Daily horoscope for July. Aspects of Mercury - the sphere of thinking, contacts and travel

  • 23.09.2019

It should be taken into account that monthly horoscope reveals only general trends in the influence of the planets and does not show their impact on personal planets in the chart given at birth, that is, in your natal chart .

Aspects of the Sun - a significant area of ​​\u200b\u200blife

Until July 22 The sun will follow sign of the zodiac Crayfish. At this time of the year, people can return to their roots, they may have an increased attachment to their own home, parents, family, children. Some will take this time off or even leave to attend to household and family matters. Young people will prefer to use it for tourist trips, travel, business trips abroad.

In any case, this is a period of emotional upsurge, subtle perception and insight, the psychic component of a person’s personality can come to the fore. Time favors scientists, educators, literary figures, translators, artists, social activists, those involved in charitable causes, as well as travelers and missionaries.

Sun conjunct Mars throughout the month can give great energy, which could be directed to household chores, but it is quite difficult to control: short temper and impulsive actions can affect family relationships quarrels and scandals are possible. At this time, relationships with parents can be complicated. It is better not to do repairs and other housework.

Favorable Sun aspect with Neptune the first half of the month will promote inspiration, creative work at home. There may be thoughts of a change of residence. But at the same time tense aspect from Pluto before July 18 indicates not auspicious time for the acquisition of real estate and any matters related to property.

Tension may appear in relations with relatives, scandals, domestic troubles are possible. From July 13 to July 28, a tense aspect Sun with Uranus can cause problems of an unexpected nature, due to natural disasters, For example. There are other sudden changes that can neither be foreseen nor avoided.

Full moon will take place on July 9, 2017 Moon in Capricorn. Starting from this time and until the end of the lunar cycle, you should complete the work begun on the new moon. Energy lunar month will be valid until the next new moon, which will occur on July 23.

Transition Moon for signs and phases, see lunar calendar, and description, meaning and influence lunar day you can see in the tab Lunar day today. And don't forget about Moon without a course .

Aspects of Mercury - the sphere of thinking, contacts and travel

Until July 6 Mercury will be in the sign of the zodiac Crayfish. This period will be characterized by intuitive perception of information, i.e. people will feel what is behind certain statements: the truth, a lie, or a desire to prick. It will be possible to predict what this or that person will say: this will be especially noticeable in people with a pronounced element of Water in the horoscope, who see certain signs or signs in everything.

In general, these days people's thoughts will be occupied with personal and family affairs. Many conversations will come down to this topic, but usually this will happen in a circle of close people, no one will be frank with strangers. Trips during this period are possible, although people prefer not to travel alone, but with someone from their closest people.

First half of the month Mercury will be in favorable aspect with Venus. The general background of these days will be benevolent. People in general will strive for pleasant, easy communication, will willingly visit places of entertainment or cultural institutions, make acquaintances, establish personal and business relationships, and engage in social activities.

This aspect, due to the ease of communication, diplomacy, gallantry and mutual goodwill towards each other, can allow you to quickly and easily reach a mutually beneficial agreement, so this time can be used for negotiations and seeking help, as well as for romantic and love dates, confessions, celebrating something. or joint recreational trips.

From 17 to 23 July auspicious Mercury aspecting Saturn will incline to attentiveness, accuracy, thoughtfulness and clarity of execution, which will reduce the likelihood of errors in calculations, reports and references. Going on business to state institutions, there will be no doubt that all employees will be in their places at the time determined for them. One can also hope that the information received these days will be reliable, and the documents will be drawn up clearly and on time.

From 21 to 28 July Mercury aspecting Uranus will contribute to the emergence of original thoughts and ideas, unusual creativity to the solution of many issues. Everything that will happen these days will happen suddenly, without warning. A happy accident, an unexpected turn of events, new information, a change of position, a change in laws, etc. can help solve problems or implement ideas.

These days there may be changes at work. This may be the introduction of new methods or technologies, or the acquisition of new office equipment, the arrival new employees, endowed with either special powers or special knowledge These days you can undergo a medical examination using the latest diagnostic methods and using modern equipment.

Aspects of Venus - the sphere of love, relationships and financial affairs

Until July 6 Venus will be in an earth sign Taurus. This is a sign of material values, the desire for comfort and coziness. This is a favorable time for business and financial affairs (you should also take into account the aspects of Jupiter and Pluto). To ensure the future existence, people can invest in things that will not depreciate over the years, but will increase in value.

