Inexpensive renovation in the apartment. Inexpensive do-it-yourself apartment renovation

  • 27.06.2020

    We will come to evaluate the work for free

    And the next day we will send a detailed estimate. It's free and there's no obligation.

    Materials on wholesale prices

    We will purchase high-quality roughing and finishing materials at the best price in Moscow!

    Full repair control

    The personal foreman communicates with the master every day and comes to check the work personally 2-3 times a week.

Price from 75 000 ₽

Draft materials at wholesale prices
until the end of February!

When signing a contract until the end of February for any repairs, we provide the purchase of building materials at wholesale prices from the trading house "Petrovich". Save up to 20% on building materials with RBT!

Repair work in the apartment always requires the cost of not only time, but also finances. The repair includes two items of expenditure - the services of craftsmen and building materials. Contact the RVT-Moscow company and order a budget apartment renovation in Moscow. Our services cost an order of magnitude less than other companies. At the same time, you are guaranteed to receive professional service and an impeccable result that corresponds to all Russian and international standards and regulations.

Inexpensive redecorating 71 704 rubles View estimate

What is included:

  • Priming of all surfaces
  • Laying tiles on walls and floors
  • Wallpapering
  • Linoleum laying
  • Installation of skirting boards
  • ceiling painting
  • Bathroom, sink, toilet replacement

Apartment renovation (cosmetic)
Name of works Quantity Price per one. total cost
Combined bathroom
Priming of walls, floors (full cycle) 16 m2 100 1600
Laying wall tiles (st/dimensions) 13.5 m2 900 12150
Floor tiling 2.5 m2 1300 3250
Grouting: walls, floors 16 m2 150 2400
Installation pvc ceiling 1 PC 2000 2000
Installation of ceiling lamps 4 things 250 1000
Bath installation (steel) 1 PC 2500 2500
Sink installation 1 PC 1200 1200
Installation of a GKL box on CHGV pipes 1 PC 2000 2000
Installing a standard toilet 1 PC 2000 2000
TOTAL: 30100
Kitchen room
61.9 m2 100 6190
Wallpapering without an apron 39 m2 260 10140
Linoleum laying 19.9 m2 200 3980
Installation of floor plinth 17.8 p/m 130 2314
ceiling painting 19.9 m2 300 5970
Chandelier installation 1 PC 600 600
Apron device 3 m2 5000
TOTAL: 34194
Priming of walls, ceiling (full cycle) 15.5 m2 100 1550
Wallpapering 12.5 m2 260 3250
Laying laminate 3 m2 280 840
Installation of floor plinth 4 p/m 130 520
ceiling painting 3 m2 300 900
Fixture installation 1 PC 350 350
TOTAL: 7410
Total: 71704

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Find out the cost of your repair

Repair of apartments in Moscow inexpensively from RVT-Moscow - features of the service

Apartment renovation is inexpensive, available to all our customers. To do this, we offer reasonable prices for all types of repairs and select materials, adjusting to your budget.

Most often, our clients with limited finances order redecoration of apartments inexpensively. This is due to the fact that this type of repair measures affect only the renewal of the fine finish. A small set of services significantly reduces not only the total cost of repairs, but also the timing of its implementation. If you prefer overhaul, we will do everything to ensure that its price meets your capabilities, and the quality meets your wishes.

RVT-Moscow cooperates with suppliers of building materials on wholesale terms. Thanks to this, you can save up to 50% on this expense item. Reliable construction and finishing materials will be used in your home, which will last for a long time without losing their appearance and properties, while they will cost much less than in most hardware stores.

The services of specialized specialists of our company also cost less. You get about 30% savings when contacting us in comparison with the offers of other companies. At the same time, our specialists strictly follow construction standards, observe the technologies and rules of work, use professional tools and equipment. This makes it possible, with optimal efforts and time costs, to achieve an excellent result - a beautiful and durable repair.

You don't have to leave the house

No need to move out for repairs

The toilet and water supply remains in working order.

Prepayment is not required. Repair takes place in 3-4 stages, each is paid separately as it is ready

We adapt to your schedule

We work at your convenience. Say fulfill repair work from noon to eight - so we'll do it.

Benefits for RVT-Moscow clients

Become our client and get a lot of benefits:

  1. Purchase, delivery and lifting to the floor are carried out by our forces and are included in the cost of services.
  2. Long term warranty. If any repair defects appear within 2 years, we will eliminate them free of charge.
  3. Professionalism. Craftsmen with more than 5 years of experience will work at your facility.
  4. A complex approach. You just need to sign the contract, and then accept the finished object. We take care of all other concerns.
  5. Adequate rates. We work without intermediaries, so we do not overestimate the cost of services and materials.

