Natural disasters. What is a cataclysm? This is a global change in the state of nature

  • 25.09.2019

Man has long considered himself the “crown of nature”, vainly believing in his superiority and treating the environment in accordance with his status, which he himself appropriated. However, nature proves every time that human judgments are wrong, and thousands of victims of natural disasters make us think about the real place of homo sapiens on planet Earth.
1 place. Earthquake

Earthquakes are tremors and vibrations of the earth's surface that occur when tectonic plates shift. Dozens of earthquakes occur every day in the world, but, fortunately, only a few of them cause large-scale destruction. The most destructive earthquake in history occurred in 1556 in the Chinese province of Xi'an. Then 830 thousand people died. For comparison: 12.5 thousand people became victims of an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 in Japan in 2011.

2nd place. Tsunami

Tsunami is a Japanese term for an unusually high ocean wave. Tsunamis most often occur in areas of high seismic activity. According to statistics, it is the tsunami that leads to the greatest number of human casualties. The highest wave was recorded in 1971 in Japan near the island of Ishigaki: it reached 85 meters at a speed of 700 km / h. And the tsunami caused by an earthquake off the coast of Indonesia claimed the lives of 250 thousand people.

3rd place. Drought

Drought is a prolonged absence of precipitation, most often at elevated temperatures and low humidity air. One of the most destructive was the drought in the Sahel (Africa) - a semi-desert that separates the Sahara from fertile lands. The drought there lasted from 1968 to 1973 and claimed the lives of about 250 thousand people.

4th place. Flood

Flooding - a significant rise in the water level in rivers or lakes as a result of heavy rains, melting ice, etc. One of the most devastating floods occurred in Pakistan in 2010. Then more than 800 people died, more than 20 million inhabitants of the country, who were left without shelter and food, suffered from the elements.

5th place. Landslides

A landslide is a stream of water, mud, stones, trees and other debris that occurs mainly in mountainous areas due to prolonged rains. The largest number of victims was recorded during a landslide in China in 1920, which claimed the lives of 180 thousand people.

6th place. Eruption

Volcanism is a set of processes associated with the movement of magma in the mantle, upper layers of the earth's crust and on the surface of the earth. Currently, there are about 500 active volcanoes, and about 1000 dormant ones. The largest eruption occurred in 1815. Then the awakened volcano Tambora was heard at a distance of 1250 km. Directly from the eruption, and then from starvation, 92 thousand people died. Two days at a distance of 600 km. because of the volcanic dust there was pitch darkness, and 1816 was called by Europe and America "the year without summer."

7th place. Avalanche

Avalanche - the overthrow of the snow mass from the mountain slopes, most often caused by prolonged snowfalls and the growth of a snow cap. Most people died from avalanches during the First World War. Then about 80 thousand people died from volleys of artillery pieces, causing avalanches.

8th place. Hurricane

A hurricane (tropical cyclone, typhoon) is an atmospheric phenomenon characterized by low pressure and strong winds. Hurricane Katrina, which hit the US coast in August 2005, is considered the most destructive. The states of New Orleans and Louisiana were the most affected, where 80% of the territory was flooded. 1836 people died, the damage amounted to 125 billion dollars.

9th place. Tornado

A tornado is an atmospheric vortex that stretches from the parent thundercloud to the ground itself in the form of a long sleeve. The speed inside it can reach up to 1300 km / h. Basically, tornadoes threaten the central part of North America. So, in the spring of 2011, a series of devastating tornadoes passed through this country, which were called one of the most catastrophic in US history. The largest death toll was recorded in the state of Alabama - 238 people. In total, the elements claimed the lives of 329 people.

10th place. Sandstorm

Sandstorm - strong wind able to lift into the air upper layer earth and sand (up to 25 cm) and transport it over long distances in the form of dust particles. There are known cases of people dying from this scourge: in 525 BC. in the Sahara, due to a sandstorm, the 50,000th army of the Persian king Cambyses died.

