Why dream of beautiful furniture? Why dream of new furniture? Interpretation and meaning of sleep.

  • 15.10.2019

Dream Interpretation Furniture Buying new furniture in a dream portends the acquisition of real estate in reality. If, on the contrary, you buy old antique furniture, it means that you will soon find out the sad news about the death or death of your next of kin. To take furniture out of the house when selling it - to the loss of a thing that is somewhere in the apartment, but it is completely impossible to find it; if furniture is taken out when moving to a new place of residence or work, you will be accused of embezzling other people's money, possibly government money. Seeing an apartment furnished with chic, expensive furniture is a sign of excellent prospects for the future. An apartment with a shabby, shabby piece of furniture - in reality put yourself in a risky position between two fires. An apartment with bare walls without any furniture at all is a harbinger of discord in relationships with friends or close relatives. Mahogany furniture portends that you will become the happy owner of a fortune for which there were more than enough female applicants. Ebony furniture suggests that you will have to work long and hard in the sweat of your brow, constantly making mistakes and starting all over again, but in the end you will achieve your dream. Walnut furniture is a sign of the favor of powerful people and your abuse of it. Elegant furniture made of Karelian birch - show remarkable abilities, acumen and ingenuity by doing business. Seeing a buffet in a dream portends comfort and life without refusing expensive pleasures. If the buffet is full of expensive dishes in the form of old dinnerware, crystal, etc., this is an unexpected win. An empty and dusty buffet, on the contrary, portends financial difficulties and denial of the most necessary things, a crisis in business and creative stagnation. A sofa seen in a dream may mean an upcoming promotion at work; if you are lying on the couch - in this case, another person will be appointed instead of you. A new leather sofa - you will be happy in love, an old, torn sofa with a leatherette coating - you will be bypassed in the distribution of benefits that each member of the team is entitled to. If in a dream you see a bulky, ugly chest of drawers of a pre-war sample, it means that in real life do not fulfill the conditions set before you or the obligations assumed, than put yourself at risk. If in a dream you are laid on a couch in the emergency room of a hospital, this portends vain expectations. Making a couch in a dream - you will have to go into debt due to the lack of new orders from the employer. Seeing a stool in a dream means that you will be generously repaid for the service rendered, although it did not cost you any trouble. Sitting on a stool - get a lot of free time for your favorite pastime. To knock together or repair a stool in a dream is a hilarious incident. To dream of a closet full of linen and clothes is a harbinger of success in business and trade. An empty closet in which one hungry moth flies - to poverty and the inability to solve a financial problem. Buying a new wardrobe in a dream portends the onset of well-being in all respects. old wardrobe with broken doors means that by showing more trust in people, you will achieve greater success in the business that you lead. A wardrobe smelling of the persistent smell of naphthalene portends a well-functioning family life and the strict fulfillment of all marital duties included in the ritual. A bookcase is a sign of spiritual freedom and independence that you will have to defend for yourself. A large bookcase filled with literature almost from floor to ceiling means combining your hobby with other equally exciting activities. An empty bookcase indicates that you will not be satisfied with your husband's meager salary and will tell him everything you think about it in the most impartial terms. To dream of a bookcase with embroidered napkins, porcelain elephants and a mass of other trinkets on it portends a dreary existence in old age. To dream of hefty fellows as loaders lifting furniture up and down the floors - such a dream portends getting a job that will give you a lot of trouble, while taking a lot of time, and in the end will not suit you. Wearing furniture in a dream - to an unfavorable marriage for unmarried people and a divorce with a division of property for the rest. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Furniture Furniture: home and family symbols. Interior: reflects the model of the World, in which there are sacred and everyday symbols, male and female elements, symbols of the past and the future. Each detail of the room: according to its features and location, in turn, model the World and its systems of relations. Bed or mattress: marriage. Or other sexual relations. Get out of bed: follow someone or choose your own path. Alien bed: uncertainty about one's own attractiveness. Carpet: woman. Carpet ornament should be taken into account Chair: static. Confidence. Stool: child. Buffet: woman. Opening and closing the buffet: an indication of sexual intercourse. The closet door does not close: an assumption of treason. Wardrobe: womb or mind. If it is closed: hidden mind, secret. Table: sacrificial altar. Female. Symbol of power (capital prince). Psychoanalytic dream book

