How to clean a concrete floor from dust. How to wash the floors after repair from white plaque: how to wash different floor covering options and suitable products for this

  • 29.08.2019

Careless builders cause a lot of trouble, one of which is concrete pollution. This material has good adhesion to metal, brick, stone, and therefore it is very difficult to remove it. If metal instruments can be washed with a high-pressure cleaner, then with finishing materials everything is more difficult.

Principles of operation of various solvents

You may have seen how builders pour some kind of liquid on the soiled areas of the surfaces, which begins to hiss. This is how acids act - the main components of modern concrete solvents. It seems that everything is simple and there is a temptation to make such a tool with your own hands, but you need to know some points.

Products designed to remove dried concrete and cement from metal tools consist of three components:

  • the acid itself, more often - mineral;
  • corrosion inhibitor;
  • water or other liquid.

Manufacturers do not always indicate exactly which acid is used in the product. The definition of "mineral" is quite broad. There can be many options and, if you make a mistake, you can not wash, but spoil the treated surfaces. Therefore, we recommend buying ready-made products and not inventing.

Acid, penetrating into the concrete layer, destroys it. This explains the formation of foam. The concentration of the main substance is selected in such a way as not to have a negative impact on the treated surfaces. But still, manufacturers recommend starting work from inconspicuous areas.

Also, concrete solvents, despite the assurances of sellers, can be harmful to health. Acid fumes can irritate mucous membranes and be a source of asthma, allergies, and chemical burns.

General instructions for use

All solvents and concrete washes are applied according to a certain scheme. There are minor nuances or restrictions in use, we will discuss this below. In general, follow the following sequence of work.

  1. Using plain water, wash the surface from dirt and dust. If possible, use a brush.
  2. Let the contaminated area dry.
  3. Apply the solution to the surface using a sponge, brush or trigger (sprayer).
  4. Wait 15 minutes (foaming intensity will decrease).
  5. Rinse the broken concrete with water.

Fresh cement milk is washed off immediately. Older stains require multiple treatments. You can speed up the process with a Karcher-type washing HP if it does not destroy the surface.

When working with solvents, follow the safety rules.

  1. Protect your eyes with goggles
  2. Protect your respiratory organs with a cotton-gauze bandage or a respirator.
  3. Wear gloves to prevent chemical burns.
  4. If working indoors, ensure ventilation.
  5. Ask the seller for a certificate of conformity for the products.

Wash concrete thinner that gets into eyes or on skin with soap and water. If you feel worse, consult a doctor, tell us what remedy you used.

Review of effective solvents.

We will tell you which concrete and cement solvents have won the trust of Russian builders. The selection is based on average cost, effectiveness, safety and a number of other parameters.

Name Solvent Description special instructions
"Lepta Himfrez" Designed for cleaning brick and concrete surfaces from limescale, cement laitance and concrete contamination. Work at a temperature not lower than 5°С. Subsequent sandblasting is allowed. Consumption 2-4 l/m 2 .
"BIO DECAP'BETON GUARD" Can be used as an alternative to products containing phosphoric acid. Designed for cleaning tools and equipment from cement deposits. Shake the canister before use. It is impossible to dilute the composition. The solution is applied with a sprayer, first to an inconspicuous place.
Barracuda 10K It is used for cleaning of concrete of any surfaces, including a tile and a brick. Also suitable for cleaning tires, car paintwork, etc. Does not contain acids. It is forbidden to use AVD for application. Not recommended for use on chromed surfaces and low quality stainless steel.
Lugato Zementschleier entferner Dissolves cement and limescale. Can be used to clean sanitary ware, including bathtubs. It is forbidden to wash marble and related materials.
EK 100 "Super" Dissolves any construction compounds based on cement. Can be used for cleaning construction mixers. Diluted in proportions, based on the destination.
"Divinol Betonloeser" Topical concrete solvent for cleaning construction machinery and tools. Do not use on aluminium, brass or copper surfaces.

Thinner B 100 T (HWR B-100) can be used to protect metal tools, equipment and formwork. It creates a microfilm on the surface and reduces the adhesion of cement compositions to various surfaces. After work, the tool can be washed with plain water to remove the remnants of the product.

