying. It takes about two weeks for the composition to dry. If the doors and windows are closed in the room, mold and fungus may appear on the surface - be sure to consider this.
  • People who want to buy warm plaster always pay attention to the type of material that contains expanded polystyrene foam granules. This plaster contains not only expanded polystyrene - here you will also find cement, various aggregates and additives, lime. You need warm plaster for the facade - this option is well suited, however, it is also often used for indoor work.
Because it last option plaster (with polystyrene foam granules in the composition) is the most common (which cannot be said about other types), it is we who will consider it in detail within the framework of this material. All comparisons with other materials will also be made specifically for this species.

Warm plaster and its applications

Consider the industries where this material is used today. Anyway, manufacturers recommend following:

  • Finishing of facades and their thermal insulation;
  • Sound insulation of internal and external walls on existing buildings, as well as additional insulation;
  • Wall insulation if well masonry is used;
  • Insulation of slopes of door and window blocks in those places where they are adjacent to the walls;
  • Warming of risers of cold and hot water supply, sewer risers;
  • With internal finishing works(as a sound insulator and insulation);
  • Warm plaster is advised to use for insulation of ceilings and floors.

Exterior finish of the facade with warm plaster

Let's talk in more detail about How effective is the material? while doing exterior finish facades of houses.

  1. Warm plaster for the facade will be heavier than all others possible types up to ten times or more. Therefore, for such a wall, most likely, a more solid foundation is required;
  2. If it is assumed that the facade insulation structure will have a plaster layer over the insulation, the thickness of the insulation usually varies from 50 to 100 mm (depending on the thickness of the load-bearing wall, the desired temperature inside and climate zone). If you pay attention to what the coefficient of thermal conductivity is, then everything is clear - in order to achieve similar indicators, a layer of warm plaster should be one and a half to two times thicker.
  3. In other words, a layer of warm plaster will have to be made 100-200 mm thick, but only 50 mm is allowed to be applied - otherwise there will be dumps. Therefore, warm plaster for the facade should be applied immediately on both sides of the wall.

Now, based on all of the above, consider all advantages and disadvantages of the material:


  • It is applied very quickly (even one plasterer can apply 110-170 sq.m per day);
  • Can be applied without the use of reinforcing mesh (in places where there are no cracks and corners);
  • Walls do not need to be leveled if you are going to apply warm plaster;
  • The material has excellent stickiness (adhesion) - to all other wall materials;
  • When arranging this insulation, there are no metal ties, respectively, you don’t have to worry about cold bridges;
  • Rodents will never settle in a wall that is insulated with warm plaster;
  • For more information about the advantages of warm plaster (including for insulating facades), see the video material. Perhaps you will get answers to all your questions after watching.

Disadvantages of warm plaster

  • The composition is not a top coat - not only a primer, but also a decorative layer of plaster should be applied to the surface of warm plaster;
  • The desired layer of insulation is thicker than when insulated with foam plastic, cotton wool (approximately one and a half to two times).
Based on all of the above, let's talk about where you really should use "warm" plaster.
  • When sealing various joints, cracks in the walls, ceilings of the house;
  • As additional insulation, but this is already during internal work - that is, you will need warm internal plaster (in a situation where work cannot be done outside - when, for example, there is already an expensive lining that will definitely deteriorate during disassembly);
  • Warm plaster is often used to insulate the basement;
  • When finishing window slopes material is also used frequently.

Application of warm plaster - technology

Before work, the wall surface is prepared in the same way as before applying a simple cement-based plaster. That is, all dust is removed, as well as the remains of other solutions. If necessary, the surface is treated with special impregnations of deep penetrating action, or simply strengthened with a plaster mesh.

It is important that the surface of the wall, which will be insulated with warm plaster, is thoroughly moistened with water - before starting all work.
  1. When the composition is prepared for use, the entire package is poured into a container (its volume must be at least 50 liters);
  2. Next, add water in the amount indicated on the package of warm plaster;
  3. Everything is thoroughly mixed with a mixer;
  4. The resulting mixture should be used within 120 minutes of preparation.

