How to glue wallpaper in a small kitchen. What wallpaper is better to stick in the kitchen

  • 27.06.2020

One of the latest trends in interior design is the use of different colors on the walls. This technique allows you to diversify the design, focus on some part of the room. To correct the shortcomings of the layout, different drawings in the same color scheme are used. All these techniques work perfectly with wallpapers: they have different textures, colors, patterns. Moreover, the result can be evaluated in advance - by rolling out two rolls side by side on the wall. That is why two types of wallpaper are becoming more and more popular: they are modern and offer an opportunity to make rooms interesting.

Rules for combining wallpapers and textures

In such a matter as design, you cannot do without rules, and even more so when combining colors, patterns and textures. In order for wallpapering of two types to look harmonious, it is necessary to take into account a number of parameters.

Ceiling height

It is this characteristic of the room that dictates the choice of the type of pattern, and also largely determines the texture and color. If the ceiling height is less than 2.5 m, light-colored wallpapers are used, without a rough texture, with a medium-sized pattern. If the ceilings are very low, a combination of a light main background with a subtle texture or pattern, vertical stripes (a pattern, or just canvases of a different color) that can be located on one wall can correct the situation, but it is better to distribute them into two, or even three.

Vertical stripes "raise" the ceiling

High ceilings - from 3 m and above - require a radically different approach. Here, on the contrary, a large drawing, stretched in width, is needed. You can use horizontal wall divisions using different colors in the top and bottom half (see more below). To make this design look modern - this is still a classic technique - you need to try very hard with the choice of colors and / or patterns.

Room dimensions

In addition to height and width, pay attention to the geometry. First, to the square. If the room is large, you can use more saturated or dark shades. This will visually reduce the size. If monophonic dark walls you are not happy - find a dark tone wallpaper with a light large pattern. As a rule, these are plant motifs, abstraction or geometry is found.

In small rooms, everything is definitely the opposite: use light colors. If with a texture, then medium-sized, the pattern is small, not very pronounced.

Secondly, we pay attention not to geometry. If the room is long and narrow. In this case, it is the wallpapering of two types that will save the situation: lighter ones are glued on short walls, and some of them “come” around the corner. Thus visually the geometry is aligned.

There is another technique that is used if the entrance to a narrow room is on one of the long sides. Then it is worth highlighting the middle of the opposite wall with a different color, pasting the corners with the same wallpaper that is intended for short ones. The perception of the room will change significantly: it will no longer seem so long.

Texture selection

In general, wallpapering two types requires careful selection of the texture and thickness of the canvases. When combining, it is desirable to use the same type of panels. If docking occurs only in the corners, then you can not pay special attention to the thickness and texture: you still won’t particularly consider it in such a place. But if the connection of the canvases on a flat wall, then the difference in thickness will only emphasize the transition. It looks, as a rule, too exaggerated.

Another moment. If you still decide to glue the canvases different type, you need to use the appropriate glue for them. For example, for wallpaper on a non-woven base, your own - on paper - your own. The same applies to the coating - for vinyl and structured canvases - its own type, for acrylic - another. Don't want to fool around? Buy a universal one. There are also such compositions.

Light or dark

If the room is too bright, or the interior is too monotonous, it is not necessary to use dark wallpaper on all walls. You can paste over the wall opposite the window dark, let the rest be light. As a result, the room will not be very bright, and you will get rid of the oppressive atmosphere that dark walls create.

This technique works and vice versa: to brighten the room, it is enough to stick light-colored canvases on the wall opposite the window. It will become much lighter.

How to compose

There are several techniques for sticking wallpaper of two types, which can be used "in pure" form or combined two or three at a time. It is important to have a good idea of ​​what you specifically want to achieve.

Vertical combination

Probably everyone knows that vertical stripes give visual magnification ceiling height. Moreover, the stripes do not have to be regular. V modern interpretation on one wall there can be striped wallpaper, and the rest - plain-colored or with a soft, slightly noticeable pattern.

But this is not always the case. You can distribute vertical stripes on different walls. Moreover, they can be regular - repeated at a constant interval. As you can see in the photo, the interval on different walls may be different.

Stripes can be different - in color or pattern. The texture with this combination of wallpaper should be the same, otherwise you get an incomprehensible mishmash. For such a combination, it is easiest to work with a single collection. The fact is that most campaigns produce several drawings that are combined with each other. As a rule, they are in several scales. In one collection there are two or three plain backgrounds and several options with drawings.

You can see an example of using three wallpapers from one collection in the photo below and above. The combination is almost perfect - they were repeatedly tested for compatibility before starting production. By the way, in most of the other photos, wallpapers are also combined from the same collection. It's just very difficult to arrange different textures normally.

When combined vertically, there is another interesting technique that allows you to make the ceiling higher. One of the strips "comes" to the ceiling. In this case, the transition boundary is blurred, which gives a feeling of greater volume.

To make the principle of the arrangement of the stripes a little clearer, we present several options in the graphic image. The drawings are made as if viewed from above.

These are win-win options that will always “play” when choosing paintings from one collection. If you need a guarantee that two types of wallpaper will be effective, use one of these schemes. This wall design has been tried thousands of times, and every time the result is excellent.

Horizontal division

A technique that can be attributed to the classics of design. It has been used for a long time, but with the current abundance of colors and textures, it has received a completely new sound. This technique is more often used in rooms with a small area, but high ceilings. Remove the effect of the "well" and helps the horizontal division of the room. It can be just a horizontal strip that encircles the room. Often it is tied to the height of the window sills, but in general it is carried out when dividing the plane into three parts and can be located in the lower or upper third.

This rule is often violated: sometimes the stripe is made at eye level and some kind of decorative elements. It often looks very good. This approach is often found in

The division zone can also pass at the top. Traditionally, the lower part is made in darker colors, the upper one is lighter. But this rule is also violated. An example is in the photo below.

