Where to start a major renovation in the bathroom? Where to start repairs in the bathroom - the sequence of work Where to start making repairs in the bathroom.

  • 23.06.2020

The work includes several stages. Their number depends on what is to be done. In any case, all actions must be planned carefully. This is the only way to avoid irreversible consequences. With a comprehensive reorganization, the creation and approval of the project will be required. Some measures are prohibited at the legislative level, some cannot be coordinated due to the unsatisfactory state of communications and supporting structures, as well as their features. Basically, it all comes down to replacing or refurbishing plumbing, installing floors, decorating walls and ceilings. you can do it yourself. We will tell you how.

Bathroom self-repair process


How not to break the law? The help of professionals will be required if it is necessary to develop project documentation and its approval in government agencies. This type of activity has the right to engage only in organizations that have the appropriate license.

When agreement is needed

  • when changes affecting electrics, ventilation and other communications should be reflected in the technical passport of the room. These activities may include replacing plumbing and installing equipment that increases energy consumption.
  • In case of redevelopment, which is a change in the configuration of the walls on the BTI plan. These include the device of openings, the transfer of partitions.

There are a number of restrictions imposed by legislation and sanitary standards. If GOSTs and SNiPs are valid throughout the territory of Russia, then the ban on carrying out a certain type of work is regulated by local legislative bodies. The requirements are usually the same. The differences depend on climatic conditions v different regions, but there are not so many of them. As an example, consider the list of prohibited activities established by the Moscow Government Decree No. 508 PP.

What not to do during redevelopment

  • Complete or partial demolition of ventilation shafts. In typical apartments, they are usually adjacent to the bathrooms.
  • The installation of concrete screeds, the construction of heavy partitions, the installation of plumbing, if this increases the load on the floor and the places of its support in excess of the permissible.
  • Connecting the "warm floor" to the hot water riser.
  • Stacking in interpanel seams and reinforced concrete slabs.
  • at the expense of living rooms. It is allowed to narrow it only within the limits indicated in the technical standards.
  • Violation of fire safety rules.
  • Arrangement of toilets, bathrooms and showers on the mezzanine. It is prohibited to locate baths, sinks, as well as any other equipment in these places.
  • Any changes that result in poor living conditions for apartment owners and their neighbors. Housing must comply with sanitary and technical standards. Failure to comply with them often becomes noticeable to all residents of the entrance.
  • Actions that cause weakening of the supporting structures of the building. These may be permitted techniques, for which you do not need to make a project and agree on it, however, if the house is in a state close to emergency, it is better to first conduct a survey. To do this, you need to contact an engineering organization that has special equipment and call a specialist to your home.
  • It is strictly forbidden to carry out repair work in emergency buildings.

How to start renovation work in the bathroom

Decide what exactly needs to be replaced

First of all, you need to determine the goal, figure out what needs to be changed and what can be left. For example, and put a new one instead. Solve the problem acrylic coating... A shower stall makes up for the lack of space, but this solution is unlikely to be suitable for those who like to lie down in hot water. The owners of cramped bathrooms in typical apartments often decide to combine a bathroom and toilet with a corridor leading to the kitchen, creating a single space. This option will seem unsuccessful to many, but it also has many positive aspects. Here everything is decided by personal preferences. They concern not only convenience, but also interior design.

Think over the floor plan

As with any serious business, repairs should begin with a plan. When significant changes are coming, it is best to consult a specialist from an engineering firm. It is possible that some of the plans will not be realized. To insure yourself against mistakes, it is advisable to conduct a technical survey. If the neighbors cut through a wide opening from below, the already worn-out structures are unlikely to be able to withstand the weight of a thick concrete screed. But its device does not even require approval.

To visualize the final result, it is better to visualize it. The sketch can be made in color, supplemented with an applique from samples of finishing materials, or executed on a copy of the bathroom plan, marking the changes in the contours of the partitions with red lines. It is more convenient to make several printouts to compare different variants... When replacing plumbing, its image on a scale is cut out of paper and transferred to a copy of the plan in search of better place location. This method is used by professional designers.

In the case of drawing up a conversion project or redevelopment, the planning stage is simplified. All calculations, including the estimate, can be entrusted to the design organization. Such companies usually work with construction crews. If the cost of the contractor's services is too high, it will not be difficult to find one yourself.

Make an estimate

An estimate is one of the most important planning stages. In order not to stop half way due to a lack of financial resources, it is necessary to calculate the upcoming costs by finding out how much the materials and services of construction companies cost. It is important to know how many materials are required. It is better to buy them with a small margin in case of marriage or damage during storage and transportation.

Schedule deadlines

Before you get down to business, you need to plan. For example, if the bathroom cannot be repaired quickly, you may have to deal with the washing and washing problem.

It is important to provide for a storage location for building materials and to resolve all organizational issues related to garbage disposal. It is necessary to determine if the container is needed and where to put it in the yard.

If the whole apartment is to be, a complete algorithm of actions is required. For example, to new bath during transportation, I did not scratch the lining in the corridor, it is better to install it before starting finishing works.


So, the plan is made. First of all, you need to get rid of everything that needs to be replaced. You can begin to dismantle the plumbing and old coating. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the electrics and pipes. The floor in the hallway must be covered with foil or newspapers so as not to scratch, taking out heavy bags of waste and a used bath.

At the same time, the purchase of finishing and equipment is being carried out. If the tile or sink is ordered from Europe, it will take about two months or more to arrive. In August, all manufacturing companies go on vacation. The time should be calculated in such a way that the order arrives before the end of July, otherwise you will have to wait a month longer.

For storage, it is better to take separate room where they won't get in the way. It is safer to keep them in packages or under a layer of newspaper. Varnishes and paints should be stored on a balcony or loggia, or in a well-ventilated area.

In panel houses built before 1998, the bathroom and toilet are placed in the so-called sanitary cabin... It is a box made of asbestos cement, which was installed entirely during the construction of the building in order to save time. Asbestos cement is a health hazard. It causes cancer and other dangerous diseases. This is reason enough to get rid of it as quickly as possible and put in new partitions. V modern construction others, more are used, although the method is still used today.

The demolition of the plumbing does not have to be coordinated if you install new partitions along the contour of the old ones without increasing their weight. An aluminum frame lined with plasterboard is suitable for this purpose.

Rough work

You should start with rough work. Plumbing is installed after finishing.


When the old coating is removed, electrical wiring channels, hot and cold water pipes, and sewerage are laid along the floor, walls and ceiling. In the walls of monolithic and brick houses, it is allowed to lay shallow grooves to bring the wire to new sockets. The maximum depth is 2 cm. The cable is laid in a corrugated tube and sealed with mortar. Pipes are prohibited by sanitary standards. In case of an accident, access to them must be open. They can be hidden in removable boxes with inspection hatches.

Waterproofing and soundproofing

In typical buildings, waterproofing does not always meet the standards that were used during construction. The same is the case with soundproof materials, which eventually lose their properties. In order not to flood the neighbors, you will have to take precautions. The floor slab is cleared of debris and dust. Interpanel seams and other voids are sealed with mortar, mastic or sealant.

A layer of waterproofing is placed below. As a rule, roll materials based on polyethylene or roofing material are used. To avoid leaks, an overlap of 10 cm is made. The seams are glued with tape. From above, panels of expanded polystyrene or. They are closed with another layer of polyethylene, after which they are poured concrete screed... It gains brand strength within one month, but it will be possible to walk on it within a week. There are special leveling compounds based on polymers. They have a liquid consistency and, when spreading, form a perfectly flat, smooth surface.

