DIY paper butterflies (diagrams, templates). How to make a butterfly with your own hands on the wall from paper: templates, stencils for printing and cutting, photo

  • 17.06.2019

To create a unique interior today are used different variants. Butterflies on the wall, photos of which you will see in this material - original way revive an empty wall.

The repair is over, the furniture is arranged, new curtains are already hanging, but something is missing to complete the image of the room. Paper butterflies on the wall creative idea which cannot fail to attract attention.

Creating such a decor will require a minimum of material and the availability of free time. Even if there is no suitable paper in the house, it is sold in any stationery department and is inexpensive. If you don’t want to bother with cutting out silhouettes, you can purchase ready-made stickers with a sticky base.

But fluttering beauties can be made not only from paper - there are other materials suitable for embodying the idea. This will be discussed.

Butterflies on the wall with your own hands

Butterflies as a design move are used not only to decorate walls. They decorate the frames of photographs and paintings, chandeliers and floor lamps, mirrors, ceilings. However, butterflies in the interior on the wall are the most popular option. And this is not just a beautiful element of scenery: according to the laws of Feng Shui, butterflies are considered a symbol of joy, rebirth and mutual love.

Their appearance in the bedroom will give marital relations new colors, bring back slightly extinguished feelings, kindle the fire of passion. Fluttering beauties should not be bored alone - they are glued to the walls in pairs or large groups.

For the manufacture of bright moths, different materials are used:

  1. Colored paper.
  2. Rough cardboard.
  3. Vinyl records.
  4. Starched fabric.
  5. Thin metal (cans of beer, Coca-Cola).

The sizes of the soaring beauties can also be different, it is also allowed different forms and colors. The embodiment of the idea depends on the imagination and the material at hand.

Advice! You can arrange butterflies on the wall randomly or depict a swift whirlwind. Moths can be used as a frame for any composition, for example, from several photographs.

What style is suitable for such decorations

Decorating the wall with butterflies will be appropriate in any style of interior:

  • rustic provence;
  • teeming with high-tech technology;
  • ascetic modernity;
  • stingy minimalism;
  • noble classics.

The main thing is that miniature appliqués are in harmony in color with the overall interior. Otherwise, they will look ridiculous and tasteless. Just do not need to make butterflies from paper of the same tone as the walls, they will simply merge with the background and will be almost invisible.

The following combinations are ideal:

  1. green or red moths on a beige wall;
  2. black or dark brown on a white or gray background;
  3. a combination of bright blue and bright red on a pink wall.

Preparation for work

First you need to think over the composition and make a stencil of butterflies on the wall. Photos of ideas can be peeped on the Internet, this is in case own fantasy doesn't suggest anything. Then you should choose the material, and if there is nothing suitable in the house, you will have to go to the stationery or arts and crafts store.

Moths of the desired shape and size are drawn on paper or vinyl film using a stencil. Ideally, there should be several stencils, then the figures will differ in variety. When choosing a mounting method, you need to consider some points:

  • if the moths will hang on the wall, at least until the next repair, then you can use glue to fix them;
  • if the owner of the apartment is not sure that the butterflies are for a long time, it is better to fasten them with pins or small buttons.

Advice! Having clearly imagined the future composition or drawing up a sketch on paper, you need to mark the lines of the location of the butterflies on the walls with a pencil. This will make it possible not to deviate from what was planned, which may well happen during the gluing of the elements.

Colored paper moths

This is the most common decoration option, which will require colored paper. You can use a computer program to create a sketch. Buying paper won't hit family budget, which is an important factor.

There will be no problems attaching the paper to the wall, because it is light, and the thin wings of butterflies will sway at the slightest movement of air. If the presence of moths on the wall begins to bother, they can be removed at any time without receiving material damage and without damaging the wallpaper.