In partnerships, stability can reign at this time, old relationships can be strengthened, and it is better to approach new acquaintances with caution. This is a very favorable time for love, courtship and to please your loved ones with an expensive gift, an exquisite treat - all this will be appreciated. At the same time, it is better not to give a reason for jealousy: a quarrel with Venus transit on sign of Taurus can drag on for a long time and undermine relationships.

5'th of July Venus will move into the sign of the zodiac Twins, and the restraint of manifestations and the depth of feelings of Taurus will be replaced by ease of contacts and a play of imagination. People will quickly get acquainted without any ulterior motive, often simply from the fact that there is nothing to do with themselves. A deeper interest with a person can arise in the course of a conversation, it is through communication that an interest of a different kind can often appear.

Venus in Gemini will tune in to a light wave, push to new sensations and short contacts. In any case, meeting people at this time can lead to friendly relations, love will most likely not work out or it will turn out to be fleeting and dry up at the moment when the partners have nothing to say to each other.

At this time, good relations with close relatives can be established, you can get support from them, moral and even material. Although it is possible that they themselves will come for this. In any case, gatherings after midnight in the kitchen are provided for everyone these days. Venus likes heart-to-heart conversations, and Twins listeners and storytellers will be provided. An additional small influx of money from various sources is also possible.

About aspects Venus with the ruler of Gemini Mercury is written above. It will be valid for the first half of the month.

From 13 to 21 July Venus will be at a disadvantage aspect to Neptune, which will bring nervousness, anxiety, bad mood, dissatisfaction with relationships with loved ones. People at this time can live by instincts, act according to their mood, indulge themselves with unrealizable hopes.

On the one hand, there is a tendency to indulge in illusions, fantasies and not notice what you might not like. On the other hand, a person can intentionally deceive, change a loved one, obeying a momentary feeling or out of revenge. The romantic encounters that will take place during this transit have no future. Unrequited love, a quarrel or parting with a loved one is also possible. In relationships with other people, misunderstandings are also possible.

At this time, you should be careful about everything that relates to money. Possible financial errors, confusion, miscalculations, shortcomings, waste of money. You can suffer due to absent-mindedness, excessive gullibility. It is better not to enter into any transactions at this time, not to lend money and not to borrow it.

At the same time from 14 to 23 July auspicious aspect of Venus with Jupiter promises good mood, optimistic mood. People can become complacent, benevolent, more generous and magnanimous. It is clear that all this makes it possible to show best qualities his nature and contributes to an excellent understanding with others.

At this stage, it is possible to open new prospects and considerable financial profit. You can expect financial support from influential people. Business with foreign partners is favorable at this time. Artists - musicians, artists, writers and others can receive public recognition of financial support.

Busy from 21 to 28 July aspect of Venus with Saturn can bring confusion of feelings, insecurity in the feelings of others, depression and bad mood. It may seem that own feelings dulled or completely extinguished. Lack of attention from loved ones, resentment or an attempt to understand one's own condition can cause a desire to hide from prying eyes, to “think” alone, which will not bring relief.

Work at this time will be a burden, people will be more busy with their personal problems than direct duties, and therefore conflicts with management are possible. Depression, feelings will affect the efficiency of work. Material losses, losses, shortages, theft, shortfall in profits are possible.

Aspects of Mars - the sphere of energy, activity and desires

Until July 20 Mars will be in sign of the zodiac Crayfish. Mars here in one way or another can create problems that require immediate attention. At best, it can be the arrival of guests, at worst - scandals in the house, breakdown household appliances, a water pipe break or a fire.

Even if nothing extreme happens, many at this time will be engaged in their own family, household problems and devote all their energy to these matters. Someone will start construction or repair, general cleaning or rearrangement in the house, but, given Mars aspect to the Sun all month, do not make repairs at this time. The energy of Mars is best directed to wellness activities.

Employers at this time will have to face the fact that employees will ask for time off or additional leave, citing the need to solve their domestic problems. Security departments will also not be left without work during this period, applications for installing alarms in the house can be received much more than at other times.

From 1 to 9 July unfavorable Mars aspecting Pluto can create serious problems in the home. This can be a fatal event, which entails a sharp deterioration in family relations and even a break in relations. At this time, a tense, psychologically difficult atmosphere may arise in the house, scandals and quarrels are possible.

