What to do to be successful. Take care of your health

  • 21.09.2019

Secret number 1. Most people do not even make one attempt to achieve their goals. A person simply says to himself and others “I can’t”, although he has not even made a single attempt to fulfill his dream. Then people start coming up with reasons why they can't do it.

Secret number 2. Use your time effectively. In our fast-paced, fast-paced world, it can be hard to focus on the important things with so many distractions luring us away. Social networks, idle chatter with work colleagues and other distractions do not allow you to work at full capacity. Try to work all the time allotted for work. Always remember that your time is limited, so don't waste it.

I think you are familiar with the situation when there are much more planned tasks than time to complete them. Sometimes it is not possible to have time to do even the most necessary things, and this unsettles. In this case, a wonderful master of time course, which will be useful to everyone who wants to learn how to properly allocate their time and do more.

How to learn to manage your time effectively
and do everything?

Secret number 3. Let go of the need to live up to the expectations of others. Too many people today live a life that does not belong to them, they do not do what is good and right for them, but what society and parents dictate to them. Don't let other people's expectations of you get the better of you.

Secret number 4. Choose your environment carefully. The lion's share of success in your life depends on what kind of people you surround yourself with. Remember that the secret is to befriend those who are better and train with those who are stronger.

Secret number 5. If you never plan or write down your goals, but keep them in your head, then don't expect to achieve them. Only goals that are clearly written down on paper will work amazingly for you.

Have you already decided how to please your child for the holiday? An excellent solution can be a fairy tale, the hero of which will be your child!

A story about your child
great gift for him!

Secret number 6. Ability to prioritize correctly. At work, you must devote 100% of your time to work; when you come home, you must devote 100% of your time to communicating with your soulmate and children. Coming home after work, give yourself the installation not to turn on the TV, computer, radio, at the beginning, devote as much time as possible to your loved ones. At least 1 hour you should talk with your spouse about subjects that have nothing to do with work.

Secret number 7. Constantly develop both physically and intellectually. Reading books, attending various trainings, training courses, watching useful inspiring films will never let you fall behind life. I wrote about how to quickly and comprehensively learn a foreign language. Regular exercise will keep you young and healthy for years to come.

Secret number 8. Forever give up alcohol and tobacco, which undermine your health and productivity. Statistics show that due to smoking breaks during working hours, the employee's working day is reduced from 8 hours to 5-6. Now, even when hiring, many companies make it a mandatory requirement to have no bad habits.

Secret number 9. Take care of your nutrition, which is an important component of good health. Give up the three white poisons: flour, salt and sugar. You will be pleasantly surprised by the results. Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts. Drink at least two liters of water a day.

Secret number 10. Give thanks to life every day for what you have. A grateful attitude gives you great satisfaction and happiness.

I have been using this method since I started reading. You need to allocate literally 10-15 minutes a day to this lesson, sit comfortably where no one will bother you, and write down what events of today you are grateful for. You can use leaflets, but if you keep a separate diary for these entries, you can re-read it periodically, which is also very useful.

Even if the day, as it seems to you, did not turn out too well, you can always find a few pleasant moments in it. When we direct our attention to something, we receive it in even greater quantities. So let's notice more good things in life!

And what do you think, dear readers, what are the reasons for not achieving success, what prevents a person from climbing new level? Share your opinion in the comments to this article.

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- Tips from people who have achieved success in life
- How to achieve success? 10 recommendations
How to become a successful person: 8 golden rules of millionaires
- Conclusion

What is success in life and how to become a successful person? Almost everyone has thought about this question. To date, millions of books have already been written on this topic, and magazines often flaunt on the windows, on the covers of which "successful people" smile.

A person is made by his habits, so you need to acquire only the habits of successful people. They will pull you to the top, while the habits of losers can quickly sink anyone to the very bottom. It is necessary to constantly engage in self-development, sports, pay attention to psychology.

1) When you fall, always get up.
Do not give up after a small or even major setback. This is how they only weak people and strong people learn from their mistakes.

2) Take risks.
A person never regrets what he did, but regrets that he was afraid to take risks and missed the chance.

3) Believe in yourself.
Don't believe what other people say about you.

4) Follow your dreams and set big goals.
An insecure person is chasing small goals.

5) Take action.
Always do self development. Only losers put everything off until “tomorrow”, fearing change. Act even in spite of the fear of something new, despite the ignorance.

6) Look for offers and opportunities.
And agree to them, get into the habit of saying “yes” to something scary more often. A lazy person will only look for excuses.