By placing butterflies near a lighting fixture, you can create beautiful effect bulkiness

Bright, shiny butterflies come from old, long-read magazines. Photos of butterflies can be taken from the Internet and printed on glossy paper. In order for the applications to shimmer with multi-colored lights, they are coated with acrylic varnish with the addition of glitter. The effect is amazing! Compositions with fluorescent paint look no less tempting.

Advice! When fixing butterflies on the wall, only their middle should be fixed, and the wings should remain completely free and bent, creating volume.

Wall arrangement of colored butterflies different sizes and forms

Fabric composition and painted butterflies

If the room is finished liquid wallpaper, decor with butterflies on the wall is an ideal solution, but it is better to choose fabric as a material. Any colorful or plain patches that are sure to be found in any home will do. For fastening it is better to use PVA.

So that the edges of the matter do not crumble and fray, and the fabric is more rigid, it is recommended to pre-wet it in water with the addition of PVA glue, dry it, and only then cut out the figures.

Drawn moths look no less luxurious. To create a unique composition you will need:

  • a stencil, which is made of plastic or thick cardboard;
  • acrylic and fluorescent paint;
  • thin brush;
  • sponge for washing dishes.

Using a wall stencil acrylic paint the main drawing is applied, then the contours of the butterflies are outlined with fluorescent paint. In the dark, soaring moths will mysteriously twinkle.

Advice! You need to prepare several identical stencils and fix them on the wall with masking tape. The stencil should be removed only after the paint has dried, otherwise it may flow along the wall and ruin the finish. For the same reason, the paint cannot be applied in a thick layer.

Wall panel of bright butterflies on a beautiful turquoise background

The bright pages of the magazine will be used to make butterflies, the number of which is determined by the size of the frame - there should not be few figures, but they should not be sculpted too thick either.

First, a background is made, for which a sheet of colored paper is used or the base is simply painted with acrylic paint. You can fasten the elements of the composition with PVA glue or double-sided tape. It is better if the butterflies do not fit snugly to the base, but slightly rise above it. To achieve this effect, you need to put small fragments of foam rubber under the adhesive tape. The finished panel is framed and hung on the wall.

Beautiful picture of butterflies in pastel colors

To create a luxurious room design, it is recommended to use several techniques at once, which will be combined with each other and make the room harmonious:

  • One wall is decorated with a composition of butterflies.
  • A panel is hung on the opposite wall.
  • They attach moths to a fishing line or a colorless thread and hang this origami on a chandelier.

DIY multi-colored butterflies will replace the chandelier

Butterflies go well with flowers, small bird figurines, bees and ladybugs. If pins are used, they must be decorative (beads, beads). For fastening on wallpaper, the sharp end of the pin is bent 90 ° and driven under the paper cover. Butterflies seem to float in the air.

For such creativity, any ideas are suitable, but patience is also required. The reward for perseverance and diligence will be the unique decoration of the room.

To change or even update the look of a home, it is not at all necessary to carry out repairs. People with creativity can change the perception of the room with the help of improvised materials, for example, by making butterflies on the wall with their own hands. Children are taught from school to make decorations in the form of panels. Therefore, it is not difficult to change the habitual appearance of the walls.

What is a decoration?

This decoration looks like an applique, or rather a panel made of paper. Not only the end result, but the visual perception of the room depends on the method of making the decor. Imagine a whirlwind of flying colorful butterflies on the wall. Such decoration will attract the charging of visitors and please the eye. A panel made of rigid cardboard is not only durable, but can also be of any shape. Butterflies, made of fibrous paper, are attached in the middle and flap their wings from any movement of air.

Where to begin?

First you need to decide on the form of the application. You can search for patterns and stencils on the Internet, and then proceed to search for colors. Wall decor with butterflies should be bright so as not to merge with the design of the room.

Finished designs are usually primitive and not intricate. The advantage of homemade decor is the ability to create voluminous applications. It is necessary to prepare a layout of the future composition in any program, and then develop templates of different sizes using it.

