How to force yourself to study if everyone is lazy. Tips for the proper organization of the educational process

  • 21.09.2019

There are many methods of deep learning, just like various programs for educators, but the question of high-quality and complete learning always comes down to the question of the student himself about how to force himself to study if all laziness or material seems unnecessary, or spring has come along with falling in love . There are always many situations that confuse the need to learn. In children, this process was controlled by adults, parents or educators, but the older the student becomes, the greater the responsibility for mastering knowledge falls on him.

It is always worth starting with the emotional state of the student, because the lack of motivation and craving for knowledge can not always be stimulated from the outside, sometimes this is extremely undesirable. So, if a person is in a situation of living with acute grief, adapting to new conditions, has become a victim of collective bullying, then spurring on the part of study can cause an overstrain in nervous system ending in general frustration. In these situations, you need to give yourself time, without requiring any effort, you can arrange an academic leave at the university, and attend school classes as much as possible.

Of course, initially it would be nice to figure out whether a person is studying in the right place and whether he needs training specifically in these subjects, and only then look for additional and look for reasons in the surrounding space.

Psychologists recommend starting with overcoming internal resistance. The more time a person spends without studying, the more serious will be the resistance to starting classes (remember the reluctance to study, returning from vacation, while by November everything was becoming much easier). So, in order to force yourself to study at school and not be lazy, you need to tune in to classes in the morning. Carrying several gadgets with toys installed or being constantly online are things that only contribute to problems with lessons.

The global goal should eventually be divided into small daily ones, but do not forget about replenishment. Start fulfilling your pleasures immediately after completing the critical part of the plan - this is how the habit of constant study load. Important Rule success and high productivity lies in good health, so you should not start school in poor physical condition, with a feeling of hunger or fatigue. Initially, you need to put your physical self-awareness in order - with hunger, pain and ailments, it is better to postpone classes.

To make learning more positive, you need to spend time internally tuning - you can listen to pleasant music before class or purchase inspiring supplies.

If the question is about doing homework, then changing the places for classes can help, so it will include increased attention. For example, you can read in the park, do writing assignments at the table, and create various creative projects on the floor in the kitchen or in the hallway. Outline new information, use your own cipher to shorten long concepts, so you save time on repetition, since visual, auditory and motor memory are involved.

It is necessary to find a reason for postponing or even skipping classes. If these are the temptations of the outer world, then there is a need for proper organization places of study, if it is laziness and lack of motivation, then you will have to work with your internal states, find worthy goals and incentive bonuses.

Correct goal setting

You will have to force yourself to study at the university on your own, moreover, no one else will monitor your efforts or level of motivation. If you built the wrong concept, then at the end of the semester you will simply be expelled, it is in this situation that the question of setting a goal is raised. Entering an educational institution, for the first time in months, you should make a plan for yourself where this training should lead you.

Goal setting is relevant not only for successful graduation from the university, but for any training program. The main mistake with self-study is setting a goal - to start learning. This is a false path, since the goal must always capture several steps in order to develop forward. So, you can formulate this as the need to study well or improve performance in specific subjects, perhaps an increase in the number of additional courses.

To correctly choose and formulate a goal, ask yourself the question “Why?”, And as a result, from one name it will already be possible to add rough plan actions. For example, when you just need to graduate from the university, it is not clear why, there are no instructions when and how exactly. If there is a need to graduate from a medical university in the next six years in order to remain in a scientific department in the future and invent a cure for convulsive infants, then the whole picture changes. A person understands in this situation that he needs not only visiting couples and completing the tasks of the institute, but that he can reach his goal through additional master classes and conferences, and most importantly, studying here is a means and an intermediate link to go further. And when the significance and severity of the activity is already reduced in consciousness, then it is performed quite easily, almost effortlessly.

Finding motivation

If a person at a deep level is aware of the purpose of his training, then this is already a motivating factor, but in some cases it is not enough. It helps well to involve other people in this with stories that you are going to graduate by a certain date or about your desire to attend classes with someone. Some will be motivated by the desire to keep their word, while others will need constant calls and reminders from their comrades that it is time to study today.

