How to choose a table for a first grader with a toddler. Which school desk is best for a child? Demi growing party

  • 15.06.2019

For every student, a desk is not just a piece of furniture, it is workplace where he spends a lot of time. The comfort and health of the child depends on the convenience of the study table, so due attention should be paid to his choice.

Children's desk: a variety of forms

First of all, it is necessary to decide where exactly the desk for the child will stand, since the dimensions and shape of the table depend on this. School desks are rectangular, L-shaped, angular and with a slight turn in one direction.

L-shaped table for a student convenient because of its functionality: the child will do written work at one part of the table, and a computer can be placed behind the other. Also, this design is suitable if there are two children of approximately the same age in the house who need to do their homework at the same time. It is worth considering that the L-shaped model requires a lot of space, so it is only suitable for spacious rooms.

Corner options take up very little space, but at the same time they have a fairly large working surface. If the space of the room allows, you can choose a functional option - a desk for a student with a cabinet or drawers where you can store stationery, books, toys.

If you still decide to buy a table for the student standard type, i.e. without additional shelves and drawers, it is better to choose a model that is part of a specific furniture collection. If necessary, over time, it will be possible to purchase a chest of drawers, a hanging shelf or a cabinet made in this style. Such a corner of the student will look beautiful and harmonious.

What desk to buy for a child? Choose by height and age

If the school table is selected for many years, it makes sense to purchase a transformer that can be adjusted to the height of the child. Posture, spine and joints are formed throughout the school years, and it is very important that the desk matches the size of the person sitting. Desks-transformers are adjustable in height of the legs and inclination of the table top. The disadvantage of such desks for schoolchildren is their relatively high cost and a small number (or even absence) of drawers and shelves.

If you decide to purchase a table "for growth", you need to pick up a chair or chair with height adjustment for it. Ideally, when the child is sitting at the table, his elbows should be located on the tabletop, his legs should reach the floor and bend at the knees at a right angle. In this case, the distance between the tabletop and the knees should be about 10-15 cm.

In addition to the height, the width of the student's desk top is also very important. All items necessary for classes should be located on the table, and there should still be room for the child himself.

In some tables, one of the drawers is equipped with a lock; such a piece of furniture can be purchased for an adult child or teenager, because each student should have his own personal space.

Many parents believe that their young children do not need a large table. However, as practice shows, most often a desk is bought for many years, and over time it may become necessary to install, for example, a computer on it. Therefore, in order not to have to buy a separate computer desk, a place for computer equipment should be taken care of in advance.

Security Requirements

It is very important that the children's desk does not have sharp corners. Even if the child is already an adult, younger brothers and sisters enter his room, who can accidentally injure themselves on a dangerous structure. You should also avoid buying in unverified places, especially if furniture is sold there at a reduced price. In this case, no one can guarantee that the table is not covered with varnish or paint that is harmful to health; it is not recommended for a child to contact such a coating.

What material is better to buy a desk for a student

A writing desk for a nursery can be purchased from any modern material: wood, plastic, chipboard, fiberboard.

A wooden table is considered a classic, but you should not overpay for children's furniture made from expensive wood. No matter how neat and thrifty a child is, the appearance of scratches, stains from paint and felt-tip pens is almost inevitable. For the same reason, you should not buy furniture made of cheap chipboard, this coating swells from one wet spot left on the desk from a spilled cup of water, and deforms from a photo in a metal frame that has fallen on its surface.

Plastic furniture should also be treated with caution. Some types of plastic exude caustic, bad smell, which even after a long time does not disappear.

Design and color matter

Psychologists do not recommend buying a school desk for writing in an unusual shape. First of all, this is a study table, it should set the child up for serious work, and not distract. At the same time, this piece of furniture should please its owner and harmoniously fit into interior rooms.

It is desirable to choose a light, natural color for the table. Too bright shades will only annoy the student.


Comment on the article "How to choose a desk for a child"

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How to choose a desk for a child. Alina Mich. We equip the workplace of the student at home. There was a need for us to buy a child a desk or desk. small table from Ikea has become too small for a child for a long time (: And the question is what to choose, a desk ...