Traditional options for combining wallpaper companions of two types with horizontal division:

  • bottom (1/3) - striped wallpaper. top - plain-colored or in a small pattern;
  • bottom - 1/3 - in a small pattern, top - large monograms or monophonic;
  • 2/3 at the bottom is a large drawing - monochromatic upwards.

Traditional pasting with horizontal division is one of the options


Wallpaper of different colors in the same room is also used if it is necessary to emphasize zoning. For example, in studio apartments, various functional areas are divided in this way: dining and recreation.

The same principle can be applied in the nursery. In this case, sticking wallpaper of two types serves to separate the game part, bed, table. They also act if two children live in the nursery. Only this is possible if there is no competition between them, otherwise the number conflict situations may increase.

With this combination, the use of different textures is allowed. But separating them with moldings is used very rarely. They try to either join in the corners, or pick up wallpaper so that the junction does not look defiant.

Panel or decorative inserts

Different wallpapers in the same room were glued for a long time, only once they were made of fabric, and they were framed as they were very expensive and were available only to the upper class. Since then, it has become a custom: sticking wallpaper of two types in the form of a panel. And today they make out like this classic interiors using silk-screen printing, embossed or textured options for insertion.

If style allows, elements of a different color are framed from . This version of the design fits perfectly into classic interiors or in the style of Provence, country.

A similar panel is also possible in more modern styles - modern, for example. But then the frame can be made from a border of the same color - from the same collection, or cut out from the "body" of the wallpaper.

Another option is to paste over in a niche. In this case, the pattern and texture is selected according to the style, as well as for a different design.

And in this case, it is best to use wallpapers from the same collection. A professional decorator will pick them up by experience or using flair, but for amateurs, this may not work. If you don't want to take risks, use one collection.

color accents

There are two principles for applying this technique. First, you need to divert attention from some element that you consider unsightly. For example, uneven walls. In some apartments, they may be beveled. So that the eye does not cling to this fact, the opposite wall is distinguished with wallpaper of a different color, with or without a pattern. It is important that they attract attention.

The second technique is gluing wallpaper of two types to draw attention to some object in the interior. In bedrooms, this is often either a bed or a wall opposite. Here who wants to emphasize (). In kitchens, a table is often allocated - thus forming a dining area. This is part zoning, part accent. Still, attention is still being diverted from the kitchen area.

Accenting a wall near a piece of furniture is a fun way to hang wallpaper in two colors.

Actually, the accent can be not only a vertically directed strip, although this option is more common: our rooms do not sin with high ceilings, therefore any means are good. In a high room, the accent can be a wide horizontal strip - or some part of the wall, as in the photo below.

There are two steps at once: and different colours, and different textures

In some rooms there are ledges of load-bearing walls or niches. Often they try to disguise. It is absolutely not necessary to do this. By highlighting this area with wallpaper of a different color, it can be turned into an architectural highlight that will give individuality to the room.

Two types of wallpaper gluing: protruding "remnants" of load-bearing walls can be turned into dignity

In general, the options for how to hang wallpapers of different colors in one room are endless. Choose what you like best, and to have more ideas, below there is a whole section with different photos.

Sticking wallpaper of two types: photo ideas

The strip is combined not only with plain surfaces, but also with a pattern. It is important that the interior is in the same colors

Bright heels in a monotonous interior - perfect option for wallpapering two types

In the photo, different wallpapers in the same room are chosen well, the color is also repeated in textiles

Zoning using different colors - a proven way

Remove the effect of the "trailer" - break a long wall with a partition, which is pasted over with eye-catching wallpaper

Vertical stripes "raise" the ceiling

Free division of the wall is another interesting approach.

Accent - burgundy wall. Definitely draws attention

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 8 minutes

The kitchen is a special area that not only serves as a working space for cooking, but also successfully copes with the function of a dining room, living room, place of rest and communication. The use of wallpaper in the interior design of the kitchen creates an atmosphere of comfort and home comfort. However, before starting finishing, you need to consider what wallpaper to glue to the kitchen.

A lot will have to be taken into account: increased air humidity and vaporization, temperature instability, frequent use of aggressive detergents, lighting. And finally, the compatibility of the wall covering with other elements of the interior is important - furniture, equipment.

What should be the wallpaper for the kitchen?

Not every wallpaper is suitable for the kitchen. The material that meets all the necessary requirements will be as follows:

  • vapor permeable;
  • moisture resistant;
  • resistant to abrasion;
  • easily withstand sharp temperature fluctuations and repeated treatments with cleaning agents;
  • not fading in the sun;
  • non-absorbent splashes of grease and food odors;
  • for a long time retaining a decorative function.

Suitable wallpapers

There are several varieties of vinyl wallpaper:

  • silkscreen;
  • with a smooth finish;
  • hard;
  • foam vinyl.

The best choice for kitchen walls is smooth and dense washable vinyl wallpaper.

Before buying, you need to read the label on the package. Rolls marked with one wave can be wiped with a damp sponge, with two - washed with water without using abrasive materials. The three-wave symbol with a brush indicates the possibility of thorough rinsing warm water using detergents and a stiff brush.

Important! Embossed wallpaper and porous canvases covered with foamed vinyl are quickly clogged with dust and do not tolerate aggressive detergent compositions Therefore, it is better not to glue them in the kitchen.

Non-woven wallpaper

Interlining is a multilayer finishing material with a base of structural cellulose, which is distinguished by vapor and air permeability, and fire resistance.

The construction market presents a huge selection of non-woven wallpaper plain and patterned, smooth, embossed. Materials for painting withstand multi-layer staining.

Liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper ennobles and decorates the interiors of living rooms, but is rarely used in the design of the kitchen, because they do not have the properties necessary for a room with high humidity. However, you can use liquid wallpaper in a spacious kitchen as a decoration for individual wall fragments in combination with other types of coatings.

Glass fiber in the interior of the kitchen

One of the best materials for finishing the kitchen -, - differ:

  • high fire-fighting characteristics;
  • the ability to withstand multi-layer staining and cleaning with abrasive substances.

