Furnish the room with furniture. How to furnish a small room, making it cozy and practical

  • 01.06.2019

When designing the interior of a small room, they mainly adhere to two tasks: rationally use every centimeter or even millimeter of the available area and make it beautiful and harmonious at the same time. To accomplish these tasks, there are many ready ideas tested in thousands of rooms. They will be discussed.

General principles and ideas

Regardless of the purpose of a small room, there is general principles their design. This is far from dogma, but adhering to these rules, it is easy to create a harmonious interior of a small room on your own, and not at the expense of functionality and convenience.

Styles for small spaces

The very first thing you need to decide is the style. This makes it much easier to design, select Decoration Materials, furniture, accessories. Small-sized rooms should not be cluttered with objects; there should not be many accessories in them. The more free space remains, the more spacious the room seems. Because not all styles are suitable. The following will look good:

All of them are characterized by smoothly painted walls, clear lines, a minimum of details. All this will play into the hands of small room. Read more about almost all of these styles.

Color selection

It has long been known that light colors visually enlarge the premises. Light colors are not necessarily white, although white and its shades are used very often. They make the interior lighter and weightless, especially in combination with light floors and ceilings.

If you decide to make the walls colored, you need to remember the rule of three. Applied to color design its essence is that to create a harmonious interior, three colors must be present. The first is basic, there can be a lot of it. Two additional can be in very small quantities. If we talk about design in small rooms, the walls are painted in the base color and they should be light. Furniture - either the base color (maybe a very close shade) or one of the additional ones. Accessories and textiles - complementary colors.

If you take a closer look at the photos that seem most attractive to you, you will find that there are three colors in them. Can look good and more saturated different colors environment, but only a good designer can put everything together correctly.

But how to choose a trio of colors? There are tables of matching colors that designers use, but you can focus on your own taste or peep at the photo. The most attractive combination can be implemented in your room.

Ceiling decoration

Most often, the ceiling is made white. Not necessarily snow-white, some shades and tones are often used. What you should not do is paint the ceiling in a dark or bright color. This can only be used in a very high room with excellent lighting, and it is better that the ceiling is glossy. Dark colors make the room feel much lower. If you need to remove the "well effect" - this is good way. In other cases, it is better not to experiment, although with the right lighting it may not be bad, but this also requires considerable design experience.

Dark ceiling - a controversial decision

In rooms with low ceilings, there are several ways to visually make them look higher through the play of color and light. The first is to make the walls a tone lighter. At the same time, the boundary between the walls and the ceiling is lost, which is perceived by us as a higher room.

The second way is glossy ceiling. The surface reflects the environment, which again deceives our eyesight. From modern technologies this effect is only stretch ceiling, but the choice of shades and the degree of gloss and reflection is wide. Just be careful with gloss. It reflects everything. And what is on the cabinets too. Therefore, in such a room there should be perfect order.

The third is lighting around the perimeter or directed from the walls to the center. This option is usually implemented on two-level or multi-level ceilings. This stepping in itself also, as it were, lifts the ceiling up, and with the backlight effect it is further enhanced. Just thinking, do not create too small rooms complex structures. They are good for spacious rooms, not for small rooms.

All these methods can be combined, which is often done. It's important not to overdo it.

Floor decoration

The choice of color - light or dark - largely depends on the style, but there are those in which both options are acceptable. What then to choose? Focus on own desires. If you want to get a sense of stability in the room, a dark floor is more suitable. If lightness is required - your choice is a light floor.

The dark floor "grounds" the interior, but gives a sense of stability

With the help of floor design, you can also achieve visual magnification rooms, however, floor boards, laminate or parquet are suitable for this. Traditionally, they are laid parallel to the rays of light emanating from the window. To achieve the effect we need, it is necessary to lay the coating at an angle with respect to the front door. This breaks up the perspective and visually makes the room look bigger. Yes, this laying method is more difficult, and when using it, there is more waste - not all trimmings can be attached, but the effect is good.


Small spaces require functional and comfortable furniture, while concise forms with clear lines look better. Styles are also pushing for such a choice - they all need strict, simple lines.