7) Motivate yourself.
Don't wait for a "push" from someone else. You can only be successful on your own.

8) In everything, patience is the main thing.
Remember that it is impossible to achieve your goal quickly and with little or no effort. Work for your dream so that your dream can work for you in the future. Wanting the whole world at once and immediately is the main sign of a loser and an unreasonable person. Only regular hard work, the path through mistakes and failures - and then your goal will be achieved.

9) Manage your time wisely.
The main and urgent matters do not tolerate being put off to a distant shelf.

10) Forget about the fear of responsibility.
Show initiative. Only those who do a lot for this can become successful. A rolling stone gathers no moss!

1) Properly set priorities and goals will help you become successful.
First of all, you need to prioritize and clearly define goals. (Read about)
Break this long journey into several stages and mark the nearest goal!

2) Successful people always know the value of their time.
Learn to manage your time and identify the most urgent matters that need to be resolved immediately.

3) A successful person is greeted by clothes ...
If you want to earn a million, then you should look the part!

4) Do you want to be successful? Get your body in order.
none, not even the most best clothes, will not hide the weakness and soreness of a person!

5) Successful people are not afraid of responsibility.
Always remember that only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.
Success is achieved only by those who take the initiative and extract useful experience from the successes and mistakes made not only by them, but also by other people.

6) To become a successful person - clearly concentrate on one thing.
It is impossible to achieve success in all areas of activity at once.
Even if you have experience in several areas of business, it is still better to focus on one. This will allow a more professional approach to solving issues based on a deep analysis of the available information.

2) Work and work again.
Work is the price of entry into the territory of success, and all successful people, regardless of their field of activity, work hard.

All successful people work longer than others. But you can't call them workaholics. They are rather industrious. Because they get joy from work.

3) Focus on the essentials.
Most people spray. They want to try everything. As a result, they know about everything, but little by little. Successful people, on the other hand, focus on one thing at a time. But they are the best at it.

4) Get over yourself.
The main competitor on the road to success is yourself. Learn to fight yourself. First, you need to set ambitious goals. Second, set strict deadlines.

5) Listen and write down ideas.
Business is a very creative thing. And entrepreneurs have even more creativity than artists. The consumer does not like platitudes. Give everyone something fresh and extraordinary. Ideas don't just come to mind. Successful people have learned to listen and absorb the ideas of others. And then use them to your advantage. Start .

6) Improve yourself.
Get better every day is an axiom that all successful people know.

To become better at what you do, you need to constantly practice, hone your skills. Therefore, if you are now writing a business plan for your own life, the word “Self-Improvement” should be on the cover.

7) Be helpful.
Look at the lists of American billionaires and you will realize that most of them have made their fortunes by providing people with the services they need.

To make a lot of money, it's not enough just to do what you love. We need to offer people what they like. After all, they pay you for your services. And the more they like these services, the more they are willing to pay.

8) Persevere without looking back.
All successful people make mistakes. Nothing without them. But someone is worried for a long time. And someone shakes the dirt off his jacket and gets down to business again.

How to become a successful person? Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Higher education- a step of success of the person.
Everyone who wants to become a successful person is simply obliged to develop every day. But the level of education of a person will just be an indicator of this very development.

Step 2 Dream!
The dream must be big. A dream is a powerful motivator that makes even the laziest representatives of the planet get out of a warm bed and move forward.

Step 3 Health is the most important aspect of human success.
This is one of important points in the life of every person. Any successful man tries to keep himself in proper physical shape.

Step 4. Do what you love.
Only one thing will help to make your life easier financially - to love what you do with all your heart.

Step 5 Plan your time.
Each more or less a famous person wisely uses his precious time. That is your day. Everything must be planned. Not a single minute should be wasted. This is how time will work for you.

Step 6. Charisma and a sense of humor are the key to a person's success.
Without this, even having all the aspects of success given above, it will not be possible to achieve success.

Every person who does not possess these character traits is the simplest, most modest, uninitiated.


Almost everyone strives to successful life and strives to reach its full potential. Unfortunately, many do not succeed, and they give up all attempts to change anything in their lives.

Now, thanks to the Internet, anyone can improve their professionalism and succeed in almost any business. The benefit of seminars and training courses, both paid and free, on the Internet is full on any topic and profession. Yes, and instructions on the topic "how to become a successful person" on the network are a dime a dozen. You just need to familiarize yourself with them and start acting.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there is a lot of information on how to become successful, choose one source and follow all the instructions described in it. And, of course, it is best to learn from the example of successful people. So it’s worth looking for them in your environment and asking for students.


