How to force yourself to do well in school. Secrets of good study

  • 21.09.2019

In school, this is easier - to one degree or another, there is control on the part of parents and teachers. But at the university, your successes and failures are your personal problem. Therefore, students more often than schoolchildren ask this gloomy question: how to force themselves to study?

Of course, in order to force yourself to learn or force a teenager to learn, it is necessary to establish the reason for this reluctance. There may be more than one reason for unwillingness to learn. Based on the identified reason, build your own program for the formation of the desire to learn.

The main reasons for unwillingness to learn

1. Personal qualities... Such character traits as lightheadedness, irresponsibility and lack of willpower interfere with learning.

2. Awareness that you are not learning of your own free will. Very often, adolescents who were brought in by their parents and insisted on choosing one or another specialty come to universities to study.

3. In the first years of study at the university, the main subjects are general education subjects. Students just get bored and not interested in learning.

4. The uniformity of the school curriculum and learning environment. From year to year, repetitive school events usually do not motivate the student to learn.

5. Excessive requirements for the student. Unsuccessful situations only reinforce the child's reluctance to go to school.

6. Personal and interpersonal conflicts can also be one of the main reasons for unwillingness to learn.

To force yourself to learn, first, change the way the question is posed. After all, the very word "force" already implies coercion, and coercion subconsciously wants to resist. Therefore, try to use softer wording: "How to start learning?" or "How to finally get down to school?"

Lack of desire to learn is essentially a lack of motivation.

Motivation can be different. In order to force yourself to learn, you need to find an internal or external stimulus that is right for you.

It is clear that such a game motivation to study is short-term, after a week of study, a teenager will have to look for another motivation, and it is better if it is educational motivation.

For the formation of educational long-term motivation, situations of success are necessary. Received a good grade or your work was noted by the teacher as best job- do not lose this feeling, the feeling of success. It only reinforces your learning motivation and unlocks your inner potential.

It happens that negative motivation helps to force oneself to study, for example, the fact of expulsion in case of failure to pass the session. Others are encouraged to learn internal positive attitudes such as “If I do well in this session, I’m more likely to get a red diploma and get a job. Good work"," If I try a little, I can get a scholarship, "etc. incentives for study.

And someone needs a closer, more “tangible” motivation, for example, sympathy for a classmate or classmate. You can also force yourself to learn with the help of friends. do together homework or work together to write an abstract. So time will pass and with benefit and with pleasure.

To force yourself to study, you need to equip your workplace

Studying while lying on the couch with a laptop may be comfortable, but it will not set you up for a working mood. So make yourself a place where you will exclusively study.

An important point! The computer should not be there, you will sit down at the computer only when you really need it for study, the rest of the time it can distract you. And to workplace pleased you, surround yourself with funny bright stationery.

Set aside some study time in your schedule and study only during that time. Don't forget to rest

Make it a rule to study at school: 45 minutes for active work - 15 minutes of rest. It is imperative to minimize all distractions - disable mobile phone and TV, ask your household members not to distract you.

And as you study, try to use non-standard memorization methods that you yourself find fun.

Make diagrams, use the association method, colorful markers and stickers - in general, try to make the study as interesting as you can.

To force yourself to learn, try rewarding yourself for academic success. We tried on the test and got a good mark - buy yourself a chocolate bar.

Learned 10 exam tickets - indulge yourself in the bathroom. Passed the exam - buy yourself a nice little thing. Pass the session - go with friends to a nightclub. Such "prizes" should be only for real achievements!

How can you force yourself to learn?

The whole difficulty lies in getting started, and then it goes like clockwork. And you come up with more and more new pretexts so as not to sit down to study, new and new more important activities.

You also need to learn to deal with this with the help of the formation of willpower, perseverance, self-organization and self-discipline. The sooner you develop these business qualities in yourself, the easier it will be for you in adulthood, the more successful you will be.