From July 10 to July 25, the second unfavorable Mars aspect to Uranus can bring unforeseen sudden problems related to family and home. At this time, any kind of experiments are categorically contraindicated, especially in the house, associated with fire, weapons, explosives. You should not deal with inheritance issues, the sale or purchase of real estate and other household chores.

July 20 Mars will go to zodiac sign Leo, which is characterized by such character traits as pathos, pomposity, ostentatious significance and importance. People at this time can behave theatrically, showing their most advantageous sides and arranging a kind of show. What exactly they will say or do will depend on the specific situation - at this time everything will be done as if for show.

Creative people will have a fruitful period when they a short time they will be able to do much more than at other times: Mars will not let them think, weigh, doubt for a long time. Artists and speakers will be inspired and convincing as never before. Brightness, self-confidence, the ability to present oneself favorably will contribute to success.

Aspects of Jupiter - sphere of expansion

Jupiter in Libra expands the scope of relationships of any kind. At this time, one should try not to aggravate relations, but try to resolve things peacefully, which will help to cope not only with pressing problems, but also with long-standing conflicts.

Jupiter Square Pluto the whole month can lead to problems and conflicts due to joint finances, corporate funds, taxes, alimony, inheritance, wills, or to the use of not entirely honest methods in resolving these issues. At this time, it is better not to use other people's money and the money of business partners, not to borrow or lend money.

These days, extremes should be avoided, one should not enter into an argument on religious, philosophical topics, it is better to beware of categorical statements and conclusions, sharp criticism of someone's judgments, manifestations of arrogance, imposing one's worldview. Avoid places with large crowds of people.

This period is unfavorable for cases related to hospitals and other medical institutions, higher educational institutions or cultural institutions. Psychological and occult experiences, healing sessions are undesirable at this time. You should postpone a visit to a psychologist, psychiatrist, fortuneteller, limit communication with people endowed with magical abilities.

Aspects of Saturn - the sphere of lessons and responsibility

Saturn transits are very important to people. Saturn indicates the area where a person has to work hard, repay debts and make every effort to achieve something. But Saturn not only takes away, he also gives. Yes, he is stingy, so even the little that he gives has to be earned, but he is also fair, because diligent work always appreciates what it deserves.

Saturn will retrograde v Sagittarius until August 25th. This is a difficult time for ambitious people who have already achieved something in life or are on this path. The triumphal procession slows down, obstacles may arise along the way, enthusiasm can quickly fade. Saturn tests everyone for loyalty to the idea, firmness of intentions and purity of thoughts.

Saturn in Sagittarius seeks to streamline everything related to international relations. Any - diplomatic, trade, economic, scientific, ideological. The role of international organizations that are involved in resolving interethnic conflicts is growing. Countries gather at conferences to develop a common strategy for a long time, create alliances, sign joint agreements and long-term contracts

These are the energies, according to astrological forecast waiting for us in July 2017. Good luck to you and favorable energies of the planets!


For most of the month, you will continue to deal with issues related to family, home or land. However, this time cannot be called successful, since your home planet Mars will be overwhelmed. This month, some unexpected events related to your family or home are not ruled out. There may be quarrels, conflicts, tensions in relationships with family members, and there may be power outages in the house.

Toward the end of the month, you may have increased creativity, inspiration and new ideas. This is a particularly good time for creative people. Optimism will increase, problems will go away, there will be success in professional activities and creative pursuits.

More success can be expected at work after July 20. It will be possible to contact the authorities with requests or suggestions or look for a new job. Until July 20 it will be much more difficult to solve any production issues.

Attention those who were born during from 3 to 7 April any year. You may have problems related to work or family. This is not the most successful month for you: there may be loss of landmarks, it will be impossible get what you want, goals and dreams will move into the background. You will react especially painfully to criticism and remarks, you may become more nervous and irritable.

stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : home, family, creative activity.


This month you will strive for change, you will be attracted by diversity and new acquaintances. Relocations, a change of scenery, vacation trips or other business trips are not excluded. You may have to change your apartment, office, or even work and occupation. Moreover, this can happen quite unexpectedly and not on your initiative.

This month you should choose carefully circle of friends. There may be disagreements and conflicts with people you live near, or with brothers and sisters.

After July 20 you will spend more time with your family and immediate family. Possible cases related to house, apartment or land. Avoid impulsiveness and irascibility. We advise you not to make quick decisions, but to think carefully.

