broken link checker wordpress plugin. Removing broken links

  • 11.11.2020

The Broken Link Checker plugin monitors your WordPress site for broken links, informs you if they are found and can be corrected by deleting or redirecting or redirecting.

By installing the Broken Link Checker plugin, you can not worry about your broken links, with its help, not a single such link will go unnoticed.

What are broken links? (lyrical digression)

Broken links

Non-existent links, when following which people and not only people, get to non-existent Internet pages. A 404 error will appear in the browser window. Since you are only taking the first steps in the Web direction, a lot of broken links will appear on your resource.

Why do broken links occur?

For example, if you have deleted any page of your site, then all links leading to this page from another section of the site, and indeed from the entire Internet, will be considered broken links. Of course, provided that you do not write this link manually before publishing new suitable content.

Broken links can also appear due to incorrect spelling of them manually. Also, when reconfiguring permalinks in the site control panel. By the way, this happened to me when I first set the wrong parameters for the CNC. And when I installed the Broken Link Checker Plugin, I was just shocked, almost all my links turned out to be broken!

After all, I often changed the content, redid something, and in the end I got so confused that I had to start all over again, almost from scratch. Because the search engines didn’t want to let my first training site even close to the issue. But the lesson was great! But it was a long time ago. Now I try to do everything right. So that you don't have to redo it later.

Of course, you can change the content, and sometimes you need to, you just need to be able to do it right and not create an extra headache for yourself. This is where one wonderful tool will come to our aid. That is the plugin. Broken Link Checker.

Configuring the Broken Link Checker Plugin

You can download the plugin for free from free of charge. the WordPress repository.

Plugin Features

  • Controls post links, pages, comments, and custom fields (optional).
  • Detects links that don't work, missing images with the option to redirect or delete.
  • Reports bugs found either through the dashboard or via email.
  • Links can be edited directly from the plugin page without manually updating each post.

The plugin settings set by default are quite acceptable, but still it is worth paying attention to some of them.

Important settings for the Broken Link Checker plugin

After installing the plugin, a new tab Settings / Check links will appear in the site's admin panel.

General tab

Here it is worth paying attention to a couple of points, the rest can be left by default.

  • E-mail notifications - Send me email notifications about recently found broken links.
  • Notification e-mail address - in the field you need to specify the e-mail address to which messages about link errors will be sent.

Look For Links In tab (where to look for broken links)

  • Look for links in - by default, the search for links in posts, pages, comments is set. I know from experience that a lot of links give out comments, so if the site has comments, this setting is best left enabled.
  • Post statuses - post status posted when the article is published. But you can check for broken links before publication, on approval and in draft status.

Which Links To Check (what types of links to check)

The plugin settings are set to:

  • HTML links - checking HTML links.
  • HTML images - links to images.
  • Embedded YouTube videos - if there are videos from YouTube, then leave this setting.

Here you can start rechecking for broken links with one click of a button

How to fix broken links found by the plugin?

It's no secret that over time, any site accumulates more and more broken ones, i.e. broken, links. The reason for this is simple - the incredible boring process of identifying them on the site. If, of course, to check manually. But, fortunately, there are a number of plugins that fully automate the search process. With one of these plugins − Broken Link Checker- We'll get to know each other today.

  1. Purpose and main functions of the plugin Broken Link Checker
  2. Downloading and installing the plugin
  3. Plugin getting started
  4. How to check broken links?
  5. Additional settings of the Broken Link Checker plugin

1. Purpose and main functions of the Broken Link Checker plugin

The Broken Link Checker plugin is designed to search, detect broken links on the site and notifying the webmaster about the presence of such. In fact, this plugin is like a simplified bot that scans the pages of your site, finds all the links there, tries to follow them and fix the response of a remote server (foreign site) or its own, but another page where the link leads.

The main functions of the plugin:

  • Monitoring the performance of links in articles (posts, posts), pages, comments, in the blogroll (list of links to other sites, located in the sidebar), as well as in custom fields (optional),
  • Finds broken links, missing images and wrong redirects,
  • Notifies the webmaster about broken links - in the blog admin panel or by email,
  • Prevents search engine bots from following broken links (optional),
  • Provides the webmaster with the ability to search and filter links by URL, link anchor, etc.
  • The ability to edit links directly from the plugin page, without the need to manually edit the post,
  • It has many flexible settings.

Below we will see how these functions of the Broken Link Checker plugin are implemented in practice, how they are configured.

2.Download and install the plugin.

I want to warn you right away that the Broken Link Checker plugin version 1.4, which is available in the repository, only works with WordPress 3.2 versions. and higher. In older versions of WordPress, it does not work, when you try to activate it, either an error message will appear, or your site will crash altogether.

On the plugin, it says that for WP versions older than 2.8, plugin version 0.8.1 is suitable, for WordPress versions 2.1 - 2.6.x, plugin version 0.4.14 is suitable. You can download the required versions. I wrote about the version of the Broken Link Checker plugin for WordPress, you can also download it there.

However, not everything is smooth here either: when I tried to install version 0.8.1 on my blog (on WP 2.9.2), it crashed and I had to remove the plugin using FTP.

Broken Link Checker plugin version 1.4 (for WordPress 3.x.x) I uploaded to my server. You can download it (for free, as always). [Plugin downloaded 342 times already].

The plugin is archived in zip format, so you can upload it to your site and activate it directly from the blog admin panel. Everything is done as usual, there are no special features.

3.Starting the plugin

If, after activating the plug-in, you, without starting the plug-in settings, go to smoke / drink tea, then, upon returning, you will find that it has already done its job. The following letter will come to your mail:

The message came from the plugin (let me remind you: you specified the postal address when creating the site on WordPress), that as a result of the check, 3 broken links were found on the site, which ones and where you can see everything in detail.