How to check whether the required consistency is obtained or not? Everything is simple here:

  • Scoop up the solution with a trowel, turn it over;
  • If the mortar holds well on the trowel, does not fall off it, then the plaster is completely ready for use;
  • Finished plaster can be applied both by machine and by hand.

To avoid any difficulties when applying warm plaster, pay attention to the video: applying warm plaster. The lesson will be useful for both specialists and novice decorators-repairmen.

What do they look like subsequent work:

  • The plaster mixture is applied with ordinary plastering tools (trowel, spatula, float, etc.) in several layers;
  • The thickness of one layer should not be more than 2 cm;
  • Each subsequent layer should be applied no earlier than 4 hours after the previous one was applied;
  • If on the street high level humidity, and the air temperature is lowered (especially in the autumn season), the drying time of the layer increases;
  • It is customary to apply the solution only on the surface that has been leveled, primed;
  • Warm plaster is applied with a wide spatula, this is done strictly from the bottom up;
  • It is impossible to arrange plaster with a thick layer at a time - because of this, the solution may simply slip;
  • Verification and acceptance plastering works usually carried out somewhere three to four weeks after all the work has been done.

Common mistakes when applying warm plaster

It is not difficult to guess that certain mistakes are often made during such work - especially when the work is performed by novice specialists or just amateurs. Consider this moment in more detail:

  1. If delaminations are observed, then you made some mistake during work;
  2. If the applied composition begins to crack;
  3. If the geometry of the room changes due to the fact that the layer of warm plaster is too thick.
How to check the "geometric" quality of the plaster work that you have completed? In this work, you need a plumb line, as well as a two-meter rail-rule, bubble level. Everything is checked simply: a two-meter rule is applied to the surface (as a rule, an aluminum rail is used as such a tool). If gaps are detected, it means that there are violations in the geometry.

It is important that the deviations from the horizontal (or vertical) of the plastered surface are not more than 3 mm per meter.

About material consumption

What can we say about material consumption? Everybody is here quite understandable:

  • For each square meter the surface takes from 10 to 14 kg, if the desired layer thickness is 25 mm;
  • If the desired layer thickness is 50 mm, then the consumption is 18-25 kg per square meter;
  • 1 square meter of wall insulation with warm plaster will cost you $ 40 (the information will be useful to those who wish to buy such plaster) - with a layer thickness of 25 mm;
  • If you turn to specialists to do the work, you will have to pay up to $ 15 or more for each square meter.
  • In order to insulate "airborne noise" with warm plaster (it can be TV noise, conversations, the sound of a car engine), the material must have a fibrous structure. In addition, it must be breathable. The effective thickness here starts from 0.5 cm;
  • To perform the insulation of "impact noise" - knocks, falling objects, the sounds of steps, the material must have elasticity (like rubber).
Warm plaster does not meet either the first or the second requirement, so all data on excellent soundproofing indicators are most likely slightly overestimated.

For some works, warm plaster (facade, interior decoration) is really used often and it is quite justified. But far from always its use is appropriate - in many cases, you can limit yourself to completely different materials or heaters and get either the same or more impressive results.

Be sure to take this into account when finishing or repairing - in order to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises in the future.

Among various kinds insulation materials in construction are beginning to increasingly use the so-called "warm" plaster.

It differs from ordinary plaster lower thermal conductivity, which contributes to better preservation of heat in the room and, accordingly, saves heating costs.

The point is the filler, which has a very high porosity. air bubbles delay the transfer of heat to the environment.

As a filler for warm plaster can be used various materials: sawdust, polystyrene foam balls, perlite or vermiculite granules, foam glass.

All of them have lower thermal conductivity than the sand used in conventional plaster.