Attention those who were born May 8 or 9 any year. This month can be very important for you. His events will be remembered for a long time and may be the beginning of major changes in the future. Even if you do not perceive these changes as favorable now, the time will come when you will understand that everything is for the better.

stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : close environment, family, home.


This month you will feel burst of strength and energy, which will need to be used somewhere. It is better to think over a plan of action in advance, for example, you can buy a subscription to the pool or to the gym. However, you should take physical activity seriously, there is a risk of injury!

Basically, the activity of this month will be related to the financial sector. It is possible to obtain new work or signing new documents that will bring you profit. But do not rush things: now it is important focus on the essentials.

Money can also be the cause not the most pleasant emotions this month. Especially we are talking about unfavorable days when there is a risk of financial losses, unforeseen expenses or some very unexpected events related to money.

Attention those who were born during from 4 to 8 June any year. This month can be quite auspicious for gaining respect and authority. You can become more successful, the fruits of your labor will receive recognition and the highest marks. Use this time to advance.

stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : physical exercise, money.


An unpleasant full moon in your sign can bring you not the best events. This month you will experience not the best emotions. You will be thinking about your goals and your desires, and now it is much easier to make a mistake in choosing. Therefore, we advise you not to take this month serious decisions and not to start new things, although now you yourself will be the initiators of some changes around you.

This month you will remember yourself and your desires you might want to celebrate your birthday in a special way. However, not the whole month you will feel good.

After July 20 more activity will be directed to the financial sector. Perhaps you will do some important money matters or try to find a job. This is a good time for things like this.

Attention those who were born during from 8 to 15 July any year. This is a difficult period for you. You may experience a strong feeling of being overwhelmed and unable to change anything. You should be patient, this is not the time for radical changes. Although it is possible that these changes will take place, regardless of you and your actions.

stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : personal activity, money.


For most of the month, you won't want to be seen. Most likely, you will hide from everyone, you will think a lot, read or study creative pursuits. This will allow you to get rid of stress and unpleasant emotions. You may be interested in secret, occult sciences now, or you will have to hide something. It's good to do charity work.

At certain times of the month, you may experience psychological discomfort, which may be associated with your lovers or children. Secret enemies can also be activated, especially on negative days of the month. It's also not the best the best time for health: do not overheat.

After July 22 the situation will change somewhat, because your planet the Sun will be in your native sign, and some representatives of the sign will already celebrate their birthdays on a grand scale and a large number of guests as they like.

Attention those who were born August 21 or 22 any year. This month can bring you pleasant surprises that will change your life for the better. You especially can open new channels of creativity, new ideas will come, some unexpected event may happen.

stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : health, personal activity.


In relationships with friends, this month may not bring the most positive emotions. You should be prepared for conflicts, disagreements or loss of common interests. It is possible that friends can let you down in some business, so do not trust them too much at this time. Rely only on yourself, then you will save your nerves, and your relationship will not be spoiled.

Not all this month your expectations justified. After all the setbacks you may face this month, it is possible that after July 20 you will want to spend more time alone, or only with your family members. This time is good for people creative mindset. At the end of the month, expect inspiration and new interesting ideas.

Attention those who were born during from 5 to 7 September any year. In your life now there is a lot of incomprehensible and somewhere even strange. It will be difficult for you to focus and understand what you really need from life. You can not surround yourself with illusions, be very careful with alcohol and other stimulants.

stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : relationships with friends and collectives.


This month may include some not the most pleasant events that are relevant to your professional activities and goals. It will be difficult for you to set realistic goals, or you will not be able to achieve them. It is better to rest more this month and not strive for high altitudes. Any new projects will not be successful and may lead to disappointment.

Work will bring the most stress, so find the right ways out of stressful conditions, otherwise it can be detrimental to health. And the best go on vacation: trips promise to leave good impressions. But try not to start the journey on bad days.

Attention those who were born during from 6 to 10 October any year. This month may turn out to be much better for you than for the rest of the representatives of the Libra sign. You are waiting for luck, good luck in your endeavors and good mood.

stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : professional activity, leisure, entertainment.


This month you will be made to worry about some global issues, your need to be in society, in the center of some important events. It is also likely that you will need to learn something new, although studying will not be easy for you, there will be many distractions.

First three weeks of the month not suitable for travel, as there is a risk of getting into some kind of trouble, or becoming witnesses of some unpleasant situations. At least, until July 18 better not to go anywhere. However, it is quite likely that on the 20th of the month you will increase the amount of work, so you just won’t be able to go anywhere.