A significant drawback of the material is its high cost, however, the exclusive appearance and long-term service life negate significant costs.

Advice. When decorating the interior with any wallpaper, it is advisable to paste over the kitchen areas that serve as a dining room and recreation area and are located at some distance from the workspace where the stove or hob, washing. In a small kitchen in Khrushchev, it is better to wallpaper the wall opposite the work area.

What tone of wallpaper to choose

An important factor when choosing wallpaper for the kitchen is color. The mood of the hostess when preparing food, and, consequently, the taste of the dishes, as well as the appetite of the household, the atmosphere of a common breakfast, dinner or lunch, and even the digestibility of food, depends on visual perception.

You should not buy the first materials you like: you need to imagine how they will look in combination with the tones of the floor and ceiling, furniture, kitchen utensils and equipment. It is also desirable to compare the color palette of wall coverings with the location of the kitchen relative to the cardinal points and the intensity of natural light.

Bright colors are suitable for decorating spacious and small rooms, but their properties directly depend on the location of the apartment.

North - West

In the kitchen, the windows of which face west, northwest, north, where it is rather dark and gloomy in the mornings, especially in the cold season, they look good:

  • light pink, peach, beige, cream shades, ivory, orange, terracotta, yellow, golden tones;
  • wallpaper with gold accents that will help overcome autumn drowsiness and melancholy.

It is desirable to drape windows in the north with fabrics of lighter shades.

Gentle tones promote appetite and good mood household members.

For an additional impact on the pleasure centers, it is desirable to focus on bright photo wallpapers in contrasting colors with images of gastronomic delights, fruits, vegetables, berries, flowers, chocolates and sweets, coffee beans, cups of coffee.

South East

If the windows of the apartment face south or east, you can use wallpaper in cold colors and shades to decorate the interior of the kitchen - royal blue, aquamarine, ultramarine, jade green, mint, sky blue, azure.

Warm accents will provide a great mood and a great appetite - chocolate in combination with the main smoky blue, light green or silver gray, bright red against the background of azure or malachite. You should stick to one primary color and no more than three of its shades.

  • Wall coverings look great in classic contrasting colors - white with blue, grass green, bright blue, purple.
  • The combination of black with white or smoky gray gives a special flavor to the interior, but certain proportions must be observed and close attention should be paid to accents. Black should not prevail over light colors, white or gray are designed to radiate inner radiance. The atmosphere of joy is created by juicy yellow orange, red accents, however, it is undesirable to mix colors, since an overly bright palette can cause subconscious irritation, fear, and anxiety.
  • A special place in interior design is occupied by purple and all its shades, which create successful combinations only with each other, with white, blue and some tones of green and brown. Composing for lilac cuisine, it must be remembered that with an unsuccessful selection of furniture, sink lining and apron, lighting fixtures, an annoying range can turn out, which will have a bad effect on the quality of food and well-being.

Plain or patterned - which is better?

To date, plain wallpaper is considered an ideal choice for decorating a kitchen interior, but it is better to rely on your own taste and wishes, adhering to some general rules.

When you think over the entire interior of a room, much attention is paid to the design of the walls. Today, there are a lot of options for their decor: wallpapering, painting, tiling, and so on. It all depends on the style in which the entire interior is designed, and on the financial capabilities of the customer. But still, most people prefer wallpaper.

Types of wallpaper for the kitchen

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account some factors that will help determine the most suitable option. Let's consider some of them.

Vinyl wallpapers. The most popular type. They have such an important property for the kitchen as moisture resistance. Do not fade under the action of sunlight. Easily glued, while masking the uneven surface of the walls well. Resistant to mold and mildew. The disadvantage is the inability to pass air. The kitchen should be ventilated frequently.

Texture wallpaper. In another way, they are also called compact vinyl. Their main purpose is to imitate stones, brickwork, plasters. Easy to wash and do not scratch. Available in a wide variety of designs and colors. The main disadvantage of such wallpapers is the high price.

Wallpaper that can be painted. The basis of this type of wallpaper is vinyl. It tolerates the sun's rays well and prevents color fading. It also tolerates moisture and temperature changes well. Wallpaper can be repainted several times.

Non-woven wallpaper. A significant advantage of such wallpaper is the fact that it is not necessary to apply glue to them, but only to the walls. Do not wrinkle and do not tear when sticking. They also do a good job of masking the unevenness of the walls. They are made from cellulose fibers, so they are quite environmentally friendly. Well pass air and transfer moisture. The disadvantage is the high price. Also, dust collects on the textured layer, which at times will have to be vacuumed.

The modern type of wallpaper is glass wallpaper. They have a number of advantages: they tolerate moisture and temperature changes well, are fireproof, resistant to the appearance of fungus, and do not deteriorate when various acids come into contact with them.

Plain wallpaper made from pre-impregnated paper. Their main advantage is low price. The quality leaves much to be desired: they crumple, tear, burn out, are not resistant to water and alkalis. However, it is quite an ecological option, as it is easy to let air through.

What type of wallpaper should be avoided

The kitchen is the place where food is prepared and eaten. Therefore, fat, moisture, high temperature constantly affect the wallpaper. The most inappropriate solution for the kitchen will be paper wallpaper. They quickly deteriorate due to the impossibility of cleaning or painting them.

You should also avoid wallpapers made from natural materials: linen, cotton, silk, bamboo, wood. They quickly and permanently absorb all sorts of odors and smoke.

Wallpaper with a relief pattern will not look very practical in the kitchen. The corrugated layer will quickly collect all the dust and dirt, and it will be impossible to wash it without harming the pattern.

What color to choose

Color plays an important role in the perception of the entire interior. It also helps to hide some imperfections.
The most suitable color scheme for wallpaper will be the choice of yellow and all its shades. But it is worth remembering about the rest of the style of the kitchen. Everyone prefers their own color: country and Provence love green and other colors of nature, modern - white, black.