And one more worst enemy student and schoolchild - this is laziness. You also need to learn to overcome it, otherwise every session you will think over again how to force yourself to learn, but you won’t come up with anything. Finally, there is one more tip that seems to be the most obvious, but very few actually follow it.

It sounds very simple: "Study throughout a semester or a quarter, and not put it off until later." If the workload is evenly distributed, the session will not differ much from the regular school days. And you don't have to "force" yourself to learn.

1. Immediately pay attention to the psychological side of the issue. It is important to tune yourself in to study, to find incentives and the right motivation. For example, it is worth learning for yourself that there are no useless items, and you constantly need to tune in to each of them. Well, if at school you become a universal specialist at the level of secondary education, learn all subjects with dignity, then it will not be difficult for you, if necessary, to change the direction of your activity and reach heights in an actual, demanded profession.

2. You may have a problem with a certain subject, you will feel insecure about it and will not be able to delve into the topic. However, you cannot give up, motivate yourself, try to find something interesting in the discipline for yourself. Convince yourself, in the end, that you need this item and you like it. Having overcome yourself, you will understand that previously unattainable heights will become conquered. In the future, it will be much easier for you to cope with difficult tasks.

3. Try to get used to getting up early in the morning, even though you have a tough daily routine. And do this not only on weekdays, but also on weekends. At first, such a transition will be very difficult for you, but then ... All habits will be forgotten, and you will quickly wedge yourself into a new way of life with practically no consequences.

4. Many people are very poor at taking note of new information in a lecture, some are poorly given a huge amount of information. Attention is scattered, it is difficult to immediately grasp what the teacher is explaining. Take control of the learning process. Try to concentrate as much as possible on the subject during the lecture, shielding extraneous thoughts from yourself. Try not only to memorize important information for yourself, but also write it down. Outline part of the lectures, sketch individual diagrams and drawings. In the course of these sessions, you will soon notice that the topics have begun to be memorized on their own, and the materials will begin to be assimilated.

5. Study all topics, strictly follow the program and do not skip a single section, even if you are sure that you are not asked about it, or in the test and exam such questions will not come across. Any gaps in knowledge can then be negatively expressed in school. Do not break the strict sequence, and then it will be much easier for you to understand and remember the material.

6. Do your homework right away, without putting them on the back burner. It is always better to do your homework on the day when all the teacher's explanations are fresh in your memory. This way, the topic will stick well in your head.

7. Seek advice and help from teachers, classmates, and classmates. Do not hesitate to ask questions, clarify unclear. Your interest is evidence that you are immersed in study and strive to master this or that subject, which, of course, will delight the teacher.

How to force yourself to study, even if you are lazy, this is the name of the topic of our conversation today. A person should learn throughout his life, but in reality it is not always as easy as in words. Every morning starts with the need conquer laziness and force yourself to learn- get ready, go to school and sit out all the prescribed lessons, complete all the required tasks, answer the questions posed - and so every day. But that's not all - there is no time for rest at home either, you need to cope with laziness and memorize poems and analyze formulas, read a story and write an essay on it, in general, the list can be continued indefinitely. Therefore, it is not surprising that over time it becomes more difficult, and the child begins to skip classes or abandon homework. What needs to be done for the child to do well in school? The system of punishments here will not be successful, but it can, on the contrary, worsen the situation.

This process becomes even more serious after leaving school - if, as a student, a child is under the control of parents and teachers, who will not so easily allow him to abandon education, then becoming a student, all responsibility rests solely with yesterday's student. On the one hand, this is one of the necessary stages of growing up - such a transition to independence. On the other hand, if you do not know how to force yourself to study, you can very quickly get yourself a bunch of problems in the form of arrears in subjects and ruin your reputation in the educational institution for a long time, both in the person of comrades and on the part of teachers, which can sometimes become an irreversible process. What can you do to defeat laziness? We have an answer!

12 helpful ways to force yourself to learn.

Formulate your goal correctly!

