How to make a beautiful organizer for storing things with your own hands. DIY laundry organizer: detailed guides for those who like to do interesting things DIY laundry organizer made of fabric

  • 23.06.2020

My next brag is the underwear organizer!

If you have an Ikea nearby or you have the patience to wait for a package with an order, do not waste your nerves, effort and time on this “nonsense”.
I spent every evening on it for two weeks. Well, how I spent it - I sewed quietly, pricked my fingers with a needle, learned to work with a thimble, watched all sorts of films with one eye, drank tea, stroked cats ...
In general, sometimes I like the process itself more than the result achieved. And it’s also easier and faster for me to do something myself than to go and buy it. I remember somehow I tore my favorite brown-chocolate ankle tights, so while I got the same pair for a new pair, I already managed to make embroidery on the old ones. And I love them more and wear them more often than new)))
This is all to the fact that my perfectionism does not sleep and constantly spoils my mood - I love order in everything! I love it when every thing has its place, when you close your eyes and without hesitation say in which drawer of the chest of drawers is the piece of paper / colored pencils / old phone charger / pool cap that you need right here and now. Oooooh, how crazy I am when I don’t find a thing in its place, or I find it, but where, by definition, it shouldn’t be there. Well, for example, the TV remote control buried among kitchen spatulas, openers and knives. And as for evil "burrowing" under mine hot hand it doesn’t turn out, and damned perfectionism doesn’t give me the endurance to leave everything as it is and poke the violator’s nose, I carry everything in its place…
Needless to say, every morning, when I opened my underwear drawer, I saw a bunch of women's things, absolutely not systematized. And it pissed me off again!

And then I saw HIM - an organizer!

And if in our town such a miracle was sold, I would buy it without hesitation! Well, or at least turned it in my hands and would understand the principle of assembly. Patamushta, when I, inspired by the idea, cut and began to sew, I “invented” the bicycle not the first time.
But if the hands are golden, it doesn’t matter where they grow from! If I haven’t beaten off the desire yet, I’ll tell you how this “miracle” happened to me.

First you need to take the dimensions from the box: length, width and depth (height).
My standard dresser drawer was 76 cm long, 43 wide, 13 high.

From a single-layer synthetic winterizer and the main fabric, I cut out one rectangle measuring 75 * 42
The dimensions of the rectangles must be specially reduced by one or two centimeters from the dimensions of the box, so that the organizer freely enters the box, does not shrink or bulge.
The blue rectangle can be put aside for now - we will need it at the very end.

And on the white (this is the base of the organizer) we sew long rectangles (these will be the walls of the cells). It's just that the blue organizer seemed boring to me, and I also took an orange-white fabric.
The length of the rectangles is equal to the length of the base, and the width is equal to twice the height of the box (minus a couple of centimeters - again, so that nothing interferes with closing / opening). We sew the rectangles in the middle, fold the sides together, the seam is inside, and our partition turned out to be double - for additional rigidity and hiding all the seams and edges.
I sewed the outer walls of the organizer on the contrary - with a fold up.
I found the distance between the partitions empirically, optimizing and ergonomically folding bras in different ways and measuring the width.

The number and length of the cells also directly depends on the size of the bust of the hostess)) (here I have already drawn the boundaries).

No need to sew to the edge! Leave a centimeter and a half - then you will understand why.

Now it's a matter of small partitions. Have you determined the width? We add half a centimeter on each side for seam allowances, but on the contrary, we reduce the height by a centimeter. We also make double partitions - we sew such "bags" - as many as we have partitions. (I got 24 pieces). You should not cut everything at once in the same size - you need to periodically check the width between the long partitions (well, or initially sew them perfectly and to the millimeter exactly).
So, we sew the “bags”, turn them inside out. To make the corners turn out well, you can cut them off a little. And then all the details need to be steamed with an iron - this will turn out more evenly and accurately, and it will be easier to work.

We close the section of the “pouch” with an oblique inlay or a ribbon folded in half.
Well, now we have, perhaps, the longest process of our creativity: sewing small partitions to large ones (along the lines marked in advance) from the beginning on one side, then on the other. This is where 90% of the time is spent.

Remember, we did not sew long partitions to the very edge? Now we sew both halves together along the short side (in height), turn it inside out, and steam it with an iron.