Fine finishing

How to make repairs in the bathroom with your own hands? For walls and ceilings, moisture-resistant plaster and putty are used.


Can be used decorative plaster with dyes and particles natural stone, paint, lining. It is better to varnish the wood so that water does not get inside and does not destroy its structure. Protection against mold and mildew is provided by special impregnations and sanitizing agents. There is a plastic lining that is not afraid of water.


Bathrooms are often used as PVC film stretched over a frame that is attached around the perimeter. This finish has a drawback - the film easily melts and loses its shape even at a temperature of 60 degrees. To make it unusable, it is enough to hit a jet on it hot water... The best option is moisture-resistant paint or a suspended frame sheathed with plasterboard. It is better not to use porous materials, such as foam panels, when decorating rooms with high humidity.

The sequence of work can be different. You can go from top to bottom from the ceiling to the floor. When finishing, it is better to move to the walls when the tiles are already on the floor.

Plumbing installation

The sink and bathtub are installed after finishing work. It is necessary to think in advance how they will be connected to the pipeline. Soft plastic wiring is used for the bathtubs. Together with the siphon, it is hidden from the eye, so its decorative qualities are not important. For washing, on the other hand, external can be very important. Shiny metal thick pipes look good. There are models designed to serve as interior decoration.

The wiring can be hidden in a plasterboard false wall by making inconspicuous doors in it. The structure based on the sheathed frame allows you to give the wall any shape. If you wish, you can make a niche above the sink, install a mirror in it and bring it into the backlight.

At the final stage, when all devices are connected to the pipeline, and the joints have been checked, furniture and decorative elements are installed.

  • Prepared by: Artem Filimonov

To make a quality bathroom renovation, you don't have to have big finances. Indeed, if you wish, you can significantly save money.

For example, you can refuse the services of a designer and yourself come up with a style in which the renovation will be performed.

You can also save on the construction team and do everything yourself.

But in order for the process to be established, and the result is achieved, it is necessary to draw up in advance detailed plan action.

So, you will need:

  • Come up with a design;
  • Stock up on the necessary materials and tools;
  • Make an estimate;
  • Calculate the exact dimensions of the bathroom and the dimensions of the plumbing;

When choosing a design, you need to pay attention to the area of ​​the room. Owners of a small area should take into account that a small space is less functional.

Light colors in the interior and large mirrors on the walls will visually enlarge the room.

You can refuse to install a bath and give preference to a shower cabin. Thus, there will be more space in the room.

For hygiene products, instead of bulky floor-standing cabinets, you can hang compact hanging cabinets.

After you have decided on the choice of design, you need to draw up an action plan. After all, in order for the process to go on continuously, all actions must be performed sequentially.

Neglecting previous work can significantly affect the final result.

Step 1: Calculate the amount of building materials

This is a very important stage in the renovation. An unpleasant moment may be that if the calculation is not correct, there may not be enough tiles, panels or other building materials.

Indeed, in the process of cutting and masonry, some of the material can be damaged. To avoid such an incident, you should initially purchase building materials with a margin.

Step 2: remove the old surface

To remove tiles from walls and tiles from the floor, you need to stock up on a hammer and chisel. However, it will be easier to cope with the work with a punch or drill. There are two options for dismantling: gentle and emergency.

The first is done with a hammer and chisel. First you need to soak the grout, and then carefully separate each tile from the wall or floor.

The second option is much faster, but more “dusty” and “noisy”. To do this, you just need to demolish the coating with layers using a perforator.

Step 3: repair the floor

First of all, a screed device is installed. If the installation of an additional "warm floor" system is not provided, then the height of the screed will be 1-1.5 cm. The height will be 3-4 cm if the floors are further insulated.

There are several types of "warm floor" system: water, film and electric. Any of the systems preserves the microclimate in the bathroom well, at the same time it has a low cost and is easy to install.

Step 4: wall decoration

Today on the market there are materials for the bathroom for "every wallet". First of all, it all depends on the finances that you have. Most often, tiles are laid on the walls.

But you can pick up and more a budget option such as plastic panels or special moisture resistant plaster. At this stage of the repair, everything depends on your imagination and finances.

Step 5: ceiling

When repairing the ceiling, it is worth starting from the materials that were used on the walls. So, for example, elastic vinyl film looks very nice with tiles and plastic.

If you plan to make a ceiling with different transitions, then use a special moisture-resistant drywall. However, there is also a more budgetary option: plastic panels.

After all the finishing work has been completed, you can install the bath, furniture and plumbing. DIY repair is not easy, but very informative. Plus it can save you money and make the design exactly the way you want it!

Do-it-yourself bathroom repair photo

One of the most visited rooms in any house or apartment is the bathroom. That is why it is necessary to approach its repair with special attention and thoroughness. This room experiences the greatest temperature and humidity fluctuations, which can negatively affect the overall finish. To get a cozy and functional bathroom, it is worth choosing high-quality and reliable Construction Materials... For rational and correct organization bathroom renovation, you need to clearly understand where to start the restoration work.

Before proceeding with the purchase of materials and performing any actions, it is worth deciding on the type of repair. There are the following types of bathroom restoration:

  1. Unplanned repairs - carried out as a result of an unforeseen emergency (flooding by neighbors or a pipe break). At the same time, it can be finished with minor cosmetic actions or more global ones with the replacement of communication systems (replacement of water supply pipes, sewerage, renewal of tiles, etc.).
  2. Planned repairs may also differ in scale and material investment of the owner. Of course, cosmetic finishing will cost significantly less than a major restoration. In this case, everything depends on technical condition premises and financial opportunities.

In any case, bathroom renovation requires preparation and calculation of all stages of work. To do this, you need to hire a professional estimator who can calculate everything accurately. Only then can you negotiate with the construction team. But this is not the only option. If you have free time and minimal construction knowledge, you can carry out all the restoration work yourself.

It is necessary to understand that the payment for the work of the builders is approximately 50% of the price of the used building materials. Accordingly, repairing a bathroom with your own hands will cost at least one and a half times cheaper. It is necessary to prepare for the repair of a bathroom with all responsibility, since it will require not only a lot of knowledge in the construction industry, but also practical skills.

Preparing for a bathroom renovation begins by examining the prices of building materials and the necessary equipment. This will allow you to get the preliminary cost of all work.

Calculating prices and costs for bathroom renovation

Almost every owner who plans to renovate a bathroom or a bathroom asks a completely logical question - where to start? The most optimal solution is the selection of building materials and budgeting. All this will allow you to find out how much each stage will cost. Building materials for a bathroom or a bathroom must be selected with great care, since they must meet many requirements.

The coefficients of moisture absorption and thermal expansion are of particular importance, since there are large differences in moisture and temperature in this room. Not the last factor is the porosity of the material, since it affects the sanitary and hygienic safety of the entire room. Accordingly, you should not rely on the purchase of very cheap materials, otherwise you will have to carry out repeated repairs.