We go to the site, go to the admin panel and see that in the "Tinctures" section we have an additional line "Check links". We click on it, the page "Setting up link checking" opens:


It becomes clear to us that the plugin worked based on the default settings. In principle, you can leave them as they are, or you can make additional settings later, but the problem is that the links themselves are not here. Where are they? The list of broken links is on a separate page, to get to it, you need to go to the “Tools” section, click on the “Incorrect links” link that appears, there is also a number indicating the number of broken links:


Let's see what we have on this page:


4. How to check broken links?

Let's start dealing with them one by one - this, as you will see, is quite important. The first link leads to the site, specifically, to the subdomain where the plugins are located. And she leads not from some article, but this broken link is located in the "Links" section:


Now it becomes clear that these links are located in the blogroll and lead to other sites. Actually, we don't need them and I show them only because if you have such links, you can safely delete them. To do this, check the boxes (or check the checkbox "Name"), in the "Actions with selected" window (located just above / just below this list), select "Delete" and click the "Apply" button.

If you visit the Incorrect Links page again, you will see that the link has disappeared.


First of all, you can try to collapse the left menu of the admin panel, this is done using the "Collapse Menu" button located directly below the menu itself (the arrow in the lower left corner). Secondly, when you hover over the link, the full URL of the link is displayed (not visible in the screenshot).

In addition, when you hover over links, a list of commands appears below it: "Edit URL", "Remove Link" and "Not broken" (delete this message and mark the link as correct). But we will not rush: we need to make sure that the link is really broken, that the English-language plugin has not confused anything in the Russian text.

Since this link does not have an anchor (none in the Type / Text column), you will have to look for the link directly in the text. To do this, click on the "Edit" link located directly under the title of the article and appearing when you hover over it. A page for editing the article will open in another browser tab, and immediately on the html tab:


We are looking for the link we need (shown by an arrow) and we understand that the plugin simply could not understand the Cyrillic alphabet, namely, the word TIC. But I downloaded this picture in Google.Image, so the big search engines quite understand the Cyrillic alphabet, so the link can be left as it is. By the way, the same applies to the next, allegedly broken link.

To cancel the "brokenness" of the link, you need to click on the link "Not broken" under it (see Fig. 6) and this link will disappear from the list of broken links. If you still want to change, ie. edit this link, then click on "Edit URL", you will see a window where you can edit it.

The result of our little work: the Broken Link Checker plugin found three broken links, one of them was broken through no fault of ours, and the other two were false alarms. Of course, our training site is tiny and there are few links, on large sites there is a lot of painstaking work to analyze each broken link, but it's worth it.

Now you can go to the plugin settings

5. Additional settings of the Broken Link Checker plugin

Go to the page “Link checking settings” (see Fig. 2). As usual, we will consider the settings in tabs and from top to bottom.

The line "Check interval" - by default, it is 72 hours. I suggest leaving it as it is, but after checking the plugin, disable it, as I noticed a sharp slowdown in the blog. Experiments with connecting-disconnecting the plug-in on the blog showed that it was in it. And the slow work of the blog in the eyes of search engines is a big drawback of the site. (True, the next day there was no such slowdown in work, but the day before I connected and disconnected the plugin again and again and there was always a blog freeze. Therefore, out of harm's way ...).

The line "Notifications by e-mail" - in the first line (send to you), you can leave the checkbox by default. The second line suggests sending a notification to post authors that their articles have broken links. Better not to bet.

It’s better not to touch the next group of settings “Link settings”, it will require intervention in the CSS code, we leave everything by default.

The "Check links in" tab determines where exactly the links will be checked - in the blogroll, comments, posts, pages. Let's leave it by default. If you check the box that the check was carried out in arbitrary fields, then in the window that opens when you click on the Configure link, you must specify in each individual line in which fields to carry out.

The next group of settings in this "Post status" tab determines the status of the articles that need to be checked. By default - only in published ones, so leave it.

(Last update: 01/09/2020)

Good day, friends! How to find broken links on a website? If you are planning or have already started using long-term SEO as a content strategy, I highly recommend using the Broken Link Checker plugin. It constantly monitors your pages for broken internal and external links and sends you an email as soon as it finds them.

plugin Broken Link Checker is intended on a blog or website of broken, broken links and inform you about their presence. Plugin Broken Link Checker WordPress will look for broken links on the site in your articles, blog pages, comments, Blogroll. If errors are found, the plugin will notify you by email or display messages in the control panel.

Those that don't work can then be edited, deleted, and so on. Links can be edited directly from the plugin page without manually updating each post.

With the help of the plugin, I found mostly errors in the comments, someone incorrectly indicated the URL of their site or simply entered incorrect information. What to do with such links, of course, delete them.

A broken link is a link to a non-existent page with a 404 code, a document, an image. When following a broken link, the user, at best, sees a message stating that the page was not found. In the worst case, he sees the service page of the server.

Before we go directly to the plugin, I will first tell you that internal broken links can be seen in Yandex Webmaster. In the section Links - Internal links. There you can see broken internal linksif you have them of course.

  • An internal link is a link that is located on a page on your site and leads to another page on the same site;
  • Broken internal links can negatively affect the usability of the site if they interfere with the navigation of visitors through the pages of the site;
  • The link is considered broken if the request received an HTTP status other than 2XX or 3XX;
  • Broken links can be excluded from the index.

Today I looked into this section and gasped. Such a picture:

Imagine, for 450 days I did not notice such a jamb. Just awful. I'll finish my post and go fix it. Of course, not manually, but with the use of a special plugin. Much more comfortable for them. And now let's go directly to our doctor of broken links.

How to find and bulk remove broken links from the site

In search of broken links, you can use universal tools - programs such as Xenu Link Sleuth or numerous online services. It's long and inconvenient. The best way to find and fix broken/dead/broken links is with WordPress helpers - fast, easy and simple.

Broken Link Checker Plugin

Broken Link Checker WordPress Plugin

This tool will check your blog/website for broken links and let you know if there are any. The plugin will check your posts, comments and other content for broken links and missing images.

You can install the plugin in the standard way, that is, from the WordPress admin panel. Section Plugins - Add new. In the search field, enter Broken Link Checker and the desired module will immediately appear in the first place:

Next, install and activate the plugin. Immediately after installation, the module will start checking your site. Depending on the size of your site, this can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more. In the Options - Link Checker section - you can configure this plugin:

On the settings page, you can basically change nothing. Leave everything as default. The plugin has been translated into Russian, so you should not have any problems with the settings and working with it. You can find the list of invalid links later in Tools - Incorrect links.