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I urgently need a table for homework, the eldest goes to school, I kept thinking about the desk, but even changed my mind, I want a regular table, probably a corner one is better, but there are size restrictions, the room is small, so there is not enough space, share who - what you took and where ?

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How to choose a desk for a child. Alina Mich. We equip the workplace of the student at home. But the child does not have anything on the table, all the pencil boxes are on the walls on the railing or on the shelves. Actually, one of the goals of buying a desk is to have nothing on it ...

choice: desk or table?. Children's room. Child 7 to 10. How to choose a desk for a child. Psychologists do not recommend buying a school table. First of all, this is a study table, it should set the child on what to choose a growing desk or desk.

At the table there is where to decompose with textbooks and notebooks, everything does not roll off the table. Although I had a desk in elementary school, and my daughter primary school She sat behind her, and her son sat behind her ... but we already bought a table for our son. The desk is good because it can be customized ...

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We won’t talk about what kind of furniture is in the school - here you can’t influence much, but it’s quite enough to provide a comfortable place to study at home. Everything is important here, from the ratio of the height of the table and chair to the color of the furniture. Read how to choose the right furniture for your child to maintain proper posture and good eyesight.

Separate from the computer

Despite the fact that some school assignments must be completed at the computer, one computer desk not enough for the child's homework.

Firstly, there is often not enough space on the computer desk for textbooks and notebooks, so it will be inconvenient for the child to do written homework.

Secondly, children are quickly distracted, and the included computer will become more of a hindrance to learning than a help.

This means that for writing, reading and drawing, the child needs a separate table, which is best placed in the brightest place in the room where the child can work in natural light.

Correct Height Ratio

The correct height of the table and chair depends on the age and height of the child. For a first grader (6–7 years old) with a height of about 110–120 cm, it is better to buy a table 52 cm high and a chair 32 cm.

If the height of the child is 121-130 cm, the height of the table should be 57 cm, and the chair should be 35 cm. By analogy, you can calculate the height of the table and chair for taller children.

If the child is 10 cm taller, add 5 cm to the height of the table, and 3 cm to the height of the chair. That is, if the height is 140 cm, the height of the table should be 57 + 5 = 62 cm, and the chair - 35 + 3 = 38 cm .

Despite these figures, it is still better to go for furniture with your child. Having picked up a table and a chair in height, seat the child and check whether he will really be comfortable.

Here are some indicators of comfortable furniture:

  • if the legs are bent at a right angle, the feet should be completely on the floor;
  • between the knees and the tabletop there should be a distance of about 10-15 cm;
  • the tabletop should be at the level of the solar plexus of the child;
  • if the child puts his elbow on the tabletop, the tip of the middle finger should reach the outer corner of the eye;
  • when the child is standing near the table, his elbow should be 2-5 cm below the tabletop.

It is clear that children grow up quickly and it is not always possible to buy new furniture. In this case, it is better to immediately buy a table and chair with adjustable height. So as you grow older, you can provide the child with a comfortable position at the table, simply twisting the legs.

Choose a table by width and color

Most often, tables with a straight top are sold, but if you find a table with a slightly sloped top, it is better to buy it. Tilt tabletop like the old ones school desks makes it easier on the eyes.

However, the sloping tabletop is perfectly replaced by a stand for open textbooks. While reading, the textbook should be at an angle of 30–40 °.

Sufficient table width - 1 m or more, depth - 60 cm. You can buy a table with drawers under the tabletop, since it will be convenient to store textbooks, notebooks and writing materials in them, however, there should be at least 50 × 50 cm space under the table to make it convenient was to put your feet up.

As for color, it is better to choose light green tones, as well as peach, beige, cream and under natural wood. In any case, you should not take too bright furniture - it has a bad effect on the ability to concentrate.

So, you picked up the table, it's time to move on to choosing a chair.

Depth and back of chair

Above, I already wrote about the ideal ratio of the height of the furniture, so that you can choose a comfortable chair for height. However, height is not the only thing to consider when buying it.

The depth of the chair should be such that the child's back touches the back of the chair, but at the same time his kneecaps do not touch the edge of the seat. It is best to take a chair with a depth of 2/3 of the length of the thigh.

The backrest should be high enough and fixed at a right angle so that the child can freely lean on it without leaning back too much.

