How to make a desk out of cardboard. School desks, blackboard and bookcase

  • 04.06.2019

Hi friends! Our cardboard workshop received an order for the development and production of comfortable and durable school furniture for dolls from cardboard. It was necessary to make a school board, a desk and a teacher's table with a chair. At the same time, the furniture was intended for games with dolls 30-40 cm tall.

The play furniture turned out to be quite large-sized (for puppet scales). For a better understanding, here are the general sizes of items from our set:

- school board: width - 31.8 cm, height - 35 cm, the width of the racks - 16 cm;

– table (length×width×height): 30×17×20 cm;

- chair: seat - 10×10 cm, height - 21 cm;

- desk: length - 31 cm, width - 30 cm, height is about 20 cm, bench - 10×30 cm.

This is what the school desk looks like:

And here you can take a closer look at the chair.

What is at the table, what is at the desk of our doll model is very convenient. :)

Thanks to the use of several layers of cardboard, the furniture actually turns out to be strong enough for long-term use. No worse than plywood. And a definite plus is that cardboard furniture is much easier to do with your own hands. How exactly, I will now show you and tell you in detail.

Master class: how to make dollhouse school furniture out of cardboard

Materials and tools:

- sheets of A4 office paper (for printing templates);
– packaging corrugated cardboard (3 mm thick);
- standard (clerical) knife;
- creasing tool;
- metal ruler;
- scissors;
- double sided tape;
- glue "Moment Crystal", toothpick;
- hot glue gun (optional)

As you can see, the materials needed to make cardboard doll furniture are more than affordable. It is not at all a problem to get packaging corrugated cardboard now: something can be found at home in the pantry or on the mezzanine, huge quantities of used boxes are disposed of in furniture and grocery stores - and there it is quite possible to get the necessary amount of cardboard, and for free.

You can also buy cheap corrugated cardboard by the piece in art supply stores, packaging stores, or directly at a cardboard factory (if there is one nearby). In this case, I recommend choosing three-layer corrugated cardboard brand T-24- He's tighter. But in principle, softer cardboard of the T-23 brand is also suitable.

The process of making furniture for dolls, like all our cardboard toys, begins with the preparation of templates.

Generally speaking, having become familiar with the technology itself, if you wish, you can design doll furniture according to your size.

Or you can use ready-made templates, carefully calculated and tested in practice. A set of templates for making doll furniture "Playing school" can be ordered at.


So, if you took advantage of our offer, print the templates on sheets of A4 office paper.

Cut out small templates (which fit entirely on an A4 sheet) with small allowances.

Glue large templates according to the drafting schemes (see example). And also cut with small allowances.

Stick pieces of double-sided tape on the wrong side of the templates. Then each template must be attached to purl side of the corrugated board.

Note: the templates have a special round icon indicating the recommended wave direction of the corrugated layer. That is, the lines inside this icon should be approximately parallel to the lines that are visible on the wrong side of the cardboard.

It is not necessary to follow this direction exactly. Sometimes you have to adjust to the size of the existing piece of cardboard.

Just keep in mind that a cut made across the wave direction of the corrugated layer will be stronger and stiffer. And, on the contrary, a cut made along the waves is easily wrinkled.

Therefore, you need to try to ensure that, if possible, all the edges of the parts turn out exactly across the waves. In addition, they will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Well, now you can proceed directly to the manufacture of doll furniture with your own hands. Let's start with making a chair and a table.


With a standard (clerical) knife, we cut out the details of the chair according to the templates C-4.1, C-4.2, C-4.3 and C-4.4. We cut long straight lines along the ruler, short and curved sections - by hand.

For details C-4.1 mark the fold lines with the tip of the knife (even before cutting out the part). Having cut out the detail, we crease it. A creasing stick used in scrapbooking is suitable for this operation. You can also score with the end of a flat screwdriver or scissors (just be careful not to tear the cardboard: the tool must be tilted as close to the surface of the cardboard as possible).

Carefully bend the piece C-4.1.

Cut out the details C-5.1, C-5.2, C-6. There is no need for scoring here. And we will make folds on the details in the following way: along the blue lines on the template, make cuts to about half the thickness of the cardboard (be careful not to cut through), and then separate 2 layers of cardboard in the areas between the cut lines.

To make the layers easier to separate, first fold the part along the notch lines outward. In the end it should look like this.

Chair details are ready. Let's start assembling.

Glue the part C-5.2 inside the part C-5.1 on the glue "Moment Crystal". Glue is enough to apply around the edges and around the holes. And in order to prevent the excess from flowing out, smear the glue with a toothpick in a thin layer.