Attention those who were born during from 23 to 30 October any year. This month can bring anxiety and different kind troubles related to work, professional activities and your goals. It will be difficult for you to get what you want, and impatience and nervousness can prevent you from achieving what you have in mind.

stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity Keywords: education, new knowledge, travel, work.


This month will not be easy for you. You will feel constant tension, the situations of this month will force you to do something. constantly overcome, with someone or something to fight. Also psychologically this month will not be easy. Probably pressure from outside. Not everything will be perfect at work. Bad month for business, especially new ones.

Despite all the difficulties, health is more likely to won't bother too much, as you will be able to properly get rid of stress and not accumulate them. Questions related to tax or insurance may come up this month.

After July 20 It’s good to go on vacation, or somehow change the situation. This will help you reduce Negative influence this month.

Attention those who were born during from December 19 or 20 any year. This month you may have unexpected events, mostly of a pleasant nature, that will change your ideas about life, or change life in general.

stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : Work.


Most of the month you will be occupied with questions partnership or cooperation. You will communicate a lot and solve various issues, but not everything will turn out the way you plan. Especially closer to the middle of the month, unpleasant surprises can await you, which are somehow connected with your partners (personal or business). The intrigues of enemies are also not excluded. Relationships with some people can deteriorate, especially on negative days of the month.

On the other hand, you cannot do without society and partners this month. Might need them help or useful advice . After July 20 it is good to solve issues that are related to inheritance, insurance, loans or loans.

Attention those who were born during from 7 to 12 January any year. This month will be quite busy for you. Now it is important not to expose yourself to unnecessary stress. You may feel that everything you do is in vain. There will be no pleasure in what you do. It is worth preparing in advance and finding pleasant activities that will help you avoid stress this month, or reduce it to a minimum.

stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : partnerships, cooperation.


This month, your work and daily routine can bring a lot of stress. There are high risks of injury, exacerbation of various health problems and a combination of adverse work-related circumstances. Now you should especially monitor your health and be more attentive to the appearance of strange and unexpected symptoms.

At work, there may be conflicts with colleagues, misunderstandings and unpleasant surprises. If you work with people, be careful not to get into conflict with clients, as this can end badly.

After July 20 situations will become much better, at this time it is good to spend more time with your partners, communicate more with people, you can have a good rest.

Attention those who were born during from 2 to 6 February any year. All the negative influences of this month will not be so terrible and exhausting for you. Your stress level will be much less, you will be in a good mood, many things will work out well. It is especially good for you to travel this month.

stress level : high.

Areas of greatest activity : health, work, travel.


For most of the month you will be creative projects , you will devote a lot of time to children, or you will rest and relax. However, on the negative days of the month, you should be more attentive to your health, it is better not to take risks. Relationships with loved ones and children may become aggravated, you will have less mutual understanding, there may be quarrels, discord, breaks or separation. If your relationship with your loved ones is not the best right now, July can test their strength.

After July 20 you should especially monitor your health, there is a chance of being in medical institutions. It is better at this time to go to rest to the reservoirs or in a sanatorium. If long trips are not included in your plans now, spend at least a weekend outside the city, in nature. This will do you good and help you avoid stress.

Attention those who were born during from 12 to 14 March any year. This month will be difficult for you. There may be prolonged depression, blues, especially associated with failures at work or in attempts to achieve what you want. You should use this month for relaxation, but not for important undertakings!

stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity Keywords: creative activity, relationships with children and lovers, health.

July, the middle of summer, welcomes us with open arms. The horoscope for July 2017 says that this month the energies of the Sun and Mars are combined, ensuring progress in all areas of life.

The ability to do your job competently comes to the fore, with high level professionalism. However, now the concept of "professionalism" has a fairly broad interpretation, it also applies to personal relationships. In other words, it would be a mistake to believe that all efforts should be directed only to work. After all, it's summertime, and you shouldn't forget about your personal life.

For those who would like to start a new love affair, luck may smile. The planet of love Venus has been in Gemini since July 5, 2017, making us more mobile and sociable, more relaxed. It's time to step out of the shadows and show yourself! It is quite possible that an attractive person of the opposite sex will appear on the horizon, and hopes for rapprochement with him will come true.

