Why the Boeing that disappeared over the Indian Ocean will never be found. Missing planes (5 photos)

  • 29.09.2019

© East News, Imaginechina/jhphoto

Flight MH370 Mystery

So far, no one has been able to find the Malaysia Airlines Boeing-777 and the 239 passengers on board, who disappeared without a trace on March 8 this year. Marc Dugain, an avid aviation enthusiast and author of novels such as Officers' Room and Edgar's Curse, is investigating.

“We are all lying. Mutual responsibility reigns in this case, there are too many inconsistencies. I don't trust anyone anymore." Ghyslain Wattrelos says these words with a smile to emphasize his unwavering determination, and then plunges into thought for a long time. Losing a wife and two children in one day is not just a tragedy. This is an incredibly heavy blow, which is completely impossible to prepare for. And to survive it requires tremendous efforts that this person has been making every day for the past nine months. Not losing your mind at the sight of this is very difficult. And it becomes even more difficult if those tasked with shedding light on what happened carefully evade the answer, as if the accident of flight MH370, on which 239 people were missing, was only the result of a tragic accident in a safe world.

The disappearance of an Air Malaysia plane flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014 is unlike any of the accidents recorded to date. Added to his disappearance without a trace is the appearance in record time of a real wall of silence, which resembles the one that the US authorities created during the explosion of TWA Flight 800 off the coast of New England. In the case of MH370, after the initial storm of passion, silence came with such a speed that suggests that transparency in this case is not among the priorities. Of course, all this would be just speculation, if it were not for the threats cleverly formulated by an agent of Western intelligence services. Many spies are failed writers. Hence the fondness for the well-known metaphors by which they try to dissuade us from pursuing an investigation and make it clear that “this is an extremely sensitive and extremely difficult case” and that “it’s better to let time do its work rather than rush things with everyone.” possible risks in such a case. In the technological universe to which you and I belong, and in particular the American army, it cannot but be surprising that a 63-meter-long liner could just disappear without a trace. The disdainful attitude towards the families of the victims, who are treated extremely scornfully, is also surprising ... Francois Hollande has always been extremely active in all incidents with hostages, but he never found time to meet with the husband and father of the French passengers, who are still considered missing without lead.

The missing plane left no official trace either on land or at sea. Active searches at the site in the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean, which were able to delineate using more than approximate data from the English geolocation satellite, did not yield any results. Not a single piece of debris, not to mention the black boxes that would allow the circumstances of the drama to be reconstructed. By declaring the plane missing without a trace, the Malaysian authorities turned the families of the victims into passive witnesses. Almost nine months after the tragedy, they consider the case unsolvable. We are absolutely certain that it is not. On March 8 of this year, the commander of the Boeing 777-200, as usual, was preparing for the evening flight. On the way to the airport, he decided to attend the trial of the main Malaysian opposition leader, who was put on trial for "sodomy". Such a medieval accusation has much to say about the modernity of the local regime. For 57 years now, power in the country has been in the hands of a caste of corrupt politicians who are only concerned about personal gain and do not want to share anything. Zaharie Bin Ahmad Shah, 54, was an experienced pilot and part of the very elite that would like the country to enter a democratic era. The five-year sentence to the leader of the opposition was in his eyes proof that that time had not yet come, and, some say, deeply upset him. As for him personal life he just went through a divorce. In addition, the commander of the ship could not have been unaware that a cargo of flammable lithium batteries was on board, which had already caused serious accidents.

Co-pilot Fariq Bin Ab Hamid was much younger (27 years old) and inexperienced, although he began his career at 20 years old. He was about to get married and was known for his love of reckless antics: for example, he once let two foreign tourists into the cockpit, breaking all the rules. The commander of the ship, of course, was aware of the cargo on board. Even a liner filled with passengers and luggage has a significant margin of carrying capacity. The invoice mentions a shipment of lithium batteries, which power most of the devices of our technological era. He could not help but know about their high flammability, which has already caused a number of serious accidents. This applies, for example, to the Boeing-747 UPS, which caught fire and then crashed near Dubai Airport. Did he somehow express his disapproval? We don't know. With the rest of the cargo, things are much more nebulous. The documents mention fresh fruits, although the season casts doubt on the reality of their existence. The company responsible for the cargo, NNR Global Logistics, has been repeatedly approached with inquiries, but it clearly follows the requirement not to open its mouth and maintains deathly silence. The commander of the ship could not help but familiarize himself with the list of passengers. It consisted mainly of Chinese, but there was also room for Malaysians and representatives of other nationalities, in particular two Americans and four French. He was unaware that two Iranians with stolen European passports were on board, and that several people worked in the air traffic control service. One of the passengers, Australian Paul Wicks, had a premonition of the coming drama. Prior to that, he survived the earthquake in New Zealand and a serious car accident. He was convinced that his hour had come, and he gave his wife a ring and a watch to pass on to his two children. His wife persuaded him to take them back, but he left her with the certainty that he was seeing her for the last time.

