Yandex and Google updates. Yandex and Google updates: update TIC, PR, reference, text, search engine results

  • 11.11.2020

In the environment of optimizers, you can often hear such an expression as “update” or “Yandex / Google AP”. But not all beginners are familiar with this concept. And if you are just starting to get acquainted with search engine optimization, then you should learn a little the terminology of this business area. So what are search engine updates and what are they?

The word "update" comes from Up to date (from English - "actual for today's date", "keeping up with the times"), and the verb to update is translated precisely as "update to the most current state." From the point of view of SEO, an update is an update of data in the databases of search engines, which entails a change in the positions of sites in search results.

If the web resource after the work has increased its position, then the result of the promotion is positive. If the position of the site has decreased, then the result is negative, which means that the promotion strategy should be reviewed and unused points of growth should be worked out.

How often do Yandex and Google updates occur? The Google search database is updated quite often - every day, or even more often. Yandex updates are eagerly awaited by all optimizers, as they happen less often, and this is a real event. There is no clear calendar of search engine updates, one can only predict their certain periodicity.

Monitoring of Yandex and Google updates

Monitoring changes is easier with the help of specialized services. Each of the tools has its own approach to determining updates (the sum of the difference in values, the similarity of content according to the Oliver algorithm, the Levenshtein algorithm, pairwise comparison of array elements), which makes their analytics complementary.

All update analyzers also operate with the concept of “rate of change in output”, or “storm”. The storm is understood as the degree of change in the issuance as a percentage, i.e. which documents and sites appeared in the top positions for certain queries, and which ones disappeared or shifted lower. By how much the issue has changed, one can judge the emergence of a new algorithm for ranking information in search engines. Usually the so-called storm is measured by values ​​from 10 to 40%. Anything less is a weak update. And if the changes are more than 40%, most likely, it was not without the appearance of a new algorithm.

At the same time, there is another option that allows you to find out if Yandex has had an update. This is the Yandex.Webmaster panel. Go to the settings of this service, set the desired item ("Updating the search database"), and you will be aware of updates.

Letter example:

Types of updates: a list of the most significant changes in search results

Let's start with the first part:

Why analyze updates?

Webmasters regularly monitor search engine updates, analyze the consequences and effectiveness of the chosen strategy, and adjust it if necessary. It is necessary to analyze the update, because in fact this is the only source of operational information that helps to make the right decisions. For example, you purchased links using one strategy, but after the update, the positions sank or the site fell under the search engine filter. In this case, it is necessary to reconsider the link tactics. Or you decided to adjust the content on the promoted pages, after the text update the positions on the pages with new content sank, and on the pages whose content was saved, on the contrary, they grew. This means that it is necessary to reconsider the format of the texts again.

Thanks to the analysis of updates, you can identify promotion errors, choose the best strategy, and further attract really interested visitors to your site.

We wish you only good updates and effective strategies!

Without an understanding of what an update is, it is hardly possible to effectively promote the site's pages on demand. Because some improvements in the visibility of the site in search engines occur only after updates. For example, if you corrected the text on the site - improved it or removed spam entries - the position of the page for queries will not change, traffic to it will not grow. But when the search engine robot visits the updated page, changes its copy in the index, and a text update occurs (recalculation of text factors), only then the positions can improve and traffic will grow accordingly.

What is a search engine update

An update is an update of something. Search engines are updated too, with some updates happening much more frequently than the average user might realize.

A search engine update is an update of the databases and algorithms of the system, which entails a change in the search results.

Search bases consist of copies of pages of many sites. After the update, the search bot searches for new pages on the site, and periodically rechecks the old ones. The search database indexes contain saved copies of sites, on the basis of which the issue is formed.

What are Yandex updates

Yandex has three types of updates: issuance update, YAK and TIC.

Issuance update

The search bot crawls websites and saves fresh copies. During the update of the issuance, the search engine takes a saved copy for a certain day. The peculiarities of Yandex issuance are that the search engine accepts data from the database not those collected by the bot on the same day, but scanned copies from the recent past. Often the difference between the day of issue and the day of receipt of the stored copy is 3-10 days, and sometimes a couple of weeks.

ICSH, when an update is really needed, Yandex can sleep for two or even three weeks, and when it is not needed at all and no work is being done on the sites, updates are messed up every day.