Interpretation of sleep Furniture Furniture: symbolizes aspects of relationships that correlate with functional purpose furniture. Destruction of furniture: represents the desire for change. If everything is cluttered with furniture: this is an indication of a life in abundance, but with anxiety and trouble. Stone furniture: difficult relationships in the family, with friends. ABC of dream interpretation

The meaning of sleep Ebony furniture Ebony furniture. If you see furniture or other items made of ebony, it means that mutual dissatisfaction will settle in your house for some time. Big dream book

Dream interpretation Ebony furniture Ebony furniture. If you saw furniture or some other items made of ebony in a dream, mutual dissatisfaction awaits you, which will settle in your house for a while.
Furniture in a dream Furniture. To see how they bring it into the room - you will start building your own house; to see how they endure - change or illness; to have a luxurious one is a good future. Furniture dream book

Why dream of Furniture Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Furniture Dreaming furniture: denotes the organization and state of family life. To see, choose, buy new, clean, beautiful furniture: to family happiness, prosperity, peaceful life. Old, broken furniture: to illness, longing, quarrels in the house. Change furniture to the old one - to the death of a relative. Unfurnished apartment: to loss, loneliness. Take out, load, bring in furniture: to move. Rearrange furniture: to uncomfortable guests or the madness of someone close to you. Furniture or other furnishings made of ebony: a sign of an unpleasant atmosphere, tension in the family. Dream Interpretation Morozova

Dream Interpretation Furniture It symbolizes aspects of relationships that correlate with the functional purpose of furniture. The destruction of furniture - personifies the desire for change. (See also Wardrobe, Bed, Table.) If everything is cluttered with furniture, this is an indication of a life in abundance, but with anxiety and trouble. Stone furniture - difficult relationships in the family, with friends. Dream Interpretation Tutorial

Dream Interpretation Furniture Furniture (and what happens to it) - Often means the psychological state of the dreamer or his state internal organs including sex. For example, voluminous objects can sometimes point to female sexual organs, and long oblong objects to male ones (although the Freudian symbolism almost does not work, or works when it is fully accepted). Furniture in a dream is also a loss (quarrels) or prosperity (peace) in the family (broken or solid furniture). Furniture can also symbolize a specific person from the environment of the sleeping person (for example, there are such metaphors: “it is big and hard like a closet”, “it is graceful and slender like the back of an armchair”). Rearranging furniture refers to the desire for change, or directly to change itself. Specific furniture indicates narrower aspects of human existence. For example: "carpet" - fame, money, success; "bed" - rest, intimacy, illness; "chair" - place, official position; "table" - the material well-being of the family ("rich, poor table"), etc. Symbolic dream book

Dream Interpretation Furniture FURNITURE (and what happens to it) - often means the psychological state of the dreamer or the state of his internal organs, including the genitals. For example, voluminous objects can sometimes point to female sexual organs, and long oblong objects to male ones (although the Freudian symbolism almost does not work, or works when it is fully accepted). Furniture in a dream is also a loss (quarrels) or prosperity (peace) in the family (broken or solid furniture). Furniture can also symbolize a specific person from the environment of the sleeping person (for example, there are such metaphors: “it is big and hard like a closet”, “it is elegant and slender like the back of an armchair”). Rearranging furniture refers to the desire for change, or directly to change itself. Specific furniture indicates narrower aspects of human existence. For example: "carpet" - fame, money, success; "bed" - rest, intimacy, illness; "chair" - place, official position; "table" - the material well-being of the family ("rich, poor table"), etc. Common symbols of dreams