To force yourself to learn, if everyone is lazy, try to trick your subconscious first. It is arranged in such a way that if you begin to forcefully order yourself to do something, in the end you will be doing anything except the required task. And you will be surprised to find yourself rubbing all the horizontal surfaces in the apartment to a shine, instead of doing lessons or writing term paper... If you set the task in a different way, for example, asking yourself the question “ What should I do to finish the semester without tails?" or " How do you get “excellent” in the next test?»Your consciousness and subconsciousness will collapse and begin to work in a given direction and it will be easier to cope with laziness.

Choose the right motivation.

Here you need to proceed from your personal parameters - for someone the best reason to cope with laziness will be the desire to overtake a classmate or classmate, for another the best motivation will be anti-motivation. You can tell yourself - " This month I will finally get a scholarship increase, not Petrov" or " If I don’t take hold of my head and start to study, in a year at this time I will measure with steps of the parade ground"- and see what will affect you the most. Then take it as a basis!

Separate advice for parents who may be reading these lines in hopes make the child learn... First of all, find out about the atmosphere in the classroom - perhaps there is some kind of conflict that stops the child's desire to study well and generally appear at school.

Provide a comfortable workplace.

In this context, comfort does not mean doing homework on a tablet while lying on the bed. Whereas science has gone a long way, and whatever you have to write and learn, you can do without a pen, but it is still not a productive learning method. Therefore, equip your place as conveniently as possible, avoiding the presence of gadgets in the immediate vicinity, which will certainly distract with endless notifications and "urgent" letters and do not eat best helpers in need. Do not forget about the placement of the table in relation to the angle of illumination - regardless of whether it is natural or artificial.

If, despite all the tricks, you cannot do without a computer, try not to forget about its negative impact. Impaired vision and impaired performance nervous system far from a complete list of what you have to pay for a seat in front of the monitor.

Go in for reincarnation.

They are greeted by clothes - it was, is and will be. Try to change your image - instead of casual, albeit fashionable, clothes, choose something that can be attributed to the classics. This will help you cope with laziness and tune in to a serious mood, but the main thing is that it will change the attitude of others towards you, they will begin to perceive you the way you present yourself. And once you feel how pleasant recognition is, you no longer want to lose it - and this will be your next step towards the goal of defeating laziness.

Make learning a game.

You may still remember how, as a child, a parent tried to instill in you an interest in reading by buying colorful picture books or taught lateral thinking, turning ordinary hide and seek into an obstacle course treasure hunt. All this will help you in a more mature age. By diversifying the learning process, you will remember much more than through simple cramming. Psychologists advise use different colors when writing abstracts, since, in addition to memorizing exclusively by ear, visual perception will also be added to this. Develop associative thinking - it will be easier to force yourself to learn if you select associations for each material that requires memorization and comprehension. And let them be clear only to you and do not always follow the logic - it will not matter if they fulfill their role, help you cope with laziness!

Do not skimp on rewards for yourself!

Getting a child to learn is not always easy. A reward system will help a lot in this matter. Did you write an excellent test? You can treat yourself to your favorite ice cream. Are you the only one who got an A in the whole class? You can safely allocate yourself a few hours for a walk with friends. Well, if you defended your coursework perfectly well, here you have carte blanche for the whole weekend - you deserve it! The most important thing to consider is that do not judge by estimates, the knowledge gained is worth much more than the mark, which, moreover, can be quite subjective. The main thing is what's left in your head.

The main thing is to start!

Forcing yourself to learn, if everyone is lazy, is much more difficult if you have a lot of work to do. The main thing here is to understand that the longer you delay, the harder it will be to start. But you still have to start, and then you will have to do everything at once. So make an effort on yourself - just write the first sentence, learn the first line - and it will go! As on a knurled one! Coping with laziness will be much easier if you take even a step forward.


It is necessary to force yourself to study from the first day of the first semester. Of course, at first everyone already promises to write beautifully and not to accumulate tasks. But already from the second page, the handwriting becomes habitually crooked, and from the first postponed task a mountain begins to grow, which you will have to rake later. Defeating laziness is the easier, the less you give her a chance to defeat you.