Figure out for yourself what is more important in your studies - the process or the result. If the result is important, it will be relevant to look for study guides, where there is the entire program in a compressed form, negotiate with teachers, look for workarounds. Find a high, and be able to bypass the system while everyone else is cramming unnecessary information. If the learning process itself is the main thing for the individual, then it is worth taking care of its psychological side - looking for information in various sources, and not just listening to the teacher, preparing reports on your own and participating in conferences, bringing new topics for discussion. Personal activity and understanding of the direction of one's individual movement motivates for additional achievements.

The motivation for attending classes is different - this is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate outfits and gadgets, find friends and like-minded people. A person's attitude to learning changes radically if a nice peer appears in a group or class - perhaps this will result in joint writing of essays or the desire to stand out in the lesson due to the answer.

Those who are not helped by inspiring ideas will have to face negative motivation - this is when there is a threat of expulsion, calling parents, collecting fines (especially in private educational institutions). Negative motivation is the strongest, but whether it is possible to bring the process to a critical point each time, everyone must decide for themselves.

Arrangement of the workplace

An important point is the correspondence of the educational place to the objectives of the course. Much is said about the need for a bright, secluded room, remote and closed from all kinds of interference, but if the classes concern painting, then the best place there will be a park, and if it is a guitar game, then a suitable place is unlikely to be quiet. Of course, they should not be disturbed, and where the knowledge of the new takes place, everything necessary should be present, but this is not necessarily a monk's cell.

The necessity of the Internet in the workplace is debatable, because thanks to this it is available and a large number of necessary information and distracting sites (social networks, games, online stores). Starting to change the approach of learning and in the absence of willpower, it is optimal to install a browser that blocks distracting sites - this is also the organization of the workplace.

Ensure that you not only have the necessary materials, but also create the right atmosphere. For instance, essential oils Citrus fruits improve mood and concentration.

A mug of tea or coffee on a portable warming stand will eliminate the need to constantly be distracted and leave the room for a drink. Take care of the sound accompaniment, because not always complete silence can help, for many, on the contrary, it is a factor that causes nervous tension.

Background lounge music and various sounds of nature, artificial noises will help smooth out the harsh sounds of falling furniture from neighbors and muffle the screams of children on the playground.

Once again, we recall that furniture must comply with the principles of orthopedics, since an uncomfortable posture, clamping of the main arteries, and an uncomfortable angle for the joint ultimately lead to rapid fatigue. With a constant tension of these parts of the body, not only a loss of working capacity will occur, but also the development of diseases.

Time Management

So that studying does not bother, does not seem like something all-consuming and terrible, and also, in order to plan your whole life, you need to regulate the time allotted for classes. If you do not deal with such issues, then in the end it may turn out that the whole day was spent studying, with periodic distractions for all sorts of small details (talking on the phone, cooking, finding her sister's skirt, etc.).

Schedule yourself a schedule that contains specific hours each day that are dedicated exclusively to your studies. At this time, all instant messengers are turned off, the phone is not set to vibration mode, but all signals are turned off. Everything that a person does at this time should be devoted exclusively to study. In addition, it will be useful to allocate a small period of time in the schedule needed for unscheduled or additional classes. If a person tries to do more in the allotted time, then the quality will suffer significantly, let it be better on most days there will be a free window, but on occasion it can be occupied with study.

The schedule should be planned taking into account the alternation of activities and subjects or courses. You should not put classes in physics and mathematics in a row, but literature and three creative circles for the evening. An example option might look something like this: solved problems, worked out, went for a walk, read a new chapter from a fiction book, took a lunch break, made a presentation.

Drawing up diagrams, using non-standard memorization techniques will significantly save time spent on study. In addition to learning these auxiliary techniques, you can use time management techniques, where they talk about ways to delegate tasks and the opportunity to use every minute. As a result, having mastered all these technologies, you can learn a significant part of the necessary material or prepare a presentation in the subway, on the way home.

Development of willpower

Willpower is the main assistant in achieving any goals, including training. But it should be used wisely, not trying to drag everything, only forcing yourself. Maintaining the proper level of volitional processes allows periodic breaks, weekends and rest, replenishing mental resources.

