Rules 1 and 2 n in adjectives. –Н- and –НН- in suffixes of various parts of speech

  • 21.10.2019

In the suffixes of Russian adjectives, there can be either one letter "n" or two. Confusion with suffixes is considered a gross mistake, and in order to prevent it, you need to remember just a few rules.

In what cases is it necessary to put "n", and in which - "nn"

First of all, it must be remembered that adjectives can be formed from different parts speech - nouns, verbs, participles.

  • Almost always in adjectives derived from a verb perfect look, a double suffix "nn" is put - "folded", "carried out". The exception to this rule is the word "wounded".
  • Double "nn" in verbal adjectives put in the presence of the suffixes "ova" and "eva" - for example, "organized". Exceptions are the words "chewed" and "forged", where "n" appears only one.
  • Also, "nn" is placed in cases where the adjective has a prefix and is formed from a verb with a prefix. For example - the word "wrapped" from the word "wrap". Exceptions apply to words with the prefix "not" - "unsolicited", "untrodden" and so on.
  • In some phrases, adjectives come with an explanatory word - for example, "potatoes baked in ashes." If there is such an explanation, you need to put the suffix "nn", but if it's just a "baked potato", then the suffix will look like "n".
  • Adjectives derived from a noun may have a stem with an "n" at the end - in which case the suffix will be "nn". The same applies to the presence of the suffixes "onn" and "enn" in the so-called denominative adjectives, especially if the adjective with "enn" comes from a noun ending in the syllable "me" (for example, "time" - "temporary").

Single spelling "n"

When is only one letter "n" put in the suffix?

  • The easiest way to remember the rule regarding short participles is that only one letter “n” is always put here. Examples - completed, installed, finished. Two "n" in a row in these and similar cases are never put.
  • If the adjective is formed from the name of a noun (for example, "clay" from the word "clay") - one letter "n" is placed in the suffixes "an", "yan" and "in".
  • For adjectives formed by verbs and for participles of the full form, the following rule applies - the suffix "n" is put if there is no reason to put the suffix "nn". We have listed the rules by which “nn” can be placed above - it will not take much time to check the word for compliance with them.

N-NN in adverbs, adjectives and participles, full and short

1. With one letter n are written:

1. Adjectives with a non-derivative stem: Red, young, blue. There is no suffix in these adjectives. Letter n included in the root.

2. Derivative adjectives with a suffix -n: winter n y(from: winter), years n y(from: summer).

3. Derivative adjectives with suffixes -an, -yang: sandy, silver (adj. with the meaning "name of a material, substance"), and -in: mouse, sparrow (adj. with the meaning of "belongings").

An exception:

wood, pewter, glass write with two letters nn.

4. Verbal adjectives, if there is no prefix and explanatory word: heat raw meat .

An exception:

Write with two letters nn words from the list:
given, swaggered, abandoned, desired, bought, seen, done, covetous, captivated, deprived, sacred, read, desperate, minted, cursed, unheard of, unseen, unintentional, unguessed

Do not confuse:

The exclusion list does not include words uninvited, uninvited, named, which are consistent with the data above. Write them according to the rule: unsolicited advice, uninvited guest ,sworn brother.

5. Short adjectives in the masculine singular form: advice is valuable - (m.p.), as well as short adjectives in all other forms, if they are formed from full adjectives with one letter n: red girl (from the full form with one letter n: red), the sun is red, the girls are red.

6. Adverbs for -O and -e formed from adjectives with one letter n: windy , neat .

2. With two letters nn are written:

1. Derivative adjectives with a suffix -n if the root of the noun ends with a letter n:autumn, spring, sleepy.

2. Derivative adjectives with suffixes -enn, -onn: literal, portioned.

An exception:

windy man, windmill, chicken pox, but windless day,lee side.

3. Verbal adjectives with a suffix -nn : korcheva nn th plot, marriage nth thing.
Figure out how the word is formed: defective←reject + nn .
Suffix -nn write in verbal adjectives formed from the generating stem with suffixes: - Eve//-ova,-Eve
: uprooted ← to uproot, formed ← to form.

It's easier to remember this way: adjectives on Eve+nn + th,ova + nn + th, eva +nn+.

4. Adjectives-exceptions from paragraphs:

1.3.An exception: wood, tin, glass write with two letters - nn .
1.4.An exception: the, swaggering, abandoned, desired, bought, seen, made, cutesy, captive, deprived, sacred, read, desperate, chased, cursed, unheard of, unprecedented, inadvertent, unexpected.

5. Passive past participles, if there are prefixes or explanatory words: a written essay, mittens knitted (by whom?) by grandmother, as well as participles and verbal adjectives formed from perfective verbs without prefixes: bought, abandoned, given (the latter are included in the list words to remember in paragraph 5 along with other examples).

6. Short adjectives formed from the full form with two letters nn(except for the m.s. singular form, in which there is always one letter n): night without moon na, advice prices.

