How to paint wooden windows correctly. Painting wooden windows with your own hands: what paint is better to paint and how to do it? Painting wooden frames

  • 16.06.2019

Most people keep up with the times - choose new ones Decoration Materials, install modern doors and windows. But there are people who do not want to part with wooden windows. And there are enough such owners. Every year you have to pay attention to old windows to keep them in proper order: tighten them, change glazing beads and paint wooden frames. To ensure that the process does not drag on and that the windows cope with the assigned tasks, it is necessary to prepare all materials and tools in advance.

Repairing wooden windows yourself is not an easy task. This process is labor-intensive, since with each year of operation wooden frames are exposed to precipitation and constant temperature fluctuations. Wood wears out especially after autumn-winter period when it blows through the windows from the street cold air, and on the side of the room the temperature is several tens of degrees higher. As a result of such changes, condensation forms on the windows, wooden frames either freeze or swell. The tree may rot and mold may appear. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to properly care for the windows, namely, adhere to the technology of painting wooden windows.

Preparation of tools and materials

In order to paint wooden window frames, you first need to bring the frames into proper condition. We start with an inspection, then prepare the necessary tools and materials.

What we may need:

  • electric grinder or drill plus attachments;
  • foam roller for painting;
  • spatula for removing old paint;
  • a scraper and several brushes;
  • fine-grained sander;
  • construction tape;
  • film or old newspapers;
  • rags;
  • container for paint.

The following materials must be prepared:

  • putty;
  • paint;
  • solvent;
  • primer.

You also need to think about the support in advance - it can be a strong chair or stool, or best of all, a stepladder. In addition, immediately prepare a hammer, some nails, a chisel and a screwdriver. And that's not all: you need to take care of protective equipment: buy glasses, gloves, a mask or respirator, a cap on your head (or tie a scarf).

Now about the choice of materials: for painting wooden surfaces choose a special oil-based paint - alkyd. This is for indoor work. It is best to paint wooden windows with acrylic paint on the outside. By the way, you can buy one paint – universal, for indoor and outdoor work. The price of painting wooden windows can vary significantly and depend on the cost of materials.

Where to begin. Surface preparation

Every owner knows that surface preparation is no less important than the painting process itself. If you pay maximum attention to this issue, wooden frames can be preserved for many years. No weather conditions should affect the condition of the tree: rain, snowstorm, heat or dust. Therefore, the first rule is to choose the optimal day for painting. It’s good to work when it’s not hot outside, it’s not raining, and there’s no wind. The frames will dry well when the air temperature does not drop below +5 o C, the humidity should be quite high - up to 80%. If the day is cloudy or damp outside, the tree will not dry out well. The paint will set, but it may bubble up, and this is bad for the wood. In a few months you will have to redo all the work again. By the way, paint can peel not only due to wet weather, but also due to non-compliance with painting technology. If the surface is poorly cleaned of dirt and old paint or when a primer is not used.

How to clean old paint from frames? Many people ask this question. To work, you need to prepare sandpaper (coarse-grained) and a scraper. Before starting work, check whether the wooden frame closes well. If it’s bad - the wood is damaged and the paint is swollen, then you need to trim the frame using a drill with an attachment or a grinder (grinder). When performing this part of the work, be extremely careful and careful not to damage the tree. If this option is too difficult for you, go to a hardware store, they are currently selling special means for removing paint. You just need to apply the liquid to the surface and wait a little. Then the removal process will not take much time. Pay attention to liquids for removing old paint from Tikkurila or Svema. If there is nothing suitable in construction stores, go to an auto store; they have a large selection of similar products that are also suitable for removing paint from wooden surfaces.

We apply the product to wooden frames (we work with gloves and a respirator). We are waiting for the paint to rise and wrinkle. Then we take a spatula in our hands and remove the layers of paint. We clean the remains with coarse sandpaper.

Before you start painting wooden windows, you need to remove everything unnecessary; metal parts also need to be unscrewed (latches, handles, locks). If you can’t unscrew something that’s in the way, you can cover these places with construction tape so that you don’t accidentally paint over these places. Certainly, perfect option- This means removing the old fittings and, after painting the wooden frame, screwing in new ones.

Now a few words about preparing glass. If you have never painted wooden frames before, then you should not rely on your accuracy, but it is better to immediately seal the glass with at least tape next to the frame so that the paint does not get on the glass.

Advice from experienced craftsmen: before you start painting wooden windows, stick masking tape on the glass, just leave it 2 mm from the frame. The paint will fill the voids and gaps between the glass and the frame. Moisture will not accumulate in these places.