Here's how shitheads from the sercha react to the update:

Yandex has the following types of search results updates:

I also want to note that mobile search results have their own updates. They are practically not studied - even very few people take positions on mobile issuance.

Yak updates

Catalog updates— Yandex.Catalog updates, which include lists of authoritative trust sites with interesting meaningful content on various topics. Now it is already very difficult to get into the YaK, so this is a topic for a separate article.

Update TIC

Quantity, quality, thematic, age, naturalness and other indicators form the estimated level of the TIC. It is not always the case that a large number of links unambiguously increases the TCI, since their quality plays a significant role. Since new links to the site are constantly appearing, and the old ones stop working, the Yandex TCI is regularly updated.
TCI updates are presented in the form of two indicators: push-button and toolbar.

  • Toolbar indicator displayed in Yandex.Bar;
  • Button indicator can be seen on a special TIC button.

As practice shows, the button indicator is updated faster.

Google updates

Google updates operate on the same principles, but in a slightly different way.

  1. Google updates related to the issuance are much faster. Google doesn't have a specific update schedule. Updates are in random order. Depending on any changes on the sites, there are changes in the search results;
  2. Page Rank (PR) is a Google rating that determines the credibility of a site. The PR calculation system is similar to the TIC: it all depends on the number and weight of links on the page. Recalculation of PR occurs every 3-4 months. But you will not know about it - Google has already covered the "toolbar" PR.

Update tracking services

The most classic option is Yevgeny Trofimenko's service for analyzing Yandex updates, an indicator of index (text) ups, reference updates, TIC ups, a saved copy, tweaking the algorithm and issuing Yandex, etc. Checking Yandex up every three minutes until 9 am, later - once an hour.

Among the good services for tracking updates, it is also worth noting. The page contains a calendar of Yandex updates. Contains an indicator of TIC updates, search results, behavioral factors and Yandex.Catalog.

The term “update” comes from the English word “update”, which means “update” in translation. When this word is applied to a search engine, it means updating the content of the issue.

In this article, we will talk about the types of Yandex updates. You will find out what updates occur periodically with this search engine and you will be able to better understand how Yandex indexes the site. In addition, we will talk about how often this happens, which will allow us to predict changes in search results.

This is the most frequent Yandex update, which is made on average once a week. It updates the text content of the search results.

Thus, if any changes were made to the text of the page, for example, meta tags were added to the snippet, then it is the text update of the search engine that will bring these innovations into the Yandex database. Also, after a text update, you can wait for the appearance of new pages in the search results that have been published recently.

Newbies are often frustrated when they make changes to the text of pages, and not seeing these innovations in the search results. However, as it has already become clear, you just need to wait for a text update.

Reference update

Link updates are less frequent than text updates. On average, practice shows that this happens 1-2 times a month.

With this recalculation, Yandex updates the anchor lists. Thus, if an external link was placed on the site, then you can see it in the webmaster's office only after the link update. From the reference update, of course, the .

Practice also shows that updates for external and internal links can occur at different times. But their frequency is about the same.

Behavioral factors update

Yandex update types are continued by the one that recalculates . In total, the search engine has two PF updates - micro and macro:

  • Micro - occurs frequently and recalculates small statistics.
  • Macro - occurs about once every six months, and recalculates all the static data that relate to behavioral factors. After this recalculation, the ranking can change significantly.

The recalculation of behavioral factors will allow you to understand how much has been improved if it has been optimized. It is the macro-update that will give the maximum concept of this.

Statistics update

First of all, this is a change in the TIC, which everyone is waiting for (or rather, they were waiting for). Yandex has not changed the TIC for a long time, and, probably, this indicator will soon be removed from the search engine and will no longer be taken into account.

In addition to the TIC, other data such as HostRank, BrowseRank and VIC are updated with this recalculation. To recalculate all this data, Yandex requires significant resources and time, since they take into account a large number of statistics. Therefore, a statistical update is rare - the average is once every six months.

Classification Update

Yandex classifies sites according to different parameters. And this data is updated during a classification update.

So, the search engine takes into account the following classification parameters:

  • Geography.
  • Language affiliation.
  • Topics - news, information, commercial, adult, etc.
  • And much more.

Updates occur on average once every 1-2 months.

