What to make repairs in the bedroom. Where to start repairing a bedroom: preparation, first steps

  • 23.06.2020

How to make repairs in the bedroom in order to maintain the harmony of aesthetics and practicality? Believe me, this question is really difficult. After all, the bedroom is a special, intimate room, reflecting something personal. Where, if not here, we can free ourselves not only from clothes, but also from various masks and roles that we have to wear in life.

The easiest way, of course, is to use the services of a professional team to implement design ideas. You only need to choose the project you like and wait for its implementation. But it is not difficult to guess how much it will eventually result in. And there is no guarantee that in a month or two you will not see similarly decorated apartments with neighbors. Therefore, it is best to do repairs in the bedroom with your own hands - this way you will be able to create a unique atmosphere in it, plus save a pretty decent amount of money.

Where to begin?

It’s worth starting with drawing up a plan on which you can clearly and in detail display all the desired elements and structures, figure out how and where it is better to place furniture, lighting fixtures, etc.

If you do not know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the dimensions of the walls, and also without a clue how wide the doorway is, first of all, you should make the necessary measurements. After all, how can you make a plan at random?

By making thoughtful calculations based on detailed plan, you can go for necessary materials- high-quality, environmentally friendly, safe for health. It's all about the bedroom, after all.

Dismantling of old coatings

And now it's time to start removing old wallpaper, paint, whitewash, floor covering- if they are present. Your faithful “friends” at this stage will be: a basin, water, a spatula, a roller, etc. The procedure for “dismantling” an obsolete finish is the longest and most difficult, but the future aesthetics of the bedroom largely depends on the quality of its implementation.

Working with wiring

It is very important to determine in a timely manner the places for the lamps in the room. Where do you think they should be? Do you need a bra? Do you prefer spot or diffuse lighting? All these questions require very specific answers. Each planned device must be wired, and, if necessary, installed outlets for switches and sockets.


It is always scary for an inexperienced master to start filling the ceiling, because this operation is rather complicated and time-consuming. The output ceiling should be smooth and perfectly flat - so do not forget to use the level in the process.

You can experiment with drywall constructions, you can use stretch ceiling- it all depends on your aesthetic "inclinations" and imagination.


Working with walls is no less simple than with the ceiling. They should also turn out to be exemplarily even - any error will subsequently be evident.

The walls are a real field for the creativity of the owner-enthusiast.

If wallpapering or surface painting is expected, plastering may be necessary. But it is better and easier to eliminate irregularities with the help of GKL.

Installation of drywall - the work is "not dusty", relatively fast, the walls turn out "what you need" in the blink of an eye. Wallpaper and paint fit flawlessly on it. The only disadvantage of this solution is that the usable area of ​​​​the bedroom is somewhat reduced.


As a floor covering for a bedroom, you can use almost any material. Within reason, of course. Linoleum, parquet, laminate, cork - well-chosen, they will become a real decoration of the interior.

If the stumbling block for you is ignorance of the installation technology of the flooring you like, and you doubt whether it is worth doing the bedroom renovation with your own hands - videos from professional craftsmen will come to your aid. Detailed visual briefings will instill self-confidence and an understanding that in fact everything is not so difficult - just want to.

So, we "walked" around the bedroom in general terms and formed a row useful advice. But it would be foolish to overhaul in this room, do not add a little “raisin” to it, an individual vision of an ideal space for sleeping.

Functional zoning of space

Traditionally, the bedroom is arranged in one of the far and quiet corners of the apartment, mostly in isolation. But if desired (and necessary), here you can "implement" and workplace, and elements of the living room.

If the house has high ceilings, you can construct a mezzanine and place a sleeping bed on the second level. Thus, additional space will be freed up, which can be used with benefit - for example, arrange a wardrobe.

Worth knowing! A place to store clothes, in principle, one of key elements bedrooms. And even if the quadrature of your home allows you to allocate for the wardrobe without any doubt separate room, it is desirable that he had an adjacent location with a bedroom.

Lovers of non-standard, but practical solutions, you can advise a podium-pencil case or a transforming bed, hiding in a special closet.

All sorts of decorative partitions help to divide the room into zones elegantly and tastefully.

Architectural structures such as niches, plinths, canopies, arches interior prices in the bedroom they do not look alien at all - they often become important and necessary "accents" in the interior.

But remember, creativity and "hi-tech" are good in moderation - do not overload the bedroom with unnecessary elements, especially if its area is not particularly outstanding.

Bedroom Renovation Ideas: Popular Design Styles


This is the so-called "rustic" style. There are many of its directions - English, French, Russian, Scandinavian. But one thing unites them - rustic furniture, patchwork bedspreads and rugs, dry flower arrangements, still lifes in unpretentious wooden frames, wicker chairs. Country style is characterized by the use of exclusively natural materials.


Such an interior will suit people with conservative views, who prefer a calm, measured rhythm of life, who do not want to change their interior for the sake of changeable fashion. Look at the examples of the "classic" bedroom renovation in pictures - and you will immediately understand whether it is "your" or not.