For large areas of the kitchen, any color of wallpaper is suitable. Even dark shades that visually reduce will look very impressive. But with a small kitchen, it is best to give preference to light colors of wallpaper. On the contrary, they visually enlarge the room.

Now let's dwell on some colors and their impact on humans.

Yellow, light beige, orange, golden stimulate the appetite. The person feels at home. All this leads to heartfelt conversations. However, everything is in moderation. An excess of this color can tire the eyes.

Red color and its shades. In addition to increasing appetite, they can also act as an irritant for the nervous system.

The blue tint of the wallpaper reduces appetite. A great option for those who follow their figure and are afraid of overeating.

The blue color has a calming effect. Looks great in a nautical theme of interior design. Such wallpaper should not be glued in countries with a cold climate. This will create even more chill.

Green color as well as yellow, conducive to communication. A great option for those who love nature. This color is able to calm and create a friendly atmosphere.

White color. Gives the kitchen some airiness. However, a perfectly white kitchen will look more like a hospital room. Therefore, this color is diluted with bright objects.

Black and purple are not welcome in the kitchen.

wallpaper pattern

Not everyone likes plain wallpaper. Some prefer to glue wallpaper with a relief or other pattern. Here are some tips for choosing such wallpapers:

  • A kitchen with a low ceiling is best covered with wallpaper with a vertical or diagonal pattern. This option will significantly increase the height of the ceilings and give the room a larger area.
  • If the kitchen furniture is without bright frills, then it is better to choose a wallpaper with a wild pattern that will attract all the attention to itself.
  • With small areas of the kitchen, it is better to avoid any pattern on the wallpaper. This will visually reduce the kitchen even more.
  • As for the pattern itself on kitchen wallpaper, it can be very diverse: geometric patterns, animals and plants, birds, hieroglyphs, stripes, and so on.

Wall mural

For many people, murals are still associated with those that were still in Soviet time: poor quality, fast fading, heavy sticking, small assortment. However, now modern technologies allow you to create amazingly beautiful photo wallpapers plus high quality.

For the kitchen, you should choose special kind photowall-paper which perfectly transfer moisture, fat, temperature drops. So most suitable photo wallpaper for the kitchen there will be vinyl or non-woven.

They are impregnated with a special solution that protects them from fading and dirt, and allows repeated cleaning with water. If the photo wallpaper is placed in front of the working kitchen area, then it is imperative to protect such wallpaper with an additional layer of glass or a water-repellent coating.

Wall murals are a separate element of the interior. Therefore, they should be placed on a free wall, away from the cooking area. You should not choose too bright wallpaper. This can lead to eye fatigue quickly.

If desired, you can glue not only the walls, but also doors and other elements of kitchen furniture. This will create a more "deep" interior. For small kitchens, window murals will serve as a wonderful decor element.

Combined wallpaper

There is no better place for combined wallpaper than the kitchen. This is a great opportunity to designate a working area and a zone for eating and relaxing in this way. More and more often, designers are resorting to this option for wallpapering. To make everything look beautiful and harmonious, you should follow some tips:

  • All wallpapers must be of the same quality and price segment. The main difference between them will be in color and texture.
  • The thickness of the combined wallpaper should be the same. This will avoid difficulties when gluing and docking wallpaper.
  • If some wallpapers are plain, then others should be chosen with a bright pattern.
  • Bright colors go well with neutrals.

The most common option when combining wallpaper is the vertical division of the kitchen walls. It can be symmetrical when wallpaper with wide stripes, but different in color, is glued to two opposite walls.

This technique allows you to make the room more square. The asymmetric option implies that one wall is glued with wallpaper with wide stripes of one color, and the opposite wall with narrow stripes of another color. Such sticking will shorten the kitchen, but at the same time give it volume in width.

Modern wallpaper for the kitchen

With all the variety of wallpapers, there are modern tendencies, which should be taken into account, since repairs to the kitchen are not done for one year. To date, kitchens are designed in modern style: modern, high-tech.

This option involves the use of minimalism and rigor. Therefore, the wallpaper should be moderately bright in order to attract the main attention, but at the same time be restrained in order to fit into the whole style of the interior.

More and more preference is given to wallpaper in light shades or just white. This option allows you to expand the kitchen, give airiness and rigor. You can also choose plain light wallpaper with bright motifs or patterns.

Since much attention is now paid to quality, then the best option for the kitchen there will be a choice of glass or vinyl. It is also allowed to combine different wallpapers according to the color scheme. As for style, oriental motifs are very popular lately. And lovers of home comfort will suit modern wallpaper with a pattern on a plant theme.

The latest trend of the year is wallpaper with a pattern in the form of decorative plates. Still in vogue are various stickers. They will perfectly complement the wallpaper in any style, but here the main thing is to choose everything correctly in order to avoid pretentiousness.

Wallpaper for a small kitchen

As mentioned earlier, the smaller the room, the more light shades should be present in the interior. This will help visually increase the area. However, purely white kitchen not worth doing. This will create the illusion of being in a hospital room, and will also create the need for frequent and very thorough cleaning.

The best option for a small kitchen would be wallpaper in bed shades with a very small pattern. If you have chosen a photo wallpaper or a 3D drawing, then you need to glue them on a free wall, which acts as a dining place. This will make a bright accent.

When choosing wallpaper, you should also focus on the entire kitchen interior. So, for example, if the furniture has a glossy sheen, then the wallpaper should also be glossy. The color should be neutral.

As for quality, wallpaper for a kitchen, especially a small one, must be washable and withstand sudden changes in temperature, as well as steam.

  • The choice of wallpaper for the kitchen
  • preliminary work
  • Technological process and its features
  • Interior design options

The kitchen is a special room in the apartment. It's not just food here. Many people like to sit at the kitchen table with a cup of tea after work, look through the latest press or discuss the news with their household. Therefore, it is so important that there is comfort around, which can be achieved with the help of beautiful wallpapers and accessories.