First, is it cement or concrete? Many people use these words as synonyms. Who knows where the difference is?


Cement is a powder made from substances such as lime, clay, shale, sand, iron, aluminum and other materials. It is also a key ingredient used in concrete.


Concrete is the hard material that you end up with after mixing cement, sand and water. Thus, you have to clean the concrete floor of the garage, and nothing else.

Some people think they're amazing because they can keep the garage floor clean, much cleaner than, say, a neighbor's, but even they can't protect the floor from a couple of random stains that can always be found here and there.

If your husband craves a clean concrete garage floor, below are some cleaning solutions made specifically for removing stains from concrete and, of course, tips for fixing them.

Keep your concrete garage floor clean

If you have any oil stains or spilled drink, remove those first (you may have to start this process a day or two in advance). In the instructions below you will find ways to deal with stains of oil, gasoline and other deposits from the surface of hardened concrete floors.

You need to clean the garage floor from the beginning of the day so that you can put everything back in the garage by the end of the day. Before you wash the concrete floor, remove everything that can be removed from the garage, and then sweep it.

Turn the water on full power and spray it on the concrete. If you do not have a good spray nozzle on garden hose, press it down with your finger to obtain a jet of pressurized water. Start at the back of the garage and continue towards the exit.

Use a stiff, long-handled brush to clean the concrete floor after doing the above.

Difficult ground stains, for example, can be easily removed with any abrasive powder, whether it's Comet, Mr. Proper, Domestos, Pemolux, or something else, as long as the floor is wet.

Rinse the concrete floor with a hose. Delete excess water with a broom.

Recipes for Cleaning a Concrete Garage Floor

1 glass of detergent (Cinderella, Progress, Ideal, Minute, Pril, Pemosuper, Help, Fairy (Fairy), Aos (Aos), Drop, Sorti (Sorti), Forsage (Fast and Furious), Bref (Bref), Dr Max (Dr . Max), and others.) 6 liters of hot water.

Let the concrete floor dry completely before putting everything back into the clean garage. If you spill oil on a concrete floor, clean it up right away.

First, let's be clear: oil stains must be removed immediately, at all times and under all circumstances. Now you have a clean garage, keep that in mind.

We would recommend keeping a supply of paper towels on hand. They are thick, highly absorbent with just the right amount of firmness, and are great for picking up any spills.

In the event that you spilled a little oil, they will come in handy. Otherwise, use whatever absorbent material is available to clean up the spill.

Use filler for cat litter to collect the remaining oil.

If you simply rub the oil stain, some oil may remain on the surface. To remove this "little bit", use cat litter. Make sure to use crumbs, it's a great absorbent and will also help you remove any remaining oil stains.

If you are using filler, cover the spill area completely.

Leave the litter for some time, from several hours to several days, to allow it to absorb the liquid, the time varies depending on the amount of oil spilled. Remove dry debris with a broom.

Note: As mentioned above, this process can take up to several days. You may need to update the filler. You can also use sawdust or baking soda to absorb oil and gasoline.

You may have seen on the roads where the accident happened, how the tow truck drivers use cat litter to remove the oil stain from the surface of the road. Isn't it the most best review in favor of its effectiveness?

You can ask at the gas station what they use to keep industrial concrete floors clean. And they will tell you that they use fine cat litter. They sprinkle it on any gasoline and oil stains, leave it overnight, and then sweep it up in the morning.

There are a few things you could try to remove stubborn oil and gasoline stains. These methods may require repetition and take up to several days.

Detergents and water

First of all, you need to clean the concrete floor of the garage from dry dirt. Scatter washing powder over the stain, there is no need to save, completely cover the stain.

Add warm water into a bucket, dampen a stiff brush and scrub back and forth. Repeat as needed. Wipe the area and let it dry.

How to clean a concrete floor without water

Waterless cleaners can be purchased at any hardware store. Clean up the stained area, remove dry dirt and debris.