We close the upper sections with an oblique trim or ribbon. And from the sides along the edges we sew the walls-rectangles, fold up (as we did before on the long side).

We sew dangling long partitions to the side short wall.

We combine the sections of the side walls in height, stitch them, close the sections with an oblique trim or ribbon - this is the corner you get.

Well, now is the time to remember about the large rectangle, set aside at the very beginning. We put it on the bottom of our design and sew it around the perimeter (I stitched it in a zigzag so that when further work the threads from the sections did not interfere).

Iiiiiii, the final stage - along the perimeter we close the sections with an oblique inlay or ribbon. Particular attention should be paid to the corners - so that nothing puffs up, so that no wrinkles!

Let's take it for a "fitting"!

And now the most pleasant part is putting everything in its place, admiring the perfect order and praising ourselves twice a day)))

But if such a useful thing is passion as you want, and laziness or pens are directed in the other direction, then ready-made organizers for linen, as well as shoe boxes, boxes for hats, vacuum bags and a million of all the things you need to organize the order of things, you can find!
You can also read about some ready-made organizers.

achieve perfect order in the closet is not easy. Small things often cause confusion. The organizer will help to eliminate this problem - socks cannot get lost in it. Can be purchased special device in the store or make the product yourself. The manufacturing process does not require special skills and knowledge.

It doesn't take a lot of materials to make a sock organizer out of the box. This is a budget product for which you can use improvised means.

Necessary materials for the organizer:

You may also need masking tape, cardboard, or decorative elements(fabric, openwork and satin ribbons). You can ask the seller for a box or look for it yourself in the backyards of stores. This secondary raw material is not of great value. If the drawer is in the closet big size, then you can place several organizers in it at once. You can also take part of the box for personal hygiene items.

How to make a sock organizer out of a box?

From the usual cardboard box You can make a convenient organizer for socks. Several are used to make different ways. This useful device does not require expensive materials, most of which can be found at home. Everyone will be able to cope with the work, because the process does not require special skills and knowledge. homemade device in no way inferior to the purchased Chinese counterpart.

Method 1

First you need to determine the dimensions of the box, which later will serve as a place to store the organizer for socks. Based on the parameters obtained, a box is selected. Ideally, the width and length of the cardboard product should be 1 cm less than the box. In the future, the cardboard frame will be pasted over with wallpaper, which will increase its thickness by several millimeters.

In every house there are many small things that are usually thrown into a chest of drawers or closet. It’s not very convenient to store them like that - everything seems to be in place, but at the same time everything lies in a big pile, in which there is neither logic nor order. But you want to easily and quickly find and get the right thing without unnecessary gestures and just as quickly determine its place after use. For this case, special separators were invented.. You can buy them, or you can make your own. How to make drawer dividers with your own hands without spending a lot of time and money on it?

Cabinets, drawers, special baskets or boxes and other items, the purpose of which is to simplify the storage of things and put things in order, are called the smart phrase "storage systems". They are necessary so that the house has order and comfort, otherwise, when everything is piled up in one pile of things, there can be no talk of any comfort. It is also impossible to quickly find the right small item if it does not have its own permanent, strictly designated place. But if the storage of things in the house is organized correctly, then there will be no mess, everything will be in its place, greatly simplifying a person’s life.

On a note! Also, storage systems allow you to optimize the free space in the house without cluttering it up.

Storage systems can be different in their type and type, in size and purpose of use. So, first of all, they can be divided into open, which include hangers, window sills, shelves, and closed- these are cabinets, drawers, chests of drawers, etc. Inside each large storage system, smaller ones can be involved. For example, in the same cabinet you can hang a scooter or put a box for small items, and in a chest of drawers you can put a smaller organizer or put dividers, which will be discussed below.

Table. Various large storage systems.