The chair should not sway, so it is better not to buy a spinning chair for your child. office chairs; Take a chair with four legs that is firmly on the floor. In addition, the seat should not be too soft so that the child does not fall through.

If you couldn’t find a chair with which the child’s feet will be completely on the floor, make a special stand under the table so that the legs, bent at a right or obtuse angle, do not hang or stand on their toes. The width of the footrest should not be less than the length of the foot.

Correct posture

Even if you bought the child the most comfortable furniture, all the same, he can sit incorrectly, spoiling his posture. Therefore, it is important to accustom him to the correct position from the very beginning.

To reduce muscle tension during exercise, you can slightly tilt the body and head forward, but you can’t lean on the tabletop with your chest - there should be a distance of 5 cm between the table and the chest (the palm passes freely).

Shoulders should be relaxed and at the same level. The position of the back is straight. Make sure that the child does not bend over the table top: from the eyes to the table, you need to keep a distance of at least 30 cm.

As for the position of the legs, they should not go under the chair or hang in the air. The knees should be bent at a right or obtuse angle, and the feet should be completely on the floor.

If you teach your child to sit correctly, even uncomfortable furniture that he may get at school will not affect posture so much, and therefore work. internal organs and visual acuity.

And finally: no matter how comfortable the furniture is, you can’t maintain a static position for a long time. Make sure that every 30-40 minutes the child takes breaks. 10-15 minutes of simple gymnastics or outdoor games is enough for a warm-up, and the habit of getting up and warming up periodically will be useful to him in the future.

The main thing is to remember that from properly selected furniture and correct posture really depends on the health of the child. So it's better to take care of it right away than to treat the curvature of the spine and buy glasses or contact lenses later.

When collecting a child for school, parents of a first grader face many problems, ranging from choosing school clothes to changing the interior design of a nursery, in which importance the desk is playing.

Despite the fact that for most children a computer is a familiar thing, it is sometimes not always convenient to use a computer desk for preparing homework, and if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe home allows, then it is advisable to purchase special furniture for homework.

To negative points dual use of a computer desk - for games and cooking lessons can be considered:

  • often a computer desk has a small area on which it is impossible to conveniently place textbooks, notebooks and writing materials;
  • the sliding place for the keyboard (tabletop) is not always convenient for spelling, and for some models it has low rigidity.
  • the child, doing homework on his own, will tend to turn on the computer, thereby distracting from the main task.

However, before moving on to choosing a specific model of a desk for a student, you need to know the basic requirements that he must satisfy.

Dimensional ratios of a desk for a first grader

Regardless of the model chosen, for its placement, the brightest place in the room should be freed up, where the duration of natural light is maximum. The average height of a child of 6…7 years old is usually 110.0…120.0 centimeters, therefore, the height of the countertop should be at the level of 50.0…52.0 centimeters, and the height of the seat of the chair should be 34.0…36.0 centimeters.

For taller children, the location of the tabletop and seat in height is determined by the following ratio - for every 10.0 centimeters of the child's height, the height of the table increases by 5.0 centimeters, and the height of the chair - by 3.0 centimeters.

In this case, you should pay attention to the following criteria for ergonomics and ease of doing homework:

  • when bending the legs at a right angle, the plane of the foot should be adjacent to the floor surface;
  • the distance from the knees to the lower plane of the tabletop should be 10.0 ... 15.0 centimeters;
  • the edge of the tabletop should be placed at the level of the student's solar plexus;
  • when a child places his elbow on a table surface, he should be able to reach the outer edge with the tip of his middle finger upper eyelid;
  • the elbow of a standing child should be 2.0 ... 5.0 centimeters below the level of the table top.

On a note!

Depending on the number of children and the material resources of the family, the approximate service life of the furniture should be determined in advance, which usually, due to the growing up of the child, must be updated every two to three years. If there is no possibility of updating the furniture, then you should take a closer look at models with adjustable height of the working surface.

Table top width and color

Most home office furniture countertops have rectangular shape and are horizontal. However, desks, with an inclined or adjustable angle of the working surface, are more suitable for homework.

From an ergonomic point of view, the inclined surface facilitates the work of the eyeball and the eyes are less tired. As an alternative to the inclined plane of the table, the use of an additional stand for books can serve. Usually they allow you to place the reading plane at an angle of 30.0° ... 40.0° to the direction of view.