Advice! Chasing a lot of bends and ruffles on the wings is not worth it. Subsequently, all these elements will have to be cut with scissors. You should also avoid symmetry, that is, mirror reflection of the wings. One of them may be slightly larger. This will add dynamism to the final application.

After choosing the format and quantity, you can print stencils in different sizes. The blank must be placed on a sheet of cardboard and cut along the contour.

General picture

The general shape of the picture can be any. An image of a swirl, a scattering of butterflies, which will be combined with a pattern on wallpaper, plaster or other finishing material. Another option for placing decor in the interior - the flight of butterflies from one end of the room to the other, or their distribution in groups. The formed idea must first be fixed on paper, and then the templates should be transferred to the wall with a pencil. The lines should not be bold, so that later they are not conspicuous.

Material selection

You can make stencils from paper, cardboard, film, fabric. Let's consider each of the options.


A panel of multi-colored paper is the easiest to make. Moreover, it is the most cheap option decor. This material can be replaced with glossy paper from a magazine you read. The resulting butterflies can be arranged by color into a common picture.

Important! A fully glued decoration will not protrude above the level of the wall. Butterflies that are attached at a distance will flutter their wings as the air moves.


Such decoration is more difficult to make, but it is more reliable. Cardboard quickly takes any shape and retains it for a long time. You can make the wings curved or rounded. You just need to wet the cardboard and bend it with a weight. After drying, it will take any shape. in mind heavy weight fixing such a panel will be more difficult.


You can make great colorful stencils from thick or self-adhesive vinyl. Glossy butterflies will not only sparkle, but also shimmer in the room. The manufacturing process is the same as in the case of thin cardboard. Self-adhesive film does not need any additional fastening, and the custom color is fixed on the wall with glue.

Advice! In order for the butterfly to twitch its wings, you need to fix only the central part of the workpiece.


For wall decor with plain liquid wallpaper, drapery, any base that is soft to the touch, you can use fabric. Such butterflies will fit into the interior and even improve the design. It is better to fix them completely with glue. To create a voluminous decor, you need to dilute the PVA glue with water. Very thin fabric can be wetted, cut into stencils, and then allowed to dry in the desired shape.

We fix the scenery

It is not enough just to make a panel. It must also be securely fastened to the wall:


PVA or wallpaper paste should be used if the stencil is made from paper. Just don't go overboard with the quantity.


You can use fasteners with beautiful heads, small pearls. AT wooden lining, cork, drywall pin will go in quickly. With wallpaper, you can do otherwise. You need to bend the tip of the pin 90 degrees with pliers or pliers, and then stick the butterfly under the wallpaper. For greater reliability, you can fix the pin on the Moment glue.


A stencil is attached to one side, and the other is attached to the wall. The only negative is that in the event of a break, the foam plastic will be difficult to remove the rest of the decor.


It is better to attach origami to threads. On thin colorless fishing lines, you need to hang butterflies by the eaves or directly to the ceiling. Such a solution will create a volumetric design of the room.

4 master classes

Paper master class


  • wallpaper cuttings;
  • paper for making templates;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil, scissors.

First you need to print and cut stencils of different sizes to make the result more realistic. Then attach the silhouette to the cardboard, circle it and cut it out. You need to prepare as many copies as possible.

The next step is to apply glue to the bends and attach them to the wall. The middle is pressed with a nail, and then the edges are bent. It is desirable to achieve an effect in the interior when large butterflies fly in one direction, and attach smaller ones along the edges a little further from the main flock.

Master class from vinyl records


  • records;
  • crayon;
  • templates;
  • scissors.

To make a blank, you need to mark the middle of the template on the plate and circle the outline with white chalk. Then put the foil on a baking sheet and on top - a plate. In the oven, heated to 400 degrees and put a baking sheet, wait until the plate begins to deform and remove it. This takes approximately 45 seconds. Next, you need to cut out the butterfly with scissors. Carefully, but quickly.

Important! Vinyl cools down quickly. It may be necessary to heat the plate several times.