As a rule, a room decorated in classical style- this is a bright room of the correct form, radiating stable family peace and comfort. This bedroom is not overloaded with details.

The most typical color scheme is white or colors natural wood furniture, pastel upholstery and walls; gilding, bronze finishing of interior items and furniture is possible, blue-green “blotches” also look harmonious.

It is very important to learn certain rules for creating classic interior, especially if you are going to do the repair of the bedroom yourself - you can easily find videos and photos on the topic on the Internet.


This style is characterized by warm colors, natural materials. Only natural colors. In the bedroom, made in this style is always comfortable and cozy.

High tech

The interior of the bedroom is built on the harmony of space and light. Its base is black, white and grey. Their combinations with other "pure" colors are harmonious - blue, yellow, red.

Clean shiny surfaces of the ceiling, floor, walls, undoubtedly distinguish this style from others.

"Elegant simplicity" - this is how, in a nutshell, high-tech can be described.


Ethno style is the color of a certain nation (culture), conveyed in the details of the interior. The most popular "trends" are considered to be Eastern, African and Japanese ethno.


Are you tired of the abundance of impressions and rich colors? So do-it-yourself bedroom renovation in minimal style is your goal. The number of interior items in this case, which is quite obvious, is at the “minimum” level - only things vital for a comfortable stay are placed in the room.


Practicality, quality, durability are the most characteristic features of the Biedermeier style. Matte fabrics, satin, velvet harmoniously look in such a bedroom. Luxurious furniture, overly expensive textiles and decor are inappropriate here.

Presence welcome indoor plants and "fruits" of needlework.


Such a bedroom must have an impressive area. Pretentiousness, unacceptable in other styles, is absolutely natural for the Baroque. Large paintings with floral motifs, large, catchy gilded decorations, a bed, like a king - all these are his characteristic features.

Art Deco

The design of the bedroom, implemented in the Art Deco style, is light and elegant. A little theatrical, perhaps, but optimistic. The predominant colors are orange, purple, blue, pale green. The bed in such a bedroom is chosen wide and comfortable.

"Give out" art deco mixed lines, interweaving of ethnic motifs, elements of antiquity and modern masterpieces of art.


The Art Nouveau bedroom is characterized by plastic forms, sophistication, and smoothness. Sharp corners and lines are avoided. Color solutions any are acceptable - the main thing is to feel the "unity" of space. The most popular finishing materials are wood, glass, plastic, natural stone.


The vintage style bedroom is a harmony of bright colors, interesting patterns and unusual accessories. It's a successful combination contemporary items and antiques.

The main materials are wood, forged metal, antique textiles.


The Provence-style bedroom can be recognized by its pastel colors with a number of bright color accents and some “roughness” of the design.

Furniture, as a rule, is mundane, rectangular in shape - chests of drawers, cabinets. The legs and back of the bed must be carved. Fabrics are usually used cambric, chintz, satin.

The contrast for such an interior is not typical.

See how many styles and ideas you can implement! Do-it-yourself bedroom renovation - photo selection “living proof of this” - should not be dull and primitive. Break stereotypes!

Common mistakes when decorating a bedroom

Talking about the interior of the bedroom, it is impossible not to mention the most common mistakes, which are allowed by owners inexperienced in matters of repair.

  1. Usage mirror ceiling and walls. This is not the best solution for the sleep zone.
  2. Overcrowding with furniture. Try to surround yourself with only useful interior items. "Beautiful" - in moderation.
  3. Oversaturation of the interior with ruffles, frills, openwork napkins.
  4. Too colorful wallpaper / wall painting. You should not "torment" your eyes at least in the bedroom.
  5. Installation of bulky, spreading chandeliers. You should not follow the remnants of the past - the lighting should be even, not very bright. For the bedroom, sconces, LED bulbs around the perimeter of the ceiling, floor lamps, etc. are optimal.

Try to make your rooms as comfortable as possible, setting you up for relaxation and healthy sleep. Do not change your taste, but always remember common sense. A bedroom is a bedroom.

Making repairs in the bedroom with your own hands is the dream of many homeowners. Although this is not a “public” place in a house or apartment, children do not play here, guests or the whole family do not gather, a lot of attention should be paid to repairs in the bedroom.

At the same time, many want the interior to meet all the plans of their owners, investing their most unrealizable dreams in it. This article will tell you how to do repairs in a sleeping room with your own hands.

A bedroom is a room where everyone spends a lot of time. The room can be multifunctional or adapted only for sleeping, which requires appropriate technical and design techniques.

This leads to the fact that before repairing the bedroom, you should carefully consider all its stages, taking into account the varieties of such a room, how it will be used, how the renovated room will look like.