Book: Richard St. John "The Big Eight":

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Every time I study life of successful people we seriously think about how we can become the same, because, in principle, all people are the same, everyone has two arms, two legs, but for some reason some reach certain heights during their existence on earth, while others live without any special achievements until the very of death. In fact, a lot of modern psychology literature has been written about success and its achievement, also good advice can be found in popular glossy magazines and online publications, they are written in different ways, but still about one thing. That is why we have tried to give you ten basic rules that you should follow in order to achieve success in the field in which you dream.

Secrets of successful people or a set of basic rules for success.

1. Those who want to reach certain heights are looking for opportunities to do this, and those who want everything and immediately use excuses and look for new unsolvable problems, obstacles. For example, the main and painful problem for everyone is financial problems or, in other words, lack of money. A person who has set himself the goal of achieving success will actively look for where to earn them, acquire new knowledge and learn how to increase financial assets. The unsuccessful one will show himself and everyone around him dozens of reasons why he cannot earn money without even trying to do something for this. Here you can give another example in the form of an old Russian proverb that says “Water does not flow under a lying stone!”.

2. The successful one will always act, try and move forward, despite their fears, incompetence, overwork, etc., while the unsuccessful one will doubt, put things off until later, finding a lot of reasons, waiting for everyone to do it someone else will do it for him and he will have the good fortune to just “skim the cream”. And for this paragraph of the rules, you can pick up a suitable Russian proverb “Without labor, you can’t even pull the fish out of the pond.”

3. A person who wants to achieve success never stands still and all the time strives to rise even higher, while his opposite prefers to adhere to the opinion "And so it will do ...".

4. Successful people develop a sense of purpose in themselves, fall and rise again, not being afraid to step even on the same rake, while unsuccessful people mark time, afraid to stumble or make a mistake, and if they happen to fall, they don’t even try to get up believing that this is their fate. It should be noted that studying biographies of successful people you can often encounter moments in their lives when they had to fail or start over. However, this only once again proves the correctness of this point.

5. A successful person always finds motivation for himself to act, in most cases it is interest, excitement, a desire to learn something new, to test his strength. The lazy person must be motivated all the time financially or with mass praise.

6. A successful person is ready to take risks all the time, an unsuccessful one is afraid to do so. Really, stories of successful people prove that very unfavorable circumstances can intervene in the most amazing plans and even completely destroy them. Despite the understanding of this moment, the personalities famous all over the world today, included in the well-known ratings and TOP 10, took decisive steps into an unknown future and won.

7. A successful person is ready to go long and hard towards his goal, while his opposite wants to get a lot at once. On this occasion, one of the greats said the correct phrase: "Genius is only one percent of luck and ninety-nine percent of hard work."

8. The one who achieves success and strives for well-being is not afraid to be rejected, while unhurried people simply give up and the ground begins to disappear from under their feet. It is believed that qualities of a successful person first of all, they are determined by the number of negotiations and conversations that are uncomfortable for him, which he had a chance to conduct and endure in order to achieve the intended goals.

9. The ninth rule says: successful people believe in themselves, while unsuccessful people listen to the words of others.

10. A successful person follows only the call of his big and secret dream, and his opposite is content with small goals that are easily achieved mainly due to a happy coincidence of certain circumstances. successful people in the world who tell their biographical stories confirm this theory, because many of them chose practically unattainable goals for themselves and, as a result, not only achieved them, but even surpassed them.

After rules of a successful person will be mastered, those who wish to reach certain heights should properly organize their working day, making the most of every minute.

It should be noted that many tips from successful people helped to derive the basic requirements of the organization of the ideal labor day which will lead you to success in the near future. We will talk about them further.

Successful people day

First, you need to think in advance how to organize your working day more efficiently. You can do this the night before, or from the very morning of that very day, believe me, the spent ten to fifteen minutes will definitely be reimbursed.

Secondly, for the most productive hours of work, which each person has his own - for someone in the morning, for someone in the afternoon, and for someone in the evening, plan the most important and responsible events for you at night. And never spend your most efficient time on non-essential tasks like browsing. Email, press review, etc.

Thirdly, try not to jump from one task to another, in this case, nothing will be done on time and not very well. Similar habits of successful people often led them to defeat, so you should turn away from them and it’s better to do this by studying other people’s mistakes than to allow your own.