Glue the second piece C-5.1- it turned out the seat of the chair. Glue the halves C-6(back of chair). At the same time, we apply glue to single-layer sections.

Place the glued parts under the press for a short time (for example, several books) - for reliable connection.

Notice how neat and accurate the end of the seat turned out - this is due to the fact that in this area we separated 2 layers of cardboard.

inside the part C-4.1 glue the part first C-4.2, then - C-4.3 and C-4.4front sides out.

Check: when bending the legs of the chair, these parts must fit exactly at right angles to each other.

When the legs of the chair are dry, glue them to the seat. Pour glue into the slots of the seat, grease the protrusions on the legs with a toothpick. We connect the parts as shown in the photo.

Glue the back of the chair. Here, in addition to the protrusion and slot, we also lubricate the back surface of the legs with glue.

We connect everything, press and hold until the glue seizes.

The cardboard doll chair is ready.


Now let's figure out how to make a table for a doll.

Cut out the details C-1.1 and C-1.2: 2 pcs. with slots and 1 pc. - without slots.

Cut out 2 pieces C-2 and table top details C-3.1 and C-3.2.

We glue on the glue "Moment Crystal" the supports of the doll table: 1 part C-1.1/C-1.2 without slot + 2 parts C-1.1/C-1.2 with slots. In this case, the parts must be positioned so that on both sides of the support the cardboard is facing out.

We also glue the cross.

And glue the tabletop: first, inside the C-3.1 part, glue the C-3.2 part, then bend and glue the free halves. Don't forget to apply glue to single layer areas as well.

The elements of the table are ready. We collect: we glue the supports and the crossbar, then we glue the countertop. For this operation, you can use a hot glue gun. This will make it faster and stronger.

That's all. The table for dolls is ready!

Let's move on to the next piece of doll school furniture.


According to the templates, cut out the details of the supports P-1.1 and P-1.2(2 pcs.), P-2.1 and P-2.2(1 pc.), P-3(2×3 pcs.).

To speed up the process, repeating parts can be cut in 2 layers: Fold 2 pieces of cardboard right sides together and secure the edges with pieces of masking tape. In this case, you will not need to print additional templates.

But cutting in 2 layers requires more strength. Therefore, if this method turns out to be inconvenient, it is better to cut all the details in 1 layer. It will be more careful.

Cut out the details of the bench P-5.1 and P-5.2, P-6.1 and P-6.2. Do not forget: we only make cuts along the blue lines, then we separate 2 layers of cardboard between them.

Cut out the details of the crossbars for the desk P-7 and P-8- 3 pcs.

According to the P-8 template, it is necessary to cut out 3 parts that are slightly different in size (3 parallel lines are drawn along one long edge of the template). You can do this in the following way:

- attach the template to the cardboard and use the tip of a compass (or a sewing needle) to mark all the corners of the part along the outer contour;

- transfer the template to a free area of ​​\u200b\u200bcardboard and mark the corners of the part with the tip of a compass, but now using the middle of 3 parallel lines along one long edge;

- transfer the template again and mark the corners smallest detail.

Mark with a pencil where the detail is, and where they have the top, so as not to get confused when gluing. Differences in size are necessary so that the upper end of the crossbar is at an angle corresponding to the slope of the desk top.

In addition, we cut out the details of the base of the desk P-9(6 pcs.). The photo shows parts with rounded corners (although on the templates all corners are straight - for ease of cutting). You can also do this if you wish. To do this, with nail scissors, round each corner of the part, first cutting off only upper layer cardboard, then - only the bottom.

The tabletop for the desk is made in the same way as for the teacher's table.

We glue all the details, as shown in the photo. The principle, I think, is already clear.

And let's start assembling. At this stage, you can use the hot glue gun. Or you can continue to use Moment Crystal glue.

We glue the parts of the bench by inserting the protrusions into the grooves.

We assemble the desk: first we glue the supports and crossbars, then we glue the table top.

Glue the board to the base.

And glue the bench to the base.

School desk for dolls is ready!


The final element of our furniture set.

Cut out the details D-1(1×2 pcs.), D-2.1 and D-2.2(2×2 pcs.).

If desired, here you can use the cutting method in 2 layers of cardboard (see description above).

Cut out the details D-3, D-4 and D-5.

We glue the board itself: inside the part D-3 glue the details D-4 and D-5 as shown in the photo. Glue is applied only along the edges and smeared with a toothpick in a thin layer.