Thus, if the site has changed the region (or another indicator classified by Yandex), then it will take 1-2 months to wait for changes in the search.

Filter updates

They are waiting for millions of webmasters who, with their sites, fell under certain filters. For each filter, the frequency is different and can vary significantly, up to six months.

Thus, if automatic sanctions were imposed from Yandex for something, then it is the update by filters that will remove them (if, of course, the reasons for applying the filter are eliminated). However, sometimes you can not wait for this, and it makes sense to write to Yandex Webmaster support with a request to manually remove the sanctions. It helps in some situations.

Other updates

Yandex is a huge machine, and its updates are not limited to those described above. However, they are the most important for attendance and long-awaited by webmasters.

There are other updates that are somehow expected:

  • Image search.
  • Icon (favicon).
  • Pasting and gluing mirrors.
  • Indexing video content.
  • Indexing of comments to articles.
  • Page code validity.
  • Mobile Services.
  • Yandex Direct, if advertising is used.
  • And many others.

So, now you know what types of Yandex updates are. It should be raised that all changes on the site are taken into account by the search engine, but this takes some time.

Good day, dear readers. Somehow I already wrote about Yandex updates, but it was done, I decided to pay more attention to this topic, I think it will be useful for beginners to understand this.

What is an update?

The word update is from English update, which means:

  1. modernization,
  2. latest news,
  3. modernize,
  4. update.

In the context of search engines, the most appropriate word is update, i.e. update. an update is an update of the search engine database.

What happens during an update?

In order for the site to participate in the search, so that the search engine can show it to its visitors, it must first of all know about its existence. For this, there is a spider robot that constantly scans the Internet, and a base in which the robot places new resources it finds. But this (placement of the site in the database) does not happen immediately.

At first, the robot only collects information. You can think of it as how we bloggers collect new information, keep it in our heads, before we write about the knowledge gained in our blog. When enough new information has been collected, it's time to put it into the database. But new information cannot simply be taken and placed. It is necessary to rebuild the entire database taking into account the new information. After all, as we know, all sites that take into account a large number of . In order to correctly take into account new sites in your database, so that they also have the opportunity to participate in the ranking, it is necessary to rebuild both new and old resources.

It is the formation of a new database that is called an update.

What is included in the search database update

During the update, new texts found by the spider robot, new links, changes that have occurred on already indexed sites are taken into account.

It is worth saying that every search engine has updates, but if some, for example, Google, have updates more often and almost imperceptibly, then for others, as in the case of Yandex, this is a whole event.

Yandex updates

Due to the fact that several different parameters are taken into account when updating the search base, the update in the Yandex search engine is divided into several parts.

Text and link updates

  • Yandex text update- all text materials that were found by the indexing robot while crawling the Internet are taken into account.
  • Yandex link update– all links that were found (or not found) in new and old documents are taken into account.

These two updates happen most often and always together. After the robot found new documents or saw changes in old ones, found new links to sites, an update takes place, a new database is formed taking into account the changes. Therefore, in the text and link updates, a new copy of the documents is uploaded to the database. It is after these updates that you can and should look to see if new pages of the site have appeared in the search engine index.

Here it is worth knowing that updating texts and links takes place on a certain date, i.e. if you published a new article yesterday, and today there was a text update, then the new article definitely did not get into this update.

Judging by the statistics, text and link updates occur in the interval from three to ten days, and a copy is always laid out on the date (+-day) when the previous update took place.

For example, the penultimate update was March 18, 2011, on this day the texts and links that the robot found before March 15 were taken into account. And the last update was on March 25, 2011, which took into account texts and links found before March 19, 2011. Those. despite the fact that we published new articles between March 20 and March 25, the last update on March 25 did not take them into account. Pages with these articles will appear only in the next update.

So when you check how many pages on your site are indexed, keep update dates in mind.

But, I am sure, many of you have noticed how fresh articles get traffic from search engines, which, in fact, should not be. The fact is that Yandex, like other search engines, has a fast robot that indexes resources that are frequently updated. These primarily include news sites, this is done so that Internet users can find out the latest news. But the fast robot indexes not only news resources, but also frequently updated sites, which include blogs, especially popular, frequently commented blogs.

But the most expected, most important updates for optimizers and moneymakers are different.