Links can be edited directly from the plugin page

However, you should be aware that there are controversies surrounding this plugin. The opposition claims that this plugin is very heavy and uses a lot of processes. If you are worried that this plugin is affecting the performance of your WordPress site, you can enable it periodically instead of running the plugin all the time.

Please note that there is another solution for finding broken links on the site. This is using the online version of Broken Link Checker from time to time.

Search for broken links online is a free online tool to check your website for broken, broken links.

Online Broken Link Checker

Features of Online Broken Link Checker:

  • Checks your websites and blogs for broken links;
  • Can scan an unlimited number of web pages;
  • Checks both internal and external URLs;
  • Shows the location of problematic links in your HTML;
  • Reports error codes (404, etc.) for all bad URLs

The service will check your entire site - crawl all pages looking for problems and find invalid links on a web page on your site , telling exactly where to fix them! For each bad hyperlink found (both internal and outgoing), you will see a screen that contains the source text of the page and highlights the actual HTML tag , containing a broken URL so you can fix it right away.

And further. Since I am updating this post, I will add new information. There are other modules that look for broken links on a WordPress site. You can look for an alternative to Broken Link Checker. You just need to enter the label broken link or simply broken in the search for plugins and suitable tools will open in front of you.

Pay attention to this plugins that looks for broken WordPress links:

Link Checker - Checking links

WordPress Link Checker - Link Checker for WP uses an external service to crawl your site and look for broken links, images on your . A huge plus is that it looks for both external and internal broken links. The basic version of Link Checker is free and checks up to 500 URLs.

That, my friends, is probably all for today. Good luck to everyone and see you again. Bye Bye.

(function(w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "RA -292864-4", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-292864-4", async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script"); s .type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this , this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

This plugin will check your blog for broken links and let you know if there are any.


  • Monitors links in your posts, pages, comments, the blogroll, and custom fields (optional).
  • Detects links that don't work, missing images and redirects.
  • Notifies you either via the Dashboard or by email.
  • Makes broken links display differently in posts (optional).
  • Prevents search engines from following broken links (optional).
  • You can search and filter links by URL, anchor text and so on.
  • Links can be edited directly from the plugin's page, without manually updating each post.
  • Highly configurable.

Main use

Once installed, the plugin will begin parsing your posts, bookmarks (AKA blogroll) and other content and looking for links. Depending on the size of your site this can take from a few minutes up to an hour or more. When parsing is complete, the plugin will start checking each link to see if it works. Again, how long this takes depends on how big your site is and how many links there are. You can monitor the progress and tweak various link checking options in Settings -> Link Checker.

The broken links, if any are found, will show up in a new tab of the WP admin panel — Tools -> Broken Links. A notification will also appear in the "Broken Link Checker" widget on the Dashboard. To save display space, you can keep the widget closed and configure it to expand automatically when problematic links are detected. E-mail notifications need to be enabled separately (in Settings -> Link Checker).

The "Broken Links" tab will by default display a list of broken links that have been detected so far. However, you can use the links on that page to view redirects or see a listing of all links - working or not - instead. You can also create new link filters by performing a search and clicking the "Create Custom Filter" button. For example, this can be used to create a filter that only shows comment links.

There are several actions associated with each link. They show up when you move your mouse over to one of the links listed the aforementioned tab —

  • "Edit URL" lets you change the URL of that link. If the link is present in more than one place (e.g. both in a post and in the blogroll), all occurrences of that URL will be changed.
  • "Unlink" removes the link but leaves the link text intact.
  • "Not broken" lets you manually mark a "broken" link as working. This is useful if you know it was incorrectly detected as broken due to a network glitch or a bug. The marked link will still be checked periodically, but the plugin won't consider it broken unless it gets a new result.
  • "Dismiss" hides the link from the "Broken Links" and "Redirects" views. It will still be checked as normal and get the normal link styles (e.g. a strike-through effect for broken links), but won’t be reported again unless its status changes. Useful if you want to acknowledge a link as broken/redirected and just leave as it is.

You can also click on the contents of the "Status" or "Link Text" columns to get more info about the status of each link.

Other Credits

This plugin uses some icons from Font Awesome icon font . Font Awesome is licensed by SIL OFL 1.1.

Make a deposit

Members and Developers

"Broken Link Checker" is an open source project. The following contributors contributed to the development of the plugin:




  • Fixed create_function deprecated notices.
  • Fixed missing license information.
  • Fixed table prefix on delete post action (Thanks to Guillaume Boudreau)
  • Merges cron schedules into 1 hook (Thanks to Der Mundschenk & Compagnie)
  • Add escaping to search params.
  • Tested up to WordPress 5.3
  • Updated log files


  • Fixed Reflected XSS (Thanks to Tobias Fink for the report)
  • Fixed param escaping to avoid possible XSS attack.


  • Various fixes.


  • Fixed a PHP 7.2 compatibility issue


  • Fixed link check not saving


  • Fixed compatibility issue with PHP 5.2


  • Fixed a few more compatibility issues with PHP 7.x/5.6


  • Plugin info updated


  • Fixed a compatibility issue


  • Major performance improvements. Database queries reduced up to 10x in some cases.
  • Feel free to contribute to the plugin on GitHub . Pull requests welcome!


  • Fixed the issue with HTTPS (Thanks to gmcinnes)
  • Broken Link Checker is now on GitHub . Pull requests welcome.


  • New plugin image that was long overdue.


  • Fixed a security vulnerability where part of the log data is visible in the "Details" view was not properly sanitized.
  • Updated French translation.
  • Removed an advertising banner.


  • Added a Swedish translation.
  • Fixed an encoding-related bug that caused some translated text on the "Broken Links" page to show up as gibberish.
  • Fixed a potential security vulnerability where the "Final URL" field was not sanitized.
  • Fixed link text being truncated to 250 characters.
  • Fixed the "Edit URL" function updating the link text even when the user left that field unchanged.
  • Tested up to 4.2.1.


  • Tested up to WordPress 4.2.


  • Fixed a serious CSRF/XSS vulnerability.
  • Switched to YouTube API v3. The old API version will be shut down on April 20, so the plugin needs to be updated to continue checking links to YouTube videos.
  • Fixed long URLs overflowing into adjacent table columns.
  • Fixed a few minor PHP strict-mode notices.
  • Added database character set to the "Show debug info" table.