When doing homework, for convenient placement of textbooks and notebooks, it is enough to have a table width of about 1.0 meters, with a depth of 0.6 meters. For ease of use, it is advisable to choose an instance with a drawer, which is located directly under the table top.

This solution will allow the child to quickly tidy up his workplace. However, the distance from the student's knees to the bottom wall of the box compartment must be at least 50.0 centimeters. The width of the clearance where the legs are removed must also be at least this value.

Light green tones, peach and cream colors have a calming (non-distracting) effect on the child. You can choose a product whose finish imitates the wood texture of light colors. Despite the prevailing opinion that it is desirable to choose bright colors for furniture for a child's room, a student's workplace should be painted in soothing shades.

The dimensional ratios of the table and chair were mentioned above, however, other parameters also affect the convenience of doing homework. Designers children's furniture, when creating jobs for children, adhere to the following informal, but ergonomically sound rules:

  • the depth of the seat is chosen according to the following condition - the child must sit on a chair leaning on the back, and inner part the kneecap should not touch the edge of the seat;
  • the seat should not be soft - it is better to give preference wooden structures without drape.
  • the back of the chair should have sufficient height and be at an angle of 90.0 ° with respect to the seat - the child will be able to lean back on it to relax a little;
  • to do homework, you should not buy computer, rotating and rolling chairs - a chair for preparing lessons should stand firmly and steadily on the floor.
  • when purchasing furniture "for growth", the excess height of the seat can be compensated by an additional footrest.

On a note!

Using the above recommendations, parents will be able to independently choose the most suitable furniture for their heir going to school, which will not harm the child's posture and will be comfortable exactly to the extent necessary for doing homework, and at the same time does not relax the baby.

The most interesting models

On the modern market, you can pick up inexpensive copies of children's desks that are designed to be used for two to three years, or you can pick up furniture for a child to grow. Below are a few of the most interesting options children's furniture, each of which has its own specific advantages, with a minimum of disadvantages.

Desk «COMSTEP-01/BB», produced by the joint Russian-Taiwanese company Bureaucrat, has a standard, ergonomic design. Various adjustment mechanisms allow you to change the angle of inclination and the height of the tabletop within fairly wide limits.

To distinctive features this instance should be attributed to the presence metal frame, which significantly increases the strength, rigidity and stability of the workplace. dimensions countertops are 110.0 × 70.0 centimeters, and its height can be adjusted within 52.0 ... 78.5 centimeters.

Model "Delta-10" also does not differ in design frills, and its adequate price is explained by the use for the manufacture of laminated particle board - one of the cheapest substitutes natural wood. The manufacturer is the Russian furniture factory Linwood.

"Delta-10" has a single cabinet design - there are 4 drawers in the cabinet and one more is located under the tabletop. Products have different color solutions, among which you can find plain lamination and imitation of natural wood. The height and angle of the tabletop cannot be adjusted. Overall dimensions of the product (width × depth × height) 110.0 × 76.5 × 60.0 centimeters.

Orthopedic model «Conductor-03/Milk&B»(Company "Bureaucrat") is an ideal solution for a child to do homework in a fairly wide age range. The product has an adjustment of the height and angle of the tabletop in a fairly wide range.

The depth and width of the tabletop (105.0 × 71.0 cm) allow you to freely place all the textbooks and writing materials necessary for doing homework.

The product is additionally equipped with a separate shelf located above the working plane and a wide drawer under the tabletop. Its height can be adjusted within 80.9 ... 101.9 centimeters.

Model line "moll Champion", which includes a variety of children's written products-transformers, was developed by the designers of the German company "moll Funktionsmöbel GmbH".

The tabletop is divided into several functional zones that can rise, change the angle of inclination, recline, becoming the most convenient position for performing a specific task - doing written lessons, reading a textbook or drawing in a large-format album. Products are completed with interesting trifles - a footrest, a ruler with magnets, a folding music stand for books and other educational accessories.

