The air conditioner does not blow cold air well. Not enough power. The main causes of failure and repair options

  • 09.09.2018

good air conditioner always able to deliver a mass positive emotions during the warm season. After all, the coolness in the room can significantly improve the working mood or the rest of each person.

However, even the highest quality air conditioner does not always retain its characteristics at the initial level over time. In this article, we will figure out what could be the reason that the air conditioner has become poorly cooled.

What could be the reason that the air conditioner has become poorly cooled?

There are many reasons for cooling problems. First of all, it should be said that the air conditioner must always have enough power to work in specific conditions. And if you have a regular 2 kW model installed, and in the office, when it’s hot outside, 10 people work at the same time, and besides, different equipment, then you shouldn’t blame the air conditioner for poor cooling. In this case, the problem is that it was initially chosen incorrectly.

Among the other most common reasons that the air conditioner has stopped working as before, it is worth mentioning its pollution. There is a lot of dust in every room, which pollutes the air conditioner, and this leads to a deterioration in the performance of equipment. And if there are also cigarette smokes, then pollution occurs very quickly. The point is that when the air filters and the drum are clogged with dust, the air conditioner can no longer supply air at its former speed. As a result, it continues to produce the desired outlet temperature, but the air volume becomes so small that it cannot cope with creating a pleasant atmosphere.

In this case, it is worth cleaning the air conditioner. Moreover, it is produced not only in the internal, but also in outdoor unit, the pollution of which also affects the quality of the air conditioner.

It is also quite possible that one of the parts of the air conditioner, such as a fan, a four-way valve, a compressor, etc., may fail. After replacing the defective part, the air conditioner will be able to perform its work again with high quality.

Freon - a special cause of poor air conditioning

Freon is the main substance through which air conditioners work. It is in the system under pressure, so if there is even a slight depressurization of the equipment, it will begin to leak into the atmosphere. Visually, this often also manifests itself in oil leaks.

Such a development of events can bring many problems. If the amount of freon decreases even by 20 percent, then the cooling will be very poor. In addition, there will be a risk of overheating of the air conditioner, which leads to compressor failure.

But there is also back side medals. Too much freon will not lead to anything good. True, if the air conditioner is installed correctly and made with high quality, then usually there will be no problems with freon. But if a leak nevertheless occurs, then it is worth not only adding freon, but also resuming the tightness of the system. And trying to add freon "in reserve" would be the wrong decision.

What to do if the air conditioner does not cool well?

The article discusses only the main and most common causes of poor air conditioning performance. A professional master will be able to determine which particular case takes place in your situation. Calling a specialist will help you not only save time, but also immediately identify the problem and find out possible solutions to the problem.

Not always the poor performance of the air conditioner will lead to the need to replace it. Most often, you can quickly and inexpensively repair any air conditioner. Modern models are produced quite well and with the right approach, their performance can be renewed without any extra effort.

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Air cooling is the main task of air conditioners. Models that offer modern manufacturers of this equipment, meet all established requirements to reliability, safety and comfortable operation. However, any device can fail, break. What to do when the air conditioner blows warm air. Why does this error occur. What are the current ways to fix it? The answers to these questions are in the article below.

The main causes of failure and repair options

The culprit for the fact that the air conditioner does not blow cold air can be ordinary pollution. After all, such equipment consists of two blocks. The purpose of the outer part is the cooling of freon, the passage of air masses through the radiator grille. If it is clogged with dust and dirt, then the air does not pass. In this case, standard cleaning will help, which can be performed by specialists of any service organization.

The next reason is the mistakes made during installation. If the installers carried out the installation of the air conditioner in violation of the technology, then it is not necessary to talk about the quality work of this equipment. Manufacturers of such devices develop specifications, technical requirements according to which the installation should be carried out. Therefore, if a decision is made to buy an air conditioner, then it should be installed by specialists with experience and appropriate equipment.

User errors. This reason is one of the most common. Not every owner will carefully read the instruction manual and, as a result, the wrong mode is selected. The equipment drives warm air around the room.

Exit- transferring the air conditioner to cooling mode, in the way indicated in the documents.

Perhaps the culprit for the fact that the device does not blow cold air is the loss of freon. This gas fills the air conditioning system. If microcracks have formed on it or another defect has appeared, then the freon escapes, and the air cannot cool to the set temperature. To avoid such a breakdown, it is necessary to fill the air conditioner with this gas at least once every three years.

The next reason is low voltage in the mains. If there are problems with the power supply, then you need to be extremely careful. After all, insufficient voltage does not allow the compressor to start. As a result, it can fail, and replacing this part is an expensive process. In addition to low voltage, a faulty interunit wiring could be the culprit. It connects blocks of equipment. To fix this problem, you need to call the wizards.

Proper operation

In order to avoid malfunctions, failures in the operation of the air conditioner, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • conduct Maintenance devices;
  • follow the instructions for use;
  • timely replacement and cleaning of filters;
  • in hot weather, do not set the maximum permissible low temperatures on the air conditioner. This is an unwanted load on the compressor;
  • protection indoor unit from direct sunlight - great way extend the life of the device;
  • the air conditioner should not be covered with curtains. The space around the equipment must be free;
  • near devices that have strong electromagnetic radiation, it is not recommended to use a split system.