  • Security: Fixed an XSS vulnerability that could be used by Editors and Administrators to inject arbitrary HTML/JS code in the "Tools -> Broken Links" page.
  • Other minor security fixes.
  • Tested on WordPress 4.2 beta.


  • Tested on WordPress 4.1.
  • Fixed a "Use of undefined constant ENT_HTML401" notice showing up on sites running PHP 5.3 or older.
  • Fixed a double-escaping bug that could cause some link URLs to be displayed incorrectly.
  • Updated French translation.
  • Updated Dutch translation.


  • Security: Filter link URLs before displaying them on the "Broken Links" page.
  • Security: Prevent Editors and Administrators who don't have the "unfiltered_html" capability from creating "javascript:" URLs by editing existing links.


  • Fixed an XSS vulnerability on the link checker settings page.
  • Fixed old YouTube embed code parsing — now it should pick up self-closing embed tags without an wrapper.
  • Updated German translation.
  • Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
  • Link actions will now wrap properly on small screens.
  • 1.10.1

    • Fixed a database versioning issue that would cause multiple errors when upgrading from 1.9.5 to 1.10.


    • Added a way to hide individual link actions like "Dismiss" and "Unlink".
    • Added a "Fix redirect" link action. It replaces a redirect with a direct link. It is hidden by default and can be enabled through the settings page.
    • Added a "Recheck" link action. Unlike the bulk action by the same name, it checks a link immediately and displays the results without having to refresh the page.
    • Added a "Dismiss" bulk action.
    • Added a note below the "link tweaks" settings explaining that they only apply to the contents of posts (and pages, and CPTs), not comments or custom fields.
    • Made the "Redirect URL" column sortable.
    • Added a "Details" link to the "Status" column.
    • Added a "Warnings" section to Tools -> Broken Links. It shows problems that might be temporary or false positives. Warnings can be disabled through the settings page.
    • Fixed a conflict with plugins that use PHP sessions.
    • Fixed the "post statuses" option. Now disabling a post status (e.g. "Draft") should take effect immediately.
    • Fixed the Mediafire link checker.
    • Fixed the text in the "Status" column being slightly offset vertically when compared to other columns.
    • Fixed search box position in WP 4.1-alpha.
    • Added a few workarounds for situations where a custom post type is removed without first removing the posts.
    • Removed the screen icon. WordPress has deprecated it.
    • Other minor fixes.


    • Fixed missing YouTube videos not being detected when the video URL starts with https instead of http.
    • Enabled the YouTube video checker by default on new installations.
    • Made the "dismiss link" option more permanent. Instead of restoring a dismissed link if the redirect URL changes even a little bit, the plugin will now ignore query string changes. This should fix many of the reports about dismissed links reappearing for no apparent reason.
    • Updated Portuguese, German and Dutch translations.
    • Other minor fixes.

    • Updated Dutch translation again.
    • Removed Bulgarian translation because it was poor quality and published.

    • Updated Dutch translation.
    • Updated POT file.


    • Tested on WP 4.0 beta.
    • Added a Serbo-Croatian translation.
    • Added a Slovakian translation.
    • Replaced the old Japanese translation with a new and more up-to-date version from a different translator.
    • Updated Dutch, German, Polish, Hebrew and other translations.
    • Fixed a notice about undefined index "status_text".
    • Fixed a "doing it wrong" warning related to screen options.
    • Fixed spurious false positives on links copied from Word or similar editors.
    • Fixed view switcher appearance in WP 4.0.
    • Replaced the deprecated like_esc() function with $wpdb->esc_like() where available.
    • Fixed plaintext URLs not being detected if they're the very first thing in a post.
    • Fixed a bug that caused quotes and other special characters in the broken link CSS and removed link CSS fields to be auto-escaped with a slash, potentially breaking the CSS.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the "check custom fields" feature work inconsistently or not at all on custom post types.
    • Fixed duplicate custom field links showing up when the user creates a revision with different field values.
    • Fixed a specific type of false positive where some links would get flagged as "Unknown Error" and the log message would be "Empty reply from server".
    • Fixed a bug where only the first enabled post type would be resynchronized during plugin activation.
    • Added more logging.
    • Removed Megavideo and MegaUpload modules. These sites no longer exist.


    • Tested on WP 3.8.1 and WP 3.9-beta2.
    • Added an option to sort links by link text. May produce unexpected results for links that have multiple copies with different anchor text.
    • Added a Vietnamese translation.
    • Added file-based logging for debugging purposes. Logging can be enabled in the "Advanced" section of the plugin settings page.
    • Added a "Auto-Submitted: auto-generated" header to notification emails sent by the plugin. This should prevent "out-of-office" auto-responders and similar software from responding to these emails.
    • Added domain-based rate limiting to the HTTP checker module.
    • Throttled background parsing by about 40% to reduce overall resource usage.
    • Fixed (probably) a long-standing bug related to encoding international characters in link URLs.
    • Fixed a type in the Polish translation.
    • Made the error message that's displayed when trying to network-activate the plugin more useful.


    • Fixed several UI/layout issues related to the new WP 3.8 admin style.
    • Fixed HTML entity codes showing up in confirmation messages in when running a localized version of WP (only affects some languages).
    • Fixed the "dismiss this notice" link URL not being HTML-escaped.
    • Fixed a couple of cross-site scripting vulnerabilities related to the sort direction query argument not being properly validated and the bulk action form not escaping the current URL.
    • Updated Hebrew translation.
    • Updated French translation.
    • When you dismiss a link, the dismissed link counter is now updated right away instead of on page reload.


    • Updated Dutch, German, Chinese and Portuguese translations.
    • Fixed suggestions not working on sites that force HTTPS in the WordPress admin.
    • Tested on WordPress 3.7.