We bend and glue the extreme parts of the board.

We apply glue in the gap between the main part of the board and the shelf. We bend the shelf and press until the glue seizes.

It remains only to glue the board to the supports. And it's done!

Puppet school board in all its glory. :)

Let's admire a little more doll furniture in action.

School furniture for dolls turned out just like the real thing, durable and comfortable. And, importantly, harmless - there are no sharp corners, no small parts breaking off, and the material is environmentally friendly!

On a spacious shelf of the board (its width is 4 cm), it is quite possible to put home-made visual aids, mini books, put pieces of chalk or felt-tip pen.

You can attach a sheet of paper to the board and write problems on it, or you can stick a special film that imitates a school board, and then you can even write with crayons - in general, everything will be real! And the kids will love it!

If desired, doll furniture made of cardboard can be painted. Better use for this acrylic paints.

Although, in my opinion, and so very stylish. :)

Now you know how to make furniture for dolls out of cardboard. And you can do the same with your own hands for your children or for your group in kindergarten. And our templates will help you with this!

I wish you pleasant creativity and entertaining games with your children!

If you have any questions about making doll furniture, write them in the comments. I would be happy to clarify all points.

Yours, Inna Pyshkina and the Kartonkino team.

The little owner of a dollhouse will definitely want to furnish it beautiful furniture and will ask her parents to help her with this. The house must have a sofa, table, bed, chairs and other pieces of furniture. Of course you can buy them. But it can be easily made with your own hands, using a minimum of funds.

Approximate Dimensions

Before thinking about how to make a table for dolls on your own and from what material, you need to decide on the size. It is necessary to build on the growth of the doll itself and the size of the house. The interior will look beautiful if all the furniture is approximately the same scale and style.

The easiest way to make all objects proportionally the same is to calculate the scale. It is necessary to divide by the size of the doll the average height of a person. You will get a number by which you will subsequently need to divide all the real dimensions of the furniture in order to get puppet ones.

For example, the doll's height is 20 cm. Divide the average person's height of 175 cm by 20 cm = 8.75. By this number, you need to divide the actual dimensions of human furniture to get the dimensions of doll furniture.

On average, dolls have a size of 7.5 to 15 cm. If the doll under which this or that piece of furniture is made fits these parameters, the following sizes can be used:

Furniture for dolls from matchboxes

This is just a godsend for creating a dollhouse environment. From them you can create a huge number of pieces of furniture:

An excellent material for making a doll set is cardboard. It is very easy to cut, and it is glued with ordinary PVA or hot glue. From the old cardboard box you can make all the furniture in the house. The only disadvantage of cardboard- this is that without decoration and finishing on top with any material, it does not look very beautiful.

Corrugated packaging cardboard will not last long, as it quickly wrinkles and loses its shape. It is better to use scrapbooking cardboard or just thick cardboard.

Gluing a cardboard bed is quite simple. Need to cut the walls of the bed required size and connect them with glue. The back can be decorated with wrapping paper or decorated using decoupage technique.

You can make a bed without the help of glue. The walls will be fixed with the help of grooves cut in the walls.

Production of paper furniture

If it is not possible to buy ready-made doll furniture, you can make it out of paper. How to make a chair out of paper so that it is strong and does not immediately wrinkle? Roll paper into tubes! Craftsmen have been weaving anything from newspaper tubes for a long time. Doll sets will not be an exception. Weaving patterns can be found on the Internet.. Such items will decorate the house and look very cozy. In addition, they will be quite durable if they are painted or coated with several layers of varnish.

For the manufacture of paper furniture will need:

From paper you need to twist thin tubes. This can be done with a knitting needle. They should dry well. Then the tubes need to be glued along with glue. It is better to use a hot gun, so the connection will be stronger and the paper will not get wet.

In this way, small blocks (walls) are glued together, which are then interconnected. They are easy to cut into the desired fragments. For better bonding, you can use wire or thread.

Then shelves and doors are made in the same way.. You need to fix the doors with tape or with wire.

Legs and handles are made from the same tubules, twisted into a roll. The edge must be glued with hot glue.

plywood dolls

A doll wardrobe for outfits can also be made from plywood. He will serve his mistress for a very long time. You can connect the walls and shelves to each other with hot glue or PVA. A hanger bar can be made from a wooden skewer or Chinese stick. Hangers are made from straightened paper clips.

A bed, table and chairs can also be made from this durable material. Some craftsmen even carve on such furniture beautiful patterns, imitating carved furniture. It looks very nice. Plywood needs to be painted or covered with fabric.