You can start by keeping the room and clothes neat. Try to regulate your style of interaction - do not be rude, but listen, do not find excuses, but do it. Make up a regimen for yourself - this is a moment that involves both, and saving time for study.

Consistency of effort is key in learning, and developing your ability to maintain consistency can begin with daily disciplined awakening or exercise. Fines will apply for non-compliance with the time frame. Visiting a museum once a month or walking in a park once a week will also lead to the development of strong-willed qualities, provided that they are performed in any weather and any mood.

Difficulties will arise at each stage of change and addition of new actions to the schedule, but the most difficult is the first stage, when a person begins to regulate his lifestyle independent of needs.
Resistance can take on a variety of forms, colds are quite likely. Most important point when the situation aggravates, the persistent continuation of actions is the stubborn continuation of actions, then within three weeks new habit and it gets easier. The meaning is something like this: even if the road to the institute is covered with snow, then read the available articles in your specialty, and if you get sick when you need to run, then at least go out and walk the usual distance.

Rewarding yourself for success

Study rewards are a great additional motivation. Here it is worth choosing things or activities that bring pleasure. If it's something sweet, then don't let it be candy from a bag in the kitchen - take the time to purposefully travel to the nearest convenience stores in search of what you want now. New things, beautiful decorations, a paid account in the game - all this may well become a reward for success in educational activities.

The variety of pleasures is many-sided, for which there is no need for material investments. It can be a walk, because a person really deserves it, and he does not have to sit behind textbooks. Meeting with friends, talking about the latest events, trips to interesting places - all this feeds the soul and interest. You can also take time to take care of yourself - do beautiful makeup, take a bath, work out on the horizontal bar.

In any case, rewards must be adequate to the achievement. That is, if you used to read a paragraph every day before, then the maximum that is required for this is a mug of delicious tea, because this is not an achievement, but the norm. Timely completed current tasks are worthy of a slight encouragement, the successful end of the year or session can be noted with a large purchase or a visit to the club together with the group. Graduation in monthly courses is a worthy reason to praise yourself, but the amount of this praise should not exceed the achievement for graduating from a higher educational institution.

For those who want to set up at least attendance at classes, you can arrange all sorts of amenities every day, but when it becomes habitual, you need to stop pampering yourself for everyday performance. This does not mean a stop, just now there is a new goal, perhaps more difficult and requiring more time, but more encouragement.

Intrinsic motivation: truth and fiction

Psychologists say that it is worth mastering the art of internal motivation, as all cases and problems will be solved by themselves, because a person will have his own incentive to overcome it! To those who are not subject to this ability, psychologists are ready to provide support by conducting trainings and tasks. Is everything so smooth here? Isn't motivation the kind of fable that coaches, teachers, and all adults love so much?

Consider internal incentive, motivation and more on simple example, let's take the standard problem of a schoolboy or student: how to force yourself to study if everyone is too lazy. Is there a way out of this situation, is it possible to cope on my own and what are the reasons for this condition.

Varieties of laziness: the search for an excuse

The explanatory dictionary explains the word "laziness" as an unwillingness to do something for objective or subjective reasons.

It is interesting that one can know about the objective causes of laziness, guess or even not imagine them, nevertheless, they exist and have an impact. A person can be tired, hungry, angry, upset, in love, addicted to some hobby and therefore not doing homework or not going to school. Is it laziness? Yes, and it has a clear and understandable origin. It happens that you just need to eat or rest, and a lot will work out by itself, life will no longer seem so terrible and difficult.

The second common reason is the constant and tedious instructions from parents and teachers that this should be done. At the same time, such tricks are used as a story about themselves ideal in their school years, about the mass of free time, if you force yourself to sit down at desk and quickly solve everything, about the heavy burden of the undone, about the harsh need to learn in our time.

If adults were a little more attentive and perspicacious, they would certainly notice that the child himself understands everything very well, it’s just that right now he doesn’t have the strength to go to school and when they appear is unknown. And endlessly reminding about the burden, parents only exacerbate the situation and push harder and harder. This way of dealing with laziness can lead to banal depression or other nervous diseases.