If you decide to paste over the kitchen, then choose washable wallpaper. They can be easily cleaned of dirt without re-gluing.

As for the wallpaper, for the kitchen they are chosen especially carefully. It is best to use washable materials or those coated with a special water repellent. Only in this case it is possible to achieve their neat appearance.

The choice of wallpaper for the kitchen

Of great importance is the compliance of the texture, pattern and color scheme of the wallpaper with the style of the room. It should be remembered that dark saturated shades "hide" the space and make the room visually smaller, so they can only be used for spacious kitchens with high ceilings. It is quite another thing to paste over the walls with wallpaper of a light shade with a discreet pattern. They will fill the kitchen space with light and air, creating a cozy homely atmosphere.

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preliminary work

Use a spatula to remove old wallpaper.

To make the kitchen look beautiful, it is necessary to paste over it with wallpaper in accordance with all the rules. Observing the technology and being careful, any home master can cope with this taskwithout resorting to the help of professionals. First of all, the walls of the room need to be prepared. This is a guarantee that the work will be done with high quality and it will not have to be redone again. If there was old plaster or wallpaper on the walls, they should be removed with a spatula. To speed up this process, the surface of the wall is sprayed with a spray gun and the wallpaper is completely soaked, after which they are removed very easily. In the presence of irregularities and any defects, they are puttied. All cracks and crevices must also be carefully sealed. Then, having cleaned the wall of dust, proceed to priming. This operation is mandatory. For her, it is better to use a deep penetration primer to ensure good adhesion of the wallpaper to the wall.

Wallpapering the walls should be started after the primer has completely dried. Better if it will last operation repairs, when painting or whitewashing of the ceiling and other dirty work is completed. In this case, the possibility of staining the surface of the wallpaper is minimized.

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Technological process and its features

Without being afraid to experiment, almost any kitchen can be turned into an exclusive space that will impress guests at home.

From time immemorial, a kitchen has existed in every home. This is a place where the whole family gathers every day, welcomes dear guests, discusses important issues or just cooks. Therefore, the decoration of such an important space should be approached thoughtfully and very thoroughly.

How to glue wallpaper in the kitchen with your own hands is a question that worries many. Let's take a look at the whole process from start to finish.

Designer Tips

Every room has flaws. Optical illusions are used to hide them. With an excess length of space, it can be visually shortened. Low ceilings - visually raise, a small space - increase.

In itself, pasting the walls is a simple matter. Anyone can glue the material and attach it to the wall. But another question is how to do it correctly and beautifully? What products are best suited to the interior, space? This is where a certain skill of designers lies. For which, in fact, they get their bread.

Here are some tips from professionals in their field:

  1. Sweeping images, large drawings visually compress the space. Small pattern adds volume;
  2. Dark tones visually reduce the room, light shades - increase. Although it is always worth remembering that there are exceptions;
  3. Vertical rapport can either increase the height of the ceilings or reduce it. Horizontal will visually expand the space over the entire area of ​​​​the pattern;
  4. Crushing into horizontal and vertical sections, depending on the color palette, the selected pattern, its location, form a variety of effects;
  5. A very popular way to combine different types of wallpapers with heterogeneous images. The combination is the most unexpected options. For example, the alternate use of colored shreds along the walls, division along the horizontal plane with decorative stripes or borders;
  6. In addition to stickers, modern technologies allow you to make changes to the design by applying your favorite drawing or photo to the walls of the room. Family dinner in the kitchen with a general photo of all family members, transferred to the entire surrounding space, will appeal to many. The idea itself is very original.

Self-adhesive wallpaper

Probably, many have already heard about self-adhesive wallpaper for the kitchen, but not everyone knows about stickers or stickers. With their help, the room in the blink of an eye is transformed without tedious work or rearrangement of kitchen utensils. This trick is also worth remembering.

Worth remembering! As a rule, it is not always possible to calculate the required amount of material correctly. After finishing the room, excess wallpaper remains, you do not need to throw it away. Leave the products, use the method of applying patches to the walls. It is bright, a little exotic, the resulting stripes will complement the interior.

List of tools

The time spent, as well as the quality of the work performed, directly depends on the required tool. Although, few people know about it, fewer even know about it. As you paste the wallpaper in the kitchen, you will live with it! Therefore, we approach the choice of our assistants with all rigor and scrupulousness, as far as possible.

So what do we need. Let's look at the list:

  • Cord for marking;
  • Building level;
  • Scissors;
  • Cutter with retractable blade;
  • Putty knife;
  • Rollers: pressure, regular, suture with a conical shape, made of absorbent material;
  • Double cut paper knife;
  • Wallpaper cutter with a straight edge;
  • Cut edge. In the form of a triangle;
  • A brush or brush for glue;
  • Wallpaper brush;
  • Solution container.

Preparing the wall

Wallpaper should be glued only after the work surface has been thoroughly prepared. First of all, we examine the walls for the existence of various chips, cracks and irregularities in them. Remove them if necessary. We plaster, putty, primer. The whole range of work carried out is directly determined by the state of the entire surface as a whole.

The resulting wall covering must meet the requirement to proceed to the next step. Check the finished base visually, then gently feel with your fingers. It will become even and strong after the surface is completely dry. If, as a result of its staining and the application of a leveling mixture, it is washed off, then you still need to strengthen everything with a primer solution.

Note! The best basis for the appearance of fungus or mold is damp walls. The trouble with corner apartments, to combat dampness, we seal the walls, treat them with an antiseptic solution, which will extend the service life.

We start gluing with our own hands

So, after the base is completely ready. The next step is to cut the wallpaper rolls into the required lengths. In addition, you will need glue, its preparation method is simple, as a rule, it is stated on the package.

Many have already done this process more than once. But this does not guarantee that everything is done correctly. Properly doing all the work with your own hands is not so easy.