Dream Interpretation Furniture If in a dream you admire beautiful comfortable furniture, it means that you will soon enjoy life. Old, broken furniture: symbolizes a streak of bad luck in your life, overshadowed by quarrels and mutual discontent. See a lot of furniture: fortunately, new in your house Wear, move furniture: to change the apartment, chop, destroy A dream in which you cannot move furniture: means heavy monotony, stagnation in family life. Heavy, clumsy furniture symbolizes difficult relationships in the family, wicker: coldness and independent existence of spouses. If the furniture is made of stone, then family life will become a heavy burden for you. If the furniture is damaged by shashel - a secret threat to family happiness is possible, the consequences of which will not be felt soon. If the furniture suddenly breaks, this portends a temporary discord in the family. If you dreamed of a furniture set, it means that it has come for you auspicious time for large acquisitions of durable use if the kitchen set: it means you have a nervous overstrain, you need to relax, communication with nature will bring pleasure and give new strength if the bedroom set: it means that now is a very favorable time to create new connections. Seeing a wardrobe in a dream is a sign that you need to pay attention to the fulfillment of your obligations in order to avoid trouble. If in a dream you put something in a wardrobe, it means that you tend to give personal life too much attention, which can negatively affect your relationships with people. take something from it: warning: do not count on much support from laying things out in a wardrobe or looking for something: it means sad forebodings and expectations. If in a dream you admire perfect order in a chiffonier: it means that circumstances will develop in a favorable way. A filled closet: symbolizes well-being, empty. Seeing a furniture handle in a dream: it means that there will be some kind of discovery in front of you. A closet with linen seen in a dream means that worries and chores completely absorb you, with shoes. Seeing a closet with a torn door in a dream means divulging secrets. the inability to hide something in oneself. Dreaming sofa: symbolizes peace, buying a sofa If in a dream you are sitting or lying on a sofa: such a dream promises you good family relations broken or damaged sofa: a warning of imminent danger. For a girl to see in a dream how she diligently puts things in order in a chest of drawers, carefully lays out bed linen and clothes in it: it means that she will soon meet her future husband and enter into happy marriage. married woman such a dream: promises complete understanding in the family, the care of children and the help of a spouse. Sometimes a dream chest of drawers: it may mean that you may soon leave your home for some reason.

If you dreamed of rearranging furniture, it means that in reality you really want to make some innovations in your life, dream books predict. However, when interpreting why such visions are dreaming, one should also take into account what exactly you moved in a dream, where and how easy it was for you.

Gustav Miller Predictions

According to Miller's dream book, the dream of rearranging furniture does not symbolize the changes themselves, but the dreamer's desire to change something in his own life. In a dream, you started dragging the sofa, but never finished? This means the inability to complete their undertakings.

Do you see in a dream that, while rearranging a furniture set, you smeared your hands? Such a plot means a dirty laborious job, which, however, will bring quite a decent income.

What was moved

The interpretation of a dream in which you see a rearrangement of furniture can change in accordance with what kind of items you wore, dream books suggest. Here, for example, what some of them dream about:

  • sofa - to spiritual rapprochement with friends;
  • closet - to severe trials;
  • table - you will doubt when making a decision;
  • small items - to ease and good mood.

Home furnishings are a sign of luck

Do you dream that you are rearranging the furniture in your room? According to the explanations Modern dream book, rearranging interior items in your own home is a sign that you will not need to make any effort trying to change something in your life. Changes, moreover of a positive nature, will very soon come to you by themselves.

Why dream that you cannot decide how best to arrange the living room set around the room? Pastor Loff's dream book claims that this is a signal that you have doubts about the correctness of your actions. But, doing redevelopment in a room on a whim is a symbol of a happy occasion.

Updating the workplace as a symbol of personnel changes

If you dreamed that you were moving tables and lockers at work, then you can be sure that you will get a new position in the near future. Only now, pay attention to this fact: if rearranging furniture at work is a necessary measure, then you will not like new responsibilities.

