How to solder plumbing plastic pipes. Soldering polypropylene pipes instruction: technology and step-by-step actions for soldering polypropylene pipes

  • 03.03.2020

For branching or wiring various water communications (heating, sewerage and plumbing systems), it is necessary to use special technologies. Soldering plastic pipes can be done by professionals, but it is also easy to do it yourself.

Soldering tools

To interconnect the individual parts of the water supply, it is necessary to use temperature exposure technologies. Soldering or welding plastic pipes allows the diffusion of plastic molecules, resulting in a strong and tight connection.

Photo - apparatus for soldering plastic communications

These works are carried out with the help of special deviceswelding inverter for plastic pipes or gun:

  1. The welder is considered a more professional machine and is mainly used by experienced plumbers. Its price is an order of magnitude higher than a standard household pistol;
  2. The gun is a kind of soldering iron, which can act pointwise on individual parts of plastic or metal-plastic communications.

Welding machines can be classified by power. Now the most popular are universal models for 1500-1600 watts. They are convenient for domestic use, in addition, the kit also comes with a set of nozzles for working with various types pipelines.

Photo - soldering iron design

It should be noted that in addition to special devices, additional tools will also be needed. In particular, these are scissors for cutting plumbing parts. As well as a roller pipe cutter, which allows you to provide the most even and smooth cut on the surface of communications.

Also, when working with metal-plastic or foil-reinforced pipes, you will need a stripping tool - a grinder. It will even out the cut edge, on which small irregularities often remain after cutting the desired area. If you ignore this process, then the connection may not be strong enough and tight, which will affect the operation of the entire sewer system.

If soldering plastic pipes is required large diameter- from 110 mm, then an electric clutch is used. It is placed on the joint and heats up the joint. In the process, the main role is played by the centering of individual sections of communications, since it is almost impossible to control the process during welding. To work with such a device, a special centering machine is used, which allows you to level the cut surface in order to obtain the most dense seam. The power of the couplings is somewhat different from the power of welding machines and soldering guns, in most cases slightly higher values ​​​​are required - over 1500 watts.

Cold soldering is also often used at home. The technology involves the use of an aggressive adhesive that ensures the diffusion of plastic molecules without the use of heating elements. The main advantage of the method is simplicity. Such welding is easily done even without experience, in addition, the purchase of additional devices is not required. But at the same time, such a soldering is considered short-lived, that is, it is rather an urgent measure than an option for a permanent connection of pipes.

Photo - an example of cold soldering of plastic communications

You can buy a tool for soldering plastic pipes in almost any plumbing store, on average it costs from 800 rubles to several tens of thousands. For example, in Sevastopol, the cost of WESTER DWM 1000B varies from 1800 to 2000 rubles. The price depends on the declared power of the device, brand and its purpose.

Video: how to solder plastic pipes

Soldering instructions

Self-welding of plastic pipelines is carried out using the sewerage project and in accordance with GOSTs. For each material, soldering is carried out in accordance with a certain temperature, the table below will help you choose the right values:

Diameter, mmHeating, secondsWelding, secondsCooling, seconds
16 6 4 3
20 6 4 4
25 7 4 4
32 9 4 4
40 12 5 4
50 17 5 5
63 23 5 5
75 30 7 7
90 38 7 8
110 48 9 10
160 80 14 14

Step-by-step instructions on how to solder plastic pipes of heating systems or connect water pipes:

  1. Special nozzles must be installed on the welding device, for example, fittings for 25 mm pipes. Using the table, the time of their heating is determined, the temperature, according to the norms, is at around 260 degrees. This is the optimal parameter for soldering conventional plastic and reinforced pipes;
  2. After preparing other plumbing tools. Be sure to check that the cutter is sharp before cutting. For small diameters, it is recommended that the cut be made not at a right angle, but at 45 degrees;

    Photo - soldering kit

  3. Now you need to measure the size of the fitting on the pipe and take into account the gap of 1 mm. It must be present when joining. Mark it on the communication. This is very important, because the fitting cannot be pushed all the way in; after heating, the plastic will expand slightly;
  4. A fitting must be put on a preheated nozzle, after which a pipe must be inserted into another hole in the connecting part. Further, the gun heats up and the nozzle warms up again along the entire length;

    Photo - heating elements

  5. It remains to carefully remove the heated parts and connect them. The result will be a strong and tight mount with a fitting;
  6. The next stage of soldering pipes includes reheating the soldering iron, but only now a piece with a fitting is put on the nozzle, and the free part of the communication is inserted into another hole;
  7. After heating, the operation is repeated: the parts are removed from the nozzle and connected.