Kuala Lumpur Airport has long had a reputation for being a real sieve. Could other passengers not included in the list have been on board the aircraft? Such a possibility cannot be ruled out. But one thing can be said with complete certainty. The pilots knew very well that their plane was one of the best-selling models in the world and the real pride of Boeing, which turned this airliner into one of the most reliable cars on our planet, even if there are wear marks on the body of the oldest examples.

Flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur at 00:41 local time. At 01:01, the crew reported that the liner had reached a cruising altitude of 35,000 feet. ACARS system that transmits flight technical data technical service, worked normally. The plane was moving north towards Beijing. The flight schedule was supposed to fly over the territory of Vietnam. The last conversation between the pilots and the control room took place when the liner was leaving Malaysian airspace. The co-pilot said goodbye to his interlocutors: “Good night! Malaysia 370". Subsequently, references began to appear to a certain story of the controller that the words of the co-pilot sounded in a sardonic tone, that there was some kind of challenge in them, and that this allegedly could be a harbinger of further events. Be that as it may, there is no reason to believe that these words or their intonation were different from the usual ones. At 01:19, when the plane left Malaysian airspace, no oddities were observed in flight. But then everything abruptly went downhill. Just three minutes later, at 01:22, the transponder (this device is responsible for determining the location of the liner from the ground and other aircraft) suddenly turned off. It represents the last means of communication with outside world and is deactivated by the crew only in case of serious problems with the power supply.

Another three minutes later, the plane suddenly deviated from its intended course and, apparently, moved in the opposite direction. At 01:30, Vietnamese controllers from Ho Chi Minh City were unable to establish contact with MH370 and asked the liner, which was supposedly closest to it, to do so. Its pilot heard only an unintelligible murmur over the background noises. At 01:37, the ACARS system, which was supposed to transmit new information, did not send updated data. At 01:38, the Ho Chi Minh air traffic control service turned to colleagues from Kuala Lumpur to inquire about the MH370: the aircraft did not make contact, as required by the schedule, and disappeared from the radar at the BITOD point. Kuala Lumpur responded that MH370 had not been contacted since crossing IGARI, the last one under their observation. At 02:03, Malaysia Airlines, which was notified of the disappearance of the liner, sent a message to the crew demanding to immediately contact the Vietnamese air traffic controllers. There was no answer. At 02:15, Kuala Lumpur dispatchers contacted the Malaysia Airlines Control Center. There they were told that Flight 370 was still receiving signals and that it was in Cambodian airspace. Three minutes later, at 02:18, Kuala Lumpur air traffic controllers contacted colleagues from Ho Chi Minh City to find out if the MH370 was supposed to enter Cambodian airspace. The answer came right away.

The intended course did not include the territory of Cambodia, and the persons in charge confirmed that the aircraft was not moving in that direction. At 02:22, the last contact was made between the Malaysian military radar and the liner, which, according to its testimony, was located 370 kilometers northwest of Penang. At 02:25 a technical request was sent to the aircraft via Inmarsat satellite. It was about the transfer of information about the operation of Rolls-Royce engines. On all modern aircraft, they regularly communicate with the manufacturer at a given time via satellite. The aircraft accepted the request, but there was no response. This happened every hour until the supposed final disappearance of the liner. At 02:24 a.m., the Malaysia Airlines control center dropped the previous claim regarding the connection to the flight. However, just a minute later, Kuala Lumpur controllers were informed from there about the location of the aircraft in the air over northern Vietnam. This information was transferred to Ho Chi Minh City. At 02:39 an attempt was made to contact the cockpit via the satellite phone installed in the liner: unsuccessfully. At 03:30, the Malaysia Airlines control center informed Kuala Lumpur that the aircraft's position was reported based on forecasts and not real facts. At 05:30, the Kuala Lumpur Air Rescue Coordination Center was activated. At 06:30, when flight MH370 was due to arrive in Beijing, the missing plane was reported to the families of the passengers, who were shocked by the news. At 07:13, another unsuccessful attempt was made to contact the liner by phone. 07:24 the press was officially informed about the disappearance of the liner. At 08:19, the last, apparently very weak satellite signal was received from it.

