Do I need to clean the external unit of the split system. How much does it cost to clean the air conditioner in the apartment

  • 12.09.2018

Modern housing and premises where people stay regularly is simply unthinkable without a split system. This equipment is aimed not only at cooling the air in space, but also at heating it. And most importantly, the split system cleans the air with a special antibacterial filter. It is installed at the air inlet to the system, it cleans and ionizes the resulting air. Thanks to this, the spread of bacteria in the room is slower and people get sick less. But split systems require maintenance. And if cleaning a split system with your own hands is possible, then replacing parts and checking electronics requires a professional approach.

Frequent malfunctions

The most common malfunction in the operation of split systems is clogged filters. They are installed both at the air inlet and at the outlet. And often the split system fails precisely because of their malfunction. A person turns to specialists, waits his turn, and the entire repair procedure takes half an hour. Therefore, many impatient and meticulous owners of split systems clean the filters themselves and the entire device as a whole at home. Such self-cleaning of the split system can help extend the life of the equipment.

How to extend the service of a split system

It is necessary to say a few words about why filters become dirty and what this leads to. In the premises where such equipment is installed, whether it is an apartment or a room in a house, there are various objects. Cushioned furniture, appliances, cabinets - all this is covered with dust, and it flies in the air. Naturally, it gets into the air conditioner. In addition, small particles of fluff and feathers get into the air from linen and clothes. They are also sucked in by the air intake filter of the system. Not to mention that indoors can smoke or cook food. With this use of the air conditioner, it has to be cleaned much more often. And if the system is in the office, then it turns out to be clogged with paper particles, black dust and other impurities. That's why clean your split system not so difficult.

What filters are clogged with

It must be understood that all these impurities settle on the filter grate and eventually clog it. Experts have long noticed that the equipment that is installed on the tenth or twelfth floor is much less contaminated. But the split systems located in the premises of the lower floors, and located near the highways, "swallow" a lot of dust and soot.

In order to determine the level of contamination, it is necessary to remove the external unit. They need to be cleaned more often. Poplar fluff, which flies into windows in summer, also causes systems to malfunction. It settles on the filters and clogs the holes on the sidewalls of the unit, thereby creating a load on the compressor. This is due to overheating of freon, and the air conditioner becomes unusable very quickly. Timely cleaning of the split system with your own hands can save the device from malfunctions.

How often should you clean

It is advisable to clean the split systems twice a year if they do not work in any special conditions. Cleaning is carried out in the spring before the start of equipment operation. After the end of the split system, that is, in the fall, it is also necessary to check and clean all systems. It is necessary to clean the indoor unit from bacteria, since all these substances will fly into the room as soon as the equipment is started.

What should be cleaned in the indoor unit

Most often, it is the indoor unit of the split system that needs high-quality cleaning. It is necessary to carefully disassemble the indoor unit and carefully examine its contents. If you lift the cover of the unit, the system filter becomes visible. It is a mesh made of metal, through which air enters the room. This grill not only catches small particles of dirt and dust, but also protects the radiator from them. These grids must be removed and placed for several minutes in a soapy solution. warm water. All dirt and greasy deposits should move away and only then the gratings can be removed. Also, be sure to clean the tubes that are located under the grate. This is also done with a damp cloth and very carefully.

Precautionary measures

  • it is impossible to clean parts of the system with a solvent or white spirit, as well as acetone;
  • do not attempt to disassemble the switched on equipment;
  • do not clean the air conditioner in a room where children are;
  • do not put metal tools into the equipment.

What household appliances can help

Inside the block there is a rotary fan, which is a kind of roller that drives air from the system into the room. To clean this roller from dirt deposits, you need to apply a soapy solution to it and turn on the air conditioner. Before this, it is necessary to cover everything around with a film, since during such cleaning dirt will fly.

When the system has been running for a few minutes, you need to turn it off and walk along the blades with a brush. The brush should be damp and remove any remaining dirt. The last step is to clean the top vent holes. They need to be wiped, or you can go through the vacuum cleaner.