Clay master class


  • baking molds;
  • clay (60 grams for 2.5 butterflies);
  • white thread.

You need to make blanks with a baking dish and make four holes in the middle. Bend the wings at different angles, then arrange the butterflies in a baking dish. Clay should be in the oven for 15 minutes.

Important! Under high temperature, the wings will straighten a little.

If the resulting holes are not large enough, then you can enlarge them with a knife. The edges should then be sanded sandpaper. If desired, the figures can be decorated. Poke the thread crosswise through the holes, tie a knot. Already through it, skip the pushpin and attach the butterfly to the wall.

Master class from the pages of the book


  • Old book;
  • branches, beads, decorative pearls, shells;
  • wire hangers;
  • glue, scissors;
  • twine and pencil.

First you need to attach a stencil to a page of paper and cut out two wings. Branches of bushes should be cleaned of leaves and soaked. The rods will become softer, will not break when bent. The wire hanger should be bent into a ring and wrapped with rods. After the wreath dries, you need to fix the rods with hot glue.

The body of a butterfly is made of beads, beads, pearls, which are strung on twine and fastened together with hot glue. Then you should glue the "body" in paper. The fluttering effect will be created by slightly bent wings. It remains only to attach the butterfly to the wreath.


To make butterflies with your own hands, it will take a lot of time, perseverance and different ideas. But such decor will bring bright emotions into your life. Moreover, you can decorate any decoration of the apartment with such an application.

Modular origami - butterfly (2 videos)

Butterfly interior design options (39 photos)

Major repairs of a house or apartment require decent financial investments and sometimes you really want to update the interior of your home! You can breathe newness into the design and slightly embellish it without spending money, simply by calling on creative thinking to help. One of the spectacular and inexpensive ways to decorate is wall decoration. Panels, collage, fabric paintings, paintings, drawings, butterflies ... That's just the last type of decor we'll talk about today.

After all, making butterflies on the wall with your own hands is simple, and most importantly, low-cost! You only need ready-made stickers or hand-made applications.

Fluttering beauties are widely used in the interior. They decorate ceilings, chandeliers, frames of paintings and mirrors, but most often decorate walls. It is no coincidence that they are preferred. Butterflies not only bring a special zest to the design of rooms, but, according to the canons of Feng Shui, are the messengers of mutual love and joy, symbols of natural beauty and rebirth.

Their placement in the bedroom will bring new meaning to the relationship, awaken long-forgotten romance, and be able to rekindle the fire of love. At the same time, fluttering moths should not be attached singly, they should be arranged in pairs or whole compositions.

DIY wall butterflies are made from a variety of materials: colored paper, vinyl film, thin cardboard, fabric, and even metal. They can be of various sizes, shapes, colors. As for the type of accommodation, it all depends on your imagination.

A chaotic round dance, a swift whirlwind, airy compositions, various moth figurines - the options are unlimited and are welcome in the interior in any interpretation.

Harmony with design

Butterflies will become an appropriate interior decoration in any style, whether it is technological high-tech, sophisticated classics or ascetic modern. But they will give a special charm to rooms decorated with a cute rustic comfort, in a country style. The main thing at the same time is to keep the color balance, otherwise the design will “crush” with tinsel and hint at a lack of taste.

Bright, colorful moths are the perfect complement to a monochrome interior. For example, red or green butterflies on a beige background. Luxurious decoration of light walls (white, gray, pastel) will be black applications.

Moth compositions can be kept in one color or delight the eye with multi-colored magnificence. Often the beauty of the decoration is enhanced by neon lighting, which creates the illusion of a 3D decoration. Designers recommend decorating the bedroom and nursery with butterflies. Although, if desired, they can decorate the walls of the living room.

Preliminary actions

Before you make butterflies on the wall with your own hands, decide on the appearance and material of the composition. Consider the color of the decoration, choosing it for the style of the interior. Moths should stand out against the background of the walls, and not get lost in them, merging into a single spot.