Issuance update

Issuance update- the most important update for people who are engaged in website promotion. After the search robot finds new texts and links, enters them into its database, takes into account all the factors by which sites are ranked in the search engine, the long-awaited update of the issue comes - a change in the positions of sites in the search results for queries.

It is difficult to say exactly how often the issue is updated. Judging by the statistics of updates, this can be just once a month or even less often, or two or three updates in a short period of time, for example, within one week. But at the same time, it is worth knowing that the positions of the site may change in the intervals between these updates, only the changes are minor. The update is accompanied by significant changes in search results.

If the development of the resource is correct, the site is well internally optimized, its link mass, trust increases, then such a site will definitely move higher in the search results for the selected keywords. If you are constantly engaged in your site, then it is after the update of the issuance that you need.

If the positions have grown, then you are on the right track, and you can continue to work in the same direction. If the positions have fallen, then this may be a signal that your actions are not correct, mistakes were made in the promotion.

But it is worth knowing that falling positions are not a guarantee of your wrong actions. If you watch for a long enough time how the position of the site on queries changes from update to update, it becomes clear that even with proper optimization and constant growth of external links, there may be small drops with subsequent growth in the next update. Therefore, I think you should not panic if you see a slight drop after the update, it is better to wait for the next one and only after that draw any conclusions.

There may be several reasons for this. If you built up a link mass between updates, exchanged links with other resources, then perhaps not all links were found and taken into account, or the site that links to you fell under the filter.

If you made any changes to the promoted page, and a fall followed, then, firstly, you need to make sure that the updated page is already in the index, and secondly, again, wait for the next up and after that draw conclusions.

In my practice, it also happened that for no reason. But then they returned to their own place.

Update TIC

The most long-awaited update for many bloggers, especially for those who are going to or are already making money by selling links.

In ApTIC, the thematic citation index is recalculated, which is calculated on the basis of links that lead to your site, while taking into account the thematic nature of the referring resource.

Distinguish between updating push-button TCI and toolbar. In principle, they occur at the same time, but not quite. First, the push-button TCI is updated, followed by the toolbar one, therefore, during the up period (it can last from several hours to almost a day), it is the push-button TCI that is more accurate and reliable, and it is it that is reflected in.

A push-button TIC is a button in the form of money (available from Yandex itself), which you can often see on different sites.

And the toolbar one is the TIC in Yandex.Bar, which can be installed in your browser.

This update is the most unexpected, although there are exceptions. Either it stably happens once a month, then it is gone for more than 2.5 months, and then suddenly twice with an interval of a week (I'm talking about the latest updates). With what it can be connected - a mystery.

Any breaks or, conversely, excessive frequency in updates may be primarily due to the fact that Yandex has made some changes to its algorithms and is testing them. During testing, the site's performance, its position on queries can jump a lot, change significantly, but, as a rule, everything falls into place after a storm.

How to find out the exact and correct Yandex updates

I already told my readers that I check updates on this site, and also installed their widget on the Yandex home page. For me, this is the most convenient, because. I often use Yandex search, unlike many optimizers who, apart from Google, do not recognize anything :).

Updates, as a rule, start somewhere after 12 midnight Moscow time and the widget from promosite immediately shows this. But I'm not in a hurry to immediately check the positions and more. The search base is very large, and updating it takes a sufficient amount of time, up to several hours, therefore, it makes no sense to check anything at night, everything can change before morning. You can check only in the morning, when the update has already passed and everything has settled down.

But there are other services that also monitor Yandex updates. On any of the resources with you can find information about updates. Already known to all of us, it also shows updates. So, I think there are no problems with getting up-to-date information about updates to the Yandex database.

Also, after each up of issuance or TCI, topics are created on various SEO forums where optimizers share their successes or failures, express their thoughts, build hypotheses about which schemes for promoting or raising the TCI work and which do not. Of course, no one gives out secrets, but with careful reading, you can always take out something useful for yourself.

But most importantly, everyone can receive a message about the update of the search database to their email from Yandex itself. In Yandex Webmaster in Settings there is such a page, which is very difficult to get to if you do not know where it is located. On it you can choose the news you want to receive, as well as choose how you want to receive it - directly in the Webmaster's interface or to your mailbox.