When planning, choose the environment so that the horizontal surfaces are at different levels. This makes the interior more dynamic. If you put everything on the same level, it will be too monotonous and flat.

Another recommendation - do not load too much space. In small rooms you need to put the necessary. It is advisable to avoid a large number of massive objects. If this suits your idea, put the furniture on metal legs. They seem to lift the object above the floor, creating interesting effects.

To increase functionality when using a small space allows furniture that changes its shape or purpose. It is also called "transformers". Everyone knows the sofa bed, chair bed. They have been used for a long time, they only change appearance and mechanisms become more convenient. There is also a wardrobe bed (the bed rises and hides in the body) and a considerable number of similar things (a transforming sofa in the photo below).

There are very interesting and functional furniture options. These are the so-called transformers - objects that can change their shape and sometimes even purpose.

The application of these rules is not mandatory, but it will allow you to develop a beautiful and harmonious design small room.

Interior ideas for small rooms for various purposes

Now let's specifically see how all of the above is implemented in the design of premises for various purposes. It is clear that there is a significant difference between the design of the living room, nursery and bedroom.

The only room in the apartment

V one-room apartment the room should be super functional. After all, it is used both as a living room and as a bedroom. First of all, you should think about the sleeping place. There are several solutions. The most obvious and common is to put a folding sofa. There are different designs, but the essence of this does not change. The only drawback of this solution is, after all, it is not a bed and sleeping on the sofa is not entirely comfortable. However, this is the most common option.

A sofa bed is often placed in a small room.

This option is acceptable if one person lives in an apartment. If there are two people, this is no longer very convenient: someone wants to sleep, someone else can’t sleep. In this case, they try to fence off part of the room with a translucent partition and place a bed behind it. The rest is furnished as a mini-living room.

The partition can be made from any material. The only condition: if it encloses the area near the window, it must let in enough light. In the photo above, the room is divided by a translucent glass wall. With an explicit separation, space is not fragmented. It remains whole. Another option is to designate the area with a plasterboard openwork partition or make a partition in the form of shelves.

If you still want more privacy, there is an option with sliding partitions that work like doors in wardrobes.

They can move apart in different directions (photo on the right) or fold to one of the sides. If such a partition is made mirrored, it will also visually expand the space.

Is there some more non-standard options setting up a bed in a single living room. For example, if the ceilings allow, you can move the bed to the ceiling. To do this, they build a solid structure in the form of a closet or podium, and make a bed on the “roof”.

There is another option with that de podium. Make a working or living area on it, and hide a pull-out bed under the flooring. It is difficult to imagine a more rational use of space.

The bed "leaves" under the podium

You can also play with the design of the bed. They can fall from the ceiling, be disguised as a closet. Such beds are already on sale and are called "bed-wardrobe".

Folding bed-wardrobe

In general, there are enough solutions. The interior of a small room in a one-room apartment can be both beautiful and functional.

small bedroom

Even if you do not have a studio apartment, a small bedroom is far from uncommon. For many, its area does not exceed 10 sq.m. In this case, only the necessary items are left from the situation. Mandatory bed, bedside tables. Everything else - if the interior of a small room is not very overloaded.

Small bedroom - nothing more

Without a closet in the bedroom it is very inconvenient, but a massive item takes up too much space. It can be replaced by a sliding wardrobe or. In fact, they differ in size and content. The dressing room must be at least 1.2 m deep (so that you can enter). In long and narrow bedrooms with front door on the short side, you can fence off a place right at the entrance. This makes the room more regular in shape - closer to the square, and such rooms are perceived as more spacious.

If the entrance to the bedroom is on long wall, under the dressing room, you can take one of the corners or also the end wall. It all depends on the specific layout. If there is the slightest possibility, allocate such a place. You will be amazed at how many things proper organization can fit in there.

One of the more traditional options is to fill the wall opposite the bed with furniture. But it will have to be made to order - in the entire wall. So the bedroom will have modern look. The design style of this “wall” is chosen based on the general style.