Often in the news you can hear that a natural disaster has happened somewhere. This means that a strong storm or hurricane swept through, an earthquake occurred, or a turbulent mud stream descended from the mountains. Tsunamis, floods, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, drought - all these natural phenomena are devastating, they kill people, demolish houses, neighborhoods, and sometimes entire cities from the face of the earth, causing serious economic damage.

Definition of a cataclysm

What does the word "cataclysm" mean? This, according to the definition of Ushakov's explanatory dictionary, is a sharp change in the conditions of organic life, which is observed on a significant surface of the Earth (planet) and is due to the influence of atmospheric, volcanic and geological processes.

The explanatory dictionary edited by Efremov and Shvedov defines a cataclysm as a destructive change in nature, a catastrophe.

Also, in each dictionary it is indicated that in figurative meaning cataclysm is a global and destructive change in the life of society, a disastrous social upheaval.

Of course, you can see common features in all definitions. As you can see, the main meaning that the concept of "cataclysm" carries in itself is destruction, disaster.

Types of natural and social disasters

Depending on the source of occurrence, the following types of disasters are distinguished:

  • geological - earthquake or volcanic eruption, mudflow, landslide, avalanche or collapse;
  • hydrological - tsunami, flood, breakthrough to the surface from the depths of a gas reservoir (CO 2);
  • thermal - forest or peat fire;
  • meteorological - hurricane, storm, tornado, cyclone, snowstorm, drought, hail, prolonged downpour.

These natural disasters differ in character and duration (from several minutes to several months), but they all pose a threat to human life and health.

Man-made disasters are distinguished into a separate category - accidents at nuclear installations, chemical facilities, treatment facilities, dam failures and other cataclysms. Their occurrence provokes a symbiosis of natural forces and the anthropogenic factor.

The most famous social cataclysm is war, revolution. Also emergencies. social character may be associated with overpopulation, migration, epidemics, global unemployment, terrorism, genocide, separatism.

The most terrible cataclysms in the history of the Earth

In 1138, a powerful earthquake occurred in the city of Aleppo (modern Syria), which completely wiped the city off the face of the earth and claimed 230 thousand human lives.

In December 2004 in Indian Ocean there was an underwater earthquake measuring 9.3 points. It triggered a tsunami. Huge 15-meter waves reached the shores of Thailand, India and Indonesia. The number of victims reached 300 thousand people.

In August 1931, in China, due to monsoon rains, a severe flood occurred, which claimed the lives of 4 million (!) People. And in August 1975, due to a powerful typhoon in China, the Banqiao Dam was destroyed. This provoked the largest flood in the last 2000 years, the water went 50 kilometers deep into the mainland, created artificial reservoirs with a total area of ​​12 thousand km2. As a result, the death toll reached 200 thousand people.

What can expect the blue planet in the future

Scientists predict that strong catastrophes and cataclysms await our planet in the future.

Global warming, which has been worrying progressive minds for more than 50 years, may in the future provoke unprecedented floods, droughts, heavy rains, which will lead not only to millions of victims, but also to a global economic and social crisis.

Also, do not forget that the asteroid 99942 weighing 46 million tons and 500 meters in diameter is inexorably approaching our planet. Astronomers predict a likely collision in 2029 that will destroy the Earth. NASA has created a special working group to solve this very serious

Natural disasters were still described in the distant past, for example, the “global flood” described in the Bible. Floods happen quite often and can become truly global. For example, a flood in 1931 on the Yangtze River in China flooded an area of ​​300 thousand km², and in some areas the water remained for four months.

The destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah described in the Bible, according to scientists, resembles a natural phenomenon- earthquake. Atlantis researchers are inclined to believe that the island was also flooded as a result of an earthquake. During the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, the cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii were buried under a layer of ash. The resulting tsunami can be the result of an earthquake and volcanic eruptions. The eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in 1833 was accompanied by an earthquake. As a result, a tidal wave was formed, which reached the shores of the islands of Java and Sumatra. The death toll was about 300 thousand people.
Natural disasters annually take about 50 thousand human lives. Since 1970, the statistics have been replenished with new data. During the earthquake in America in 1988, according to various estimates, from 25 to 50 thousand people died. Nine out of ten natural disasters are of four types. Floods account for - 40%, tropical cyclones - 20%, earthquakes and droughts - 15%. Tropical cyclones take the lead in the number of victims. Floods cause great material damage. According to R. Cates, the annual damage caused by natural disasters to the world economy is about 30 billion US dollars.