Universal desk-desk "DEMI" produced by the Russian company "DEMI", which since 2010 has been specializing in the production of model lines of "growing" desks. Any sample of a "growing" school desk is perfect for both a first grader and a high school student. The dimensions of the countertop depend on the specific sample, and the height of most specimens can be adjusted from 56.0 to 81.5 centimeters.

Children's table "Mealux BD-205" you can buy a child a few years before the start of his trips to school and not change this model until adolescence. Taiwanese designers equipped the model with an original lift that allows you to change the height of the tabletop within 52.0…76.0 centimeters.

Most of the samples have one or more drawers, pencil cases or table top extensions, where you can place the necessary items for study and hide school accessories that are not currently needed.


The review presents 75 models of desks for first graders.

When choosing a desk for a first grader, you should immediately decide whether you are ready to buy it again in two years, or you want to purchase an option for growth. The modern market is filled with various models of tables for schoolchildren, models for growth are considered the most convenient, but in practice this is not always the case. Consider 5 comfortable tables for a first grader or schoolchildren and 5 uncomfortable ones, and you will quickly understand which table is best for your child..

Large student desk

Buying furniture for a first grader is always an expensive and difficult undertaking. If you're looking to get a high school student desk to last through high school, choose a wide option that has shelves, book slots, legroom, and laptop space. It is pleasant to do homework at a large desk, the child will feel important.

Desk "VasKo", 5511 rubles, the company "Mebicon"

School desk for a first grader

Party "Dami" - more or less a budget option, but it is quite small, although it is convenient for children.

School desk "Dami" from 7390 rubles.

Student desk with drawers

A table with a pull-out compartment for pens and pencils will please any first-grader.

The ideal desk for a student for all years of study

A desk for a schoolchild should not resemble a school desk - this is the conviction of many children whom I asked for their opinion (10-year-olds). The ideal place for doing lessons for a student is light wooden table with legroom, with cabinets for favorite books and drawers for stationery. In fact, a quality comfortable writing desk is the perfect desk for all occasions.

Desk "Calimera Pearl" - from 14,000 rubles.

Table "Sancho", 6800 rubles, "Atelier of computer furniture"

Computer desk for schoolchildren - a good choice, since modern schoolchildren still work at computers right from the 1st grade. When choosing a computer desk for a student, you should only pay attention to models with a wide table top, since it is inconvenient to draw and write on small ones, and without a keyboard stand. Corner models also look good, which also save space.

Corner desk "Borgsjo", 3999 rubles, "Ikea"

5 uncomfortable desks for schoolchildren

  • A red table for a first grader looks quite impressive, but a tired child after school will be more irritated and naughty after this option.

  • A small desk for a first grader will not allow the child to sit comfortablym and lay out all the necessary notebooks and textbooks.
  • Table for the student under bunk bed- not the best choice for a child, although he looks like a deputyanchivo. The secret lies in the fact that when something hangs over you during work, psychological discomfort arises, moreover, it is impossible to provide daylight behind such a structure, which is very important for doing homework for a baby. And it will be difficult for a parent to come up and help do the homework.

  • P arts - small desks are inconvenient for children, not only do they sit at their desks at school, but at home there will be almost such an option. The "Faro 1" desk looks attractive, wood and two drawers, but the width is not enough, and in two years you will still have to purchase a normal large table. A hummingbird desk with an inclination is only useful for the first year of study, then the baby will simply grow up, and besides, not everyone is comfortable writing on an inclined surface.

The opposite option is a too huge wall-to-wall table. On the one hand, the idea is interesting, and not so scary, since the window is blocked and the child will not climb into the window. On the other hand - how to approach the window, open the window or just look into it?

  • Table from to lochami, with a superstructure noticeably narrows the space for classes.

It should be understood that no matter what table you choose for your child, posture will depend on the fitness of the back muscles. Children at any table and in any chair can take the wrong posture and stoop, so choosing a desk for a first grader is more like choosing a convenient, comfortable desk for a schoolboy, at which it will be pleasant to sit, read and do homework - and it is important that the child perceives this a new acquisition not as an obligation to do homework at a new table, but rather as a new, comfortable personal space.

Prices for desks and tables for a student vary:

School desk "Astek" from 10,200 rubles.

"Albor", 5810 rubles.