The full moon on July 9, 2017 in Capricorn is quite tense, as it occurs against the backdrop of the opposition of Mars and Pluto - a disharmonious aspect of two planets endowed with great energy. There is a risk of overexertion of forces, injuries and accidents, so it is recommended to be careful not to harm yourself and others. Do not make hasty decisions, later it may turn out that they were not thought out.

The New Moon on July 23, 2017 in Leo, in conjunction with dynamic Mars, marks a time of new beginnings. Many will decide on large-scale achievements that previously seemed impossible. You have enough perseverance and energy to bring your dream closer.

The July horoscope portends an interesting time for all the signs of the Zodiac, when a powerful evolutionary breakthrough is possible, allowing you to quickly achieve your desired goals. Of course, it is important to remember the people who are close to you. In the last decade of the month, Venus and Saturn form a negative relationship, such a planetary influence can cause cooling in relationships with loved ones. However, one should not worry too much, because at the same time there is a positive aspect of Venus with Jupiter - the "great benefactor" of the Zodiac. All difficulties, if they happen, can be overcome.

For representatives of the fire signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), the month promises to be exciting. You will have many new opportunities. Don't let yourself stay in one place or wait too long, because good prospects have one frustrating property - they disappear over time. In other words, if you are inactive, someone else will take advantage of them.

Representatives of the signs of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) can count on the support of the stars, but there will be periods when you have to rely only on yourself. Finances will require a lot of attention. No matter what, don't lose your internal balance. Calmness and patience will help you achieve your goal.

For people of the air element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), the month will be quite unstable. However, you are ways to take the plunge. Your advantage lies in the fact that when your own strength is not enough, circumstances will turn in the way that is best for you. In other words, you can be lucky.

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) gain the ability to tip the scales in their favor in difficult situations. Although the support of the stars will appear sporadically, it will be very useful. This month is a good time to strengthen love and marriage unions. best sides your character will be revealed in relationships with loved ones.

All these are general tendencies of the month, but situations can develop in different ways, sometimes even fundamentally differently. Read more about the July horoscope and astrological forecast for love, career, finances and health below.

Horoscope for July 2017 for the signs of the Zodiac

(March 21 - April 20) (September 24 - October 23)
(April 21 - May 20) (October 24 - November 22)
(May 21 - June 21) (November 23 - December 21)

The monthly horoscope reflects the influence of the planets on the energy of each Zodiac Sign. With the recommendations of astrologers, it will be easier for you to achieve what you want in July.

From the horoscope for July, you will find out what favorable dates the patron planets have prepared for you and when you should expect the negative impact of your antagonists. Rituals for every day of the week will help fight back negative influences celestial bodies and gain the support of capricious fortune.


July will give Aries positive results of their own efforts. Along with the financial recovery, your personal relationships will improve. This is a good month for the improvement of life, new solutions and self-development.

Single Aries should not start actively searching for a soulmate at the beginning of the month. The influence of Venus and its aspects will be disharmonious and will negatively affect your energy. It will be especially necessary to strengthen your biofield on the days of the strengthened position of the antagonist-Moon: July 13, 14, 17, 18, 21 and 22.

Positive moments are expected from July 22, when the patronage of the Sun will strengthen your positive traits. The end of the month is the most favorable time for new beginnings and achievements. The days marked with luck are July 23, 24, 25 and 30.


Taurus will be able to attract the sympathy of many people due to their goodwill and openness. The positive participation of Venus from July 1 to 3 will create positive conditions for romance for the whole month.

The strengthened position of the patron-Moon will have a positive effect on the energy of accomplishments. Don't miss the days of energy growth and the positive relationship of the planets - July 13, 14, 17, 18, 21 and 22. It will be possible to get rid of financial difficulties during the period of favorable influence of the Mercury ally: 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st.

Business relationships with people can burden you on July 3 and 4. But astrologers recommend doing personal health from July 23 to 25. The period before and during the Full Moon, July 8 and 9, will increase aggression and indecision.


July will bring success to Gemini who are not afraid of decisive action. The first half of the month should be devoted to personal relationships and the settlement of important issues. You will be able to quickly find non-standard solutions on July 3, 7, 10, 17, 19, 24. It is at this time that the aspects of the planets will have the most positive impact on your inner forces.

In the period from July 22 to July 31, the negative influence on your Zodiac Sign will begin to come from the antagonist Sun. The stars will require you to confirm your own significance. Emotional balance will be seriously disturbed. However, it will be possible to increase income over expenses with the help of the positive influence of the patron-Mercury from July 25 to 31.