Natural disasters are natural processes that have destructive power, causing injury and death of people.
For studying natural Disasters, it is necessary to know the nature of the occurrence of each of them. Natural disasters in the form of a tropical cyclone carry the danger of extreme action of all its elements: rain, wind, waves, storm surges. Storm surges are the most destructive.
In 1970, in the northern part of the Bay of Bengal, a tropical cyclone caused sea levels to rise by six meters. This led to flooding. As a result of the devastating hurricane and the beginning of the flood, about 300 thousand people died, Agriculture suffered a loss of 63 million dollars. 60% of the population died, mostly fishermen, 65% of fishing boats were destroyed. The consequences of the disaster affected the supply of protein food throughout the region.

Tropical cyclones are a seasonal phenomenon. On average, up to 110 incipient hurricanes are traced from satellites over the Atlantic annually. But only 10-11 of them will grow to gigantic sizes. It is necessary to predict the onset of a tropical cyclone in time to protect people. First, hurricanes are identified and then tracked from satellites. If the threat of a hurricane is detected, then its path and speed are predicted. The speed and direction of a tropical cyclone can be determined at a distance of 300 kilometers by radar. It is very important to identify the stretch of coastline where a storm surge can begin, as well as signs of a tornado. Weather services keep the public informed of the location and characteristics of the cyclone.
Floods are natural disasters that result in the flooding of coastal areas. The initial stage of the flood begins with the overflow of the channel and the release of water from the banks. Flooding is the most common natural phenomenon. Floods can occur on permanent and temporary streams, but even where there have never been rivers and lakes, such as areas where heavy rains occur.
Densely populated areas of the Earth suffer from floods: China, India, Bangladesh. Floods in China occur in the valleys of the Yellow River and the Yangtze. Despite centuries of experience and hundreds of dams, the population of these areas are still victims of floods. Severe floods in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the 20th century led to the fact that 60 million people suffered from hunger. During the flood in 1911, 100 thousand people became victims.

Floods still pose a great threat today. After heavy rains in 1952, the English resort town of Lynmouth was flooded. The flood destroyed buildings, flooded streets, and uprooted trees. A large number of people vacationing in Lynmouth were cut off from solid land. The next day, the dam burst and 34 people died.

There is an inverse relationship between property damage due to flooding and the number of victims. Countries that have something to lose have all the means to prevent or mitigate the effects of flooding. And vice versa, pre-industrial countries suffer more property damage, but do not have the necessary means to prevent disaster and save people. Flooding can cause outbreaks infectious diseases. To combat flooding, dams and dams are being built, reservoirs are being built to collect flood waters, and river beds are deepening.
Earthquakes are natural disasters caused by the sudden release of energy from the earth's interior into the form of shock waves and vibrations. An earthquake is dangerous due to direct and secondary effects. Direct manifestations, due to seismic waves and tectonic movements, cause soil displacement. Secondary effects are the cause of subsidence, compaction of the soil. As a result of secondary effects, cracks are formed on the earth's surface, tsunamis, snow avalanches, and fires. A powerful earthquake is always accompanied by a large number of casualties and material losses. Statistically, largest number affected by this disaster falls on China, the USSR, Japan, Italy. Approximately 14,000 people die from earthquakes each year. Zones of destruction from the epicenter of an earthquake can be several tens and hundreds of kilometers away. For example, the epicenter of the earthquake that occurred in Mexico in 1985 was located in the Pacific Ocean, not far from the city of Acapulco. But, despite this, it was so powerful that a significant part of the country suffered, especially the capital of Mexico - Mexico City. On the Richter scale, the force of the shocks reached 7.8 points. Located 300 kilometers from the epicenter, about 250 buildings were destroyed in Mexico City, 20 thousand people were injured. The zone of devastation during the earthquake in Guatemala extended to 60 kilometers from the epicenter. The ancient capital of Antigua was completely destroyed, 23 thousand people died, 95% of the settlements were destroyed.