After the loss of the aircraft, there was no talk of any exchange of information, and all satellite communications were limited only to the detection of signals. On their basis, the British company involved in the operation of the satellite could, with the help of extremely complex formulas establish the trajectory of the aircraft, which, after the disappearance of the liner from the radar, served as the basis for the search. If you believe the arch drawn by specialists, the plane could go both north to Kazakhstan and south to Australia. And since the movement to the north would take place over land, the liner would have to be detected by military or civilian radars. From this it was concluded that the flight could only have been heading south on a trajectory across the Indian Ocean to the west of Australia. It was there that the search began, which nevertheless did not yield any results.

Even if everyone on board died due to lack of oxygen, the liner can move for several more hours on autopilot.

To be continued...


Why was the missing Boeing over the Indian Ocean first searched in the wrong place, and when the wreckage was found, they were searched for only a few days, and then they abandoned the search altogether? And no one is embarrassed that they continue to find new wreckage of the aircraft, but let's talk about everything in order.

New information has emerged about a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 flying MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board.

The plane disappeared on the night of March 8, 2014, but despite the development of modern search engines Until today, it has not been possible to find a 63-meter aircraft.
Even after a year and a half, the search did not give any special results, only mysterious white objects were periodically found, which, as expected, could be fragments of the missing aircraft.

The last hope for the continuation of the search was fueled by the found black box radio signal, but he soon disappeared too. Whether it was the signal of the missing aircraft is still unknown.

On July 29, 2015, a wing fragment and an aircraft door were found on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean.

After the Malaysian authorities confirmed that the found fragments belonged to the missing airliner, the relatives of the passengers of the missing Boeing staged a real protest in Beijing. After all, initially searches were conducted in the South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca. The huge resources of the 26 states that took part in the search were, in fact, wasted, because, according to the relatives of the dead passengers, Kuala Lumpur had long known about the deviation of the aircraft's course, but continued to search in the areas indicated above.

Why was the society misinformed?

An interesting version was put forward by the former head of French airlines Proteus Airlines Marc Dugen. In his opinion, the plane was deliberately shot down by the US military. This was done due to the suspicions of the US Security Service in the hijacking of the airliner by terrorists and, in order to prevent terrorist attacks like the September 11 attacks, the Americans were forced to shoot down the plane.

Ground controllers lost contact with the aircraft while it was flying over the South China Sea and entering Chinese airspace.
Malaysian officials say the airliner turned west and was last seen over the Strait of Malacca, heading in the opposite direction from its original route, according to military radar. Based on these arguments, it can be concluded that the aircraft changed course after the connection was lost.

According to Dugen, the United States even knows where to look for the wreckage of the Boeing 777-200, so they officially conduct searches in a different place, far from where the plane actually crashed. He suggests that the airliner crashed near the US military base located in the Indian Ocean on the island of Diego Garcia.

In order not to be responsible for the murder of 227 passengers and 12 crew members, the Americans are trying to lead the search for the missing Boeing to a dead end. And perhaps we would never have known the truth about this disaster if the wreckage of the plane had not been carried by the current to the shore of Reunion Island.
By the way, searches in this area are suspended, and they were conducted for only 10 days.
From here, a completely logical question arises: If the plane was searched for months in the South China Sea, then why in this case the search was completed so quickly?
Don't you think this is strange? And maybe there really is something upstream?

Found fragments were sent for examination to Australia. The number on one of the recovered aircraft wreckage indicates that it belongs to the missing Boeing 777 flight MH370.

Now everything fits.
The wreckage of the plane was swept away by the current. Some of them were carried by the Mozambique Current.