Compared to traditional insulation materials, it has several advantages:

  • Its application is quite simple, does not require special skills, and with private construction, you can do all the work yourself. At the same time, a plastering machine can also be used.
  • Preliminary leveling of the surface is usually not necessary, and for better adhesion, it is enough to moisten the walls with water.
  • Reinforcing mesh is required only in particularly difficult places (for example, corners or where there are cracks). This not only simplifies the work, but also improves thermal insulation.
  • High adhesion provides good adhesion to any surface, so it is possible to insulate buildings from almost any structural materials, including concrete slabs or metal.
  • High plasticity allows you to seal hard-to-reach areas without any problems.
  • Most types of warm plaster are non-flammable, do not emit harmful substances which enhances the safety of buildings.
  • Biological stability is manifested in the fact that fungus, insects or rodents are not able to live in such plaster (with the exception of species where sawdust or cellulose mass is used as a filler).
  • High thermal insulation properties warm plaster allows you to use its thin layer as additional insulation.
  • Microporous structure makes the material breathable, which is especially important for residential premises, hospitals, schools, kindergartens.
  • Many wall materials lose their original lower thermal conductivity through water absorption. And the porous structure of the plaster with a large number of capillaries helps to remove moisture from the walls on which it is applied.
  • Modern warm plaster resistant to sudden temperature changes, snow, ultraviolet rays, practically does not lose its appearance, does not crack.
  • It evenly distributes the absorbed solar heat over the entire surface.
  • Often in the production of warm plaster waste is used(expanded clay chips, sawdust, etc.), which helps to reduce environmental pollution.
  • And at the same time, it does not contain harmful substances. it the most environmentally friendly view among modern heaters.

Of course, warm plaster is not without cons, otherwise it would have long ago forced out other types of heaters from the construction market:

  • Main disadvantage- this is its high cost compared to traditional materials - glass wool, etc. Although this is primarily due to its novelty for domestic construction. And if we take into account the cost of related products for other types of insulation (for example, fittings), then their prices converge.
  • Most types of warm plaster not suitable for finishing exterior walls. Due to the porous structure, they quickly absorb moisture and become damp. Therefore, a primer and top coat with paint or plaster, or wall cladding with waterproof material is necessary. Styrofoam or foam glass plasters are deprived of this drawback.
  • The thermal conductivity of warm plaster is higher than competitors (0.065 W / m °K versus 0.033 - 0.043 for foam and 0.041 - 0.05 for mineral wool). Due to this, a thicker layer of insulation will be required, which means that the foundation should be more durable.
  • Thick coat dries longer, which must be taken into account when working outdoors in changeable weather.
  • Plaster with organic fillers is heavier than others and absorbs water more easily.. Therefore, it is not quite suitable for outdoor work. And in the humid environment of sawdust, conditions are created for the fungus.
  • Polystyrene plasters are flammable except for the most modern brands.

What's in the future?

Warm plaster
- not an ideal material for insulation without a single drawback.

However, she has a lot of advantages, which makes it attractive for both private and public construction.

The highest quality are new types, like "Bear", ThermoUm, which allow you to perform and finishing facades. They are waterproof, have an attractive White color and an interesting surface texture, if desired, they can be painted. And because of the good plasticity, it is possible to perform directly from them and decorative elements, for example, stucco.

If, as domestic production expands, prices for warm plaster decrease, then this type of insulation can become a leader for use, especially in the private sector.

ThermoVer warm plaster: characteristics, properties and methods of application - look at all this in the video:

Modern mankind has come up with many different building materials, which increase the service life of the building, allow you to complete the construction as soon as possible, are resistant to precipitation, while being environmentally friendly and distinguished by aesthetic beauty.

One of these materials is warm plaster for the facade. it modern material, which appeared on the building materials market recently and has already managed to gain popularity due to its characteristics. Possesses the raised indicators at thermal preservation already in finished form.
In this article, we will consider what warm plaster for a facade is, how it is applied to the surface and what characteristics it has.

Application of warm plaster on the facade of the house

What is warm plaster for facades made of?

The whole secret of its effectiveness lies precisely in the composition from which this material is made. It includes substances that are characterized by low heat conductivity.

Plaster is made from the following substances:

  • sawdust;
  • expanded clay crumb;
  • pumice and others.

Most often, in the manufacture of this plaster, a substance such as expanded polystyrene is used. This is a very cheap substance, but, nevertheless, it has excellent qualities that allow you to keep the heat in the room as much as possible.

Styrofoam used in plaster for better effect

It is also used not only for external work, but also for internal work, thereby ensuring a stable temperature in the house without sudden changes.

It is made from traditional materials such as cement, lime, as well as some other additives that allow you to get excellent results in practice.