Do you know why glass “shakes” when strong wind? They don't fit well in frames. This means it's time to change the slats. New planks are painted separately and nailed last, after painting the frames.

Primer and putty. Is it really that important?

The preliminary inspection is completed, you can move on to the next stage - primary wood processing. Once again, pay attention to the wooden frame: if there are metal fasteners left that cannot be removed, it is necessary to treat the parts with a special primer for metal (we will pay special attention to the “heads” of nails, hinged hinges, etc.).

To prevent the destruction of the wooden frame, it is necessary to treat the surface with a special antiseptic solution. This will get rid of the proliferation of insects and prevent rotting. We have completed these steps, then we need to take a good look at the wooden surface again. Did you see any depressions, bumps or potholes? All these places need to be filled with putty. Just try to apply each layer a little and take your time. Otherwise, the thick layer of putty will not have time to dry properly. If you hurry and immediately start painting the windows, the putty will fall off the wood along with the paint. You'll have to tinker to correct the mistakes.

What type of putty should it be? Only special, intended for wooden surfaces. This putty is sold at any hardware store in small jars. Alkyd putty for wood “Lakkakitti” has proven itself well.

Some simple tips for painting wooden windows:

  • did you buy paint? Then simply apply putty to the wood;
  • if you use varnish, then before covering the damaged areas you need to apply several layers of stain so that the treated areas do not stand out;
  • You can make your own color for wood using very fine sawdust, resin and glue.

How to apply putty correctly:

  1. Clean the surface of old paint.
  2. Go over the frames with sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges.
  3. Remove debris and dust using a damp cloth.
  4. Apply a thin layer of putty with a spatula and smooth out any unevenness.
  5. We wait 1-2 hours for the layer to dry. Clean with fine-grained sandpaper.
  6. Brush off particles of dry putty with a rag.
  7. We inspect our work: if necessary, we repeat all the steps again to achieve a perfectly flat surface.

Now the second preparatory stage is applying the primer. It is designed to ensure reliable adhesion of paint to wood. Choose a proven primer with an additional surface disinfection function. Good feedback with the antiseptic primer from Pinotex. After application, the primer forms an invisible protective film, which not only provides protection from insects and rot, but also maintains an optimal moisture balance. Wood primer also preserves the structure natural material. Therefore, it is so important to choose the material for its intended purpose. Metal primer is not suitable for wooden frames.

Before applying the primer, it is necessary to degrease the wood. White spirit is suitable for these purposes. Apply the liquid with a roller and wear gloves and a protective mask. How can you tell whether the putty has dried or not? Once you apply the degreaser, the wet areas will darken. This means that the putty has not yet dried. It may also happen that you did everything correctly and started painting wooden frames. After the paint had dried, we discovered that the surface was not painted evenly—dark areas appeared. This means that the putty has not dried completely or you have missed a section of the wood and did not apply a coat of primer.

In a good way, it is better to redo such work right away. To do this, you need to sand these areas down to the ground, apply a layer of primer, and then a layer of paint.

How to paint wooden windows correctly

Wooden frames are ready for painting. Now most beginners have questions: “How to paint wooden windows neatly”? There is nothing complicated here, you just need to stick to it simple rules. The main thing is to clean the room so that there is no debris or dust around. It is also necessary to wipe the window sill so that nothing disturbs you when painting.

For painting, it is better to use water-based paint, alkyd enamel or acrylic paints. The main advantage of this material: strength, stability, ease of application.

How to paint wooden windows:

  1. Open a can of paint. Make a convenient stick for mixing paint from an old plank. Mix the contents of the jar very carefully, as the paint may have peeled off during storage.
  2. It is ideal if you strain the paint through a metal sieve into another container to get rid of any lumps. But if this is not possible, skip this step. Not every owner has an old metal sieve that he wouldn’t mind using in his work.
  3. Pour a small portion of paint into a convenient jar (you can use a canned food can).
  4. Dip the brush into the paint, and squeeze the excess off the brush so as not to spill the paint around.
  5. Apply the first coat of paint to the wooden frames. At first it will seem to you that it does not lie smoothly and that there are light areas. This is normal, as the first layer saturates the surface and fills in any uneven areas.
  6. The second layer will lie better.
  7. If you see that the paint is thick, then you need to add a little solvent.
  8. After applying the first layer, you need to wait until the paint is completely dry and then start repainting.
  9. Two coats of paint are not always enough. Everything here is individual and depends on the condition of the wooden frame and the quality of the paint itself. It also happens that it is necessary to apply a third, final layer, but only after the previous ones have completely dried.
  10. Remember that when painting wooden frames for the 2nd and 3rd time, do not apply too much paint; it should be a little thicker than when first applied. This way you will avoid paint drips. And if they appear, try to immediately remove the excess with a cloth soaked in solvent.
  11. If you missed this moment and did not immediately get rid of paint drips, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to clean off the excess (with a knife or coarse sandpaper), and then paint this area again.
  12. Don't forget to first glue construction tape to the glass or thin paper. You can remove the protection even before the paint has completely dried.
  13. Try to apply paint along the wood fibers, so the material will adhere better. Make short and “light” strokes. Also try to paint the corners lightly, do not pour a lot of paint.
  14. While working, we try not to immerse the brush completely in the paint can. Excess should be left on the edge of the container.
  15. We start painting the surface from the street.
  16. Prepare several brushes for work: narrow ones to reach hard to reach places, wide - for painting a large and flat area. The brushes should be flat, 2 to 5 cm wide.
  17. After painting and the paint has completely dried, it is necessary to reinstall the fittings.

