How to wash interior doors from dirt, and how to varnish them. How to wash greasy stains from interior doors How to clean pvc doors

  • 27.06.2020

Very often, unattractive greasy spots appear on MDF doors, especially in the kitchen. It is problematic to remove traces of grease from wooden doors, because MDF and wood are materials with microscopic pores, into which grease penetrates very deeply. But still there are several ways to wash the canvas.

Operating procedure

Even touching the door seems to be with clean hands, can be left with time pollution. Therefore, interior doors, especially to the kitchen, should be washed at least once a month.

Greasy traces must be removed immediately, as dust sticks to the fat, the stain becomes larger, the doors begin to deteriorate.

Surface preparation

First you need to get rid of stains of dirt and dust. This will greatly facilitate the process of removing greasy marks. As a rule, in this case, it is enough to simply wash the canvas with warm soapy water and a rag. But when washing the canvas, the water should be removed immediately so that the door does not deteriorate. After washing, the doors are dried with a cloth, wiped dry.

When the surface is ready to remove greasy traces, choose a cleanser and get to work.

The cleaning solution should not be kept for more than 5 minutes. Any of the products used, with prolonged exposure, can ruin the MDF - it will leave light spots or other unattractive marks.

Many housewives, after washing MDF doors, dry them with a hairdryer. This is much more reliable than wiping the canvas dry with a cloth.

In the care of MDF doors, do not use abrasive cleaners and products with chlorine. Even washing powder can ruin the fabric. Also, metal scrapers or abrasive sponges should not be used, which will inevitably leave scratches on the surface.

Improvised means and household chemicals

There is no need to run to the store and buy expensive detergents. Sometimes unexpected products will help clean the doors of oily stains. For example, potatoes.

Raw potatoes should be cut in half and rub the dirt with the side of the cut. The juice must dry completely. After that, the canvas is wiped with a dry cloth - all stains will go away. This method is ideal if the greasy traces are already very old. If ugly stains remain after cleaning, then they are disposed of by sprinkling talcum powder. A little powder is applied to a napkin and wipe the treated area.

Dishwasher contains active ingredients specifically for cleaning grease. It will also help to wash the MDF sheet. per liter warm water a spoonful of gel is dissolved and the soiled area is wiped with a rag. After removing the grease, wipe the doors with a polish so that there are no streaks left.

If the doors are not painted, then it is worth trying to clean them of fat with homemade paste. To do this, white cosmetic clay is mixed in half with vinegar, and the contamination is rubbed with gruel. When the paste dries, it is washed off warm water. For these purposes, it is best to use white cosmetic clay, which is sold in every pharmacy and costs a penny.

Laminated doors are somewhat more difficult to clean. Stronger substances will help here. Can be used:

  • Clean table vinegar
  • Ammonia in its purest form
  • Acetone or acetone nail polish remover

Soak a cotton swab with the selected liquid, and then gently wipe off the dirt. If there is a pattern on the doors, then first the selected product must be tested from the bottom of the canvas so as not to spoil the decor. Solvents can also be used for these purposes, but they must be tested before starting work.

A great way to quickly remove grease stains from doors is a simple one. baking soda. It is very simple to use the product: 3 tbsp is diluted in 200 ml of warm water. l. soda. A clean kitchen sponge is wetted in the working solution and the soiled area is well wiped with it. The remaining soda is removed with a wet cloth.

A trouble-free way to quickly remove traces of fat from MDF is lemon acid. To do this, dilute 2 tbsp. l. acid in 200 ml of water, soak a cotton pad in the solution and gently wipe off the greasy stain.

It happens that it is necessary to wash wooden doors covered with veneer. A veneer is a thin slice of wood covered with MDF. The price of such a door is low, but it looks just fine. Do not use harsh chemicals to clean the veneer sheet. In this case, a soft polish with wax is used.

You can also remove greasy stains without a trace from the MDF canvas with the help of medical alcohol or even vodka. A napkin is wetted in the substance and the pollution is wiped off with it. After cleansing, the treated area should be washed clean water and dry.

If only a window cleaner is at hand, then you can clean the MDF with it. A little product is sprayed directly onto the stain, and then the grease is immediately wiped off with a cloth. If it is not possible to wash greasy contaminants the first time, then the procedure must be repeated again. In conclusion, the doors are wiped with polish.