It is better to fill the sofa with cotton wool or foam rubber so that it takes shape, and then cover it with a cloth.

The table can be made as a square, and round with a jigsaw. The legs will be wooden skewers or sticks. Chairs are made in the same way.

Furniture from a cardboard box

From one TV box you can make all the furniture in the house. To create it you will need:

  • The box itself.
  • Double sided tape.
  • Scissors.
  • Plain wide tape.
  • Glue gun or PVA glue.
  • Materials for registration.

All furniture must be cut out, cut into the necessary parts and glued.

Then the most interesting process begins - finishing. Cardboard can be painted, pasted over with wallpaper or paper . On the cabinet front or a dressing table, glue a piece of foil, imitating a mirror. You need to make a tablecloth on the table, and pillows on the sofa - this will add comfort.

Be sure to involve the child himself in the decorating process. This is a great opportunity to feel like an interior designer and show creative thinking. Everything will be used: small pebbles, shells, beads, rhinestones, stickers.

After the completion of the design work, the arrangement of furniture in the house begins and filling it with details (vases, figurines)

Of course, the kitchen needs utensils. It can be cut out of cardboard, wood or molded from plasticine. How to make a bottle for dolls is a more difficult question. Here you can use bottles of drops for the eyes or nose, over perfume samples.

Wardrobe made of wooden rulers

Another quick way to create a doll wardrobe. To make one cabinet, you will need about six rulers. You will also need a jigsaw and PVA glue to work..

Cut and sand the rulers so that there are no splinters. Everything was glued with PVA glue. After complete drying of the product, it can be painted. For a beautiful even color, you need to cover the cabinet first with a layer of white paint, and then with the desired color.

In the same way, you can make tables, chairs, bedside tables and other furniture for dolls.

How to make furniture out of clothespins

It is not necessary to use wooden ones, plastic clothespins are also used. They are varied in size and color, but with wooden clothespins, the furniture turns out to be cozier and more beautiful.

To make a table or chair from clothespins, they need to be separated. Halves of clothespins are used, which are interconnected. Connecting them around, make a tabletop, legs can also be made from halves of clothespins.

The beauty of this material is that you can easily shape the clothespin to the desired shape or cut as much as you need. Some make theater on clothespins with their own hands. Templates can be found online.

Making furniture for dolls is quite an exciting process that you can involve the whole family in. Dad can be involved in creating objects, gluing, twisting and preparing for decoration. Mom and daughter will be happy to paint furniture, decorate it, sew tablecloths, pillows and bedspreads. This is a wonderful family activity that will make the little princess very happy.

Attention, only TODAY!

For children's games, a lot of things are required. In this case, you can not do without, which may require a lot. If the furniture in the toys does not fit in size, then you can make it yourself. In particular, in our master class it is proposed step by step process making a chair out of paper.

For work you will need:

  • square sheet of paper;
  • scissors;
  • scotch.

The final dimensions of the chair will also depend on the size of the sheet.

Steps to make a paper chair:

Fold the square in half.
After this, the edges need to be bent to the resulting midline. As a result, two more folds were obtained.
The square sheet is, as it were, divided into four parts, one of which needs to be cut off. We do this with scissors.
We fold the resulting workpiece in half.
We bend its right edge and form a triangular fold in the upper part.
You also need to do the same with the left edge.
We bend the right edge of our future chair towards the center.
We do the same with the left edge. These will be the sides of the future chair.
Slightly expand the edges and bend the central part up. This is the seat of our chair.
We give our workpiece the shape of a chair. Now it remains to fix the seat. To do this, you will need scissors and transparent tape. With small strips of adhesive tape we fix the seat from below (on both sides). Our paper chair is ready.

A small paper chair can be used as a decoration or toy in a DIY dollhouse. You can make such a craft within 15-20 minutes.
To make it, you only need a piece of paper or cardboard and a little patience.

Simple origami paper chair diagrams

A miniature chair is very easy to make using the origami technique. To do this, you need a sheet of paper measuring 20x20 cm. Schemes for manufacturing can be found on thematic sites and downloaded from the Internet.

There are also many books on this technique. However, it is quite possible to experiment and create own scheme. There are very simple circuit making a high chair, understandable to both adults and children.

Follow the strict sequence of actions:

REFERENCE! An ordinary chair from a simple origami scheme is easy to make in 5 minutes.

IMPORTANT! In the origami technique, strictly follow the recommended steps and try to make all the folds as accurately as possible with the smallest possible error.