It is rather difficult to choose the exact parameters that the materials should meet. In addition, it is practically impossible for a layman to understand the huge assortment. For this reason, it is worth choosing building materials that are specially made for bathrooms or for outdoor decoration. Approximate prices for the necessary components for the repair of a bathroom:
  1. Floor tiles of domestic production - from 40 rubles / piece with a size (30x30), foreign collections are more expensive - from 60 rubles / piece. As a rule, European models are distinguished by the best decorative elements.
  2. Wall tiles have the same cost as floor tiles.
  3. You can use porcelain stoneware for finishing, its price starts from 50 rubles / piece.
  4. Consumables include glue, grout and cross-stitch patterns. This is another 50% of the cost of tiles per unit area.
  5. Laminate boards - from 300 rubles / piece.
  6. Self-leveling floors - from 220 rubles / 10 liters.
  7. Hardwood or teak floor - from 500 rubles per square.
  8. Polypropylene pipes for cold water - from 24 rubles / meter.
  9. Reinforced polypropylene pipes for hot water - from 35 rubles / meter.
  10. 50 mm sewer pipes - from 45 rubles.
  11. Stop valves and fittings account for about 60% of the price of all pipes.

These are indicative prices for the most necessary materials when renovating a bathroom. By comparing the area of ​​the floor, walls, ceiling and the induced cost, the total cost of the restoration work can be roughly calculated. When making calculations, consider the following:

  1. Using cheaper materials can lead to complexities and time-consuming work.
  2. A 3-5% reserve should be made for waste and battle. For example, if your area needs 300 tiles, it is better to buy 310 or 315 tiles.
  3. Similar actions should be taken when buying putty, cement, sand, silicone, etc.
  4. Depending on the size of the bathroom and the degree of complexity of all restoration work, it will take from 2 weeks to 3 months. This is with the condition independent work... If you hire a team of professional builders, things will go much faster.
  5. As for plumbing fixtures, their choice depends on design solution and the material capabilities of the owner.


In addition, experts can give a lot of practical advice in this area. So, when hiring a construction team, you should also ask about the price of finishing materials. If they are professionals in their field who have extensive experience in this area, then they will have connections with hardware stores, where discounts are available for them.

Another good advice concerns the choice of a heated towel rail, the most optimal option in terms of price and quality are stainless steel products. To really save water and electricity, you need to buy a modern mixer with a motion sensor. It turns on only when hands are raised and delivers water at a preset temperature. This is far from the most cheap option, but it allows you to save water consumption up to 50% and electricity up to 40%.

As you know, a bathroom is a warm room with a constant high rates humidity, which is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and microorganisms dangerous to human life. Because of this, you should not use structures on the crate, since such niches will sooner or later become a breeding ground for infection.

Based on all the above tips and tricks, you can choose high-quality building materials at the most optimal price.

Bathroom renovation: where to start. Sequence of work

To carry out high-quality repairs in the bathroom in the shortest possible time and at an affordable price, it is worthwhile to carry out all the manipulations sequentially. Step-by-step action plan:

  • The choice of models and the number of plumbing fixtures that you plan to install.
  • Creation of design ideas and color selection.
  • Drawing up an estimate for the purchase of finishing materials.
  • Preliminary preparation of the premises.
  • Inspection of the condition of the floor and the choice of the option for its repair.
  • Floor repair: insulation, screed replacement, waterproofing.
  • Laying of pipes for water supply and sewerage.
  • Electrical wiring.
  • Wall and ceiling decoration.
  • Finishing the floor.
  • Wall cladding, grouting, corner sealing.
  • Installation of a ventilation system.
  • Installation of plumbing fixtures.
This sequence of work will optimize the entire repair process and understand what needs to be done at a particular stage. We will get acquainted with each item in more detail below.

Getting Started Bathroom Renovation

Design and plumbing

This is the very first and most important stage in the renovation of a bathroom, since design also depends on the choice of plumbing fixtures. It is necessary to understand that not only the appearance of the room depends on the model of the sink, toilet bowl or bathroom, but also the accuracy of the laying of all communication systems. For example, a tulip washbasin greatly simplifies the laying of pipes, in parallel with this, it requires the use of perfectly smooth tiles without relief. Otherwise, stains and streaks of dirt will remain on the walls. Another option to simplify pipe laying is to install a mixer on the bathtub.

It is impossible to list all the nuances and subtleties. Even in houses of the same type with the same dimensions, you can use various materials, as well as their combination, which, in the end, will bring a special appearance and a difference in costs within 20%. For this reason, it is worth carefully considering the layout and design.

It is also worth understanding that not every idea can be realized in city apartments. For example, to install a mixer built into the wall, the load-bearing walls will have to be hammered, which is simply unacceptable.

Bathroom renovation materials


Today, almost no one uses metal constructions, since plastic products are more reliable and affordable. The best option for a bathroom is polypropylene pipes. Sometimes they use metal-plastic analogies, but they are more relevant for the heating system in the house. In addition, polypropylene welds are more reliable than metal-plastic fittings. Because of this, PP pipes can be built into the wall without fear of an accident.

To supply water to the bathroom and create a sewage system, it is necessary to use polypropylene or PVC pipes. This allows you to save your budget, simplify the installation process and get truly durable structures that require minimal maintenance.

Fittings and fittings for plastic pipes

When creating a pipe system, it is worth using special couplings, fittings for soldering and fastening polypropylene pipes to each other. It is worth noting that there are a huge number of adapters that allow you to combine different materials. So, modern plastic pipes can be reliably connected to metal counterparts. When connecting to metal, it is necessary to use shut-off valves that are soldered into the plastic. All this avoids system leakage.


For the bathroom, the most optimal finishing material is tiles, since they have excellent resistance to humidity and temperature extremes. Also unpretentious in care. It is better to use porcelain stoneware as a floor covering. This material is slightly more expensive than ordinary tiles and has a number of advantages. First of all, it is high strength and resistance to stress.

In addition, porcelain stoneware, even with a smooth surface, is not slippery, which significantly reduces the degree of injury.

High demands have been placed on bathroom tiles, not only from an aesthetic but also from a hygienic point of view. At first glance, inconspicuous dirt or specks can become a further hotbed for the spread of bacteria and microbes. Because of this, you should not skimp on the quality of this building material.

Glue and tools

When you start laying tiles in the bathroom, you need to use a slow-drying glue - 12-24 hours. This will promptly eliminate minor flaws during self-assembly and improve the quality of the finish coat.

It is also worth choosing a spatula with the depth of the teeth, which is indicated in the recommendations on the glue package. If this information is not available, it is necessary to use spatulas with a tooth height of 3-6 millimeters. Do not use a coarse-toothed trowel, as high glue lines will lead to cavities under the tiles.

Installation will also require a diamond pipe drill and tile cutter. Don't forget about templates - plastic crosses. For grouting, use a special trowel or an economical option - a cut of an electric cable with a diameter of 5-6 mm. Finishing of the seams is carried out with a flannel rag.

The rest of the tool is selected according to standard building criteria.

Room preparation

Where to start preparing a bathroom for renovation. First of all, they dismantle old plumbing fixtures. Pipes with cold and hot water supply are pre-disconnected. To avoid problems, shut off the water on the risers.

After that, everything is removed from the bathroom. The result is an empty room with bare walls and floors. The heating system is also turned off and plugs are installed. Next, you need to turn off the power supply to junction box... For lighting, you will have to use portable lamps and extension cords.

After completing all the above manipulations, you can start cleaning the surfaces, starting from the ceiling. If the repair is carried out in the "Brezhnevka", then a surprise may await you - an insulating box of the room with GPV, which must be removed. All work should be done very carefully. To avoid the collapse of the ceiling, props are used.