Do your best while studying!

Here, no special motivation is needed - the more you do while at school, the less you will have to do at home. This means that you can take a walk on the street with a clear conscience or run into the cinema on the way home - after all, the bulk of your work is already ready! Perhaps even such a method will help to cope with laziness not only for you, but also for other children who will take your example.

Diversify your studies with competitions!

And let them be only with themselves, but what could be better than being aware of their personal development? It will be much easier to force yourself to study if your parents motivate you to buy a brand new gadget for some success! Only in this case, it is better not to stretch the time frame too much - the goal may be forgotten, vigilance will decrease and it will become more difficult to defeat laziness. And besides, we must not forget about all kinds of crises that can hit family budget and shorten the list of planned purchases.

Be strong-willed and collected!

Of course, when you come home after a busy day, first of all you want to relax, play on the computer, watch cartoons and so on. To overcome laziness, try not to relax too much. Instead, try to adhere to a clear routine - sit down to lunch immediately upon arrival, then go through all the assignments and make rough plan what you need to do. And most importantly, stick to it! There is, of course, the possibility that sometimes, in order for a child to do well at school, it is better for him to get up early in the morning, but then there is a chance to oversleep and do nothing at all.

Be firm and unshakable with yourself!

How to force yourself to study if everyone is lazy? Sometimes it happens that neither motivation, nor a well-designed routine, nor the most attractive prize-gift at the end of training will help to cope with laziness. How to get a child to learn in such a situation? In this case, you just need to force yourself. and a strong character has not prevented anyone, on the contrary - it helps to overcome laziness and reach incredible heights in life! I wish you success! admin

Every day, the applicant has to comprehend new information, answer in class according to the passed material, write test papers... But it is not the main problem... The student comes home and begins to study paragraphs further, solve exercises, cram dates and formulas.

Learning is a titanic work, so many do not know how to force themselves to study and withstand a tough regime. The process of self-organization is more concerned with students, since schoolchildren are controlled by teachers and parents.

Students are free people who independently decide to study or not. Freedom is intoxicating, the applicant loses control and does not know how to force himself to study in order to pass the sessions on time.

Set a specific task

The problem statement plays an important role. Agree, it is much more pleasant to think “how to study well” than “how to make you learn”.

It begins to act, focusing on a positive result. The psychological component can create a fertile ground for a change in attitudes towards learning. Look for a good reason to put you in a successful direction.

Find the right motivation

It can be different. You must choose a motive that will make you study hard. For someone, the prospect of a future career becomes an incentive, someone is studying so that he is not expelled from educational institution... Some spur own wish the opportunity to go to the camp or a long-awaited purchase.

Often the motivation to learn disappears with the appearance. If your child becomes withdrawn and their grades have dropped noticeably, learn about classroom relationships.

Organize your workplace

You can create a working atmosphere and mood with the help of surrounding objects. Set aside a separate corner for learning and do only school or college affairs there. It has been proven that the effect of doing housework while sitting is greater. In the supine position, the material is poorly absorbed, since the body is set to rest.

Make sure that your workplace is free from computers, tablets, and other gadgets that distract from work. Leave textbooks, pencils, pens, and other stationery aside.

To make the corner look bright, attractive, create an interesting atmosphere. Put on a colorful pen stand, buy an original lamp. Lay down a colorful rug. If possible, place a table near a window. So you will rest, distracted by foreign objects, and do the exercise for sight.

Use an associative method

Record lectures using different quotes and underlining with bullets. By repeating the material, you will remember it more easily, since the text is a colorful masterpiece: important quotes are highlighted in one color, lists in the second, and formulas or terms in the third. This will turn a boring lecture into a memorable lesson and will be able to memorize information faster based on the visual effect.

To make the repetition feel pleasant, get colorful notebooks with characters from TV shows or movies. Use bright stickers, pens with smelling ink. In general, create a festive mood and study will become easier.