And if you see in a dream that it was you who initiated the change of scenery at work, then this will be the position that you have long wanted to get.

Designer's work: From travel to disease

Enlightening why you dream of rearranging the furniture that you manage in someone else's apartment as a guest designer, Eastern dream book recommends clarifying whether you knew the owner of the house.

Since furniture is the main component of the home environment, it is not surprising that the dream book connects everything that happens in a dream with the house, family and closest people. It is in this area that one should look for an explanation of what this or that element of the interior is dreaming of.

The quality and respectability of movable property lets you know how firmly you feel solid ground under your feet. The external attractiveness of the furniture characterizes the degree of coziness and comfort that you experience while being in the family circle.

A beautiful room in which you were lucky enough to be in a dream is a harbinger of a brilliant future. The dream interpretation claims that the dreamer has nothing to worry about - the circumstances themselves will turn out in a favorable way.

According to Miller's dream book, everything that attractive furniture dreams of is associated with improving living conditions. It is not a fact that a dream means moving or acquiring real estate. It is quite possible to find design solution which will make the life of all households more comfortable.

In anticipation of novelty

A modern dream book will help you find out what you dream about, how you happened to choose furniture in a dream. According to his interpretation, the dreamer will have a considerable surprise.

When it happens to order a rack or a bed, latest dream book G. Ivanova suggests understanding the dream literally. Unexpected acquisitions and stunning news will be a real surprise.

New environment

If you dreamed New furniture is unlikely to avoid change. The new interior in the apartment suggests that the changes, first of all, will affect relationships with relatives. The new environment at work, seen in a dream, means that progress will finally begin in production affairs.

The prediction of the sorceress Medea promises wonderful changes in relations with people dear to you when you happen to buy furniture or household utensils in a dream.

If you dreamed of buying furniture, Ukrainian dream book considers this symbol very favorable, however, provided that it is made of any materials other than metal.

Miss Hasse's interpretation claims that if you dreamed about how you had to sell furniture that had become familiar and almost native, what you saw in a dream promises undesirable changes.

Variety of interiors

The cheerful and cozy atmosphere of the children's room personifies the dreamer's positive worldview. Dreamed in a dream, children's furniture encourages at least sometimes to allow yourself spontaneity and fun, without being afraid to look undignified at the same time.

A furnished room with sofa cushions, soft carpets and pouffes indicates that in the near future nothing will happen apart from the will of the dreamer. The dream book offers to enjoy rest and peace until you get bored.

The interpretation of Shereminskaya sees sacred meaning in what dreams kitchen furniture. The stove, sink, extractor hood and cooking process symbolize the meeting place of all the elements: fire, water, air and energy that gives life force.

The esoteric dream book offers to find out why there is a lot of furniture in the room in a dream, and draw the appropriate conclusions. Heaps of furniture can symbolize the obstacles that you constantly have to overcome. Alternatively, this is a ballast of unnecessary emotions and memories that you have been dragging along with you for years.

If you dreamed wooden furniture, which in reality is not in the house, the dream personifies a tense situation that requires relaxation. Perhaps a hidden conflict has been brewing between households for a long time, ready to spill out.

Change of scenery

Frequently changing furniture auspicious sign, however, only if it leads to improvement. The dream interpretation recommends throwing away old junk in a dream and replacing it with new furniture, but in no case vice versa.

If you dreamed that furniture began to be taken out of the house in your presence, in reality, minor losses or events are possible that may upset you. Improved appearance housing, a pleasing look. That is why in a dream the furniture in the house should be changed only for better ones.

The luxury of antiques

According to the interpretation of the Eastern Dream Book, deliberately expensive furniture can serve as a warning. Someone is trying to dazzle with brilliance, to splurge. In the near future, do not rush to trust strangers and think carefully before accepting a tempting offer.