An even more traditional material for the manufacture of warm plaster for facades is sawdust, which forms the basis, in addition to them, it also contains paper, cement and clay. Thus, as we can observe, it is a very simple material that is environmentally friendly. It is also used in addition to external, also in internal works, in which it is used even more often, since its composition is such that it sufficiently feels the effect of water. Therefore, its use is quite rare for facades, but it also comes across.

This type of warm plaster is very sensitive to the effects of fungi, it dries for a long time.

Another type of warm plaster for facades is with vermiculite in the composition. This rock is characterized by high hardness and is very successfully used for insulation of facades.

Experts note that there are materials that better protect from the cold and retain heat, but the main advantage is the cheapness of the material.

Vermiculite is used in plaster for better insulation at home and comes in packaging of different volumes

Warm plaster for facades still perfectly retains heat. It is also often used in addition to warm plaster for the facade, as well as insulation inside. Combined, this gives very good results, allowing your home to lose less heat and be less affected by cold, gusty winds.

In addition, foam insulation is also used, the layer of which should be at least 10 centimeters. Only in such conditions the house will be very warm. And the walls of the house should be made of brick or reinforced concrete. This is the only way to ensure maximum heat savings.

If you use only warm plaster for the facade, then its layer should be about 20 centimeters.

Most often, warm plaster is used, the layer of which does not exceed four centimeters. This creates conditions when the house is only slightly insulated, but the problem is not completely solved. If you use a layer of warm plaster for facades more than five centimeters, then it will be very heavy and may eventually fall off under its own weight.

To understand how much weight warm plaster for facades can have, then a layer of only two centimeters on an area of ​​\u200b\u200bone square meter weighs about twelve kilograms.

When to apply warm plaster for facades

When and where is plaster applied:

  • as an additional insulation of the house, as well as protection from external noise, with which plaster does an excellent job;
  • in addition, you can insulate the floor and ceiling in your house;
  • you can also insulate windows, doors and door slopes;
  • insulate joints;
  • close up engineering communications, pipes and pipelines, wiring.

The application process is not difficult and does not require huge efforts, so almost everyone can insulate the house with warm plaster for facades.

How to insulate a house with warm plaster for facades

The whole process of work does not require any special tools and devices. To do this, you will need the most common trowels, levels and spatulas.

Before applying plaster to the wall, you must first prepare the surface. This means that you need to remove everything that is not firmly fixed, you need to knock down the rattling plaster, which can fall off under the pressure of the plaster, which, as we have already seen, weighs quite a lot and collapse the entire structure, so this work is very important. Walls need to be primed.

Before proceeding with the actual process of applying to the walls, the plaster must be kneaded, for this you need to add water to the container and pour the plaster according to the manufacturer's instructions, which are indicated on the bag. Mix this mass well with a mixer and let it brew for about five minutes, then mix again. The mass must be homogeneous, this is very important, because in the future the plaster may not hold very tightly even through a short time crumble. In order to avoid lumps in the plaster, it is necessary to clean the container well after each use, and it is also better to add water while stirring, rather than pouring plaster.

Now that we have warm plaster for facades ready, we can proceed directly to the application process itself. Lighthouses are placed on the walls, the location of which must be leveled. When our lighthouses are in the right place, we apply warm plaster for the facades. For this we need a master.

Each applied layer must be very carefully leveled and smoothed. It must be remembered that you cannot immediately apply a thick layer of plaster, since it can dry out for a very long time and fall off under its own weight or crack.

The maximum thickness of one layer cannot be more than 5 centimeters. And only after a few hours, when this layer dries, you can apply a new one. When applying plaster for facades, do not forget that importance has fixing beacons, this is, first of all, important when we apply thick layers.

It is also important to understand that the warm plaster itself is not the end of the work, because after we finish applying it, it will be necessary to apply a layer of some kind on top of it. decorative material, because when the warm plaster for the facade dries, the view will not be very aesthetic and not every self-respecting house owner agrees to have such appearance its facade.

Recall that each material has its own purpose, warm plaster has the function of warming the room, but is not at all suitable for giving aesthetically beautiful view front of your house. The process of applying this material is quite simple, even if you do not have building experience, then the whole process will not be very difficult, the main thing in this matter is to take it seriously and do everything correctly.