Steps for making a chair out of paper with your own hands.

Consider the creation of a chair out of paper in stages. This option is quite difficult to perform and may not work the first time.

Read and repeat the following steps carefully:

  • Take a square piece of paper and fold it diagonally twice.
  • In this case, each time return the sheet to its original position.
    It is important to make the diagonals visible.
  • Next, you need to get a horizontal fold line. To do this, we also bend the sheet and immediately return it to the unfolded form.
  • We take sides and connect them to each other so that we get a triangle.
  • We bend the left edge and direct it to the center. This is a kind of mark at the bottom of the triangle.
  • We direct the right tip to the resulting mark, and then tilt it downwards.
  • We bend the lower part twice so that the product is thinner.
  • We bend a small corner in half and direct it to the left side.
  • Next, we straighten it. Insert a thin object into the corner.
  • Then we straighten the corner and see a part that is very reminiscent of appearance leg of the future
  • Next, you should make another leg.
  • In exactly the same way, we get a small but noticeable mark and bend right side to the center. And we bend the left corner to the right side to the mark and bend the corner back and down.
  • Then the lower part must be bent in half.
  • All steps for the second leg are repeated in the same sequence. As a result of the work done, the chair already has two supports.
  • We proceed to the manufacture of the third support.
  • The second part of the right corner is tilted to the left.
  • We tilt the lower corner back up to the line located vertically.
  • We bend the left side to the right, and point the bottom corner up. We open, straighten and get a small figure in the shape of a triangle.
  • We bend in half and get the third leg of the craft.
  • The fourth support can be made using a similar and already proven technology as the previous one.
  • We bend the sharp corners of each leg up.
  • We make the back of the product. To do this, bend the top of the workpiece back in the opposite direction.

An easy way to make a cardboard chair

As a prototype, you can use an ordinary home chair or other furniture. It must be scaled to a miniature format and write all the dimensions of the future craft.

Consider the main steps in creating a cardboard chair:

  • We draw on cardboard the components of the future product. These will be four strips for the legs of the chair, two parts of the seat, crossbars, backrest.
  • First, let's make the legs of the chair. They are made from a sheet of paper folded into a tube.
  • We connect the legs and the first part of the seat with glue.
  • After the adhesive has dried, glue the legs to the second part of the seat.
  • For greater strength and reliability, we make peculiar crossbars-partitions to the legs of the chair. Everything is like on a real big chair. They make the craft more stable, which makes it possible to put your favorite doll on it.
  • We connect the back and seat together.

There is an easier way to make doll furniture:

  • To do this, the cardboard sheet must be connected in the form of a cylinder with a diameter equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seat.
  • Next, you need to put the cylinder vertically and outline the height of the chair and its legs.
  • Next, you need to cut out a piece of cardboard in such a way that you get a kind of ottoman without legs.
    So that the doll can sit on it, the empty space is filled with paper and the seat is glued.
  • The chair is ready.
  • You can leave it like that, or you can paint or decorate it.

ATTENTION! You can use cardboard of different quality and texture. It can be layered, matte or glossy.


In such a simple way, after practicing on a chair, you can make a whole set of things for a dollhouse. This requires inexpensive and improvised means, such as cardboard, paper, scissors and glue. There are many worked out simple schemes in the origam technique.

And also such products will be useful for adults as exclusive elements for the interior. You can use more expensive beautiful paper to make small crafts. So, original miniatures look beautiful. For example, it could be a table and two chairs. You can put small dishes on them.

We hope that this article was useful and will help you to make many interesting miniature things.

girls love play into dolls, while using the entire space of the room and henchmen items as furniture.

Now in children's stores you can purchase whole Dollhouse but worth the fun not cheap. Manufacturing toy do-it-yourself furniture - a budget alternative to purchased options. Do table for dolls simple enough.

What can you make a table for dolls

Most often for making puppet furniture is taken by any improvised materials:

  • wood, plywood, bars, glued panels, etc.;
  • plastic(plastic);
  • cardboard, paper;
  • matchsticks boxes;
  • CDs;
  • sticks for ice cream plastic bottle, tin can and much more.

table from paper

table from cardboard

Important! When making doll furniture, use only safe, non-toxic materials that will not cause allergies in the child.


For the manufacture of doll tables we need the following

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • compass;
  • manual jigsaw or electric jigsaw;
  • scissors;
  • small brushes;
  • emery paper.

Attention! Carefully handle the details of furniture for dolls so that there are no sharp and cutting edges and the child could not get hurt during the game.