The patron planets will leave you without proper support this month. It is worth counting on the assistance of loved ones. Unfavorable time for new beginnings - July 3, 4, 8, 9, 23, 24 and 25. Spiritual practices will help to overcome the negative influence of the planets.

Personal relationships can be a source positive emotions this month. The most favorable time for romantic activities is July 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 18 and 21.

Good days to improve your own life will fall on July 17 and 18. And the strengthened position of the patron-Moon on the 13th, 14th, 21st and 22nd numbers will strengthen your determination and help you find new ways to achieve what you want.

a lion

Lions will be able to normalize personal life, friendships and business ties through the assistance of an influential patron-Sun in the second half of the month. But in early July, complications may arise in relationships with a partner. All the fault of the negative impact of the enemy-Venus.

During the period of the strong position of the Moon antagonist, hidden blows of fate can await you. It is worth fearing on July 13, 14, 21 and 22. On the 17th and 18th, the appearance of bad rumors and gossip that affects the reputation is not ruled out.

Lucky days that will give you positive energy will come on July 3, 4, 8, 9, 23, 24, 25 and 27. patronage of the sun, weak position The moons and positive aspects of the planets will give you time to complete your tasks.


In July, Virgos will be passionate about friendly and business communication. Venus will not cause unnecessary problems in personal matters. The exception is July 1, 2 and 3, when relations in a family union can be tense.

Ally Moon will become an energy pillar on July 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21 and 22. At this time, a steady upward trend in successful opportunities is expected. From the 25th to the 31st, a positive situation is foreseen for Virgo, which will be associated with the strengthened position of the patron-Mercury and success in the working field.

It is worth fearing the Full Moon, which will take place on the 9th of this month. A weakened energy will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the internal state.


Libra would do well to mentally prepare themselves for changes of a different nature. At the beginning of the month, you should not take the initiative. This time will be quite passive, and your active actions will go unnoticed.

New perspectives will become more tangible on July 5, 7, 10, 14, 17, 24 and 30. At this time, you should not get lost - completely rely on your own intuition. The sixth sense will point the way to personal happiness.

The antagonist of the Sun from July 22 to 31, with its strong position, will negatively affect your biofield. Possible deterioration of health due to energy vulnerability. Try not to overwork yourself. At this time, strive only for positive emotions that new acquisitions can give you.


Mars will be weakened by being in the constellation of Cancer. This arrangement of your patron will negatively affect the energy forces - sensitivity will increase. It is desirable for Scorpios to spend more time in solitude, without extraneous irritants.

Breathing exercisesperformed on energetically weakened days - July 3, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21 and 22 - will help to find inner balance.

V financial matters restraint should be exercised. This is especially true on 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 July. The period of negative influence of Mercury is not the best time for major purchases and job changes.

The weakened position of the antagonist-Moon, which is expected on the 3rd, 4th, 8th, 9th, 23rd, 24th and 25th, will help to come into a state of harmony.


In July, Sagittarius can be unreasonably concerned about health. This is especially true for those representatives of this Sign who often experience emotional or physical overstrain. On July 13, 14, 17, 18, 21 and 22, you should wait a little with active actions and the pursuit of success. This time will exude negative energy emanating from the enemy-Moon.

Personal relationships should be improved in the second half of the month. The favorable influence of the Sun ally and its bright aspects will help you resolve many interpersonal issues. From July 22 to July 31, Sagittarians will be able to find success thanks to their leadership qualities.


In July, fortune will smile at Capricorn, which is associated with the positive participation of patron planets in your life. At the beginning of the month, success in personal relationships is expected. From July 1 to July 3, there will be a favorable time for a new stage in the family union: Venus will help you. Good opportunities will accompany you on the 8th, 9th, 23rd, 24th, 25th.

The material sphere of life will have a rapid upswing starting from July 25th. The patronage of Mercury will contribute career growth and increase income until the end of the month.

Strong position the antagonist-Moon will provoke an influx of negative energy on July 13, 14, 17, 18, 21 and 22. Any inconsistencies and minor annoyances will tend to annoy you. A conflict situations capable of depriving people of their respect.


The stars may require Aquarius to resolve domestic issues this month. Perhaps you can get a taste of it and find a new hobby or even a source of additional income. Aspects of the patron planets will make July 3, 5, 7, 10 and 17 successful.