Fourth, if according to your personal plan you have some very serious and responsible task that requires special concentration, do not hesitate to ask your colleagues to be quiet, turn off the phone, and if you are sitting in a separate office, close it from the inside or put up a “do not disturb” sign. Retire, concentrate on completing a specific task, but before that, be sure to check the room and remove everything unnecessary that can distract you from your desktop, even ancient Chinese philosophy recommends that you do so.

Fifth, if a correspondence has begun with a potential client or partner, it is better to switch to telephone conversation and find out more specifically in this way. So you save your time and can express your idea in more detail.

Sixth, only deviate from your schedule when absolutely necessary. If unforeseen situations happen to you almost daily, set aside one or two hours in advance for them in your plan, and then spend the unused time (in the event that nothing extraordinary happens) for yourself, relax or engage in self-education, for example, learn to create .

Seventh, always keep a glass or carafe of water on your desk. Remember, a dehydrated body greatly reduces performance, so a full-fledged healthy person should drink one and a half to two liters of water a day.

Eighth, try every sixty to ninety minutes to take small breaks of five to ten minutes - this can be a short walk around your office, tea drinking, a conversation with colleagues on topics remote from work, etc. All this will help your body recharge and get down to business with maximum activity.

Ninth, when making a plan for the day, correctly calculate the amount of time spent on a particular task. So if the work will take you exactly five hours, indicate in the plan a period of five and a half to six hours, taking into account breaks and unforeseen cases.

Tenth, while doing work, always take a comfortable position for yourself, do not slouch and do not look too closely at the computer monitor. In general, it is imperative to properly equip your workplace, this will help you not to overwork, but always be in good location spirit will help you well-equipped.

Many people are inspired to achieve their goals by biographical narratives of the formation and development of successful people of our time. Let's look at some of them.

Carlos Slim Ellu.

Carlos Slim Ellu is the richest man in the world, his fortune at the end of 2013 amounted to seventy-three billion US dollars. Slim Ellu is the owner of one of the largest operators in Latin America.

Slim was born on January 28, 1940 in Mexico City in the family of a successful Mexican businessman of Arab origin and a journalist who was the first to publish a Lebanese edition in Arabic.

Photos of successful people - Carlos Slim Ellu

From childhood, his father taught little Carlos and his brothers and sisters the proper handling of money. He recruited all of them to work in his business and taught each child to record all their income and expenses in a personal notebook, which they then studied and analyzed together.

Already at the age of 12, he independently opened his first account to purchase shares of the National Bank of Mexico City, and then, having learned how to invest correctly and competently, he managed to earn his first million.

In 1965, Slim graduated from the University of Civil Engineering, during his studies where he taught linear programming and algebra, but he did not go to work from his specialty, but decided to do business.

In the same year, he buys the beverage company Jarritos del Sur, and also establishes his own real estate company, Inmobiliaria Carso, which was the beginning of the construction of his empire under the name Grupo Carso.

In the period from 1965 to 1980, the future billionaire manages to buy up several more investment and insurance companies, thanks to which he was able to make a good fortune and thereby seized the prospect for further development.

When an economic crisis occurs in Mexico that leads to a default, Carlos buys up many businesses in various industries at low prices. And soon the acquired property at low prices began to generate income. It should be noted that the entrepreneur had an excellent instinct for buying hopeless enterprises and he never made a mistake in choosing.

In 1990, thanks to the friendship of the future billionaire with the leader of the country, he managed to win a tender for the acquisition of the Telmex mobile operator, it should be noted that this deal led to a big political scandal, which ended with the resignation of the country's president. But all this did not stop Slim, he modernized his company, introduced new technologies into it, expanded it, and soon it became a monopoly mobile operator in Mexico and brought its owner a fabulous income.

And in conclusion, I would like to say a few words about literature, which helps everyone to achieve certain success. Today, store shelves and online publications are full of such information and you just need to choose from something suitable for yourself. Below we bring to your attention the five most common and popular publications that have helped many people on the planet to change their lives.

Books of successful people

4. “Made in America. How I Created Wal-Mart by Walton Sam.

5. “Yesterday a loser is today a successful businessman” by Frank Bettger.

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"Success" is a term with a huge number of meanings and interpretations. Most often, success means a successful career, material wealth and high social status. However, success is by no means limited to these components.

First of all, success is how happy a person is at the moment. The usual image of a successful careerist cannot be a standard of success, because a well-paid job and wealth are not the only meaning of life and the joy of a person. Wealthy people can be successful at work but miserable at work. personal life may have health problems or not meet their important needs.