It doesn't take several years to come to this conclusion. It's just that over time, the secret still becomes clear and the intention to hide the facts becomes obvious.

The FBI has uncovered the secret of the commander of the missing Malaysian Boeing.

The US FBI published one of the versions of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing, en route Kuala Lumpur - Beijing, in March 2014, reports TASS with reference to the American magazine New York.

From all this, we can conclude that someone decided to prevent the development of cloaking technologies in order to maintain a monopoly on their possession, or vice versa, to steal scientists along with technologies. In any case, it is clear that someone slows down the investigation and leads on the wrong track.

06 01 18 the Malaysian government approved a new attempt to find the wreckage of flight MH 370 . This will be done by the Ocean Infinity campaign. The cost of searching for the missing aircraft will be paid only if it is found. Ocean Infinity will search near Australian waters in an area of ​​25,000 km².

For comparison, the search area for this aircraft in the Indian Ocean was 710,000 km². According to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), this was the largest airborne search in history. In parallel, the study of satellite images and the study of ocean drifts was carried out. The ATSB report says the chances of finding the aircraft are now much higher. Let's see what happens.

Today, many people prefer to get to a particular city or country by plane, because it is very convenient and fast. Modern liners have supersonic speed, they are comfortable and spacious. Moreover, airfare prices are getting cheaper every year. Comfort in them is comparable to traveling in a train compartment. However, in terms of safety, technological progress has not achieved great results. Unfortunately, on the contrary, modern liners crash much more often than older models. This is not always due to the human factor or weather conditions. Aircraft crashes are often caused by malfunctioning aircraft. Before departure, they are not adequately checked, which leads to tragedy.

History knows a lot of sad cases when planes went missing. Some were found and others were not. Even the technology of tracking the liners did not help to find some of the missing vehicles. Once a plane has gone off the radar, finding it is next to impossible. Alas, there have been many such lost liners in the history of aviation. Let's consider some of them.

History of famous planes that went missing:

  1. The plane disappeared in 1937 "Lockheed Electra". It belonged to a writer from the United States of America - Amelia Earhart. In the summer of that year, she was going to commit on it trip around the world. During the flight, the liner was spotted near the Pacific Ocean. Then he suddenly disappeared from sight, after which he was never found. It is still unclear whether he fell into the Pacific Ocean or not, or whether the plane crash happened far from the water. In general, neither the remains nor aircraft were never found.
  2. 1943 is the year when the passenger airliner DC-3 was fired upon by a Luftwaffe interceptor, after which no one could find him. It is noteworthy that the famous actor Leslie Howard was on board this plane.
  3. In 1944, a plane disappeared over the English Channel without a trace. UC-64, which flew the American musician Glenn Miller. Presumably, the liner fell into the British Channel.
  4. In Argentina in 1947, a passenger airliner StarDust, flying from Buenos Aires, went missing. His search lasted until 2000, when experts concluded that he had collided with the ground in controlled flight. The remains were never found.
  5. 1951 - military transport aircraft Douglas C-124A disappeared near Ireland. There is information that despite the fire on board, he managed to land successfully, however, when rescuers arrived, he disappeared without a trace. No one was able to figure out where the airliner could have gone.
  6. The plane went missing in 1952 C-124 Globemaster, the crew of which consisted of 52 people. After 60 years, its fragments were found in the ice. Presumably, he had an accident due to poor visibility.
  7. In 1962, another plane went missing - Flying Tiger Flight. The best search groups were engaged in the search for this liner, but, alas, no remains or wreckage were found. The circumstances of this tragedy have not yet been clarified, since the weather was then clear, the plane was prepared for departure very carefully, and an experienced pilot controlled it.
  8. In 1965 the plane C-119 disappeared in the Bahamas under unclear circumstances. Even the approximate place where he could disappear has not been established. Interestingly, some associate this case with alien abduction.
  9. In 1972, an airliner that flew from Santiago went missing in Chile. There is information that he collided with a rock, as a result of which half of the people on board died.
  10. 1978 - the liner disappeared Cessna 182L, which was driven by a 20-year-old pilot.