In the second half of July, you should go headlong into gaining material stability. From July 25, your ally Mercury is expected to have a beneficial effect, which will help you achieve your money goals. But the antagonist Sun will test you for strength in the period from July 22 to 31. This is not the best time for new acquaintances, moving and creativity.


For the representatives of the Pisces Sign, July will be a source of warm relations and a jubilant mood. In the first half of the month, you will receive support from two patron planets at once: Venus and the Moon. Days saturated with luck are expected on July 3, 4, 7, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22. This time is marked by successful acquaintances, pleasant dates and mutual assistance.

The second month of summer promises to be just as rich in events and no less energetic and dynamic. And luck will also be on your side, which means that everything that you did not manage to do last month can be done this month. So, what will the next 31 days be like? We present to your attention the horoscope for July 2017.

Despite the crazy regime, each of us will feel the need to rethink our lives, value systems, attitudes, worldview, and so on. This mood is due to the fact that this month, as in the past, there will be a retrograde Neptune. There is no need to neglect this opportunity, because it will allow you to achieve harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Also, Saturn will be retrograde, which will be located in the sign of Scorpio. Many signs of the zodiac will not be affected by this arrangement of the planets. in the best way and some of us may feel overwhelmed and upset for no apparent reason. Well, the only advice in this case is to develop more spiritually (read a book, for example). Such an attitude, as it were, pushes you to rethink your life position so don't resist it. But the main thing that you need to remember is that you do not need to take it out on someone because of bad mood Well, it won't end well.

Career horoscope for July 2017

Be prepared for numerous meetings and new acquaintances waiting for you throughout the month - new employees, potential partners, investors and so on. According to all forecasts, all these acquaintances should only benefit you and your company. Also this and good opportunity prove yourself and show all your abilities, which your superiors will definitely notice.

Do not try to scatter on trifles this month, it will only take up your precious time, which you will need anyway, and you also need to save your strength. And so this month, try to start with the heaviest, largest project. The time has come when it is necessary to conquer new heights and expand your range of skills and abilities. Make plans, set goals for yourself and immediately implement everything, the only way to achieve real success.

This is also the time when you will need your observation and attentiveness. Try not to miss anything around you, keep yourself up to date with all the events and know all the relevant information. This is very important, because without it, the results of your work may disappoint you. It is not necessary to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, just try to be more sociable and sociable.

Family horoscope for July 2017

Be careful in your statements, they can lead to unpleasant consequences, up to divorce or temporary separation. The same retrograde Saturn is to blame for everything, because of which serious quarrels in families will become more frequent. Therefore, learn to avoid brewing conflicts and disagreements. And to defuse the situation, instead of swearing, it's time to go on a trip. This will help you take a break from the bustle of work, at the same time you can be with the whole family together, which will definitely unite you.

Your intuition will be rather weak this month, so communicate more with the older generation. In July, it is their experience and advice that will help you get out of difficult situations. In addition, it will be useful for you to communicate with them, and they are pleased to be needed for you at least for a while. And in general, try to visit your close relatives more, and it is better to come with the whole family, this will bring great joy to them.

Love horoscope for July 2017

This month is rich not only business meetings but also romantic. Be prepared for the fact that in July you will now and then go on dates and meet interesting people with whom you want to keep in touch. Moreover, according to all forecasts, new acquaintances should be successful and will bring only joy and pleasant memories. Therefore, go for it, get acquainted and luck will definitely accompany your successes on the love front.

Family, and indeed any couples, will have some emotional instability for some time. And you can’t take this lightly, be vigilant, because any careless statements and actions can lead to a break. You know your partner best, and therefore only you know what topics should be avoided.

Health Horoscope for July 2017

As in the past month, the cardiovascular system is still unstable this month. Therefore, stress and malnutrition will greatly shake it. In order not to provoke seizures, try to eat more healthy vegetables. But bail healthy blood vessels and a strong heart is an active way of life. Therefore, do not sit still - walk, visit the beach, play sports. This will only strengthen your vessels. But also remember important rule- do not overheat, and therefore when the sun reaches its peak of activity, it is better to wait out this period in a cool place.

There is also a risk of getting poisoning or other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, when purchasing products, carefully monitor their freshness, make purchases only in trusted places and try to avoid spontaneous markets. Everything that lies in the refrigerator for a long time and is waiting in the wings, it is better to throw it away, you see, because health is more important.