Come up with a reward for success

If you don't know how to force yourself to learn, think about what you would really like to get. Start with small victories. Received a positive assessment - reward with chips or other tasty treats, wrote a test as good or excellent - go to a disco or a cafe.

This allows you to feel the taste of victory and the bitterness of ignorance. Correctly assess your own capabilities and the result obtained. Sometimes a four is worth much more than a five. Evaluate your own actions, rewarding yourself not only for the grades, but also for the homework done, the finished project. What matters is what kind of knowledge you get. Indeed, sometimes the assessments are presented not entirely objectively.

Do more in class

Value your own time. Think about how to force yourself to study in class when the teacher finished the lesson faster or you have free time during recess. Spend your time wisely and then you will spend the saved minutes with friends or watching the series.

Do your homework for tomorrow. Let it be a different subject, so as not to engage in useless things. Study productively from the beginning of the school year so that knowledge accumulates gradually. The material learned in time allows you to quickly perform the exercises. If you delay, then at the end of the semester you will already begin to dream not of excellent grades, but of passing the subject.

Distribute the load evenly to control everything. Try to create a routine where you can take into account the minutes of work and rest. Think over every detail so that there is no room for empty thoughts.

For example, you come and reheat food. You are not distracted by, but go to do your homework. In the evening, a walk, jog or trip to the club is a compulsory one. Create a regime for yourself.

Push yourself to learn

Learn to do your homework as early as possible. Don't put it off until late at night when thinking stops working. Put things aside and take the first step, even though it's difficult. Think that you are resisting your own laziness. She interferes with learning, erecting insurmountable mountains in front of the student. As soon as you start the task, laziness will begin to recede.

To overcome yourself in the first minutes, start taking notes. Write notes, even if the process is not interesting. Concentrate, perhaps it will take at least 20 minutes to complete, after which you can do whatever.

If you doze and all the time you want to play video games, sit on social networks, take drastic measures. Give the set-top boxes to a friend or close relative. Remove or block social media. Remember, learning is more important than these things.

If you find it difficult to force yourself to study at home, review your own daily routine and diet. Eat before class as hunger is a distraction. Do a few exercises to tone your muscles and activate your brain cells. Set aside time for good sleep, as - fatigue and passivity.

March 29, 2014

"We all learned a little something and somehow!" Pushkin A.S.

We all went through the stages of training: school, college, university. And most people have to study all their lives for work, personal development, career growth etc. But not everyone learns easily.

How to get yourself to study regularly?
How do you make time for class?
How to discipline yourself?
How to motivate yourself?
And most importantly, how not to abandon training?

These problems are especially relevant for people who are studying at a university in full-time or part-time education, as well as undergoing corporate training and courses. Our tips will be useful not only for learning, but for life in general. Unless, of course, you are ready to change something in it.

Planning. Where to start planning your life.

“To get a big and important job done requires two things: a clear plan and limited time.” Elbert Hubbard

Chaotic training does not lead to forward movement, most likely you are marking time. Without a plan, it is almost impossible to build your training correctly, or its effectiveness will be almost zero. And then comes an emergency preparation for the session and exams or for certification. And again, you swear to yourself, next semester, start learning right. How can you even achieve something that has not even been clearly indicated. Without seeing your prospects and setting big goals, it is difficult to start planning.

Record your goals in training, profession, wealth, relationships. Set big goals for yourself (excellent study, promotion, increased income, vacation at sea, auto, etc.). Always evaluate the proposed actions according to them.

Then break down by periods and reach daily planning... There are a lot of ways to plan a day (week or month, year) and create schedules. You can create a plan in special electronic planners, in online diaries, or in traditional paper diaries. If you have problems with mastering a computer, smartphone, then it is even recommended to use electronic planners. Master the skills of working with a PC, smartphone, etc. When you have chosen the most convenient method for creating a schedule, you can start writing it.