It is more difficult to fight this kind of laziness, because at least two people must participate in solving the problem: one, finding the strength for the lessons, and the second supporting the teenager. The basis of the basics in a normal everyday situation will be a reward, encouragement, praise - it all depends on age and priorities.

The subjective and most serious reason for shirking their duties is the lack of desire to learn - well, you just don’t want to. There is no internal incentive to do anything. This is where psychologists enter the arena with the help of creating intrinsic motivation.

Lack of motivation in children: the normal state of affairs

Motivation is an impulse to action, which is based on dreams, desires. For example, a teenager wants a new phone, and parents begin a kind of blackmail: if you finish a quarter well, then we will buy a gadget. And for this you need to make efforts in your studies every day, do your homework on time.

This is how parents motivate their children. Will the student treat his duties better and more reverently? Undoubtedly, the lessons will be done, only, as they say, under duress. Itself, as it was all laziness, it remains, only for the sake of the iPhone, ugh, parents, of course, and your successful future, the issue of lessons will be resolved. How correct and pedagogical this is, parents need to think about who they want to educate: a soldier or a free person with ambitious inclinations.

For adults, everything is simpler: they want to look better, earn more, be status and respected. For the sake of their goals, they are capable of many feats. And it is difficult for a child to correlate the performance of these specific lessons and schools with his future.

Then psychologists came up with the concept of "intrinsic motivation". Its essence is simple: a person himself must come up with personal motives and reasons in order not to wait for the right time or desire to do something. Distinctive feature from ordinary motivation - there is no tangible reward.

What does intrinsic motivation mean in a teenager? How to persuade yourself to study if you don't want to? This is the root of the problem: to look for some motivating motives, further confusing the situation, to mask the true reasons with pseudo-arguments.

Or maybe you don’t need to find an incentive, but just once and for all deal with the cause of apathy to study?

Why lazy

To understand how to deal with laziness, you need to find its cause. This is the most difficult and delicate, because it affects not only the external, but also the inner world of a teenager, his desires, hopes, fears, fears, character and habits.

So why is everyone lazy:

Depending on the problem, what exactly makes you lazy, and you need to look for options to fight.

  • With health issues, everything is clear, you must definitely consult a doctor and normalize the condition. Then the strength and desire to do something will appear, laziness - and here it is no longer laziness, but an ailment - will disappear by itself.
  • Psychological breakdown and disbelief in oneself should be corrected with the participation of adults, in this case the help of a psychologist is simply necessary. And the sooner a teenager begins to sort out his problem, to separate the far-fetched from reality, to analyze what is happening under the competent guidance of a psychologist, the sooner he will get rid of such a scourge.

Of course, depending on the teen's immersion in the problem, a simple but trusting conversation with an authoritative adult may be sufficient. They say that fear has big eyes, so it’s impossible to adequately assess the situation, find right decisions. Communication with a psychologist or loved ones will help get out of this state. You should not expect that it will immediately go like clockwork, it is difficult to open your soul, and it is much more difficult to hear another through the veil of your worries. Therefore, at first, the conversations will be just informative. Gradually, the two will learn to speak and listen, trust will increase.

  • It is sometimes impossible to change the situation at home, a teenager must adapt to it and even show some organizational skills. For example, if you are too lazy to learn lessons, because there is no normal place to sit down with a textbook, not just to learn a paragraph, you have to make yourself a real desktop - remove unnecessary and distracting things. Making a daily routine helps a lot - it forces you to stick to a time frame.
  • It is important for adults to praise a teenager and encourage him in any endeavors. This will be a huge natural incentive to do it again, but better.
  • The questions "why should this be so" and "why is this necessary" will pass with the advent of life experience, parents and teachers should set positive examples by their behavior and thereby contribute to changing the child's behavior.

As you can see, there are many reasons for laziness and it’s not always a matter of the banal “I don’t want to”. Sometimes, encouragement or internal motivation can only exacerbate the problem, driving it deeper. To begin with, it is important to understand what kind of laziness it is, why a teenager does not want to do anything, and only then think about methods of struggle. Most likely, after searching for the true problem, laziness and unwillingness to do anything will disappear by themselves.