Sprinkle the waterless cleaner over the stained area (follow instructions). If the stain covers a large area or is very old, you will need to reapply the product every 5-7 days until the stain disappears.

Let's say you left your car in the garage for a few days. And while she was standing in the garage, a little oil dripped from the car onto the concrete floor.

Suppose the stain remains and has aged. After the first application of a waterless cleaner, you will notice a clear improvement. The stain will become much lighter.

We also recommend wearing a paper mask and goggles. A breath of wind is enough and the cleaning agent will turn into a small cloud of dust. You may read on the product label that it causes eye and throat irritation. You don't want to check it out own experience, believe me.

Removal of old stains

It is possible to remove an old oil stain, for this, the method of local moistening is used. You can try it as an experiment, but as a rule, there are results.

To do this, you need to use a stain remover, a stiff brush and time. Pour the stain remover onto the stain. Enough to cover the stain completely.

Then scrub with a very hard brush - something like a kitchen wire brush for cast iron pan, For example. This may take 15-20 minutes, but you will see some result, although the stain will most likely not be removed the first time.

After you've finished rehydrating the stain, dust it with a waterless concrete cleaner and scrub the floor with a stiff brush (use back and forth and left to right, alternately). By doing this, you can remove the old gasoline or oil stain.

It makes sense to repeat the procedure in the evening, leave the waterless product overnight again and then remove it in the morning.
Keep in mind that the technique may vary depending on the stain and its complexity, as well as the exposure of the stain to, say, sunlight and so on.

With these solutions, you can clean your concrete garage floor and make it look like new.

Concrete is a durable and versatile material. This is the basis and standard floor coverings. Often concrete floors are left unfinished. A concrete floor can be smooth or rough, and can be uniquely designed and painted.

Whatever type of concrete it is, in order to keep it clean and increase its durability, it is necessary to properly monitor it.

In this article, you will learn how to wash a concrete floor. It doesn't matter if it's the floor in your home or office, whether it's indoor or outdoor, if you follow the instructions below, your floor will last you a long time.

In our company you can order cleaning after the repair of your apartment.

Method one - define the strategy

Method two - maintenance of interior concrete floors

Method Three - Cleaning External Concrete Floors

Method Four - Removing Stains from Concrete Floors


Apply a special protective wax to your concrete floors every three years.

Contact the professionals of our cleaning company.


What do you think about this? What else can be added to the above?

Cleaning concrete floors from oil stains

Where does the oil come from concrete floor? What is its origin?

The thing is that the concrete floor is equipped in repair shops, garages, in closed parking lots, in production workshops, that is, where mechanisms work and vehicles move. Therefore, splashes of engine oil appear on the concrete floor, which fly out of the engine, drip from leaking oil seals, etc.

In factories where vegetable and mineral oils are made, they can spill during packaging and transportation.

But the main thing is how to clean the concrete floor of oil to stop the accumulation greasy spots on the surface?

Why oil must be removed on time

First of all, the oily floor becomes dangerous for movement. Oil (mineral or vegetable) creates a thin adhesive film on the concrete floor. On a slippery surface, any worker can fall and be injured.

Secondly, various debris and dust very quickly stick to oily puddles. Through a short time the entire surface of the concrete is outside the scope of any sanitary and hygienic standards.

Thirdly, the accumulation of oil in one place makes the room a fire hazard. Any spark can ignite. Burning oils give off a lot of smoke, which can cause severe asphyxiation.

How to clean a concrete floor from oil without breaking the floor foundation?

Proven Ways to Remove Oil from Concrete Floors

When starting cleaning work, it is necessary to take into account several important factors:

  • how long ago the oil spilled on the concrete;
  • degree of adhesion of oil to concrete;
  • the thickness of the layers of accumulated dirt;
  • extent of pollution.

After defining all important points it is easier to choose a method than to clean the concrete floor of oil.