According to their cumulative features of the bedroom, the following categories can be conditionally distinguished:

  • Spousal or parental. Here it is necessary to create the necessary psychological attitude for both spouses (see).
  • Children's(cm. ) . This room, where children not only sleep, but also play, do their homework, which requires a special approach to its design.
  • Bachelor's bedroom(cm. ). Its features are that it is usually a small room that can easily be transformed from a recreation area into a study or a bedroom for two.
  • In a one-room apartment. This type of bedroom is characterized by its versatility. She and matrimonial, and a room for children and a dining room. An example of the design of a one-room apartment is shown in the photo.

Any of these types can have a simple configuration in plan or be with an alcove, have:

  • Niche for a bed.
  • Balcony or loggia (see ).

What are the types of repairs

The degree of increasing complexity characterizes the type of bedroom renovation.

He can be:

  • Cosmetic or simple. In this case, the repair comes down to cleaning the room, it is possible to replace a window or a balcony block, re-pasting wallpaper. Before it is carried out, the main thing is to choose the right wallpaper and new furniture. During this repair:
  1. a new one-piece flexible floor covering is laid over the existing one, without floor repair;
  2. curtains change (see);
  3. lambrequin pendant;
  4. screens are installed, if necessary.
  • Decorative. This is a more complex renovation. This includes, in addition to the above activities:
  1. installation of a new ceiling;
  2. new wall decoration;
  3. the floors are being laid;
  4. it is possible to insulate a balcony or loggia;

It's already enough complex work, but still quite doable on their own. Decorative repairs also include the installation of light partitions made of tongue-and-groove blocks or drywall, plywood or lumber.

  1. overhaul of walls, floor, ceiling and installation of their insulation;
  2. floor repair, in which the screed is changed and its sealing, insulation and vapor barrier are made.
  • European-quality repair. The concept of "Euro-renovation" is a style, the creation of an unusual look for a bedroom that will express the individuality of its owners. Such repair can be of any kind, even cosmetic, but it requires either a good artistic taste of the owner of the premises, his possession of special working methods, or the recommendations of an experienced designer. The cost of renovation, in any case, will be quite large.
  • Refurbishment with remodeling. In this case, most often performed:
  1. combining a balcony with a bedroom;
  2. heavy capital partitions are arranged, giving a large concentrated load that acts on the floors;
  3. the device in the sleeping room of a panoramic or French window.

This repair requires the development of a project, a special permit for work, accompanied by complex documentation, professional technical supervision of all operations, their acceptance with confirmation by the act of putting the premises into operation. The execution of such work is possible with the experience of a builder who knows how to make technical calculations and who knows SNiPs. Repair with redevelopment on their own is carried out only in exceptional cases.

Tip: In any bedroom there should be a corner for a boudoir device, in which will be placed: a chest of drawers or a wardrobe, a dressing table, an ottoman. In a bachelor's bedroom, the functions of a boudoir and a table for work are perfectly combined by a secretary with a mirror arranged in its niche.

Room with design features

When it comes to bedrooms, another problem is quite common: the room has a pencil case configuration, that is, it is narrow and long. Let's see how professional designers get out of this situation.

Such a room must be zoned, and in the photo below you see that this was done using a suspended ceiling with lighting and curtains.


  • The coffered plasterboard ceiling is made only in that part of the room where the bed stands, and it stands under the window. Therefore, the heating battery was covered with a decorative grill, and roll-type blinds were hung on the window. The curtains were not placed above the window, as is usually done, but in front of the bed, thus creating a kind of boudoir.
  • Such an idea may be of interest to the owners of "Khrushchev", where there are rooms of a similar configuration. By the way, partial zoning can also be done by arranging a curly plasterboard partition. Most often, it is an element of the ceiling-wall zoning structure.
  • One or another option for dividing a room into zones is selected taking into account the location of windows in it. The boudoir example is good when the window is at the far end of the room, as is often the case.
    In the example below, it is located on the side wall, near the entrance.
  • The bed is in a part of the room that is not lit by daylight, and if it is closed with curtains, the sleeping area will be almost in darkness. Therefore, another zoning option has been chosen here.
  • A short curly partition separates the zones only visually, without blocking the light. Due to insufficient daylight, for the decoration of this bedroom, white and muted pink were taken as the basis.
  • And yet, in high-rise buildings there are long balconies with two exits, one of which is in the bedroom, or it can be an exit to the loggia. One way or another, this is not very convenient, and there is a desire to remove this door, especially since rooms with a balcony often have poor lighting.
  • What can be done in this situation? The door leading to the balcony can, of course, be removed, but only if it is well insulated and heating is carried out there. Now there are all the possibilities to do this - however, they will require certain costs.
  • It is necessary to close the gaps well, insulate the parapet and the ceiling of the balcony according to all the rules. The expanded clay screed will raise the floor higher, and the underfloor heating system installed under the floor covering will even save you from the need to arrange traditional heating on the balcony.

How to redecorate a bedroom

The renovation guide includes:

  • A design project is being drawn up.