    • Added the ability to edit link text from inside the plugin. This features is only available for certain types of links.
    • Added a "suggestions" feature. When you go to edit a broken link, the plugin will now suggest replacing it with an archived page from the Wayback Machine (if available). You can disable suggestions in Settings -> Link Checker -> General.
    • Added a Hebrew translation.
    • Added support for HTML code in custom fields. To make the plugin treat a field as HTML, prefix its name with "html:" in BLC settings. For example, if you have a custom field named "foo" that contains HTML, enter it as "html:foo".
    • Fixed: The "Status" column is now properly updated when editing a link.
    • Fixed: Visual feedback when a link is successfully edited. Basically, it briefly changes the row background to green.
    • Fixed: Email notifications will only include the "see all broken links here" link if the recipient can actually access that link.
    • Fixed some UI labels not being localizable.
    • The "Undismiss" action is now displayed in all views instead of only the "Dismissed" view. This way you can tell if a broken link has been dismissed without having to search the "Dismissed" list.
    • Added information about the last email notification sent to debug info. It's accessible by clicking "show debug info" on the plugin settings page.


    • Added a Hungarian translation.
    • Fixed a bunch of "deprecated function" notices that showed up due to wpdb::escape() becoming deprecated in WP 3.6.
    • Fixed a vulnerability that would allow users with the ability to bulk-edit links to execute arbitrary PHP code by using a specially crafted regex as the search string.
    • Updated German translation.
    • Replaced the old Dutch translation with a new and more complete translation by Robin Roelofsen.


    • Removed one of the translator credits links because Google flagged it as "suspicious".
    • Updated French translation.
    • Updated Polish translation.
    • Fixed several field size and layout issues that made the search form display incorrectly in Firefox.


    • Updated the Polish and Simplified Chinese translations.
    • Updated the German translation.
    • Added translation strings for two modules that were missing them.
    • Replaced a number of icons with GPL-compatible alternatives from Font Awesome.
    • Removed some unused images.


    • Added an option to only show the dashboard widget for users with the Administrator role, or to disable it completely.
    • Added a way to change the notification email address.
    • Added support for Smart YouTube "httpv://" links.
    • Added support for protocol-relative URLs (for example, "//").
    • Added support for checking YouTube playlists.
    • Added a Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) translation.
    • Updated Chinese (Traditional) translation.
    • Switched over to storing plugin settings as JSON instead of serialized PHP arrays.
    • Improved error reporting in situations where the plugin can not load settings from the database.
    • Fixed: Display a more specific error message than just "update failed" when the plugin fails to modify a post. This only applies to WP 3.5+.
    • Fixed: Display the right URL for embedded YouTube playlists. Previously the plugin would show the same (incorrect) URL for all playlists.



    • Added support for shortlinks.
    • Added a Finnish translation.
    • Fixed a graphical bug where the currently selected settings tab would not be highlighted in WordPress 3.5.
    • Removed the "Blogroll items" module from the list of link containers enabled by default. The WordPress developer team is planning to remove Link Manager from core, and the "Links" menu will be hidden by default in new WP 3.5 installs.
    • Removed the Admin Menu Editor Pro ad from the "Settings -> Link Checker" and the "Tools -> Broken Links" pages.
    • Disabled the news link (if any) for users who have donated.
    • Removed support for pre-WP 2.9 post meta actions.
    • Minor styling changes of screen meta links.
    • Updated Danish, Germa, Italian, French and Simplified Chinese translations.
    • Tested on WordPress 3.5.


    • Another attempt to fix the "database not up to date" that some users are still experiencing even with 1.6.1.


    • Fixed the "database not up to date" bug. Now the plugin should properly upgrade the DB.


    • Added a way to dismiss links. Dismissed links don't show up in the "Broken" and "Redirects" lists, but are still checked as normal and get the normal link styles (e.g. strike-through for broken links). Useful if you want to, for example, acknowledge that a link is broken and leave it be.
    • Added a "Redirect URL" column. For redirects this will display the URL that the link redirects to. For normal, non-redirected links, it will be empty. This column is hidden by default. You can enable it in the "Screen Options" panel.
    • Updated French translation.
    • Tested on WP 3.4.1.
    • Replace the "More plugins..." link on the "Broken Links" page with a link to the Admin Menu Editor page. This link will be hidden for users who have donated.
    • A number of minor fixes.


    • Fix broken image on the settings page.


    • Fixed a bug that would cause the donation flag to be recorded incorrectly. Apologies to everyone who donated.


    • A few minor comment fixes.
    • Move certain styles to a separate CSS file, which is where they belong.
    • Replace the ThemeFuse banner with one from ManageWP (will go live on June 5).
    • Instead of displaying several plugins in the "More plugins by Janis Elsts" box, sometimes display just one plugin (AME).


    • Updated German translation.
    • Fixed the donation link to properly return to the Dashboard upon completion.
    • Do not display ads to users who have donated.


    • Added a FileServe checker.
    • Added Turkish translation.
    • Added GoogleVideo and Megavideo embed support.
    • Fixed Megaupload links being reported with an "Unknown error" message when it should be "Not found".
    • Fixed a couple of bugs in the Rapidshare and MediaFire checkers.
    • Updated German translation.
    • Updated Italian translation.
    • Updated Portuguese translation.
    • The explanatory text for the broken link CSS and removed link CSS inputs can now be translated.
    • Tested on WP 3.4-alpha-20291.


    • Added an option to send post authors notifications about broken links in their posts.
    • Added the ability to sort links by URL (click the column header).
    • Added YouTube API throttling to avoid going over the request quota, which could result in false positives on blogs with lots of YouTube videos.
    • Added a Bulgarian translation.
    • Updated Italian, German and Persian translations.
    • Fixed a bug where the "Feedback" and other screen meta links wouldn't show up in WP 3.3.
    • Fixed the tab CSS for the plugin settings page. Now they should be the right size and look the same in all modern browsers (tested in IE, Firefox, Chrome and Opera).
    • Fixed drop-down arrows showing up on meta links that don't actually have dropdowns.
    • Tested on WP 3.3 (RC2).


    • Added support for the new YouTube embed code style. It needs to be explicitly enabled in options.
    • Added credits link for the Persian language translator.
    • Updated Portuguese translation.
    • Updated German translation.
    • Partial fix for Mediafire checker failing with a fatal error in some situations.


    • Dropped PHP 4 support.
    • Fixed a whole lot of PHP 5 related notices and strict-mode warnings.
    • Fixed some inconsistent method declarations.
    • Fixed a long-standing bug in the ver. 0.9.5 upgrade routine.
    • Fixed the look and behavior of the "Feedback" and "Go to Broken Links/Go to Settings" links to be consistent with other WP screen meta links.
    • Updated Chinese (TW) translation.
    • Updated Portuguese translation.
    • Updated Italian translation (minor fix).
    • Replaced the link to FindBroken with a short list of (some of) my other plugins.