Remove old wall and floor tiles with a chisel or hammer drill. The surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned of cement or glue residues. The most dusty and unpleasant stage is the removal of the top layer of plaster. To do this, you must use a drill with a metal brush 80-100 millimeters. If the old finish is loose, it must be stripped down to brick or concrete.

Where to start renovating a bathroom floor

Initially, a revision of the condition of the floor is carried out, which will determine the scope of work. After removing the tiles with a hammer drill, it is necessary to remove the remains of the cement backing. If the base is very strong, it can only be removed with a grinder with a diamond wheel.

Inspection of the old screed will allow you to determine whether a complete replacement is necessary or it is enough to make a new fill and alignment. The last option will save time and money for repairs, but it is only possible if the old substrate is in a satisfactory condition. In addition, self-leveling bathroom floors with a small size are the most correct solution. It must be remembered that the thickness of such a floor must be at least 30 mm.

Waterproofing the bathroom floor

You cannot use ordinary film in this room. The best option is aquaizol or analogs from polyester. Today it is the most reliable material for the bathroom and toilet.

When installing a layer of waterproofing, the layers are glued together using mastic or welded with a special industrial hairdryer. The insulating layer must be installed on the walls for at least 25 centimeters with folds in the corners. Only then can the floor be poured and a new screed can be formed.

Self-leveling floor

For a self-leveling floor, a two-component composition should be taken: an initial fill and a viscous layer. This is followed by a leveling liquid layer.

The new floor screed must be created with modern and quality materials... As a heater, you should not use a bedding from expanded clay, since it is very hygroscopic. Foam concrete is also not suitable for a bathroom. The best option is magnesite glass plates. They have high strength, which allows them to be mounted directly on the reinforcement mesh.

For a high-quality floor screed in the bathroom, some features must be taken into account:

  1. Cement must have a grade of at least 400.
  2. It is necessary to use only sifted quartz sand.
  3. The ratio of sand to cement is 4: 1.
  4. The volume of water is equal to the amount of cement.
  5. Also add 10% of the total volume of the PVA emulsion to the water.
  6. The general formation of the screed is carried out along beacons with a layer thickness of at least 40 mm.
  7. After leveling, rubbing is carried out with a smooth trowel.

It should be noted that the new cement-sand screed must dry for at least 40 days. Only after this period has expired, repair work can be continued.

Where to start laying communications in the bathroom during the renovation?

Open pipes in the bathroom significantly worsen the appearance of the room, and shading the walls to hide them is rather tedious and dusty. If speak about block house, then such a procedure is simply impossible, since the reinforcement in the slabs will not allow making the necessary niches. In addition, sewer pipes do not have welded joints and must be accessible for inspection in case of blockages.

Pipe laying

Coming out of the above features, all pipes must be run along the bottom of the room in one bundle and closed with special slopes. In the finish, the slopes covering the pipes can be tiled. In addition, it is better to make these structures removable for quick access. You will also need small grooves, especially for vertical pipes that lead to faucets or a boiler.

Replacing the pipeline should start from the sewer system. The drain pipes are assembled fairly quickly using rubber seals and sealant. They can be laid in one day. After that, the soldering of the polypropylene pipes for the water supply is performed. For the heating system and heated towel rail, it is worth using metal-plastic pipes, which bend perfectly and also fit into niches. As additional protection, the grooves with pipes can be foamed.

Installation of electrical wiring

As mentioned earlier, the bathroom has a high humidity, which puts forward special requirements for materials, especially when it comes to electrical system... The most optimal and reliable option is to use double-insulated wires, which are tightened into a protective corrugation. High-quality insulation will create a reliable and safe electrical supply system.

Bathroom renovation: where to start plastering

The plaster finishing process should be carried out along the beacons, which will allow you to get perfectly flat surfaces for finishing. To do this, you need to apply two layers: starting and finishing. At the same time, one cannot save on materials.

It should be noted that the waterproofing apron should not be cut, it must be glued to the wall with tape and covered with a layer of putty. There are no special recommendations and features for finishing; it is carried out, as in other rooms, from the ceiling to the floor. It is better to apply the plaster mixture in portions.

Insulation of the bathroom ceiling

Even in very warm houses insulation of the ceiling in the bathroom or toilet is a necessity, as this will reduce the amount of condensation. As you know, excess moisture is the primary reason for repairs. As for the floor, it is worth mounting a layer of LSU on the ceiling, which is attached with mounting glue or silicone. For reliable fastening, props are used, one per square meter.

Features of filing the ceiling of the bathroom

The ceiling is the most vulnerable point. This requires a warm and beautiful design with high resistance to condensation. Because of this, the best option is a plastic lining or ceiling laminate. Installation features:

  1. The laying of the material is carried out using construction silicone or assembly glue.
  2. When installing each next board, a thin layer of glue is applied to the tongue of the lock. The resulting drips are immediately removed with a rag.
  3. The last boards of the ceiling are laid in a house, and after pressing the middle, they snap into place.
  4. Until the glue dries, rack props are used.

These are reliable structures, since they are not only glued, but also interlocked with tongue-and-groove locks, which makes it possible to form a one-piece shield. It should be noted that the ceiling is finished before the wall cladding. This is necessary in order for all ceiling structure propped up by the ends of the wall tiles. All this guarantees a sealed and reliable design.

Where to start finishing your bathroom floor

The most successful floor solution is porcelain stoneware tiles. It fits on the glue end-to-end, without seams. The resulting glue drips should be removed immediately. A layer of glue is applied with longitudinal strokes using a spatula. For a 30x30 tile, the consumption should be 0.25-0.35 sq.m.

Laying begins from the door so that the cut parts are hidden under the bath or the slope of the pipes. The last row with cut tiles should be laid after the main part has dried, so as not to sell the accuracy of the entire coating.

Each tile laid must be tapped with a rubber mallet. Thus, they adhere well to the glue and move to the free edge. So that there are no voids left, the glue rusts are made shallow and parallel.

Another option for a bathroom is a wooden floor. Such structures are quite warm, and it is even pleasant to step on it with bare feet. Due to the elasticity of the material, it can withstand heavy baths, which gives another plus in the use of wood. Still, it is necessary to understand that the installation of such a floor requires more material costs and time.

The best option for a bathroom is larch or teak. Initially, the material is impregnated with a PVA emulsion, and as finishing use acrylic varnish. All this guarantees the durability and quality of the construction. For installation, grooved materials are used that fit similarly to the ceiling, and leave an indent of 25 millimeters from the walls. The gap near the wall will allow the wood to move freely when it swells. Before installing the skirting boards, the gap can be filled with polyurethane foam.

Where to start bathroom wall cladding

The best material for the price and quality for the bathroom is tile. Also recently, plastic paneling has gained popularity. It is an inexpensive and hygienic material.

When installing wall tiles, seams are cut, for this, when shrinking onto glue, template crosses are used. The technology practically does not differ from the installation of floor tiles. In the tiles through which the pipes and electric wires will pass, the corresponding holes are pre-drilled with a diamond crown.

After the glue has set, the corners of the tiles are sealed with silicone. After applying the sealant, a piece of cable is applied, pressed and removed immediately. Due to this, the silicone perfectly penetrates into the corner, and the seam itself receives a smooth and concave surface. The resulting drips should be removed immediately with a rag dipped in vinegar.