Having prepared the material you like, draw butterflies on it right size. At the same time, do not get carried away art, drawing the most complex bends and ruffles on the wings - all this will create difficulties when cutting. Also take care of the method of attaching applications to the walls - glue, decorative pins, push pins.

As mentioned above, the picture of the location of the moths on the wall may be different, but with the condition of combining the decor with the pattern on the wallpaper, decorative plaster and other interior elements. A whirlwind, scattering, flocks, clusters of butterflies in the form of a bouquet of flowers or a heart will fill the room with the freshness of spring and the desire for romance.

Having recreated in your head a clear vision of the decor, mark the main points / lines of the moths on the walls with a pencil or chalk. This will help you not to deviate from the intended pattern in the process of fixing jewelry.

Butterflies on the wall with their own hands. 7 ways to decorate:

From paper

This is the easiest way to plant fluttering beauties on the walls. The basis for the decor can be plain or colored paper. The drawing can be drawn by hand or created using graphics programs on a computer. A significant plus of this method is the low price of the material.

The paper is also easily and securely fastened, and the wings of the moths acquire dynamism, effectively fluttering from air currents. An annoying decoration can be removed at any time without damaging the design and without regretting the money spent.

The first thing to do is to make a stencil out of cardboard. By applying it to colored paper, you will outline the outlines of butterflies, and then cut them out. If you prefer bright, multi-colored moths, turn to the help of read glossy magazines with colorful drawings.

There is another option to make butterflies on the wall with your own hands - find photographs of moths on the Internet and print them on a printer. To make the decorations temptingly glow in the dark, you can cover them with luminescent paint.

Finished moths are attached to the wall with pins, glue or double-sided tape. Only the center of the layout is fixed, while the wings are left free in order to beautifully sway from air currents.

From cardboard

Butterflies made of thin cardboard will be much stronger and more reliable than paper ones. Although cutting them out will take much longer than the first option, cardboard moths will take and keep any shape you specify. The wings can not only be beautifully bent up, but also give them a rounded look.

To implement this idea, slightly wet the cardboard and bend it, pressing it down with a heavy object. After drying, it transforms into the model you need. Cardboard moths can be cut out of notebook covers, old geographical atlases, packages from under nylon tights. Since this material is heavier than paper, it is necessary to fix it on the walls in reliable ways.

From vinyl records

One of the surest ways to make the decor original is to make butterflies on the wall with your own hands from old vinyl records. They will turn out to be more voluminous and durable, and most importantly - glossy, luxuriously sparkling and shimmering under any light source.

The process of creating moths is carried out in several stages:

From fabric

Fabric butterflies will be a wonderful decoration for walls with plain liquid wallpaper, drapery or any other soft finish. They perfectly complement the concept of "warm" design and bring notes of sweet home comfort to it. In this case, the fabric is suitable for both monophonic and variegated. It is better to fix soft butterflies with PVA glue.

painted butterflies

Do-it-yourself painted butterflies on the wall look no less impressive and luxurious than the options described above. To create a drawing, stock up on the following tools:

  1. stationery knife;
  2. cardboard or plastic for stencil;
  3. brush and sponge for painting pictures;
  4. paint - acrylic or water-based, the contours of butterflies can be circled and fluorescent so that they mysteriously flicker in the dark.

Having prepared the necessary tools, think over the type of drawing on the wall and transfer your idea to cardboard or plastic. Using a clerical knife, make a stencil from the selected material. Mark on the wall the place and direction of the flight of butterflies.

Then dilute the paint and build yourself a drawing tool by attaching a small sponge cut from a sponge to the brush. After fixing the stencil with masking tape, transfer the pattern to the wall. You can remove it only after the paint has dried.

It has now become possible to transform the interior in your home with the help of improvised materials, and home-made decor elements will look no worse than finished designer products.

Because in modern interiors maximum attention is paid to natural themes, great way butterflies of various sizes will decorate any surface: panels and original compositions from such elements will help create a warm and spring atmosphere in any room.