    • Added Irish translation.
    • Added Persian translation.
    • Added Korean translation.
    • Added Chinese Traditional translation.
    • Updated German translation.
    • Fixed (probably) missing diacritics in the Romanian translation.
    • Fixed a crash bug caused by class-json.php no longer being present in the latest WP. Luckily, the plugin only really needed that class for backwards compatibility.
    • Made the "database not up to date" error message a bit more helpful.
    • Shortcodes in image URLs should work now.
    • The Dashboard widget is no longer visible to non-privileged users.
    • Replaced multiple instances of get_option('home') and get_option('siteurl') - both now deprecated - with home_url().


    • Fixed a very stupid bug where links would be checked very slowly or not at all.
    • Fixed the display of the news link.
    • Updated Italian translation.


    • Updated Portuguese translation.
    • Updated German translation.
    • Switched to a simpler, MySQL-based locking mechanism. Note: This may cause trouble for people who've hacked their WP install to use persistent database connections.
    • Added a poll asking for feedback on a new BLC-related web application idea.
    • Minor wording change in the debug info table.


    • All Pro features now included in the free version!
    • Updated Japanese translation.
    • Updated Polish translation.
    • Updated Portuguese translation.
    • Added Romanian translation.
    • Fixed a tab layout bug in IE 7.
    • Fixed UTF-8 characters outside the domain name being encoded incorrectly (may only work with Curl).
    • Fixed a missing translation in email notifications.
    • Fixed a rare "only variables can be returned by reference" notice.
    • Added a donation button and a MaxCDN ad to the Settings page.
    • Added a "Go to Settings" button to the Broken Links page, and a "Go to Broken Links" button to the Settings page.
    • Settings page now looks better on small screens.
    • Email notifications are now enabled by default.
    • "Link status" in the search form no longer defaults to the currently displayed filter/view.
    • Made the "installation failed" message a bit more helpful.

    • Added Polish translation.
    • Updated Danish translation.
    • Updated Italian translation.
    • Fixed an uncommon "Cannot break/continue 1 level" error.
    • Added a new user feedback survey (the link only shows up after you've used this version for at least two weeks).

    • Updated German translation and fixed the corresponding credits link.


    • Allow custom field names with spaces.
    • Updated German translation.
    • Updated Portuguese translation
    • Made the "Current load" label localizeable.
    • Fixed a translation-related bug where the various checkboxes in the "Link types" and "Look for links in" sections would appear in English even when a valid translation was available.
    • Fixed non-ASCII URLs being mangled when links are automatically marked with the "broken_link" CSS class.
    • Fixed blog names that include quotes being displayed incorrectly in email notifications.
    • When removing a link via the "Unlink" action, add the old URL as the title attribute of the now-unlinked anchor text.
    • When resolving relative URLs posted in comments, use the comment's permalink as the base (previously the blog's homepage URL was used).


    • Updated Danish translation.
    • Updated Italian translation.
    • Updated Portuguese translation
    • Fixed incorrect parsing of relative URLs that consist solely of a query string or #fragment.
    • Fixed superfluous resynchronization requests being issued when the plugin is re-activated.
    • Fixed only one of character set and collation being specified for the plugin's tables.
    • Added default status text for HTTP codes 509 and 510.
    • Added the installation log to debug info output.
    • Added lots of logging to routines called on activation.
    • Added an "Upgrade to Pro" button to the plugin's pages.
    • Removed the highlight on the "Feedback" button.
    • Fail fast if trying to activate on an unsupported version of WordPress.
    • Ensure PHP and browser timeouts don't prematurely terminate the installation/upgrade script.
    • Plugin JavaScript and CSS files are now loaded using HTTPS when FORCE_ADMIN_SSL is on.


    • Added the ability to check scheduled, draft and private posts.
    • Added a way to individually enable/disable the monitoring of posts, pages, comments, the blogroll, and so on.
    • New "Status" column in the "Broken Links" table.
    • Visible table columns and the number of links per page can now be selected in the "Screen Options" panel.
    • Replaced the "Delete sources" action with "Move sources to Trash" (except on blogs where Trash is disabled).
    • New URL editor interface, now more consistent with the look-n-feel of the inline editor for posts.
    • New status icon to help distinguish "maybe broken" and "definitely broken" links.
    • Tweaked table layout - links first, posts/etc last.
    • Added "Compact" and "Detailed" table views (for now, the differences are quite minor).
    • Split the settings page into several tabs.
    • Removed the "Details" links as redundant. To display link details, click the contents of the "Status" or "Link text" columns instead.
    • Added a way to individually enable/disable the monitoring of various link types, e.g. HTML links, images, etc.

    • Fixed "Edit URL" and "Unlink" not working on PHP4 servers.

    • Another PHP 4 fix. Considering dropping support for PHP4 in light of the counterintuitive workarounds required to make perfectly valid PHP5 code work in that ghastly thing.
    • Added a partial workaround for sites that have use strange DB_CHARSET settings.

    • Added more debugging data to the "Show debug info" table.
    • Added missing indexes to the instance table.
    • Yet more PHP4 compatibility fixes.
    • Added a notification bubble with the current number of broken links to the Tools -> Broken Links menu item.

    • Fixed PHP 4 incompatibilities introduced in the previous release.
    • Fixed bulk unlink.
    • Updated Italian translation.
    • Updated Danish translation.


    • Fixed missing post and comment edit links in email notifications.
    • Updated Danish translation.
    • Added Japanese translation.
    • Added a Hindi translation.
    • Added a Portuguese translation.
    • Slightly improved DB error reporting.
    • Added the ability to disable comment link checking.
    • Fixed a couple of minor bugs that made some of the UI text impossible to translate.
    • The plugin's tables are now created with the same character set and collation settings as native WP tables (previously they used the database defaults instead).
    • Automatically clean up and optimize the plugin's tables twice per month.
    • Instead of displaying a zero response time for timed out links, now it shows how long the plugin waited before assuming that the link has timed out.
    • Added the default PHP script execution time limit to the "Debug info" table.
    • Added a "Mark as not broken" bulk action.
    • Links that make the plugin crash are no longer assumed to be broken.