According to statistics, out of several dozen students, there will be one or two excellent students. Often, many children and their parents wonder how best to study at school. We suggest that you read the recommendations published in this article.

No one can force you to study, memorize and understand the topic if the student himself does not want it. Therefore, we will also touch on the question of how to awaken a student's interest in the sciences.

Why Good Achievement Is Necessary

As a rule, studying in primary school, children do not yet realize the importance of knowledge of sciences. Understanding this comes closer to graduation, starting from grades 8-9. The fact is that every student will have to pass the final exam, which will play a decisive role in future education, and sometimes in a career. Therefore, it is advisable for parents to gently and politely explain why good academic performance is needed.

What to do if a lot is missed, but you want to keep up

Very often, before the final exams, students begin to think about the fact that they have to overcome difficult trials. They understand how lucky those who study for one "five".

But it is impossible to catch up with excellent students in just a few months. Time is gone. In fact, you can ask for help from a trusted teacher, a classmate, or hire a tutor.

How to study better

What is the best way to study at school for someone who is lagging behind? Here are some simple tips for this:

  • listen to the words of the teacher;
  • ask loved ones to tell something on a given topic;
  • read more about the science/subject on your own;
  • start all over from the beginning or from where performance has declined.

In this case, it will be possible to catch up with the program that is currently being studied.

How to understand a teacher

Teachers are different: those who can explain well, and those who practically do not tell anything. You need to be ready for this. If it is not possible to understand the teacher from the first days, then it is advisable to study the subject on your own, consult with those who are well versed in science. In general, the student must learn to understand everything himself. In universities, training is mostly independent, without the help of teachers. Therefore, it is better to think in advance, Or rather, "teach yourself."

How to prepare for lessons at home

You should learn to value time. When you get home, it’s better to get some rest: lie down, chat with your family or, ideally, take a walk in the fresh air.

Approximately 1 hour will be enough. And then the difficult moment will come - how to prepare for the lesson. It is not recommended to start doing homework immediately after school if there is no desire and strength. Also, don't waste time on computer games, the Internet, as all this can entice for a long time.

When you feel rested, start studying. You can, for example, sitting on the couch to read a paragraph on history or a given novel in literature. And various calculations, all written work is best done at the table.

What needs to be learned by heart is best divided into stages:

  • read before starting homework;
  • understand the meaning of the text;
  • visualize information;
  • re-read again.

After 2-3 hours, you can repeat to yourself and check with the textbook. If nothing is remembered, then repeat everything that is written in the list above.

Why all efforts fail

But there is also back side medals: memorized by heart (a formula in physics or a definition in social science), but nothing is clear. In this case, you can enlist the help of the Internet. In it you can even find video tutorials on a particular topic.

How is it better to study at school if study is not given with all the desire? It is worth asking for help, for example, from classmates, so that they explain what is happening and how, how to build graphs and solve problems in physics or chemistry. Do not be afraid to approach the teacher before or after the lesson to ask something about the topic covered.

How to show interest in uninteresting subjects

Often, children do not have a soul for some objects. But you need to study so that the overall final grades are impeccable. An uninteresting subject can be treated differently. Let's say you don't like a story because of the many dates and events that you have to memorize.

There are students who like to study at school because they want to learn some topic by experience. From the same story, for example, the reign of Empress Catherine II is being studied. You can visit the museum or see paintings related to the reign of this great woman.

For unloved mathematics, it is worth finding easier equations and practicing, solving in several ways. And then we get to the hard stuff. Charting is also a fun activity.

What are the benefits of a successful study?

Above, we discussed how to study better in school. Now let's answer the question, why have academic success, will it be useful in life? This question is better answered from a moral point of view: when a student is confident in his abilities, he does not worry about every test or independent work, not afraid of speeches. He is happy, he likes everything and everything is easy for him. For ten years he has been treating school not as hard labor, but as his second home. This morale will help to realize in a career.

Independent analysis of the material

Man is born to know more the world on one's own. If you do not start from childhood, then in adulthood it will be very difficult. So let's talk about how to teach students to learn, that is, to teach themselves.