Watch the video to put the theory into practice:

Despite the great popularity plastic windows, many owners of apartments and private houses, due to various circumstances, prefer to use wooden structures. For some it's a tribute classic interior, while others prefer the environmental cleanliness of the room. To restore the former attractiveness of residential apartments, today there is a wide range of materials, such as varnish and paint for wooden windows.

Types of paints

What paint should I use to coat the surface of a wooden frame? In order to determine the answer to this question, it is necessary to consider the main types of coloring compositions that are presented on the domestic market building materials. Today, buyers can purchase the following varieties of popular products:

  • Alkyd. The paint contains resin and oil compounds, characterized by high penetrating ability and good protective qualities that can effectively combat the negative impact environment. The properties of this substance allow you to keep the window material intact for five years. This kind of paint takes a long time to dry, and white spirit is used to dilute it. The surfaces on which this composition is applied can be cleaned with almost any detergent.
  • Acrylic. This type of paint is water-based and contains a large number of polymer substances, thanks to which the treated surface is resistant to fading and exposure to weather and climatic factors. The acrylic substance is diluted with water, dries quickly, has no harmful fragrances and has a neutral odor.
  • Butter. It is based on various oils. Distinctive feature This paint is designed to penetrate deeply into solid wood and form a waterproof shell that can effectively protect the surface of the treated frame from water. Depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment, the drying process may take three days.
The most popular coloring compositions are alkyd, acrylic and oil

It should be noted that old wooden windows must be painted with alkyd paint with inside, and acrylic - from the outside.

Choice of colors

As for the color palette, the choice here falls entirely on the shoulders of the home owner. As a recommendation, the following combinations can be recommended:

The main thing in this matter is that the window frames are in harmony with both the facade of the house and the interior of the apartment.

Types of varnishes

After painting, window structures can be varnished. For these purposes there are following types varnishes:

  • Acrylic. This varnish is particularly resistant to environmental influences and ultraviolet rays. He has high level strength and environmental safety, as well as a long drying period.
  • Polyurethane. Varnish of this category has high mechanical strength, wear resistance and good adhesion to the wooden surface. It has a characteristic yellow tint and is recommended for application to light-colored materials.
  • Oil. This varnish contains a large volume of natural resins, thanks to which a film of high density and strength is formed on the surface of the wood. It has a good shine and is practically odorless.

Varnishing the window frame gives strength and shine to the surface, making it more durable

Types of painting tools

No window repair or restoration operation is complete without special tools. In order to start painting a wooden surface, you will need to stock up on the following tools and equipment:

  • grinding machine;
  • sandpaper various types graininess;
  • scraper;
  • spatula;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • roller;
  • brushes of various sizes;
  • container for paint;
  • mesh for straining putty;
  • masking tape;
  • solvent;
  • rags and newspapers;
  • safety glasses;
  • stepladder.

Painting technology requires special tools and devices.

Painting technology

To paint a very old one wooden window was performed correctly, the following steps will need to be completed: preparatory, puttying and priming, painting and applying varnish.

Preparatory work

Before painting old windows, you need to make preparatory work in the following order:

  • equip yourself with working tools and materials;
  • pull the frames out of the curtains;
  • remove the glazing beads from seats using pliers and a screwdriver for this;
  • carry out an inspection of the current state in which the window frame wood is located;
  • remove the old layer of paint using a scraper and spatula;
  • level the surface with sandpaper using a grinding machine or manually;
  • clean the surface from contamination using detergents;
  • dry the treated surface using a hair dryer or naturally;
  • Cover the glass with newspapers, securing the sides with masking tape.

An important preparatory stage of work is removing the old coating and grinding the surface.