Missing planes don't end there. In more modern times, there have also been incidents associated with the disappearance of aircraft without a trace. It is impossible not to remember these liners:

  • 1979 - half an hour before departure, a Boeing 707-323C cargo aircraft suddenly disappeared along with 6 crew members. Extensive searches were carried out, but they did not yield any results. It is still not clear where this aircraft could have gone.
  • 1989 - the Fokker F27 regional aircraft, which was operating a domestic flight, disappeared without a trace. Even the most experienced search expeditions could not find it. There are several versions of what happened and even unidentified remains, but there is still no official confirmation that this is the Fokker F27.
  • 1996 - in America, due to difficult weather conditions, the Learjet 35A business class liner disappeared. He tried several times to sit down, but then suddenly disappeared and no one saw him again. The crew consisted of only two people. For about three years they were looking for this flying machine, but the search did not bring results.

Many have heard of the incident, called the "Bermuda Triangle". Let's consider in more detail.

Missing planes in the Bermuda Triangle

The excitement around the ill-fated Bermuda Triangle began in 1945. Then in December, 5 bombers disappeared in the Atlantic region. In addition, under unclear circumstances, a rescue liner disappeared, which went in search of military vehicles. Then several training aircraft took off from the American airfield in order to conduct training, check flight, etc. Their flight was supposed to last for three hours. The crew consisted of a pilot, navigator and radio operator. The training proceeded as usual, no emergency situations occurred until the pilot noticed that visibility had deteriorated significantly and the aircraft had gone off course. He was constantly in touch, but at some point it broke off and no one else saw these planes. The search yielded no results, despite the fact that the best rescue teams were involved. Moreover, the flying boat that first went to the rescue was also not found.

It is noteworthy that during the flight, the pilot pointed out to dispatchers places that were not even nearby in that area. It is not at all clear how he could see them, and why the remains of the aircraft were not found. There are many versions regarding this disaster. Some associate it with the abduction by aliens, while others, on the contrary, strongly refute this version. Skeptics believed that the incident was due to weather conditions that were unforeseen in that area. Also, jet liners flew there, because of which plane crashes often occur to this day. As we can see, opinions are completely different.

Many newspapers, books and even films were made about this incident. The public was shocked after this news. Many could not understand how experienced pilots on aircraft that had endured the most difficult military tests could disappear without a trace during a training flight. In addition, the area in which they were, was painfully familiar to them, since during the Second World War they flew over it many times. In general, the story of the Bermuda Triangle is very mysterious and incomprehensible. There are still no exact versions of what happened, only assumptions. It is naive to associate them with UFO because various unforeseen circumstances could serve as the reasons. Air travel is always a big risk. Any emergency situations can happen in the air, so only big dreamers can believe that the lost ships are somehow connected with aliens.

One of the most "convincing" versions of the missing planes

Modern Missing Aircraft That Have Never Been Found

The 21st century, unfortunately, is also rich in tragedies, as a result of which planes went missing. Here are the most famous:

  1. In 2007, a single-engine aircraft crashed in the United States of America, resulting in the disappearance of the famous pilot who flew it. The pilot had a lot of successful flights on his account, so what happened shocked the whole of America. The search went on for a very long time. Only in 2008 were the wreckage of a similar aircraft found. It was not possible to prove exactly that it was Belanka Super Decathlon.
  2. In May 2009, a new mysterious incident happened. Airliner A330 flew from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. During the flight, the pilots informed the controllers about poor visibility, after which communication with him was permanently lost. Later, the remains of a similar liner were found, but again, it was not possible to prove that it was the A330. Nobody could survive that catastrophe.
  3. 2012 is a disaster Russian Federation. An An-2 aircraft with 12 passengers on board took off without permission in an unknown direction. The reasons for this behavior of the pilots have not yet been clarified. The plane got lost en route and was never seen again.

Many people know the story about the Boeing 737, which was flying from Greece and suddenly disappeared from sight. Let's find out in more detail what kind of disaster it was and what is the result of those events.

Read more about the Greek plane crash

The history of air transportation knows many different cases, and not always positive ones. Many people have heard of the tragedy that happened in Greece. The Boeing 737 aircraft was involved in it. It all started with the fact that the passenger liner was heading along its usual route Larnaca - Athens - Prague in standard mode. It was well prepared in advance and tested several times for reliability. After some time, the dispatchers lost contact with the ship. In order to find him, Greek Air Force F-16 military rescue ships were sent.