DIY wall decor with butterflies is a very simple process, and to create such figures, you can use a huge number of materials that, if desired, can be moved to other areas of the room.

DIY paper butterflies on the wall, photo

Jewelry materials

Of course, you can limit yourself to purchased decorative butterflies, but by making the figures yourself, you can use any decorative materials which you will like.

In addition, this way you do not have to look for colors or materials of products that will be in harmony with the style and colors rooms: do-it-yourself butterflies on the wall according to ready-made templates and drawings can be made for every taste.

Before you start making butterfly stencils for decor, you need to prepare all the materials that will be useful in the process of creating butterfly patterns, cutting out figures and attaching them to the walls.

At this stage, it is extremely important to decide which materials are best suited for your room, because not all options are able to withstand the special conditions of the premises.

Butterfly stencils can be made from the following materials:

  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • adhesive backed vinyl;
  • plastic;
  • cans;
  • ordinary fabric;
  • felt;
  • capron;
  • disks, etc.

Butterflies on the wall with their own hands, photo

Paper and cardboard are considered the most common materials for creating decorative butterflies, as they allow you to create a template for a figure along the contour quickly and without special efforts. In addition, sketches from such materials are enough just paint and stick to the surface, which means that none of the steps will cause you any difficulties.

Butterfly patterns on the wall for cutting, you can draw yourself or print a finished sketch, for example, as in the photo:

Butterfly stencil on the wall - scheme, photo

In the photo below - the easiest template for cutting paper butterflies:

Stencils of simple butterflies for wall decor, photo

In addition to simple patterns, openwork silhouettes of decorative butterflies can also be made from paper. Having drawn the outline of the image, proceed to cutting holes for the air wings.

Photo of the process of cutting a paper butterfly stencil on the wall

However, cardboard and paper can spoil their appearance from mechanical stress, contact with water and steam, so these butterflies will not last long.

Decor - butterflies on the wall, photo

If you don’t want to cut butterflies with your own hands, you can purchase ready-made vinyl stickers with this form. All that remains for you is to place them on the wall in the desired sequence, creating the intended composition.

Such stickers are distinguished by their durability, but they deprive you of the opportunity to use additional decorative materials to decorate the figurines.

DIY wall decor with butterflies, photo

Durable butterflies that can hold out on the wall for a long time and retain their appearance can even be made from discs, tin cans or plastic bottles. It is enough to cut the wings of the required shape and provide secure fastening to the surface.

Fabric butterflies are quite popular. A variety of textile materials allows choose absolutely any shade for such figures, and thanks to the special structure, beads, beads or other decorative elements can be sewn onto the fabric. By the way, when combining fabric and cardboard, you can create more durable figures that will last you a long time.

Pay attention to materials such as felt. Due to the durability of the material, the wings can be molded into any shape, and your composition will be perceived more realistically.

To create butterflies, you can also use nylon: just pull it over the wire of the desired shape and secure it with threads. Such butterflies will be distinguished by their lightness and airiness.

Advice: although decorative butterflies are usually hung on the wall for a limited period of time, it is still necessary to take into account the specific conditions of some rooms. For example, for a kitchen or bathroom, it is desirable to choose materials that are as durable as possible, which are not adversely affected by moisture (for example, plastic).

As auxiliary materials, you may need scissors or a clerical knife, threads, glue, wire, as well as beads, beads, paints, sparkles and other materials for decorating such jewelry.

Features of creating decorative butterflies

To ensure the harmony of the composition of butterflies on the wall surface, it is advisable to think in advance how many figures you will need.

If you want butterflies to not differ from each other in appearance, prepare auxiliary stencils of the same or different sizes.

To create stencils, it is desirable to use durable materials (for example, cardboard or plastic).

Butterflies can be completely glued to the wall or made voluminous by bending the wings outward. Depending on the design method, plan how the figures will be created and what materials will be used to make them. Do not forget that the butterflies should stand out on the wall, and not merge with the shades of finishing materials.