It is important to know! If in some areas window design if traces of the influence of fungi and various decay processes were noticed, then such a frame will be impossible to restore and will need to be replaced with a new one.

Puttying and priming work

In order to eliminate the shortcomings of the frame identified after cleaning its surface from paint, you must perform the following steps:

  • prepare working tools;
  • determine the nature of defects in the wooden surface;
  • prepare putty and primer;
  • Fill any detected chips and cracks with putty;
  • sand the surface using sandpaper;
  • clean the frame from residues abrasive materials and degrease the surface;
  • prime the surface in several layers.

Do not forget that preliminary priming allows you not only to prepare the wood for painting, but also creates conditions under which the paint is consumed in less volume and dries faster.

Putty and priming eliminate wood defects and save paint consumption

Before painting a window, wooden surfaces must be puttied, which almost every person can do. In this case, the fundamental factor is the presence the necessary tool and high-quality consumables.

Painting works

Many beginners often wonder: how to paint wooden windows with your own hands and without outside help? In order to answer it, it is necessary to consider a number of operations that will help to correctly approach the implementation of the intended task. So, the staining procedure consists of the following steps:

  • Open a can of paint and determine its consistency. If it is too thick, then the solvent is added in small portions and the resulting composition is thoroughly mixed.
  • A small amount of paint is poured into a pre-prepared container.
  • Using a brush or roller, paint the surface of all components of the frame from top to bottom. The coloring composition is applied evenly in a very thin layer. The working tool must be wetted so that paint does not drip from it. The number of layers applied depends on the experience and preferences of the home owner, but, as a rule, at least two or three.
  • After the window is completely painted, wait for it to dry.
  • The dried wooden structure is checked for defects and, if any are found, they are eliminated on site.
  • The frame is coated with a protective layer of varnish.
  • The structure is dried.
  • The beads return to their places and are fixed.
  • The painted window element is installed on the curtains.

The coloring composition must be applied evenly, in 2-3 layers.

It should be noted that masking tape and newspapers must be removed from the glass before the paint is completely dry. If you do not do this on time, there is a possibility of damaging the paint layer.

Thus, painting wooden windows is a process that is not complicated and requires only accuracy and a little patience.

Having considered the main methods of painting window frames and the most common types of paints for them, we can conclude that there are no universal solutions that would suit all occasions. Therefore, in order to make a choice, it is necessary to clearly define the requirements for the future paint coating.

The technology for restoring window frames depends on the condition wooden structures and requires high-quality execution of certain operations.

Preparing for work

The right time to paint windows is a warm spring day, when there is no precipitation and the sun is not too bright. For repairing wooden frames on different stages works use the following items:

  • Construction hair dryer;
  • Grinder machine;
  • Hammer, chisel;
  • Spatula, scraper;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Masking tape;
  • Brush and rags;
  • Paint utensils;
  • Brushes, screwdrivers.

If replacement is necessary, prepare wooden glazing beads and small nails. The following compositions are used for surface treatment:

  • Antiseptic primer;
  • Wood putty;
  • Window paint or varnish;
  • Solvent.

If possible, the sashes and fittings are removed, the glass is pulled out or covered with paper using tape. Old covering with wooden parts cleaned off, for what it exists.

Sealing cracks and cracks

Surface defects that appear after cleaning are hidden with putty for exterior use. The acrylic-based composition is applied in thin layers in several approaches. If you are planning a transparent finish, the putty is matched to the tone of the wood or tinted with color. You can prepare the repair mixture yourself from epoxy glue and small sawdust.

Surface grinding

Sanding is always carried out in two stages: first, they are done with coarse sandpaper (No. 80), then the surface is “finished” with fine-grained sandpaper (No. 120). Grinding operations are used repeatedly during the preparation process:

  1. After removing the old paint, the wood is completely processed.
  2. When eliminating defects, clean each layer at the site where the composition is applied.
  3. After filling is completed, the entire surface of the window frame is sanded.
  4. Remove the fine lint that rises after treating the wood with an antiseptic.

Applying primer

Impregnating the frame with a primer protects the wood from rotting, reduces paint consumption and improves its adhesion to the surface. The surface is wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust, degrease and remove traces of resin. The primer is applied with a brush, carefully rubbing the liquid in the direction of the fibers.

Painting a wooden window

The paint for the first pass is slightly diluted in order to better close the wood pores. Normal consistency is when the enamel does not spread like water and is easily applied in an even layer. The final coating is carried out with thicker paint on the dried surface. Dip the brush halfway and, after running along the edge, leave the excess in the jar. First, paint from the outside, using a wide tool for flat surfaces and a thin one for corners. Using a brush, make overlapping strokes from bottom to top, without leaving smudges. The protective paper and tape are removed immediately so as not to damage the paint layer.