A similar topic will be especially relevant for those who miss school due to illness. To catch up with classmates, a sick student needs to find out what went on at school. Next, you should open the textbook and familiarize yourself with the topic. If the previous lessons have been mastered, then you should go well and new material. You should not look for excuses like: “I was sick, I don’t know anything.” Try to figure it out on your own

Whether to hire a tutor

How to improve school performance in more convenient and time-saving ways?

If study is not given at all, then it is better to resort to the services of a tutor. It will help in the shortest possible time to deal with any material. But the responsibility still lies with the student: the material must be remembered without fail and delve into the essence of what is being studied. Only in this case, the tutor will have guarantees that the student will become a good student or an excellent student.

The Internet will come to the rescue

How are the children doing in school now? In past decades and even centuries, it was difficult to get necessary material. At the moment, any book and even an essay can be found on the Internet.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that academic performance depends entirely on the student himself.

Do you need to study but are you wasting your time? Are you sure that if you worked harder, you would get good grades? Don't worry, you're not alone, most people have learning difficulties. Read our article to stop wasting time and start learning seriously!


Overcoming resistance

    Whatever you are doing, stop and start studying immediately. The easiest way to reassure yourself is that you will take on a serious matter "in an hour." A whole day could be wasted on such promises. If you want to study seriously, there is no need to delay. Leave what you are doing, take your school supplies, go to a quiet and safe place and get studying. Don't hurt yourself by reassuring yourself with words like: "I'll pass one more level, and then for my studies," or: "One more series and that's it." The sooner you start exercising, the sooner you finish, respectively, you will have more free time.

    • The hardest thing to get started. Once you cross the line of resistance, you will realize that everything is not so difficult.
  1. Force yourself to take notes and sketch. Making sketches is not only fun, but also useful. For example, you need to remember some events of the Great Patriotic War- draw them! The first minutes are the most important, at the beginning it is easy to get distracted and move on to another activity. To prevent this from happening, start writing notes, even if they are not entirely interesting to you. In the process of studying, you will catch yourself on the fact that you are no longer going to be distracted by anything else.

    • If the notes later seem useless, they can always be rewritten.
  2. Tune in. State of mind plays an important role in academic success. Get yourself together physically and mentally, stay in this state from the beginning to the end of classes. Below are a few ideas for motivation, use them if you are sure that they will help you:

    • listen to inspiring music - any music you listen to before the start of a sports game will do;
    • move, walk, jump or beat a pear;
    • come up with an inspirational speech;
    • if possible, change the place of employment more often - the main thing is that workplace you are not bored.
  3. Think of a reward for yourself. Learning is easier when you know that diligence will be rewarded. For example, if you have a sweet tooth, set aside time after successful classes to go to the store and buy ice cream.

    Tell us about your study plans. If all else fails, shame yourself! Tell your friends what you are going to study to get a good mark on the exam. After such an announcement, you will be ashamed to fail the exam and this feeling will put pressure on you, forcing you to study harder.

    • Even better, tell your friends that you are going to train with them. In this case, you will either have to study (with friends who will be a kind of motivation), or cancel such classes. Whatever action you choose, your friends will know about it.

    Getting rid of distractions

    1. Set aside time for practice. When you study, it is important to fully concentrate on your studies. If you are distracted by something else while you study, be it a TV show, a game, or another task, you will not be able to remember much information (if you can remember anything at all). Set aside for practice and only enough time to practice.

      • Depending on the volume of tasks, allocate time for a one-time lesson, or for regular classes. The latter is preferable, as over time you will get used to such a schedule.
    2. Choose a place where you won't be distracted. Unfortunately, many people manage to allocate enough time to study, but spend it on secondary things. Therefore, when choosing a place to study, exclude everything that can distract you. This place should be quiet, where there are no video games, computer, TV, friends and so on.

      • If you need the internet during class but are worried about being distracted by different games, social networks or something else, use a special free browser extension that temporarily blocks some sites.
    3. Use music or white noise. Some people are able to be distracted by total silence. If you are one of those people, try turning on some music or white noise while studying. Music has a positive effect on some people, encouraging them to exercise. Others are better off practicing to the sounds of nature, such as rain or waves. White noise is calming, helps you focus and prevents distractions. The main thing is that the music itself does not distract you. If you notice that you have begun to sing along, then turn it off. When it comes to music, it is better to listen to the one without words, for example, classical.