Advice: when placing a large number butterflies, it is not at all necessary to observe the correspondence and similarity of the shades used: even multi-colored options will look bright and interesting. But in this case, decide in advance whether bright shades will be in harmony with the interior of the room.

Butterflies should look like real insects, so you need to carefully approach the process of creating blanks for future decorations. With the help of stencils, it will be much easier to observe the symmetry and harmony of such elements.

You should not dwell on the usual solid options: the more patterns are cut on the wings, the brighter and more unusual the resulting composition will look.

The process of creating standard decorative butterflies consists of the following steps:

  • creating stencils;
  • transferring the drawing to desired material with a pencil or pen;
  • cutting out several figures of different sizes;
  • drawing markings on the wall for the correct placement of figures on the surface;
  • gluing the central part of each butterfly to the wall or attaching figures with pins.

Advice: If you know how to fold origami, then a large number of unusual butterflies can be made in this way.

Do-it-yourself wall decoration with butterflies can be implemented in any form: regardless of the style in which you arrange the composition, such a plot will emphasize the atmosphere of spring freshness in your interior.

Decoration methods

Finished butterflies can be placed on the wall in several ways. Some prefer to be symmetrical when attaching the figurines to the surface, while others like more free and arbitrary options that mimic the real flight of butterflies.

A great way to symmetrically place butterflies on a wall is to creating a composition that starts from one point. Butterflies, as it were, fly out of one place at the bottom of the wall - and scatter throughout the room. Such compositions will look most successful if an entire wall in your room is allocated for decor.

Butterflies can place in the form of a vortex, spiral, create an imitation from a cluster in various parts rooms or generally paste in random order.

Quite often, butterflies are glued in such a way that the resulting plot matches the patterns on the finishing materials.

Advice: in order for the resulting composition to meet your expectations, draw in advance the trajectory of the "flight" of butterflies on a sheet of paper, taking into account the particular layout of the room and the arrangement of furniture.

If you do not want to spoil the surface of the wall with glue, needles, pins or other fasteners that keep butterflies on the surface, then you can implement another equally interesting way: butterflies can be sewn at different levels to a thread attached to the ceiling right next to the walls. Then the illusion of flight will be created, and Decoration Materials will not be used to ensure the desired effect.

Do not forget that the entire interior should correspond to the spring theme you have chosen. If desired, butterflies can be used as other decorative elements: it can be photos, textile materials with butterflies, used as curtains or tablecloths, etc.

Advice: attached to the back homemade butterflies a small magnet, you can even decorate the refrigerator and other interior items.

Decorating the walls with paper butterflies can be an interesting and entertaining activity for any member of your family: the ease of making and attaching such figures allows you to decorate any room in spring style.

Thanks to this idea, the interior will not only be filled with warmth and light, but will also cheer up each of you at any time of the day.


How to make a butterfly stencil with your own hands - watch the video:

Quite often, the repair of a dwelling is carried out taking into account that it will stand idle for several years, but many years of monotony can get boring or even start to strain. What to do in such a situation? It is worth giving preference to updating the interior with the help of accessories or products such as hand-made panels of butterflies.

Butterfly on the wall is a wonderful decoration, and there is no limit to how exactly it will look, what size or color. It is these decorations that modern designers began to use, creating delicate and unusual interiors. Many people in childhood carved butterflies from the most various materials. For example, from paper and fabric, napkins and even plasticine. At the moment, they can be very different and even made from vinyl records.

Butterfly panel is a flight of fancy, as well as the opportunity to create your own unusual design, from which not only the owner of the house, but also the guests will be delighted.

You can use unusual materials, create a butterfly with openwork wings and decorate them with rhinestones and beads. With such a decor, the room will be more comfortable and cozy, which is what every person needs. On the walls will fit fabulous creatures, magical and extraordinarily beautiful.