It is very important to make global plans at the beginning, think about what you want to achieve in life, and only then proceed to smaller-scale tasks: then you will already know exactly what can be ignored and what should be done first. You need to think carefully about the number of planned tasks and goals, you do not need to write impossible plans. You need to add things to the list slowly, thinking through each item. Start with the most important things and gradually move on to secondary tasks that can be rescheduled to another day or completed in your free time.

After creating and accurately completing the schedule, you will understand that you have a lot of time and you can do everything. In addition, you will get rid of the need to remember all the promises and planned tasks. It is worth noting that all successful people make up their own schedules, it helps to keep pace and work as efficiently as possible. A plan is an empty space without its execution, you always need to evaluate your implementation, how much it corresponds to what you intended, and give yourself an account of the quality of the plan's execution.

All that remains is to start planning your life and MAKE your dream come true. One of the important requirements for the successful fulfillment of the set goals is their constant contemplation. You should see and remember as often as possible what you want, why you want it and how things are going on the way to the goal.

The art of time management.

"Most people confuse time management with fate" Keane Hubbard

How often do we give ourselves an "excuse" - I have no time to study, I spin "like a squirrel in a wheel" all day. Unfortunately, you are wrong, you just do not know how to dispose of it.

Time management Is a time management technology aimed at improving the efficiency of its use. It means a set of actions for training conscious control over the amount of time spent on certain types of activities and through which you can significantly increase your productivity and effectiveness.

Time management includes a wide range of activities:- setting goals; - planning and distribution of time; - delegation of tasks and resource management; - time-consuming analysis; - time fixing; - priorities; - drawing up lists of tasks; - much more.

Basic principles of Time Management:
1. The main idea of ​​time management is to spend time on the main thing in life.
2. Measure time by events.
3. Find out where you are spending your time.
4. Set life priorities.
5. Set goals for yourself.
6. Plan your time daily.
7. Get things in order.
8. Do your favorite interesting thing.
9. Draw strength from motivators.
10. Use modern techniques time management.

There are many time management techniques, read about them on the Internet and choose your preferred technique.

So, how to start to devote yourself regularly to study:

1. Determine the amount of time per class and the training schedule for a week or month that you will spend on training. It is necessary to set aside at least 30 minutes for a lesson, and preferably about an hour, less time is not productive and does not make sense.

If you can practice for at least 30 minutes every day, then this is very good, but usually personal affairs do not allow this. Make short-term plans for the week, in accordance with your business, but at least 3 lessons per week.

2. Review the curriculum and class schedule (if any) in detail. Now make yourself a timetable based on the disciplines you will study. And most importantly, stick to the plan and study will become a habit, and you will also understand the benefits of planning and discipline in any area of ​​your life.

3. Take notes. Even mandatory if you are studying in a distance learning system. Write down extracts from the lecture, briefly the main concepts and definitions, as well as your conclusions from the material. You will see that this can become a habit and allows you to remember information for a long time.

4. Find professionals or fellow students. Communicate, exchange opinions, and you can significantly speed up your learning. Now the main thing is not to give up this business halfway through.

Self-discipline is our everything.

“All success starts with self-discipline. It all starts with you "Dwayne Johnson

Life is not only about learning, but if you cannot even get through this part of it, how will you know what you are capable of? Meet her majesty discipline!

Unlike motivation, discipline doesn't wait for the right time or the right mood. She does not care about emotions and feelings, she does not need them, and with a certain experience she creates them and makes them serve her goals. Yes, discipline is not easy. It does not arise by itself, does not feed on motivating videos and slogans. Being small and weak, she can hardly push her way through laziness, fear and "I DO NOT WANT TOMORROW".

But if you cherish and train it, then, growing and gaining momentum, it will help you to demolish any obstacles on the way to success and self-realization. In addition, every day it will require less effort and attention from you. Discipline has only one flaw: it is a long and arduous journey. Therefore, she is very unpopular.