Compliance with these rules will ensure reliable performance air conditioner, use it as efficiently and productively as possible.

Why is the air conditioner not cooling well?

The main criterion for good cooling of the air conditioner is the temperature at the outlet of the indoor unit, which should range from six to fourteen degrees, which depends on the degree of contamination of the system units, as well as on the outside air temperature. At the same time, it is noted that the higher the air temperature outside, the lower the temperature distributed by the air conditioner should be. In addition, the outlet temperature directly depends on the manufacturer, dear japanese models have a temperature much lower than Chinese and Asian models. At the very beginning of his work inverter air conditioners quite strongly cool the air in the room, after which they raise it to 15 - 18 degrees.

What are the main causes of poor air conditioning cooling?

1. Dirty indoor unit filters.

This problem is solved quite easily - just remove the top cover of the front panel and carefully remove the air filters, which are a very fine mesh design. The cover is removed easily by pressing the plastic latches located on the sides of the panel. These filters should be washed in soapy water. warm water, then dry and put in its place.

2. Dirty heat exchanger of one of the units.

During the flowering of poplar fluff, the radiator of the outdoor unit is very often contaminated, and with it the heat exchanger. Also, heavily polluted street air negatively affects the heat exchanger. It can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a kershir - this is a high pressure washer.

3. Strong contamination of the fan of the indoor unit.

You can remove it in the same way as in the case of air filters and wash it with soapy water or the same Kershir.

4. Insufficient amount of freon or its complete absence.

If this is the reason for poor cooling, then the system requires a full charge or refueling with a special refrigerant - freon, which can be done by three different methods. But despite the chosen method of filling with freon, it is worth noting that only a professional should carry it out.

5. The fan of one of the units is out of order.

This unpleasant event can occur as a result of a breakdown of one of the additional boards or the electric motor.

6. Four-way valve does not work.

This valve is used to switch from cooling to heating mode and vice versa. If it breaks, the valve must be repaired or replaced with a new one.

7. The compressor is out of service.

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon: it can simply jam, a breakdown of the case windings can occur, an interturn short circuit can occur, and so on. The compressor relay or capacitor may also fail. In the latter case, damaged parts can be replaced, and in the first case, you will have to change the entire compressor or even the entire indoor unit.

8. Temperature sensors do not work.

The reason may be open or closed sensors, and their resistance may also show incorrect values. As a result, the control board will not signal the system to turn on the compressor. If the sensors are defective, they should be replaced with new ones.

9. High or low pressure sensors do not work.

With this problem, the air conditioner simply will not work, so the burnt sensors must be replaced with new ones.

10. The capillary tube is clogged.

In order to eliminate this problem, the tube must be cleaned with a press or a new capillary tube must be soldered. If the tube is clogged with condensate, it can be purged using a vacuum process.

The most common causes of poor cooling of the air conditioner in the room have been presented to your attention. If the air conditioner is completely fixed, and the room is still hot and the air is humid, then you have chosen the model incorrectly and the system simply does not have enough power. In any case, before proceeding with the repair of the air conditioner, it is important to diagnose and identify the true cause of the malfunction. Why does the air conditioner not cool well?

There are situations when the air conditioner brings us not only joy, but also disappointment. So much money and hopes invested, but it does not work. In any case, if your air conditioner does not cool, there are reasons for this that can be eliminated. Call us if your air conditioner is not cooling well.

Having bought and installed a new air conditioner, as a rule, they begin to use it in the same way as another household appliances without reading the instructions and user manual in detail. But if such a principle can still work with a TV and a refrigerator, provided that the purchased equipment is of high quality, then improper operation of the split system can lead to its serious breakdown and not in 5-7 years, but literally in 10-12 months.

What causes an air conditioner to fail?

Filters dirty. The air conditioner does not cool.

Air conditioner service. Prices. rub.

Service of the 1st air conditioner without additional refrigerant charge
from 2000 rubles

Service of 2 air conditioners without refueling with freon
from 3500 rubles

Service of air conditioners from 3 sets
from 5000 rubles

Equipping air conditioners with additional filters
from 500 rubles

full or partial

Air conditioners maintenance a large number which and large capacities, as well as additional services are calculated separately.

The filters of the indoor unit are located under the front panel of the air conditioner and are a fine mesh through which air passes. Their task is to trap dust and prevent it from entering the air-conditioned room. But internal filters also protect against dust and the radiator of the unit, and therefore their contamination can lead to serious consequences. That is why it is so important to clean the filters in a timely manner, which is not difficult to do: just rinse them in running water and then dry them a little.

However, removing and installing them is also not difficult, given that each instruction describes in detail how to do it correctly. Experts advise cleaning the filters at least once every 2-3 weeks, and if there is a lot of burning, dust or soot in the air-conditioned air, then it is better to carry out a similar cleaning procedure as they get dirty, then there will be no situation in which the air conditioner does not cool.