    • Fixed a JS error that only happened in IE by removing a superfluous comma from an object literal.
    • Fixed load limiting not being completely disabled on servers that don't support it.
    • Fixed a mishandling of new comments that would occur when CAPTCHA verification was enabled and someone entered an incorrect code.
    • Added installation/update logging.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur when the user tried to permanently delete a trashed post that has comments.


    • In Tools -> Broken Links, highlight links that have been broken for a long time (off by default).
    • Fixed an invalid parameter bug in the HTTP link checking routine.
    • Added nofollow to broken links (optional, only works for links in posts).
    • Fixed some PHP notices and a bunch of deprecated function calls.
    • Fixed "Trash" links for comments.


    • Fixed the "syntax error: unexpected $end" problem caused by a unintentional PHP shorttag.
    • Eliminated a bunch of false positives by adding a workaround for buggy servers that incorrectly respond with 404 to HEAD requests.
    • Increased the default server load limit to 4.0 to prevent the plugin from idling endlessly on weakling servers.


    • Masquerade as IE 7 when using the Snoopy library to check links. Should prevent some false positives.
    • Fixed relative URL handling (yet again). It'll work this time, honest 😉
    • Fixed post titles being displayed incorrectly on multilingual blogs (props Konstanin Zhilenko)
    • Misc fixes/comments.
    • "Unlink" works properly now.
    • Additional source code comments.
    • Don't try to display icons in email notifications. It didn't work anyway.
    • Use AJAX nonces for additional security.
    • General code cleanup.
    • Email notifications about broken links.
    • "Recheck" bulk action.
    • Check comment links.
    • Suspend checking if the server is overloaded (on by default).
    • Icons for broken links and redirects.
    • Fixed some UI glitches.
    • "Discard" gone, replaced by "Not broken".
    • "Exclude" gone from action links.
    • Better handling of false positives.
    • FTP, mailto:, javascript: and other links with unsupported protocols now show up in the �All links� list.


    • Updated Italian translation.
    • Removed the survey link.


    • Initial support for performing some action on multiple links at once.
    • Added a "Delete sources" bulk action that lets you delete all posts (or blogroll entries) that contain any of the selected links. Doing this in WP 2.9 and up this will instead move the posts to the trash, not delete them permanently.
    • New bulk action: Unlink. Removes all selected links from all posts.
    • New bulk action: Fix redirects. Analyzes the selected links and replaces any redirects with direct links.
    • Added a notice asking the user to take the feedback survey.
    • Update the .POT file with new i18n strings.


    • Fixed a minor bug where the plugin would display an incorrect number of links in the "Displaying x-y of z" label when the user moves to a different page of the results.
    • Added Ukrainian translation.


    • Reverted to the old access-checking algorithm + some error suppression.


    • Only use the custom access rights detection routine if open_basedir is set.


    • Updated Russian translation.
    • Yet another modification of the algorithm that tries to detect a usable directory for the lockfile.


    • Added a Search function and the ability to save searches as custom filters
    • Added a Spanish translation
    • Added a Belorussian translation
    • Added an option to add a removed_link CSS class to unlinked links
    • Slight layout changes
    • Added localized date display (where applicable)
    • The background worker thread that is started up via AJAX will now close the connection almost immediately after it starts running. This will reduce resource usage slightly. May also solve the rare and mysterious slowdown some users have experienced when activating the plugin.
    • Updated Italian translation
    • Fixed an unlocalized string on the "Broken Links" page


    • Added Russian translation.


    • Added French translation.
    • Updated Italian translation.


    • Added a German translation.


    • Added an Italian translation.
    • Added a Danish translation.
    • Added a Chinese (Simplified) translation.
    • Added a Dutch translation.


    • Some translation related fixes.


    • Initial localization support.


    • Added a workaround for auto-enclosures. The plugin should now parse the "enclosure" custom field correctly.
    • Let people use Enter and Esc as shortcuts for "Save URL" and "Cancel" (respectively) when editing a link.


    • Added a redirect detection workaround for users that have safe_mode or open_basedir enabled.

    • Be more careful when parsing safe_mode and open_basedir settings.


    • Also try the upload directory when looking for places where to put the lockfile.


    • Editing links with relative URLs via the plugin's interface should now work properly. Previously the plugin would just fail silently and behave as if the link was edited, even if it wasn't.


    • Made the timeout value used when checking links user-configurable.
    • The plugin will now report an error instead of failing silently when it can't create the necessary database tables.
    • Added a table listing assorted debug info to the settings page. Click the small "Show debug info" link to display it.
    • Cleaned up some redundant/useless code.


    • Fixed the bug where the plugin would ignore FORCE_ADMIN_SSL setting and always use plain HTTP for it's forms and AJAX.


    • Let the user set a custom temporary directory, if the default one is not accessible for some reason.


    • Use absolute paths when loading includes. Apparently using the relative path could cause issues in some server configurations.

    • Fix a stupid type


    • Separated the user-side functions from the admin-side code so that the plugin only loads what's required.
    • Changed some internal flags yet again.
    • Changed the algorithm for finding the server's temp directory.
    • Fixed the URL extraction regexp again; turns out backreferences inside character classes don't work.
    • Process shortcodes in URLs.
    • If the plugin can't find a usable directory for temporary files, try wp-content.
    • Don't remove

    pre> tags before parsing the post. Turns out they can actually contain valid links (oops).


    • Added an autogenerated changelog.
    • Added a workaround to make this plugin compatible with the SimplePress forum.
    • fixed

    pre> block parsing, again.
    * Fixed a bug where URLs that only differ in character case would be treated as equivalent.
    * Improved the database upgrade routine.

    • Added partial proxy support when CURL is available. Proxies will be fully supported in a later version.


    • Fixed links that are currently in the process of being checked showing up in the "Broken links" table.
    • The post parser no longer looks for links inside


    • Slightly changed the dashboard widget's layout/look as per a user's request.


    • Improved relative URL parsing. The plugin now uses the permalink as the base URL when processing posts.