Another idea for arranging a small bedroom is to build the head of the bed into the furniture wall. From the point of view of Feng Shui, this is wrong, but from the point of view of rationality, it is an excellent option.

It is difficult to come up with anything else in such a narrowly specialized room. The main task is to choose the right color design.

Children's room

The concept of "children's room" is quite extensible. This is also a room for children of preschool and school age up to teenagers. As you understand, the design and content are significantly different, but the ideas are similar.

The main way to save space is to make bunk bed. At the same time, there can be one sleeping place - upstairs, and on the "ground floor" it is equipped workplace. This is the option that suits both toddlers and older children. The sizes of the beds are also not very different: children grow too fast, so they basically buy teenage beds right away, adding a “childish” entourage with bedspreads, pictures and other accessories.

Beds are built into the furniture wall
Reliable option. Fits well into the interior of a small room and saves space At the bottom of the desktop, on top - the bed

If you are afraid of heights, you can make another type of bed - with a pull-out second bed. Also a good option.

If you don’t need a second bed, drawers for toys or things can be made under the bed. In the interior of a small room, everything is subordinated to the task of optimally using the entire available area, while freeing up as much free space as possible.

Optimal use of free space - the main motto of the design of small rooms

For older children, they use almost the same techniques, only in a different design.

When designing the interior of a small children's room, use the above rules: three colors, multi-level surfaces, no unnecessary details.

Small square living room

No matter how much you would like to stick wallpaper with large pattern, you shouldn't do it. Unless in fragments or on one wall, using, otherwise they will “eat up” the space and the “box” effect will appear. You will feel almost on the physical plane how the walls are pressing on you. The best choice- plain walls in pastel colors.

One wall is finished with wood or stone - one of fashion trends the last time

Here the invoice can be different. It could be decorative. textured plaster, wallpaper with an embossed pattern or fiberglass with a texture for painting. It is very fashionable now to finish one of the walls with wood or stone (stone-like tiles or flagstone). All these are ways to diversify a not too large set of furniture that is usually present in a small living room. Most often it is a sofa, two armchairs, coffee table and TV. It doesn't seem like a very large set, but there are many variations. First, there is furniture. different forms, styles and colors. And the number of combinations is very large. Some of them are in the photo gallery.

Fireplace in the living room - the dream of many Interesting design one of the walls, an unusual carpet on the floor and the interior "played" Wooden domed ceiling - very unusual To save space, the doors can be sliding for this room.

The bedroom is the room where we spend most of our time. This is where we sleep, do our homework and have fun. It's only reasonable to have the desire to furnish a comfortable room with inviting furnishings that will be an extension of your personality.


Part 1


    Homemade headboard. The headboard is a prominent but expensive piece of furniture. So why not do it yourself? Install a curtain rod above your bed and hang a fancy patchwork quilt to make a headboard.

    • You can also buy wall decorations online that look like a headboard. They are not so expensive, but at the same time they are easily attached and removed from the walls.
  1. Decorate your ceiling fan. If you are bored with a simple white ceiling fan, you can decorate it with colored self-adhesive paper. Come up with vibrant patterns that will bring your fan to life even when it's off.

    • Before applying the paper, be sure to wash the fan blades from dust and dirt.
  2. Create a constellation on the ceiling. When it comes to decorations, many often forget that you can decorate the ceiling, but no one is stopping you from making it memorable. With help various materials on the ceiling of the bedroom, you can create a whole galaxy. Use sticky stars, star stickers, glow paint and twinkling garlands.

    • Make sure the materials glow in the dark, otherwise the stars will be invisible at night.
    • For maximum effect, position the constellation directly above the bed.
  3. Wall decoration. A new wall color is one of the easiest ways to transform a room. It is important to think outside the box. Instead of a boring monotonous color, use one of these tricks to transform walls:

    Experiment with interesting textures. Who said walls need to be painted? Buy for an accent wall unusual wallpaper. If you can’t make global changes in your home (paint the walls or glue permanent wallpaper), then buy temporary decorations on the Internet.