Firstly, when, thanks to discipline, we have collected, completed things (albeit not all, but the main ones), when the feeling of guilt because of not done is not oppressed, then a lot of time and energy is released for learning, and development, and rest.

Second, can you really call it freedom when you work for the interests of others, but out of laziness neglect your own? It turns out that discipline and self-control is real freedom.

Thirdly, not only to do what is right and necessary, but also to love it, to enjoy it. Learning is boring, classes cannot be fun hard work depressing. That is, everything that requires discipline and self-control is associated with negative feelings and emotions, which means it is incompatible with happiness and a bright interesting life.

For example, many people do not like to study, just because they haven’t liked it since school. And they need to be done if only because there is a direct connection between their implementation and our success. But perseverance is rewarded, when you finish work or achieve a goal, the release of the hormone of happiness increases, and vice versa, a lot of unfinished work, which you regularly put off for later, lie down with heavy oppression and cause stress and procrastination.

Besides, a lot depends on our attitude. It seems to me that it is difficult not to get joy and pleasure from overcoming oneself, from achieving one's own goals. Even in the process itself, you can be happy from the simple thought that you are not a weak-willed boob, but a PERSON who is in control of himself. It turns out that true happiness is hard to find without discipline. Without discipline, it is impossible to be free, have inspiration and break through difficulties. Well, of course there are those who will never be able to fall in love with doing something, despite all their usefulness.

And here no motivation and self-hypnosis will help, but discipline can do it.


"Life is a game. It all depends on you, your ideas, your thoughts. You just need to get your ass off the couch and go forward, albeit slowly, but to the top! " Freddie Mercury

Motivation is a kind of energy source that makes us move forward, allowing us to easily solve accompanying problems and find graceful ways out of difficult situations, achieve success and achieve goals.

The task of motivation is to kindle interest in oneself, to raise a wave of feelings that will lead us to the cherished goal. Motivation is good when it reminds us why we need self-control and continuous movement.

Motivation is popular because it leads to quick results, everything is easy and fast, like any other easier path than discipline.

Motivation is very good when it paints a picture of the future in front of us, shows us what awaits us if we pull ourselves together and, with the support of discipline, move forward.

Motivation is good when it reminds us why we need self-control and continuous movement. Better yet, seek and nurture intrinsic motivation. Think about your goals, dream about them, plan to achieve them, paint pictures. Let motivation inspire you, and discipline gives you the strength and perseverance to complete everything to the end. But, like any strong emotion, it can quickly leave us. Here are some tips for keeping yourself motivated.

Focus on the ultimate goal

We often push ourselves forward with a big goal in mind. Most of the really important goals require quite significant efforts from you, which can only bring the desired result over a long period of time. For example, getting higher education takes 3 to 5 years.

Instead of focusing on the difficult and unpleasant task at hand, focus better on the reason for which you need to complete it. Hang a picture of your dreams over your workplace and pay attention to it often. Don't be afraid to set a big goal, but something else should keep you going along the way.

Interest arising

The most powerful motivator. When people learn something new and it aligns with your interests and hobbies, curiosity takes over. It, of course, may not be so strong, then it does not inspire too long. If you have a strong and endless interest in something, feel free to take up the study!

Craving for Research

The urge to explore is similar to curiosity, but allows yourself to take it with a lighter attitude. Allow yourself to loosen the grip and not force yourself to learn, but enjoy the process of research. Let you get away from the initial topic, but you will definitely broaden your horizons.

Make Difficult Simple

There is one way to motivate yourself to do hard work- think of her as easy. I try not to think about how many difficulties I have to overcome in the process of solving the problem. The hardest part, in fact, is not the study itself, but the decision to start.

Start by winning

Try to complete easy and quick tasks at the beginning, which bring quick results. It will boost your mood and help you gain the self-confidence you need when you start important things. Divide the training into pieces, start with simple and understandable topics.