A well-made paint coating lasts 5–7 years, does not require annual renewal and increases the service life of a wooden window.

The appearance of windows for any building is of great importance, and especially for a residential building. Clean, neatly painted frames and the right color make even the simplest façade attractive. In order for windows to always look like new, you need not only to follow the application technology, but to choose the composition wisely. Among the huge assortment of paints and varnishes, it is not at all easy to figure out which paint for windows is best, and therefore we will take a closer look at the main types of paints, their characteristics and the most popular brands.

When choosing a coloring composition for wooden windows, you should take into account not only the properties of the wood, but also the operating conditions of the material. External frames all year round are exposed atmospheric influence, tolerate sharp temperature fluctuations, and are susceptible to exposure to sunlight. Dirt and dust accumulate on them more often, which means they have to be washed more often, as a result of which the paint layer gradually wears off and loses its original smoothness and shine.

The wooden surface is prone to deformation and cracking, which also affects the integrity of the coating. Based on this, we can highlight the main criteria for choosing paint:

  • high water resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • coating strength;
  • resistance to microorganisms (especially fungi);
  • resistance to abrasion and fading.

As for toxicity, the requirements here are not too strict: since the paint is applied externally, harmful fumes quickly evaporate and do not harm humans. Additionally, the coating must be moderately plastic so that microcracks do not form during thermal expansion of the frame.

Please note that it is not necessary to paint both doors the same shade.

Types of paints for exterior use

Currently, alkyd, acrylic and oil-based compounds are used to paint windows outside.

Alkyd paints

This universal formulations on a pentaphthalic and glyphthalic base, containing natural oils. They do not dry for very long (about a day), are elastic, and tolerate frost and temperature changes well - from -50 ° C to + 60 ° C. After drying, a very durable, smooth coating with water-repellent properties is formed. The color palette is very wide; paints are sold already tinted and completely ready for application. Solvent and white spirit are used as solvents. The average paint consumption is 100-180 g/m2.

Due to the presence of resins and oils in its composition, alkyd paint very effectively protects wood from fading, swelling and temperature deformation. Pests also avoid such surfaces, which prolongs the life of the windows. If the dyeing technology is followed, the service life is about 5 years. Disadvantages - the presence of toxic and flammable substances.

Acrylic paints

Water-soluble paints with polymers. They do not contain harmful fragrances, as a result they do not have a strong odor and are considered the most environmentally friendly. Due to the high polymer content, they are resistant to fading and atmospheric influences. Acrylic paint withstands repeated freezing well, can be wet cleaned, and has a long service life - up to 7 years or more, provided that the painting technology is followed. Easy to apply, dries very quickly, painted surfaces can be renewed without first stripping the coating. The average consumption is 120-150 g/m2.

Oil paints

They are suspensions of pigments on drying oil. This paint forms a durable waterproof film on the surface that is resistant to negative temperatures and atmospheric influences. It is also resistant to chemically aggressive substances, abrasion, does not fade in the sun for a long time, and has high hiding power. The color palette includes more than 100 options.

Consumption, on average, is 100-150 g per square meter, and if the base material is too porous, then about 200 g/m2. For dilution, drying oil is used, as well as turpentine and white spirit, but not more than 5% of the total amount of paint. Despite the many positive properties, Oil paint less in demand than alkyd and acrylic, and the reason for this is the short service life - from 1 to 3 years, as well as a long drying period - from 24 to 48 hours. In addition, this composition contains flammable substances and has a strong unpleasant odor.

Popular paint brands

Paints, impregnations and varnishes are products that are in stable demand, and the market is simply overflowing with paints and varnishes for every taste and in different price categories. Unfortunately, quality is not a priority for all manufacturers, and therefore many paints do not stand up to criticism. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, you should give preference only to reliable, time-tested brands from well-known manufacturers.

Tikkurila (Finland)

The Tikkurila trademark has earned consumer recognition for a long time: the company has been producing its products for more than a century and is included in the list of leaders in the paint and varnish industry. The paints of this brand are different unsurpassed quality and are suitable for use in the most adverse conditions. As you know, the climate of Finland is quite harsh, and therefore the development of protective coatings for wood is carried out taking into account the impact negative temperatures and very high humidity. The paints contain antifungal additives, thanks to which mold and fungi do not develop on painted frames.