7. Adverbs for -O and -e, formed from adjectives with two letters nn: sincerely , thoughtfully , calmly .

So, in order not to make a mistake in the exam, you need to know all the points. Be sure to include examples, because examples are examples that help you act by analogy.
Do not forget about the exceptions in paragraphs: 1.3., 1.4., 2.2.


To expand the language experience, you can refer to the rubric.
This is a constructor dictionary. Set the parameters you are interested in and get the necessary lists of words.
It is useful for you now to refer to the Proper Dictionary, as well as to the Grammar Dictionary. Don't forget, you can include parameters: "New", "Simple", "Difficult", "Important". You can add or, conversely, exclude words for grades 5-8. Create your dictionary configuration by topic tasks 14.

Spelling H and HH in adjectives

The number of letters H in adjectives depends on the suffix with which the word was formed.

If a word is formed using the suffix -Н-, doubling of consonants is obtained only when the stem of the generating word ends in N. For example: SON-N-Y, DRUM-N-Y.

If suffixes were used in the formation of a word
–AN-, -YAN-, -IN-, then you need to write one letter H. For example: GUS-IN-Y, SILVER-YAN-Y, LEATHER-AN-Y.

If the suffixes are -ONN- or -ENN-, then two N are written. For example: AVIATION-ONN-Y, STRAW-ENN-Y.

Remember a few exceptions: GLASS, TIN, WOODEN. In these words, double H is written, despite the fact that they were formed with the help of the suffix -YAN-.

Pay attention also to the word WINDY. There are no double consonants in it, since this adjective was formed not from the noun WIND, but from the obsolete verb WIND with the suffix N.

There are also a few adjectives for which this rule cannot be applied, for example: YOUNG, RUSSIAN. The fact is that these words were formed without suffixes at all. They write one H, which is at the root.

The exercise

1. From below came a rising, rising rumble, from the side - the sound of bone balls through a glass partition, behind which anxious faces flickered. (M. Bulgakov "The Devil")

2. Just think: forty kopecks from two dishes, and both of these dishes and five alt are not worth it, because the supply manager stole the remaining twenty-five kopecks. (M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog")

3. Then the bloody sun burst in his head with a ringing sound, and he saw absolutely nothing more. (M. Bulgakov "The Devil")

4. The duck's nose turned pale, and Turbin immediately realized that he was mistaken, he grabbed the wrong person. (M. Bulgakov "The White Guard")

5. The machine, having turned the first stagnant waves, went smoothly, with a thousand-headed, lion's roar and ringing filling the empty halls of Spimat. (M. Bulgakov "The Devil")

6. Having surveyed the position with an eagle's eye, Korotkov hesitated for a moment and with a battle cry: "Forward!" ran into the billiard room. (M. Bulgakov "The Devil")

7. But the woman remained adamant and sad. (M. Bulgakov "The Devil")

8. He himself, in the same bandage, but not wetted, but dry, walked around not far from a group of executioners, not even taking off his overhead silver lion's muzzles from his shirt, without taking off his greaves, sword and knife. (M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita")

9. Then, with horror, he looked into the razor mirror, sure that he had lost an eye. (M. Bulgakov "The Devil")

10. The pantser was rising with a country, unnatural speed, and Korotkov's heart sank at the thought that he would let him go. (M. Bulgakov "The Devil")

11. The man, smiling with an unusually polite, lifeless, plaster smile, approached Korotkov. (M. Bulgakov "The Devil")

12. Korotkov tried to laugh artificially, but it did not work out for him. (M. Bulgakov "The Devil")

13. With a shiny penknife, he cut the bell wire ... (M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog")

14. The car drives in vain kaze_n uy! the cat also chimed in, chewing on the mushroom. (M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita")

15. Then he hung a heavy Mauser in a wooden holster, shaking the rack with deer antlers. (M. Bulgakov "The White Guard")

16. Vaguely seen clumps of virgin and untouched lilacs, under the snow, a door, a glass lantern of an old canopy covered with snow. (M. Bulgakov "The White Guard")

17. The ruddy-faced fat cadet slammed his bed by the box and stood motionless. (M. Bulgakov "The White Guard")

18. ... the holster, probably due to the absent-mindedness of Colonel Malyshev, was unbuttoned. (M. Bulgakov "The White Guard")

19. The rifle clattered down the icy hump of the pavement. (M. Bulgakov "The White Guard")

20. A strange drunken ecstasy arose from Nikolka from somewhere in his stomach, and his mouth instantly dried up. (M. Bulgakov "The White Guard")

21. In place of a very weak and in really difficult cases, an unnecessary mind, a wise animal instinct grows. (M. Bulgakov "The White Guard")

22. Jack of Hearts climbed onto a chair, spat in Vasilisa's mustache and fired point-blank. (M. Bulgakov "The White Guard")

23. ... a golden tail and the ends of two rifles flashed on a hat. (M. Bulgakov "The White Guard")

24. There is only one illuminated place: Vladimir has been standing on a terrible heavy pedestal for a hundred years now, cast-iron black Vladimir and holding in his hand, upright, a three-sazhen_th cross. (M. Bulgakov "The White Guard")