    • Wall decals and decals can also decorate a room with a variety of textures and eye-catching elements.
  4. Refurbish an old piece of furniture. If you have an old shabby table or chair, then you can restore it yourself. Surface treatment sandpaper, then paint and reupholster. There are many tutorials on the internet that will answer all your questions.

Part 2


    Rearrange the furniture. There are many reasons to change the arrangement of furniture: it will allow you to protect the floor, make good use of seasonal lighting, but most importantly, give the room the new kind! You only need to rearrange the furniture so that the bedroom sparkles with new colors.

    • If you want to free up storage space in small room then try to raise the bed off the floor. Supports can be purchased online and at hardware stores.
  1. Tidy up your closet. Clutter is the main enemy of space organization. Deal with the clutter: Sort through all your possessions, starting with clothes. Take inventory of the most important things and give away everything you don't need.

    Use original solutions. A person feels comfortable when he knows exactly where the right things are. Buy storage supplies and write down the names of things so you don't forget where and what is.

    • Jewelry can be hung or displayed. So the chains will not get tangled and will decorate the room.
    • Use an unusual way to store Sunglasses(for example, on the shoulders).

Part 3

  1. Decorate the room with photos. When the room is in order, add a touch of personality to the room. Photos - great way decorate the walls without high costs and surround yourself with loved ones or memorable places.

    Hang up posters and prints that describe you as a person. Perhaps you think that artwork should be expensive, but there are many options available. Such paintings and posters can be bought on a site like Avito. If your friends are creative, get them some special work for your bedroom.

  2. Buy a cork board. Such a board can be bought for little money on the Internet or any stationery store. On the cork board, you can easily and conveniently fix various objects or nostalgic photographs.

    • Post on the board tickets or programs of concerts that you attended with friends.
    • The board should be neat and visually appealing, not chaotic.
  • When painting walls, use polyethylene film and newspapers to protect the floor. Also don't forget to cover various pieces of furniture.
  • When buying used goods and furniture, they should be inspected and washed thoroughly. Anything can be inside.
  • If global changes are not allowed, then discuss with your parents or guardians what can be changed and what you want to add. Say that you want to change the interior of the room.
  • The loft bed (mezzanine bed) will become good decision for a very small bedroom.


  • Don't start global change in the bedroom without the consent of parents or guardians.
  • Don't use permanent changes that can become obsolete over time. You can hang a poster of your favorite band on the wall, but don't paint their faces on the wall (unless you're ready to repaint the wall later).

Most Russians inherited from the "stagnant times" disproportionate, rectangular, narrow rooms, more reminiscent of solid corridors than a full-fledged room for arranging personal space.

narrow room

narrow room createsa lot of difficulties in terms of interior design. It is quite difficult to create a cozy room, no matter how you rearrange the minimum set of furniture, but, nevertheless, there is always a way out.

Redistribution of space

One of the simplest and quick ways the transformation of narrow rooms can be considered the division of one large space into a smaller pair, using plasterboard partitions. The partition itself does not take up much space, and the resulting premises acquire a more or less regular square section configuration, especially if it is possible to increase their area by demolishing other walls.

Changing the space with decor elements

modern building industry, latest materials, paints and original design solutions of specialists can radically change the space of a narrow room without building partitions. It has long been known that light, color, well-chosen accessories and furniture can change the space beyond recognition. So, for example, a small bright folding sofa placed across a narrow room zones the space by dividing it into two working rooms:

  • Having disassembled the sofa, you get a full-fledged bedroom;
  • By assembling it and placing a couple of small wicker chairs and a small glass coffee table, you turn an intimate sleeping area into a cozy living room;
  • Behind the back of the sofa, you can easily equip an office or study place for a student by substituting a chest of drawers or a regular desk to the back.

In addition, a high room can also serve as a room divider. bookcase, and an openwork whatnot, one of the double-sided fireplaces or even an LCD TV on the nightstand. Now it's worth paying attention to how you can change the space with the help of light and colors.