Tikkurila Helmi - acrylate paint for furniture, doors, windows

The color palette of Finnish paints is very wide and includes about 15 thousand shades. For outdoor and interior works color catalogs are developed separately, as for different types surfaces. For example, the Valtti catalog is intended for tinting glazing antiseptics. Unlike paint, these compounds do not hide the natural texture of the wood, but only emphasize it, giving certain shades and a soft shine.

But the Vinha catalog presents semi-matte paints in 30 natural shades. They are intended exclusively for wooden surfaces - window frames, facade cladding, external railings. These paints are characterized by high covering power and excellent protective properties, and are the best solution for surfaces requiring restoration.

A wider selection is provided by the Wooden Facades catalogue. It includes 120 colors, ideal for exterior surfaces, including wooden windows.

NameBrief characteristics

Oil-based alkyd composition. Used for painting wooden bindings and frames, both new and previously painted. It is tinted in accordance with the Wooden Facades catalog and has a semi-gloss sheen. One liter of paint is enough for an area of ​​8-10 m2, when applied in one layer. At a temperature of +23°C and air humidity of no more than 50%, the paint dries within 24 hours. Packaged in cans with a capacity of 0.9, 2.7 and 9 liters

Matte paint based on acrylates, containing oil. Used for painting new and previously treated wooden surfaces. 1 liter of paint is enough for 5-9 m2, depending on the density of the base. Can be applied by brush or spray, diluted with water. It takes 2-4 hours to dry completely. Packaged in containers of 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

Semi-gloss paint designed for new and treated wooden bases. Diluted with white spirit and alkyd solvent, a brush is used for application. Consumption is about 8-11 m2/l, depending on the porosity of the base. At a temperature of +23°C it takes 24 hours to dry. Packaged in containers of 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

Water-soluble acrylate-based paint. Intended for exterior painting of wood, both new and previously treated. It has a semi-matte gloss and can be applied by brush or spray. 1 liter of composition is enough for 6-9 m2 when applied in one layer. It takes 2-4 hours to dry. The paint is packaged as standard in containers of 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

Water-soluble antiseptic paint, covering, with a semi-matte sheen. Contains alkyd components, as well as mold and blue stain inhibitors. Designed for painting wooden surfaces of all types, especially old ones and those in need of restoration. Apply with a brush and spray method, consumption is 6-10 m2/l. Drying takes 2 hours at air humidity of 50% and temperature +23°C. Standard packaging – 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

"Dufa" (Germany)

The products of this brand include a variety of paints, primers, azures, varnishes and other related products for finishing and repair work. The quality of Dufa paints and varnishes is not inferior to the best European brands, which is confirmed by high demand among foreign and Russian consumers. The company specializes in the development of paints for specific areas of application, and produces universal compositions in a minimum volume. Most paints are made on silicone, latex and acrylic bases and are water-soluble.

Water-soluble colored enamels, as well as enamels with increased whiteness, are intended for windows. These compositions are easy to apply and spread over the surface, have good coverage, and after drying form a very durable film. Frames coated with enamel can be washed with soapy solutions; mold does not develop on them and insects avoid them. Thanks to the presence of special components, Dufa colored paints fade slightly in the sun, and white ones do not turn yellow.

NameBrief characteristics

Alkyd paint with a glossy sheen. It is resistant to weathering, abrasion and moisture. When applied, it is easily distributed over the material and does not form streaks. Diluted with white spirit, dries in about 6 hours. Consumption is 10 m2/l, applied with a brush. Packaged in containers of 0.750 and 2.5 liters

Semi-matte alkyd based paint. It has 20 tinting options and forms a silky-matte even coating. Applied by spraying and brushing, consumption is 10-12 m2/l. The paint does not have a strong odor and dries in 8-12 hours. Packaged in containers of 0.375, 0.750 and 2.5 liters

Glossy paint designed specifically for wooden frames and bindings. Forms a durable water-repellent coating with a high degree of whiteness. Diluted with water, applied by brush or spray. At an air temperature of 20°C and low humidity, drying time is 8-10 hours. Consumption is about 13 m2/l. Packaged in containers of 0.750 and 2.5 liters

Acrylic paint with a glossy sheen. It is characterized by high adhesion and water resistance, does not turn yellow, and is easily distributed throughout the material. Consumption is 10-11 m2/l, diluted with water - no more than 10% of the total amount. Dries in 4-6 hours. Standard packaging – 0.750 and 2.5 liters

The products of this German brand are of excellent quality and a wide range. The manufacturer focuses on producing environmentally friendly products, so most of the Caparol paints do not contain harmful substances and solvents. The most popular are paints for exterior use, which have increased resistance to fading and weathering.