Ordinary vegetable oil It also helps to remove greasy stains and clean the doors. A cotton pad is soaked in oil, and then the stain is vigorously rubbed with it. You need to rub until foam appears. Then the treated area is wiped with a dry cloth. The next step is cleaning with vinegar. To prepare it, you need to dilute table vinegar 1: 1 with water. Those places on the doors that have been cleaned are additionally wiped with vinegar solution. It remains only to wipe the canvas with a dry cloth, and the door will be as good as new.

Sometimes a simple school eraser can help in the fight against grease stains on the doors. It is used as usual - the stain is wiped off. But first, it is recommended to carry out the procedure on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe door in order to understand whether the eraser will damage the canvas.

To date, the most popular material in the production of doors is MDF, or finely dispersed fraction. More plain language- slab of wood chips small size. If such material becomes contaminated with grease, methods for effectively removing it will differ depending on the type of external coating. Find out how to remove oil stains from MDF doors, which folk remedies are suitable for a specific door covering, which brands household chemicals for this purpose are currently on the market. To begin with, you should arm yourself with knowledge about the types of external coating of MDF.

Materials used for lining MDF doors

There are only five types of them - natural veneer, eco-veneer, PVC film, laminate and enamel paint. The first two types are a thin layer of wood that retains its texture. They are the most expensive types of door coverings, and, in fact, are natural wood that requires appropriate care.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film is one of the cheapest types of cladding. Its feature is increased moisture resistance, which should be considered when cleaning. She happens different colors including drawings.

Laminated doors are similar to PVC cladding. The difference is the production technology - the laminate consists of two layers. The bottom one is printed paper, and the next top one is a film that protects the base. This type of coating can be cleaned with household solvents without fear of damaging its structure.

Enameled doors are widely used in the furniture market. High-strength paint is distinguished by a variety of colors, and application technology in several layers. As a rule, in addition to this, the lining is covered with a protective varnish. This structure allows the cleaning of painted doors by almost any means. Consider how to remove stains from doors of different types of cladding.

How to remove grease stains from veneered doors

Since veneer is a natural layer of wood, no abrasive materials or harsh chemicals should not be used. From household chemicals, you can use the brands "Shumanit", "Domestos" or "Silit". Apply them to a soft cloth and gently wipe the surface contaminated with grease.

There is an effective folk remedy on how to remove greasy stains from doors. It consists in using ordinary potatoes and talcum powder. If the latter is not available, you can use baby powder. The potato is cut into two halves. The place of the incision should be carefully wiped areas with fat. Wait ten to fifteen minutes for the potato juice to dry. And then remove the dirt along with the starch with a dry cloth. The resulting white stains are easily removed with talc or baby powder.

As a tip: it makes sense to cover newly purchased veneered MDF doors with a polish that will prevent the formation of grease and dirt.

How to clean grease from MDF doors with PVC outer coating

Polyvinyl chloride film is perfectly cleaned with folk remedies. Consider three recipes. An effective solution is a mixture of liquid soap and plumbing cleaner, which is mixed in equal parts. Then the resulting liquid is applied with a soft sponge to the contaminated areas, and left for ten to twelve minutes. After that, it is wiped with a dry soft cloth.

As another folk recipe how to remove greasy stains from the door, a mixture of soda and sunflower oil is used. You need to take both substances in the amount of three teaspoons, and mix well until a slurry is formed. She will clean the door covering. How effective is this method? Sunflower oil forms protective film on the door, and soda, being a light abrasive, will clean out greasy drops.

How to wash the doors of grease stains using baking powder, the third will tell folk way. You need to take four to five teaspoons of baking powder, and pour them with warm water. The resulting solution is applied to the contaminated areas with a damp and soft cloth, and then left for approximately ten to fifteen minutes.

Learn how to clean grease stains from laminate doors using laundry soap and alcohol in the next section.

How to Remove Grease and Dirt from Laminate Doors

An alcohol solution is made from a ratio of one part alcohol to nine parts water. A napkin urinates in it, fixed on a dirty area for five minutes. Then this place is wiped with a dry soft cloth.

How to remove greasy stains from the doors, if not with the help of laundry soap? It in the amount of fifty to sixty grams should be rubbed into shavings, which is poured with warm water. Soap fat should be seventy-two percent. The resulting slurry is applied to contaminated areas. This method is simple and effective. However, all manipulations must be carried out quickly in order to avoid moisture absorption into the laminated surface.

The door laminate is well cleaned and household products. For example, you can use the Pronto tool. This furniture polish effectively removes all types of dirt and stains. A melamine sponge is also great for cleaning. You need to wet it, wring it out, and just wipe the contaminated areas.

How to remove grease stains from the doors so that they are not visible? Modern stores offer sets of special pencils and pastes for this purpose. They are able to hide any type of dirt on the laminated surface.

Advice: Do not use any abrasives to care for the laminate, as they may damage the door lining.

How to clean grease from enameled doors

As a rule, all MDF interior doors painted with enamel are covered with a protective layer of varnish. Therefore, the use of abrasives for cleaning is questionable. It is better to use safer folk methods.

How to clean the door of greasy stains using an ordinary lemon? Very simple. It should be cut in half, rub one half of the contaminated area, and wait ten to fifteen minutes. And then rinse with warm water.

Another solution to remove grease stains from doors is a mixture of dishwashing liquid and citric acid in the amount of fifteen grams. It is additionally diluted with warm water in the amount of a teaspoon, stirred and applied to dirty places.

For cleansing, you can use soda, which dissolves in a mouthwash. Mixing proportions are the same. Such a mixture removes greasy stains on the doors well, but you should know how to remove them effectively and with what materials. It is better to use napkins for this purpose both for wiping itself and for subsequent cleaning of the door from the solution.

Not everyone puts MDF doors in their homes. Some also purchase natural wood. How to clean a wooden door from greasy stains - the next section of the article is devoted to this issue.

How to clean grease from natural wood doors

For maintenance, use only those cleaning agents that do not have abrasive properties. It is strictly forbidden to use soap solutions and washing powders, as they contain alkali. Do not rub wooden surfaces with abrasive sponges. Depending on the type of tree, the methods of care will also differ.

How to clean wooden doors made of mahogany and other valuable species from greasy stains - the use of burdock oil, vinegar or wax will help in this matter. They should be diluted in warm turpentine and wipe the wooden surface with this solution using a soft cloth.

How to wash greasy stains on an oak wooden door? Oak furniture is perfectly cleaned with a mixture of twenty grams of wax, one glass of beer and one teaspoon of sugar. It is brought to a boil, cooled, and then applied with a cotton swab to contaminated areas. After drying, wipe with a soft cloth.

How to wash grease stains from walnut wooden doors? Grease and dirt are easily removed with a mixture that includes olive oil and red dry wine in equal proportions.

But no matter what material the door is, it is important to remember some principles of purification.

The nuances of cleaning greasy dirt from the doors

When caring for door coverings, it will be useful to follow the following few rules and tricks:

  • before washing grease stains on the door, examine its coating, read the manufacturers' recommendations for cleaning it;
  • always when using a new cleaning agent, apply it first to an inconspicuous area;
  • if you suddenly purchased a low-quality MDF door, and it cannot be cleaned of greasy stains in any way, do not rush to get rid of it - use a self-adhesive film to hide traces of contamination;
  • it is better not to use harsh abrasive cleaners and metal sponges that can severely damage any door surface;
  • to clean the applied solutions, it is better to use soft, slightly damp cloths or napkins;
  • before washing wooden doors from greasy stains, always consider the characteristics of the coating, and in some cases it is better to refuse the use of solvents.

In conclusion, we can say that cleaning the doors of dirt and grease is actually very simple and does not require significant time expenditure. The main thing is to do it regularly and according to the proposed methods. Now you know how to remove grease stains from MDF doors. And if the tree is natural, then the use of various care oils can not only clean it, but also improve it. appearance.

Only with proper and systematic care will your doors be able to retain their original appearance for as long as possible. Of course, like any other furniture, and especially products from natural wood, the doors need careful treatment.

How can you clean wooden doors?

No matter how often you clean the house, no matter how clean you have, these interior doors still get dirty over time. A greasy coating appears on them, since there are always a lot of impurities in the air, dust settles. In any case, you see that it's time to wash the doors. What is the best way to do this?

Of course, there are many special cleaning products in stores, but you can probably do without them. At least it's worth trying. So, you will need a common pure water, if this is not enough, then make a weak soapy solution, or add alcohol to the water. Before wiping the door, the rag must be wrung out well.

If just water does not help you, then take a soapy solution. It does a great job with light dirt. If the stains are already quite noticeable on the door, then turn to the alcohol solution. This recommendation will be especially useful to those who have chosen such a solution, i.e. put doors in their house white color. Indeed, on such doors, any pollution will immediately be evident.

It must be remembered that in both the first and second cases, you initially take a soft rag, moisten it in a washing solution, wring it out, wash the door with it, and then carefully wipe it with a dry rag. The door should not sour and get wet. Do not wash the door washing powder, like any abrasives. If the method described above did not help you, then it is better to purchase a beeswax polish in the store and clean the door with it. This tool works great for both lacquered and unvarnished wooden doors, while all the dirt simply dissolves and the surface is not damaged. But that's not all, such a polish is able to remove small scratches on wooden surface. It creates a protective film on the surface, which in turn protects the wood from dust, grease, drying out, but also significantly improves the appearance and shine of the door. Yes, the polish is not the cheapest tool, but nevertheless it will last you for a long time, and in terms of quality it is worth it.

Even if your door is outwardly clean and without damage, you still need to clean it at least once a year. This will help keep the door new for many, many more years, and it will bring joy and comfort to you. After all, the door is the same part of the interior, which affects the whole mood in the house, the whole appearance, and is largely able to show the character of the owners.

Keywords: How to clean a wooden door, Basic cleaning methods, How to clean wooden doors, interior doors, how to clean, alcohol, water, polish, soap solution, white doors, white doors, color

Returning the doors to their original cleanliness and neatness is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. If greasy spots appear, then it is not necessary to change the canvases. We will figure out how to remove from interior doors pollution.

PVC doors

If a material such as PVC is contaminated, then the following will help to remove greasy stains:

  • liquid soap;
  • cleaner for toilet bowls, bathtubs and sinks;
  • sponges and rags.
  1. Mix equal proportions of liquid soap and sanitary ware.
  2. Apply the solution to the stained area. While carefully rubbing it with a sponge.
  3. Leave to stand for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Wash off with plenty of water.
  5. Wipe dry.

In this way, you can remove all traces of stains without spending a lot of time.

Doors from chipboard

This material is considered the most accessible. Hence, many people have many problems as soon as the first greasy spots become noticeable. It is difficult to wash off the dirt in this case. It is worth remembering that the material cannot be rubbed strongly, as upper layer- paper.

Try this method on an inconspicuous area first. Look at the reaction of the material to alcohol. If everything is fine, then feel free to proceed with the cleansing.

Higher quality laminated sheets can be cleaned with a household solvent such as ammonia or acetone. To do this, you can carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Wet the sponge with the solution.
  2. Apply to stain.
  3. Keep for 3-5 minutes.
  4. We wipe this place with a dry soft cloth.

Remember that when removing stains, you can not keep it for a long time wet wipe on the door. The waiting time should not exceed 5 minutes.

If dirt appears, then acetic or citric acid will help to remove it. Coffee and various beverage marks can be cleaned with the following working solution:

  • 3 art. l. baking soda.
  • 200 ml of water.

Prepare the solution and gently wipe the stains with it. Dry thoroughly with a hair dryer.

If there are traces of wax or chewing gum on the doors, then washing them is not difficult. To do this, do the following:

  1. Dry the contaminated area.
  2. Remove wax or chewing gum with a special scraper.

Such manipulations should be carried out carefully so as not to damage decorative coating doors.

stains from paintwork materials delete folk methods not worth it. To do this, it is better to purchase professional tools.

MDF doors

If old greasy stains are found on the MDF door leaf, then do not rush to spend your money on expensive substances. Every home has raw potatoes. And then everything is simple:

  1. Cut the vegetable into two halves.
  2. Use the cut side to wipe stained areas.
  3. Wait for the potato juice to dry completely.
  4. Wipe the area with a dry cloth.

If there are small stains on the MDF doors, then prepare talc or powder. Apply the product to the fabric and gently work the fabric.

Fresh grease stains from MDF doors can be washed with a solution that is prepared as follows:

  • a little dishwashing detergent is poured into the bucket;
  • some warm water is added;
  • the product is thoroughly foamed with a sponge.

The solution wipes all greasy stains. Afterwards, we recommend rinsing the door with clean water and wiping it dry.

If the door leaf had glossy surface, then after washing, treat it with polish.

Unpainted wooden doors

If contamination is found, then they can be washed off using a special paste, which is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • White clay;
  • vinegar.

The solution is diluted to the consistency of a thick slurry and applied to the stained area. Be sure to let the mixture dry completely. Next, remove it and rinse thoroughly with water.

Lacquered wooden doors

If you notice greasy spots, then a new varnish treatment will help to give the product its original appearance. To do this, you will have to remove the door and remove the old coating. You can do this in three ways:

  • flush;
  • heat treatment;
  • mechanical method.

At home, it is better to use the first method. To do this, you need to take several steps:

  1. The wash, which you need to buy in the store, must be applied to the entire surface of the door. Each stroke should be applied in the same direction.
  2. canvas wrap plastic wrap. We stand for about 4 hours.
  3. Remove the varnish with a spatula or sandpaper.
  4. Rinse the rest of the product with vinegar diluted with water.

After that, you can apply a new layer of varnish.

The considered methods will help remove greasy stains on the doors and give them their former beauty.

One of the most common problems after repair is mounting foam that has dried on the door. It is quite difficult to clean it, as the substance quickly sticks to the surface. What and how to remove mounting foam without damaging the door?

Design features

Methods for cleaning the door from "installation" and traces of whitewashing depend on the material from which the structure is made. Doors can be:

  • wooden,
  • made from MDF
  • plastic,
  • metal,
  • glass.

Most often, wood or MDF are used as materials for the door. With cleaning wooden products there are no particular difficulties. But MDF structures can have different kind coatings: paint, film, veneer, laminate, etc. Doors with a veneered surface require especially careful care.

Some coatings, such as lacquered and painted, can deteriorate due to the use of a solvent, so you need to be careful when resorting to chemicals.

Foam cleaning methods

Mounting foam dries quickly, so the sooner work is started, the more likely it is to clean the door without leaving a defect on it. In order to wash fresh mounting foam, a special washer or solvent is used.

It is much more difficult to clean the dried traces of foam. You can do this in the following way:

  1. Trim the remaining foam as close to the door covering as possible.
  2. Cover it with a solvent, a special remover or vinegar. When the foam is wet, try to clean the dirt using a scraper or a hard sponge.
  3. For greater effect, use a scraper that is harder than foam but softer than the surface of the door. Clean up traces of foam until you get rid of them completely.

How to clean whitewash marks

Another urgent problem after repair is cleaning stains from whitewash, as a result of which muddy stains appear on the surfaces. If the door is glass, you can wash the drops of whitewash with a regular glass spray. To remove contaminants from metal or wooden structure, you need to "arm yourself" with a soft cloth and a bucket of warm water. This process is slow, but effective - the stains are completely wiped off the coating.

How to wash grease stains

The process of installing new doors is not complete without the use of technical oil for lubrication door hinges. After that, greasy spots may appear on the surface. Starch is the most effective "tool" to combat such pollution. Both dry starch and regular raw potatoes will do. Cut the vegetable into 2 parts and rub the cut side of the greasy spot so that the potato juice is absorbed.

Another alternative way clean greasy marks on the door - baby powder, which contains talc.

You can also use ordinary soapy water. But be careful with MDF coatings, which can deteriorate from an abundance of moisture.

Acetic acid too good helper in the fight against greasy stains. The greatest effect can be achieved if a composition of clay and vinegar is applied to the pollution. After that, it remains only to clean the mixture with a slightly damp cloth.

How to clean paint

The most effective and popular means for removing paint stains is a solvent. However, you should not use it to clean dirt from MDF - it is better to apply alcohol to the surface, and then carefully remove the remaining paint with a blade. Even greater difficulties arise when washing stains from frosted glass.

If it is sandblasting, then you can use a conventional solvent. To clean the glossy surface from dirt, a special scraper is used. Least of all problems arise with the removal of traces water-based paint which can be easily washed off with plain water.

How to wash the primer

A lot of difficulties arise when washing the primer from the door leaf, since this composition dries quickly and immediately eats into the coating. Methods for removing primer stains are as follows:

  • cloth dampened with water (for fresh dirt),
  • vinegar solution,
  • soda,
  • glass or tile cleaner
  • ammonia.

In order to soften dried stains, polyurethane foam or a fresh primer are also used.

Methods for cleaning plaster

Dealing with plaster stains on MDF surfaces is quite simple. All you need is a rag, water and a scraper. Avoid getting water on the door so that the coating does not deform.

When the putty softens, start washing off the dirt with the hard part of the sponge, if it does not come out, use the blade and scraper. Also for this purpose, you can use a small sandpaper.

Difficulties arise when washing putty stains, which include polymers. It adheres well to the surface and in this case it is impossible to do without mechanical action. To soften stains, polyurethane foam is also used.

How to clean frosted or glossy glass

During the repair process, construction waste can get on the glass elements. How and how to remove dirt from frosted or glossy glass on the door?

The glossy surface of the glass can be washed with a conventional glass cleaner. For this purpose, something that is always at hand in the house is also suitable - citric acid, vinegar, alcohol solution.

To clean frosted glass, in addition to the usual glass cleaner, you can use a special caring composition that gently removes stains without damaging the glass structure.

Regardless of the material from which the door is made, try not to use strong chemicals and abrasives.