Predicting natural disasters is very difficult. At the moment, scientists can predict powerful seismic shocks, but cannot specify exact time. But there were cases when scientists were able to accurately predict the earthquake. In the Chinese province of Liaoning in 1974, local residents noticed signs of tectonic activity. The area was under the constant control of geologists, who, after the first shocks on February 1, 1975, managed to predict the possibility of a devastating earthquake. The authorities took measures to evacuate the population, and an earthquake struck four days later, as a result of which 90% of the buildings were damaged. According to experts' forecasts, the number of victims could reach 3 million people, but thanks to the measures taken, large casualties were avoided.

Up to 2 billion people continue to live in earthquake-prone areas. A radical measure to preserve the life and health of people is resettlement from seismically active zones.
Volcanic eruptions are natural disasters that have caused the death of 200 thousand people over 500 years. Until now, millions of people live in close proximity to volcanoes. On the island of Martinique in 1902, during a volcanic eruption, the city of Saint-Pierre was destroyed, which was located 8 kilometers from the Mont Pele volcano. The death toll was about 28 thousand people. This is almost the entire population of the city of St. Pierre. The activity of this volcano was already noted in 1851, but then there were no casualties and destruction. Experts predicted 12 days before the eruption that this eruption would be similar to the previous one, so none of the residents attached great importance to the beginning of the approaching disaster.

In 1985, the Ruiz volcano in Colombia “woke up”. This volcanic eruption resulted in a huge number of victims and property damage. The city of Amero, which was located 40 kilometers from Ruiz, suffered the most. The molten lava and gases melted the ice and snow on the top of the mountain, causing a mudflow that completely destroyed the city. 15 thousand people died, residents of the city of Amero. 20 thousand hectares of agricultural plantations, roads were destroyed, other settlements were destroyed. The total death toll was 25 thousand people, about 200 thousand were injured.
Natural disasters in the form of volcanic activity bring as much harm as in previous centuries. However, scientists managed to establish the size of the zones of influence of volcanoes. A lava flow spreads over a distance of up to 30 kilometers during large eruptions. Acid and hot gases pose a threat within a radius of several kilometers. Acid rains, which spread over a distance of 400-500 kilometers, cause burns in people, poisoning of vegetation and soil.

Natural disasters must be studied in order to develop a system of measures to protect people's health and prevent mass casualties. Of great importance is the engineering-geographical zoning of natural disaster zones.

Every year, various human activities and natural phenomena cause disasters. environment and economic losses around the world. But beyond the dark side, there is something admirable about the destructive power of nature.

This article will present you the most interesting natural phenomena and cataclysms that happened in 2011 and 2012, and at the same time remained not very well known to the public.

10. Sea smoke on the Black Sea, Romania.

Sea smoke is the evaporation of sea water, which is formed when the air is cold enough and the water is heated by the sun. Because of the temperature difference, the water begins to evaporate.

This is beautiful photo was made a few months ago in Romania by Dan Mihailescu.

9. Strange sounds coming from the frozen Black Sea, Ukraine.

If you've ever wondered what a frozen sea sounds like, here's the answer! Reminds me of scratching wood with nails.

The video was filmed on the coast of Odessa in Ukraine.

8. Trees in the web, Pakistan.

An unexpected side effect of the massive flood that inundated one-fifth of Pakistan's landmass is that millions of spiders escaped the water and climbed trees to form cocoons and huge webs.

7. Fire tornado - Brazil.

A rare phenomenon called "fire tornado" was caught on camera in Aracatuba, Brazil. A deadly cocktail of heat strong winds and fires formed a whirlwind of fire.

6. Cappuccino Coast, UK.

In December 2011, the seaside resort of Cleveleys, Lancashire was covered in cappuccino-colored sea foam (first photo). The second and third photos were taken in Cape Town, South Africa.

According to experts, sea foam is formed from molecules of fat and proteins created as a result of the decomposition of tiny sea creatures (Phaeocystis).