The play of color and light in a narrow room

You should pay attention to the fact that the color palette, correctly selected in each case, is visually able to expand the space. Here you can not do without the brave design solutions. So, for example, the walls of which are painted in light bright or pastel colors will look more voluminous. Some interior designers use this method: the transverse wall of a narrow room is pasted over with wallpaper with a geometric pattern located horizontally, and on the longitudinal walls, on the contrary, wallpaper with a vertical pattern is pasted. The main thing here is to choose a wallpaper with a similar, uniform pattern, then the unity of space will be preserved and the appearance of an extended room will be created.

You can use a very popular design technique - the game of contrasts. But here it is important not to "overdo it" when choosing colors, otherwise instead of cozy interior it can turn out to be a tasteless, eye-catching room.

Experienced designers in such cases use a combination of dark and light tones of colors. Most often, the transverse walls are covered with paint in dark tones, and the longitudinal ones, respectively, are light. Sometimes gradient wall painting is used. It's when one is over dark color smoothly turns into a light scale of the same shade, or vice versa, a contrasting one. So, from red you can go to pink or cream color, warm lilac will look good with a transition to cold blue or cold pale yellow or golden color.

Trying to transform a narrow room, use the "play of light". Correctly directed rays can expand it, but the direction must be strictly horizontal. Interestingly, light strips located under the ceiling and directed vertically raise the ceiling and it seems that the room is somewhat higher than it actually is. We hope that with the help of our tips you will be able to make your room more comfortable and beautiful.

Narrow room - photo

A small room is always associated with a lack of space. Poor planning can result in a cramped and cluttered look. But it's easy to fix. Even the smallest and most uncomfortable room can be made comfortable and functional with the help of these simple tips and photo examples. In addition, you have a great opportunity to experiment and create your own unique interior. And for the room of your beloved kids, read, even if it is small.

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2. Curtains. If in a small room big windows, then it is better to hang the curtains around the edges, then they

DIY apartment design. How to furnish / equip a small room beautifully and compactly with photo examples.

will appear even bigger. Choose long (floor-length) curtains and tulle in the same color scheme as the walls. Give preference to light flowing fabrics that do not weigh down the space and do not focus attention on themselves. If possible, replace blackout curtains with gas tulle. This will allow maximum light into the room.

3. Make the most of the space. Each piece of furniture, especially in a small room, should have its own purpose. Try to make the most of it. For example, a furniture wall is a great option for those who live in a one-room apartment. It does not take up much space and combines several types of furniture at once: a wardrobe, a bookcase, a chest of drawers, a TV cabinet, a mini-bar, shelves for souvenirs, photographs and other small things.

4. Multifunctional furniture. It is not necessary to approach the issue radically - to purchase a bed that turns into a wall, or a table that folds into a coffee table, especially since such innovative design ideas are not cheap. The most common and affordable way save space - this is a sofa bed. At night, it is a comfortable double bed, which is assembled in the morning into a full-fledged sofa on which you can receive guests. In addition, usually, under the cover of the sofa there is a place for bed linen, blankets and pillows.

5. Reflective and transparent surfaces. Mirrors and other reflective interior elements can also visually enlarge the space and make the room brighter due to the reflected light. It is desirable that the mirror is opposite the window. Wardrobe with large mirrored doors or wall with mirror tiles visually enlarge the room twice. Transparent interior items made of durable plastic, less often glass, (for example, tables, chairs) allow you to visually expand the space. Furniture with transparent legs creates the effect of lightness and soaring. These simple ways allow you to effectively furnish a small room in an apartment or house.

6. Zoning of the premises. To make the room more functional, divide it into zones. For example, you need to separate working area from the bed. Use different color combinations, divide the space with screens, curtains or bookshelves. Use different sources light to create the illusion of two different rooms. Arrange furniture around the room so that it is accessible and you can move freely around the room. Remember: the more floor space is free, the more spacious the room will seem.

7. Avoid clutter. This is especially noticeable in small space. Do not "litter" the room with unnecessary things. Determine your priorities: get rid of what you do not need, hide what will someday be useful in closets and drawers, and for those things that you use constantly, determine the most accessible places.