The noble dream book of N. Grishina interprets in a very original way what old artsy furniture is dreaming of. His interpretation concerns the sleeper's ideas about family life. It is possible that too idealistic or old-fashioned views prevent a serious relationship.

Antique fittings in the house may also indicate that the dreamer is burdened by monotony. It can manifest itself in any area of ​​life: in routine work, in relationships that have come to a standstill, in the absence of goals and motivations.

the old fashioned way

At the same time, even in a dream, interior items that have served their purpose should not be confused with antiques. Explaining what old furniture is dreaming of, the dream book offers a slightly different interpretation. The dream personifies the cracks in the relationship, growing every day.

Often, dilapidated or broken household utensils are a harbinger of family troubles, conflicts with relatives, which, however, can be avoided if diplomacy and restraint are shown in the near future.


The dream interpretation warns that everything that the rearrangement is dreaming of indicates that it is unlikely that it will be possible to continue to roll along the knurled track. It’s better to do the permutation in a dream with your own hands: in this case, at least you will be able to control the situation in reality.

Dream interpreter Yevgeny Tsvetkov offers a somewhat unexpected interpretation. According to his ideas, the home environment is the unshakable basis of the dreamer's worldview, therefore, one who decides to move in a dream, move from place to place, rearrange sofas and cabinets, as he pleases, is capable of challenging traditional foundations in reality.

At the same time, if you dreamed about how you happened to arrange chairs around holiday table, Old dream book promises a joyful event, a pleasant adventure, prosperity.

What color to paint?

Antique ebony chests of drawers portend serious obstacles to material well-being. It is possible that there will be a difficult choice between wealth and life principles.

A room decorated in white often serves as a warning that you are too careless about your own health. It would not hurt to pay attention to the treatment of chronic diseases or their prevention.

As you can see, if you are going to paint furniture, choosing a color requires a serious approach, even in a dream. It is on him that the nature of the changes that await the sleeper in the near future depends.

Repair and maintenance

In the Esoteric Interpreter, there is an explanation of why furniture assembly is dreamed of. A dream means your desire for wholeness. If, despite the fact that you are not a professional assembler, you manage to collect and connect parts, success in self-improvement awaits you in reality.

Loff's dream book rather unexpectedly interprets what dust on furniture is dreaming of. Recently, a lover of splurge has appeared in your environment. And not for the love of art, but out of selfish motives.

If you dreamed about how you had a chance to wipe the dust from shiny surfaces, it is unlikely that a rogue can cloud your mind, you can easily recognize him and bring him to clean water.

Often dreaming of old furniture identifies interpersonal relationships in the family. But sometimes you may dream of a plot that warns that the time has come to pay for the mistakes made in the past. In which case, you should repent, and when, try to settle family relationships, they know dream books that interpret why such dreams are dreamed of. Recall the details you saw in a dream and compare the explanations of the interpreters.

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller

Miller's dream book explains quite predictably what old furniture is dreaming of. Here is his interpretation of the dream: mutual dissatisfaction, resentment and understatement will become your "roommates" for an indefinite time. This interpretation is especially acute if black prevailed in furniture coloring in a dream.

Vintage headset as a symbol of achieving the goal

Seeing in a dream is not easy old furniture, and the old one is a very ambiguous symbol, indicates Pastor Loff's dream book. If you dreamed that you were choosing new furniture for yourself in the salon, and the consultant suggested that you take a closer look at an old set that has been preserved in excellent condition, then this dream means that you will succeed and achieve a long-cherished goal.

But if you see in a dream that, for example, a four-poster bed belonging to some English queen of past years is in a terrible state, then it is better to refuse to implement your ideas and plans, since this dream means failure and disappointment in ideals.

Throwing away old furniture is a sign of a thirst for renewal.

Throwing away all the furniture in a dream, making repairs and planning to purchase another one is a sign that you are bored with the monotony that has "settled" in your house, the Wanderer's dream book broadcasts.

Although, if you see in a dream that you are going to throw away the furniture completely shabby and broken, then in this case, this promises you getting rid of negativity and envious people, the interpreter of the White Magician pleases.