It reflects what kind of bedroom should be after the renovation is completed. The sketch is applied to paper or reproduced using a special computer program, if available.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the dimensions of the room, correctly perform zoning of the space of the room. Usually the bedroom is isolated from all other rooms of the apartment, but you can organize a dressing room or a place to work here.

  • Estimate for repairs.

After determining the design of the room, a list of materials necessary for the work is compiled, and repair costs are formed. At the same time, the main condition is to correctly maintain the ratio of good quality and reasonable price for the renovation of the premises.

  • The workplace is being prepared.

Before starting the repair of the bedroom, all furniture should be removed from it, chandeliers, sockets and switches should be removed. If you do not plan to change windows and doors, they must be protected with a special film from scratches and dust.

  • Removed old coatings.

This removes:

  1. old wallpaper;
  2. traces of whitewash;
  3. dye;
  4. old tiles;
  5. damaged flooring.

Dismantling is a rather long procedure that requires certain skills and attention. Skirting boards and thresholds should be removed.

  • The premises are being re-planned and its structural elements are being replaced.

Repairs can begin with redevelopment of the room, which involves the demolition or installation of partitions. In addition, when repairing a bedroom, you can do:

  1. replacement of radiators;
  2. installation of air conditioners;
  3. carry out electrical work;
  4. replace windows and doors.

Tip: The bedroom, more than any other room, should be finished with environmentally friendly materials that are safe for human health.

How to finish the ceiling in the bedroom

The ceiling plays a significant role in the design of the room.

He can be:

  • puttied.

This is a rather time-consuming process that requires skill and experience.

  • From drywall.

Such a device can be done independently. The advantages of drywall constructions are:

  1. leveling of surface differences;
  2. hiding all communications;
  3. suitable for any lighting device;
  4. are ideal option to create multi-level structures of any complexity.
  • Stretch.

Features of such devices can be:

  1. they hide all the imperfections of the ceiling surface;
  2. protect the room from unexpected ingress of moisture from the ceiling into the room;
  3. a wide selection of textures and colors.

Stretch ceilings can be arranged in multi-level versions, where they will bring a touch of uniqueness and originality to the bedroom.

Much attention must be paid to the color scheme of the ceiling. It depends on the dimensions of the renovated premises and on the style used. Reduce visual space dark colors, and increase - light.

Tip: In the bedroom, it is not recommended to install glossy and multi-colored ceilings that distract attention and do not contribute to relaxation. All shades are chosen so that they are calm and unobtrusive, and to include a rich color in the interior, it is better to make a small color accent in the middle.

Repair of windows and doors

Doors are selected in such a way that they are combined with the design of the entire room. Window - important element interior. Their shape and size dictate the design of the room.

In addition, they prevent the penetration of cold into the bedroom, have thermal insulation properties. The sound insulation of a window depends on the thickness of the glass, the distance between the glasses, the density of the joints.

Depending on the type of window opening, they can be:

  • Combined.
  • Swing vertical.
  • Swing horizontal.

There are the most different models windows:

  • Standard made of plastic.
  • Original wooden with attractive design.

Tip: When designing a house plan, you need to consider that the windows are directed to the south or east. Then sunlight will enter the room in sufficient volume, which improves the functioning of the human body, stimulates the activity of the central nervous system and controls metabolism.

How to decorate the walls in the bedroom

Wall decoration is the main operation in the repair of a room. First of all, they align.

To do this, you can use one of the options:

  • Alignment of walls with drywall. This is a simple and quite time-saving option. Drywall can hide quite large differences on the surface of the walls and create an ideal flat surface. The disadvantage of the material is a decrease in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the unusual hollowness of the walls of the room.
  • Plastering. This is a more difficult, time-consuming and costly procedure. In addition, it cannot be used for rooms where there are large surface differences. The advantage of this method is the saving of the usable area of ​​the bedroom.

For finishing the walls in the bedroom, wallpaper or decorative plaster is most often used. When choosing wallpaper:

Tip: The best option for wall decoration is paper wallpaper, with environmental cleanliness and reasonable cost. Their only drawback is their short service life.

  • Those who are creative in organizing the interior can take non-woven wallpaper for painting. Such materials pass air well, are environmentally friendly, they can be repainted, if desired, change the color and style of the room.
  • Textile wallpapers look quite original in the bedroom:
  1. have a long service life;
  2. great abundance of colors and structures;
  3. provide excellent sound insulation in the room.

It allows you to create an original work of art in the bedroom, and its owner can be sure that the design of his room will be one and only.

Color shades for the bedroom are best to take:

  • Blue.
  • Light green.
  • Pearl grey.
  • Light pink.

How to repair a floor

The floor in the bedroom should not be cold. If possible, it is better to arrange the installation of the "warm floor" system.