System typeInformation
Such storage systems include everything that has a strong rigid frame. It can be cabinets and chests of drawers, bedside tables and other furniture. Most often these are wood products, but there are also plastic variations. You can put in them objects of various sizes and purposes, depending on the purpose of the system itself. Smaller storage systems can be installed inside.
Such systems are usually open, unlike frame systems, which most often have doors. They are installed on the walls and can be used depending on the purpose. So, the main example of such a system is an ordinary hanger.
This is a suspended type of storage structure and, moreover, does not have a solid frame. Most often, such systems are made of mesh fabric and have many pockets for various items. They can be fixed on a special bar or hooks in a vertical position. Can be used both outside and inside other storage systems.
These elements are necessary for hanging various things and clothes. They help to keep wardrobe items in proper form, do not allow them to wrinkle and deteriorate. Bars can be installed both inside cabinets and outside. Hangers can be various types. And those that are used inside cabinets, and those that can be installed on the floor or placed on the wall.
These systems can also be of various types, but most often they are an element of a more major system storage. It's about chests of drawers and wardrobes, desks and kitchen sets. They often have just small boxes for storing small items and various utensils. Organizers and dividers can be used inside these drawers to optimize storage.
Shelves are usually an open variation of the storage system, but there are also doors that close. As a rule, they are used to decorate a room or are used to store books, various bottles, etc. They can also be additionally equipped with organizers or be part of a larger storage system.

Cartridge lighter

You can make a beautiful and original lighter from a sleeve yourself! There is nothing complicated in the manufacturing process, you just need to have a minimum set of tools, basic skills and.

Small storage systems

In addition to large-sized systems, there are also all kinds of small ones that simplify the storage of small-sized items and prevent them from existing in the house in one continuous pile. Often they can be installed inside dresser drawers, on shelves, or they can be suspended and located anywhere in the apartment. Everything will depend on the desire of the owner of the house, as well as on the design and possibilities of the premises.

Consider the main types of small storage systems.

  1. pockets– convenient storage systems for areas such as kitchens and bathrooms, as well as toilets. You can use pockets in cabinets, but usually this is not practical. They are a soft organizer with many compartments. Usually made of fabric or film.
  2. mesh baskets- usually used as an additional storage space for small items. Convenient to place in a closet or under the bed.
  3. Vacuum bags– the optimal solution for storing winter oversized clothing such as down jackets, as well as for transporting a large number clothes. They help to reduce the area occupied by things in the closet, due to the fact that excess air can be removed from the bags using a conventional vacuum cleaner. Clothing volumes are largely reduced due to this. The only negative is that the clothes are very wrinkled in such bags.

  4. Hanging shelves, racks, scuba. This is what you can buy in the same "Ikea" or other similar stores. They are usually hung on rods in closets and put things in them. There are several sections at once. As a rule, such shelves have a fairly soft frame and, if desired, they can be folded and removed if there is no need to use them.

Advice! Depending on what you plan to store, you need to choose a storage system. So, small wardrobe items can be placed in small textile boxes; plastic organizers are ideal for storing kitchen utensils. You can also store something in cardboard boxes, etc. Plastic and fabric items are great for storing children's toys.

And now - about separators

Drawer dividers are special strips that are used to optimize the free space in any drawer, regardless of its size and dimensions. It is enough just to take the delimiters that are suitable for the parameters. Usually they are made in the form of strips that are assembled inside the box into a spacer and allow you to create several compartments in it to place things in them.

On a note! Drawer dividers can be replaced with organizers that are simply installed inside. They have multiple compartments.

Particularly relevant are dividers for storing small kitchen utensils, they are also convenient to use for cosmetics, tools, medicines and other small items. If you put all small items without using an organizer just in a box, then they will get mixed up in any case, and desired item will have to search for a long time. If there are dividers, it will not be difficult to get any thing, because it will lie in its strictly designated place.

When it comes to storing kitchen items, such as forks, spoons, knives, it is best to use plastic or wooden dividers. They will not be as susceptible to moisture as cardboard or lined with fabric, although dividers can be made from various materials. But for storing small items of clothing, cosmetics and other things, you can also use cardboard dividers covered with fabric or pasted over with paper. There can no longer be any contact with water, and therefore there is no need to worry that something will deteriorate.

On a note! Instead of dividers for kitchen utensils, you can use small trays specially designed for installation in drawers. It will not allow moisture to get on the wooden bottom of the box. However, if there is a desire to use separators, then it is recommended to stick an oilcloth on the bottom. It will protect its surface from contact with water.

You can also use dividers in the bathroom if there is some kind of chest of drawers or cabinet with drawers. And here, too, it is worth evaluating which ones are better to use - plastic, wooden or cardboard. Everything will depend on what needs to be stored. So, rags and sponges are well stored only in plastic containers, with plastic dividers. But some dry personal hygiene items can also be placed in boxes with wooden or cardboard dividers.