5. Snow in the desert, Namibia.

As you know, the Namibian Desert is the oldest desert on earth, and it would seem that, apart from sand and eternal heat, there can be nothing unusual here. However, judging by the statistics, it snows here almost every ten years.

The last time this happened was in June 2011, when snow fell between 11 am and 12 noon. On this day, the lowest temperature in Namibia was recorded -7 degrees Celsius.

4. Huge whirlpool, Japan.

An incredibly large whirlpool formed off the east coast of Japan after the sensational tsunami last year. Whirlpools are common in tsunamis, but such large ones are rare.

3. Waterspouts, Australia.

In May 2011, four tornado-like tornadoes formed off the coast of Australia, one of which reached a height of 600 meters.

Waterspouts usually start as tornadoes - above the ground, and then move to a body of water. Their size in height starts from a few meters, and the width varies up to a hundred meters.

It is noteworthy that local residents in this region have not seen such phenomena for more than 45 years.

2. Massive sandstorms, USA.

This incredible video shows the huge sandstorm that engulfed Phoenix in 2011. The cloud of dust grew up to 50 km wide and reached 3 km in height.

Sandstorms are a common meteorological event in Arizona, but researchers and locals unanimously declared that this storm was the largest in the history of the state.

1. Volcanic ash from Lake Nahuel Huapi - Argentina.

The massive eruption of the Puyehue volcano - near the city of Osorno, in southern Chile, has created an incredible spectacle in Argentina.

Northeast winds blew some of the ash onto Lake Nahuel Huapi. And its surface was covered with a thick layer of volcanic debris, which is very abrasive and does not dissolve in water.

By the way, Nahuel Huapi is the deepest and cleanest lake in Argentina. The lake stretches for 100 km along the Chilean border.

The depth reaches 400 meters, and its area is 529 square meters. km.

Statistics of cataclysms allows you to track the number of events in the world, the severity of their consequences and the causes of occurrence. Main motives for collecting statistics: search effective ways disaster prevention, disaster prevention, forecasting and timely preparation for them.

Types of disasters

Cataclysms (natural disasters) are phenomena and processes occurring on earth (or in space) that cause environmental destruction, destruction of material values, threaten lives and health. They can arise for various reasons. Many of them can be formed as a result of a person. Natural cataclysms and disasters can be short-term (from a few seconds) and long-term (several days or even months).

Catastrophes are divided into local and global cataclysms. The former have a devastating effect on the area where they occurred. Global - have an impact on the biosphere, leading to the disappearance of any plant species or. They can threaten the earth with climate change, large-scale migration, death, and humanity with complete or partial extinction.

On our planet, global cataclysms that led to climate change and the development of civilization have occurred more than once. The table below shows different kinds cataclysms.

Kinds What are
Environmental disasters Ozone holes, air and water pollution, mutations, epidemics
Natural disasters Tornado, flood, flood,
Weather disasters Abnormal heat, thaw in winter, snow in summer, showers
Tectonic cataclysms Earthquakes, mudflows, displacement of the earth's core
Political upheavals Interstate conflicts, coups, crisis
Climate cataclysms global warming, ice age
Historical cataclysms and other events that changed the course of the history of a state
Space cataclysms Collision of planets, meteor showers, falling asteroids, explosions in the sun. Some space disasters can destroy planets

The most destructive cataclysms in the history of mankind

According to statistics, cataclysms that have changed the course of history have occurred many times during the existence of mankind. Some of them are still considered the most terrible. Top 5 destructive cataclysms:

  • flood in China in 1931 (the catastrophe of the 20th century claimed the lives of 4 million people);
  • eruption Krakatoa in 1883 (40 thousand people died. and destroyed about three hundred cities);
  • an earthquake in Shaanxi in 1556 of 11 points (about 1 thousand people died, the province was destroyed and empty for many years);
  • the last day of Pompeii in 79 BC (the eruption of Mount Vesuvius lasted about a day, led to the death of several cities and thousands of people);
  • and eruption of the Santorini volcano in 1645–1600. BC. (leading to the death of an entire civilization).