As a floor covering you can use:

  • Laminate. it available material, it fits easily. The coating does not require special care, but when installing under it, a soundproofing substrate should be laid.
  • Parquet. The material is quite expensive, very capricious and requires special care.
  • Linoleum. It has high wear resistance and is unpretentious in operation.
  • Cork floor. The coating is pleasant to the touch, warm, comfortable and environmentally friendly. Does not tolerate aggressive cleaning agents.
  • Bulk floor. original and modern look finishes. With it, you can get a very flat surface on which you can apply a 3D pattern.

Tip: If the bedroom is small, a laminate or parquet laid diagonally will make the room visually more voluminous.

Installing furniture in the bedroom

The bedroom renovation ends with the selection of textiles:

  1. curtains;
  2. curtains;
  3. bedspreads;
  4. capes;
  5. decorative pillows.

Podium for the bedroom

The simplest version of the podium is a frame made of wooden beam, sheathed with plywood or wood-polymer OSB boards. As a front finish, the body of the podium can be finished with carpet, block parquet, laminate, cork coating.


  • Experienced specialists manage, with the help of a podium, to organize the space of the cramped bedroom so that everything you need is placed in it: from a table to a linen closet. In general, it is believed that the podium should be made: either in a small or in a fairly spacious room - the main thing is that the ceiling height allows this.
  • In Japanese-style interiors, you will hardly see traditional beds - just a soft mattress set on a low podium. AT big room it can be located in the center of the room. Then it makes sense to decorate its surface with expensive wood, to make a backlight.
  • If you, starting to repair the bedroom, decided to make a podium, in this part of the room you will need to dismantle the flooring. Next, you will have to level the base and cover it with a cork substrate, which usually fits under the laminate. This layer will serve not only as a shock absorber, but also provide normal sound insulation.
  • The size of the beam for the frame should be selected taking into account the expected loads - if it is only a bed, a section of 30 * 30 mm will be enough. In principle, an aluminum profile can also be used for this purpose, especially if the podium is sheathed with GVL. The distance between vertical posts should be no more than 40 cm.
  • In those places where the podium adjoins the walls, the frame elements can be rigidly fixed to their surface. Horizontal and vertical belts are installed at a right angle, if these are bars, then they should be additionally fixed with metal corners.
  • If plywood is used to cover the horizontal surface of the podium, then in order not to feel deflection under load, it is necessary to take material with a maximum thickness (21 cm). Application OSB boards allows you to reduce the thickness to 15 cm - they are much stronger than plywood due to the polymer filler. Gypsum-fiber sheets (GVL) can have a thickness of 12 mm, but the step between the lags, at the same time, should be less: 30 cm.

To build such a structure, special knowledge is not required - every second man will perfectly cope with this task. For sheathing visible vertical surfaces, making the front side of a drawer, you can take chipboard with a laminated finish, or use parts of unnecessary cabinet furniture.

Loggia as part of the bedroom

What disfigures any room the most is pipes and heating radiators, which are not always possible to hide. And if the room also has access to the loggia, the whole wall practically does not participate in the design.


  • You can, of course, hang chic curtains, but if you constantly pull them, going out to the balcony and back, they appearance pretty soon will be deplorable. You have to move the curtain so that it does not interfere with free walking.
  • For this reason, the owners of such premises often prefer to connect the room with a loggia. Why exactly with a loggia, and not with a balcony? The answer is simple: a balcony is a remote structure, and making it as warm as a room is quite difficult.
  • The loggia, in principle, is part of the interior, and its floor and ceiling are not balcony slabs, but floor slabs. Therefore, in winter it is much warmer inside the loggia than on the glazed balcony - and this is very important, especially for the bedroom.

Before removing the window and door, you need to get rid of the battery under the window and solve the main question: how the room will be heated.

And the choice is:

  • If you make the parapet low or do without it altogether by installing a glass wall, the bedroom will have excellent natural light, and you will be pleased with the panorama of the city that opens up to your eyes. It will only be necessary to raise the level of the floor of the loggia to the level of the floor of the room, make a general flooring and finish in harmony with the general interior - and you will get a large bedroom with a separate area reserved for relaxation or study.
  • Do not forget that the interior decoration of the walls and ceiling on the loggia should be done in a frame way. This will make it possible to waterproof the surfaces and lay a layer of insulation under the skin. By the way, when removing the window and the door leading to the loggia, you can leave the wall under the window - it will play the role of a zoning partition.
  • The opening can be decorated with a contrasting casing, mounted along the wall and along the ceiling with beams of the same color, and you will get a design similar to the one in the picture above. And yet, above the wall, you can install a decorative partition made of wood or drywall.
  • If you prefer to leave a wall, then you can not remove the battery, but close it with a decorative grille. Alternatively, a table can be made on the basis of the wall, since its height is ideal for this.

The video in this article on the topic: “We make repairs in the bedroom with our own hands” shows all the details on repairing the bedroom.

And have certain skills in this area. Before embarking on this difficult, but truly aesthetic process, be sure to determine the functionality of the room so that it is easier for you to draw up a project.

If you want to see examples of high-quality bedroom renovation, photos are shown in our gallery.