Outdoor unit

The outdoor unit also needs to be cleaned. To do this, remove the fan cover and wipe it with soapy water. If the contamination is strong, then it is better to soak the lid for a short time. To clean the external unit from dust, it is not necessary to remove it from the wall, you can get to it from the stairs. But if deeper cleaning is required, then you will have to remove the device from the brackets. This must be done very carefully. If the block is not level, then freon will flow out of it.

Next, you need to wipe the fan blades in the same way as they did on the indoor unit. If ice or frost has formed on the outdoor unit in any of its places, then a specialist should be called. Shooting down frost or trying to independently detect a freon leak is not worth it. To identify and fix performance problems indoor unit, specialists use special equipment, professional devices and electronic devices for diagnostics. Therefore, it is better to entrust them with cleaning the external unit. And, in addition, freon refueling is often required and only professional craftsmen can do this.

Read the instructions!

Before you start cleaning the split system, you need to carefully study the instructions and description of the equipment. Modern devices are often equipped with a self-cleaning system. You just need to enter a specific task on the control panel and the system will do everything by itself. If the indoor unit of the system is equipped with a touch sensor or display, it will indicate the need to clean the equipment. The main thing is not to miss these messages!

In addition, there is a special removable filter in the indoor unit, it is plastic and can be easily removed. It needs to be washed once a week. It's done under the tap warm water. In case of severe contamination, a soapy solution can be used. In order not to damage the fine mesh, it is necessary to handle the filter very carefully.

Automatic cleaning

There are a lot of skincare products on the market today. household appliances and split systems are no exception. A few examples should be given:

  1. Special silicone comb brushes are designed for cleaning thin gratings.
  2. Small soft brushes are sold in sets and are used in size depending on the purpose.
  3. Various sets of cloths made of camel skin and synthetics also contain everything you need to work.
  4. The choice of chemicals for cleaning split systems should be approached carefully and consulted with a specialist.

How the master works

The first cleaning of the system, preferably two or three times, should be carried out by a specialist, especially if the equipment is under warranty. When he works, you need to carefully monitor his actions and pay attention to all the little things. In addition, taking advantage of the circumstances, you need to ask him about all the nuances of the device. You should find out what absolutely cannot be done, and what can be done independently. I must say that at the first signs of malfunctions or improper operation of the equipment, you need to contact the service center.

As in any other issues in the matter of cleaning the split system, it is not necessary to bring the matter to the point of absurdity. If you cannot remove the cover of the indoor unit or the filter grille cannot be removed, do not knock on the equipment. Do not try to pry any part with a screwdriver or tear off with pliers. If the equipment is damaged, then it will be very difficult to repair it. In case of an unsuccessful attempt to clean the split system, it is better to contact a specialist.

is our profile. What we can and love to do. We conclude contracts for the cleaning of split systems in offices, we can clean the air conditioner in the apartment. Cleaning cost one air conditioner 3500 rub., if there are several air conditioners, each will cost. Having paid for the cleaning of the air conditioner, you get free diagnostics and refueling with freon.

Cleaning and disinfection of the air conditioner must be done periodically. How often? It depends on whether the air conditioner is constantly on or not, how carefully they clean the room where it is installed. After all air conditioner actively collects dust from the air. In the photo - a disassembled air conditioner that has not been cleaned for six years. It can be seen that the fan drum is overgrown with dirt. The air conditioner "suffocates", it cannot work normally. Dust, falling on a wet heat exchanger, begins to mold, a musty smell appears. Water is dripping from the indoor unit...

Preferably at least once a year to do preventive maintenance of the air conditioner. Call us, we'll be happy to help! Having cleaned the air conditioner, the master will check how well it works: Measure the temperature, pressure and current, if necessary, add freon.

Is the air conditioner easy to clean?

We work openly and are always ready to explain to the client what and how we do. Split system cleaning is no exception. Some things you can then do yourself and save money. For example, washing the filters is not difficult at all.

Let's see how to clean the split system. This is the name of the air conditioner, which consists of two blocks - internal (room) and external (street).