Advantages of warm plaster for facades

Since plaster is made from affordable and common components, its price will be, accordingly, low. Also, a huge advantage over other insulating materials is its environmental friendliness, so you will not have health problems, especially for people suffering from allergic reactions who are not recommended to use synthetic materials that do not breathe well, thereby creating problems.

The product of the evolution of the traditional cement-sand mortar is warm plaster. The energy crisis makes us look for new saving technologies in all spheres of life. So, as a result of experiments with a conventional sand-cement mixture, a decorative and insulating mortar with low thermal conductivity was obtained, which does an excellent job of eliminating the so-called "cold bridges".

Quite non-warm "warm" plaster

The replacement of the sand fraction in the finishing formulation of the plaster endowed it with completely new properties. Sawdust, pumice powder, perlite sand, expanded clay chips, granulated polystyrene foam, expanded vermiculite are used as new components. They contribute to the improvement of the thermal properties of the material.

Special additives make the new warm materials versatile: they can be used for interior walls and outdoor decoration. Such works include sealing gaps, crevices, joints of the inter-wall space, as well as the ceilings of the house. They perform thermal insulation of the basement of the building with warm plaster, additional internal wall insulation. Trim the slopes on the windows. Warm plaster is indispensable on the facades of buildings with complex architectural forms.

To the touch, the wall plastered with a “warm” solution is by no means warm. The coating got its name because of the low thermal conductivity and "work" to save heat inside the building. Warm facade plaster plays the role of a thermos: it does not let heat out in winter, it isolates the walls from the outside from solar radiation in summer. Due to the heavy weight of the finished plaster layer, it is applied with a thickness of only 2.5, maximum 10 cm, while the absolute thermal protection efficiency of the coating is achieved at 100–120 mm, which makes the wall structure heavier, and it is problematic to form such a layer.

It is obvious that the main destructive "blow" takes on the facade. It is watered by downpours, dried by winds, warped by frosts. It is the design of the walls outside that needs a warm insulating coating.

Criterias of choice

Special requirements are imposed on warm plaster for outdoor work:

  • environmental friendliness: the components included in the composition (lime, gypsum, cement, etc.) do not emit harmful substances;
  • compatibility when used with other facing materials;
  • biological stability and moisture resistance;
  • property not to ignite and not to sustain combustion.

Attention! According to these criteria, warm facade plaster with mineral fillers (vermiculite, perlite, foam glass), belonging to the NG class (non-combustible) and not absorbing moisture, are actively used for exterior decoration. At the same time, thermal insulation finishing material, based on expanded polystyrene foam, on the contrary, combustible, is classified in group G1. For the same reasons, solutions with additives that reduce the thermal conductivity of the finishing layer (sawdust, cellulose mass) only finish the inner surfaces.

Preparing for the launch

  • The best option for warm cladding is a facade that does not require additional insulation. It is quite possible to make warm plaster with your own hands. For those who are familiar with traditional plastering, it will not be difficult to do this using decoration as an additional means of insulation. Moreover, the process itself is not much different from the usual traditional method, moreover, allows the use of small-scale mechanization. Therefore, the possibility of errors is minimized.

  • To perform the work, you will need: a round bowl or other container for preparing the mixture, a measuring cup (jar) for dosing water, a construction mixer (low speed), a wide spatula, a grater for applying and distributing the solution along the wall, aluminum slats (beacons), a level, a rule (flat rail) for leveling the mixture according to the installed beacons.
  • The temperature of the air and the wall itself should not be below 5°C.
  • In the case of lining with a low-temperature mortar, these parameters should not fall below -10°C.

Do it yourself or where to start decorating on your own?

Do-it-yourself warm plastering involves thorough preparation, during which the walls are prepared, their possible cleaning from the old coating is carried out. Irregularities are cleaned, surfaces are primed. They must be clean and not dusty. If there are minor chips, then a layer of heat cladding can be applied directly to them. With significant irregularities, poor condition of the walls, plastering with a thickness of more than 5 cm requires the installation of a plaster or reinforcing mesh for reinforcement.