8. More light. Natural and artificial light have the ability to expand the space. Even if the window is large, try not to cover it with curtains. If the room is not on the sunny side, you can use built-in light sources around the perimeter of the room. Choose a small chandelier, a large one will look ridiculous. Ceiling transparent chandelier - the best option. See the article on rooms, this will help to achieve a visual increase in space and better equip a small room, the photo examples below clearly demonstrate this.

9. Small furniture for a small room. Refuse bulky interior items, especially if they do not carry a functional load. Large chairs can be abandoned, replacing them with no less comfortable chairs. A small folding table is useful both for receiving guests and for home office. Replace the luxurious corner sofa with a more modest size. It is no less comfortable and takes up much less space.

Now our do-it-yourself apartment renovation website recommends a visual design of projects for arranging rooms. Thanks to the recommendations for the compact arrangement of small rooms, you can arrange comfort in the apartment.

How to furnish the bedroom is of interest to many. But there are nuances that are worth paying attention to.
After all, you can decide how to furnish the living room bedroom, but it’s a completely different option if your bedroom also serves as an office. In this article, we will discuss this issue in depth.
The video in this article will help you visually see everything and understand what exactly is right for you. After all, the room can be quite different.

If you are thinking about how to furnish a bedroom of 15 meters or how to furnish 9 square meters, then this question is not so important in terms of space, because both options are quite small. And here it is necessary to pay special attention to zoning and issues of increasing the room visually.
It will also be necessary to choose compact, but comfortable furniture. After all, the premises should not be littered with anything.
First of all, you need to look at the photo and make yourself a picture of exactly what you want to see. Everything can be done with your own hands and the price of materials can be quite different, it is available to anyone.

The most acceptable color schemes for the bedroom

The bedroom is used by most people for relaxation. And this means that it should be done in peaceful, calm shades.
Let's consider the question of how to furnish narrow bedroom. Just how to furnish and what should be provided for.


  • Light colors are not only pleasantly perceived by a person tired during the day, but also help to visually expand the space of the room, which is undoubtedly very important. For her, you can choose any light shade and there is no need to limit yourself to just beige and white.
  • It is very important to consider the location of the room when choosing between warm and cold shades of a particular color. If the bedroom windows face north, then it is better to choose warm colors, and if south - cold.
  • In order to diversify a boring interior in design, you can use bright color accents that will stand out in contrast with the general colors. Such accents can be a bright wall located at the head of the bed, or photo wallpapers with a rich and bright image, or a carpet, etc.

Furniture for a small bedroom

A small bedroom provides for a minimum of furniture:

  • Of course, this room must have a bed, but in order for it not to look bulky, it is better to give preference to models without unnecessary elements. So, for example, a bed without legs can be called the best option for a similar room, as it looks smaller than usual, and also allows you to visually raise the ceiling a little.
  • , which has small size, will perfectly accept a bunk bed, which can be not only a sleeping place for a baby, but also an object for his games.

In general, the multifunctionality of furniture has recently become a certain design trend.
For small rooms, various solutions are devised:

  • They can be combined with racks or shelves, which allows you to make storing things, books, decor elements more convenient and at the same time not burdensome. general form rooms,
  • A sliding wardrobe is a great solution for a small bedroom, as it allows you to store a lot of things without taking up much space. If such a cabinet has a mirror, then putting it at the night table, or buying a special dressing table is absolutely not necessary, and such a move will only visually increase the space in the room.
  • If there are not so many things for storage, then you can give preference to a chest of drawers or even limit yourself to drawers located under the bed.

Proper arrangement of a small bedroom

In the beginning, it is necessary to establish the compositional center, which in any bedroom is, of course, the bed.

Attention: When matched for her the best place, then it will not be difficult to figure out the location of other elements of furniture and decor.