What to consider when drafting a project?

Before you make a bedroom renovation, draw up its project. This can be done using a special computer program, but if you do not have the skills to work with it, just draw the layout of the room on a piece of paper.

The project should begin with determining the location of the bed. Decide in advance on the width and design of the bed. Remember that these parameters affect what other furniture attributes will be located in the bedroom.

Bedroom renovation design in the photo was made using a simple computer program

Be sure to plan your bedroom in such a way that access to the bed is free. If two people live in the room, it is advisable to make convenient approaches to the sleeping place from two sides.

Photo of a bedroom renovation with a comfortable approach to the bed

The bedroom project should also include the location of the remaining furniture and large decor details. It should also be noted on the wiring diagram of electricity, if you are planning a capital, and not redecorating bedrooms rewired.

What style to choose?

Bedroom renovations can be done in different styles. Several factors influence the choice of design direction, but the most important ones are the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the personal preferences of the apartment owners.

What style to use for a room with a small square

Where to start renovating a bedroom? Of course, with the decoration of the ceiling. Regardless of whether you plan to level it, plaster, paint or stretch it, you should always start with it.

Bedroom renovation, design, real photo demonstrates the installation of a stretch ceiling

European-quality repair of the bedroom, in the photo the room is completely ready for operation

Tips and tricks for renovations in small and narrow spaces

Creating a beautiful and functional interior can be difficult if the bedroom area is small. Most often, small rooms arise as a result of redevelopment in an apartment or house, for example, after expanding the living room. The bedrooms in Khrushchev also differ in a small area. In these cases, the repair, as well as the choice of design, requires a special approach. If you want to see a beautiful and competent repair in a small bedroom, photos are waiting for you in our gallery.

The most successful options for finishing small rooms in Khrushchev

Small rooms in Khrushchev (3 by 3 or 3 by 4 m) should be decorated in bright colors and contain a minimum of furniture. The ceiling in such a room is better to paint or make a stretch. Plasterboard construction can make the room lower and visually smaller, which means that it is best to refuse to use it.

Repair of a bedroom in Khrushchev, in the photo is an example of the original stretch ceiling

Photo-renovation ideas for a narrow bedroom, interior decoration made in Japanese style

Do not forget about the main rule of repairing narrow spaces. The main accents should be used on short walls, and try to make long ones less noticeable. By accents, we mean a brighter wallpaper or carpet, if its use is allowed by the style. A small wall can be pasted over with bright photo wallpaper.

Wallpapers with large pattern in a narrow room are the main focus of the room

Interesting idea: A narrow room for a boy or teenager can be arranged in nautical style. The white and blue range inherent in this style will help to visually expand the space.

Bedrooms are being renovated when you want to update the interior that has become familiar to the eye. People spend a considerable part of their lives in rooms, so everyone wants to make it cozy. That is why, before starting the planned work, it is necessary to choose the optimal design, from the point of view of a person. Photos will help with this. ready-made options or design consultation. Regardless of the chosen method, everything must first be carefully thought out, otherwise unforeseen expenses cannot be avoided.

It is recommended to consider various design options in advance. To do this, you will need furniture or thematic catalogs. It would not be superfluous to make a sketch that will help you see in advance how exactly this or that detail fits into the interior. It is desirable to take part at this stage in the size of the room, the degree of its illumination and the predominant color range.

Increased attention is paid to the issue of zoning available areas. For example, if we are talking about the design of bedrooms, then it is done in isolation from other rooms. On the one hand, every centimeter of the area must be rationally used, without overloading the interior. On the other hand, if there is enough space in the room, a wardrobe or workplace is arranged.

The next steps are as follows:

  1. Drawing up a work estimate - the more accurately the materials necessary for the repair are taken into account, the easier it is to decide on financial matter. Beginners can use specialized computer programs. We do this in order to simplify the whole process, because they allow, based on the parameters entered, to see an approximate estimate;
  2. Preparation of the future place of work - in order to make it convenient to carry out the necessary manipulations in the room, all furniture and appliances should be removed from it. In cases where the project does not provide for the replacement of windows and doors in the room, they should first be protected from accidental damage, dust and possible ingress of paint. For this, a special film is used, which can be bought at a building materials store;
  3. Removal of old structures and coatings - in most cases, we are talking about unnecessary wallpaper, whitewash, tile or paint. This step takes a lot of time and requires extra care. The real difficulties begin at the stage of removing the plinth and threshold.

Bedroom renovation options: wall and ceiling decoration

In order for the bedroom to be transformed, you need to pay close attention to the walls and ceiling. When it comes to the ceiling, you can change its appearance with the help of: puttying, installing a stretch or plasterboard option. The first way is to wisely use sufficient building experience for people, otherwise many mistakes cannot be avoided. It's easier to work with drywall.