Cleaning the outdoor unit of the air conditioner- it is cleaned with a brush and washed with water using a high-pressure cleaner Karcher. We thoroughly wash the heat exchanger, because it is in it - on the surface and between the plates - that street dust accumulates, due to which the air conditioner overheats and stops producing cold. And if a poplar grows nearby, be sure that there is enough fluff in the heat exchanger to grow a whole grove. We will definitely remove the “duvet” under which the air conditioner is so hard to work in the heat.

Cleaning the indoor unit of the air conditioner- we carry it out especially carefully, with complete disassembly and disinfection. Why is it important? Yes, to breathe easily! So, in order.

And that is not all… Now that the air conditioner is clean, we make its diagnostics, refuel if necessary. Now that's it - use it to your health!

How long does it take to clean an air conditioner?

One air conditioner can be cleaned in an hour. But usually you need to move something away, cover it so that it doesn’t get dirty ... Remove flowers from the windowsill, because you need to open a window to access the outdoor unit. Then let the air conditioner work, look at the parameters. In a word, it takes hour and a half. If several split systems need to be cleaned in one place, things go faster.

We will always find an opportunity to come to the customer in convenient time. Make an application for a certain day, and the day before we will call you back and agree on the hour when you need to be there. If you can't do it on a weekday, we'll arrange a weekend. We arrive on time and strive to save the client's time - once we have accepted the application, we will definitely do it.

And a few more words about timing. What do you think, What do an air conditioner and a cart have in common? Right! Both are not recommended for cooking in the summer. But from year to year we observe the same picture: it gets a little hot on the street, citizens begin to cut off the phones of climate firms and sigh in disappointment when they find out that they will have to wait. Our company is no exception here - in June-July it happens, we cannot quickly cope with all applications, a queue forms ... What can we recommend to our dear customers here? Make an order in advance! Cleaning of split systems is done both in spring and autumn ... But since you are reading these lines right now, when it was hot outside, Call now. We'll come up with something!

Modern air conditioners are not limited only to cooling the air, they also purify it with the help of appropriate means. Therefore, every climate control system requires periodic cleaning and disinfection. Depending on the complexity of the device of the cooling system, as well as the level of contamination of the air conditioner, service specialists distinguish 2 types of cleaning: standard and deep. Many consumers are interested in the question: how much does it cost to clean the air conditioner in the apartment. We will analyze the answer to this question in this article, because prices vary significantly for standard and deep cleaning, since in the first case, a complete disassembly of the device is required, and this will take much more than the master’s working time. Yes, and the power of the air conditioner, the place of its installation directly affect the time and effort spent on cleaning.

Why is it necessary to clean the air conditioner?

A working air conditioner actively collects dust from the air, so the device must be cleaned and disinfected periodically. How often this needs to be done depends on whether or not the air conditioner is on all the time and how thoroughly the room where it is installed is cleaned.

Scope of work

Some consumers, relying on the user manual, believe that the work of cleaning the air conditioner is limited to washing the removable strainers. But the fact is that it is this function that is initially assigned to the consumer, since such cleaning does not require the participation of a specialist.

Therefore, only washing the filters is indicated in the instructions as a necessary regular cleaning of the indoor unit. Everything else should be done by professionals from the service of split systems. Therefore, the question of how much it costs to clean the air conditioner in the apartment, for those users who are responsible for their health, remains invariably relevant.

The influence of the air conditioner device on the cost of its cleaning

The split system itself consists of two blocks: external and internal. During the cooling of the air in the apartment, the indoor unit acts as an evaporator, and the external unit as a condenser. When the device is operating, the split system transfers heat from the room to the street.

The outdoor unit contains a fan. He, taking air from the street, cools the tubes through which freon moves. The outdoor unit consists of small radiator plates and tubes. We take into account that both a classic split system for each room and multifunctional equipment - multi-split systems can be installed. This changes the number of blocks that require cleaning, respectively - the answer to the question of how much it costs to clean the air conditioner in the apartment will be different.