  • In order for the room not to become too crowded, it is better to leave free space in the center of the bedroom. You can arrange all the furniture around the perimeter of the bedroom so that there is no free space between it. Bedside tables should not be higher than the bed itself.
  • In terms of color, designers do not advise combining too bright or contrasting shades for furniture and walls. You can choose a couple of shades that are in harmony with each other, these can be light colors, but from pure white color it is desirable to refuse.
  • In the decor of a small bedroom, there may be some decorative accents. But do not pile it up with small details.
    It's best to opt for one bright element to be placed somewhere in the corner, as this will help add some perspective. Also, with the help of an elongated accent decoration, you can visually raise the ceilings a little.
  • Furniture upholstery and other textiles in a small room are better to choose either plain or with a small but non-contrasting ornament. Otherwise, large or bright textures will not fit into the overall interior of a small room.

How to visually expand the space

Of course, many people dream of a large spacious bedroom, but not always it really is. But even in a small room, you can achieve the desired effect by applying several methods of optical illusion.

Glass and mirror elementsA large mirror will visually expand the space, and a few small ones will be able to slightly hide the boundaries of the room.
  • It is best to choose a place for mirrors opposite the window, as this way they will be able to reflect natural light and fill the room with it.
  • If, for some reason, it is not possible to place mirrors in the room, then they can be replaced with mirror surfaces, for example, stained-glass windows, tiles, panels, etc.
  • Furniture in a small room can be mirrored, such as a table, shelves, racks or doors. This will minimize the occupancy of the room.
Glossy finishesTo visually expand the space, you can give preference to glossy paint for wall decoration. Attention: But it is very important that the shade of such coatings is not too bright, as this will negatively affect the psyche of people in the room.
  • It is better to choose bed calm tones.
  • It is also important that the surface of the walls to be painted does not have any irregularities, as they will only be accentuated with a glossy sheen.
  • Stretch ceilings, made in gloss, can also visually expand the space in the room. With good lighting, they allow you to stretch the ceilings. Currently, there are a huge number of different variations of the pattern for such ceilings.
  • An excellent solution for a bedroom can be a ceiling that has a pattern in the form of an imitation of the starry sky.
Illusion with wallpaperIn order to achieve this or that visual effect, you can use photo wallpapers, the choice of which is huge today. In most cases, they depict natural landscapes or views of various cities.
  • Under such wallpaper, it is better to give only one wall, giving it the role of an accent in the room and thus increasing the space of the bedroom.
  • When choosing a wall for photo wallpaper, you should not stop at a narrow surface in a rectangular bedroom, as this will visually stretch the bedroom further, and it will look like a tunnel.
  • Stripes on the wallpaper can slightly change the proportions of the surfaces in the room. narrow wall can be expanded with horizontal stripes, and the ceiling is easily raised due to the vertical line.
  • It is better to refrain from choosing wallpaper with large and too rich patterns for a small bedroom, as they will only make it smaller. The richness of the picture will kill all the harmony in the design of the room, and hence the comfort in it.
LightWith help proper lighting you can also achieve some visual effects in a small bedroom. It is better to abandon the classic central bright lamp and break the room into several light zones. So, for example, if several lamps or sconces are located around the perimeter of the room, the ceiling will visually rise when they are turned on. You can also create multi-level lighting in the bedroom.
BalconyIt’s great if a balcony adjoins the bedroom, as it can really expand the area of ​​​​the room. It can become an extension of the room, becoming a place to read or work. This can be done by placing certain pieces of furniture on it. The balcony also carries a large number of daylight natural light.

If there are no windows in the bedroom

Sometimes in a one-room apartment big room divided into several small rooms, thus highlighting the bedroom. But as a result, the resulting room may not have windows at all.
This does not always mean that the bedroom will be dark and gloomy.
You can make it more comfortable with the help of several tricks:

window simulationIt's comparatively new trick in design, but effective enough for rooms without windows. To do this, a frame imitating a window frame is placed on the wall. You can fill it in different ways, for example, using photo wallpapers, stained glass, mirrors, etc. You can also use real curtains, which make this technique more believable, as well as backlighting. This technique can be called very original and creative.
Glass partitionWhen using a partition made of glass or a partially glass wall, the integrity of the common large room will not be violated. It is not necessary to use transparent glass, it can have any pattern or color.

Now you know how to furnish a small room. There are instructions and you can start creating. And the question of how to furnish a bedroom of 9 squares will no longer arise, the most important thing is to find a suitable option.