For several hours they searched for the plane. As a result, they even managed to overtake him a little. Later, the dispatchers were informed that the pilots of that aircraft were in an unconscious state, which naturally led to a disaster. The liner crashed near Athens. It is noteworthy that the steward who was on board this machine had a pilot's diploma, but at the same time he did not take control, as a result of which there was terrible tragedy. Later, a case was opened about the crash of the Boeing 737. It turned out that the cause of the accident was the depressurization of the cabin. The culprit was the ground services, who forgot to turn on the auto-sealing of the cabin. Such forgetfulness resulted in the death of 121 passengers. Those involved in the incident were punished, but this did not help restore hundreds of lost lives. Eyewitnesses of this tragedy still recall with horror what happened when an entire crew of people died due to irresponsibility.

As we can see, there are many cases of missing aircraft. We considered only the most famous ones, the details of which were not hidden from the public. Alone mystery stories have an explanation, while others are still legendary. Missing planes that have not been found have gone down in history forever. They will be talked about for a very long time, films will be made, books will be written, etc. But, unfortunately, the lists of lost or broken aircraft are regularly updated. The causes of the tragedies are very diverse, from ordinary human inattention to serious technical problems. Be that as it may, every year there are thousands of flights around the world. Some make successful landings, while others fall into disaster.

Despite the danger and stories of missing airliners, people continue to fly planes, and their popularity is growing rapidly. For example, residents of Russia often use an airplane to get to a particular city, since in some cases a train trip can take several days. Moreover, the plane is considered the most reliable mode of transport. According to statistics, people die many times more often in road traffic accidents than on airplanes. In 100 years of passenger aviation, only 150,000 people have died

MOSCOW, June 9 - RIA Novosti. The ill-fated Malaysian flight MH 370 could have disappeared without a trace into the Indian Ocean, leaving no trace on the surface of the water, due to the fact that the board collided with the surface of the ocean at almost a right angle, mathematicians say in an article published in the journal Notices of the American Mathematical Society.

"What happened to MH 370 and its passengers next, apparently, will remain a mystery until one day someone finds the black box of the aircraft and decodes it. Our forensics show that, most likely, the board fell into the ocean at a steep peak," said Goong Chen of Texas A&M University in Doha, Qatar.

Chen and his colleagues, including Russian-Qatari mathematician Alexei Sergeev, came to this conclusion by trying to reproduce the crash of MH 370 using EOS and RAAD supercomputers in Texas and Qatar.

As scientists explain, when any object falls into water at high speed and at a certain angle, two things appear that we usually do not notice - an air "bubble" surrounding the falling body and falling under water with it, and a kind of "hump" from strongly compressed water that moves along with the sinking object.

The result of the existence of these things, as shown by the simulations of Chen and his colleagues, is that the aircraft will sink far from immediately and some of its debris, fuel and technical fluids must remain on the surface. A similar scenario would occur at virtually all angles of entry into the water and over a very wide range of speeds, leading scientists to wonder if MH 370 could have crashed into the ocean in a steep dive.

Repeated calculations on supercomputers confirmed that such a scenario led to the desired consequences. In this case, the plane sank without a trace in the waters of the Indian Ocean, leaving no traces, and its fuselage practically did not collapse - when it fell, only the wings of the liner broke, which had a large mass and therefore quickly sank to the bottom of the ocean.

According to scientists, traces of the liner should have been present on the surface of the Indian Ocean, even if the pilots managed to perform a miracle and land the liner on the surface of the water, by analogy with the so-called miracle on the Hudson in 2009. The commander of US Airways Flight 1549 was able to make an emergency landing of an Airobus 320 in Hudson Bay when birds caught in the engines disabled them.

Even if the pilots of MH 370 were able to pull off this stunt, the giant waves that exist in the open waters of the Indian Ocean should have destroyed the plane and left traces of this disaster in the form of fuel slicks and debris, which, however, did not happen. Therefore, a steep dive is the only plausible explanation for the disaster.

Plane crash in France: 150 dead, black day for LufthansaAn Airbus A320 operated by Germanwings crashed on Tuesday in the south of France on a flight from Barcelona to Dusseldorf. According to the latest data, there were 150 people on board.