Important! Bathrooms and toilets are places with high humidity. It is better not to use storage systems exposed to the negative effects of water. Otherwise, they won't last long.

What can be made from?

Separators can be bought at the store, but, unfortunately, they do not always have suitable sizes. So the easiest way is to make them with your own hands according to the parameter of the desired box. So, you can make separators from:

  • cardboard;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • tree.

In addition, materials such as fabric, paint, oilcloth, paper, etc. can be used. They are necessary to decorate the surface of the dividers if necessary.

The easiest way to make cardboard dividers, but they will not be used in the kitchen. But in the room they will come just right. For the kitchen, these storage systems will have to be made of wood, and even covered with a protective varnish. You can also try making them out of plastic.

As ancillary tools you may need:

  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • glue;
  • wood saw;
  • brushes;
  • Ruler and pencil.

Consider a couple of examples of creating separators with your own hands. We will use wood and cardboard.

Option number 1. Making dividers out of cardboard

Step 1. First of all, you need to decide on the size of the separators. To do this, you need to know the length, height and width of the box and, in accordance with these parameters, determine the dimensions of the storage systems themselves. Next, you need to draw blanks for separators on a sheet of cardboard. Their length will be equal to the width or length of the box, and the height will be equal to the height of the box or slightly lower. It is important at this stage to understand what size sections should be in the end.

Step 3 Now you need to cut the film for pasting the separators. You can take a self-adhesive option. One piece of film for one spacer should be of such a size that it is possible to completely wrap the part with it.

Step 4 The film must be pasted over all the details very carefully, avoiding the appearance of air bubbles on the surface. You can remove them if you iron the details with a card. Details need to be pasted over from all sides, even from the sides.

Step 5 Then you need to make marks on the ends of the blanks in the places where the cuts will be made so that the individual elements can be connected into one system. The width of the cutouts should be the same as the thickness of the cardboard.

Step 6 It remains only to cut the strips according to the marked marks. It is important not to cut them to the end, otherwise the system will not be able to assemble.

Step 7 Then you need to connect the parts in single system and install it in a box.

In our new article, we have collected best options making a hand cultivator! Schemes, drawings, examples, photos and step-by-step instructions ... All this, as well as many other useful things, can be found!

Video - Cardboard partitions

Video - Making a laundry organizer

Option number 2. How to make wooden partitions

Step 1. To start from thin sheet plywood must be sawn according to the dimensions and the layout of the separators, individual parts. They should have the same height as the box. In total, you should get 4 walls and 3 partitions.

Step 2 In this case, grooves must be made in the side parts that will help to dock the individual parts into a single system. Separators will be inserted into them.

Step 3 Now all the elements of the future storage system need to be polished.

Step 4 It is necessary to connect all the side elements of the organizer to each other. They can be nailed together with small nails.

Step 5 Now it’s worth gluing all the corners with glue and smearing it with the same places where the dividing strips will be installed.

Step 6 It is necessary to fix the separator strips inside the box. When the glue dries, the storage system can be varnished.

Step 7 When the varnish layer dries, you should install the dividers inside the box and you can use them.

To prevent small items from rubbing in the closet, it is better to store them in separate boxes or drawers. Organizer for socks and panties - convenient fixture for linen. With it, you can organize all the "small things" and distribute them by color, so that it is more convenient to search for the right thing.

What are laundry organizers?

You can make a do-it-yourself laundry organizer from fabric, plastic, wood or a cardboard box.

Organizer for panties and socks significantly reduces the time to look for a pair or the right set. In addition, it allows you to maintain order in a closet or chest of drawers. Such a device will allow you to separate linen and organize children's, women's and men's.

laundry organizer

Organizers are divided into several classifications:

  1. According to the type of material from which they are made:
  • plastic ones cannot be made on their own, but ordering on the Internet is easy (on the aliexpress website you can find hundreds of different organizers made of polymers);
  • wooden ones can be purchased ready-made, which are put into the drawers of the chest of drawers, or you can make it yourself if you have materials and necessary tools;
  • cardboard can be made from boxes or cardboard foxes;
  • fabric - sewn from a dense material, often from jeans.

wooden organizer
  1. According to the type of mounting installation in the cabinet:
  • vertical (suspended) - installed in a closet and made of fabric or dense polyethylene, based on hangers for ease of placement;
  • horizontal - most often made of cardboard or ready-made cells are bought in a closet.