25. He was wearing a leather jacket from someone else's shoulder, frayed leather trousers and English high boots with lacing up to the knees. (M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog")

26. And if you want to listen to good advice: pour not English, but ordinary Russian vodka. (M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog")

27. The doctor, pale, with very determined eyes, raised his glass with a dragonfly waist. (M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog")

28. Philip Philipovich woefully pointed with both hands at the window curtain. (M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog")

29. On board the most magnificent jacket, like an eye, a precious stone stuck out. (M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog")

30. The blizzard clapped from a gun overhead, tossed up the huge letters of the poster canvas ... (M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog")

31. Complete astonishment was expressed on the faces, and the woman was covered with a cranberry coating. (M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog")

32. He fell right on the table into a long dish, splitting it along ... (M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog")

33. Here, in the state library, authentic manuscripts of the warlock Herbert of Avrilak, tenth century, were found, and so it is required that I take them apart. I am the only specialist in the world. (M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita")

34. The novelist Petrakov-Sukhovey, who was dining at the next table, with his wife, who was eating up the pork escalope, noticed the courtship of Archibald Archibaldovich with the observation characteristic of all writers and was very surprised. (M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita")

35. He shifted his gaze higher and saw a figure in a crimson military mantle, rising to the execution site. (M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita")

36. But the fact is that all the time and continuously entered the sleepless floor, all new and new material. (M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita").

The exercise was prepared by R. Lozovsky and B. A. Panov (“League of Schools”).


1) Adjectives with suffixes -an-, -yan-, -in- written with one -n-: clay, silver, chicken. Exceptions: glass, tin, wood.

2) Adjectives with suffixes -onn-, -enn- written with two -n-: aviation related.An exception : windy, oily.

3) In adjectives formed from the base on -n with a suffix -n-, written two -n-:pictorial (kartin -a + n th).

Participles and adjectives formed from verbs:

two letters -n- are written in suffixes of full participles and adjectives formed from verbs:

1) if they have a prefix: sun plowed, from boiled(but: with a thoughtful boy, named brother);

2) if they have dependent words: Varnn aya on milk;

3) if the word has suffixes -ova-, -eva-, -irova-: marinated, asphalted;

4) if the word is formed from a non-prefixed perfective verb (except wounded):deprived;

In short participles, one is written -n-, and in adjectives - two (except for the masculine singular form). It is necessary to distinguish between full and short forms of passive past participles with suffixes -enn- and -nn- and adjectives formed from verbs. Compare:

educated, participle from the verb "educate"; short form: brought up, brought up a, brought up oh, brought up and educated, adjective; short form: educated, educated, educated, educated.

How to distinguish? It is possible in meaning, but it is easier to try to substitute the word ‘ more’:Masha was raised by her grandmother and Masha is educated, polite and smart. As you can see, in the first case, the substitution of the proposed word is inappropriate, and in the second, it is quite real. In addition, passive participles require the presence (at least on a subconscious level) of an indication of who performed the action indicated in the participle.

Writing one or two letters -n- v difficult adjectives obeys the general rule: plain dyed (paint, imperfect species); plain dyed (paint, perfect view).

adverbs, formed from adjectives with two -n-, also written with two -n-: went in an organized manner.

In nouns, formed from adjectives, participles and verbal adjectives, so many -n-, how many of them were in the production basis: pupil ( from ‘ educated), martyr ( from ‘ tormented) .

Two - n- are written in all words formed from the bases on -n, with a suffix starting with -n:foamy (pen-a + n-th), hexagon (six + face b + n ik).


His manners were not distinguished by simplicity, but were refinements (1) s. In the labyrinth of crooked, narrow and weak (2) streets, people were always scurrying about. The drivers argued with the loaders that the car was underloaded (3).

Manners (what?) of sophistication (1) s. This short adjective, since it can be replaced with a full form of sophistication ... th. We determine the spelling of the full form: sophistication ... th is formed from the verb to find, in which there is a prefix from-. Thus, both in full and in short form, we write two HH. Weak (2) th (what?) Streets. This is a full adjective, formed from the imperfective verb to bridge. The prefix non- does not affect spelling, there are no suffixes -OVA / -EVA, there are no dependent words either. We write one N. The machine is underloaded (3) but (what has been done?). This is a short participle, since it can be replaced by the verb underloaded. In short participles, one N is written. Thus, the correct option is answer No. 4.

In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which HH is written?

The house stood somewhat away from the forest; its walls here and there were refurbished (1) with fresh woods, the windows were painted (2) with whitewash, small porch on the side, decorated with (3) carvings, it still smelled of resin.

On the foreground the paintings against the background of figures ryazhe (1) with smeared (2) soot faces, a girlish figure in a snow-white dress with a lash (3) sleeves stands out brightly.

In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which one letter H is written?

In the painting “Kermessa”, Rubens depicted a crowd of hot (1) townspeople, desperate (2) about dancing beche (3) dance.