Firstly, they even out almost all surface irregularities, and, secondly, they allow you to hide unsightly communications with your own hands. Among other advantages, versatility stands out - the ability to use in the interior, regardless of its characteristics. If the design of the room provides for the use of a multi-level ceiling, then it is recommended to use drywall or stretch ceilings.

No less attention should be paid to the issue of transforming the walls:

  • Drywall is inexpensive and simple ways hide all surface irregularities;
  • If there is no desire to visually reduce the space in the room, the choice must be made in favor of plaster;
  • Fine finishing is carried out using wallpaper and decorative plaster;
  • Various types of finishes will help to study photos in thematic press.

Where to start repairs in the bedroom: you also need to look under your feet

A beautiful floor in a room should not be cold tones. A similar requirement applies to its temperature. To fully experience the benefits of a well-insulated floor option, the “warm floor” system will help. If there are no financial opportunities for its installation, then several common types of materials will help to make a comfortable option. Opens the list of laminate, amenable to easy installation even by not very experienced people.

After installation, it does not require special care - in addition, good designer offers a number of other options:

  1. Linoleum- a budget option for flooring. For decades, furniture was placed on it that could not harm linoleum. If from a functional point of view, the material confidently outperformed competitors, then from an aesthetic point of view, it left much to be desired;
  2. Bulk floor- Creates a perfectly flat surface minimum cost time. Other advantages include the ability to create a floor in 3D pictures;
  3. Suberic floor- environmentally friendly and pleasant to the touch coating. His only mine is a ban on the use of aggressive chemical cleaners;
  4. Parquet-requires increased attention to itself in terms of care. At the same time, it allows you to create a designer floor. A significant drawback of the material is its high cost.

It is more correct to start with redevelopment, which involves the dismantling of individual elements. Similarly, it is necessary to do when it comes to zoning space using partitions. In addition, at the redevelopment stage, heating batteries are replaced, air conditioning is installed, installation or reconfiguration is carried out. electrical wiring, installation of new double-glazed windows.

Finishing material - is selected taking into account the aesthetic and environmental factor. A phased work plan must take this aspect into account. The absence of dangerous dyes and other not always safe elements will positively affect the health of the inhabitants of the room. If we talk about the window system, then the tree must be abandoned due to its inability to pass the air flow in the required volume. The wrong microclimate in the best way affect indoor air quality.

In addition, it must be remembered that the apartment requires high-quality sound insulation. Only plastic windows will cope with this task. In doing so, one point must be remembered. If people with allergies live in the house, then plastic windows should be abandoned. The same requirement applies to doors. They are mistakenly perceived as a monolithic obstacle designed to protect the inhabitants of the room from a military invasion.

  • The focus is on functional furniture with a large number of retractable elements;
  • Visually a small bedroom will be expanded by a corner wardrobe with glass sliding panels;
  • In rooms with extraordinary geometry, it is better to use 2-3 noticeable visual accents. As such, a designer wardrobe or a picture will act;
  • Whichever finish option is chosen, it is necessary to exclude excessive cluttering of the space with furniture.

Carrying out repairs in the premises is not an easy task, requiring good preparation. When making a sketch, take into account architectural features areas where the change is planned. Furniture, windows and doors are selected according to the preferred style in the interior. After the approval of the estimate, the transformation of the premises begins. The main thing is to strike a balance between the degree of workload of the available space and the desired result.

Examples of bedroom renovations (photos of interiors)

Competently and with their own hands to carry out repairs in the bedroom is within the power of almost everyone. Here we need a competent approach, accurate, consistent actions, the main idea and a plan for its implementation. Having all this, as well as at least a little experience, you can safely start renovating your bedroom in a private house or apartment.

The main stages of repairing a bedroom

The first question is where to start the renovation in the bedroom? Even when carrying out inexpensive repair everything in the bedroom needs to be carefully planned. Yes, the bedroom renovation in the photo always looks chic and beautiful. But a similar result can be achieved on your own if you make an effort. After all, repairing the bedroom with your own hands with a competent approach saves money and allows you to get an excellent result.

Some prefer to mediterranean style, others choose high-tech, and still others choose the classics. But whether you have chosen a bedroom in a Mediterranean style or any other, the main thing here is to clearly set a goal and formulate a plan of action. Then a beautiful renovation in the Mediterranean-style bedroom will definitely not disappoint you.

When renovating a bedroom inside your own apartment, we recommend that you proceed according to the “top-down” principle. That is, you need to start from the upper surfaces and end with the floor.

There are several main stages of repairing a bedroom:

  • Ceiling repair;
  • Wall decoration;
  • Floor repair;
  • Furnishing and interior design of the bedroom.

Now we will talk about each of the stages of repair separately.

But first, a little about the size of the bedroom. When apartments are being renovated, where the bedroom is 15 sq m, many fear that such a small space will put an end to Napoleonic plans. But any number square meters makes it possible to realize the most daring ideas. Let it be a global renovation or a small simple cosmetic Mediterranean renovation.