But I want to warn you that if you follow updates only using this function, you will be the latest to know about updates, because. discussion of the update begins with its beginning, and Yandex sends a message about the update when everything is over. But at this moment, you can be sure that the update has passed and you can already check how many positions the site has risen in the search results.

That's all I wanted to tell you today. Now you know exactly what updates are, what Yandex has ups, how often they happen and how to monitor them.

Good luck with development.

For many optimizers Yandex updates are the most anticipated. After the search engine finds new texts and links, enters them into the database, and also takes into account the various factors according to which projects are ranked, the desired and long-awaited update of the issue comes, in simple terms, changes in the positions of sites in the search results.

There are also other types of search engine updates.

After issuance update may change, or the positions of sites in the search results change, as a result of changes in the ranking of projects by the search system.

It is difficult to say how often this update occurs. This usually happens 1-2 times a week. But you need to know and remember that the position of the site can change between Yandex updates, although such changes are minor.

If after the update the position of your project has risen, then you are on the right track and can continue to work in the same spirit. But if the positions are “shaken”, then this is already an alarming signal, which indicates erroneous actions and, probably, at some stage, errors were made in optimizing the resource.

It sometimes even happens that after the next Yandex update, all pages of the resource may fall out of the search, but then they again take their places.

Text update usually happens once or twice in seven days, and the database is updated about new text content of pages on various resources. During the Apa, new text content appears in the Yandex search results, which was indexed some time ago.

The positions associated with the emergence of new text documents are changing, and in addition, technical changes are being made (doubles are closed, a region is assigned, pages are optimized, etc.).

Reference update happens simultaneously with the text one, but with an interval of up to three hours, data on all new links that lead to your project is updated.

During this Apa, there is a change in the positions of resources in the search results of Yandex, which are caused by the appearance of new links, as well as the recounting of the link mass that was set earlier.

Update TIC

With this update, the thematic citation index of projects is recalculated, which is due to a change in the number of sources referring to your resource. The TIC indicator usually changes no more than once every two months.

It must be said that TIC update can be push-button and toolbar. In principle, they occur almost simultaneously. First, the push-button TIC is updated, and then the toolbar one is also updated. Therefore, the Apa time can last from one hour to 24 hours. Button TIC is therefore more accurate, thanks to which its value is displayed in Yandex.Webmaster .

A push-button TIC is, in fact, a button in the form of "money" so to speak (which you can get from Yandex) and which you can often find on many resources. Or you can install the TCI and PR informer on the site right away. The toolbar TIC is usually displayed in the Yandex.Bar panel, such an extension can be installed optionally in your browser.

The TIC update can occur stably once a month or you can wait for more than two months. But it also happens, although rarely, that it happens a couple of times in two weeks. It remains a mystery so far, such a periodicity of this Apa. Unless it is known to Yandex employees.

Excessive frequency or long breaks are usually associated with updating and testing new Yandex algorithms. During such tests, the positions of resources for promoted queries can jump quite a lot and change significantly. But do not worry, after "such a storm" (testing), positions usually return to their places.

That is why, before the next update of the TIC takes place, there is a lull on the link exchanges. Then, after passing the update and receiving sites of new TIC values, the movement is activated again on the exchanges and the webmasters adjust the prices for regular and eternal links.

Accurate and correct Yandex updates

Determine exact Yandex updates many services can. You can select, for example, or They also offer their own update calendar and the ability to notify about an upcoming Ape by Email or SMS.

The correct Yandex updates can be shown to you by the search engine itself. It is enough to set up receiving messages in Yandex.Webmaster. The content will be something like this: "The Yandex search database has been updated" and the date is indicated.

Unfortunately, the message comes after the Up, but for that you can definitely be sure of the correctness of the update and feel free to check the position of the site.

Google updates

Google updates happen so often (in principle, daily) that SEOs do not track the position of the site in Google "from Apa to Apa", but check them daily. During such updates of Google search results, link and text changes on the promoted resource are simultaneously taken into account.

Update PR is a recalculation of the document's authority value. After such an Apa, a new Page Rank value is assigned for each page of the site.

When PR is recalculated, all changes that have occurred in the number and quality of links leading to this document are taken into account. Page Rank updates usually occur once every three or four months, although the parameters are constantly recalculated.