  1. The dry cleaning method is suitable for fresh oil stains. They are covered with dry sand, cement, caustic soda, and then simply swept away from the surface.
  2. Washing off the oil with detergents or organic solvents. The washing procedure is quite long and laborious. First, the floor is poured with water and detergents or the stains are covered with a solvent, and then the oil stains are wiped off with a stiff brush and a rag. After drying, some of the spots appear again on the concrete floor. Oil tends to soak into the porous structure of concrete.
  3. A chemical wash is exactly what you need to get the desired result. Special agent for washing, it breaks down fat molecules, penetrating into the depth of concrete. Light chemical reaction does not destroy the concrete floor, but completely removes even dried oil.

Benefits of a special chemical wash

  • It has a suitable consistency for application on a concrete floor.
  • Economical to use.
  • It is completely washed off with water along with exfoliated fat.
  • Works on both fresh and dried oil stains.
  • Does not require additional disposal.
  • Simple and easy to apply on concrete.
  • Safe for human health.

DOCKER MAZBIT TURBO - concentrated industrial cleaner for all types of heavy dirt. Designed for effective quick cleaning of any surfaces: parts, assemblies, mechanisms, plastics, general building materials (concrete, stone, tile, asphalt) from various oil-fat and oil-based contaminants, fuels and lubricants, lubricants, graphite, fuel oil, oil.
Has no smell. Acid free.

Cracks in concrete appear quite often. This happens for various reasons: due to wear of the material, increased loads or improper pouring. However, it is quite possible to repair a cracked concrete floor. For this, you do not even need to hire specialists from outside. Repairing a concrete floor with your own hands is not at all such a difficult task as it might seem at first glance.

Any coating will break down over time. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor all the changes that occur and make repairs on time. In this case, the concrete floor or platform will last a long time and truly.

Stages of concrete repair

The work that is needed to bring cracked floors back to normal can be divided into 2 stages:

  1. Floor preparation.
  2. Applying fresh concrete patches over potholes.

Each stage will require care and accuracy in the performance of work. In addition, today there are many additives and special solutions that will help prepare the concrete floor for repairs, and then ensure the long life of the patches.

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Preparation of concrete floors: mechanical cleaning

Stages of repairing a concrete floor: preparing the floor for repair, applying cement to a crack.

In order to properly prepare a cracked concrete floor for the intended repair, it must first be cleaned of loose and loose pieces. This will require the following tools:

  1. Metal brush.
  2. Chisel.
  3. A hammer.
  4. Brush or broom for sweeping.

Work on preparing the concrete floor for repair is carried out in the following order:

  1. Cracks are treated with a metal brush to remove loose pieces.
  2. The problem area of ​​the floor is carefully swept.
  3. The edges of the cracks are tapped with a hammer to find places where there are hidden defects.
  4. With the help of a chisel and a hammer, cracks are filled (removal of defective edges and fragments).

Further, the sequence of actions depends on the size of the embroidered cracks. If their number is small, and the depth is not more than 5 cm, then mechanical cleaning of concrete floors can be dispensed with. In this case, the last step in preparing the concrete floors for repair will be to cover the cracks with a special compound. This is done in order to enhance adhesion (gluing) between the old floor covering and the concrete patch. Usually 3 types of compositions are used:

If dirt has eaten into the concrete, then it can be cleaned chemically or mechanically. If cracks form, they need to be patched.

  1. Acrylic primers for concrete.
  2. PVA primers.
  3. Epoxy compounds.

It should be noted that acrylic and PVA primers differ in the method of application from epoxy compounds. The first are applied exclusively on dry concrete. Filling of potholes is done only after the primers have dried. However, in the event that epoxy compounds are applied during the repair, the concrete must first be moistened. The patch is applied over the potholes before the epoxy dries. Acrylic and PVA primers can also be applied in two layers: this improves adhesion. Primers can be applied with a brush or roller.

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Preparation of floors for repair: chemical cleaning

If the number of cracks is too large or the crack depth is more than 5 cm, and the concrete surface crumbles literally at hand, mechanical cleaning cannot be limited to one.

A chemical cleaning must be carried out, which will not only reveal hidden micro-defects, but also help to avoid the appearance of a “cold joint” at the border of the old concrete floor and the new patch.

Diagram of the section of concrete to be removed.