Perhaps a few tips will help improve the quality of the result:

  1. We roll out the roll, the pattern is directed upwards. Cut the marked strips. We leave about 100 mm more material than necessary. This will help when combining the pattern;
  2. For better movement of products and better impregnation with adhesive, we fold the smeared blanks in such a way that the lower segment is folded by a third, and the upper by two thirds. Then we twist the resulting shred into a roll, wait ten minutes for impregnation;
  3. We glue, starting from the window. We correct the first strip according to pre-made marks so that there is no vertical deviation. Alignment is done using building level, as well as a paint cord. After that, smooth the glued material. We get rid of air gaps, excess adhesive solution;
  4. The boundaries of the upper and lower edges are leveled using a cutter, a trimmed edge of a triangular shape. Instead, you can use a plastic spatula;
  5. So, having glued the first strip, by analogy we continue the whole process to the end.

Must be remembered! The adhesive solution must contain more water for less thick wallpaper because they are less absorbent. Don't forget to calculate their proportions.

Video instruction

To summarize, let's look back. Now you know how to visually increase or decrease the space using small elements. Assess and prepare the surface for full-fledged work. What tools to use. Most importantly, you can answer the question of how to stick wallpaper in the kitchen with your own hands?

The kitchen is the heart of the home. Here food is prepared, here the family gathers for breakfast or dinner, informal gatherings with friends take place here. What wallpaper to glue in the kitchen and how to do it right, we will consider today.

The work itself is not difficult and it will be quite possible to do it yourself. Then the final price will not bite. You just have to choose the right one to get started. We will consider all these questions below. Also, your attention will be presented with photos and videos that will help you avoid mistakes.

What wallpaper to glue in the kitchen should be decided according to the required parameters, carefully examine the images on the label included in each roll. The main characteristics of the wallpaper are indicated on it with icons.

No. 7. Wall mural

Surprisingly, they can be used in the kitchen without fear that their appearance will be spoiled after a couple of months. There are on sale today murals on vinyl and non-woven base: they can be washed, as indicated by the corresponding marking on the packaging. It is important that waterproof dyes are used for the production of wallpaper, and then the material will become an excellent and durable decoration of the kitchen, and the pattern on the wallpaper will not fade and flow under the influence of moisture. Naturally, even the most durable and moisture-resistant wallpaper is better use away from the sink, and working area : murals will be an excellent decoration of the dining area, and it’s not worth talking about decorativeness and generally, because the material is capable of stylizing as you like. There are a lot of options for drawings: from fruit and vegetable themes to landscapes and abstractions.


If you want to create an interesting kitchen interior, then you can use it for

Renovation in the kitchen is quite laborious, even at the first stage, when developing the design of the room, you have to think through a lot of little things. It is very important that the interior of the kitchen is not only beautiful, but also comfortable and practical.

A little bright, but quite a good and high-quality solution for the kitchen

Different materials are used for finishing in the kitchen, but the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls is occupied by wallpaper. Today we would like to tell you how to paste wallpaper on the walls of the kitchen beautifully and without any problems.


Before you start gluing wallpaper on the walls in your kitchen, you need to choose canvases that are suitable in quality. Among the most popular wallpaper materials in the store are: paper, vinyl, interlining.

Light wallpaper of a natural theme in the interior of the kitchen

  • Paper wallpapers for harsh kitchen conditions are not suitable because they do not tolerate moisture and temperature changes. It is contraindicated to glue such weak wallpapers in such rooms. There are special washable paper wallpapers, but they are not suitable for normal repairs, as they look, to put it mildly, mediocre.
  • Vinyl wallpapers are more suitable for wall decoration in the kitchen, so sticking canvases of this quality would be the right decision. Vinyl is not afraid of moisture, it can be washed, besides, the strength of the wallpaper is much higher than paper. The range of such wallpapers is so large that it will be extremely difficult for you to start choosing, but then you will get a taste. One has only to stick vinyl wallpaper on the walls and they will serve you for a long time.
  • To create smooth plain walls in the kitchen, it is permissible to use. This material is used as an underlay for heavy vinyl sheets, because it can be used to attach the heaviest wallpaper to the wall. Interlining also perfectly holds the paintwork on the wall. However, it is immediately worth noting that the wallpaper will need to be not only glued, but also painted, and this leads to large expenditures.

Silk-screen printing class vinyl wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen

Of all the above wallpapers, vinyl will be an excellent option. It is enough to carefully stick them on the walls, and they will serve you for so long that the sight of them will simply get bored.

Drawing and color

Everyone understands the quality, now we turn to the choice of pattern and color. With the help of images on the wallpaper, you can change the idea of ​​​​the kitchen, adjust its space, set the tone for the interior.

  • A large pattern on the wallpaper will steal space; in the small kitchens of Khrushchev, gluing such canvases is highly discouraged. If you stick wallpaper with a small pattern, then the space will seem large in volume.
  • Using wallpaper in light colors will help increase the visual volume of the kitchen, while sticking dark wallpaper, on the contrary, will make the room smaller.
  • The direction of the pattern, the plane from which it moves and where, is of great importance, it is believed that a horizontal pattern increases the length of the room, while a vertical one raises the ceiling. The strongest effect on space is produced by striped wallpapers, which are recommended for lovers of the classic English style.

Modern designers love various combinations, both in color and in the subject of images. If you choose interesting companion wallpapers, the kitchen will become more exclusive and interesting. The combination of patterns and colors suggests the creation of a luxury-level kitchen design.

The combination of gray wallpaper in the kitchen

In addition, manufacturers suggest combining on your part, for which each collection has several options for similar wallpapers. It is not known for certain where the fashion for a combination of different colors and patterns came from, but this method is considered acceptable for creating the interior of any premises, including kitchens.