And if you dreamed that you were throwing out junk, having inherited a furnished house, then this dream would have a completely different meaning. This is what you dream of arranging an old home in your own way: you are ready to let something new into life: relationships, work, hobbies - depending on what you are going to throw out.

Bring home things from the landfill, or Cherish the warmth of the relationship

What is the dream of the plot in which you buy shabby furniture from a junk dealer? You realize that you have committed some wrong, from the point of view of morality, act, and it gnaws at you, the Eastern Dream Book assures. It will be especially hard on the soul if you see that bugs are jumping out of the brought sofa.

But if you dreamed that you brought old furniture thrown away by someone into the apartment, then this is a sign of dissatisfaction with one of the household members. Do you see that you were able to tidy up the discarded furniture picked up in the landfill, giving it a pretty decent look? You will be the initiator of reconciliation.

What to expect if you saw Furniture in a dream (according to the Explanatory Dream Book)

I had a dream about Furniture - Change the old one - the death of a relative; break - a quarrel; having an unfurnished apartment is a loss.

I had a dream about Furniture (we guess from the Erotic Dream Book)

Furniture - If in a dream you dreamed of a large closet, a wall or other large furniture, the dream suggests that you will finally be able to retire with your loved ones to have amazing sex. The upholstered furniture seen confirms that there is nothing in your sex life will change, your intimate relationships are deadlocked by monotony and monotony.

Sleep furniture - you should radically change your usual sex, update it with unconventional positions and different kind sexual games. Menstruation At the moment you are losing something important, is, even imperceptibly for yourself. You strive to stop this process, do everything possible and impossible for this. But it is worth considering whether this object, phenomenon or person is really of significant value, whether it is worth the incredible effort that you spend. Let's find out what your unconscious mind thinks about this. Menstruation as something necessary appears with all evidence. Its absence speaks more about health problems than about normal functioning. female body. The unconscious part of the psyche also reasons in the same way. The presence of menstruation in a dream is a fact whose disappearance indicates changes not in better side. Still the loss of certain objects and people worries you. Nevertheless, you are forced to sacrifice this in order to put your life in a measured direction. The harsh laws of life are such that sometimes you have to sacrifice something. Often even to their own detriment. However, when you realize the need for such a step, you can already consider yourself a free person, because, as the great philosopher Hegel said, freedom is a conscious necessity. Before the interpretation of the dream, you were in a state of unfreedom, since its content remained a mystery to you. Now, when the meaning of the dream is clear, you are faced with the fact of necessity, the realization of which gives you freedom.

Why dream of Furniture (esoteric dream book E. Tsvetkov)

Furniture - Living arrangement of the sleeper; rearrange - someone's madness.

What does the Furnishing symbolize in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

Furniture - Home and family symbols. The interior reflects the model of the World, in which there are sacred and everyday symbols, male and female elements, symbols of the past and the future. Each detail of the room, according to its features and location, in turn, models the World and its systems of relations. Bed or mattress. Marriage. Or other sexual relations. Get out of bed. Follow someone or choose your own path. Alien bed. Uncertainty about one's own attractiveness. Carpet. Female. The ornament of the carpet should be taken into account (see Figures) Chair. Static. Confidence. Stool. Child. Buffet. Female. Opening and closing the buffet is an indication of sexual intercourse. Closet door won't close. Suggestion of change. Closet. Womb or mind. If it is closed: hidden mind, secret. Table. Sacrificial altar. Female. Symbol of power (capital prince).