      Eliminate the reason for postponing classes. In extreme cases, you can simply temporarily (or permanently) get rid of distracting things. For example, if you're putting off studying because of video games, give them to a friend and let him lie down for a week. If that doesn't help, sell them. As difficult as it was to get rid of them, later you will realize that it was worth it.

      Before you start studying, go in for sports, eat and rest. Hunger or fatigue can cause you to postpone classes. So before you start studying hard, take care of your physical needs. Choose healthy and nutritious food. Set aside time for exercise. Get good sleep at night. Taking care of your body will help your brain work better and remember more information.

    • Make time for breaks, it's good for the brain.
    • Sit down for lessons in a calm state. Try not to think about events that can cause a surge of emotions.
    • Learn the basics well. Ask yourself questions and try to answer them correctly. Learning is not a goal, but a process.
    • Keep order on the table. When everything is at hand and in its place, there will be no place for stress and worries.
    • Reward yourself for completing difficult tasks.
    • Keep spare pens, pencils, and other study supplies handy at all times.
    • Buy special aids, they are quite cheap. In such manuals, the main points are collected, the subject is explained briefly and plain language. These books are easier to deal with.
    • Many schools offer extra classes in various subjects. Visit them if you are having difficulty with a particular subject. Learning in the classroom is more interesting and useful.
    • Ask your parents to listen to you as you explain what you have learned to them. By retelling the studied material, you will be able to repeat it and understand it better.
    • The sooner you start tasks, the better. Night study is not helpful.

First of all, you have to WANT to learn. Not to please parents or teachers (let it be as a bonus), but for yourself. You have to want to learn, not get grades. For studying for grades is a completely childish approach to business, studying for encouragement is practiced in kindergarten and primary grades.
You need to understand that the learning process itself is a pleasure: learning and discovering something new for yourself, “moving your brains” should become a pleasure.
Studying for yourself, and not for the sake of grades, parents or something else, will be the first and very important step on the way to a medal :)
It is allowed to proceed to the next item only if this is done.

2 step

It's one thing to understand why you're studying; it's one thing to set a goal (we have it good studies); another thing is to bring the goal to life.
This will require willpower. It needs to be trained - it will come in handy in life.
If you completed the first step correctly, then you have inspiration. In order to “attach” your inspiration somewhere, you will need to force yourself to do not very familiar things at first: listen in class (until you make sure that, in fact, it is interesting), do homework (yes, yes, this is a must). !).
We have a motive, we have trained willpower, now we go directly to study.

3 step

Now I’ll tell you about doing homework, because about the lessons, I think everything is clear. You need to listen to the teacher carefully, try to understand what he says and not be afraid to ask questions if something is not clear.
Now let's get back to d/z. We always carry out written objects. If it is not clear, we approach the teacher and ask how to do it. They love it. Never, you hear, never leave any topic not analyzed and understood, but then it will be worse for you.
Try to do the job efficiently and accurately, and also quickly. It takes me a maximum of 2 hours for all lessons (sometimes I exclude some) (in grade 10), because I listened to the teacher, everything is clear and easy for me. And I don't get distracted by other things until I'm done!

4 step

Now you need a favorite subject. A truly favorite, and preferably two. But you don't need too much. In this direction, you will read additional literature, rush to this lesson faster, in high school you will participate in olympiads (and win!). At successful people there is always a hobby.
It is advisable that you choose a subject that you can later use upon admission (although this is not a prerequisite)

5 step

You definitely need to rest! You can’t sit all day in class, then at home for an assignment, then for an additional subject ...
As Ivan Petrovich Pavlov said: "The best rest is a change in the type of activity."
Sign up for some sports club: it’s good for your health, and you’ll have a rest.
As a last resort, in order not to abandon your friends (by no means!), go for a walk.
I think you will find a way to relax :)

6 step

I shared with you all my secrets to "survival" in school. You can take them into account, you can not accept: it's up to you.
Just try it, and what if it turns out and you will be “draged”? The main thing is just to start.
Good luck!