When the work is finished, you need to wait for the specified time to cool the connection, some craftsmen also use a hair dryer to speed up the process.

Photo - hair dryer for plastic

Sometimes a heating iron cannot be used and the use of electric couplings is required. Their principle of operation is very similar to that described above, the main difference is that for such pipe soldering, the entire apparatus is heated, and not its individual nozzles.

Before starting welding, it is imperative to degrease the segments, as well as clean them from dust and dirt. To do this, wipe the fitting and coupling with alcohol on the inside, and the pipe on the outside. Soldering is done in the same way as mentioned earlier.

  1. Do not apply too much pressure when connecting the pipe to the fitting. After soldering, the plastic becomes more pliable, due to which, with excessive pressure, wrinkles may appear inside the pipe;
  2. Do not allow the fitting to move freely along the pipe;
  3. Keep a close eye on the heating time and temperature. If you exceed or, conversely, reduce these indicators, then the fastening will turn out to be fragile;
  4. When working at home with water or sewer pipes, leave a gap of no more than 1 mm at the attachment point, otherwise there will be leaks in this area.

Plastic water pipes and heating networks in houses and apartments are popular. Eco-friendly, up to 50 years of perfect service, light weight and pleasant appearance- this is not all their advantages. An important factor is the possibility self-assembly, everyone can solder polypropylene pipes with their own hands.

PVC pipes are one of the most common materials in construction.

It does not require a welding machine and special knowledge of the application. No, threading dies, vise and other fixtures. It takes a lot of time to learn. You can master the art of plumbing with PVC and learn how to professionally solder plastic in a few hours.

What equipment is required to create water supply and heating systems from plastic

To solder, you need not so much additional equipment:

  1. An apparatus for soldering pipes made of plastic, also known as a "soldering iron", also known as an "iron". Official name " ".
  2. Roulette and marker. You can solder plastic only once, it is not suitable for reuse. Measurements must be accurate, no unnecessary deflection must be allowed, and the calculation must take into account the distance that the pipe enters the fitting.
  3. Alcohol, thinner or other degreasing fluid.

Theoretically, PVC pipe can be cut with a hacksaw, with a simple knife or electric jigsaw. Soldering plastic water pipes requires accuracy at all stages, an uneven cut can cause poor-quality welding, and small savings today will lead to big expenses tomorrow.

How a soldering iron works and how it works

Soldering is impossible without a special apparatus, which is a heating element with nozzles of various diameters, from 14 to 63 mm. The most expensive and high-quality soldering irons of Czech and German production at the moment. You can solder with such a unit on professional level. The high price is justified by a long service life, reliability, and ease of use. Devices from China are much cheaper, the quality is lower, but do-it-yourself soldering of plastic pipes does not require frequent use, so we can fully recommend Chinese goods for purchase. The price starts at $20, which will pay for moving a couple of pipes in the bathroom.

The power of the device ranges from 650 W to 2 kW. In order to solder plastic at home, the power consumption of up to 1200 W will be optimal; it makes no sense to use a high-power soldering iron when repairing an apartment or house. The welding machine is essentially the same iron, two heating elements of which simultaneously heat the outer part of the pipe and inner part fitting to operating temperature.

Soldering iron for PVC pipes

When working with a soldering iron:

  • Install the welding machine flat surface, attach nozzles to it. Several nozzles can be installed at the same time, while those that are necessary for mounting pipes directly on the wall are placed on the edge. Install nozzles before turning on the soldering iron. This is not a difficult matter, but on a hot surface there is a possibility of incorrect installation.
  • Heat up from 5 to 15 minutes, plastic soldering takes place at a temperature of 260 0 C. The light indicator indicates heating to the operating temperature. Each soldering iron is equipped with a temperature controller for greater convenience.
  • Heating of two connected parts is required to be carried out simultaneously.
  • During operation, it is recommended not to turn off the soldering iron. This is due not only to the waiting time until the device heats up, but also to the fact that the remaining plastic solidifies on the sleeves.

If you need to pause in work, after turning off the power, while the soldering iron is still hot, you need to carefully wipe the nozzles with a rag. This must be done in compliance with all precautions when working with hot objects. Do not use a soldering iron with plastic residue on the nozzles. It is also strictly forbidden to clean the cooled nozzles. They are covered with Teflon, scratches on it will lead to the failure of the device.