On the planes, it is also necessary to process the seams with a special compound. In this case, the crosses are taken out, and the seams are filled with material. To avoid irregularities and errors, it is worth using a special tool or the same cable.

Installation of electricians, plumbing and ventilation in the bathroom

Installation of plumbing fixtures involves the following actions:

  1. Installation of a sink, bath or shower.
  2. Installation of mixers.
  3. Connection of water heaters (if necessary).
  4. Replacement of meters for cold and hot water.
As for the installation of the ventilation system, quite often the box removed before repair can be reused. Cleaning and painting will restore the original look. To increase the efficiency of the system, it is worth installing a clapper valve, which will not allow cold air to enter the room in winter. If you have free money, you can install more modern ventilation systems, which are abundant in hardware stores.

A minimum number of electrical appliances should be installed in the bathroom, since high humidity can disrupt their functionality or even threaten the health of the owner. The stationary set includes a ceiling lamp, an exhaust fan. Of course, in reality, each owner installs a larger number of devices, the main thing is that they have excellent moisture protection.

As for the washing machine, it does not belong to stationary appliances, and its installation is carried out in conjunction with the bath.


Tackling bathroom renovations on your own can save you a lot of money. But in parallel with this, unprofessional actions lead to errors in the implementation of certain stages. By virtue of this, it must be said that the options for restoration work depend on the owner himself and his material capabilities. The main thing is that you already know where to start renovating the bathroom.

Sooner or later, but the time comes when it is no longer possible to postpone repairs in the bathroom, since the tiles or wallpaper on the walls have lost their appearance or, even worse, began to lag behind the surface, and the metal pipes have rusted. The desire to transform the bathroom becomes the stronger, the more often you notice the most modern materials on sale that can turn an unsightly shabby room into a neat Euro-class room.

- this is a fairly large-scale, but still quite feasible event, if you follow the instructions and perform all types of work in stages. Considering that the materials for the repair are not cheap, and practice shows that the cost of performing the work will cost at least half the price of the materials, it is worth making your own efforts and saving a very decent amount.

General sequence of work

If you decide to independently carry out repairs in the bathroom, you must first of all understand in what sequence the construction work is carried out:

  • You probably need to start with planning. You can draw up a sketch of the room and display in it what you would like to receive upon completion of the repair, including in the diagram all those planned for installation.

In this matter, it must be borne in mind that the old bathtub can be replaced with a new one, but there is an option and simply update it with an acrylic tab. In addition, if the area of ​​the room is very small, but you want to make it more spacious, then instead of a standard bath, you can install a shower cabin complete with a corner sit-down bath.

Such a trial estimate will help to approximately determine the scale of the planned work, with the repair and finishing technologies, with the amount of necessary materials, with the approximate timing of the entire planned volume. Of course, in the course of work, certain changes will most likely be made to the general plan. This will largely depend on the condition of the floor, walls, ceiling, pipes, and in order to see all this "beauty", it is necessary to dismantle the old one.

  • Thus, the next step is to move on to removing the old finish and dismantling the old, unnecessary plumbing.

On the given stage, in any case, the bathtub must be removed and taken out of this room so that it does not become an obstacle to the repair and finishing work.

  • After dismantling, you need to clean the room from construction debris. After cleaning, you need to revise the walls and floor for its condition (for example, to understand the need for a complete replacement of the coating or the ability to limit yourself to repairing loose or exfoliated areas, cracks, cracks, etc.) everything that does not inspire confidence must be removed.
  • Then the measurements of the room are taken, and on the basis of them, the calculation is carried out and a list of the necessary materials, consumables, tools, accessories is drawn up.

Further, with a compiled list, which should include plumbing fixtures, pipes with all components, materials for construction and finishing work, you need to go to a specialized salon store. Do not forget that finishing materials are usually purchased with a small reserve - about 15%.

  • The repair (if necessary) of the surfaces of the walls, floor, ceiling is carried out.
  • New water supply and sewerage lines are being laid. For which, it may be necessary to cut the grooves with their subsequent termination after the installation of the pipes.
  • If you plan to supply power points (installation of outlets), then similar manipulations are performed for them with cutting grooves, laying the cable in and subsequent termination.
  • Work in progress on the preparation of wall and floor surfaces for finishing work - waterproofing, plastering, filling, filling the screed, etc. At the same stage, you can think over the placement issues ventilation ducts, installation of decorative boxes that will help hide the piping.
  • Further, the work on the decorative finishing of the premises is carried out sequentially. The usual order is from top to bottom, that is, ceiling → walls → floor. In some cases, you can change this order, for example, installing a false ceiling → laying ceramic tiles on the floor → decorating the walls with washable wallpaper or plastic clapboard.
  • The next important step is the installation of plumbing with appropriate sealing of all nodes and junctions, connecting household appliances (washing machine, shower, etc.).
  • And, finally, in the end, all the accessories characteristic of the bathroom - mirrors, hangers, cabinets, shelves, etc., are attached and hung in places.

Even just the list of works performed is very impressive. And now he will get acquainted with the listed items closer.

Repair planning and purchasing the necessary

Drawing up a draft design

  • The grooves are cut with a grinder with a circle on the stone, and a puncher, at pre-marked places on the walls.
  • Pipes are installed from their entrance to the bathroom and are diverted to the connection points of mixers, bathtubs and sinks, to other "water sockets", for example, for a toilet cistern or for supplying water to a washing machine.
  • When installing a sewer pipe (usually a PP pipe Ø 50 mm is used in bath conditions) it must be taken into account that it should be located at a slope towards the central sewer riser. It should also be extended for a washing machine located at a distance from a sink or bathtub. If it is possible to install washing machine next to the washbasin, then a tee (45 °) is installed on the sewer pipe, into which both drains are connected.

  • The pipes laid in the grooves are first filled with polyurethane foam - it will become additional protection against heat loss (for a hot water pipe) and against the formation of condensation on the surface. Then, after the foam hardens, its excess is cut off, and a large layer of plaster mortar is applied on top.

Laying of electrical wiring

To lay the electrical cable under the ceramic tiles, you will also have to make grooves. For safety reasons, the wires must be well insulated (the best option is VVGng), and in addition, they are placed in a corrugated plastic pipe.

Wires are laid to those sections of the surface of the walls and ceiling where the lighting devices will be installed and (if any).

The strobes, as in the case of water pipes, are foamed and then plastered.

If it is supposed to finish the walls with panels along the crate, then the wires are also laid in a corrugated pipe, but placing them between the guides - in this case, it is not required to make grooves.

After installation posting is done checking if it is connected correctly and then it should be disconnected from switchboard until the complete completion of all construction and finishing work in the bathroom. Exception - you can leave the point of connection of the ceiling lighting, but with all the required safety measures.

After the layer of plaster on top of the embedded grooves from t rub and wires has completely solidified, you can proceed to wall treatment and waterproofing work.

Wall treatment

Since the bathroom is always "by definition" humid, it is not surprising that the joints of the surfaces of the walls and ceiling can often be covered with black dots of mold. In order for such spots not to grow, they must be removed with a special tool.

After the layer of the "medicinal" composition has dried, it is applied to the walls and ceiling. It will saturate the walls and become not only additional protection against various fungal formations, but also create ideal conditions for adhesion of adhesives to the wall.