Important! When dirt and dust get on the radiator grilles, air exchange deteriorates, and the air conditioner loses up to 30% of its power. Similarly, air exchange deteriorates when poplar fluff gets on the radiator grilles. Even after a year of operation, the efficiency of the device decreases by at least 10-20%, that is, ⅕ of the electricity consumed during the operation of the air conditioner is wasted.

Cleaning time

As a rule, many consumers call the device service technician only when the air conditioner stops supplying cold or water flows from the indoor unit. And some use the device until it appears bad smell from the air conditioner, and in this case it will be necessary not only to clean the entire system, but also to disinfect it.

Therefore, if you do not clean the air conditioner for 2-3 years, or even more, this can lead to such wear of the device components that it will not be possible to eliminate the problem by cleaning. As a result, the amount on request, how much it costs to clean the air conditioner, will differ significantly.

What can be cleaned in the air conditioner yourself?

If you have found out how much it costs to clean the air conditioner, but for now you have decided to save on this procedure, or if you want to clearly understand what you will give money for, first of all you need to deal with the device of your model.

A classic air conditioner, consisting of two blocks - indoor (room) and outdoor (street), can be cleaned in three ways:

  • Mechanical (using brushes).
  • With the help of special chemistry.
  • Washing with a high pressure washer.

Important! Basically, professional services use the second and third methods to clean the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, using chemicals car wash and Karcher pressure washer.

Cleaning the indoor unit of the air conditioner

Cleaning of the internal unit of the device must be carried out especially carefully, with complete disassembly and disinfection.

A service panel is located on each indoor unit of the wall-mounted split system, which can be opened without much difficulty. Under the panel there are mesh plug-in filters that any consumer can get and rinse with plain running water (any water temperature, as long as it is not boiling water).

Important! In any manual for the air conditioner, there are diagrams for removing and installing filters, as well as drawn manuals for washing them. If you use this information and clean the filters at least 2 times a year, then the participation of a paid specialist is not required.

If you decide to clean it yourself, then proceed as follows:

  1. Remove the front panel, plastic case, filters and condensate tray from the indoor unit.
  2. Rinse the removed elements under running water, and in case of severe contamination, clean the components with a brush and special chemicals.
  3. Use a vacuum cleaner and a brush attachment to clean the heat exchanger and fan drum.
  4. Using an antibacterial spray bottle, wash all the insides of the air conditioner.
  5. Use a cloth to wipe all surfaces of the device.
  6. Assemble the indoor unit according to the instructions.

Important! We do not recommend cleaning outdoor units on your own, especially if your apartment is located above the 1st floor. Firstly, it is dangerous and fraught with a fall from a height. Secondly, you need to thoroughly know the structure of the outdoor unit of the split system in order to understand what and how to clean it.

Lack of such knowledge, skills, special devices for work at height can lead to a complete failure of the equipment. As a result, you will already be wondering not how much it costs to clean the air conditioner in the apartment, but how much it will cost to repair it or buy new equipment.

What kind of cleaning requires the participation of a qualified master?

Not only the outdoor units, but also many parts of the indoor unit should only be cleaned by suitably qualified personnel.

Cleaning the heat sink of the heat exchanger of the indoor unit

Flushing the filter is not a difficult job, but it is better not to touch other parts of the air conditioner without special preparation. In addition to mesh filters, during operation of the device, in the indoor and outdoor units, heat exchangers and radiators are subject to contamination.

During operation, condensate moisture constantly accumulates on the radiator itself, so part of the dust sticks to the fins of the radiator heat exchanger and gradually reduces the efficiency of cold (heat) transfer. In addition, condensate can turn dust on the fins of the radiator heat exchanger into a film, and fumes containing fats and resins can eventually damage the air conditioner.

Even more polluted outdoor unit, but they do not often remember it, however, its clogging can also cause the failure of the air conditioner. Cleaning heavy dirt on the heat exchanger radiator requires serious efforts, and the very nature of the dirt requires drastic measures, such as flushing with cleaning fluids. In this case, qualified craftsmen can come to the rescue, who, using special flushing fluids designed for radiators, powerful vacuum cleaners, and steam cleaners, will rid the working units of dirt.