Installation of a water supply system using fittings

When starting the installation of a water pipe for the first time, it is advisable to practice and make a few test connections.

Soldering plastic pipes with your own hands is not difficult, but this is a responsible matter. So, by connecting the pipe to the fitting and cutting the connection, you can understand in practice how to competently carry out welding. professional work with polypropylene pipes consists of the following steps:

  • Prepare the welding machine.
  • Measure the desired length of the pipe, mark the place of the cut with a marker. Do not forget to take into account the depth to which it is inserted into the fitting.
  • Cut off the desired section with scissors.
  • Clean the fitting and cut from dirt, dust, remove grease with a solvent, alcohol or other solution, and dry.
  • Install the pipe into the sleeve up to the limiter. Install the fitting on the mandrel. In no case should you make rotational movements, this destroys the uniformity of the layer and makes the connection unreliable. Enough smooth input until it stops.
  • Wait 6 to 25 seconds. The waiting time depends on the heater power and pipe diameter. The instructions have a table for soldering polypropylene pipes, giving an approximate waiting time for heating, fixing the connection and solidifying it. A lot depends on temperature. environment, the table gives time on the basis that the air temperature is 20 0 C. You can visually track that the plastic has frozen through a special hole in the sleeve. Once the plastic shows up in it, it's time to move on to the next step. Another sign of readiness will be the formation of an influx in the form of a roller.
  • After heating, the parts are simultaneously removed from the soldering iron and connected to each other. Be sure to maintain alignment. And also no rotation, everything happens smoothly and without extra effort. For pipes with a diameter of more than 40 mm, it is recommended to use special guides.
  • Fix the connection for 5 - 10 seconds.
  • It takes less than 10 minutes for the plastic to cool. The pipeline section is ready, you can proceed to the next one.
  • At correct installation a roll of extruded PVC is formed on the outer surface.
The process of soldering pipes with a soldering iron

To be correct, the following mistakes must be avoided:

  1. alignment of parts after connection;
  2. docking of the pipe and fitting is not all the way;
  3. excessive force when putting the pipe on the soldering iron and when connecting it to the fitting;
  4. insufficiently tight fitting of the pipe on the heater sleeve, fitting on the mandrel;
  5. reheating of the connected elements, work with a soldering iron allows only one-time heating, then the plastic is deformed;
  6. overheating of parts, it is determined by the appearance of a brown tint of PVC.

It is easy to check whether the soldering of the plastic with a soldering iron is correct. By looking inside the connection or running your finger over it. There should be no significant internal sags from excessive pressure or dips from insufficient tightness of the connection of parts.

Butt soldering plastic

In cases where the plan provides for a pipeline with a diameter of more than 50 mm, butt soldering is used. This connection method is more reliable, but it is only suitable for a wall width of 4 mm or more. To solder a plastic pipe end-to-end, you need the same tools and fixture to maintain the alignment of the elements. The method is very similar to connecting with fittings, although there are a few differences:

  • it is necessary to solder plastic pipes end-to-end with a rigid fixation of the axis; a special centering device is required.
  • to solder the plastic, heat it with a disk nozzle;
  • the ends of the connection must be carefully aligned.

Marking of PVC pipes and their scope

PVC has found application not only in water supply, but also in heating systems. Each of them has its own options:

  • PN 10. Thin-walled, for cold water supply, or systems where the temperature does not exceed 45 0 C. They are used in the "warm floor" system.
  • PN 16. With walls of medium thickness, used in cold water supply systems with high pressure. Or feed systems hot water with low pressure.
  • PN 20. The most versatile option for creating a water pipe. Withstands high pressure and operating temperature up to 80 0
  • PN 25. Standard for extreme conditions. Withstands high temperatures up to 95 0 C. Reinforced with aluminum foil to avoid deformation. Recommended for use in hot water supply and heating systems.


The PN code is the pressure that the system can continuously withstand for 50 years at a temperature of 20 0 C, measured in bar. At home, the rules for soldering with a soldering iron apply to all types of PVC pipes. indicated by outside diameter and in metric system. This is due to the fact that it is in millimeters that it is customary to consider the dimensions of connecting parts, fittings. If you need to convert the metric system to inches, it is useful to remember that one inch is equal to 25 mm.

Self-brazing plastic pipes for heating

In heating systems, only a pipe of the PN 25 standard is used. Its feature is reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum foil, which avoids deformation from heat and high pressure. In order to properly solder a PN 25 pipe with a soldering iron, you need to remove the protective layer before work. In the event that it is located outside. In the case of an internal location of the reinforcing layer, it is necessary to solder plastic pipes in the same way as when installing a water supply system. The protective layer is removed only in the area where the pipe enters the fitting.