Success in the broad sense of the word implies a whole range of concepts:

  • Harmony in the main areas of life;
  • Self-realization and disclosure of creative potential;
  • Life with satisfaction of needs;
  • Occupation is not easy "profitable" business, but such an activity that brings true meaning and joy to life.

For each person, success will still mean something different, reflecting the most important areas of his life. It can be a happy family life interesting job, good health, creative work and much more. One thing is certain about any success - to become successful, you need to have the appropriate character traits and work hard.

Habits of successful people

The main difference between a successful person is the willingness to take responsibility for his life. If a person really does not wait for help "from outside", does not take the position of a victim, then he will have enough motivation and energy to improve his life. He will rely on himself, firmly knowing that his own happiness depends on him, and only on him.

Next significant aspect are the ability to choose and set goals. The choice of goals is a stage that helps to weed out other people's, imposed aspirations. Successful people listen to their inner voice pay attention to needs and separate their opinions from those of others. Also, successful people know a lot about proper goal setting and planning. There is a pattern in the world: if you don’t know what you want to achieve, then you won’t achieve it.

In addition, successful people are wise about their own mistakes: they allow themselves to be wrong, do not scold for failures, and look for lessons and new opportunities in every defeat. Self-criticism is unlikely to help avoid mistakes, but it can seriously weaken self-confidence. Therefore, successful people learn from every mistake they make and persevere on their chosen path. At the same time, they are flexible enough in plans to meet changing conditions.

What kind of people are successful

Traits are ingrained individual characteristics personality. When a habit of certain actions and attitudes is regularly repeated and reinforced, it becomes a character trait. Like habits, character traits can be changed. However, this will require a lot of time, effort and perseverance from a person. Compared to habits, personality traits are more difficult to change.

Successful people have distinguishing features personalities that make their lives happier. Personal qualities help to do the right thing and achieve goals. Successful people have the following traits:

The qualities of a successful person are presented in this video:

How to develop character

To achieve success in life, you need to form the appropriate character traits. Start building personality traits by making a list of traits you want to change. Next, analyze in detail why you need these personal qualities what is their function in your life. After all, all, even negative, personality traits are formed for a specific purpose and for some benefit. Such an analysis will help you better understand yourself and get rid of harmful traits.

Next, make positive statements about the desired qualities in the two options "I want to become (such and such)" and "I am." For example: “I want to become purposeful. I am a goal oriented person." Say these statements regularly so that the brain gets used to these thoughts and perceives them as a goal, and as an already existing reality.

Imagination often effectively helps to acquire new character traits. To do this, you need to find a character or a real person who has achieved the skills that you need. Imagine that you are that person and act as that person.

To develop new skills, you can imagine that these skills have already been formed, and start acting on this representation. It is recommended every day, morning and evening, to simulate situations in your brain where you have already achieved your goal and are showing the desired qualities. It is better to do this lying down, with your eyes closed. Thus, new neural connections are created in the brain. Then in a similar situation real life it will be easier for the brain to switch to new desired responses.

Body language speaks of the person's confidence in this video:

However, the most effective and at the same time the most hard work above the formation of new personality traits is a conscious change of habits. After all, the qualities of character are formed precisely from the habits of a person. You should gradually and persistently replace unproductive habits with new ones that lead to the formation of the qualities of successful people. On this path there will be breakdowns and mistakes, but with due perseverance, each person is able to change his character.

On the bookshelves there are a huge number of motivating benefits that give advice to beginners and developing businessmen. It is impossible to accurately answer the question “how to become a successful person in life”, since success is different for everyone and goals are different. This conviction is followed by the authors of scientific psychological works, organizers of large-scale research in this area.

By common efforts and experience, writers and businessmen have developed several instructions that lead to success in this or that business. They don't guarantee wealth, they lead to it.

You need to learn to enjoy the activity. Do not start your working day in long hours with the expectation of the completion of the shift. A person should want to work further, with greater productivity. To own business was at the same time a hobby. This explains why one person can try several activities in a year. He failed to love his job, to get used to it.

“The only true satisfaction comes from a job that a person considers outstanding. And the only way to become an outstanding work is love and passion, ”said the famous businessman Steve Jobs who founded Apple.

Even the current president of the United States, Donald Trump, has claimed that he enjoys what he does, and if you love your work, it will receive a full return.