Round table made of wood

We will not consider simple for toys, consisting of four legs and countertops. Make it the easiest.

Also, we will not make a chic table with carved legs, cut which is very thin and painstaking work that requires skill.

Consider manufacturing round table with extra bed (small shelves).

The amount of material depends on sizes future furniture for dolls.

materials, necessary for the manufacture round toy table:

  • Wood(for the manufacture of all parts of the table);
  • carpentry glue;
  • Impregnation for
  • paint or varnish(for the final protective coating).

Manufacturing steps

Step 1. We draw everything details table according to the scheme (2 table surfaces, 4 legs, 4 additional parts that are placed between the surfaces).

Step 2 Cut out the details and we process their sandpaper.

Step 3 We glue additional details as shown in the picture.

Step 4 Can be glued between worktops tough rings made of cardboard or any other material. Glue the first round surface on top. Good dry the resulting detail.

Step 5 For a round surface glue 4 additional parts (in the same way as before). glue the top and bottom of the parts are smeared, then a reinforcing structure is placed circle and the second surface is glued. Dry the whole table at least days.

Step 6 The table must be covered with 1-2 layers impregnation for wood and dry well. Apply a top coat of paint or varnish on wood.

If the size of the table allows, all fasteners can not only be glued, but also attached to each other using small nails. Table can be decorate in different techniques or sew a small one for him tablecloth.

Learn how to make a round table in our article:

Table corner made of clothespins

To make this extraordinary dining area for dolls we will need wooden clothespins:

  • 12–15 pieces for
  • 50–55 pieces for sofa;
  • 25–27 pieces for table.

All you need is about 100 pieces clothespins.

If there are several chairs, then accordingly increase and the number of pins.

Manufacturing steps

Step 1. Divide all clothespins into halves.

Step 2 With the help of glue we collect (glue several halves to each other) and a sofa (its seat is longer than that of a chair). Sushi them.

Step 3 We make legs for all furniture. For chairs and a sofa, it is enough to glue 2 parts of clothespins. For a table between the two halves of the clothespins must be glued third, after turning it over thick side.

Step 4 After complete drying, 2 legs of a chair and a sofa fasten additional transverse part of the clothespin (in the middle of the legs).

Step 5 Carefully begin to assemble the backs of the chairs and surface table. Starting from the middle of the chair, in different directions we assemble from parts of clothespins "peacock tail". We also glue the clothespins on circle(for countertop).

Step 6 Glue on top of the connected legs armrest. We dry.

Step 7 We fasten all the resulting parts together. To preserve the wood, it is desirable to treat it with a special impregnation.

In the same way you can do sofa. This is how the puppet will turn out Kitchen Area:

Clothespin table with rectangular countertop:

Dressing table

Such a table can make from different materials. The easiest to make homemade table from cardboard boxes using foil and decoration by drawing. A table made of plywood.

Details dressing table:

  • main part(with a place under the mirror) - 1 pc.;
  • countertop - 1 PC.;
  • upper shelf(under the mirror) - 1 pc.;
  • outer wall of upper drawers ( holder top shelf simple) - 2 pcs.;
  • internal wall of the upper drawers (holder of the upper shelf with fastenings to the base) - 2 pcs.;
  • sidewalls bedside tables - 2 pcs.;
  • shelf in a bedside table - 2 pcs.;
  • bottom bedside tables - 2 pcs.;
  • door cabinets with a handle - 2 pcs.;
  • for 2 small drawers: 4 sides, 2 rear walls, 2 bottoms, 2 front walls, 2 handles;
  • for big drawers (in cabinets): 4 sidewalls, 2 rear walls, 2 bottoms, 2 front walls, 2 handles.

Manufacturing steps

Step 1. To begin, draw and cut out jigsaw all the details of the dressing table as shown in the picture. Bedside tables mirrored!

Step 2 First, collect both pedestals. Please note that on the bottom of the bedside tables and on the shelf there should be round holes for doors.

Step 3 We connect bedside tables with rear table wall.

Step 4 On top of the bedside tables we put countertop.

Step 5 We fix all four walls top boxes.

Step 6 We attach the top shelf under the mirror.

Step 7 Glue and dry boxes. We put them in the right places.

Step 8 Glue mirror.

Now you can paint our dressing table and decorate.

Independent manufacturing furniture for dolls does not require skills and large costs. You can decorate all things in accordance with the taste of a small mistresses and puppet design house.

Master class for Barbie, see video: