Do-it-yourself drawings and manufacturing technology of wooden blinds. How to make wooden blinds with your own hands? Advantages and disadvantages of the product Do-it-yourself wooden blinds for windows

  • 20.06.2020

When arranging the interior and creating a design, there are no boundaries for fantasy. I want your home to be cozy, comfortable and unusual! The first thing you see when you enter a room is the window! Therefore, protection from bright daylight should be not only comfortable, but also beautiful.

The aesthetic appearance of the window is the key to comfort in the room. Of course, curtains are a familiar piece of furniture for everyone! They are usually expensive, crumple, quickly gather dust.

There is a great alternative to curtains - blinds! You can buy them at any store or market, but it is better to make them yourself, there is nothing complicated in making them!

Materials for the manufacture of blinds used a lot: paper, fabric, plastic. In wooden execution, such curtains look best. But the main advantage of wooden blinds is naturalness and ease of care.

Woods that are more suitable for sun protection are cedar, beech, linden or bamboo. Mahogany or cork looks unusual.

Blinds can be both horizontal and vertical, they can be adjacent to fabric curtains and complement each other. The tree will suit any style, so these blinds are universal, but more often they are installed in private houses or cottages. Although in the apartment such an environmentally friendly element of the interior will not be superfluous.

In order to make blinds you will need:

1. Good mood

2. Wooden planks

3. Self-tapping screws and drill

4. Varnish and stain designed for wood

5. Cord, rope, thread

First you need to decide where the blinds will be attached - above the window or in the opening itself. The first option is suitable for spacious rooms, as it visually steals the space of the room.

  • We make accurate measurements of the window. If the plates are made independently, they must first be sanded, varnished and stained.
  • In the finished dried planks, we make three holes with a drill, we thread the cord into the side ones, with a margin of 40 cm
  • We put a cord into the central hole (double the length of the window)
  • We fix the cord securely on the last bar
  • We begin to mount the rest. Every 4 cm we tie a knot (larger than the hole in the bar) and put it on one by one wooden elements on the cord.
  • We throw the upper end of the cord through the main upper mount and pull it to the bottom, we fasten the latch or bead - this is the regulator for raising the entire blinds
  • The entire canvas is attached to the base by the side cords.
  • Blinds are ready! It remains only to enjoy and regularly brush off the dust.

Such blinds will be relevant on any window, even on a modern plastic one. They will reliably protect from the sun and let you through without obstacles. Fresh air into the room. Drilling glass is not necessary! There is a tricky way to attach them to a snow-white window neatly and without unnecessary holes. You will need:

  • bracket
  • Double-sided tape

The bracket securely clings to the marked places on the top of the opening sash. A strong cable is stretched between them, which will not sag, and the entire structure is attached to it. The window will open quietly, and the window sill will remain free.

Wooden blinds are lightweight, they can be glued on double-sided tape. They will hold tight, just before attaching the tape, degrease the surface of the profile with acetone.

If you decide to hang blinds in the winter, then before installation you need to warm up the place under the adhesive tape with a hair dryer, it will not hold on to cold plastic. Following these simple rules, the blinds will hold tight and delight you with their presence on the window for a long time!

Create comfort and beauty in the house with your own hands, you only need a desire and a little patience!

See also helpful video video about the advantages of wooden blinds


Blinds are a simple device that reliably protects the room from the penetration of bright rays of light. If you decide to decorate the interior of windows using a similar product, then best material to make blinds will be wood.

And it is not necessary to buy ready-made wooden blinds, because you can make them yourself.

How to make wooden blinds - you will learn from our article.

Stage I - Production of wooden blinds: preparatory work

Wooden blinds - great protection from the sun

For self-manufacturing wooden blinds fit any type of wood. But it is better if it is bamboo or linden.

Do-it-yourself wooden blinds are easy to make. For this:

Measure the proportions of the window on which you are going to hang future blinds. The number of plates required for a wooden structure depends on the height of the window opening.

Important! Make the calculation, taking into account that the width of the plate should be approximately 12 cm. The width of the overlap of one plate on the adjacent one should be at least 1 cm.

1) Determine the height of the window and divide it by 11 cm. It turned out the required number of slats (plates) for wooden blinds.

Blinds installation scheme

2) Proceed to determine the length of the slats. It depends on how the blinds are suspended. If they are placed directly in the window opening, then the length of the lamellas should be 4-5 cm less than the width of the window.

In addition, please note that some of the parts that are needed to assemble wooden blinds, you will have to order already in finished form. Since the manufacture of wooden blinds at home from "A" to "Z" is simply impossible. So the necessary components for the manufacture and installation of wooden blinds should be purchased first of all, having measured the parameters of the window in advance.

In addition to the plates (lamellas), for the installation of wooden blinds with your own hands, you will need tools such as:

  • Drill,
  • Scissors,
  • hooks,
  • aluminum tape,
  • clamps,

Stage II − Do-it-yourself wooden blinds: installing nozzles on the ends of the slats

To attach attachments (in the form of small boards) to the ends of the plates, do the following:

1) Drill a hole exactly in the middle in each top attachment and insert a hook into it. With the help of the last wooden blinds will be attached to the upper base. 2) Drill a hole at the top and bottom of these plates with a diameter of 2mm. Important! This hole should be exactly in the center at a distance of 12 mm from the nozzle. 3) Pass aluminum tape through the holes, which will open and close your blinds. 4) Place the cord in each hole on the glue and secure it with wood chips.

Everything, the work on the independent production of wooden blinds can be considered completed. Now let's move on to their direct installation.

Stage III - How to hang wooden blinds: installation of the finished product

1) Hook the prepared slats to the rail using hooks. This is necessary in order to move the bars to the side. 2) Screw the two large hooks to the ceiling and pass the cord through them, which previously connected the planks. Important! Pull this cord down in a loop, making sure to twist the ends. The loop is necessary so that the position of the plates can be changed.

Note that there are two ways to install wooden blinds: above the window or in the window opening itself. The method of installing the blinds must be chosen in advance, before making wooden blinds, because the size of the blinds will depend on the chosen place.

The first method is more time consuming. Since it will be necessary to drill holes, as well as a rather complicated installation of fasteners due to the heterogeneity of the walls. In addition, the disadvantage of this method of installing blinds is a noticeable reduction in the volume of the room.

The second method will significantly save you space. However, drilling is necessary in both options, but installing wooden frame much easier.

Making wooden blinds with your own hands is a chore. If you make the slightest mistake, you can spoil the whole creation. Our advice is to entrust the whole process to professionals. But if you are determined to do everything yourself, good luck in this rather difficult task!

(2 ratings, average: 4,50 out of 5)

The conciseness and practicality of fabric blinds makes it possible to harmoniously fit them into any. But the key factor in their popularity is the excellent performance of their direct functions of protection from the sun's rays.

This view is indispensable in darkened and limited areas. A simple design allows you to maximize the window space, letting in natural light, thereby.

Benefits of DIY blinds

Do-it-yourself blinds have a number of advantages over ordered products from a professional company and, with a constructive approach, are in no way inferior in quality:

  • The ability to use parts suitable for the design of the window;
  • The choice of texture of the material, in accordance with the main elements of the interior;
  • The ability to use your design ideas;
  • Significant cost savings;

Types of fabric blinds

Depending on the direction of movement, blinds are divided into 2 types. Each type of construction has its own characteristics, which are important to consider when designing:

Materials for blinds

For lamellas of fabric blinds, dense fabrics are chosen that can keep their shape well and are not prone to deformation. The material must also be UV resistant.

The fabrics used for the manufacture of blinds can be divided into 3 types:

  • Non-woven material. It is a type of synthetic fabric - polyester. This material is not resistant to moisture and does not have a long service life. Of the advantages of relative cheapness.
  • Woven material. It has proven itself with high consumer properties. When choosing a material, you need to be guided by the density of the thread of the fabric. The higher the density, the longer the service life.
  • Jacquard. Very strong and durable fabric. It has a high resistance to temperature extremes and moisture. Holds color well, does not stretch and wear out. With large numbers of positive characteristics, there is one minus - this is the high cost of the material.

For rooms with a high degree of pollution and with high humidity, it is recommended to process the selected material with a protective impregnation that has water-repellent and dirt-repellent properties.

There are many simplified ways to make fabric blinds. But in order for the author's design to not differ from professionally made ones and not to be inferior to them in quality, certain standards must be adhered to. This will require materials:

  • Cornice;
  • Wall bracket and latch;
  • Lamella, standard width 89 and 127 mm;
  • Hangers for slats. Represent a horizontal bar with an eyelet in the center. The item can be purchased at the store or made from wire;
  • Runner;
  • Control chain for adjusting the angle of the slats;
  • Control cord;
  • Bottom chain. Fixes the lamellas from below, collecting them into a single piece;
  • Weight. It is inserted into the bottom pocket of the lamella to keep the fabric strips stable. Specialized stores have ready-made parts. You can also make weights yourself from lead plates with wire rings around the edges.

Plant design

Depending on the proportions of the room and the style of the interior, the sizes of future blinds are determined. The canvas can be designed on the entire wall or just above the window opening. You also need to choose the length of the product:

  • Floor length. Recommended for spacious rooms. From the lower edge of the blinds to the floor line, a gap of 10-30 mm is left;
  • The length is 2/3 of the height of the window. This size opens the window sill, creating an additional plane, which is optimal in limited spaces or in a room where house plants are part of the decor;
  • Length to the line of the window sill. Good for kitchens and bathrooms.

Cutting and sewing lamellas

After determining the parameters of the lamellas, the material is marked in the direction of the grain thread. When marking, take into account:

  • double lamella width;
  • hem width on both sides 3 mm;
  • the width of the hem of the upper part, which should be equal to the dimensions of the perpendicular bar of the hanger;
  • weight pocket width.

The cut strip is sewn from 3 sides, along the length and the lower perpendicular line. The strip turns inside out front side, not straightened corners are corrected with a needle. To avoid unnecessary folds, the item is ironed.

The unprocessed upper edge is tucked inside the product and sewn up. From the top edge of the strip, a hem is made equal to the width of the hanger, and a small hole is made in the center for the hook. A hanger is inserted into the resulting fold and the edges are hemmed. A hem is also made from the bottom of the strip, where weights are installed. The pocket should be tight enough to fix the weighting part well.

Installation of eaves and finished lamellas

Next, you need to determine the place where the structure will be hung. The best option is the top wall. The recommended mounting height is approximately 10 cm from the top line of the window. The eaves completed with roller runners are hung on brackets. At the same time, it is necessary to observe a clear geometry, even the smallest distortions will spoil the appearance of the product, the lamellas will not hang evenly. Therefore, at this stage of work, you need to use the level.

When the cornice is installed on the runners, lamellas are hung by the eye. After the web is completely formed, the lamellas must be secured with a connecting chain, which is passed through the side rings of the weights.
It should be remembered that washing fabric blinds is a very troublesome task. In order for such a need to occur as rarely as possible, you need to make constant mode basic cleaning. To do this, it is enough to brush off the dust that has settled on the fabric with a dry cloth, at least once a week.

See photos of options for fabric blinds in the interior:

How to make wooden blinds

Over the years of human exploitation, wooden blinds have undergone a number of changes. To date, this simple design, which you can make with your own hands. For this you will need:

  • Planks (wooden slats) for blinds. The recommended parameters are a thickness of 4 mm, a width of 25–50 mm. The length of the wooden planks should be 2 cm less than the width of the window opening. When calculating the number of panels, it must be taken into account that when the blinds are closed, they overlap each other by 1 cm;
  • Cords are not large diameter 3 pcs. The length of one of them should be 2 times more height window opening, 2 more by 40 cm;
  • Screw with ring 3 pcs;
  • Wall hook 1 PC.

Work starts with plank processing. They need to be well sanded, coated with a primer and varnish. For rooms with high humidity and temperature fluctuations, antibacterial and water-repellent coatings are recommended.

On all levels drilled 3 holes the value of which is 2 mm larger than the diameter of the cord. 2 lateral ones, stepping back from the vertical edges by 5–7 cm and moving them closer to the horizontal edge. 1 hole in the middle of the panel, offset to the parallel edge. When visually connecting the holes with lines, you should get a triangle.

into the center hole run a long cord, and 2 shorter ones into the side holes. Cords are fixed at the bottom of the structure with knots. Passing subsequent strips, a distance of 3–4 cm is left between them, separating them with knots.

To the top line of the window frame screwing screws with rings. At distances corresponding to the distances of the holes of the slats.

The side cords are tied to the side screw rings. And the central cord has a regulatory function. Therefore, it is only threaded into the ring, and the end of the cord is lowered down and tied to a pre-fixed hook on the side wall.

Whatever the desire to wipe dusty wooden blinds with a wet rag - it is better not to do this. Any, even the most quality wood does not like moisture. Take care of wooden blinds with a vacuum cleaner and a dry cloth. 1 time in 2 weeks is treated with a soft polish.

See photos of wooden blinds in the interior of the apartment:

See also the video on how to make wooden blinds:

Modern design implies not only the presence of functional and practical elements, but also the presence of decorative details. You can create wooden blinds with your own hands and thus solve all the tasks at the same time, because purchased products do not suit everyone with their cost, quality or appearance. And your own creation will certainly please you with sophistication and originality.

Types and features

The first blinds were made in the United States in the eighteenth century, but they received mass distribution only after a hundred years. Development modern technologies allows manufacturers to produce products from cheaper materials - plastic, aluminum, fabrics, but they could not displace classic wooden designs that never lose their relevance.

Blinds are divided into two main groups.

  1. Vertical models, similar to conventional curtains, but with more functionality, regulate the flow of sunlight by simply turning the slats. They add volume, creating the illusion of height in the room. With the help of such blinds, you can close not only the window, but also the wall with the balcony door. Most often used in residential buildings.
  2. Horizontal - the design with the "ladder" system limits the flow of light with the help of special device. Such models visually expand the space, look good in narrow rooms Oh. Most suitable for office decoration, giving them elegance.

Blinds are attached to the ceiling, free space above the window or into the opening itself using brackets or double-sided tape. Light wooden the design will hold firmly if the surface is degreased with acetone before attaching the adhesive tape. Installation outside the window opening will allow you to decorate a large area, radically changing the entire design. The width of the product should exceed the opening by ten centimeters, the height - at will, but not less than the height of the window. When making blinds to the floor, it is necessary to take into account all the protrusions of the heating devices. When mounted on sashes, the width is determined by the size of the glass plus three centimeters to cover the entire area.

A win-win

It is not necessary to buy ready-made blinds. With certain skills and desire, they can be made independently. This process is not particularly difficult, so everyone can test their strengths and skills, because things made by hand are always of great value. For work will do wood of any species, but it is best to take linden, bamboo, cedar, beech, mahogany or cork.

First of all, you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Measure the parameters of the opening to be made - the number of slats for the structure depends on them.
  2. Divide the window height by eleven to get the required number of slats.
  3. Determine the length of the elements. This indicator depends on the intended method of placing the finished product. If the blinds are installed directly into the opening, then the length of the slats should be a few centimeters less.

The method of placing the blinds must be determined in advance, since their size depends on this. Installation in the opening will save space, which is very important for small spaces, and installation above the window is a more troublesome option that requires additional fasteners.

To make blinds, you will need a strong thread and a certain number of strips with holes with a diameter slightly larger than the thread. They can be made at the sawmill, and then polished fine sandpaper and then burn with a blowtorch or stain. The next step is varnishing, which will increase performance characteristics will prolong the life of the product.

In each bar, exactly in the middle, you need to drill a hole, insert a hook with which the structure will be attached to the base. Then you need to take two threads, each of which is twenty centimeters longer than the future curtain. The third (central) is designed to control lighting, it is two times the height of the window. Fold the cord in half, making a loop at the top, and pass the ends through the hole of the latch (clip), to increase reliability, you need to insert another clip. The same steps must be repeated with the second cord.

The first lamella must be placed between the ends of the cord and fixed with a clip or a large knot. To complete the gap, the next part must be placed at a certain distance (equal for all elements). After installing the last bar, the ends of the rope should be tied in a knot and fastened at the top, and the central one should be positioned so that it maintains the slats in the open state - if it is loosened, the blinds will close. To increase the decorativeness, the ends of the cord can be fluffed up, creating tassels. If the cord is cut, the tip must be strengthened with glue.

For execution vertical blinds in each bar you need to drill one small hole at the top, as well as two in the center and at the bottom. Pass metal rings into the upper ones, through which hang the lamellas on the crossbar, fix them above the opening and connect all the parts in the middle and at the bottom with a wire, cord, cord or other elements, which will allow the canvas to fold like an accordion.

A find for connoisseurs of natural materials

Wooden blinds wonderfully combine modernity and ancient traditions. They regulate not only lighting, but also air flow, creating a comfortable environment, which has a positive effect on well-being and mood. Such decor will bring respectability to the interior of the room, and create a business atmosphere in the office.

Blinds look great in all rooms on the windows, doorways, niches and have a lot of advantages.

  1. Environmentally friendly material.
  2. Versatility - fit perfectly into any interior.
  3. Durability. Wooden blinds will last longer than analogues made from other materials.
  4. Practicality. A well-chosen product will adjust the room.
  5. Ease of operation, easy care - it is enough to periodically wipe with a soft cloth or vacuum.

Before you start manufacturing blinds for any room, you should make sure that there are no factors that can shorten their service life, for example, high humidity that contributes to the deformation of the lamellas.

Classic curtains create comfort in the house, but due to various circumstances, they often have to be washed. Wooden blinds - more practical solution, and combining them with textiles, you can create an amazing composition that will look perfect on both traditional wooden and modern plastic windows. The main advantage of self-manufacturing is the ability to choose the shade, shape and width of the slats to your liking, which will allow them to fit into the interior as harmoniously as possible. Planks can be painted in any color, pre-treated with two layers of drying oil, and also decorated with ribbons or other details.

It will not be difficult to buy ready-made blinds, but today it is fashionable to decorate your home with the creation of your own hands, which will please you much more. Options create unique design there are many with their own hands. This is not at all difficult to do, you just need to show desire, patience and artistic taste. Self-manufacturing of blinds is a simple, but responsible matter that requires special attention, since even a minor mistake can negate all efforts.

I have always been amazed by the beautiful view wooden products and designs. Natural materials that are used in wall or floor cladding create a warm and cozy design. Most recently, I put in my house wooden windows and realized that now the old metal blinds are completely out of place. My friend suggested that I make wooden blinds with my own hands and it seemed like a great idea. I always carry out repairs at home on my own - I installed the windows myself, I did the slopes and window sills myself, and therefore I also decided to make wooden blinds with my own hands.

We consider the types and features

At the moment, there are a huge number of varieties of blinds, they can be made of plastic or aluminum, as well as fabric. But undoubtedly the most refined and original are wooden blinds. They can be divided into the following groups:

  • Vertical - This position allows you to control solar lighting. Blinds are somewhat similar to ordinary curtains, but are more functional. In addition, wooden lamellas visually lengthen the height of the room. Using vertical elements, you can close not only the window in the room, but balcony doors, which are additional source Sveta
  • Horizontal - Suitable for narrow rooms, allow you to limit sunlight due to the design of the "ladder". Most often used for office space
  • Roman lamellas are small in width, and the whole structure is rolled up

Fixing the blinds is possible both to the ceiling space and to the opening above the window. Some craftsmen use double-sided tape instead of fasteners, but I advise you to use more reliable materials.

Important! Wooden blinds are environmentally friendly and are not capable of harming health. The same cannot be said about plastic structures.


Wooden blinds on the balcony

If you have certain skills or you decide to try to make blinds yourself, then let's look at all the steps that allow you to carry out the work efficiently. Before you make wooden blinds, you should stock up on material. In general, any type of wood is suitable for blinds, but it would be best:

  1. Bamboo
  2. Cork tree

Think in advance about the placement of the blinds - this also determines the size of future slats. For small rooms, it is better to mount the structure in a window opening, but wooden blinds that go beyond the window will require additional fasteners.

Follow this sequence:

  • Take measurements of the window opening, which will be decorated with wooden blinds
  • Divide the window height by 11 to find out how many slats you need.
  • Find out how long the panels will be. If you decide to install wooden blinds in the opening, then a couple of centimeters should be subtracted from its total width

To make lamellas, use a sawmill, in some cases it is possible to order ready-made slats. If a sawmill is used, then after cutting out the parts, they require grinding. Subsequently, they are fired with blowtorch and treated with stain. For decorative and protective purposes, it is worth opening the panels with varnish - this will extend the life of the structure and give it a more impressive look.

When the slats are ready and completely dry, we can proceed to drilling holes. Select the middle of all the lamellas and make a hole there - the inserted hook will allow you to attach to the base. Next, take the thread that will hold the structure on itself and measure out two pieces that will be 20 cm longer than our new blinds. The third thread, which will be in the middle, will allow you to control the lighting - its length should be two times the height of the window. The next steps are:

  1. The first bar is located between the ends of the thread and is fixed with a clamp or a large knot.
  2. The next bar is installed after a short distance - for all lamellas it will be one
  3. When the last lamella of the blinds is installed, the ends of the thread are tied and fixed at the top. The central one is located so as to keep the lamellas in the open position. When loosened, wooden blinds will close

Advantages natural material

Wooden blinds in the interior of the apartment

Handmade wooden blinds will delight you for a very long time. In addition to spectacular appearance wooden blinds create a comfortable and peaceful environment. Agree, it is much more pleasant to be in a room with wooden curtains than metal elements. The advantages of using natural material for self-made curtains:

  • The material is environmentally friendly and does not harm the health of others
  • Blinds can safely be called universal. They are able to fit into various interior solutions, if they are made with natural motifs.
  • Durable - this design can last much longer than its other counterparts
  • It is very easy to care for the material - in case of accumulation of dust, it is enough to vacuum the slats or wipe with a soft cloth

The only disadvantage of using wooden blinds is the instability of the material to the influence of moisture. Therefore, it is better to use such designs in rooms with an optimal level of humidity, and if you need curtains for the bathroom, then plastic or aluminum blinds are better.

Wooden blinds for windows

Recently, the use of such "curtains" is much more common than the boring curtains. This is due to the constant washing of curtains and the accumulation of dust on them. Modern blinds are very easy to clean from dirt and there is no need to even dismantle the panels. By the way, even special brushes have appeared in stores that follow the contour of the panels, they can speed up the cleaning process. By the way, wood panels are more resistant to mechanical damage. Aluminum elements can bend under pressure and do not return to their original position.