How to order an inexpensive turnkey apartment renovation in Moscow?

To use the services of the RVT-Moscow company, just call our manager and tell us the time of the master’s departure that is convenient for you. He will evaluate the premises and scope of work, take measurements of the premises and photograph them. After that, we will make an estimate according to the selected list of works and materials. When the contract is signed, a date for the start of work is chosen together with you. Our employees purchase materials, and then proceed to the direct implementation of repair activities. Upon completion, we will remove construction debris and clean up before handing over the facility.

You will not make any advance payments. Apartment renovation is cheap, like all other types of repairs, it is paid for upon the provision of services according to a phased plan. We draw up an estimate and indicate a fixed repair price in the contract. Thanks to this, apartment renovation will cost inexpensively, while the prices for it depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the complexity and volume of work. As a rule, the estimate makes it possible to save up to 30% of the total budget, since it excludes unforeseen expenses.

Our company guarantees

We work under a contract

The scope of work, term and price are fixed in the contract. We give legal guarantees for the performance of work in full and compliance with the declared quality.

Without contractors

Only permanent employees work, you do not have to overpay for mediation

2 year warranty on all work performed

We will assist in the acquisition of draft materials

Without prepayments

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Find out how we achieve the best service among repair companies in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Look at the quality of our work at all stages - from the application to the finished repair.

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Turnkey apartment renovation

It is cheap to repair an apartment, but so that it lasts a long time and at the same time good quality- is quite real. By ordering an apartment renovation from us, you get an integrated approach for all services - from the delivery of building materials to the installation and adjustment of equipment. All work we perform is subject to warranty obligations for a period of at least one year. Our specialists have accumulated vast experience in inexpensive finishing of apartments, of various types and different levels of complexity, in Moscow and the Moscow region. We are ready to take on a project of any scale - from one room to the whole apartment. At your request, we can take care of the design, interior designers will work closely with you to carefully consider and create the home of your dreams.


This type of repair will help transform the interior of the apartment without making changes to the layout (without demolishing walls) and replacing communications. Despite the low cost, and a relatively small set of available works in this tariff plan, cosmetic repairs can look stylish and expensive at a decent modern level. The appearance depends directly on the correct choice of finishing materials, with which our experienced specialists will certainly help you. We have been in business long enough to know the desires and capture the expectations of our customers. For our part, we make every effort to make your dreams come true, and to make joint work as comfortable and beneficial as possible for both parties.

Repair in a new building

All apartments that have just been put into operation have their own specifics, their appearance and internal characteristics are very different from each other. By contacting us, you take off your shoulders all the dirty work that we will undertake, help with the coordination and implementation of redevelopment, as well as visualize the design project in which you can see the future interior of the finished apartment. Our experts will make an inexpensive rough and fine finish of an apartment in a new building. One call from you is enough - and our team will get down to business, having previously discussed all the details for drawing up a contract. Most importantly, all this at low prices that are affordable for most of our customers. Call - to learn more about our services and current promotions.

Cheap but stylish renovation of a small apartment

Many panic at the word repair. First of all, because this phenomenon is directly related to at great expense. Yes, after the repair, many feel as if they were robbed. It is impossible to exclude expenses, but it is in your power to reduce them, without compromising the quality of the repair. So, how to make an apartment stylish, spending a minimum of savings on it?

What not to save on

The most important thing in repair is a quality foundation. This means that the floors must be even, the walls smooth and also even, and the corners must be strictly 90 degrees. What threatens such disproportion? Everything is known in the details. So, if you have uneven walls, it meansthat the skirting boards will not completely adjoin them, ugly gaps will appear, unambiguously spoiling the appearance. Further, problems with uneven corners will appear when you install cabinet corner furniture. Well, on a crooked floor, lockers will stand shaky-roll. In general, if you decide to rely on independent forces for repairs, your work must be perfect. Pouring floors, leveling and plastering walls,wall decorating, installation stretch ceilings All this should be done by professionals. Believe me, having saved on the base, you risk later laying out a much larger amount to correct errors.Do not forget that it is very important to properly lay wires around the apartment, pipes in the bathroom.Much also depends on the quality of the finish, namely its practicality andappearance. Even the most expensive ceramic tile, laid out crookedly, or cut off unevenly, will spoil the entire interior of the room.

Expensive does not mean stylish

For some reason, we mistakenly believe that expensive building and finishing materials look better, and as a result, they are 100%guarantee of a successful repair. Unfortunately, this is not so. Of course, we do not put you in front of a choice between the cheapest and most expensive material. This is not entirely true, because first of all we should talk about quality and reliability, whether it is a building mixture, finishing material or an interior item. Quality is above all, the rest is up to you. And it should fall on the most profitable options for the wallet. Repair is serious business, so take it seriously. Compare various options read reviewsabout finishing materials on the Internet.