    • Minor fixes
    • URLs with spaces (and some other special characters) are now handled better and won't get marked as "broken" all the time.
    • Links that contain quote characters are parsed properly.


    • Fixed the uninstaller not deleting DB tables.
    • Other uninstall logic fixes.


    • Improved timeout detection/handling when using Snoopy.
    • Set the max download size to 5 KB when using Snoopy.
    • Fixed a rare bug where the settings page would redirect to the login screen when saving settings.
    • Removed some stale, unused code (some still remains).


    • Fixed a SQL query that had the table prefix hard-coded as "wp_". This would previously make the plugin detect zero links on sites that have a different table prefix.


    • Fix a bug when the plugin creates a DB table with the wrong prefix.


    • This is a near-complete rewrite with a lot of new features.
    • See � for details.


    • Fix false positives when the URL contains an #anchor


    • (Hopefully) fix join() failure when Snoopy doesn't return any HTTP headers.



    • Set the Referer header to blog's home address when checking a link. This should help deal with some bot traps.
    • I know, I know - there haven't been any major updates for a while. But there will eventually be 🙂
    • Fix SQL error when a post is deleted.


    • Changed required access caps for "Manage -> Broken Links" from manage_options to edit_ohers_posts. This will allow editor users to access that page and it's functions.


    • Link sorting, somewhat experimental.
    • JavaScript sorting feature for the broken link list.


    • CURL isn't required anymore. Snoopy is used when CURL isn't available.
    • Post title in broken link list is now a link to the post (permalink). consequently, removed "View" button.
    • Added a "Details" link. Clicking it will show/hide more info about the reported link.
    • "Unlink" and "Edit" now work for images, too. "Unlink" simply removes the image.
    • Database modifications to enable the changes described above.
    • Moved the URL checking function from wsblc_ajax.php to broken-link-checker.php; made it more flexible.
    • New and improved (TM) regexps for finding links and images.
    • A "Settings" link added to the plugin's action links.
    • And probably other stuff I forgot!
    • grr 😛


    • Minor enhancements:
    • Autoselect link URL after the user clicks "Edit".
    • Make sure only HTTP and HTTPS links are checked.
    • More substantive improvements will hopefully follow next week.


    • Minor compatibility enhancement in wsblc_ajax.php - don't load wpdb if it's already loaded.


    • Bugfixes. Nothing more, nothing less.
    • Revisions don't get added to the work queue anymore.
    • Workaround for rare cURL timeout bug.
    • Improved WP 2.6 compatibility.
    • Correctly handle URLs containing a single quote ‘.


    • Consider a HTTP 401 response OK. Such links won't be marked as broken anymore.


    • Fix: Don't check links in revisions, only posts/pages.


    • There are no release notes for this version


    • Split version translated from the previous code. was causing weird problems.


    • There are no release notes for this version


    • Added localization support (may be buggy).


    • Fix: Use get_permalink to get the "View" link. Old behavior was to use the GUID.


    • Edit broken links @ Manage -> Broken Links (experimental)


    • Change: A bit more verbose DB error reporting for the "unlink" feature.


    • Switch from wp_print_scripts() to wp_enqueue_script()
    • wp_enqueue_script()


    • New: "Delete Post" option.
    • New: Increase the compatibility number.
    • Change: Default options are now handled in the class constructor.


    • Ignore mailto: links
    • Ignore links inside blocks


    • There are no release notes for this version


    • Fix Unlink button not working, some other random fixes


    • There are no release notes for this version


    • There are no release notes for this version


    • Applied a small patch @ 347
    • Fix some missions
    • Lots of new features in version 0.3


    • Bigfix - use GET when HEAD fails


    • MySQL 4.0 compatibility + recheck_all_posts function

    • There are no release notes for this version

    Good day, dear ones. Today I took care of finding broken links on my site. Surely many have already encountered this problem. Sooner or later, even the most seemingly reliable and trusted links are often abandoned. What can we say, for example, about lovers of using other people's pictures, or rather links to pictures on their site. Broken links in this case, appear just like mushrooms after rain.

    Of course, such links do not add credibility to your site in the eyes of search engines. Over time, such links can accumulate a lot. I remember the first time I was just in shock looking at a list of several pages.

    A popular plugin has long been an indispensable assistant for WordPress site owners here:

    The plugin does not require any special default settings. Installed, activated, waited a bit, when the plugin finds (or not put on) all your "dead" links, and if there are any, we proceed to remove them. Most users are accustomed to using Broken Link Checker not constantly but periodically, which is quite understandable. Why keep it on all the time? Even if you have several new incorrect links per month, nothing bad will happen. It is enough to occasionally activate the plugin, go to the section Tools - Wrong Links, remove links and put them into hibernation again.

    However, if you still leave the plugin activated, it will carefully inform you by mail about new problematic links as soon as they appear. Of course, it is better to clean the links themselves one at a time, carefully checking, and not delete everything en masse. At the same time, the plugin will mark in red “hopeless” links (404 Not Found) and in yellow just suspicious ones (403 Forbidden), to which it could not “reach out”. By the way, Broken Link Checker does not favor files (for example, pictures) with Cyrillic in the name.

    All those who are curious and those who like to customize everything “for themselves” should still look into the settings. Bookmarked General you can change a number of parameters, for example, setting up email notifications and the frequency of checks (72 hours by default). In other tabs, you can configure the types of content and site elements where the plugin will check links, the status of the post to check, types of links, and more. Bookmarked Additionally you can override the request timeout after which the plugin will consider the link as a bat (30 seconds by default), set the search time, and the like. All these settings do not require intervention and work perfectly right after the plugin is activated.

    The plugin is fully translated into Russian, but apparently due to the fact that the author forgets to update the translation file itself, the localization does not look complete now. Hope it gets better with time.

    Broken Link Manager

    A new plugin that partially repeats the functionality of the first one, but does its best to make it simpler, more beautiful and more visual. The bare minimum of settings and the ability to send scan results to a mailbox.

    In addition to searching for regular, broken links, it keeps a log of all 404 errors with possible archiving of the results, cleans up any garbage like reply-to-com, and, according to the author, is able to monitor 301 redirects.

    In general, a rather interesting plugin, with a convenient and intuitive interface and positive user reviews.

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