It should be noted that tension always arises in the “cold joint” area due to difficulties in redistributing the load from upper layers concrete to the bottom. This greatly shortens the life of the patch. Chemical cleaning(or chemical milling) of the floor with your own hands is performed using special formulations. The most famous of them is "HIMFREZ Cleaner".

It should be noted that it is always used in conjunction with "HIMFREZ Activator", which is applied after the cleaner and enhances the setting between the old concrete and the fresh concrete patch. The first composition is designed to open concrete micropores, identify microdefects and remove the surface film, and the second to improve adhesion.

When using the activator, it is no longer necessary to cover the concrete with primers or epoxy compounds. Before starting the chemical treatment of concrete floors, you must first make a complete mechanical cleaning of the floor. It should also be noted that all work with the compositions of "HIMFREZ" must be carried out in compliance with the rules of technical safety. To do this, you will have to stock up in advance with a mask, glasses, a hat and work overalls. During operation, contact with the skin or mucous membranes should be avoided.

After mechanical cleaning applied to the crack "Himfrez"

After mechanical cleaning, “HIMFREZ Cleaner” is applied to the cracks. This is done with a brush. Then you need to wait exactly 1 hour, then quickly walk along the edges of the cracks with a metal brush.

If pieces begin to separate from the concrete, this means that there are many microcracks in the concrete that this composition has opened. In this case, you will have to re-treat the defect area with a cleaner. Then you need to wait another 1 hour and immediately start applying "HIMFREZ Activator" to the cracks. 1 hour after applying the activator, you can immediately proceed to the next stage of repair - patching.

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Concreting floor cracks

To perform this stage of repair, you will need the following tools and auxiliary materials:

The scheme of repairing a crack in the seam.

  1. Ready frames for cracks.
  2. Container for mixing cement-sand mixture.
  3. Sandpaper (large grit).

It should be noted that crack frames are usually made of wooden slats, with a face no larger than 2 cm. The dimensions of the frames should be 2-3 cm larger than the cracks on each side. The process itself will not take long. First, a cement-sand mixture is kneaded. As a rule, the ratio of cement and sand is either 1:3 or 1:2. A mixture of 1:3 is used in cases where additives are added to cement that increase the wear resistance of the mixture. However, if you do not plan to use additives or plasticizers, it is better to choose a cement to sand ratio of 1:2.

The cement itself must be M400 or M500, otherwise the patches on the potholes will not last long. When mixing the mixture, attention should be paid to the details. Sand is desirable to choose fine or medium fraction, clean, without lumps and random large fragments. The water for mixing the mixture must also be clean, without the slightest impurities, as they lead to cracks in the supplied patches. However, too much water should not be added: the patch mixture should not drain from the shovel, but fall off it in large fragments.

In order for the repaired floor to last for a long time, reinforcing elements such as fiberglass or fiberglass can be added to the patch mixture. Both 900g and 600g fiber packs are available on the market, so purchasing a small amount of fibers is not difficult. When reinforcing fibers are added to the cement-sand mixture, the service life of the patches, their resistance to abrasion and impact resistance increase significantly. In addition, a plasticizer (complex additive) can be added to the mixture. For example, M5Plus, which is well combined with a reinforcing fiber and provides increased wear resistance of patches. The sequence of work when applying patches during repairs is as follows:

  1. Setting the frame.
  2. Application of cement to the area of ​​cracks.
  3. Removing the protruding upper part of the patch with a grinder (grinder) or sandpaper.

Removal of the protruding part of the patch should be done only after the cement has completely set. Considering that the thickness of the patch is relatively small, it is quite enough to wait 7 days and then process the patch with a grinder or sandpaper.

After the repair of the floors with your own hands is completed, you can walk on the floors with compounds that help protect concrete from corrosion. This procedure is called concrete dedusting. It uses thin-layer protective compounds(Elanor-PU, Neomer-LP, Amphora-formula) and polymeric protective compounds (Retroplay, Elanor-ED Primer, Elast-Pu). All of them are applied with a brush in 2 layers. The dust removal will help to further increase the service life of the repaired concrete floors. If desired, the delivered patches can be even more durable than the base on which they are placed.