The primer is applied with a roller or wide brush. To fully guarantee the quality of processing, it is best to carry out this process in two layers (the second is applied only after the first is completely dry).

If the wall will be prepared for tiles, and notches will be made on it with an ax or hammer, then after this process the surface must be primed one more time.

Floor waterproofing

Waterproofing the bathroom floor is always the most important of the activities. In this room, like in no other, the likelihood of various emergencies is high. Pouring over yourself is half the trouble. But if the "flood" spreads to the neighbors from below, then it could end not only with a major scandal and litigation, but, for sure, with considerable financial losses.

Waterproofing measures will not be in vain if there are no large cracks, cracks in the floor screed, especially in the places where they are adjacent to the walls. All these flaws need to be eliminated first.

To do this, they are cut, treated with a primer, and then filled with sealant - this is the easiest way to get rid of them. Epoxy putty shows itself well as a repair compound - it quickly hardens and creates reliable "patches".

If, in addition to sealing the cracks, leveling the floor is required, then two problems can be immediately solved with the help of a self-leveling compound, which will fill all the cracked cracks and bring the level to an ideal horizontal. How to carry it out correctly, you can find out in detail by going to a special article on our portal.

After the floor is ready, you can proceed to waterproofing it. There are many interesting technologies, but the most affordable is the coating method. Work in this case is carried out as follows:

  • Along the edge of the floor and the bottom of the walls (approx. 150 200 mm), a special composition is thickly applied with a brush, so that there are no gaps.
  • Then, a waterproofing tape is glued (sunk) onto the freshly applied layer in the area of ​​the junction of the wall and the floor, since it is the joints that are the most vulnerable place for leaks.

  • After the corner strips of waterproofing have dried out, the compound covers the entire entirety and walls to a height of 150 mm. It is advisable to perform this procedure, for insurance, in two layers.

Such waterproofing creates an elastic film on the floor surface, like a continuous "trough" - this can protect the floor from leaks.

"Warm floor" in the bathroom

If you plan to make a "warm floor" in the bathroom, then you can choose one of two options suitable for this - it is electric or water from the heating system.

  • The best option for an electric underfloor heating in a bathroom is mesh mats with a zigzag heating cable laid on them.

Convenience is that such heating can be placed under a thin screed or even directly under a ceramic tile (quite a bit, thickening the tile adhesive layer by 5 ÷ 8 mm). It is recommended to lay insulation with a foil surface under the mats, especially if the apartment is on the ground floor and the floor is cold.

These mats are connected to a special thermostat, which allows you to accurately control the surface heating temperature. The convenience of such a floor is that it can be turned on at any time, both in summer and in winter, in contrast to a floor powered by an optical system. Its disadvantage is the cost of electricity.

The mats are fixed to the floor on double-sided tape, and a solution is placed or poured on top of them (this can be an ordinary concrete composition or self-leveling), or tile adhesive.

  • Another option for a "warm floor" for a bathroom is a water circuit connected to the heating system. Such a floor will be warm only during the heating season, but you will not have to pay for heating at all.

Laying and filling the water circuit of the "warm floor"

When installing such a "warm floor", the pipe is bent with a snail or snake and fixed on a reinforcing mesh or placed between the bosses of special mats. An important condition that must be observed is the integrity of the pipe, that is, it must not have connections throughout the entire circuit. On the surface of the bathroom floor - this is easy to do, since the area is very small. In addition, you need to know that the pipe is not laid under the bathroom - this is absolutely pointless. It should be located only in areas where it is possible for the owners to place their bare feet on the floor.

Connecting a "warm floor" to the heated towel rail circuit is not welcome

By the way, sometimes the ends of the "warm floor" circuit are connected to the pipes going to the heated towel rail, that is, to the hot water central. Is this permissible? Technologically, yes. But from the point of view of unauthorized selection of heat energy for floor heating, very serious legal problems can arise.

In any case, before installing a water "warm floor" in an apartment with centralized hot water and heating, you need to make inquiries with a company that operates the housing. Certainly, you will need to fulfill a number of specific technical conditions.

More comprehensive information can be obtained by following the link to the corresponding publication of our portal.

Electric underfloor heating prices

Electric underfloor heating

Wall alignment

Before leveling the walls, it is best to lay the finished screed on the floor (if it was done before) plastic wrap so as not to smudge it with plaster or adhesive solution... You can level the walls using ordinary plaster according to the installed beacons, but it is easier to mount on glue on gypsum base and fix moisture-resistant drywall to the wall.

If raw plaster is selected, guides are installed on the wall, which will become a guide when leveling using the rule.

How to do this work correctly, and what method to choose in a given situation, you can find out from the article published on the pages of our portal.

Drywall will align the wall well if it is not deformed, but has only slight irregularities. If there is a significant curvature of the plane, then there is a high probability that the material will simply repeat it, but not align.

To glue drywall to the wall, you first need to dot the wall with glue. For one square meter of the area to be trimmed, 5 ÷ 6 slides are applied to the pouring composition.

Then a sheet of drywall is applied to the wall and nestles well. The gypsum-based glue sets quickly, so the drywall will quickly be fixed in the desired position.

Installation of this material on the walls with glue is carried out in order to save space. But in that case. if the area of ​​the bathroom is large enough, it can be fixed to the lathing - wooden or made of galvanized metal profiles.

Alignment of wall surfaces is carried out in cases where tiles will be laid further. If the walls are planned to be finished PVC panels, then the alignment of the walls with plaster is not performed, and the lathing is installed on them immediately according to the level.

Installation lathing

Lathing installed on the bathroom walls from wooden battens or galvanized metal profiles. It is much easier to attach PVC panels to a wooden crate, therefore they are used for the frame more often. For the lathing, slats with a cross-section of 40 × 15 mm or 50 × 20 mm are used. They are fastened at a distance of 300 ÷ 500 mm from each other.

In the event that the ceiling is planned to be suspended, metal profiles with special suspensions will be the best solution for it. By the way, no one prohibits the use of these hangers for installing wooden slats on which the facing panels will be fixed. The main thing is to securely and rigidly fix these brackets to the ceiling surface.

A suspended ceiling is especially necessary if point-type lighting fixtures will be built into it, which will be "recessed" to the level of the decorative surface. Therefore, it is necessary to measure in advance the height of the luminaire planned for installation in order to lower the level of the crate exactly to such a distance.

Wooden slats, which are used for the lathing, must be treated with an antiseptic water-repellent compound.

After installing the system of guides on the ceiling, you can proceed with the installation of PVC panels, since this preparatory work finishing procedures end and begin.

Finishing work


Decorating a bathroom with decorative materials starts from the ceiling. If ceramic tiles will later be laid on the walls, then you need to immediately arrange the transition from one material to another, delimiting it with a corner. The corner is fixed along the entire perimeter of the ceiling in such a way that a kind of frame is created for the ceiling panels.

When the panels are installed in pre-planned places, it is necessary to cut holes for installation. They are made using a crown for wood, which is installed on an electric drill (screwdriver).

Next, they pull out through the hole. electrical cables, to which are attached special lighting fixtures for suspended ceilings, which have clips in the form of spring-loaded "ears".


Each master chooses the sequence of work independently, but it is recommended that the first thing to do is to lay the tiles on the floor, and only after that move on to the walls.