Cleaning the fan and turbine of the indoor unit

Design modern models air conditioners are designed in such a way that the turbine only deals with air that has passed through the filter and radiator. But in some models, air enters the fan, regardless of the filter. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor its cleanliness, since after some time the fan blades become covered with sticky dust, a mud coat. As a result, a putrid smell appears in the room. In addition, the accumulation of dust and moisture is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms.

Important! If the fan is not cleaned for several years, then the dirt accumulated on it will increase the load on the motor that rotates the fan. Such additional loads will significantly reduce the life of both the motor and the bearings. Bottom line - when the fan is running at high speeds, there will be an unpleasant noise from the device. To prevent this problem from occurring, use the services of professional craftsmen from the service center. Which one - decide for yourself, based on how much it costs to clean the air conditioner in a particular company.

Cleaning the radiator of the outdoor unit

The quality of the air conditioner is also seriously dependent on the heat exchanger of the outdoor unit of the split system. The radiator, together with the fan, must constantly cool the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, which means that if the efficiency of the unit decreases (especially in the hot season), the outdoor unit will overheat.

In a properly working air conditioner, in such a situation, a sensor will instantly work, which will turn off the entire cooling system. Until the temperature of the outdoor unit returns to normal, the unit will not operate. If the sensor fails, then this malfunction can lead to failure of the entire outdoor unit.

Important! Since the state of the atmosphere in a large metropolis leaves much to be desired, due to the gas pollution of the streets, a large amount of dust, fluff, the radiator grille of the outdoor unit quickly becomes clogged. Therefore, a jet of water supplied under pressure is necessary for its cleaning. Such wet cleaning is only possible for craftsmen with special equipment. Be sure to specify how much it costs to clean the air conditioner, taking into account this service.

Cleaning up the drainage system

The air conditioner may leak due to a clogged drainage system. Can clog the drainage system a large number of grease and dust, and in some cases even a colony of fungi. The reason for such pollution is a dirty indoor atmosphere or long-term operation of the device. Less often, such problems arise due to improper installation. drainage system.

To identify the causes of water leakage, it is necessary to diagnose the operation of the split system. You can fix the problem only by flushing the drainage system. Specialists carry out this work by pumping water under pressure into the tube.

In addition to regular cleaning of the system itself, it is necessary to clean the drainage bath inside the indoor unit. If you do not carry out preventive cleaning of the drainage system and the drainage bath, then mold can spread not only on the radiator, but also on the walls of the case.

Important! Conclude an agreement with the company not only for installation, but also for the subsequent maintenance of the device. Regular qualified maintenance will save you from many problems, and the life of the air conditioner will increase significantly. In addition, in this case, cleaning the air conditioner in the apartment will cost much less.

How much does it cost to clean an air conditioner?

Prices for cleaning a split system depend on the list of works, the power of the air conditioner, the type of device and its design. You can get acquainted with the prices on the price list of any service company. The cost of a full standard robot complex usually includes:

  1. Air conditioner diagnostics.
  2. Cleaning the air conditioner with a steam generator.
  3. Disinfection of the internal block of the device.
  4. Refueling with freon if necessary (up to 300 g).

Of course, you can clean the above nodes of the device yourself. However, it is better to entrust this procedure to specialists for the following reasons:

  • To get to the radiator or fan of the indoor unit, you need to remove the outer plastic casing, which is attached to the case with special screws and plastic clips. Such manipulations require knowledge of the fastening device. various models air conditioners, as well as correct movements developed over the years, a good vestibular apparatus and strong nerves.
  • Cleaning heat exchanger radiators and fans requires careful work using a steam generator. In addition, it is necessary to choose the right brushes and brushes so as not to bend the radiator grill and break the body of the device.
  • Cleaning difficult dirt requires the use of special cleaning solutions, which are usually not commercially available.
  • Refueling of air conditioners is carried out only after a set of works, including diagnostics and cleaning.
  • Qualified professionals can carry out all the work at your home at your convenience.

Observe the rules for operating the air conditioner and follow the recommendations of the manufacturers, and in case of problems, contact qualified craftsmen of special services.