The wallpaper has been selected and we are ready to start gluing, but first we will assemble the appropriate tool. In order to beautifully paste wallpaper in the kitchen, we need:

  • a level for aligning the canvases vertically, a tape measure for measuring the length of the wallpaper;
  • cutting tools - wallpaper knife or clerical knife, scissors;
  • spatula for smoothing wallpaper, a regular spatula for cutting wallpaper;
  • roller for rolling wallpaper joints;
  • roller or brush for applying glue;
  • container for glue and glue itself;
  • rags, rags, napkins to remove excess glue;
  • ladder or stool for working at height

In order to beautifully and evenly stick wallpaper on the walls of the kitchen, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the walls in advance. To do this, the old wallpaper is initially removed, the plaster is inspected. The wall is leveled and puttied as needed, and then a primer is made. It is desirable to achieve a smooth, clean and dry wall with a small possibility of absorbing liquid, in order to glue the wallpaper calmly, no longer thinking about masking defects.

If you are doing a facelift and don't want to sacrifice your kitchen set, then of course you need to remove it. This will allow you to process the walls behind it and glue the wallpaper evenly throughout the room. If for kitchen set do not glue the wallpaper, then when it is replaced or broken, you will have a large section of a bare wall that does not fit into the interior.

The kitchen is ready for renovation, the general dismantling is done

If you decide to do quality repair for a long time, then it is imperative to remove all pieces of furniture from the kitchen so that they do not interfere and are not damaged. How do you know what difficulties will arise during the repair, it is better to play it safe in advance.

For high-quality wallpapering, we need good glue, the most important rule when choosing it is to take the one that suits your type of wallpaper. If this composition is not the cheapest, then most likely it will calmly and efficiently glue the wallpaper to the wall.

Before carrying out wallpapering work, disconnect the kitchen from the electricity, extra security will not hurt you.

Depending on the type of wallpaper, there are two methods of gluing them. To find out where to start work, it is important to find out what the base of the wallpaper is made of: if it is made of paper, then the wallpaper is smeared with glue, if it is made of non-woven fabric, then no. The fact is that non-woven fabric does not absorb moisture, which means that applying glue to it will be a simple waste of material. There is nothing wrong with smearing wallpaper on a non-woven substrate with glue, it will simply increase its consumption, but this will not affect the result of the work.

For ease of sticking, we recommend cutting the wallpaper roll into pieces. In this case, the pieces should be slightly longer than the wall in order to match the drawing. The size of the picture can be seen on the label, it is called a report because it has repetitions.

Depending on the quality of the wallpaper pad, we glue either the wall or the wallpaper itself with glue. The paper backing must be given some time to soak with the composition, vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing can be glued immediately.

Successful combination of wallpaper in the kitchen

For beginners, the question often arises of where to start gluing wallpaper. Masters recommend starting either from the corner of the room or from the window. In this case, we align the first piece of wallpaper along the vertical strip drawn on the wall. It is necessary to read the sticking in this way in order not to stray from the vertical in the future.

Ideally, you need to draw all the walls of the room with vertical lines at the joints of the wallpaper pieces so that there are more guidelines. In this case, no matter where you start gluing, you will be sure that the pieces of wallpaper are fixed strictly vertically.

Typical domestic cuisine

The wallpaper is smoothed with a special spatula, it is convenient to start from the top, gradually moving down, expelling air from the middle to the edge of the piece of wallpaper. It is advisable not to leave places where the air is not expelled, so as not to pierce these air bubbles later.

You can start trimming the wallpaper along the baseboard and ceiling right away, but you can also wait until all the canvases are glued in order to cut off everything that is superfluous at once. After sticking one piece, move on to the second and so on until the room is completely pasted over.

A simple gluing technique will provide an excellent result that will remain with you for a long period of time. You just have to take care of your wallpaper in the kitchen from time to time.

Wallpapering in the kitchen is one of the most common ways to change the familiar interior. The frequency of this ritual is determined by the functional features of the room. Here they prepare food, have breakfast in a hurry, eat thoroughly after work in the evening.

For many women, this is a small cozy kingdom in which she spends most of her time, preparing various dishes, the need for which never dries up. Sometimes it is simply vital to change and update the boring environment.

A simple and affordable way to decorate life

The need for a constant presence in a small interior, which appears in a woman after entering family life, is due to the fact that a person cannot live without food. The hostess constantly has to be in the kitchen and cook.

Make the kitchen cozy so that it is pleasant to cook and meet guests in it
Stone wallpaper can help create a sustainable space

To make your stay at the second workplace a joy, it must be functionally and beautifully designed. Moisture, temperature, evaporation, which the kitchen is constantly exposed to, quickly render the means of widespread decor unusable. Particularly vulnerable places, protected by more resistant materials, but the wallpaper needs to be re-glued from time to time.

The modern industry, working for those who want to always see their interior elegant and new, every year produces an increasingly rich arsenal of tools that are designed for this. In a large hardware store, you can get confused by the multi-colored racks with wallpaper samples intended for gluing in residential premises of any type. You definitely can’t do without expert advice, so it’s better to decide in advance on the footage that will be required for the proposed front of work, decide what type of wallpaper is preferable, what functions, besides decorative, new owners expect from them.

Wallpaper combination - good way create an original design

How beautiful it is to glue wallpaper in the kitchen so that they form a single ensemble with existing coatings that protect vulnerabilities, combined with furniture, countertops, sinks and curtains, should be decided in advance. It is necessary to take into account some features of your functional premises: area, number of corners, illumination, size of the window and doorway.

For a small kitchen, wallpaper is purchased that allows you to expand the space visually, for a dark one, you need to choose a wallpaper that allows you to make it lighter, and a kitchen with low ceilings should be pulled up. And what is interesting - all this can be achieved if you correctly and rationally choose the future coverage for change. appearance permanent premises.

You should not buy especially expensive wallpapers for the kitchen interior, because they quickly become unusable, but you can opt for relatively new industrial categories that will significantly extend their life. Wallpaper on a special functional layer will prevent the occurrence of fungus and mold, antiseptic ones will make the cooking process safer and prevent the accumulation of pathogenic microbes.