With temperature changes, any material contracts and expands. If this can be neglected in small areas, then with a long pipe length it is imperative to make expansion joints. It is a part of a pipe bent by a ring. It is located in an inconspicuous place and works like a coil of a spring, compensating for temperature deformation.

For those who know how to solder plastic pipes, arrangement heating system, hot or cold water supply and other domestic piping will not be too complicated. The assembly of such systems requires, first of all, a reliable pipe connection, which determines the quality of all the work done.

Photo 1. Design of a soldering iron for plastic pipes.

Weld them out various kinds plastic is not as difficult as it may seem. Polypropylene, polyethylene and other polymeric materials are quite malleable in work, do not require too complicated equipment, their melting point is much lower than that of iron, their weight is relatively small, as is their rigidity. But knowledge about the specifics of each material, about what to do and in what sequence, is necessary.

Necessary tools and materials

Do-it-yourself welding of polypropylene pipes requires a certain set of tools and materials. It makes sense to briefly list them at the beginning and figure out what and what is intended. So, in order to weld pipes with high quality, you need:

  • a special soldering iron or attachments for a household soldering iron;
  • a set of nozzles for such a soldering iron;
  • secateurs (scissors) designed for even cutting of pipes;
  • plastic pipes;
  • couplings(fittings) of various types;
  • adapters for threaded connections;
  • shaver;
  • trimmer;
  • degreaser for plastic pipes.

How to solder polypropylene pipes? This question is asked by beginners. Photo 1 shows that the design of the soldering iron is rather unusual. It is designed to heat plastic, more precisely, pipes of a certain diameter. After all, the installation of plastic pipelines is mainly the welding of components. Such a soldering iron is an analogue of a welding machine used to join steel products.

Soldering iron tips are designed to be able to work with pipes and fittings of small or large diameter. They are usually sold as a set.

Instead of scissors for cutting plastic pipes, it is quite possible to use an ordinary hacksaw for metal. But then it will be quite difficult to get an even cut at a right angle, and the cutting process itself will take too much time. With a secateurs, even a person without special skills will cut the tube evenly.

Plastic pipes are all welded using almost the same technology, but there are some differences. PVC, polypropylene, polyethylene, e.g. different temperature melting. There are also reinforced pipes, which must be cleaned of reinforcing material before welding.

Couplings, or fittings, connecting elements for various purposes. For example, fittings for connecting threaded connections, called Americans, tees, angles with different bending angles, ordinary couplings, etc. As you might guess, inner diameter connecting elements is approximately equal to the outer diameter of plastic pipes.

A shaver is a tool designed to strip the reinforcing layer that is on top. If this reinforcing layer is internal, a trimmer is already needed to clean it.

In order to make the connection more durable, the soldering point must first be degreased. For this, compounds that dissolve fat, ethyl alcohol or others are used.

In addition to the tools described, you may need building level, special markers, etc., but they will be needed when a real assembly is carried out, for example, heating systems.

Step-by-step description of welding polypropylene elements

As an example, it is worth describing the process of connecting polypropylene pipes. They are the most common, used in reinforced and unreinforced form for the arrangement of almost any domestic piping system.

The technology for welding polypropylene pipes, as noted above, is based on a relatively low melting temperature of the source material. Actually, this is the basic property of polypropylene or other plastic, which determines the relatively low cost of installing pipelines.

When soldering pipes raw material for the manufacture of which - polypropylene, you must do the following steps:

  1. Cut the pipes to the required length using special scissors. The quality of the cut and its angle with respect to the center line of the pipe must be carefully checked.
  2. Choose fittings, taking into account their purpose and diameter.
  3. Degrease those sections of the pipe and fitting that will be welded. The pipe must be degreased from above, the fitting - inside.
  4. Turn on the soldering iron, equip it with nozzles of such a diameter that are needed for soldering pipes. It should be borne in mind that the soldering iron heats up for a long time, so you can turn it on in advance. Its operating temperature is in a certain range; for adjustment, there is a regulator that must be set to the position required for a particular type of pipe.
  5. If reinforced pipes are being welded, it is necessary to first clean the junction from the reinforcing layer. For this, a trimmer or shaver is used, which must be prepared in advance.
  6. Insert the pipe into the nozzle prepared for it on the soldering iron. Put the fitting on the nozzle, as it will warm up inner side. The heating time depends on the parameters of pipes and fittings, which will be discussed below.
  7. After the heating is completed, insert the pipe into the fitting, pressing it to the stop. It is necessary to carefully control the insertion angle so that the connection does not turn out uneven. Each pipe and each fitting has a special strip in the form of a convex profile that indicates the direction of welding. If such strips are placed one opposite the other during soldering, even a fairly complex system of pipes will be in the same plane.
  8. The welding time of polypropylene pipes is several minutes, so they must be postponed until they are completely hardened, after which it is already possible to start mounting on the wall.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to carry out the welding process on your own. But in fact, it is necessary to practice a little before the actual application of the knowledge acquired from the material presented. The training won't cost too much as unreinforced pipes and fittings are quite cheap. A mistake in real work will lead to the need to start all over again, wasting time and materials.