How to reduce repair costs

We will not go into details about which is better. construction material choose because as mentioned above - the main quality. Consider the interior elements that form the basis of design.

Let's start with the design itself. It’s not worth spending money, I’m hiring a designer to tell you which corner to put the sofa in and which TV. To date, a lot interesting options for the design of apartments of various sizes and designs can be found in the public domain on the Internet. This is easy to do, you just need time to choose one or another design option. It is not necessary to repeat it exactly, you can just see what color variations are combined, what is more suitable for one or another type of finish, and finally, how upholstered furniture looks in the interior of the room.

The main components of the interior are finishing material for walls, furniture, decor items and floors.

Let's start with the floor. Many cover it with linoleum, which is quite justified. This material is relatively cheap. practical, but if we are talking about a stylish apartment - this is definitely not the linoleum that should decorate.Options: laminate, self-leveling floors. Laminate is cheaper than self-leveling floors and it looks very nice. This is a versatile material that can be matched in style to any interior.

Wall decoration - there can be a lot of variations on this theme. Cheap options - wallpaper. But, you have to really work hard to find cheap wallpapers of decent quality and with a pattern not a la "I'm visiting my grandmother."Did you know that many designers offer their clients not to cover the walls with anything at all, leaving the brick for everyone to see. The idea is very interesting, but requires a style specification (combine this option with a fireplace - it will be ideal). dear decorative plaster can be replaced with a regular one, applied with a relief roller, all this splendor can then be painted in any color, but just carefully select the paint.

Interior items - exactly onthey spend a huge chunk of their money. Minimalist style to help you. Buying cabinet furniture is not cheap. However, as practice shows, much cheaper and more practicalbuy itemsinterior separately.

Pay attention to the junk that is left of the former situation. Now this is called vintage, and if you skillfully beat this style in the interior (including wallpaper, purchase a couple of antiques, hang black and white photographs), then you won’t have to buy anything. A rocking chair will perfectly complement the interior, they are usually cheaper than ordinary soft chairs.

Cheap but stylish renovation - photo

They wanted to make a cosmetic renovation of the apartment, so they applied to the site with an application. We were quickly picked up by the master, he went to the site and made an estimate. We were quite satisfied with the announced price and terms, we concluded an agreement with the master Sergio Afanasyevich. The work was done neatly, meticulously...

agreed. Financial agreements following the results of the work were also observed. Regarding punctuality and courtesy - everything is fine, the masters did not let us down even once. Everyone is happy, thank you!

Grade 5+

Osavchuk Vasily Grigorievich and his team carried out a major overhaul of our apartment. I am very pleased with them and will gladly recommend them to my friends and acquaintances. The guys are serious about their work and every time after the work they cleaned up after themselves, which cannot but rejoice. Always advised...

and gave professional advice on how best to act in a given situation. We tried not to make noise in order not to disturb the neighbors, for which they are a big plus. In general, they did an excellent job with their task, and if necessary, I will be ready to show my apartment as an example of their wonderful work .. I am pleased with your work and, if necessary, I will contact you again.

Grade 5

Excellent master! Completed a major overhaul of the apartment with the brigade with the correction of all walls, the replacement of electrics, plumbing, floor screed. The quality of the repair is excellent, all joints are well done. High-quality electrician for modern technology. We chose among several teams and decided to work with...

Valery. Perfect hit. Valery organized! With a proactive attitude and good taste. He loves his job and brings every question to the ideal. Everything is done with taste - without ridiculous unnecessary thresholds, corners, etc. With a good, decent team. 5+++! The repair went smoothly and smoothly. Everything was spelled out in the contract, payment upon completion of the work. Valery can be safely entrusted with a major overhaul! #repair #reliability #overhaul #goodrepair #moscow

Grade 5+

Marina, m. Proletarskaya

Order services: Electrician. Repair of apartments.

I want to note high level Yury's professionalism and competence. Yuriy did a major overhaul of my apartment. As a result, all work was done at 5+, from dismantling to finishing. Any comments from my side were eliminated instantly, and the wishes were taken into account completely. Even...

nothing to complain about! During the renovation, cleanliness was maintained, there was no excess debris. The material was used sparingly. Moreover, the calculation for ordering materials was made very accurately. (I took care of the purchase of materials myself). All work was carried out without any delay or delay on his part. Separately, I want to note the accuracy. Yuri during the work and the flexibility shown in assessing the cost of repairs. The repair was carried out even 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I will definitely recommend him to my friends and family!

Grade 5+