The volumetric weight of the finished cladding (200-340 kg / m³) is quite significant, it directly affects the foundation. Therefore, before work, you should make sure that the foundation is reliable. Vertically along the wall, parallel to each other with a step less than the length of the rule, aluminum beacons are installed. Maintaining the level is constantly checked by a level. "Recipe" for a solution of warm plaster in one's own preparation

Having decided on the estimated thickness of the future layer (usually, it is 2-5 cm), the mixture is purchased. The main measure is the volume of the dry mixture in the package. With a bag weight of 7-10 kg, its contents can process 1 sq. m area with a layer thickness of 2.5 cm. It must be taken into account that the prepared batch of mortar must be used within a few hours, before the hardening process begins.

"Recipe" for a solution of warm plaster in one's own preparation

You can make a plastic mixture yourself, especially since the recipe does not include scarce components. They can be bought at any building market. The purchase will cost less than ready-made warm plaster. Purchased cement (1 part). A porous filler component (4 parts) is needed to improve vapor permeability and prevent dampness. In this capacity, you can use granular vermiculite or perlite.

On a note! Additives-plasticizers increase the degree of adhesion of the solution to the wall, make it possible to apply it to parts of the facade that are complex in shape. Alternatively, instead of plasticizers, PVA glue is added to the mixture. It will require only 50 gr. for a 10 liter bucket.

Preparing the solution is easy. First, with the help of a construction mixer, with thorough mixing, the plasticizer (or glue) is diluted with water. Cement in dry form is combined with filler granules. With the constant operation of the mixer, a water-adhesive solution is gradually added to the dry components. The mixture is stirred until a thick mass is obtained. To gain the necessary properties, the finished batch needs to be infused for a quarter of an hour. Ready. You can start applying plaster.

Ready mix mortar

If you use a ready-made dry mix, then you need to pour water into the container in the amount indicated on the package. Mixing the solution is easy, you should follow only two mandatory rules. The use of a multi-component composition requires the preparation of the entire contents of the package at once, without dividing into parts, the remainder for filling. The contents of the package must be completely in solution. The mass is thoroughly mixed for at least 5 minutes until completely homogeneous. Another five minutes are given for “ripening”, while all the components finally react with each other and take on the viscosity characteristics that are required by the technology.

Finishing the facade with heat-insulating plaster (final stage)

  • For better adhesion, warm outdoor plaster is laid on a damp surface.
  • The treated part of the facade is moistened before applying the mixture.
  • The solution is mixed again before being applied to the wall, its consistency in density should resemble sour cream with a high percentage of fat content.
  • The finished mixture is applied with a spatula to a grater (trowel), applied to the wall from the bottom up with rubbing translational movements between adjacent vertically located beacons. Immediately equals the rule, while removing excess solution.
  • If the wall area is large, then a plastering machine can be used to speed up and facilitate the work. The solution is fed through the nozzle. The area with the applied solution is again leveled by the rule.

  • With increased requirements for roughness and decorative design walls, you need to put another thin finish layer.
  • The grater carefully eliminates irregularities to the required surface smoothness. Compliance with the geometry of the lined facade is constantly checked with a level, both during and after work. The maximum deviation in this case should not exceed 3 mm.
  • After a few hours, the beacons are removed, the resulting cracks are carefully rubbed with the same mixture. The wall is finally rubbed with a solution of a more liquid consistency.
  • For multi-layer application, it is necessary that each layer is not thicker than 2.0 cm, and all subsequent ones are applied to the dried surface. To do this, you need to make technological breaks: at normal climatic conditions they are about 4 hours.
  • The final completion of the work involves the complete drying of the facade within two days, followed by its painting.

Attention! The polymerization processes of the components of the solution are completely completed only 4 weeks after the end of the work. It was at this time that the plastered layer gains its final strength, becomes a monolith. At the same time, flaws are revealed: delamination of the material, the appearance of cracks. The necessary heat-insulating qualities of the plaster appear after 60 days, when the lining is completely dry throughout the entire thickness.

In order for the house to compare favorably with its “brothers” on the street, you need a little: make an effort, use plaster good quality and realize the plan with the help of well-executed work.