It is already clear how to solder polypropylene pipes, the time has come to deal with some process parameters.

Parameters to consider when welding pipes

Types of plastic pipes: 1 - polyethylene, 2 - polypropylene, 3 - metal-plastic.

Each plastic melts at certain temperature, and this must be taken into account when welding work. In addition, there are also concepts such as recommended operating temperature and softening temperature.

For example, polypropylene melts when heated to 175°C. But if the temperature is 30 °C lower, the material begins to soften, which leads to irreversible deformation. With these parameters, manufacturers of polypropylene pipes recommend an operating temperature not exceeding 95 °. For pipelines through which, for example, boiling water moves, these pipes will not work. But if they are reinforced with aluminum or other metal, they can also be used for hot environments.

Welding, in which polypropylene pipes are guaranteed to be securely connected, can only be carried out under certain environmental parameters. At least the room where it is held should be warm. No manufacturer recommends carrying out this kind of work at sub-zero temperatures. And the accuracy of a person’s work in the cold is a rather relative concept.

Conclusion on the topic

An important point is the heating time of pipes and fittings with a soldering iron.

For example, if thermometers fix 20 ° C at the workplace, then for a pipe with a diameter of 20 mm with a welded belt width of up to 16 mm, 6 seconds must be spent on heating, 4 seconds on the connection and 2 minutes in order for this connection to completely harden.

The table of ratios of diameters, the length of the welding site and the time spent on basic operations should be a guide to action for those who are going to weld plastic pipes for various types of pipelines.

Reading 4 min.

Plumbing and sewer pipes from polymer materials with confident steps they force out their older iron counterparts from apartments, cottages and public places. This is due to their low cost, durability, corrosion resistance and ease of installation. Read more about how to solder plastic pipes in this article.

Varieties of pipes to be welded

The concept of "plastic pipes" includes several types of plumbing products from different polymers. They differ in scope (for water supply or sewerage), technical specifications and installation method.

The following polymer pipes are mounted by welding:

  1. Polypropylene (PP). The pipeline made of this material withstands high temperatures and pressures and is wear-resistant and durable. Polypropylene is used for the installation of cold and hot water supply circuits, as well as heating systems, the installation of which is carried out using reinforced polypropylene materials.
  2. Polyethylene (PE). With all the advantages of polypropylene, polyethylene pipe differs in higher flexibility and plasticity, therefore, unlike polypropylene products, it is stored and sold in rolls. The only disadvantage compared to polypropylene is lower heat resistance, so polyethylene is unsuitable for use in heating and hot water systems.
  3. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The range of products made from this polymer is extensive - with a wide range of diameters, stiffness and working pressure. Distinctive feature polyvinyl chloride - high bactericidal properties.

There are types of plastic pipes, the assembly of communications from which does not require welding. These include:

  • from cross-linked polyethylene;
  • metal-plastic pipes.

A pipeline made of these materials is mounted using metal connecting elements - fittings, which increases the cost of installation.

Necessary equipment and tools

Welding of PVC, polypropylene and polyethylene water pipes requires a minimum amount of tools and equipment:

  1. Welding machine - electric heater with a set of paired Teflon-coated nozzles standard diameters. Nozzles match internal and outside diameters pipes used. If you plan to use the device once, it makes sense not to buy it, but to rent it for a short time.
  2. Pipe cutters - for fast, accurate and even cuts of pipes of the desired size. In the absence of a pipe cutter, you can use a hacksaw for metal, but in this case the cut will not turn out so neat.
  3. Tape measure, building level and marker - for measuring the length of pipeline sections and marking during installation.
  4. Rags, solvent - for degreasing the welded areas.