Furniture - why dream in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

Furniture - You admire beautiful comfortable furniture - you will soon enjoy life. Old, broken furniture symbolizes a streak of bad luck in your life, overshadowed by quarrels and mutual discontent. To see a lot of furniture - fortunately, new in your house - to well-being, old - changes await you. Wear, move furniture - to change the apartment, chop, destroy - to quarrels, a thirst for change. You cannot move furniture, which means heavy monotony, stagnation in family life. Heavy, clumsy furniture symbolizes difficult relationships in the family, wicker - coldness and independent existence of spouses. If the furniture is made of stone, family life will become a heavy burden for you. If the furniture is damaged by a shashel, a secret threat to family happiness is possible, the consequences of which will not be felt soon. If the furniture suddenly breaks, this portends a temporary discord in the family. If you dreamed of a furniture set in a dream - that the time has come for you to make large purchases of durable use; if the kitchen set - you have a nervous strain, you need to relax - communication with nature will bring pleasure and give new strength; if the bedroom set is a very favorable time to create new connections. Seeing a wardrobe in a dream is a sign that you need to pay attention to the fulfillment of your obligations in order to avoid trouble. You put something in a wardrobe - you tend to pay too much attention to your personal life, which can negatively affect your relationships with people; taking something from it is a warning: do not really count on outside support; laying out things in a wardrobe or looking for something means sad forebodings and expectations. You admire the perfect order in the chiffonier - circumstances will develop in a favorable way. A filled wardrobe symbolizes well-being, an empty wardrobe symbolizes an unpleasant set of circumstances. - Seeing a wardrobe with linen in a dream means that worries and chores completely absorb you, with shoes - a sign that there is too much eroticism in your life, with dishes - a sign that you often do not have your own opinion, a bookcase symbolizes your desire for knowledge. Seeing a closet with a torn door in a dream means divulging secrets. the inability to hide something in oneself. - Seeing a sofa in a dream symbolizes peace, buying a sofa - finding a quiet life. You are sitting or lying on the couch - a dream promises you a good relationship in the family; a broken or damaged sofa is a warning of imminent danger. For a girl to see how she diligently puts things in order in a chest of drawers, carefully lays out bed linen and clothes in it, means that she will soon meet her future husband and enter into a happy marriage. For a married woman, a dream predicts complete understanding in the family, the care of children and the help of a spouse. Sometimes a chest of drawers in a dream means that soon you can leave your house for some reason.

To dream about Furniture, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

Furniture - Symbolizes aspects of relationships that correlate with the functional purpose of furniture. The destruction of furniture - personifies the desire for change. (See also Wardrobe, Bed, Table.) If everything is cluttered with furniture, this is an indication of a life in abundance, but with anxiety and trouble. Stone furniture - difficult relationships in the family, with friends.

Why is the image dreaming (according to Miss Hasse's dream book)

Furniture - Seeing in a dream how they bring it into the room - you will start building your own house; to see how they endure - change or illness; to have a luxurious one is a good future.

Why dream and how to interpret Furniture according to the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananit)

Furniture - To dream about how they bring it into the room - start building your own house - dream about how they endure - change or illness - luxurious - a good future - new - well-being - old - sadness, longing.

The meaning of sleep about Cabinets (Symbolic dream book)

Furniture (and what happens to it) - Often means the psychological state of the dreamer or the state of his internal organs, including the genitals. For example, voluminous objects can sometimes point to female sexual organs, and long oblong objects to male ones (although the Freudian symbolism hardly works, or works when it is fully accepted). Furniture in a dream is also a loss (quarrels) or prosperity (peace) in the family (broken or solid furniture). Furniture can also symbolize a specific person from the environment of the sleeping person (for example, there are such metaphors: “it is big and hard like a closet”, “it is graceful and slender like the back of an armchair”). Rearranging furniture refers to the desire for change, or directly to change itself. Specific furniture indicates narrower aspects of human existence. For example: "carpet" - fame, money, success; "bed" - rest, intimacy, illness; "chair" - place, official position; "table" - the material well-being of the family ("rich, poor table"), etc.

Furniture in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

Furniture (different, a lot) - A difficult path, a difficult situation, a pile of obstacles.

Why dream of Furniture in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Ebony furniture - If you see furniture or other items made of ebony, mutual discontent will settle in your house for a while.