If the filters are not washed for a long time, then at first this will affect the intensity of the radiator blowing, as a result of which the air will become poorly cooled. It can also lead to problems in the operation of the refrigeration system and freezing of pipelines (when the air conditioner is turned on, water will begin to drip from it, which is associated with melting ice). If at this stage the filters are not cleaned, then the next stage is the clogging of the system with pieces of dust and then the water will not just drip, but will flow in a stream from the switched on air conditioner. Most running case- this is when such a large layer of dust or dirt forms on the radiator that it will be difficult to remove it and you will have to use special chemical cleaners for this purpose.

It should be noted that the consumers themselves are obliged to clean the filters of the indoor unit, since this is not included in the warranty service.

Freon leak. The air conditioner does not cool the air.

Much more often, air conditioners stop working due to freon leakage, despite the fact that normalized leakage (no more than 6-7% per year) is a normal occurrence during operation, even if the quality of installation of the split system was very high. To make up for the lack of freon, the air conditioner must be refueled at least 1 time in 2 years. And if such a procedure does not take place on time, then the consequences can be the saddest: the compressor, which under “normal” conditions is cooled by freon, will first overheat and jam, and then completely fail.

Urgent repair of air conditioners and control of functioning systems. Prices. rub.
Air conditioner diagnostics from 500
Repair, correction of the drainage system from 1000
Fuse replacement from 1000
Freon pipeline repair-soldering from 500 per seat
freon leak repair from 500 rubles depending on the type and power of the split system
Air conditioner repair after clumsy grief installers The repair price depends on the type, power and condition of the split system
Replacing the compressor on the outdoor unit from 4000 rubles depending on the type and power of the split system
For other air conditioning repairs, call us and we will definitely help you.

But for its replacement if the air conditioner does not cool, you will have to pay at least thirty percent of the cost of the split system. Moreover, such a problem can also be encountered when using relatively inexpensive models, such as Samsung or LG, as well as elite Mitsubishi, Daikin, Fujitsu, with the only difference being that an expensive air conditioner simply will not cool and “refuses” to work (such models have a certain degree of protection and will not turn on if there are any deviations from the programmed mode of operation).

To understand that refueling of freon is necessary is not difficult at all. The first symptom is the formation of ice or frost on the connections of the outdoor unit, which indicates a decrease in the refrigerant in the system. In addition, the low efficiency of the air conditioner and its inability to quickly cool the room should alert. In this case, you must immediately turn off the device from the network and contact the climate company.

Rules for the operation of air conditioners.

Your air conditioner does not cool the air in the apartment and turns off after a while? If you find any problems with the device, you need to urgently determine the cause and fix the problem.

Do not attempt to repair the equipment yourself. A person without specialized skills can only check the correct setting temperature regime. If the settings fail or the program is set incorrectly, you can easily fix it. Any other unprofessional intervention will not only be useless, but can also significantly harm the system. Only a specialist is able to correctly determine why the air conditioner does not cool the air in the apartment. He will assess the amount of work and take the necessary measures to eliminate the problem.

Causes of an air conditioner malfunction

Air conditioner problems can occur for a variety of reasons. This may be a breakdown due to external factors or a failure in the equipment mechanism.

The reasons why the air conditioner weakly cools the room may be the following:

  • Pollution. Accumulation of dirt and dust on filters or an external fan can significantly hinder the operation of the device. The air conditioner performs its functions correctly, but pollution interferes with the flow of cold air into the room.

Often contamination of the equipment occurs outside. Street dust, exhaust gases and small debris can clog the radiator and heat exchanger. As a result, the air conditioner does not cool the air well and periodically turns off.

  • Not enough freon. For full-fledged work air conditioner, there must be a sufficient amount of freon in the internal tank. During the operation of the split system, freon gradually leaks out. If no condensate drips from the outdoor unit, this indicates that there is no or insufficient refrigerant. To fix the problem, it is enough to call the master who will fill the equipment with freon.
  • Valve failure. In the air conditioner, this part serves as a switch. With it, we get cold or warm air when setting the desired mode. When only one temperature is set for a long time or the device is not used, the valve may stick. That is why the air conditioner often does not cool after the winter, heats up or simply ventilates the air at room temperature.
  • Compressor failure. If the air conditioner does not cool, the reasons for this may lie in a compressor malfunction. Its work is disrupted in the event of a short circuit, jamming, breakdown of case windings and other problems.
  • Malfunction temperature sensors. These elements serve as set temperature recognizers. If they are out of order, then the system will receive an incorrect signal and, accordingly, the air conditioner does not cool, but heats the air.

How to quickly fix any malfunctions in the air conditioner?

Only a qualified technician can return your device to working condition. The master will conduct a thorough inspection of the equipment, establish the reasons why the air conditioner has stopped cooling, fix the problem or replace broken parts.

Do not repair yourself. So you will only aggravate the situation, complicate the work of a specialist and incur unnecessary costs for restoring the system. In order for the equipment to perform its functions reliably and for a long time, it is worth paying attention to its prevention. Regular inspection and cleaning of the air conditioner will protect it from unexpected breakdowns and clogging.