The material with a special coating will allow them to be kept constantly clean and washed periodically. If you have already decided to glue wallpaper in the kitchen, then so that the hostess gets maximum pleasure from this, and the interior seems richer, and the necessary functions are provided.

The kitchen is a room that requires special wallpaper. A reasonable choice of the required category can save you from the need to change the interior for a long time.

Kitchen wallpaper: preferences and functionality

A typical theme of kitchen wallpapers are images of products, food and kitchen utensils that stimulate the appetite.

Options for wallpapering in the kitchen traditionally do not differ in variety. One type is selected, which is combined with other finishing materials that protect high-risk functional areas, or several types of matching colors are combined to create color diversity.

A relatively new word in kitchen design has been the creation of functional areas in which there is a division by color or tone into places for certain actions. Darker and non-staining wallpapers are placed in the area of ​​​​the stove, where people eat - more elegant and cheerful. If there is a wall where there is no furniture, you can place a photo wallpaper with a neutral pattern that will not get bored.

If space permits, you can install a non-solid partition, behind which the dining area is located, and then a textured pattern imitating mosaics, bricks or wood will be appropriate on the partition. The main criterion, as in times of extreme minimization and limited assortment, remains, in any case, the personal preference and taste of the hostess, who spends a lot of time in this room.

The human psyche is subject not only to the effects of certain colors, but also to the annoying effect of some drawings. The color of the wallpaper should be exceptionally pleasant, and the pattern should evoke pleasant associations. Only in this case, a lot of kitchen chores will be done with real pleasure.

Dim graphics are suitable for a minimalist interior

The difficulty in choosing wallpaper for the kitchen is that there are too many requirements for them:

  • beautiful (for interior refinement);
  • harmonious (to create a good mood);
  • moisture resistant (so that moisture does not penetrate the walls);
  • washable (to remove dirt);
  • resistant to wear (at least for some time without repair);
  • breathable and antiseptic (to prevent fungus and mold);
  • fire resistant (because the kitchen is the place where there is always a possibility of fire).

Choosing wallpaper that meets all the necessary standards is sometimes much more difficult than sticking it on.

When choosing a kitchen wall covering, you should think about maximizing functional requirements and explore relatively new technologies. They are not much more expensive, but will amount to significant savings because they have a long service life.

New wallpapers for the kitchen: many advantages and few disadvantages

Some options for modern wallpaper are simply created for the kitchen interior, because they meet almost all the requirements for covering the walls of this room:

When choosing a new covering to ennoble and decorate the walls in the kitchen, you should not think about purchasing woven or well-known paper wallpapers.

They served at a certain time, the technology of their gluing is well known and simple, but these types are absolutely not suitable for the specifics of using the kitchen.

Do-it-yourself wallpapering in the kitchen is currently using new technologies that will serve you well for a long time. Modern building facilities provide maximum convenience to the consumer.

Separate technological subtleties

Make sure that the pattern on the glued sheets matches

The question of how to properly glue the wallpaper is decided, depending on which wallpaper is purchased.

Non-woven with a textured pattern is cut in the same way as paper, so that the pattern matches at the joints.

Simple ones can simply be cut into ready-made pieces. It is not a strip of material that is lubricated, but a prepared, leveled wall, to which a strip of wallpaper is molded.

As soon as the glue has dried a little, the wall is passed with a roller to remove air. You will have to work quickly, because the special glue dries pretty quickly.

Not everyone knows how to glue metal wallpaper in the kitchen. In fact, there are few subtleties here, the only condition is the careful alignment of the wall. In an old house, it makes sense not to bother with plaster and putty, but simply pre-paste the wall with drywall. Tips for choosing paintings for the kitchen, see this video:

Special glue is also needed, and the pieces are pre-cut according to carefully measured sizes. Powder wallpaper is diluted in a special container and applied to the wall paint roller. But even in this case, a calculation of the quantity and a prepared smooth surface of the wall are required.

Liquid wallpaper according to the application technology is not much different from ordinary paint.

Vinyl ones are glued in the same way as paper ones and non-woven ones - with a strict calculation before cutting the canvases onto a smooth wall smeared with glue.

The whole process takes just a few minutes after the front of the preparatory work.

Like the good old paper ones, any kind of gluing starts from a corner or from a window to avoid errors.

Fitting wallpaper according to the pattern is very relevant. When gluing, you need to know conventions on the wallpaper.

Difficult places - corners, window openings, sockets and other incidents, in order to save money, are pasted over with cut strips from wallpaper residues.

beauty and fantasy

When combining canvases, follow the compatibility of the pattern and textures.

If the point is not the speed of the process, but the use of fashion trends or the creation of an original kitchen interior, then the combined use of two or more types of different textures is now in special esteem. This makes it possible to create by combining an excellent decorative effect and at the same time divide the room into functional zones.

There are two secrets in how to glue wallpaper of two types:

  • strict lock;
  • textural compatibility.

If one type is much thicker than the other, you will have to think about additional decorative measures, for example, nailing glazing beads. The dynamics of the room and its color scheme largely depend on which pattern is chosen, whether it is combined with another ornament or a monochromatic texture.

In working with two or more species, both compatibility and color matching are important. If the functional areas are not the only goal that the design sets for itself, then in the technique of pasting with two diverse patterns, one should calculate the possible visual effects.

For small room a large ornament is unlikely to fit, and horizontal and vertical stripes tend to expand or lengthen the room, respectively. And here the main thing is that the conceived composition masks, and does not stick out the existing shortcomings of the kitchen. About how in the kitchen, see this video:

An excess of various stripes used instead of the expected richness of the solution can create an impression of eclecticism or an interior of random leftovers. This will worsen the overall impression.

Wallpapering in the kitchen is a rather complicated matter and requires informed decisions, but the right choice of the type of wallpaper and their well-placed placement on the wall will please the zealous hostess for a long time, who is forced to spend a long time here.