Enamels based on alkyd resins and water-soluble glazing compounds are produced for windows. They fade slightly in the sun, but with proper care they retain their original appearance for several years. Thanks to their high hiding power and economical consumption, Caparol paints can significantly reduce repair costs. The Kaparol company also owns the Alpina trademark, the products of which have identical characteristics.

NameBrief characteristics

Water-soluble semi-matt paint for new and previously painted wooden substrates. Contains fungicides and is resistant to negative effects. Apply with a brush, consumption is 150 ml/m2 for single-layer application. Dries completely in 12 hours

A water-soluble glazing composition that preserves the wood texture. Forms a durable, highly elastic film with water-repellent properties. Apply with a brush, consumption is 100-250 ml/m2

Water-soluble paint with increased resistance to moisture and atmospheric influences. Applied in a thin layer, it preserves the wood texture. Consumption is about 120 g/m2. Drying time – from 6 to 8 hours

Sniezka (Poland)

The Polish brand “Sniezka” is the optimal ratio of quality and price. Its products are very diverse, with a rich color palette and a wide selection of related products. Wood paints are made on an oil, alkyd and acrylic basis, and all compositions additionally contain antifungal substances and have enhanced resistance to fading. If the dyeing technology is followed, Sniezka paints do not lose their visual appeal throughout their entire service life and provide stable protection from moisture.

Tex (Russia)

Among domestic manufacturers, the products of the Tex brand enjoy the greatest trust from buyers. paints and varnishes of this company are maximally adapted to local operating conditions, while the compositions are constantly being improved. Excellent specifications and relatively low price allow Tex paints to successfully compete with foreign-made coatings. If applied correctly, their service life is at least 7 years.

Enamel for windows and doors “Tex Profi”

Add to the trusted list brands also includes ISAVAL (Spain), German brand REESA, Canadian Forester, VIVACOLOR (Estonia). Among domestic manufacturers, the brand “ Yaroslavl paints", "Stroykompleks", "Olivesta".

Yaroslavl paints, enamel

Basic rules for using paints

Painting tool

There are three options for applying paint - brush, roller and spray gun. When painting bindings and frames, a roller is not very convenient, so you have to choose between a spray gun and a brush. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the application method on the paint packaging, since the spraying method is not suitable for some compositions. If both tools can be used, consider the following factors when choosing:

Ambient conditions

In order for the paint to adhere firmly and evenly to the surface of the frame, it must be applied at a temperature of +5 to +30 degrees. This condition is mandatory for almost all types of paints, with the exception of special heat-resistant compositions. But the most optimal temperature is considered to be between 18-23 degrees above zero.

Air humidity also matters. As a rule, painting is done in dry weather, with a relative humidity of 50-60%. For water-dispersion paints, this figure can increase to 80%, but no more. In addition, the air humidity should remain this way all the time while the surface is drying. The higher its value, the longer the paint will take to dry, and the higher the possibility of various defects appearing.

It is undesirable for direct sunlight to fall on the surface during painting. If it is not possible to shade the windows with something from the sun, you need to paint on a cloudy day or in the late afternoon, when the surface will heat up less. Well, of course, you can’t start painting in windy weather, otherwise everything will be covered with dust and small particles of debris.

Number and thickness of layers

If you just need to refresh the window, and the paint color matches the color of the previous coating, one coat is enough. Especially if the paint has a high covering ability. If you need to repaint it a different color, you will need at least 2 layers, otherwise the base will show through. 2-3 coats are necessary for untreated new wood or material in need of extensive restoration.

You cannot apply paint in a thick layer in the hope of achieving a deep color in one go. This provokes the formation of drips, sagging and other defects that clearly appear after drying. In addition, such a coating takes longer to dry, and its strength leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the paint is applied in a very thin layer and rubbed well into the base.

Instructions for painting a wooden window

Let's look at how to properly paint a regular window without removing the frame.

Step 1. Remove trims, grilles, decorative elements- anything that interferes with work. If the window is in good condition, the frame and frames are simply treated with medium-grit sandpaper, but if the old coating is cracked and peeled off, you need to remove it to the base.

Advice. Three methods are applicable here - clean everything with a metal scraper or brush, heat it with a hairdryer and remove the old paint with a spatula, treat the surface with a chemical remover. The choice depends on how firmly the coating holds.

Step 2. The integrity of the structure is checked, damaged areas are cleaned with a knife and sealed with wood putty. After drying, the putty areas are sanded with sandpaper.

Step 3. The frame, cleaned of dust, is coated with an antiseptic primer. If the surface is highly absorbent, it is advisable to prime it in two layers.