World indicators

The statistics of cataclysms in the world over the past 20 years has more than 7 thousand cases. More than a million people died as a result of these elements. The damage that has been done is estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars. The picture clearly shows which of the cataclysms that occurred during the period from 1996 to 2016. became the deadliest.

In the news of the planet, it is regularly said that the number of natural disasters around the world is steadily increasing. For 50 years the number of accidents has increased several times. Tsunamis alone occur about 30 times a year.

The graph shows which continents are most often the epicenter of natural disasters. Asia is the most prone to cataclysms. The US is in second place. According to geologists, North America may soon disappear from the face of the earth due to.

Natural disasters

The statistics of natural disasters over the past 5 years shows their 3-fold increase. According to scientists, more than 2 billion people have suffered from natural disasters during this time. This is every third inhabitant of our planet. Tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, droughts, epidemics, famine and other disasters are increasingly happening on earth. Scientists call the following causes of natural disasters:

  • human impact;
  • military, social and political conflicts;
  • release of energy into geological layers.

Often the cause of disasters are the consequences of cataclysms that happened before. For example, after a large-scale flood, famine may occur or an epidemic may begin. Types of natural disasters:

  • geological (landslides, dust storms, mudflows);
  • meteorological (cold, drought, heat, hail);
  • lithospheric (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes);
  • atmospheric (tornadoes, hurricanes, storms);
  • hydrospheric (typhoons, cyclones, floods);

natural disaster statistics hydrospheric nature (namely floods) today in the world demonstrates the highest rates:

The chart below provides data on how many cataclysms occur, and how many people have been affected or killed by each of them in recent times.

On average, about 50 thousand people per year die due to natural disasters. In 2010, the figure exceeded the threshold of 300 thousand people.

The following natural disasters occurred in 2016:

the date Place Cataclysm Affected dead
06.02 Taiwan Earthquake 422 166
14–17.04 Japan Earthquake 1100 148
16.04 Ecuador Earthquake 50 000 692
14–20.05 Sri Lanka Flooding, landslides, rain 450 000 200
18.06 Karelia Storm 14 14
June China Flood 32 000 000 186
23.06 America Flood 24 24
6–7.08 Macedonia Flooding and landslides Dozens of people 20
24.08 Italy Earthquake n/a 295

The BBC is constantly creating documentaries about natural disasters. They colorfully and clearly demonstrate what is happening in the world, what disasters threaten humanity and the planet.

If the government of each country takes measures to provide for the population and prevent some disasters that can be predicted in advance, then cataclysms will occur less often. At the very least, the number of negative consequences, human casualties and material losses will be much less.

Data for Russia and Ukraine

Cataclysms occurred in Russia often. As a rule, they marked the end of the previous era and the beginning of a new one.

For example, in the 17th century, major disasters occurred, after which a new era began, more cruel. Then there were raids of locusts that destroyed crops, a great eclipse of the sun, the winter was very mild - the rivers were not covered with ice, which caused them to burst their banks in the spring and floods occurred. Also, the summer was cold, and the autumn was hot, as a result, in mid-December, the steppes and meadows were covered with greenery. All this led to the fact that there were prophecies about the coming end of the world.

As the statistics of cataclysms show, thousands of people die and suffer from them every year in Russia. Disasters cause losses to the country in the amount of up to 60 billion rubles. in year. Most of all cataclysms are floods. Second place is occupied by tornadoes and hurricanes. Between 2010 and 2015, the number of natural disasters in Russia increased by 6%.

Most of the disasters in Ukraine are landslides, floods and mudflows. Since there are a huge number of rivers in the country. In second place in terms of destructiveness are fires of forests and steppes, strong winds.

In April 2017, the last cataclysm in the country occurred. A snow cyclone passed from Kharkov to Odessa. Because of it, more than three hundred settlements were de-energized.

in the world has been increasing in recent years. Some disasters are impossible to predict. But there are those that can be predicted and prevented. It is only a matter of ensuring that the leadership of each country takes adequate measures in time.