Note! If you sew an organizer from old jeans, it is recommended to boil them in boiling water beforehand so that they do not shed.

Vertical organizer

What you need to make your own hands from fabric

To make a sock organizer with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • cardboard boxes or large sheets of cardboard;
  • fabric (you can shreds);
  • glue, it is better to use a silicone gun;
  • wallpaper or sheets from magazines to decorate the organizer;
  • ruler and pencil to measure and mark everything evenly.

DIY tights organizer can be made from a shoe box. Also suitable boxes from under household appliances. The main thing is that there is a base in which cells for linen will then be installed.

The number and size of the cells are prepared at will. You can store one thing in each compartment, or arrange them by color. For example, white panties will be stored in one cell, black socks will be stored in the second, and so on. For small children, it is better to put one thing in each cell, so that it is more convenient for the baby to take clean linen on his own, without outside help.

How to sew a do-it-yourself laundry organizer from fabric

You can not buy an organizer for tights, panties and bras, but do it yourself. This has some advantages: firstly, you can build a structure of the desired size. Secondly, improvised means are used and there is no need to spend money. Thirdly, a homemade organizer can be decorated as you wish, made in any color.

Fabric organizer

Laundry organizer (36×36×8 cm) is made as follows:

  1. First you need to make a drawing in order to correctly calculate the length of the strips. For example, the organizer will have 8 cells 9 × 9 cm and 4 cells 8 × 18 cm (it is convenient to use for storing bras. The length of the overall structure will be 36 cm, due to which it will be convenient to place it in a chest of drawers or wardrobe.
  2. When the project is drawn, it is easy to calculate how long the partition strips should be. The first partition is attached from the corner to a square cell 9 × 9 cm, which means that it should be 18 cm long, taking into account the allowance - 19 cm (0.5 cm on each side). In this way, all partitions are calculated and the necessary strips are cut out of dense fabric (their width should correspond to the height of the box (in this case, 8 cm).
  3. Next, you need to cut the fabric on the outer walls of 4 pcs. 36 × 8 cm, taking into account the allowance. And the fabric at the bottom according to the size of the overall design is 36 × 36 cm. For allowances, 1-1.5 cm are enough on each side.
  4. Next, you need to cut out the bottom and side walls from thick cardboard, which are inserted into the prepared sides for density (or the cardboard is sheathed or pasted over with a cloth - as it suits you).
  5. Strips for partitions are sewn together and processed with an oblique trim.
  6. Then the side parts are sewn together, into which cardboard is immediately inserted as a sealant and the bottom. You can make secret locks so that the cardboard can be removed and the cover washed.
  7. The last stage is the connection of the structure to each other and its decoration. You can use lace, beads, bows, stickers - as long as your imagination is enough.

Cardboard blanks

If it is planned that the organizer will stand in a chest of drawers, you can not decorate it from above, since it will not be visible anyway. If it will be installed in the bedroom or in the bathroom (that is, in plain sight), then it is better to make a box with a lid and decorate it so that it fits organically into the interior.

You can make the organizer in another way, in which the frame is already made with finished boxes. The work of the master is to sheathe or paste over with a cloth, assemble it into one design and decorate it. In order not to waste time and effort on mounting cardboard, you can use narrow boxes for milk, baby food or cereals (such as Hercules). If there are none at hand, then you can take sheets of cardboard and make square or rectangular dividers yourself.

Preparation of a fabric partition

How to sew a laundry basket out of fabric

A fabric laundry basket is placed in a closet or chest of drawers. To store dirty laundry, it can be installed or hung in the bathroom for ease of use.

fabric basket

To make a basket, you will need to prepare the necessary tools and materials in advance:

  1. In order for the basket to keep its shape, it is better to use a dense fabric, such as calico or bike, because fabrics like satin are thin and the basket will deform.
  2. A ruler, soap, chalk, synthetic winterizer, needles for connecting fabric will come in handy.
  3. The pattern is made square or round as desired. Depending on the pattern, then you need to measure the length and width of the fabric and cut out the blanks.