Step 4. The fittings on the sashes are sealed with adhesive tape or masking tape and closed around the perimeter of the glass. Stir the paint thoroughly and, if necessary, dilute it with a solvent.

Step 5. Take a narrow brush, dip half the length of the bristles into the paint and carefully apply it to the frame, starting from the top. Movements are performed along the jumpers: horizontal elements are painted from side to side, vertical elements from top to bottom. The paint is rubbed well into the wood so that no drips remain.

Restoration of wooden windows - photo

Step 6. After applying the first layer, you need to wait for the paint to dry (the time is indicated in the instructions on the package), and then repeat everything in the same sequence.

After finishing painting, you need to immediately remove the strips of tape from the glass. This should be done very carefully so as not to get dirty and leave marks on the frame. While the window is drying, you can paint the trim.

Video – Paints for windows

Windows with wooden frames are a wonderful choice for those who appreciate classics and care about maintaining a cozy climate in their home. Over time, the tree loses presentable appearance, so it needs to be restored in time.

There are no problems with new high-quality windows - painting them is not a problem. But restoring old wood frames with a shabby appearance can sometimes be difficult. So how do you paint an old wooden window?

Preparation before painting

So, there is an old wooden window, slightly damaged by time. Under no circumstances should you start painting it with raw paint from a can, as many do. This can only be done in one case - if the frame has just been purchased and is of excellent quality. But even here you can’t do without a primer.

An old window needs to be thoroughly prepared before painting, and to do this you need to assess its condition:

  • carry out detailed diagnostics of all sides of the window frame;
  • assess the tightness of the glass to the glazing beads;
  • check the presence and condition of the old paint layer.

It is imperative to prepare the window for painting. If you ignore this point, you can only ruin the product and waste your time. After a thorough diagnosis, the frame should be removed from all defects that were found. If there are rotten places, they need to be scraped off with a sharp metal object, for example, a knife. Old paint, if it does not adhere well or bubbles, also needs to be removed. To upgrade your window with your own hands, it is better to completely clean the frame of old paint using a special solvent and a knife.

After removing damaged areas of wood, irregularities and pits often appear on the window frame. Sanding with coarse sandpaper followed by applying putty will help correct the problem. At the same time, in this way you can fill the cracks that appear as a result of the wood drying out. Preparing the window for painting does not end there. Once the putty layer has dried, it can be polished with fine sandpaper. All that remains is to cover the frame with a layer of primer enamel. You can’t do without it, since paint applied directly to wood does not adhere well, swells and peels off ahead of time.

If the preparatory work is completed and the window frame is level smooth surface, you can move on to painting the old wooden window.

Applying paint to the frame

To make applying the paint easier, it should be diluted with a solvent. The choice of dilution liquid depends on the composition of the protective coating. This can easily be clarified with the seller from whom the paint was purchased. But if you can’t get any recommendations on this matter, you can use the universal thinner “White Spirit”. It is suitable for almost all types of alkyd paints. How to calculate the optimal amount of solvent? Here everything is chosen by eye. The main thing is that the finished mixture does not have a thick or watery consistency.

To paint the frame without staining the glass, you need to use masking tape. It will help refresh the window without losing its transparency. The adhesive tape is glued around the perimeter of the glass close to the glazing beads. When working with a brush, minimal splashes are created, so narrow strips of masking adhesive tape will be enough. To paint a window frame easily, quickly and efficiently, you should adhere to several rules:

  • During work, you must be careful, make sure that the paint goes on evenly and does not get into unnecessary places;
  • It is not recommended to immerse the entire brush in a container of dye. It is enough to dip the brush halfway and walk it along the edge of the can to get rid of excess paint;
  • Coloring must be done from top to bottom. This will prevent the appearance of sagging and leaks;
  • there is no need to try to apply as thick a layer of paint as possible in one go. This may result in uneven surfaces.

One simple rule will help you paint wooden windows correctly: it is better to apply 2-3 layers, the first of which should be thin. Moreover, the next round of painting is carried out only after the previous layer has completely dried. Thus, the entire process can take several days, depending on the drying speed of the coating. This technology helps to get rid of unpainted areas and provides reliable protection wooden frame from natural precipitation and sunlight.

Painting a wooden window is not difficult. Armed with patience and tools, an old product with an unsightly appearance can be turned into beautiful thing, which is proven using the example of a window frame. With the above tips, you won't have to rack your brains, thinking about how to paint wooden windows. old paint. The main thing to remember is: “It’s not so hard to achieve professional quality painting old windows, how long to preserve this quality for a long time.” Video can't be loaded: Tips for painting old wooden windows (