In the case of inserting a plastic pipeline into metal communications, a pair of gas wrenches (or wrenches) may be needed. desired diameter), flax plumbing (or fum-tape), sealant for sealing threaded connections.

If the installation will be carried out with reinforced pipes, a scraper will be needed - a device for stripping foil.

To fix the pipeline to the wall, you need a puncher.

Preparation for work

Welding of PVC pipes, like other polymeric materials, requires preparatory measures.

Before installing the plumbing system, you should draw a diagram of future communications on paper, minimizing the number of branches if possible. Then mark the laying of the pipeline "on the ground" - on the walls or on the floor, with a mark of the connecting elements (tees, angles and couplings), valves, meters, filters and all points of water consumption (faucets, toilet, washing machine etc.).

After marking the water supply system, it is necessary to calculate the footage of pipes and the number of fittings. The next step is going to the store. Buy materials should be with a margin of 10%. Valves, filters, meters and adapters with threaded connection are purchased in accordance with the drawn scheme.

A feature of polymeric materials is their linear expansion under thermal exposure. In order to avoid sagging and deformation of communications in long sections (5 m or more), it is recommended to provide for the use of compensators - loop-shaped connecting elements that compensate for the physical effect of high temperatures on the pipeline.

soldering process

The necessary materials have been purchased, the equipment has been prepared - it's time to proceed to the installation of the water supply system.

Let's take a closer look at how to properly solder plastic pipes with your own hands.

The technology for welding plastic pipes is extremely simple: heating the elements to be joined up to desired temperature and docking them with each other, resulting in a high-strength homogeneous polymer compound.

The welding sequence is as follows:

  1. Pipes are cut into pieces the right sizes according to the installation diagram.
  2. When using reinforced pipes, they are cleaned of reinforcing foil at the welding points.
  3. Nozzles corresponding to the diameters of the parts to be welded are attached to the welding machine. The device is connected to the mains. Welding is carried out at a temperature of +260⁰С.
  4. The marker on the elements to be connected marks the risks to ensure the alignment of the parts.
  5. We insert the connected parts into the nozzles. One of the connected elements is heated from the outside, the other from the inside. The warm-up time depends on the diameter of the material.
  6. Heated elements quickly connect to each other along previously identified risks. The connection is fixed, the offset is not allowed.
  7. Cooling time is given for 2-8 minutes depending on the diameter.

Correspondence table for pipeline diameter and welding time

Pipe diameter, mmHeating time, secConnection time, secCooling time, min
20 6 4 2
25 7 4 2
32 8 6 4
40 12 6 4
50 18 6 4
63 24 8 6
75 30 10 8
90 40 11 8
110 50 12 8

If all requirements are met, the result of welding is a monolithic connection, which guarantees the tightness and reliability of the pipeline.

Repair is a rather expensive pleasure, so many people prefer to do it themselves to save money. But if wallpapering and laying linoleum are considered simple types of repairs, then laying or replacing communications requires certain skills and special equipment.

For example, many are afraid of the need to connect plastic pipes when repairing a water pipe. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this, it is enough to get a welding device for plastic pipes and study some of the features of the process.

To carry out welding work with plastic pipes, you will need the following tools:

  • construction tape measure and a pencil (marker) for taking measurements,
  • pipe cutter or construction knife for cutting pipes,
  • shaver (if welding of pipes reinforced with aluminum foil is carried out),
  • file and fine grain sandpaper for grouting burrs on cut pipes,
  • pipe welding machine.

You will also need alcohol to degrease structural elements in the places of welding and rags.

What is a plastic pipe welding machine

The action of the welding machine for plastic pipes is to heat the ends of the pipe and fitting, which will be connected to each other, to a temperature close to melting. Due to the softening of the material after cooling, they form a single monolithic structure.

The device itself consists of a support platform and a body equipped with:

  • temperature controller,
  • light indicators of the operating status of the device,
  • heating element (mirrors, soles),
  • knobs for adjusting the position of the mirror.

There are two holes in the sole of the device, on which nozzles are attached, corresponding to the diameters of plastic pipes. The most common nozzles allow you to weld pipes from 16 to 32 mm, the maximum possible diameter is 63 mm.

Healthy! During operation, the soleplate and the nozzles attached to it are heated to the same temperature, which allows you to securely connect the pipeline elements without worrying that one of them has not warmed up enough.

There are 2 types of welding machines for plastic: xiphoid and cylindrical. The xiphoid apparatus is sufficient for domestic use, but this tool has one drawback - rather poor stability.