The tiles are laid on a special tile adhesive made on a cement basis. Work starts from the door and wall, which will be in sight. The process takes place in this order so that incomplete, cut tiles, which will inevitably be, would end up in the far corners, closed bathroom, cupboards, etc., and do not spoil the whole picture.

During laying, calibration crosses are installed between the tiles, which will withstand the same thickness of the joints on the entire surface. They are pulled out only after the glue has dried.

The adhesive is applied to the floor surface in the size of one to two tiles, spread in one direction with a notched trowel. Many masters recommend that when laying on the floor, they apply another layer of glue to the tiles themselves. In this case, laying is carried out so that the directions of the grooves on the floor are perpendicular to the grooves on the tiles. This method gives a complete guarantee that there will be no air voids under the tiles.

After laying the tiles, if necessary, they are tapped with a rubber hammer through a block laid on two tiles at once, thereby leveling them into one plane. It is imperative to control the installation of each tile with a level.

Another way to achieve flat surface without internal voids - these are special clamps that are used instead of crosses.

Video: laying tiles using plastic clamps

They solve two problems at once - they maintain the same thickness of the seams and forcibly bring adjacent tiles to the same level. If they are used immediately, from laying the first tile to the last, the surface is guaranteed to be even. These devices are used not only for tiling the floor - it is quite suitable for walls.

After the tiles are laid on the floor and the adhesive has set, the tile joints are rubbed. If the seams are filled with glue during installation and fitting, they must be cleaned with a special scraper, and then swept away the remains using an old toothbrush.

Further, the cleaned gaps are filled with grout (diluted or ready-to-use grout), the excess of which must be immediately removed from the tile surface. It is undesirable to hesitate with this, since after the fugue has dried, it will be much more difficult to clean it.

After finishing the flooring, the gaps left between the outermost tiles and the wall must be cleaned to the full depth and filled with sealant.

Instead of floor tiles, some apartment owners prefer plank or laminate flooring. This too, by by and large, acceptable options, but it must be remembered that both wood, and especially laminate (MDF), do not like moisture very much. If you lay a plank floor, then the material for it must be pre-treated with antiseptic and water-repellent compounds, and when using laminated panels, pay attention to the admissibility of the material for laying in rooms with high humidity... And yet - it is better not to experiment, but to stop at the ceramic coating.

Wall decoration

The most popular bathroom wall decoration material is also ceramic tiles, as they are quite durable and easy to maintain. Recently, PVC panels have become no less popular for wall cladding in the bathroom. True, they will last a shorter period than tiles, but also the price polymer material is incomparable, and the installation of panels is much easier and faster.

PVC panels are a gain in price and speed of finishing

The panels are produced in various patterns, and some models, by the way, very faithfully imitate ceramic tiles.


Laying tiles on walls is a rather complicated process, and if it is carried out by a beginner, then there is a risk of making many mistakes. Therefore, when accepting this work, one should not rush. To help novice tilers, there will be the already mentioned clamps, which will not allow the surface of one tile to protrude above or below the adjacent one.

Tiling starts from the floor. You need to understand that the first row sets the correctness and evenness for everyone else, so you must definitely set the horizontal line of its installation. with control from using the building level.

Tile adhesive is applied to the wall with a notched trowel for laying three to four tiles. Do not rush and cover too large an area with the composition, especially with insufficient practice, since the solution sets quickly enough.

After the walls are fully tiled, the joints between the tiles are rubbed in the same way as when laying on the floor.

Before laying the tiles in those areas where water pipes will pass through the walls or there will be water "sockets", holes of the required diameter are drilled in the right places on the tiles using a diamond crown installed in the chuck or " ballerinas».

PVC panels

If PVC panels are selected for finishing, then they are fixed on the crate, mounted on the walls earlier. Installation itself is not difficult - the panels have a simple and understandable "groove-thorn" system, and all fasteners (screws, nails or staple brackets) completely hidden when installing each next strip.

Plastic panels - very easy to install

Above and below (with the vertical arrangement of the panels), starting strips are installed, which will hide the unsightly cut ends and give the interior design completeness.

In addition, special fittings are provided for the inner and outer corners, as well as the vertical and horizontal edges of the finishing material.

When installing finishing PVC panels, you need to remember that the evenness and, accordingly, the appearance of the wall covering depends on the ideally aligned vertically or horizontally (depending on the direction of laying) of the first strip. In this case, each subsequent element is also necessarily checked for verticality.

Holes for pipes in plastic panels are much easier to make - they are easily drilled with a screwdriver and a crown of the required size, or even simply cut out with a construction knife.

Prices on the lineup floor tiles

Floor tile

Video: bathroom renovation using PVC panels

Completion of work - plumbing installation

After the installation of finishing materials on the walls is completed, all plumbing fixtures and accessories are installed in their regular places - a bath or shower, a sink, as well as faucets for them. The processes are discussed in great detail in a special section of our portal.

  • After installation, alignment and secure fixation of the bathtub, it is connected via a siphon to the sewer drain, and after the mixer is mounted on eccentric sockets, it is checked for leaks.

  • After that, it is necessary to close up the gap that has formed between the wall and the bathroom - this is done with silicone, tile or plastic skirting boards.

  • Further, if desired, a screen is mounted under the bathroom. It can be fixed to wooden frame assembled from a bar, or laid out from gypsum boards or blocks and tiled with ceramic tiles. For some models of bathtubs and their purchase, you can immediately purchase metal carcass for securing any chosen decorative finish.
  • The washbasin sink is being installed. If the “tulip” model is selected, then the flexible water pipes are closed with a ceramic support leg.
  • Provided you choose an ordinary sink, you can pick up a bedside table under it, which will hide all unsightly knots and become a storage place for detergents. If in the countertop of the bedside table, holes for the installation of the sink bowl no, then it will have to be measured and cut out.

Before installing the sink, turn it over and place it on the countertop of the cabinet to trace the cutout with a pencil. Further, the width of the strip along the edge of the sink is determined, and this distance is also transferred to the countertop inside the outlined semicircle from the marked line. It is along this line that the hole will be cut to install the sink.

If the sink is wider than the cabinet, then you will have to correct the front panel of the cabinet, and after installation, seal the gap between the cabinet and the sink with white silicone.

  • The sink mixer is then connected to the water supply and the drain to the sewer.
  • If it is in the plans, a washing machine is installed. It also connects to a plumbing "socket", that is, to a specially prepared fitting for it.

The decoration can be completed by installing a new beautiful ventilation grill or, to enhance the effect, a duct exhaust fan (in this case, a power connection point for it in advance)

Finishing touches - bedside tables, mirrors, hangers, shelves and other accessories

And as the last step in the bathroom, all the accessories necessary for this room are hung in places, such as mirrors, shelves, lockers, hangers, soap dishes, etc.

Renovation of the bathroom is not so easy, despite the small size of the room. However, with the necessary efforts and efforts and having necessary materials and tools, it is quite possible to cope with this. Self-made repairs will become the pride of the owner, and in addition, it will save a considerable amount.

Video: Bathroom Renovation - A Beginner's Guide

Many home craftsmen do not know where to start repairs in the bathroom and in what sequence to perform such work. We have prepared detailed and understandable instructions.

The room in which we receive water treatments is considered to be very specific. Serious humidity and temperature fluctuations are constantly present here; water pours in large volumes. It is clear that for the repair of such a room, it is necessary to select special materials that are able to withstand all negative influences. For the decoration of the premises of interest to us, they usually choose:

  • plastic panels;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • tile (for wall and floor decoration).