Take additional online courses

Take additional free online courses or watch instructional videos on yuotube on topics related to your learning. As a rule, there are a lot of these courses and videos, they are short (from 10-15 minutes to 2-3 hours), and more interesting than lectures. In addition, you will gain more advanced knowledge of the topic. List educational projects where you can take free online courses, you can read in the article.

Partner support

It's more fun to achieve goals with someone. When one of the couple loses motivation, the other supports him, and so on. And some also enjoy helping others achieve their goals, so there is a double bonus here: I learn myself and enjoy the fact that I support a companion.

Motivational reading and video

Be sure to watch motivational video, read motivational books, articles, life hacks. Listen to your favorite music.

Have a pre-class ritual

A cup of coffee with cookies before the start of the allotted time for training. Play music that is calm and unobtrusive.

Reward yourself

Small prizes for each important step can be good remedy motivation. Visit social networks or entertainment sites, watching a movie, walking in the park or your favorite dish, only after a lesson - choose what really pleases you and reward yourself, your beloved, for real success.

Read the life stories of successful people

These are stories of constant work on oneself, falls and rise. Success without training and incredible efforts on oneself is impossible.

Prove that you can

True teaching is when you have a hard time, you go through hardships, make mistakes, fall and really want to give up everything. But we only learn when we push ourselves forward in difficult conditions. And if every time we stop half way, then we will not learn anything. The best motivator is to prove to myself that I can! Look for your motivating facts and tricks.

Procrastination is another problem.

“The time for action is now. It's never too late to do anything "Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Sometimes it's okay to postpone a case for later. But if you do this to many important matters, postponing them day after day, or replacing the necessary activities with unobtrusive household chores or entertainment, then you are procrastinating.

Procrastination (from the English procrastination - delay, postponement) - the tendency to constantly postpone even important and urgent matters, leading to life problems and painful psychological effects. Procrastination differs from laziness in that in the case of laziness, a person does not want to do anything and does not worry about it, and in a state of procrastination he realizes the importance and urgency of the work, but does not do it, finding some kind of self-justification.

What distinguishes procrastination from rest is that while resting, a person replenishes energy reserves, and when procrastinating, he gets stress. Realize that you are procrastinating.

Alarm bells indicating that you are a procrastinator:
- you do small tasks all day, do not take on complex and important matters;

- read assignments or a plan several times, but do not make decisions on how to work with them;

- waiting for "special inspiration" or "right time" to get down to important work.

How to deal with it
1. Get ready for work in the evening. Plan your next day.

2. Find your one thing for this day.
3. Break the task down into simple parts.
4. Say no to all unimportant and non-urgent matters.
5. Raise your motivation.
6. Don't forgive or feel sorry for yourself.
7. Just start a business, in fact, your fears of complexity are in vain.

"The road will be mastered by the walker" Be ready to change your approach to work and study. Learn to enjoy the tasks at hand. So the conclusions
1. Plan your training.

2. Use time management to make time for yourself to learn.

3. Discipline yourself. Take the first step.

4. Self-motivate yourself for success.

5. Fight procrastination attacks.

6. Doesn't it work? Start from point 1.

Motivating Harvard Students in a 15-Point Cue Point:

1. If you fall asleep now, then, of course, you will dream of your dream, but if you study now, you will make your dream come true.

2. When you think it’s too late, it’s actually time.

3. The agony of learning is only temporary. The torment of ignorance - ignorance - is eternal.

4. Learning is not time. Learning is effort.

5. Life is not only learning, but if you cannot even go through this part of it, how will you know what you are capable of?

6. Enjoy the opportunity for continued growth.

7. Learn to do everything earlier, learn to make an effort, learn to reap the results.

8. Not everyone can succeed at everything. But success only comes with self-improvement and determination.

9. Time is never worth it, but if you don't do anything, it rushes by with great speed.

10. Leaders are in everything. Everyone deserves to become a leader in their field.

11. People who invest in the future are realists.

12. Your success is directly proportional to your speed of perception, finding and processing information.

13. Today will never happen again.

14. Even now, your competitors are leafing through smart books.

15. No labor - no profit.