The basket can be soft and shapeless or dense. In order for it to keep its shape, you need to use a dense bottom or sew several metal rings into it (for a round basket). For square structures, you can use rods that are sewn in at the corners and allow you to keep the shape, especially if the basket is high.

This design can be used to store dirty laundry before washing, clean before ironing, to store towels or bedding, or for children's toys.

The simplest basket option is based on a finished cardboard box. You need to pick up a basket or box of the desired size, measure it, cut out the sides and bottom and glue them onto the finished frame. From above, the basket can be decorated with buttons, inscriptions, rhinestones and other accessories.

Folding basket

It can be used for linen, towels, bedding or for dirty clothes as a linen basket. When gluing fabric to cardboard, it is better to use silicone glue or a gun. It is plastic, connects materials well and does not sag when high humidity(unlike PVA glue, for example).

More complex basket options can be made on the basis of any materials:

  1. Wooden rods. To make such a basket you will need wooden slats 4 pieces, 60 cm long, 2 tubes of 40 cm, and 2 of 35 and fasteners - bolts and nuts. Next, a frame with legs is made from the rails, to which the fabric base is then attached. In appearance, it resembles a large bag with loops and is attached to the frame. If necessary, the structure can be folded, and it will take up a minimum of space.
  2. On the plastic frame. To do this, you can take as a basis a clerical urn (basket) made of plastic. Next, strips are cut out of the fabric, 3-5 cm wide and sheathed (pasted) around the basket. Inside you can put a sewn bag for linen.

Wicker boxes and baskets are often used on the farm to store linen. They can be left in their original form, or decorated with a cloth for beauty. When using boxes, you can make organizers divided into several sections. Their size depends on the purpose: for bath accessories you need to make larger compartments, for underwear - smaller.

hanging basket

Another option for a fabric basket is a hanging basket. In fact, it looks like a regular bag, only made of fabric. It can be closed with a lock, a button or not closed - as desired. The whole idea of ​​such a basket is to mount it on the wall to save space. More often, such designs are used for dirty linen and hung in the bathroom or pantries.

In the end, it can be noted that many are wondering how to sew a do-it-yourself laundry organizer out of fabric or glue it out of cardboard. In fact, it's simple: you need to prepare a project, calculate the required dimensions, prepare materials and do it. Patterns and step-by-step instruction steps will depend on the model, size and type of organizer or basket.

Drawer organizer

You can buy ready-made organizers, or you can turn on your imagination and make original trays for small things - panties, socks, belts, etc. from improvised materials on your own.

Today we will tell you how to make a laundry organizer with your own hands. In this article you will find step by step master class with photos and a few useful tips. This storage system can be adjusted to fit any size drawer. You can also select the number of cells by own will and taste.

Such a homemade organizer with cells is perfect for storing underwear or socks. Also in such storage systems you can place scarves, ties, small tops and T-shirts. The size of the cells is determined depending on what you will put in them. AT this master class considered an organizer for women's underwear under a standard drawer of a narrow chest of drawers.

What will we need?

  • thick cardboard
  • fabric for covering
  • sewing threads

How to make an organizer?

First you need to measure the box and decide on the desired dimensions. In this example, the process of manufacturing a laundry organizer measuring 50x30x10 centimeters is considered.

Cut cardboard into strips. We need to cut two long edges (50 cm long and 10 cm high) and two shorter edges (30 cm long). It is also necessary to make blanks for the cells (in this case, 14 pieces of 15 cm each). The last details are jumpers, the size of which corresponds to the desired cell width.

The underwear organizer looks more aesthetically pleasing and becomes more convenient if it is covered with fabric, and not left just cardboard. That is why we need to take the fabric and cut it into strips of 50 and 30 cm (additionally, you need to throw 1 cm on each side for hemlines).

We stick our cardboard strips on the fabric as shown in the photo - i.e. leave small gaps for cuts. The edges of each strip are best stitched on a typewriter for reliability.

The external part of the storage system is performed separately. Then we simply sew the previously prepared partitions behind the fabric left at the edges to fix it in place.

At this stage, the bottom of the laundry organizer can be sewn on. It is made of cardboard, and then covered with fabric and hemmed from the outside. However, if your drawer is flat enough, you can leave the storage system without a bottom - it will be no less convenient.