These materials have the required qualities, allowing them to be used in a room where there is steam and high temperatures.

Bathroom decoration with plastic panels

In addition, the bathroom should have a special atmosphere conducive to human relaxation. This means that you need to correctly think over the design of this room and choose the right one. color scheme... Most often, bathrooms are performed in pastel colors that do not irritate a person, but, on the contrary, soothe him. nervous system after a busy day. Professional designers recommend finishing sanitary ware with products of beige, blue, peach, blue shades.

Thus, bathroom renovation should begin with drawing up a design project, selecting and purchasing the required materials. At this stage, you will need to foresee a lot of little things and purchase a lot of different products, ranging from sewer pipes and glue for installing tiles and ending with valves and a heated towel rail.

Now you need to decide on the scope of work and draw up a plan for their implementation. The sequence for self-repairing a bathroom is usually as follows:

  1. Preparing the room for renovation activities.
  2. Analysis of the condition of the existing flooring and the choice of technology for its restoration or complete replacement.
  3. Floor repair, insulation and waterproofing.
  4. Installation of sewer and water pipes.
  5. Laying of electrical wiring.
  6. Plastering of ceiling and wall surfaces, covering them with the selected material and insulation.
  7. Installation of an efficient ventilation system.
  8. Installation of sanitary equipment.

The given sequence will allow you to spend a minimum of time on giving the room for water procedures the ideal look.

Where to start preparing the described room for its complete transformation with your own hands? Of course, with the dismantling of all plumbing fixtures installed in it, as well as furniture (if any), lighting fixtures, mirrors and hanging structures. If you're doing a major bathroom renovation, be sure to remove your faucets and faucets.

Deleting old tiles in the bathroom

After that, proceed with the removal of old finishing materials. Remove the cladding from the walls and ceiling, knock down the ceramic tiles (along with the layer of glue that held them), rinse off the paint. If you have a hammer drill, prepare the bathroom for good repair goes much faster - boldly knock down everything that leaves the ceiling and walls. Your task is to get to the brick or panel masonry and floor slabs.

After such actions, it will be necessary, which you "bare", and carefully process them with primers. You should choose them wisely. Do not forget that now there are a variety of primers - bioprotective, hydrophobic, contact, increasing adhesion, strengthening. If you do not know what kind of composition you need to purchase, be sure to consult with a specialist. Real help in this matter is often provided by consultants of good construction stores.

The next step in preparing the bathroom is to revise the flooring. When the old screed showed itself during operation exclusively with the best side(for example, you forgot to turn off the water, it flowed for a couple of hours, while a drop of moisture did not seep to the neighbors below), leave it. If the tie has clearly served its purpose, it must be removed.

This operation is performed with a perforator with a chisel. The old cementitious tile backing can also be removed with these tools. An important point! If you will not touch the old screed, it is better to clean the substrate with a grinder equipped with a grinding cup-shaped wheel (usually called a diamond cup). The cost of such a device is quite high. But it will always come in handy for the master who does all the housework with his own hands.

Now you can sweep out all the dirt and debris and proceed directly to the repair work.

  • sifted quartz sand;
  • cement M500 (you can also take M400);
  • PVA emulsion;
  • water.

The ratio of cement to sand is 1 to 4. You need to mix the same amount of water as you do cement. It is most convenient to form a screed with your own hands using marker beacons. The mixture is applied in a layer of about 4–5 cm, rubbed with a building rule, after which it must be carefully smoothed with a polyurethane foam or stainless steel polisher to an ideal state (no cracks, swells and other defects). Very important! A made screed based on sand and cement must not be touched for 40 days. During this time, no work in the bathroom must be performed.

Create a new concrete floor screed

Waterproofing a room with high humidity is best done with polyester or aquaizol materials. Do not use ordinary waterproof film for this purpose. Lay the waterproofing material as carefully as possible, the joints between its individual parts are connected in two ways:

  1. Building hairdryer.
  2. By gluing mastic with a special composition.

The waterproofing is installed on the walls by 25-30 centimeters. Note that in the corners of the room, the presence of cuts in the moisture-proof film is not allowed. Better fold the insulating material, make folds. But never cut the film.

It is almost impossible to see open sewer pipelines in apartments these days. Such communications spoil the whole look of the bathroom, nullify all the tricks of the designers. Shtrob the walls in order to hide the pipes is also not an option. This procedure is very tiring, dusty and really time-consuming.

Installation of piping in the bathroom

For this reason, sewer pipes are now most often installed according to a special technique - they are launched along the bottom in a bundle, and then masked with galvanized slopes. The latter can then be easily glued with silicone tiles (facing). The silicone composition is used for fixing the slope from the floor surface and to the wall.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to carry out repairs in the bathroom at all without shading. In any case, you will need to make two grooves for cases when a separate mixer is installed on the washbasin, or one if a common mixer is used. One thing calms down - the length of the strobes will be minimal. In addition, they are positioned vertically. It is relatively easy to punch them with your own hands, which cannot be said about horizontal strobes.

For a heated towel rail, it is advisable to install metal-plastic pipes. You shouldn't even look for other options these days. Such tubular products are ideal for use. They can be easily folded down and sloped using transition fittings.

But for the cold water supply system in the bathroom, polypropylene pipes (PPN) are more suitable. They are easily welded into a solid and reliable monolithic structure, and then hidden in the walls. It should be said right away that it is advisable to purchase fittings for such pipes from solid plastic. It is impractical to use metal reinforcement elements. They can leak at any time. But the sealed plastic will never let water through.

The installation of the pipeline should begin with the installation of sewer pipes. Using sealant and seals, you will spend no more than one day assembling them. After that, feel free to install polypropylene products for cold water and solder them. Be sure to blow out the pipes in the grooves with polyurethane foam. This will ensure that the pipeline does not fog up. And the heat loss in this case will be significantly reduced. Follow the recommended piping sequence and your bathroom repairs will go faster.

Electrical wiring is carried out with a cable protected by a double insulating layer. It is desirable to place the wire in a metal or plastic corrugation. It is better to use a metal sheath as it shields the wiring perfectly.

Having dealt with the communications, proceed to the processing of wall surfaces. performed by two teams - starting (it has increased tenacity) and finishing. The latter perfectly levels the treated surface. Plastering is necessary from the ceiling to the floor.

Plastering the walls in the bathroom

The following stages of repair work:

  • Ceiling insulation and cladding. It is recommended to perform thermal insulation in the form of a cake, consisting of two glass-magnesium sheets and a heater placed between them. The cladding can be made with clapboard (plastic) or laminated boards, which are fixed to the ceiling with construction silicone or strong assembly glue.
  • Laying tiles on the floor. The sequence of the operation is as follows - mount the products with glue, starting from the door, tap each tile with a hammer (rubber). All trimmed rows should be installed last and after the adhesive under the remaining rows has completely cured.
  • Wall covering. It is produced with plastic panels, porcelain stoneware, ordinary tiles.

The last stages of work are cleaning the ventilation duct (or installing a new one), installing a sink, a bathtub (shower cubicle), mixers, water meters. If you were able to do all the previous operations, the plumbing placement will take place without difficulty. There are no special wisdoms here.

That, in principle, is the whole step-by-step plan for self-repairing a bathroom. You just need to start implementing it and after a while enjoy the new look of your room for water treatments.