We recommend that beginners carefully plan each step and not deviate from the planned plan. Only by taking into account the actual dimensions of the bedroom, you can find a place for each piece of furniture, choose the right shades, etc. Emphasize original ideas from the novelties of 2019 in the interior of bedrooms. Based on your ideas and plan, you will be able to achieve an excellent result. Be sure of it.

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Ceiling repair

When planning a do-it-yourself bedroom renovation, it is important to foresee the zero stages for a start. They include replacing windows and doors. This is necessary in order to create in the apartment the necessary conditions for pasting the same wallpaper. You all know that when pasting wallpaper, drafts should not be allowed inside the apartment.

Once the zero stage is completed, proceed to the ceiling surfaces.

There are several options for repair and decoration.

  1. Finishing the ceiling of the apartment with plaster. A time-consuming, but budget option, for which you will need to putty the ceiling, level it and apply a finishing layer of decorative plaster or putty. In the future, such surfaces can be painted or updated by applying new thin layers of plaster.
  2. Ceiling painting. Not the most modern version, which is still in demand in 2019. Repair is not expensive, and with the help of a varied palette of colors, you can give the room an attractive appearance.
  3. Tiles on the ceiling. There are various ceiling tiles made of light and not very materials. They are glued on a special glue, they create an excellent design of the apartment, emphasize the chosen style of the interior. The downside is that covering the ceiling with such material makes it non-breathable. This negatively affects the microclimate in the apartment. Such solutions are more relevant for the hallway, toilet.
  4. Tension and dropped ceilings. Complex ceiling structures, the installation of which is best entrusted to specialists. There are both single-level and multi-level. Their disadvantage is that the structures take up useful space.

Regardless of the chosen material, try to make sure that the ceiling does not focus on itself much attention, merges with the interior, fits into the design of the bedroom and has a calming effect. That is, no bright and dark colors.

Wall repair

In terms of walls, do-it-yourself bedroom renovation can be done in a variety of ways. But work should always begin with alignment. Especially when it comes to wallpapering.

Considering the trends of 2019, here are some of the most attractive bedroom wall renovation ideas:

  • Wallpaper. Fabric, non-woven, paper, bamboo. At your discretion. Their design is so diverse that it is not possible to classify them somehow. Do not take wallpaper for the bedroom with bright and large, complex patterns. Preference for neat lines, light patterns, geometric shapes;
  • Prints on the wall. In many ways, they are similar to photo wallpapers, only they are made on the basis of the photographs that you provide to the manufacturer. Made to order only, so great way show individuality;
  • Dye, textured plaster for walls. In 2019, the demand for these bedroom wall finishes remains high. Choose pastel colors, exclusively natural materials;
  • Tiles on bedroom walls. 2019 clearly showed that ceramic tile- this is not only a lot of bathrooms and kitchens. Small panels or fully tiled bedroom walls can look chic. If you dare to take such a step.

Related article: Styrofoam crafts for giving: we make figures from polystyrene with our own hands (30 photos)

Floor repair

2019 did not bring any special novelties for floor repairs in the bedroom. But why invent something complex and unusual, if there are a number of time-tested options?!

  1. Linoleum. An ageless classic for apartments that appreciate comfort and are not ready to allocate a large budget for repairs. Fashionable collections of linoleum in 2019 are able to emphasize your refined taste, create an atmosphere of peace, comfort or intimacy in the bedroom. Everything depends on your needs.
  2. Cork board. Natural, eco-friendly, safe and very warm material that does not require heating.
  3. Parquet. Always in fashion and is unlikely to ever cease to be relevant. Only its price, as before, is high, and the installation should be trusted to specialists.
  4. Laminate. A budget option parquet, which looks similar but costs less. Do-it-yourself bedroom renovation using laminate is not difficult, since this material is assembled according to the principle of a simple puzzle.

Bedroom furniture

It is the furniture purchased for the home that completes the renovation of the bedroom. After all, it allows you to form the final appearance of the premises in the apartment.

Since we are talking about a bedroom in an apartment, here you should take care of buying a basic set of furniture. It includes:

  • Full double bed. No pull out sofas. Otherwise, this is no longer a bedroom, but some kind of living room. The exception is one-room apartments, although even there the solutions of 2019 allow you to organize a full-fledged sleeping place;
  • Wardrobe. If you have a separate dressing room in your apartment, you can completely refuse the closet;
  • Bedside tables. Very useful pieces of furniture where they store gadgets, set alarm clocks, table lamps, charging device. Choose nightstands with lockable doors or drawers so you don't stock things and create chaos;
  • Dressing table. When living with a girlfriend or wife, this element is indispensable;
  • Dresser. Certain types of chests of drawers can be combined with dressing table functions. Beloved will get a place to store cosmetics and preening, but at the same time you can save space;
  • Television. Many people think that it is better to abandon the TV in the bedroom and put it in another room in the apartment. But practice shows that everyone puts TVs. Place it on a chest of drawers or hang it on brackets.