The goal should be to attribute 80% of the work to pleasure and passion. The rest is routine, which is part of our life. With a different ratio, the business will not bring success, since it will not suit the person.

A lot of work

Work is considered a payment for the first steps on the ladder of success, and every successful person, regardless of the branch of his labors, is persistently engaged in his work. For example, Larry Pade, who founded the Google global system, claims to have been working around the clock to create a massive project. And the team did not live by inspiration alone. Specialists devoted all their free time to painstaking work.

Before becoming successful, every businessman worked up a sweat. But they were not workaholics, just hardworking. Since they do not perform mechanical actions, but receive joy.

A well-known investor, 86-year-old Warren Buffett, one of the richest businessmen on the planet, ten years ago it was possible to go out of business and carelessly live out his life, but love for his occupation does not allow. He claims to be heading to his center every day, as if he is going to paint the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel. If a person does not feel like this, then you need to think about whether this is his business.

Concentration on what matters

Many people are sprayed. They try to do everything in time different areas. And they succeed, but to a limited extent. A successful person concentrates on one industry. And they know everything in one area. For example, the famous cyclist Lance Armstrong practically does not know how to play football, but no one thinks about it, since he has no equal in cycling.

The concentration is carried out when choosing the main goals, with a reaction to the interfering factors that arise. Fantast Stephen King noted that if a person wants to write, then in personal account there should be no telephone, TV and other communications. Too bright a window is hung with its curtains or blinds are lowered.

This applies not only to writers, but also to office workers. It is necessary to remove unnecessary noise, objects that can distract.

Overcoming myself

The main rival on a successful path is the man himself. You need to overcome your prejudices by setting ambitious plans. And if you drive yourself into strict time limits, then the result will not take long to know.

James Cameron, who has directed many films, claims that the more difficult the case, the more interesting it is. The film epic "Titanic" for the director became a real test, which he was not afraid of, elevating the film to a cinematic level, bringing many Oscars.

Due to competition and emerging risks, performance increases.

Analyzing and listening to ideas

Or in real life, is quite a creative thing. And the creativity of the entrepreneur is greater than that of any other creator. The consumer does not like banality. Everyone expects fresh and extraordinary. Your thoughts do not come to mind, but you can analyze other people's plans and ideas. And then apply them to yourself.

Guru advertising business Richard St. John learns from other entrepreneurs all the time, so he often carries a notebook with pencils with him. Also, he does not forget about a small voice recorder so that a brilliant idea does not disappear.

Continuous self-improvement

Every day you need to strive for the best - is an axiom that every person striving for success should remember. Golf champion Tiger Woods advised to ask at the end of the year whether a person has become more successful than exactly a year ago and by how many points. If progress is visible, it means that the year has not passed in vain and you can praise yourself for your success. If you stick to this regime constantly, moving up one point every moment, then you can feel really successful.

Skills are honed to improve. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan for personal life, the main point of the plan is “Self-improvement”.

Benefits for people

If you analyze the list of billionaires, you can see that the majority of the state appeared due to the filing useful services population. Bill Gates was able to offer the necessary software, Sam Walton gave bonuses in his Wal-Mart stores.

Most become successful after offering a good budget product, for example, as did Ingvar Kamprad, who founded the international chain IKEA. His furniture decorates millions of homes.

To obtain big income, insufficient one love. You need to earn the love of people through goods so that they can pay for the services. And the level of income, the amount of funds paid by buyers depends on the level of love of potential customers.

Perseverance without looking back

Every successful person makes mistakes, which are considered the eternal companions of experience. Some survive longer. And for someone, the moment of resentment and awareness passes almost instantly.

Failure is often followed by disappointment. Therefore, only a person chooses: to derive useful experience from this or to slowly slide into the abyss. Mistakes and disappointments are a successful base that allows you to remember and move forward. A person will bury his offspring and dreams if he gives up. Therefore, all disappointments should be attributed to a life lesson.

business success

Always risky, this requires special training. Failures in the initial stages speak of many reasons: lack of patience, if there is no perseverance, there is no clear plan with confidence in further success. In addition to following beliefs and advice, there must be a desire and set plans, both short-term and long-term. Also, you need to understand the three rules of a successful businessman:

  1. Be prepared to receive a large number risks without which success will not come.
  2. Conduct self-assessment and review progress.
  3. 3 Work in society will be important. If a person learns to communicate with different categories of people, for the proper management of the team, establishing partnerships, and so on.

To become successful or not depends only on the person himself and his dedication to his work.