How could the MH 370 end up in such a situation? Mathematicians offer several explanations for this. Firstly, the autopilot could fail on the plane, which usually leads to the entrance to a steep dive. Secondly, given the recent crash with Germanwings aircraft 9525, it cannot be ruled out that the pilot or his assistant committed suicide. The third option is a failure in the engine fuel supply system.

Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200, flying MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board, disappeared from radar screens on the night of March 8, 2014. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said on March 24 that the aircraft had crashed in the southern Indian Ocean, according to analysis of satellite data. Presumably no one survived.

As a result of which one Boeing, 12 crew members and 227 passengers disappeared. The news of the missing plane immediately spread all over the world. For those who don't know, on March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines' Boeing 777-200ER unfortunately missed its destination. At night, communication was lost with the airliner, after which it significantly deviated from the course and was in the air for about 7 hours. And then he disappeared from the radar screens altogether.

Boeing followed flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) to Beijing (PRC). After he disappeared, he was never found. On the evening of March 24, 2014, the Prime Minister of Malaysia announced that the search for the missing was inconclusive. Therefore, it was concluded that the plane crashed in the southern Indian Ocean. And everyone on board died.

It would seem, how can a whole Boeing with a crowd of people on board get lost? Maybe. And believe me, he is not the only one who disappeared without a trace. Incidents like this are all over the place. We will tell about some of them.

Boeing 727

On May 25, 2003, the American airline Aerospace Sales & Leasing was left without a Boeing 727-223. All because the plane was hijacked from Quatro de Fevereiro Airport. At the time of the theft, the airliner was on lease from Angolan Airlines. The Boeing was out of order, and two people were working on fixing it - Ben Charles Padilla, a certified flight engineer and aircraft mechanic with a private pilot's license, and his assistant John Mikel Mutantu.

On the morning of May 25, both the aircraft and its repairmen were gone. There is an opinion that Angola did not pay leasing contributions. Therefore, the guys were hired by the Americans to return the airliner back to the United States.

Source: skyscrapercity.com

Vietnam War

March 6, 1962 during Vietnam War 96 passengers and 11 American crew members traveled from California to Vietnam on US Air Force Flight 739. On the way, they landed for refueling in Guam, and then flew to a military base in the Philippines. But they never made it.

From a tanker nearby, information was received that an explosion had occurred in the sky. Nobody knows if our plane took off. But he, like the passengers, still cannot be found.

Glenn Miller

Glenn Miller is the most talented British leader of one of the best swing orchestras of all time. On December 15, 1944, in England, he boarded a plane that was supposed to land in Paris. But this never happened. Flying over the English Channel in bad weather, the aircraft with passengers and crew crashed. But some believe that they were attacked by the Nazis. Others say that Glenn Miller did fly to Paris, but was captured by the Germans. In any case, there was not a trace left of the musician.

Source: flugzeuginfo.net

Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart is the first woman pilot to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. But the story doesn't have a very happy ending. When she flew over the Pacific Ocean (near Howland Island), communication with Earhart was lost. Nobody else heard anything from her.

Amelia is believed to have run out of fuel. Therefore, she did not even fly to Howland Island. There are even crazier theories: allegedly she was a secret agent, flew on a mission to Japan, where she was discovered and imprisoned. The most pleasant version: Earhart returned home, changed her name and began to live a quiet, ordinary life.

There are witnesses who claim to have seen her plane land on the uninhabited island of Nikumaroro. In 1989, this version was tested. Human bones, women's cosmetics, shoes and a jar of freckle cream were found on the island. At least strange.

Source: wikimedia.org

Bermuda Triangle

On 5 December 1945, a squadron of five aircraft was on a navigational exercise and disappeared while flying over the Bermuda Triangle. It consisted of 14 people. Two hours after the start of the flight, the commander reported that his compass had broken. The result is that he can't locate himself. Then the rest of the aircraft followed suit.

After another two hours, incomprehensible confusing messages began to arrive. The last of them is the order of the chief to leave the planes (they are running out of fuel). An hour later, a US Navy Air Rescue went in search of the squadron. But, unfortunately, nothing was found. A nearby tanker reported seeing an explosion 20 minutes before the departure of aid for the squadron.

The missing pilots were searched for by hundreds of ships and planes. They combed thousands of miles, but found nothing.