By the beginning of the school year, parents of a future student should think not only about school uniforms, but also about how to organize a workplace for their first-grader. In our previous articles, we have already talked about the need to create several zones in the room of any student - a sleep zone, a study zone, and a play or entertainment zone. Today we will talk about how to equip a study area for a first grade student so that he is comfortable doing lessons here and, most importantly, that these classes do not harm his health. We have collected the most frequently asked questions of parents of first-graders, the answers to which will help in organizing the student's workplace.

1. What kind of table does a first grader need?

For a first grader, you need to be especially careful when choosing a desk, because the child’s posture, his vision and, no less important, the desire to learn will depend on the size and model. Regarding the size of the desk, there are several strict rules:

height depends on the height of the child: 45-48 centimeters is enough for a first grader. When going to the store at the table, take your child with you, only in this way you will choose a table that fits him perfectly. A desk is considered optimal if its edge is exactly at the chest level of a seated child (then he can lean on his elbows), he does not support the table top with his knees from below, and his legs are at a right angle.

depth the working surface should be at least 60-80 centimeters, width - 120-160 centimeters.


In order not to change the student's desk every two or three years, it is better to give preference to a transformable model. By the way, experts advise purchasing a separate table for a computer, which will also appear in the nursery over time - it will be inconvenient to do homework in front of the monitor, so you need a separate surface for writing. If the room is small and there is not enough space for two tables in it, it is better to purchase a slightly larger table, for example, a corner table, in one part of which there will be a computer, and in the other there will be free space for classes.

2. Where to place a desk in the nursery?

It is best to put a desk to the left of the window, sideways, or to the right, but turned to the window front side. The first option is convenient in that the child is less distracted by street events, and the second allows you to well illuminate the work surface in daytime. Designers often offer to turn the entire window sill into a desk. This is really a great option for a small room.


3. What chair to choose for a first grader?

It is important to choose the right chair, because the posture of the child depends on it. The chair should not be too high: the child's legs, bent at right angles, should touch the floor, while his back should touch the back of the chair. better if it is a comfortable work chair with height adjustable seat and backrest position, then it will be possible to adjust the height and position of the chair with the growth of the child. The seat should not be deep so that during classes the student does not hunch over and leans on his back. It is better to refuse a spinning chair and choose a fixed model for this age.



4. Are there any requirements for student furniture?

There are a number of requirements for the material from which the nursery furniture is made. It is desirable that the furniture for schoolchildren be made of natural materials: it is better to buy a wooden table. The material for the upholstery of the chair is also better to choose natural. When buying furniture for a student, be sure to pay attention to the product certificate: it must comply with GOST, developed for children's furniture. Plastic furniture, as well as furniture made of impregnated wood-glue materials, are unsafe due to possible fumes of harmful substances.

5. How to create the perfect study lighting?

So that the child’s vision is not affected by classes, it is best to combine light sources above the desktop. The combination of wall sconces or a light cornice with reflected light and a separate lamp directly above the work area is considered optimal.
The classic picture is a child sitting with only a table lamp in dark room- an absolutely wrong approach, because light is only table lamp absolutely contraindicated in children. If the rest of the room is darkened, the contrast will quickly tire the eyes of a first-grader who are not adapted to such loads, and contribute to the deterioration of vision.


6. How to help a first-grader organize order at the table?

If there are no drawers in the desk, then everything necessary for educational process items must be placed within the reach of the child - no further than at arm's length. For these purposes, bedside tables, shelves and racks, as well as mobile plastic containers located under the table, can serve. If the table is located near a wall without a window, then a fabric organizer with a large number of pockets can be placed on it, which perfectly fits stationery and other small things, necessary for the child during the learning process. Also, you can use cork boards, to which notes and all kinds of little things will be attached.


Teach your child to keep order in the workplace from the first grade. After class, invite him to tidy up all the accessories so that each item is in its place, and the work surface of the table always remains free.

7. Is it possible to help a child remember the daily routine?

In the life of a first-grader, a lot of things change, the daily routine gets the main role. Buy a pack of office paper, bright markers or felt-tip pens, and come up with your child's first schedule. You can use such ready-made pictures or make them yourself - and hang this board near the child's desktop. For the first month, such a daily routine will help your child get used to new living conditions, and you will avoid nervous explanations and children's tears.