A panel of butterflies is a panel through which attention is focused in the room. Some designers use such products in order to mask the bumps on the walls, or oversights in previously completed repairs. Naturally, the effect of the panel depends only on who creates it, for example, some people prefer bright colors, while others want to make the house more calm and gentle.

DIY butterfly panel: do it yourself

Master class on creation paper butterflies is not complicated, you just have to pick up ideas and decide on the technique in which the panel will be created.

There are several ways to form paper butterflies:

  • Quilling;
  • Origami;
  • Stencil.

In addition to technology, attention should be paid to the color of the panel. As a rule, it is a bright place in the room, but should look harmonious with the overall interior. The panel should not merge with the wall and ceiling coating.

There are differences in the bending of the wings of butterflies. If the style of the room is classic, then butterflies can be with intricate curves, but for modern the most common ones.

Once the form is determined, you need to work out the sketches, the development of which is carried out using computer programs or using stencils. To make the panel bewitchingly beautiful, you need to create several sizes of butterflies. Most in a simple way the use of tracing paper for the translation of a drawing and its reproduction is considered.

If the butterflies are not symmetrical and not similar to each other, then the panel will attract even more attention, or to be more precise, with its creativity and originality.

The next step is the formation of the overall picture.

Making paper butterflies by hand is much easier and cheaper, and due to the fact that paper can be very different, for example:

  • Color;
  • White;
  • glossy;
  • Matte;
  • Velvet.

The choice is simply huge both in terms of types and shades, and therefore creating a decor with your own hands is not a difficult process.

It is not uncommon to create a panel of butterflies with their own hands using brushes and paints, as well as an ordinary album sheet.

All these materials are available and can be purchased at any store. Some use wallpaper left over from repairs or even pieces of the material from which the curtains are sewn.

You need to cut out the butterflies according to the template and with the help of scissors. In order for the butterflies to be different in size, you need to use different templates. To speed up the process, you can prepare the squares in advance, put a few pieces together, bend in half, draw a half of the body and wings of a butterfly, and cut out several insects at a time for decoration. Such cutting is carried out using the same technology as the preparation of snowflakes.

Once all the previous steps are completed, you can proceed to the formation of the picture:

  1. In appearance, it can be very different, for example, like a heart, like a spiral, a circle, an oval, or even a stream of insects.
  2. In order to visually see exactly how the panel will look on the surface of the wall, you can lay out the picture on the floor. This is how you can correct mistakes in advance and eliminate unwanted defects.

Butterflies on the wall can be located tightly, or they can be with protruding wings. For cardboard butterflies, you can soak the wings so that they are rounded, which is also very attractive.

Panel of paper butterflies: stylish decor

Creating the shape of a future panel is a special moment, which determines what effect the product will have on everyone who sees it. Naturally, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

A fairly popular panel in the form of a whirlwind, numbers, flowers, or a completely chaotic arrangement of paper insects.

Modern designers prefer to place butterflies on wallpaper with voluminous colors, thereby creating an unusual decor. The ideal option would be to apply a sketch of the panel on the wall, for which you can use pencils or chalk, which can be easily erased from the wallpaper.

Where is the best place to place a panel of butterflies

The most acceptable option is the location of butterflies on the surface of the wall, with the help of which flaws, irregularities and defects are hidden. It is worth noting that the location of the panel of butterflies on the curtains is not excluded. Designer luxurious tulle embellished with butterflies with mirrored wings is perfect option to decorate the kitchen or nursery.

In the house you can find a huge number of places where you can put panels.

For example:

  • Chandeliers;
  • lamps;
  • floor lamps;
  • Shelves.

Creation panel from butterflies (video)

A creative solution would be to embroider panels on furniture upholstery. Why not decorate the sofa and cushions with textile butterflies with movable wings? Why not make chairs have wings like butterflies? There can be a lot of ideas, but the most important thing is to maintain the harmony of the room.

Butterfly panel (photo)